With role play library goal. Role-playing games in kindergarten

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The purpose of the project: to expand children's knowledge about the life around them; show the social significance of libraries;

Project objectives:

Form children's ideas about the library;

Introduce the work of a librarian;

Foster respect for the work of library workers;

To develop the rules of a culture of behavior in public places;

To improve the quality of work between parents and children in using the book;

Introducing children to reading;

Careful attitude towards the book;

Develop the ability to agree on the theme of the game, distribute roles, agree on the sequence of joint actions, independently resolve conflicts that arise during the game, and the ability to conduct a simple dialogue with peers and adults.

Participants: children, parents, older group teachers

Project scale: 1 month

Project rationale:

Preschool childhood is a very important stage in raising an attentive, sensitive reader who loves books that help him understand the world around him and himself in it.

The implementation of the project involves work in the following stages:

Introduction to the problem.

What is a library? What do you know about her?

Step-by-step solution to the problem (integration of educational areas)

1. NGO "Cognition".

Excursion to the library;

Lesson on the topic "The history of the creation of the book";

Lesson on the topic “Where the book came from”;

2. NGO "Reading Fiction"

L.Kon "Volodya and the Geese";

Reading library books;

Reading fairy tales and stories at the request of children.

3. NGO "Artistic Creativity".

Making bookmarks,


Making drawings for your favorite fairy tales.

Design of exhibitions of books by topic in the book corner.

4. NGO "Trud".

Book repair.

5. NGO "Communication".

Compiling stories on the topic “What my mother read to me about”;

Compiling stories based on the painting “In the Library”;

Situational conversations: “What to do if you tore a book?”, “If there were no books,” etc.

Quiz on Russian folk tales;

Examination of illustrations;

6. Interaction with family:

Survey of children (Have you been to the library? What is the difference between a library and a bookstore? Do your parents read to you? What do they read? What is your favorite fairy tale? story?);

Parents (Do you read to children? What do you read? When buying books, do you take into account the child’s wishes or your choice? Do you visit the library with your child?)

Carrying out the campaign “Give a book to a kindergarten”;

Visiting the library;

Oral journal "The influence of books on children's development"; "What to read to children."

Sharing family experiences;

Campaign "Read Aloud Day" (parents - children);

Presentation of books - homemade products made by parents and children.

Expected results of the project:

As a result of the project, we expect that children’s knowledge about the world around them will increase: children will understand the importance of libraries; will know and respect the work of a librarian; will treat the book not only as entertainment, but as a source of educational interests. Involving parents in the project will allow them to become interested and actively include them in the educational process.


1.Teach knowledge about the surrounding life, show social significance


2. Expand ideas about library workers, reinforce rules of behavior

in a public place.

3.Develop children's memory and speech.

4.Cultivate in children an interest and love for books.


Account cards;

Books arranged on shelves;

Card index.

Previous work:

Excursion to the library followed by conversation;

Examination of the painting “The Librarian” from the series of books “Who to be?”;

Reading the work of S. Zhupanin “I am a librarian”;

Production of forms.

Game roles:



Game actions:

Registration of reader forms;

Acceptance of applications by the librarian;

Working with a card index;

Issuance of books;

Reading room.

Progress of the game.

Educator: - Guys, a library has opened in our city. Let's go there on a tour.

(Children move around the group).

Here we are in the city, but the library is still closed and we have time to go to the hairdresser, pharmacy, store, whoever needs it. Meet me at the library.

(Children disperse into zones, assign roles themselves, the teacher helps necessary).

Attention, let's finish our business and approach the appointed place.

(All children approach the library; the teacher can take on the role of the librarian in the first game).

Guys, this is a library. A lot of books, magazines, and newspapers are stored here. The librarian keeps all these books and is responsible for them. He gives books to readers, writes down the title of the book and the special number that each book has on a card.

(The teacher shows a sample).

– After the reader reads the book, he must return it back to the library. There is a reading room here. It is needed in order to read books that are in the archive. These are very valuable books, often they are in one copy and the librarian cannot allow you to take them home with you. Let me remind you that you cannot make noise in the reading room; you need to behave very quietly so as not to disturb others. Now let's go to the book shelves and see how many different interesting books there are.

(Children look at books).

Let's ask the librarian to give us the most interesting books from the archive and go to the reading room with them.

(Children go to the tables and look at the books).

