What and where is Valeria's eldest son? Valeria and Artemy Shulgin in a new project: I'm proud of my son! What is your ideal family model?

Singer Valeria with her daughter Anna

Valeria's children spoke for the first time about torture in the family

Everyone knows what horrors she had to endure during the 10 years that she was married to producer Alexander Shulgin. How many programs have been filmed on this topic, interviews have been given, a book has been written, and even a TV series has been filmed. But until recently, the artist’s children remained silent and did not share their memories, which only cause them horror, resentment and misunderstanding. And finally, they decided to speak...

Shulgin beat Valeria for the first time three months after the birth of her first child, daughter Anna. They say that her father adored her, because the girl took after her father's breed - dark-eyed, stocky. But he even raised his hand to his favorite. “He would wake me up at 4 in the morning and force me to eat a can of ice cream, after which I would become allergic. And I couldn’t leave for two weeks. I saw how he beat my pregnant mother,” Anna Shulgina recalls with a shudder on the air of the “New Russian Sensations” program.

It is interesting that Valeria’s older children do not understand why their mother endured bullying for so long. Why did they live in hell for ten years, and she didn’t get them out of there?

Artemy, middle child singer, Shulgin did not like him from the first days of his birth. He - blond, blue-eyed - did not look like his father at all. They say that he began to punish his son when he was seven months old.

According to the recollections of the brother and sister, their father forced them to watch horror films, and if they turned away from the TV screen or squinted in fear, they received punishment. Shulgin was a vegetarian and strictly monitored the nutrition of his children. And if the diet was violated, the whole family received punishment. According to Artemy’s recollections, he was given chicken, but they said it was fish, so that a little boy I didn't accidentally let it slip. “It was a hell of a life. I can't remember any good episode up to 6-7 years old... I was 5 years old, I couldn’t tie my shoelace. He beat me severely and forced me to my knees in a corner for the whole night. Mom picked me up at 5 am... I don’t understand why everyone was patient and silent,” he says Artemy Shulgin.

According to Valeria, she now greatly regrets that she did not immediately leave her despot husband, whom she first loved, then believed, then regretted.

“I was very afraid, all I experienced throughout my childhood was wild fear... This is the most terrible thing when you don’t understand what a person can do, where his stop valve is... Tema was very sick in the car. And on the way to the restaurant he vomited. He took him by the scruff of the neck, hit him on the head, turned the car around and threw him into the dog’s enclosure,” says Anna Shulgina.

During this entire difficult conversation, Anna and Artemy never once called Shulgin father. But the youngest, Arseny, admitted that he didn’t remember anything bad and could even call him dad. “I’m luckier than anyone, I don’t have any hostility or negativity towards the person. If I had met him somewhere, I would have said hello,” admitted Arseny Shulgin.

And this is not surprising. Valeria gave birth to her third child in secret from her husband. She ran away pregnant and only some time later informed her husband about Arseny’s appearance. When the singer realized that her and her children’s lives were in danger, she decided to divorce.

It is worth adding that the singer, like all her children, believe that Joseph Prigogine saved them from all this horror and made them happy.

“I am an internationally minded person and not tied to a place”

Contrary to the common misconception that children star parents always follow in the footsteps of their parents, our hero, Artemy Shulgin, made a choice in a completely different direction. A student at Webster University in Switzerland recently returned to Moscow and in our exclusive interview talked about his family, friends and shared plans for the future.

Continue Artemy Shulgin is...

Artemy Shulgin is a 22-year-old guy who lived in Switzerland for 11 years. I went there at the age of 10 and two months ago I returned to Russia to benefit my Motherland.

Have you chosen to study abroad in Geneva? Why so far from home?

To be honest, it turned out that neither I nor my parents chose her. I was sent abroad to summer camp(part-time school) for 6 weeks, and then they asked me if I liked it and if I wanted to stay. I agreed, for 10 years it was a lot of independence. Then they just brought me my suitcases, I didn’t even return to Russia and didn’t say goodbye to anyone. I didn’t choose, it just so happened that I ended up in a good educational institution.

