Great monuments of Russia. Get to know your native land Monuments in honor of nature

Cultural monuments

Cultural monuments are works of human hands, ancient objects, tools and structures preserved on the earth's surface, under a layer of earth or under water. Using them, scientists reconstruct the past of human society. The main monuments of material culture: tools, weapons, household utensils, clothing, jewelry, settlements (sites, settlements, settlements) and individual dwellings, ancient fortifications and hydraulic structures, roads, mine workings and workshops, burial grounds, drawings on rocks, sunken ancient ships and their cargo, etc.

The most ancient monuments are archaeological: sites that are the remains of ancient human settlements. They are usually located on the banks of rivers, lakes, and seas. Over the past centuries, the most ancient sites have been discovered - Paleolithic - buried under layers of sand, clay, soil so deep that they are difficult to detect. It is easier to find later ones - Neolithic: they are often washed away by water, and they are partially exposed. The earth containing traces of human activity is called a cultural layer. It contains ash, coal from fires, garbage, construction waste, household items, etc. The cultural layer is clearly visible in outcrops against the background of sand and clay. Here you can find flint products with pointed edges, ceramics - clay shards, bones of animals and fish, bone and bronze products.

The settlement is the remains of an ancient fortified settlement located on the hills. Near the settlement there are ramparts and ditches. Here you can find interesting metal products - bronze, copper, iron. Around the settlements there was an unfortified settlement - a settlement. Cemeteries - ancient burials and mounds - are often found. Mines and workshops abound with various tools of ancient production. The main task of a local historian is to search, study and register historical and archaeological monuments unknown and known to science. Excavations are carried out by specialist archaeologists. Drawings of ancient people on rocks or in caves are still found in different regions of our country (in the Urals, the Caucasus, the Baikal region, Chukotka, etc.). They depict figures of animals and people, hunting scenes, and fantastic creatures. Such drawings are of invaluable importance for science, for the knowledge of ancient history, and art.

Architectural monuments - creations of architects that form part of the cultural heritage of the country and people - are also subject to protection. These are buildings for various purposes: churches, cathedrals, monasteries, chapels, cemeteries, towers, walls, palaces, parks, mansions, public buildings, councils (town halls), wonderful residential buildings, estates, noble and merchant houses, peasant huts and other buildings. Each of them has its own history, closely connected with the history of the region. They are studied not only as monuments of the history of the people, but also as examples of architectural art. Thus, white-stone cathedrals - examples of ancient Russian architecture - captivate with the grace of their forms; The architectural structures of Central Asia, the Baltic States, etc. are full of national originality.

The monuments of folk art include decorative jewelry, arts and crafts and oral folk art (folklore). In addition to studying buildings as architectural monuments, the young local historian gets acquainted with the decorations of houses, for example, with carvings decorating cornices, window and door frames, roof ridges, shutters on windows, and porches. An ancient type of carving is characteristic, “blind”, when the pattern is not cut through; Its main motifs are plant motifs, sometimes birds, less often animals. A later type of thread is an overhead thread sawn through. In the south of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, painting on the outside of the walls of houses and stoves is often found.

Folk applied art, or artistic crafts, arose in ancient times. Already primitive man tried to decorate his life, to create not only practical, but also beautiful clothes, dishes, and utensils. The skills of folk artists have been perfected for centuries. Wood carving, folk jewelry, porcelain and glass work achieve high skill. Since ancient times, stone cutters have also been famous. At the end of the 18th century. The varnish business arose in Russia (the famous villages of Fedoskino, Palekh, Kholui, Mstera). Chukotka folk craftsmen are famous for their drawings on walrus tusks, residents of the Caucasus for patterned carpets made of sheep wool, Uzbek craftsmen for stone carving, etc.

Local historians collect information about folk art and its samples in every locality of their region. One should not strive to look only for rare, exceptional creations; it is necessary to pay attention to those that are typical for a given village. This will help to identify local characteristics, traditions, and craftsmanship techniques. It is interesting to find old masters and find out facts from the history of the craft, identify the range of products in the past, how and where they were sold, etc. When and at what age did the old masters die, what did they create, do the old people remember the history of the origin of the craft, are there any legends about this topic? Information on the technology of production of products in the past is especially important. How was high quality work achieved? All this and many other information will be of real value if young local historians first familiarize themselves with the relevant literature.

