Nastya Ivleva is in contact. Nastya Ivleeva and rapper Eldzhey: details of the personal life of the star couple

The first person in Russia to have the entry “blogger” in her work book is the beautiful and ambitious Anastasia Ivleeva. The biography of this girl is quite interesting and is not a secret. With her life, Nastya sets an example for the younger generation, teaches them not to stand still, to look for their true path and not to rest on their laurels.

Biography before Instagram

March 8, 1991 year, a girl was born in what was then still Leningrad. Her parents named her Anastasia. She spent her childhood in her hometown. At the university she studied at the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations.

In parallel with her studies, Anastasia began to work. At first she was a manicurist, and later found a job as a hostess in a nightclub. At first, Anastasia liked the new place, but later it became clear that this was far from the most promising job.

Anastasia constantly wanted to change her life. To do this, in 2015 I decided to move to Moscow. She had nowhere to stay in Moscow, so she had to immediately rent an apartment. And since cash reserves were also not large, it was necessary to immediately get a job.

After working for a while in a Moscow restaurant, she received an offer to work in one of the car dealerships as a document processing manager.

Nastya didn’t really like her job; it was hard to endure the daily office atmosphere. However, she could not refuse, since it was during this period that she finally decided on her calling and entered the Ostankino television school.

Anastasia Ivleeva: Instagram

Nastya’s friends advised her to start blogging on the Internet. After some thought, she first shot a short funny video where she drinks from a glass with two straws. Users liked the video and they began to subscribe to her page. As a result, Nastya left her job at the salon and began to work closely in a new field of activity.

In just a few years, Nastya managed to attract more than three million subscribers. Main activity Anastasia on Instagram is the shooting of short and funny videos on women's topics.

It should be noted that in Moscow the girl met many authoritative bloggers who, to some extent, taught her this difficult work. But Nastya achieved such great popularity for the following reasons:

  1. Initially, Anastasia chose a female audience;
  2. Instead of simple photos, she uploads videos;
  3. Topics are presented in a humorous manner;
  4. In the video, simple everyday situations are considered outside the box.

In addition to Instagram, Anastasia also has your YouTube channel. However, he is not such a priority for Anastasia and, accordingly, is a little less popular among subscribers.

Anastasia Ivleeva: height and weight, parameters

After receiving wide recognition on the Internet, Anastasia first began acting in commercials, and a little later she starred for the frank MAXIM magazine. From that moment on, everyone saw the delightful girl in full beauty.

Ivleeva parameters:

  • Chest - 97 cm;
  • Waist - 67 cm;
  • Hips - 98 cm;
  • Height - 174 cm;
  • Weight - 65 cm;
  • Foot size - 39.

Nastya is proud of her parameters and notes that she makes a lot of effort to keep herself in shape:

  1. Eats the right food;
  2. Plays sports at least three times a week for an hour;
  3. Regularly visits a massage therapist;
  4. Does peelings and wraps.

It is this approach to appearance that helps a girl look stunning.

Television career

Ivleeva’s television career began in 2016. Then she starred on the U TV channel. Ten bloggers competed in the “Anything Is Possible” show. Three times a week, participants had to complete pre-prepared tests. At the same time, at the same time, they maintained Instagram, where they commented on everything that was happening.

In 2017, Nastya was offered to host the fourteenth season of the “Heads and Tails” project. Nastya easily passed the selection and happily started working with her partner Anton Ptushkin. However, having visited the first foreign city, Nastya realized that a travel show is hellish work, which has many pitfalls:

  1. You have to try a lot of unusual foods;
  2. Frequent change of time zones;
  3. Constant moving and isolation from home.

However, despite all the difficulties, the girl copes successfully and does not complain of fatigue.

Personal life of a TV presenter

Although Anastasia was not officially married, for a long time, namely since 2015, she had a relationship with Arseny Borodin, the former lead singer of the popular group Chelsea. It was this person who pushed Anastasia to move to another city, introduced her to many necessary people and took a direct part in her professional activities as a blogger. They broke up last October.

Nastya is credited with having affairs with such men as:

  • Singer Oleg Miami;
  • Showman and Anastasia’s partner in “Heads and Tails” - A. Ptushkin;
  • Rapper Eljay.

Be that as it may, Anastasia remains a desirable marriageable bride to this day; she has not yet married anyone.

Thus, the idol of our days, Anastasia Ivleeva, whose biography is full of various interesting events and hard work, has become an example of a young, beautiful, purposeful and sought-after girl. But for all her merits, Anastasia continues to move forward and follows the example of even more successful colleagues and friends.

Video: rare interview with Anastasia

In this video, journalist Anna Lozhkina will ask awkward questions to Anastasia Ivleeva on personal topics:

Let us remind you that Nastya Ivleeva is a popular blogger and host of the “Heads and Tails” and “AGENTSHOW” programs. The young and ambitious beauty easily captivated the viewer with her spontaneity and sharp mind. What do we know about her? We offer you 10 of the most interesting facts from the life of Nastya Ivleeva.