No one would be surprised if you chose a profession related to the stage, why didn't you?

I have no specific profession or direction as such. I am involved in many areas, I have three higher education. The third, music production at Berklee College of Music, I am finishing now. The first is IT technology, and the second is management. I personally like this versatility, understanding and understanding different things, communicating with different people.

Did your parents influence your professional choice?

No, democracy reigns in our family. Nobody forced anyone to do anything, I chose it myself. Parents could only advise something, but they would not advise anything bad. I returned to Russia most likely because of my parents, they need me here more than there. First of all, I haven’t seen them all my life, because I first lived with my grandmother in the Saratov region, then immediately moved to Switzerland. I lived with my family for a total of about two years during all this time, so now it’s unusual for me to see my family so often, although before we spent holidays together.

Three professions, and what aspects of them attract you most?

I think the most interesting thing is meeting people. It's like a big chain, I worked for a company in the summer related to virtual reality, there are very promising guys there, the company is a leader in this market segment. And there I met some very brainy guys. Where else can you meet people who are professionals in their field?

What do children of famous parents lack?

Elementary freedom, and it’s not about freedom of action. We can't just go out for a walk in the park without a certain number of people around, without security, without them pointing fingers at you or asking for an autograph. It’s difficult to even go to the grocery store; there are certain things we can’t do. There is no privacy, your whole life is in public.

Which one is the best valuable advice did you get it from your parents?

Bring it to the end, if you take on something, then you need to finish it, you can’t quit halfway, because you won’t gain any experience, success, or anything from it. Before I left to study in Switzerland, I studied poorly, all the teachers cried because of me, I did not complete anything either in my studies or in my business, that is, I was completely irresponsible, but after moving there I came to my senses.

Tell us about your relationship with your brother and sister?

I saw them, as well as my parents, very rarely; despite this, our relationship was close; we tried to spend every holiday together. Unfortunately, now every year we see each other less and less. Both sister and brother have busy schedules; each begins their own professional and personal life. I am very pleased that we have a warm relationship, it seems to me that not everyone has this in their family.

Which perfect model family for you?

Where everyone listens and understands each other. There is no ideal model, some people like it when there are a lot of children, some like it when there are few, in some places there is patriarchy, and in others there is matriarchy. This is all very individual. We have an ideal family, we quarrel and argue like everyone else normal people, but in the end we come to a consensus, we can agree on everything and help each other. Model ideal family- this is a friendly family, where everyone will tear and throw for each other.

Do you believe in friendship? How is your social circle formed?

They say you can never have too many friends, but on the contrary, I have many true friends. I find it very quickly mutual language with people. I like to communicate with those who are good at something. By making such acquaintances, you acquire people who can help you in life. Since I studied at an international school, I have friends all over the world. When we were all studying, we didn’t have parents, there was one counselor for 30 kids, that is, my friends were my family. That's why I have big circle very close people, because we lived together in Geneva for 10 years, everyone became like a brother or sister. Therefore, friendship for me is a very important thing and exists in large quantities.

Describe your ideal girl?

I’m not one of those people who can immediately name the parameters; there is no such ideal. A person must burn from the inside, I don’t really like passive people. Eat interesting people, which are beautiful both inside and out. Kindness is the main quality, there should be no rot, there should be no greed, no greed, all this can be seen a mile away. Therefore, for a girl, kindness and sincerity are the main thing, and mental abilities play an important role.

How do you spend your free time? What is your hobby?

I like to meet with friends, there are many of them, I need to see everyone, but there is little time. Basically, I just relax, don’t watch TV, etc. I don’t rest alone, for me this is not a rest, at this moment it seems to me that life is passing me by and I need to do something. I’ve never watched a TV series in my life, I don’t understand how it’s like to bury yourself in the screen and disappear for several hours.

Have you recently returned to Moscow? Have your favorite places already appeared?