Finally, there is oral folk art - folklore, which is studied by the science of folklore. She explores verbal, song, musical (instrumental), choreographic, dramatic and other collective creativity of the masses. The task of local historians is to collect works of local creativity of all genres: tales, fairy tales, epics, songs, ditties, lamentations, incantations, riddles, proverbs, sayings, folk drama. How to record? It is important to maintain the accuracy of the recording, word for word, without cutting, releasing or redoing anything. Write down all repetitions and interjections, otherwise the rhythm and special coloring of the story will be disrupted; One should also not miss all the features of the local dialect. Since it is very difficult to record in time, they often resort to using a voice recorder. The narrator's speech must not be interrupted by questions or remarks. A prerequisite is to write down information about the performer (last name, first name, patronymic, nationality, age, local resident or visitor, specialty, literacy, address). It is important to know from whom the performer learned his art.

Russia is famous for its monuments, among which there are very unusual, funny and absurd ones. There are huge monuments that everyone knows about, but there are little-known, miniature ones.

The largest monument to Lenin

Among the famous monuments to Lenin, the largest in Russia and throughout the world is the one installed in Volgograd. It can be seen standing directly on the bank of the Volga-Don Canal. It looks at the city from a height of fifty-seven meters, of which the pedestal is thirty meters.

The Volga-Don Canal was built during the reign of Stalin, so initially his figure stood on the pedestal from 1952 to 1961. This monument was demolished overnight, and for many years the pedestal remained empty. They planned to put a bust of Lenin in its place, but later decided to erect a monument that would be higher than the past. In 1973, a twenty-seven meter tall figure of Lenin was installed on the pedestal. Among the monuments erected in honor of real people, this one is the largest. This was the reason that he was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The smallest monuments in Russia

As surprising as it may be, not all monuments are something big. There are some very tiny ones. This is the ten-centimeter bronze militia from the times of Minin and Pozharsky, installed in the Ivanovo region in the village of Lukh.

It was created using public funds and installed in a niche of the gate located at the entrance to the ancient fortress. The author of the sculpture is a local resident.

St. Petersburg is rich in small monuments to animals. This is Chizhik-Pyzhik, and a sculpture of a hare, and “The Good Cat”. In Tyumen, a monument to a stray dog ​​was erected, and in Ramenskoye there are very small cartoon characters from Soviet times. There is a monument to sprats, which is erected in the Kaliningrad region. The symbol of Anapa is a small monument to the White Hat.

In Tomsk, on a twenty-centimeter pedestal, there is a monument to slippers, and in Krasnodar there is a monument to a lost wallet lying on the asphalt. The monument to the invisible man, which is installed in Yekaterinburg, stands out for its miniature size.

The most famous monuments of Russia

Every country has its most famous monuments. There are some in Russia too. One of them is “The Motherland is Calling!” It is located in Volgograd and is one of the largest in the world. A landmark of the capital is the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, which is known, including abroad. The monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” has long entered our life and become part of it. The Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon are attractions that every tourist who goes on a tour of Moscow sees.

One of the symbols of St. Petersburg and its calling card is the “Bronze Horseman”. Veliky Novgorod has the most beautiful famous monument. Its name is “Millennium of Russia”. The monument was erected in 1862 and dedicated to the thousandth anniversary of the legendary calling of the Varangians to Rus'.

Outside Russia and in Russia itself, some significant monuments of St. Petersburg are known. Thus, the Rostral Columns, thirty-two meters high, located on Vasilievsky Island, are known by almost everyone as a symbol of the maritime greatness of this city.

Famous ones include the monument to Pushkin in Moscow and a similar monument in St. Petersburg. The recently erected monument to Peter the Great in Moscow, which is the largest in Russia, also very quickly became one of the famous.

The tallest monument in Russia

The leader in height in Russia is the monument to Peter the Great, which was erected in Moscow in 1997. The opening was timed to coincide with the 850th anniversary of the capital. It must be said that it caused considerable dissonance in society, as many considered it ugly and completely tasteless.

