Host of the Ukrainian reality show 'Bachelor'. Grigory Reshetnik: “I have an ideal family”

(PHOTO) 28 year old Ukrainian TV presenter Grigory Reshetnik will host the second season of the reality show “Bachelor” on the STB channel.

Now he is the co-host of Nadezhda Meikher on the program “ The incredible truth about the stars”, as well as the announcer of the projects “My Truth”, “In Search of Truth”, “ A parallel world" and "Mosfilm. Unknown version."

“There are a lot of expectations from The Bachelor 2: it set a certain bar in the search for the main character, girls and presenter. This will be new romantic story with new characters who should look harmonious together,” said Ksenia Bugrimova, project manager and chief director.

“In shows like The Bachelor, the host matches the character and image of the hero, and it is important for us that there is a strong, trusting relationship between them, and Francis and Gregory quickly found mutual language– already at the auditions reigned between them good energy. I'm sure they will good friends, which is important for the show. We are grateful to Vanya Gorodetsky for his work on the first season and hope to continue cooperation in the future; we felt very comfortable with him,” added Ksenia Bugrimova.

“In the first season, I read voiceover in some episodes where it was required, and even then I was hooked on the show. Leading such a project is an honor for every presenter, and doubly responsible when you know the pedigree of our Bachelor.

Now Francis and I have already become involved in the filming process, I share advice with him, he listens to those around him, but he has his own opinion on everything. He makes all decisions independently. For him, this is not a show, but a real stage in life. It’s very easy to work with him on the court, he’s inviting and possesses good feeling humor,” shared Grigory Reshetnik.

Let us remind you that the “Bachelor” program is scheduled to air in the spring of 2012. The hero of the second season of “The Bachelor” is a 33-year-old from Great Britain, a descendant of the royal Romanov family, and a professional photographer.

The final episode of the first season of “The Bachelor” was seen by 13.5 million people. in Ukraine, the figures were: for the audience 14-49 rating 9.61%, share 32.77%, and for audience 18-54 – rating 10.21%, share 32.67%, reports the press service of the STB TV channel.

Grigory Reshetnik was born on October 17, 1983. From 2002 to 2007 he studied at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Institute of Cinema and Television, specialty - announcer and TV program presenter (journalist, actor). Received a master's degree with honors. Since 2009 – graduate student at the same university. In the summer of 2008, Grigory Reshetnik passed the voice casting for the STB television channel and became the announcer of four projects at once, and soon the presenter.

STB – national TV channel. Founded in 1997. Since 2004, the head of the channel has been Vladimir Borodyansky. Technical coverage – 98.0% of the territory of Ukraine (cities 50 thousand+).

The average daily share for the audience 18-54 years old in cities with a population of 50 thousand+ in October 2011 was 12.99%, for the audience 14-49 the share was 12.57%, according to GFK Ukraine (“cities 50 thousand+”).

STB TV channel together with ICTV, " New channel", M1, M2 and QTV are part of the StarLightMedia group.

Read: 2353

Famous dad and famous TV presenter, native of Nikolaev Grigory Reshetnik spoke about how he raises his sons and who he dreams of seeing them in the project New Time STYLE.

Grigory Reshetnik is a famous Ukrainian TV presenter, announcer and showman. Together with his wife Christina he is raising two beautiful sons- Vanya (4 years old) and Dima (three months old).

About education

I believe that better education- this is the example that you show to your son. This is, first of all, an example of how you should treat your family, your children. My parents have been together for 35 years today, and this is very a strong family. Dad fell in love with mom 35 years ago, we met for two months, he immediately proposed to her - and they got married. And this was a huge example for me as a man of how to build your family. Dad always gives way to mom. He is more balanced, perceives everything philosophically and can always give in. And this is a model for me. A man must be responsible for his words, must take care of his family. It is also important for a man to become someone, to succeed, and in raising a child - not to break the child, but to support him.