Beaumonde Lounge on Lubyanka, Nikolskaya 25, opposite the Central Children's House. Firstly, this is the very center, there are no problems with parking. This is a restaurant with food and hookahs. It’s close for everyone to gather there, because everyone different places. I am conservative in this regard; if I like it, I go to one place, I don’t understand why experiment and look for something else.

Is there a chance that you will stay in Moscow or, on the contrary, leave?

Honestly, 4 months ago I had no idea that I would come here. I can’t say for sure, now I have no desire to leave here, I like it here. I haven't been here for a long time, I haven't gotten tired yet. There is a contrast with Europe here Cold winter, three-hour traffic jams, it’s hard mentally and physically, but the rest of us live like this, worse than me. I am a person of international thinking and am not tied to a place; if I need to go to London, Paris, etc., I will leave without any problems.

What are your immediate plans? Maybe you wanted to work in one profession?

If we look at the areas, then go deeper into music, because it’s native to me, I grew up with it, around music, in the studio, behind the scenes, behind the scenes. I want to go into music production, it doesn’t matter if it’s writing music for artists or cinema or working on the radio.

You moved from Europe to Moscow, how do people differ in your opinion?

Two things I can note are friendliness and sincerity. In Europe, people are very friendly, but not sincere, and in Russia there are problems with friendliness, but people are sincere. In Europe, everyone walks around and says hello to you, but you will never know what they were really thinking at that moment.

Photographer: Ivan Shevchuk

We would like to thank the Coffee Bureau coffee shop for the location of the shooting.

Singer Valeria said that she and her son are now working on a new musical project: “Recorded new song, it’s especially pleasant to collaborate with Tema!”

“Working in the studio with my son is especially pleasant. Love and proud.❤️❤️"

Artemy is 24 years old, he followed in his mother’s footsteps - he plays music professionally. The young man received an excellent education; he is a graduate of the University of Geneva and a music college in London. In the first educational institution Artemy mastered IT technologies, in the second - the field of production.

In 2017, he returned to Russia and began building a career in music. Valeria helps her son in every possible way, but notes that he does not need her “protection.”

“It’s a pleasure to work with him, it’s true. But we are equal partners, I do not “promote” him in show business.”

The singer says that Artemy will greatly benefit from the knowledge gained abroad: “He knows how to find new artists, work with them from scratch, and deals with the financial side of the issue. I’m very proud of him!”

Subscribers asked what the song would be about, and what role was assigned to Artemy: “You created a duet, does he sing with you?” The artist did not provide specific information, saying only in the comments that “everything will become known soon.” According to the girl, the new musical work “will appeal to everyone.”

“We are actively involved in this project, sometimes working in the studio at night. The result will be something really interesting and unusual!”

Judging by Valeria’s Instagram, she now devotes a lot of time to her children. She spent a short holiday with 19-year-old Arseny in Switzerland. The singer was able to spare only a few days from her busy work schedule, but they were filled with “family warmth and common interests.”

“Photo at sunset during an evening jog”

Valeria also supports her daughter Anna a good relationship, noting that she is always ready to provide her with any help and support. The 25-year-old girl is an aspiring actress and singer. She has 6 musical works and 7 films with her participation. Anna also tries her hand at television, hosting a program on MUZ-TV.

Fans are looking forward to what was promised interesting project from Valeria and Artemy Shulgin!

Singer Valeria said that she and her son are now working on a new musical project: “We recorded a new song, it’s especially nice to collaborate with Tema!”

“Working in the studio with my son is especially pleasant. Love and proud.❤️❤️"

Artemy is 24 years old, he followed in his mother’s footsteps - he plays music professionally. The young man received an excellent education; he is a graduate of the University of Geneva and a music college in London. In the first educational institution, Artemy mastered IT technologies, in the second - the field of production.

Artemy Shulgin

In 2017, he returned to Russia and began building a career in music. Valeria helps her son in every possible way, but notes that he does not need her “protection.”