“Giant” is installed on a specially made artificial island in the Moscow River near the shore. Its height is ninety-eight meters. Many believe that this building disfigures one of the most beautiful places in the capital; the terrifying, dominant figure of Peter has no artistic value. Among the ugliest monuments in the world, this one installed in Moscow, Peter, ranks tenth. In technical terms, the Moscow monument is a unique engineering structure.

Bronze cladding parts are hung on a supporting frame made of stainless steel. The lower part and Peter himself, together with the ship, were assembled separately, and then mounted into one whole. The ship's propellers, made of stainless steel, are woven from several cables, which ensures the immobility of the massive structure. The highest quality bronze was used for the monument. It is quite possible that the monument will be improved. Thus, an observation deck may appear in it, similar to how it is arranged on many even lower monuments and statues in other countries. For tourists, which excursion is most likely to be a success.

Other creations of human hands are also surprising. According to the website, towers in different cities around the world can rise higher than the clouds. For example, the Burj Dubai tower soared more than 800 meters into the air.
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Nowadays in large European cities you can find very unusual monuments and sculptures, often striking with their amusing, funny and even ridiculous appearance.

Well, is it really possible to take such a monument standing in Amsterdam seriously? “Don’t drink the branch you’re sitting on”:

By the way, a similar monument was erected in Yakutsk. Here he is:

And in Brussels on the street you can meet an old lady like this with a bag, counting her money.

There, in Brussels, there is this funny monument: a policeman and the prankish thief who caught him:

A queue monument was erected in Washington. Look how tourists organically join it:

The situation with passage through walls is very unusual. If in Los Angeles a clerk with a suitcase could only stick his head into the wall...

The French writer Marcel Aimé, in Paris, has already passed through the wall, and is now in the process of emerging from it...

But the bronze woman from Santa Fe, New Mexico lay down to rest right on the sidewalk. Tourists are joining!

People in Holland love music. Here, a violinist broke through the floor to please the ears of passers-by:

In Bratislava there is even a monument to a plumber leaning out of a sewer manhole:

By the way, there are plumbers not only in Bratislava, but also in Ukraine. This is such a sad “Santa” from Berdyansk. By the way, there are similar monuments in Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, and Yekaterinburg...

And in Oslo a stone man was seen fighting off stone children. Or is he juggling them? What's remarkable is that the man is naked...

In Seoul, street benches are held up not by supports, but by strong teeth! Feast your eyes on these comrades!

By the way, the Danes also have a sense of humor. For example, a monument to uh... how can I put this mildly?

But the Danish madam from Ringkobing will probably have more:

Another rather unusual monument was erected in Melbourne. Something is wrong in the picture, isn't it?

By the way, you can’t hide anywhere from these cyclists... Even at the bottom of the sea!

In addition to stone or bronze people, the world is flooded with monuments to things, and this cannot be kept silent about!

The newest of them is a monument, let's say, political. Monument to the shoe thrown at Bush the Younger:

And in Paris there is a monument to the finger. And he sticks out from under the ground:

In Australia - to the wallet:

In Nakavik, Canada - an axe:

In Springfield (USA) - a monument to a fork:

And in Norway, Oslo - a paper clip:

And even books - in Berlin:

And in Russia they responded to this with a powerful three-meter stool! “Monument to the first stool of the Russian land” was installed in the former estate of the Arshenevsky brothers on Taganka:

And in Germany, in Braunschweig, stray cats were spotted (it’s good that at least these ones don’t yell):

And the tap in Cadiz pouring water from the sky:

London is famous for its traffic lights, and on this occasion there is this monument erected there:

And in Prague - a monument to a woman’s shoe:

And now, let's move to Russia. What is there in Russian land? Let's start with animals. The Russian people love their little brothers!

For example, in St. Petersburg, on Malaya Sadovaya Street, there is a cast-iron cat, who was christened Elisha Kotovich Pitersky. The cat climbed high - to the second floor of the Eliseevsky grocery store, and therefore it is not so easy to notice:

Another cat (or rather a cat) “hangs” at the window of the creative center “Mitki VKHUTEMAS” (Pravdy St., 16) on the 6th floor. Dressed like a famous cartoon character, she was immediately nicknamed Matroskin's cat:

And in Moscow, in a park by the lake near the Novodevichy Convent, a whole sculptural composition “Make way for ducklings!” was opened. Little ducklings look around, quack, look for a worm in the grass - in a word, they behave as if they were alive. It’s not for nothing that a guard was placed at the monument - the ducklings are trying to steal them!