ABOUT family traditions

My wife Kristina is from Western Ukraine, and since meeting her, traditions have appeared in our family. We always try to be together at Christmas and Easter and go to our grandparents. IN Ivano-Frankivsk region, where Christina is from, it is customary to gather around the table, and then go on to visit everyone at the table in turn. We sat with me and came to you. The first time I barely survived seven feasts. But this is very uniting. Every year, for many years, at Easter we go to Christina’s grandparents, in this village she began going to church. And Vanechka goes to it, we plan that Dimulya too ( younger son) will go. Another good tradition: for seven generations in my family the names Vanya and Grisha have been alternating. I am Grigory Ivanovich, and my great-grandfathers were either Grisha or Vanya. On the first date with Christina, I told her this: “I have this condition: if you are my wife, we will name our son Vanya.” Vanya was born, then we assumed that there would be a girl, but a boy was born. We thought about what to name our second son, and named him Dima in honor of Christina’s dad.

About dreams

I want me to have the intelligence and fatherly wisdom not to break him, so that Vanya can find himself. Very often I see young families, especially fathers, who torment their children either with some kind of sport, or with some kind of hobby, with their unfulfilled ambitions. Plus, we have such a society, we are used to lumping everyone with the same brush: it is advisable that you be a lawyer, an economist, a banker. Of course, my profession is difficult in the sense that it is very interesting, creative, and one way or another, but from childhood children get used to these conditions. Vanya has already starred in the “Bachelor” project, and he is a frequent guest in many other projects. So he falls in love with the process. And I don’t want to break them, I want to support them. I don't know how it will work out. Children have their own lives, and especially boys. And I will invest in education, in upbringing. Vanya learned to swim - he has been studying with a trainer since he was a month old. I also went to learn to swim, I swim poorly, but my son always wants to be proud of his father. It's a difficult mission, but I'm trying.

About plans for education

I like the phrase “it’s not where, it’s how.” I am convinced that the only thing you shouldn’t skimp on is children’s education. You need to invest as much as possible, even to infringe on yourself in some ways. But I want there to be a return, so that the child likes it. I will guide, insist. A man must have some kind of calling, profession. Today Vanya goes to a very good kindergarten, one of the best kindergartens in Kyiv, with the Montessori method, free school and the right approach to the children. We spent a very long time choosing, I visited eight kindergartens, private and public, so that no one would have any complaints later. We see progress, the joy of the child. We'll see what happens with universities and schools. Nowadays, some non-traditional schools are becoming fashionable. I’m not sure that these children, Vanya and Dima, will be able to sit in school for 12 years and learn seven subjects a day. Math, rules to memorize when you already have Google. In general, education moves from the memorizing and memorizing zone to the conscious zone; children must learn to navigate situations, think, and create.

About games

It's very easy to play with my son now. Because he has great amount energy. This role-playing games, some stories, reading books. We are building railways, we play robots. I have a lot of humor and I joke all the time. I like it when a child laughs, it seems to me that it expands his perception of life and arouses new emotions in him. Today it’s hard to imagine children without some kind of gadgets; we try not to use them, but we can’t do without cartoons. I also watch with Vanya, you have to be in the know and know what to play, what the names of the characters are, what their story is.

ABOUT family values

I want Vanya to have the same family as ours, so that he meets only love, she became his wife, gave birth to many children, but I don’t know what will happen in 20 years and in general what my son will be like. Maybe he will be Alain Delon, and try to be here with one wife. It's difficult [laughs]. But I instill respect for elders, respect and love for women. Let’s say, if I arrive with a bouquet of flowers, Vanya meets me at the door, I give him the flowers, and he gives them to his mother from himself. He is very pleased with this, he sees that this is attention, and then says that he gave it all. We have one mother, and there are three of us men, so she is sacred.

About masculine qualities

I want him to have an inner core, so that he becomes strong like a man, so that he has his own position in life, integrity. Also education, wisdom, determination. Inner strength. Well, it’s probably also the case historically that respect for mom, a man’s respect for dad, can be less than for mom. And to my brother. Perhaps that’s all, let him live on his own, try on his own, live on his own. The main thing is that some emotions and feelings are born in him, so that he enjoys life.

Let us remind you that earlier Ukrainian TV presenter Grigory Reshtnik graced the cover of NL magazine.

The host of the most romantic reality show in the country, “The Bachelor,” does not hide the fact that he himself has not been a bachelor for a long time. Six years ago, on October 10, Grigory Reshetnik and his beloved wife Christina had a magnificent wedding. Even with the appearance of Vanya’s son and after so many years, the feelings of the spouses did not cool down. In honor of their anniversary, Gregory and Christina talked about their acquaintance, relationship and the secret of a strong marriage.