“It’s a pleasure to work with him, it’s true. But we are equal partners, I do not “promote” him in show business.”

The singer says that Artemy will greatly benefit from the knowledge gained abroad: “He knows how to find new artists, work with them from scratch, and deals with the financial side of the issue. I’m very proud of him!”

"My Fam ❤️"

Subscribers asked what the song would be about, and what role was assigned to Artemy: “You created a duet, does he sing with you?” The artist did not provide specific information, saying only in the comments that “everything will become known soon.” According to the girl, the new musical work “will appeal to everyone.”

“We are actively involved in this project, sometimes working in the studio at night. The result will be something really interesting and unusual!”

Judging by Valeria's Instagram, she now devotes a lot of time. She spent a short holiday with 19-year-old Arseny in Switzerland. The singer was able to spare only a few days from her busy work schedule, but they were filled with “family warmth and common interests.”

“Photo at sunset during an evening jog”

She also maintains a good relationship with Valeria, noting that she is always ready to provide her with any help and support. The 25-year-old girl is an aspiring actress and singer. She has 6 musical works and 7 films with her participation. Anna also tries her hand at television, hosting a program on MUZ-TV.

Anna Shulgina

Fans are looking forward to the promised interesting project from Valeria and Artemy Shulgin!

And the youngest, after a short spree with the model, returned home to Moscow and resumed his studies

IN Lately star couple- VALERIYA and Joseph PRIGOGINE - the singer’s children from her marriage to Alexander SHULGIN cause a lot of concern. At first, the show crowd was excited by the news of problems with her youngest son- 17-year-old Arseny. As you know, he successfully began his career as a pianist and has already given concerts with symphony orchestra. But last fall, he unexpectedly became interested in 20-year-old model from Kaluga Anna AVERYANOVA, performing under the pseudonym SHERIDAN, abandoned classes at the music school and, having quarreled with his mother and stepfather, left home.

Even to London, where Valeria I gave a concert at the end of January, but Arseny did not go with his entire family. And after the concert in the capital of Great Britain, there was talk among the show crowd that now the singer’s eldest son, 21-year-old Artemy, was also having problems. As secular gossips claimed, the threat of being drafted into the army hung over him. Not in native Russia, and in Switzerland, of which, according to some information, he recently became a full citizen.
“Artemy applied for citizenship, since he has been living there for 10 years,” he hesitated Joseph Prigogine, whom our call found on vacation with Valeria in Morocco. - With a Swiss passport it will be easier for him. When he graduates, he will go to serve. Now Tema has other concerns - another university and a master's degree. He only thinks about it. At one time Tema lived in our house on the shore Lake Geneva. And then I moved to the university to make it more convenient to go to classes.

Prigozhin also agreed to comment on the behavior of his younger stepson Arseny.
“The boy is 17 years old,” Joseph sighed. - All of us at this age were looking for ourselves and making mistakes. Famous Richter He left the conservatory altogether and went to Odessa. The professor came for him. But Senya didn’t throw anything. He was just a little overtired. Yes, he has a girlfriend - this mare. I immediately told her that I didn’t like her. And he told her parents the same thing. No, I didn’t mind Senya dating her. I didn't care about her at all. The problem was that she distracted him and he stopped studying. But nothing bad happened.

Senya just temporarily left music school. Since the general education subjects there are not very good, he returned to school to get a strong education, pass the Unified State Exam and, just in case, have the opportunity to enroll not only in college, but in any university. Senya lives, as before, in our Moscow apartment. Gets up at 7 am and goes to school. IN the winter vacation he was indeed absent from home. But then he came back. In general, everything is fine with us. And what they say about this is bullshit, someone’s leftist gossip. Yes, after school Senya can be drafted into the army. But that doesn't scare me. On the contrary, I would be only happy about it. I believe that if a person is not engaged in some serious business, he should go to serve. Everyone served in the Soviet Union. And there was no tragedy in this.