By the way, the sculptors did not ignore even such a tiny creature as a bee. In Kuzminki Park, for example, they erected a monument to the bee Kuza, who sits on one of the columns depicting a honeycomb:

“The Nose” is ranked among the most unusual monuments in St. Petersburg. By the way, he, like his prototype, loves to take a walk. For example, in 2002 he suddenly disappeared from his pedestal. He was found a year later on the landing of house No. 15, not far from Voznesensky Prospekt, where his rightful place was located:

I am also placing here a selection of monuments whose location is unknown to me, but it is simply impossible not to show them to you, dear readers!

The world-famous monument to the elephant from Salvador Dali's painting "The Temptation of St. Anthony" is simply stunning!

And these are the real Thick and Thin:

Oh, how the mother hyped up her daughter. If only she didn't let go!

Here the boys jump into the water and squeal with anticipation:

And the girls, remaining on land, play leapfrog:

And who is this? A handsome knight on horseback? But what about the horse?

And lastly: a cow on a tree! Take a closer look. What does she remind you of? Maybe a carton of milk?

Architectural monuments are objects that were created, usually in honor of a significant event or an important person. The age of some is estimated at tens of years, while others remember the Egyptian pharaohs. This review contains the most famous architectural monuments about which the history of mankind can be written.

1. Kaaba (Masjid al-Haram)

The Kaaba (Masjid al-Haram) is a cube-shaped building located in Mecca

The Kaaba (Masjid al-Haram) is a cube-shaped building located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is considered the holiest site in Islam, as well as the oldest and most famous cultural monument in the world.

Muslim shrine of Kaba.

The Qur'an states that the Kaaba was built by Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic) and his son Ismail after the latter settled in Arabia. A mosque, Masjid al-Haram, was built around this building. All Muslims around the world face the Kaaba during prayers, no matter where they are.

Pilgrims at Kaba.

One of the five fundamental laws of Islam requires that every Muslim perform the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, at least once in his life. In this case, you need to walk around the Kaaba seven times counterclockwise (when viewed from above).

2. Taj Mahal

White marble mausoleum located in Agra, India.

The Taj Mahal ("Crown of Palaces") is a white marble mausoleum located in the city of Agra, India. It was built by the king of the Mughal Empire, Shah Jahan, in memory of his third wife Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely known as "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the internationally recognized masterpieces of the world's heritage." The area of ​​the Taj Mahal is about 221 hectares (38 hectares are occupied by the mausoleum itself and 183 hectares of protected forest around it).

3. Egyptian pyramids

Egyptian pyramids.

A total of 138 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. Most of them were built as tombs for pharaohs and their wives during the Old and Middle Kingdoms. These are some of the oldest famous cultural monuments.

View of the Egyptian pyramids from above.

The earliest known Egyptian pyramids were found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. And the oldest of them is the Pyramid of Djoser, built in 2630 - 2611 BC. e., during the third dynasty. This pyramid and its surrounding complex were designed by the architect Imhotep and are generally considered to be the world's oldest monumental brick-faced structures.

4. The Great Wall of China

The great Wall of China.

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, rammed earth, wood and other materials built along China's historical northern borders to protect the country from invasion by various warlike peoples.

Sculptures on the Great Wall of China.

Several walls were built as early as the 7th century BC, and were later expanded to form what is today known as the Great Wall. Particularly famous is the part of the wall built between 220-206 BC. the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang (very little remains of her).

By the way, there are many more beautiful and interesting places in China that are worth seeing with your own eyes.

5. Angkor Thom (Greater Angkor)

Capital of the Khmer Empire

Angkor Thom is a 3 square kilometer walled royal city that was the last capital of the Khmer Empire. After Jayavarman VII recaptured Yashodharapura (the previous capital) from Champa invaders in 1181, he built a new imperial capital on the site of the destroyed city. He started with existing surviving structures such as Baphuon and Phimeanakas and built a magnificent walled city around them, adding an outer wall with a moat and some of Angkor's greatest temples. There are five entrances (gates) to the city, one for each cardinal direction and a Victory Gate leading to the Royal Palace area. Each gate is topped with four giant faces.