Christina, the story of your acquaintance is known - in his interviews, Grigory talked about a serious girl who did not notice him. I would also like to hear this story from your side - why didn’t you pay any attention to Grisha? Or maybe she did, but didn’t show it?

Grigory: I think I noticed, but didn’t show it (smiles). But I am a purposeful guy, so I managed to win her attention.

Christina: I really was a very serious, ambitious girl who was only 18 years old. I just started working in the news service of one of the country's central television channels. I simply didn’t have time to look at anyone with interest (laughs). Several times, I remember, I met Grisha in the corridors, but I didn’t even know that we were working on the same channel (editor’s note - Gregory then hosted the “Turnkey” section in the “Snidanokz 1+1” program). Fate and our mutual friend Alexey Dushka, my colleague, and Grishin’s classmate, brought us together. One day Lesha invited me to bowling, but I tried in every possible way to “excuse myself”, since I was working all night for the morning newscast and could not get away. And I didn’t understand why my colleague wanted to drag me out somewhere. But he convinced me that I would not regret it! Late in the evening Lesha picked me up from work with his friend Grisha and another girl. I didn’t pay much attention to the stranger then, because I was sure that he had arrived with a girl. But later I began to understand that Grisha was paying a lot of attention to me, and it seemed strange to me. Well, then we chatted non-stop for about 3 hours. Grisha drove me back to work at night. I didn’t take the number and... disappeared (laughs). It was probably such a tactful move.

- At what point did he “bribe” you and charm you?

K.: It was love at first sight. I realized that Grisha was a serious and determined guy, because he immediately began telling me that he wanted a family and children. He even said what he would call them (laughs).

- Tell me, what was your wedding day like?

K.: We played a wedding in Ivano-Frankivsk, my hometown. On my side there were many friends and relatives, so they decided that it would be more convenient to bring Grisha’s relatives from Nikolaev to Western Ukraine. We carefully planned everything ourselves; preparations began six months in advance. And everything, thank God, turned out exactly the way we wanted! Lots of friends, smiles, dancing and fun. Our first dance was so worth it! I still remember every moment of that day, and I’m ready to experience such emotions with my beloved husband again tomorrow (smiles).

G.: I also want more, though not on such a scale - we had 150 guests! (laughs)

Both of you are television workers. Do you think such unions have a better chance of success than couples like “TV-accountant”? After all, not everyone is understanding about regular absences from work.

K.: I think that a common type of activity cannot always be the key to the success of a relationship between spouses. The most important thing here are feelings, love and the desire to be with this person. But the fact that we are from the same working area only played into our hands. A lot of general topics, common interests and knowledge. We can give competent advice and support to each other. Therefore, I rather agree with this statement.

G.: Yes, we still have specific profession with irregular schedules, there is no such thing as coming to work at 9 am and leaving at 6 pm. When we started dating, Christina worked for a morning newscast, meaning she might not be home all night. And I understood her at such moments, since I myself periodically disappeared on set around the clock. “The Bachelor” sometimes takes more than a day to film! But Christina understands everything. We are lucky in this regard. Although I consider this rather a plus for the relationship, it is not a necessary aspect. If people love each other, then both the accountant and the lawyer will understand the TV personality. The main thing is feelings.

- They say that behind any successful man there is Strong woman. How much is this about your family, Grisha?

G.: I completely agree with this phrase. She is brilliant and timeless. A reliable rear for a man is extremely important. I am very grateful to fate for Christina, and to Christina for her support. She is a very strong and purposeful girl, so she can energize me with this, support me in a timely manner, and instill faith. She never once doubted my abilities. In moments of despair, she motivates me, inspires me and inspires me. So I highly recommend that all bachelors say goodbye to their status, because family life- that's much better! A man's strength is his woman. And I know many such examples that confirm this.

All the way from announcer to famous TV presenter you walked along with Christina. At what stages of your career did your wife’s support literally save you?

G.: There were moments when I doubted myself, when I was rejected at castings, when the world seemed unfair. It’s very unpleasant when they don’t take you as a leader to where you so dreamed of going! And my wife told me: everything is for a reason, then you will understand that it was for the better. That's what happened. That project “failed,” but the next one, in which I was accepted, became successful. By the way, my career takeoff began precisely after the wedding - a week later I was approved as the host of the project “The Incredible Truth about the Stars” on STB, which I led for 4 years. I think it was Christina’s faith that pushed me to such achievements. I also try to support and inspire her, to be a support for her.