Guys, it’s time for us to return to the group, we hand over all the books to the librarian. If you want to take a book with you, go to the librarian, he will create a reader card for you and write down the name of the book you took.

(Children choose books, stand in line, sign up, thank them and leave).

In a group, the teacher can invite the children to open a “Book Workshop” for repairing books. Children put all their books in order: they glue them, smooth out wrinkled sheets, wrap the books and write titles on the wrappers.

When all the books are put in order and placed on the shelf, the teacher and the children can read the work of S. Zhupanin “I am a librarian”

Next time, the child of the group takes on the role of librarian.

Irina Dekhant and company
Summary of the role-playing game “Library”

Target: Consolidate knowledge about library.


Expand children's understanding of the profession librarian, content and significance of work librarian.

To foster responsiveness and respect for work in children librarian

Cultivate a caring attitude towards books

Preliminary work:

Excursion to library

History of the book's past

Looking at illustrations

Let's remember these rules:

1. The book needs to be reviewed beyond the corner of the page.

2. The book should not be torn or dirty

3. Books are read at the table.

(Presentation of homemade books made by parents and children)

Educator: It’s like we’ve stepped into something magical kingdom:

Thousands of books live on the shelves there.

Smart, kind children will come here,

They will read all the books from cover to cover.

I will be the director. My name is Lyubov Vyacheslavovna. Today I want to introduce you to library.


If you wrote a book,

So you're a writer

If you read the book.

So you ….


Do you want to be readers?

What do you think readers do in library? (children's answers)


Pills and potion

The pharmacist sells it to you,

Textbooks and books

Will find us...


Children give answers who will librarian.

We were with you on an excursion to library. Let's remember which departments work in library? (subscription, reading room, living room, book workshop)


One after another, exactly in a row,

The cards stand together

To help anyone,


(What is this-)

Whoever gave the correct answer will work on the subscription. (They fill out a form on it. They talk about books)


Who can guess?

Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but a story...

1 librarian: Welcome to the subscription.

The kingdom is filled with mysterious light,

Silence hid somewhere in the shadows here.

And you can hear breathing on every page

We are happy to see you!

We have a new arrival of books. Please come in, please get acquainted. (shows books and recommends them)

Guys, let's remember the rules of conduct in library. (children's answers)

Well done, you know the rules well.

Children choose books.

Maxim, do you like this book?

Masha, what did you like?

If you liked it, come over and I'll write the book for you.

(librarian fills out a form)

2 librarian: I invite you to the reading room.

There are old books in this room,

And there are new ones.

It's impossible to read them all.

But each gives us the joy of knowledge,

Therefore, they must be sacred... Protect.

Doctor - artisan: In our library there is a book workshop.

Guys, I am a master craftsman and invite everyone to help me repair books and make bookmarks.

What are bookmarks for? (answers children: to make it convenient to use the book)

2 librarian: We're glad to see you. Introduce new books, unusual ones, consider magazines. I suggest you pay attention to this book (shows and tells)

After this, the children independently choose books and magazines and sit and look at them.

The phone rings.

Director libraries: Hello?

Warehouse store salesperson: Hello! We have received new literature. Would you like to purchase them for your libraries? They are very colorful and interesting.

Director: Okay, let's place an order, fill out the document, send a courier.

Driver - courier: Let's place an order. Signs the document.

Director: When will you deliver our order?

Chauffeur: During the day.

Director: New books will be brought to us soon, we invite you to get acquainted with them.

Chauffeur: I brought the order.

Project passport

Project type

1. Informational

2. Creative

3. Social


1. Long term

2. Together with parents


1. Children of the older group

2. Parents

3. Teachers, specialists

Target: nurturing love and respect for the book.

Map of children's creativity ideas.

Project diagram « Library»

Stage 1:


Title, topic

Activity planning

Stage 2: Practical activities

Cognitive development

Play activity

World libraries

Artistic and creative development

Stage 3:

Project presentation

Story-based role-playing game« Library»

Happiness is that again in the morning

The children are going back to kindergarten.

Children are waiting for the opening there

And classes are 25 minutes long.

To teach and warm the soul -

This is our teacher’s work,

And make hearts warmer

It was to come over these years.

What I hear I forget.

What I see and hear, I remember a little.

What I see, hear and discuss, I begin to understand.

When I hear, see, discuss, I acquire knowledge and skills.