6. Acropolis of Athens

Acropolis of Athens

The Acropolis of Athens, also called "Cecropia" in Athens, is the most important site of the city and one of the most recognizable monuments in the world. It is a major landmark of ancient Greek culture, as well as a symbol of the city of Athens itself, as it represents the apogee of artistic development in the 5th century BC.

7. National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial

The National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a famous monument and local landmark erected in memory of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, former President of the Republic of China. It is located in the Chinese city of Taipei. The monument, surrounded by a park, was built in the eastern part of Memorial Square. To the north is the National Theater, and to the south is the National Concert Hall.

8. Potala Palace

Potala Palace

The Potala Palace is located in the city of Lhasa in Tibet. It is named after Mount Potalaka, the mythical abode of Chenrezig or Avalokiteshvara. The Potala Palace was the main residence of the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to Dharamsala, India, during the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959.

Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, the fifth Great Dalai Lama, began construction of the Potala Palace in 1645 after one of his spiritual advisors, Konchog Chopel, noted that the site between the Drepung and Sera monasteries and the old city of Lhasa was an ideal location for the government. The Potala was eventually built on the remains of an earlier fortress called the White or Red Palace, built by King Songtsen Gampo of Tibet in 637. Today the Potala Palace is a museum.

9. Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty in the USA.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States of America, and it is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886, and was designated a National Monument in 1924.

10. Sultan Ahmed Mosque

The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is a historical mosque in Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and the capital of the Ottoman Empire from 1453 to 1923. It is also popularly known as the Blue Mosque because of the blue tiles that line its walls.

Mosque interior.

The mosque was built from 1609 to 1616 during the reign of Ahmed I. Although it is still used as a mosque, the site has also become a popular tourist attraction.

When asked “do you know your country well,” many answer that, of course, you have traveled to every hidden corner, visited a ton of museums and attached a lot of bright magnets to your refrigerator. But the cultural heritage of Russia is so rich that it is impossible to physically record it in your head and memory. Therefore, listing even the 10 most famous monuments or sculptures seems an impossible task for the average person.

We consider it our duty to enlighten the younger generation and present in such a concise form 10 cultural finds that our Mother Russia can be proud of. All of them were erected on the occasion of an important historical event or personify the rich and broad soul of the Russian people. These are not body paintings or installations of empty air in modern art museums. Take care of cultural heritage and stop any attempts at vandalism, because not rewritten true history is the key to a healthy and thinking society.

10. Monument “The Motherland Calls” | Volgograd

The popular design is marked by the center of an entire ensemble dedicated to the heroes of the battle of Stalingrad, which proudly rises on Mamayev Kurgan. The sculpture looks impressive and intimidating, as if demonstrating to enemies that it is better not to meddle in their native land with bad intentions. The “Motherland Calls” monument confidently took eleventh position in the Guinness World Records list as one of the highest on the planet. At night, the statue is illuminated by numerous spotlights, which creates a visual picture no worse than the notorious Eiffel Tower. It reaches a height of about 85-87 meters. For this it even received a military “nickname” - “Height 102”. By the way, during the years of the famous battle the most brutal battles took place here, and the feat of the heroes was immortalized in the monument.

9. Monument “Millennium of Russia” | Velikiy Novgorod

The cultural monument was created in the 60s of the 19th century to coincide with the anniversary of the existence of the great Russian state. Agree, not every country celebrates a thousand years, so the monument has enormous cultural, historical and tourist significance. Outwardly, it imitates a huge bell (represented at the top with a spherical shape, which symbolizes the power - the emblem of monarchical power). The great monument of the Russian Federation reaches fifteen meters in height.

8. Monument-obelisk “To the Conquerors of Space” | Moscow

The structure was erected in the capital in the 60s of the 20th century and personifies the successes of Soviet researchers in the conquest of outer space. The powerful obelisk reaches a height of 107 meters, weighs about 250 tons, and its cladding was made using specially made titanium panels, which were personally proposed by S. Korolev. Externally, the structure depicts a rocket that leaves a powerful trail behind it. The type of construction “leaning tower” is almost unique (an analogue is the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa). A couplet of a poem glorifying our cosmonauts is engraved in metal on the facade. The structure was erected in a vacant area, not far from the entrance to the exhibition of national economic achievements. The monument is dedicated to active technological development in 1957, when the USSR launched the first artificially created satellite on the planet.