Surely every person has moments when you come home broken and upset. How does Christina support you at such moments?

G.: We try to distract ourselves when we are sad about something. For example, go with the whole family to the park, eat ice cream, ride a bike or roller skate. When you are with your family, you can forget about all your problems. Sometimes, when I am sitting busy, Christina sits down with me and discusses my problem. What I like about her is that she always tells it like it is. Sometimes we blame someone for our failures, not paying attention to our shortcomings. But it’s so important to admit your mistakes! And it is Christina who points them out to me. Thanks to her for the truth.

- Many couples have had turning points. Has this ever happened to you? How did you get out of these situations?

G.: I don’t remember any critical moments, but, of course, like every couple, we had moments of misunderstanding. It's ok because two are perfect different people trying to build something whole. There are heated discussions, but we always try to hear each other and come to some kind of decision. Of course, I listen more - Christina is more emotional. Although there are times when I can disagree (laughs). In general, in a heated argument, it is better for one person to be more restrained. But our quarrels are short - why waste time sorting things out?

Grigory Ivanovich Reshetnik(October 17, 1983, Nikolaev, Ukraine) - popular Ukrainian TV presenter, actor, director, announcer, showman, public figure. Host of the program “The Incredible Truth about the Stars” (co-host Anna Sviridova (2010-2011), Nadezhda Meikher (2011-2014)) on the STB channel, the show “Bachelor” on the STB channel, the post-show “How to Get Married” on the STB channel. Brand voice of the TV channel: Inter (2006-2007), 1+1 (2007-2009), 2+2 (2009-2010) and the radio station “Nashe Radio” (2010-2011). Announcer of projects and programs: "Dancing with the Stars" seasons 1,2,3 (2006-2007) TV channel 1+1; "Dolchevita" (2009), "Faina Yukraina" (2010-2011), "ShowMania" ( 2014) TV channel "New Channel"; "At gunpoint" (2009-2010), "Miracle People" (2010), "STOP10" (2010) ICTV channel; "Parallel World" (2007-2012), "Mosfilm. Unknown version" (2008-2010), "In Search of Truth" (2008-2011), "My Truth" (2008-2014), show "Bachelor" 1, 2,3,4 seasons (2012-2014), “Save our family” (2013), "Important and happy"Season 3, 4" (2013-2014), "MasterChef" Season 3, 4 (2013-2014), "The Incredible Truth about the Stars" (2010-2014) STB TV channel;

Place and date of birth

Born in the city of Nikolaev, Ukraine, in the family of Ivan Grigorievich Reshetnik (born August 25, 1960) and Olga Viktorovna Reshetnik (born July 14, 1964).

Grigory's father, Ivan Grigorievich, worked as a telephone technician, and his mother, Olga Viktorovna, worked as a merchandiser.

Childhood, education, clubs

Until the age of 4, Gregory dreamed of being a big truck driver when he grew up. The parents instilled in their son a love of work from childhood. Every summer, Gregory and his sister were sent to the village to visit their grandparents, where the children not only rested, but also actively helped with the housework.

Grandfather Gregory was very worried that his grandson had a voice that was too mature and low for his age; he even advised the parents to see a doctor because he believed that the boy had problems with his throat. But the grandfather’s worries were in vain, because today the voice of Grigory Reshetnik is recognized and loved by millions of television viewers. Its timbre, without a doubt, can be called a brand of Ukrainian television.

In 1990, Grigory went to school No. 26 in Nikolaev, from the 8th grade he continued his studies in class with in-depth study mathematics school No. 11, where in 2001 he received a diploma of secondary education.

Since childhood, Gregory began to demonstrate Creative skills, because of which, at the age of 11, parents send their son to a team folk dance"Trytsvit", and since the age of 16 Gregory has been developing and improving his acting skills V theater studio at the city House of Creativity.

In 2001, the young man entered the Nikolaev branch of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy (since December 10, 2008). educational institution was renamed Chernomorsky State University named after Pyotr Mogila) at the Faculty of Finance. But his love for the stage and television prevails, and after a year of study, Grigory leaves the university and moves to the capital. In 2002, he passed creative tests with “excellent” marks. entrance exams and enters the first year of the Institute of Cinema and Television of Kyiv national university culture and arts.