When I pass on knowledge to others. I'm becoming a master.

To have the right to teach, you must constantly study yourself.

Publications on the topic:

GOAL: To develop children's interest in role-playing games, to help create a play environment. OBJECTIVES: enrich vocabulary. Fasten.

Children at all times loved to play various games, choosing a plot on their own or with the help of adults. One of these games, the name of which.

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention the idea of ​​decorating a book corner and a role-playing game "Library" Thematic.

Thematic role-playing game “Library” in the senior group of kindergarten. “Book Week” has ended in our kindergarten. Lots of interesting events.

Role-playing game "Kindergarten" Thematic role-playing game “Kindergarten” (developed on the basis of N. M. Krylova’s technology “Kindergarten - a house of joy”) Purpose: to promote that.

Plot-role-playing game: “Library”

Goal: Expand the understanding of the librarian profession. Combine the game “Family”, “Library”, “Kindergarten” into one plot.

Objectives: Learn to perform actions appropriate to the work of a librarian and readers: talk about books, fill out an electronic form, find the necessary books, type text on a “computer”.

Preliminary work: conversations, game situations, preparation of attributes.

Individual work: preparing Ksyusha for the role of a librarian with a message about new books, magazines for girls and boys.

Attributes for the game: a marker of the playing space, diagrams of the rules of behavior in the library, magazines for girls and boys, books by various writers and poets, of different genres, a monitor with a keyboard, a substitute monitor, a substitute printer.

Progress of the game:

The teacher informs the children that Ksyusha came to kindergarten today with books. And if we wanted to play with you, what game can we play to get acquainted with these books?

(children's answers)

That's right, the game "Library". Who works there?


Who will be our librarian today?


Why she?

(because she brought books and will introduce us to them)

How many librarians can there be in a library?

(children's answers)

Ksyusha, we suggest you choose an assistant.

(a participant is selected to play the role of the second librarian).

What do we need to organize this game?

(schemes are laid out)

(marker of the playing space, tables in the reading room, computer for the librarian’s work, participants in the game are children)

Well, everything is ready. You can start the game. The children and the teacher are preparing to go to the library, and the librarian is waiting for the children.

(children choose a participant to play the role of teacher)

Educator - Children, we came to the library. Before we go there, let's remember the rules of conduct.

(schemes are used)

1 Librarian: - Hello children, go to the reading room and take a seat at the table.

I will introduce you to a new addition to our reading room. I have in my hands a book by a famous writer....(showing a portrait of the writer using a presentation. It is interesting because...... And we also have new magazines in the reading room, for girls and boys. You can now take them and look at them at the table.

After giving the children a little time to look, the second character, the librarian, comes into play.

2 Librarian: - Hello children, I want to inform you that our subscription department has also been replenished with new and interesting books that you can take home and read. Today we will have the opening of a new exhibition, and we invite you and your parents. And now we say goodbye to you, we are waiting for you and your parents.

(children leave, distribute the roles of parent and child and return to the library)

2 The librarian invites you to the exhibition of new books, invites you to look at them, choose a book, writes it down in an electronic form, reminds you that the book is issued for 10 days, you must return it on time.

Children are given the opportunity to develop further actions independently.

Reading books at home with parents

A reader comes to the library to reprint information from sources (with his laptop, boy)

Return of “parents with children” to the library to return books

A visitor comes to use the Internet, send an order, for example

Readers look for the event script and reprint it (girls)

He takes a photo of a dress from a fashion magazine with a camera and discusses it with a friend.

The game continues until the children's interest in it dries up, within a temporary space.

Summary of the role-playing game"Library" in the preparatory group

Ignatieva Anzhelika Rollanovna,

teacher MBDOU D/s No. 96 "Brusnichka" Yakutsk

Target: To consolidate knowledge about the world around us, to build the plot of the game based on personal experience, the ability to implement and develop the plot of the game, showing creative imagination, artistic speech expressiveness, intonation expressiveness of speech, to develop communicative relationships during the game, to encourage children to active coherent speech, to continue introducing with rules of behavior in public places; clarify children’s ideas about the library; develop interest in the printed word; cultivate interest, love and respect for the book; promote the establishment of role relationships, form correct relationships between children in the team.

Preliminary work:

  1. Excursion to the library.
  2. Situational conversations: “What to do if you tore a book?”; "If there were no books."
  3. Rules of behavior in public places.
  4. Quiz on Russian fairy tales.
  5. Production of forms and tags.