7. Monument to St. George the Victorious | Moscow

A very symbolic statue, as St. George destroys a snake with the tip of a spear - a symbol of human vices, lies, cunning and betrayal. That is why the structure is one of the main ones among the capital’s memorial complex on Poklonnaya Hill. The cultural monument is located on the territory of Victory Park and is a granite fountain surrounded by multi-tiered smaller fountains that shoot jets straight up. Around the monument there are tiles that list the stations of the destinations and the capital.

6. Monument “Bronze Horseman” | Saint Petersburg

A beautiful bronze statue was erected on Senate Square in St. Petersburg. The official opening took place in 82 of the 18th century - it was the first city monument. Initially it was assumed that it was dedicated to the great Russian King Peter. But later the name “Bronze Horseman” was given, which was inspired by the poem of the same name by the beloved folk writer Pushkin. The sculpture was erected by Etienne Falconet on behalf of reigning Catherine II. The sculptor was inspired by Colonel Peter Melissino (outwardly resembling Tsar Peter), who held a horse on a rack. The head of the bronze “Peter” was created by Falcone’s student, and the Russian sculptor Gordeev sculpted a snake - a symbol of enemy strength.

5. Monument “Alyosha” | Leninsky district of Murmansk

The memorial complex is dedicated to the soldiers who defended the Soviet Arctic during the Second World War. The basis of the design is a statue of a soldier in a raincoat, who has a machine gun over his shoulder. The height of the monument is just over 35 meters plus 7 meters for the pedestal. The weight of the hollow figure reaches more than 5 thousand tons! The size of the statue of “Alyosha” is second only to the “Motherland”. You can see it in the Leninsky District - a place that attracts the attention of compatriots and tourists.

4. Monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” | Moscow

The monument is considered a symbol of the USSR era, as well as a favorite tourist attraction. Externally, it is a sculpture of two statues (a worker and a collective farmer), who raise the famous hammer and sickle above their heads. The author of the project is Mukhina Vera, and the concept was laid by the architect Iofan Boris. Initially, it was planned to display the monument in Paris, for which it was transported in parts in 28 or more carriages. The structure is made of chromium-nickel stainless steel and reaches a height of about 25 meters. Located on Prospekt Mira. The first assembly took 1 month (employees worked 3 shifts, resting only 3 hours a day). It was assembled again in Paris in 11 days. By the way, this particular building is the famous symbol of Mosfilm.

3. Monument to mammoths | Khanty-Mansiysk

It opened for the first time 11 years ago in Khanty-Mansiysk. The statue was erected in honor of the anniversary - 425 years of the capital of the district. It is located on the territory of the famous Archeopark. The design includes eleven small sculptures (the large mammoth is more than eight meters in size, and the small one is about three). They are made of bronze, due to which the total weight reaches 70 tons. Engineers achieved the installation of life-size monuments.

2. Monument to “Peter I” | Moscow

The construction is dedicated to the anniversary of three hundred years of the Russian fleet. The author of the project is the famous architect Zurab Tsereteli. They installed a cultural masterpiece on an artificial island in the area where the Obvodny Canal connects with the Moscow River (next to the confectionery factory). The opening of the monument coincided with a grandiose holiday - the anniversary of the 850th anniversary of the capital. The total height of the composition is 98 meters (one of the highest on the planet and in the Russian Federation in particular).

1. Monument to the Sunken Ships | Sevastopol

Erected on the central embankment of Primorsky Boulevard (Sevastopol Bay), the monument annually attracts many tourists and compatriots who are proud of the warlike exploits of the inhabitants of the hero city. The monument is also marked on the Soviet coat of arms of Sevastopol, is an honor and symbol of the city, its calling card. The height of the sculpture exceeds 16 meters.

These are the amazing historical monuments that the Russian land preserves. The younger generation should know their history, respect the country's heroes and ordinary hard workers, with whose hands the now majestic cities and cultural centers were erected.