In 2007, Gregory graduated with honors from KNUKiI and received a master's degree with honors; in 2009, he entered graduate school at the same educational institution.


He loves to travel, play sports (swimming, football, basketball, exercise equipment), spend time with his family, attend the theater, cinema, and communicate with friends.

Favorite book: Richard Branson's "To hell with everything." Take it and do it"

Favorite Writer: Robin Sharma

Favorite artist: Leonardo da Vinci

Favorite Ukrainian actor: Bohdan Stupka

Darling foreign actor: George Clooney

Darling theatrical performance: "Hysteria"

Favorite country: UK

Favorite dish: Ukrainian borscht of my beloved wife

Favorite clothing brand: Ermenegildo Zegna

Favorite car brand: Jaguar

WITH early childhood Grigory was always very punctual and neat. This manifested itself not only in relation to people, but also to things. For example, he really liked sneakers, which he almost never parted with.

Grigory was never afraid of work, because you wouldn’t agree to anything for the sake of your dream of becoming a TV presenter. Therefore, at the age of 16, the guy worked as a salesman at the market - selling sausages. And while a student, he worked part-time on television as a make-up administrator.

Personal life

On October 10, 2010 he got married. His other half is Kristina Dmitrievna Reshetnik (born November 25, 1989, Ivano-Frankovsk, maiden name– Timchuk). Gregory and Christina met at work. Their relationship developed rapidly: literally a week later they started dating, and a few weeks later they went on vacation together. Even then, Grigory and Christina realized that they had found each other and never wanted to part.

On April 16, 2013, the main event in the life of the couple took place - the birth of their first child, who was named Ivan. He is the greatest value in their life, which has been filled with special meaning and has become much more interesting: they travel a lot, visit exhibitions and excursions, play sports, meet friends - and all this together, the three of them.


TV projects

2005 – presenter and journalist of educational projects “Everything will work out for us”, “This day in history”, TV channel “First National”

2006 – journalist for the press service of a political party

2006 – 2007 – announcer of the project “Dancing with the Stars”, “Dancing with the Stars 2”, “Dancing with the Stars 3. Champions League", TV channel "1+1"

2006 – 2009 – presenter of the morning section “Turnkey”, program “Morning with “1+1”

2007 – 2012 – announcer of the “Parallel World” program, STB TV channel

2008 – director of the Maidan project “Star Factory 2.Ukraine”, TV channel “New Channel”

2008 – 2010 – announcer of the program “Mosfilm. Unknown version", TV channel "STB"

2008 – 2011 – announcer of the program “In Search of Truth”, STB TV channel

2008 – 2014 – announcer of the program “My Truth”, TV channel “STB”

2009 – announcer of the program “Dolchevita”, TV channel “New Channel”

2009 – announcer of the program “Disasters”, TV channel “1+1”

2009 – 2010 – announcer of the program “Under the Gun,” TV channel “ICTV”

2010 – announcer of the program “Miracle People”, TV channel “ICTV”

2010 – announcer of the program “Stop 10”, TV channel “ICTV”

2010 – 2011 – announcer of the program “Faina Ukraine”, TV channel “New Channel”

2010 – 2014 – presenter and announcer of the program “The Incredible Truth about the Stars” (co-host Anna Sviridova (2010 – 2011), Nadezhda Meikher (2011 – 2014)), STB TV channel

2012 – 2014 - host and announcer of the show “The Bachelor. Season 2,” “The Bachelor.” Season 3,” “The Bachelor.” Season 4", TV channel "STB"

2012 – host of the final post-show “How to Get Married”, STB TV channel

2013 – announcer of the “Save Our Family” program, STB TV channel

2013 – 2014 – announcer of the program “Important and Happy. Season 3 and 4", TV channel "STB"

2013 – 2014 - announcer of the MasterChef program. Season 3 and 4", TV channel "STB"

2014r. – announcer of the “ShowMania” program, “New Channel” TV channel


2006 – “We remember you” (role - soldier), TV channel "Inter"

2013 – TV series “Euphrosyne” (role – director), TV channel “Ukraine”, TV channel “Russia”


2012 – presenter of the national program “Person of the Year” (co-host Yuri Gorbunov), television broadcast – TV channel “First National”

2013 – host of the “Evening in Memory of Mikhail Voronin” (co-host Alexey Diveev-Tserkovny), television broadcast – TV channel “First National”