Preparing for the game:

  • design of the play area;
  • forms;
  • books;
  • telephone;
  • tags;
  • notebook;
  • cap;
  • pens.

Methodical techniques:

  • dialogues;
  • distribution of roles;
  • monologues;
  • puzzles;
  • poetry;
  • questions;
  • conversation before and after the game;
  • assessment of the player's behavior;
  • advice, hint.

Intended roles:

  • Manager;
  • Librarians;
  • Readers;
  • Wardrobe attendant;
  • Driver-courier.

Progress of the game:

Educator:- Guys, do you want to find out and talk about what we will play today?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: - But for this, guess my riddle. Listen carefully.

Not a bush, but with leaves.

Not a shirt, but a sewn one.

Not a person, but a storyteller.

Children:- Book.

Educator: - Do you like when books are read to you? Where can I get a book to read a book?

Children:-Yes. In library.

Educator:- I want to invite you to play “Library” now. To start the game, I suggest you solve a riddle. The pharmacist sells you the tablet and medicine,

Textbooks and books will be found for you...

Children:- Librarian.

Educator:- Guess the following riddle:

If you wrote a book, then you are a writer,

If you read the book, then you...


Educator:- Well done! Do you think there should be readers in the library?

Children:- Yes.

Educator:- Who wants to be a reader? (Children assign roles themselves)

Educator:- who wants to be a librarian in the game (the children offer Snezhana). Okay Snezhana, will you be a librarian? Guys, do you think Snezhana will cope with the job of a librarian?

Children:- He can handle it.

Educator:-What departments are there in the library?

Children:- Reading room, subscription.

Educator:- So we need another librarian.

Children:-Christina wishes.

Educator:-Fine. Now girls, agree which of you will be in the subscription room and which in the reading room (the girls are divided up)

Educator:- Christina wants to work on a subscription. Why?

Christina:- I like filling out the form and talking about new books.

Educator:-Snezhana in the reading room. Why?

Snezhana:-I love it when children look for books, and I give them what they were looking for.

Educator:- Well done! Guys, where do you think the books in the library come from?

Children:- People bring it, buy it from stores.

Educator:-Well done! The library orders books from bookstores. This means we need a bookstore or warehouse salesperson (children agree on roles).

Educator:- Who brings and delivers books to the library?

Children:- Courier driver.

Educator:-Guys, who meets us first in the library?

Children: -Closetkeeper.

Educator:- You guessed it! Now let's distribute the roles. Who will be the seller, courier driver and cloakroom attendant? (children negotiate themselves)

Educator:- Guys, who else do you think works in the library? Who looks after the staff? Who orders books? Who is the most important?


Educator:-Good girls! Do you mind if I manage the library?

Everyone has assigned roles and we can play.


1 reader:-Hello!

Wardrobekeeper: - Hello! Take off your outer clothing and go through.

1 reader:-Fine. Here, take your jacket.

Wardrobekeeper:-Here is your tag.

1 reader passes for a subscription.

1 reader: -Hello.

1st librarian:-Hello, what book do you want to read?

1 reader:- I want the book “Tsokotukha Fly”.

1st librarian:-Please go to the shelves. We have such a book. Will you take it with you or will you read it in the reading room?

1 reader:-I'll take the book with me.

1st librarian:-I'll write the book down on the form. Take it please. Goodbye.

(1 reader leaves, 2 readers come up)

1st librarian:-Hello, you can go to the reading room (children are divided into rooms if they wish)

Manager: - Children, do you know the rules for using the book?

Children:-Yes, watch carefully. You cannot fold the pages, put pencils or pens between the pages, or bend the book. Because of this, the book quickly ages, its pages are torn off.

Manager: I'll be in my office. Must order new books.

The manager calls the bookstore salesperson.

Manager:-Hello, hello. Is this a bookstore? Have you received new literature?

Salesman:- Hello, good afternoon. Yes, we have received new books: fairy tales, crosswords, puzzles. Would you like to purchase? Very good colorful books

Manager:-Oh, how good. Let's place an order, send a courier.

When will you deliver the order?

Salesman:- In one hour.

The courier driver arrives.

Delivery driver:- Hello, I brought you an order. Please sign it.

The manager checks the delivered order.

Manager: - Thanks for quick delivery. Goodbye.

The children continue the game.