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Excerpt characterizing Reshetnik, Grigory Ivanovich

The Viceroy will take possession of the village [of Borodin] and cross his three bridges, following at the same height with the divisions of Morand and Gerard, which, under his leadership, will head to the redoubt and enter the line with the rest of the army.
All this must be done in order (le tout se fera avec ordre et methode), keeping the troops in reserve as much as possible.
In the imperial camp, near Mozhaisk, September 6, 1812.”
This disposition, written in a very unclear and confused way, if we allow ourselves to regard his orders without religious horror at Napoleon’s genius, contained four points - four orders. None of these orders could be or were carried out.
The disposition says, first: that the batteries set up at the place chosen by Napoleon with the Pernetti and Fouche guns aligned with them, a total of one hundred and two guns, open fire and bombard the Russian flashes and redoubts with shells. This could not be done, since the shells from the places appointed by Napoleon did not reach the Russian works, and these one hundred and two guns fired empty until the nearest commander, contrary to Napoleon’s orders, pushed them forward.
The second order was that Poniatowski, heading towards the village into the forest, should bypass the left wing of the Russians. This could not be and was not done because Poniatovsky, heading towards the village into the forest, met Tuchkov there blocking his way and could not and did not bypass the Russian position.
Third order: General Kompan will move into the forest to take possession of the first fortification. Compan's division did not capture the first fortification, but was repulsed because, leaving the forest, it had to form under grapeshot fire, which Napoleon did not know.
Fourth: The Viceroy will take possession of the village (Borodino) and cross his three bridges, following at the same height with the divisions of Maran and Friant (about which it is not said where and when they will move), which, under his leadership, will go to the redoubt and enter the line with other troops.
As far as one can understand - if not from the confused period of this, then from those attempts that were made by the Viceroy to carry out the orders given to him - he was supposed to move through Borodino on the left to the redoubt, while the divisions of Moran and Friant were supposed to move simultaneously from the front.
All this, as well as other points of disposition, was not and could not be fulfilled. Having passed Borodino, the viceroy was repulsed at Kolocha and could not go further; The divisions of Moran and Friant did not take the redoubt, but were repulsed, and the redoubt was captured by cavalry at the end of the battle (probably an unexpected and unheard of thing for Napoleon). So, none of the orders of the disposition were and could not be executed. But the disposition says that upon entering the battle in this way, orders will be given corresponding to the actions of the enemy, and therefore it would seem that during the battle Napoleon would make all the necessary orders; but this was not and could not be because during the entire battle Napoleon was so far from him that (as it turned out later) the course of the battle could not be known to him and not a single order of his during the battle could be carried out.

Many historians say that battle of Borodino the French did not win because Napoleon had a runny nose, that if he had not had a runny nose, then his orders before and during the battle would have been even more ingenious, and Russia would have perished, et la face du monde eut ete changee. [and the face of the world would change.] For historians who recognize that Russia was formed by the will of one man - Peter the Great, and France from a republic developed into an empire, and French troops went to Russia by the will of one man - Napoleon, the reasoning is that Russia remained powerful because Napoleon had a big cold on the 26th, such reasoning is inevitably consistent for such historians.
If it depended on the will of Napoleon to give or not to give the Battle of Borodino and it depended on his will to make this or that order, then it is obvious that a runny nose, which had an impact on the manifestation of his will, could be the reason for the salvation of Russia and that therefore the valet who forgot to give Napoleon On the 24th, waterproof boots were the savior of Russia. On this path of thought, this conclusion is undoubted - as undoubted as the conclusion that Voltaire made jokingly (without knowing what) when he said that the Night of St. Bartholomew occurred from an upset stomach of Charles IX. But for people who do not allow that Russia was formed by the will of one person - Peter I, and that the French Empire was formed and the war with Russia began by the will of one person - Napoleon, this reasoning not only seems incorrect, unreasonable, but also contrary to the whole essence human. When asked what constitutes the cause historical events, another answer seems to be that the course of world events is predetermined from above, depends on the coincidence of all the arbitrariness of the people participating in these events, and that the influence of Napoleons on the course of these events is only external and fictitious.
Strange as it may seem at first glance, the assumption that the Night of St. Bartholomew, the order for which was given by Charles IX, did not occur at his will, but that it only seemed to him that he ordered it to be done, and that the Borodino massacre of eighty thousand people did not occur at the will of Napoleon (despite the fact that he gave orders about the beginning and course of the battle), and that it seemed to him only that he ordered it - no matter how strange this assumption seems, but human dignity tells me that each of us, if not more, then no way less people than the great Napoleon, orders to allow this solution to the issue, and historical research abundantly confirm this assumption.
In the Battle of Borodino, Napoleon did not shoot at anyone and did not kill anyone. The soldiers did all this. Therefore, it was not he who killed people.
The soldiers of the French army went to kill Russian soldiers in the Battle of Borodino not as a result of Napoleon’s orders, but by at will. The entire army: the French, Italians, Germans, Poles - hungry, ragged and exhausted from the campaign - in view of the army blocking Moscow from them, they felt that le vin est tire et qu"il faut le boire. [the wine is uncorked and it is necessary to drink it .] If Napoleon had now forbidden them to fight the Russians, they would have killed him and gone to fight the Russians, because they needed it.
When they listened to the order of Napoleon, who presented them with the words of posterity for their injuries and death as a consolation that they too had been in the battle of Moscow, they shouted “Vive l" Empereur!” just as they shouted “Vive l"Empereur!” upon seeing the image of a boy piercing Earth bilboke stick; just as they would shout “Vive l"Empereur!” at any nonsense that would be told to them. They had no choice but to shout “Vive l" Empereur!” and go fight to find food and rest for the victors in Moscow. Therefore, it was not as a result of Napoleon’s orders that they killed their own kind.
And it was not Napoleon who controlled the course of the battle, because nothing was carried out from his disposition and during the battle he did not know about what was happening in front of him. Therefore, the way in which these people killed each other did not happen at the will of Napoleon, but happened independently of him, at the will of hundreds of thousands of people who participated in the common cause. It only seemed to Napoleon that the whole thing was happening according to his will. And therefore the question of whether or not Napoleon had a runny nose is not relevant to history. more interest than the question about the runny nose of the last Furshtat soldier.


WITH 1999 By 2001

IN 2001

WITH 2002 By 2007 2009

IN 2005

Grigory Reshetnik was born on October 17 1983 years in Nikolaev in the family of a telephone technician and a merchandise specialist.

Now Gregory’s parents live in Nikolaev, are engaged in private entrepreneurship and trade, and the TV presenter himself lives in Kyiv.

From the age of 11 he danced in the folk dance group “Trichtsvet”.

WITH 1999 By 2001 I studied for a year in the theater studio of the city house of creativity (Nikolaev).

IN 2001 year he entered the Nikolaev branch of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy as a financier, where he studied for a year and realized that this was not his specialty.

WITH 2002 By 2007 studied at the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, Institute of Cinema and Television, specialty - announcer and TV program presenter (journalist, actor). Received a master's degree with honors. WITH 2009 year - graduate student at the same university.

IN 2005 year he hosted the programs “This Day in History” and “Everything Will Work Out” on the First National. The same year he starred in the film “We Remember You” on the Inter TV channel.

Grigory also worked as an announcer in television projects: “Under the Gun” (ICTV), “Stop 10” (ICTV) and “Faina Yukraina” (New Channel).

In summer 2008 year, Grigory passed the voice casting of the STB TV channel and became the announcer of four projects at once, and soon the presenter. Grigory is the co-host of Nadezhda Meikher on the program “The Incredible Truth about the Stars”, and is also the announcer of such projects as “My Truth”, “In Search of Truth”, “Mosfilm. Unknown version" and "Parallel world".

Gregory also read voice-over text in some episodes of the first season of “The Bachelor.”

WITH 2009 year - postgraduate student at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Grigory Reshetnik will host the second season of the most romantic reality show in Ukraine “The Bachelor” (STB), the main character of which is 33-year-old professional photographer, descendant of the royal Romanov family, Francis Matthew from Great Britain.

In his free time from work, Gregory likes to go to the cinema, read books, play sports and enjoy socializing with friends. Also loves travel, sports (alpine skiing, wakeboarding, football, tennis), books and cinema.

IN 2011 year became the host of the reality show “Bachelor 2” (STB), the main character of which was a 33-year-old professional photographer, a descendant of the royal Romanov family from Great Britain.

In the same 2013 year, Grigory was the announcer of such programs as “Save Our Family”, “Zvazhenі and Happy” and “MasterChef”.