Screenshot. Issue Heads and Tails. Reboot. Singapore

  1. As a child, I was more of a tomboy than a lady. I was walking with my friend around the yard, climbing trees.
  2. She played basketball and volleyball, but dreamed of becoming an actress.
  3. In St. Petersburg I can’t decide on the type of activity. I tried myself in a nightclub and as a manicurist. Then she moved to the capital.

    The first million in the life of Nastya Ivleeva

    Working as a manicurist, I dreamed of learning how to do very beautiful nails and improving myself in this area. They paid very little, about 50 rubles for one session, there wasn’t enough money. One day, he and his sister chipped in for lunch and could only buy Snickers. But Nastya remembers this with a smile.

    But working in a nightclub brought in huge amounts of money at that time. Nastya worked as a hostess and earned about 100,000 rubles a month. She did not look for a rich husband there and thereby attracted the attention of men as an intelligent and interesting girl. According to Ivleeva, it was the coolest club, where the richest people came, both local and foreigners.

    At the age of 23, while working at the club, Anastasia decided to create her own business. Without any business plan, I decided to open a shoe repair shop. She approached one rich club visitor and said that she needed an investor. He gave her 1 million instead of the requested 300-400 thousand rubles. But Nastya never revealed anything, having simply spent this money. This was her first million in her life.

  4. In Moscow, she got a job as a manager at a car dealership, where she realized that she didn’t like working according to a schedule.
  5. The first videos in her video blog were about sports. Nastya showed and told me how to practice in order to get results.
  6. I met with Arseny Borodin, the lead singer of the Chelsea group. Then there was an affair with singer Oleg Miami.

    Nastya Ivleeva and Aresny Borodin photo from Instagram

  7. In 2015 she entered the Ostankino Television Higher School.

    He believes that it is stupid to hide behind “make-up”, complexes and stereotypes. After all, she is a living person with her own flaws.

    During the filming of the program, Nastya did not speak English. A month before filming, the presenter began studying with a tutor, but what can you learn in a month? Now he teaches as best he can, on the plane, via Skype, etc.

    Got on the cover of Maxim magazine. In one of the interviews, she said that she was very embarrassed to bare her breasts during this shoot. She even asked everyone to leave except the photographer.

    Creative changes in the life of Nastya Ivleeva

  8. In 2018, she created her own show on the Youtube channel. The show was released almost simultaneously with the first season of the program “Friday with Regina” on the “Friday” channel, where Nastya’s colleague, Regina Todorenko, was the host and producer. But, in the end, the first season was not very successful and Regina completely changed the show and now also releases it only on Youtube. Despite the fact that both girls have created programs where they invite famous people, they do not create competition for each other.

    Ivleeva sponsors her program on her own. She has about 30 people on her team, and spends about 2 million rubles on filming 5-6 programs. The studio has a chic bar, and the wall is covered with photographs of Nastya.

    Since 2018, she has been dating Alge. They met when Nastya and her friends came to his concert. But then they didn’t like each other very much. But half a year after another Eljay concert, they began an affair.

    A man has appeared in Nastya Ivleeva’s life with whom she is very much in love. She believes that he is truly a unique and very talented musician. She also says that she has the best sex with him.

Anastasia Ivleeva. Born on March 8, 1991 in St. Petersburg. Russian TV presenter, blogger.

During my school years I went in for sports.

After graduating from school, she worked in a beauty salon, where she did manicures. Then she worked in a nightclub as a hostel. But she didn’t like working at night and got a job as a manager at a prestigious car dealership.

She graduated from a university with a degree in public relations manager, although, according to her, even during her studies she realized that the field of public relations was not her calling.

In 2015 she moved to Moscow. At the same time, she began to try herself as a video blogger, began filming short humorous vines and posting them on the Internet. Quite quickly, the number of subscribers on her Instagram began to grow. She herself spoke about the secret of success: “I do what I like. First of all, this is my hobby, I put my whole soul and heart into it, and therefore many people feel sincerity in this, find themselves, support, an example.”

In the first year alone, she managed to attract over three million subscribers on her Instagram (known under the nickname @_agentgirl_).

In Moscow, Anastasia graduated from the Ostankino Higher School of Television, her first television project was the reality show “Anything is Possible!” on the “Yu” channel, which started in the fall of 2016. The reality was dedicated to the life of several video bloggers together in a multi-room house, where they improved their skills. The jury of the project, in addition to Anastasia Ivleeva, included Eldar Dzharakhov and Stas Davydov.

The beauty was noticed by glossy publications. Nastya starred in a rather candid photo shoot for the men's magazine Maxim. As she said, she was offered to appear on the pages of Maxim back when she lived in St. Petersburg and was a little-known fitness model, but she refused.

In the spring of 2017, it became known that Anastasia Ivleeva, together with Anton Ptushkin, became the host of the popular travel show “Heads and Tails” on the channel “Friday!” - “Heads and Tails. Reboot". They had to find out how life and the tourism sector had changed in those cities where their predecessors (Andrei Bednyakov and Zhanna Badoeva) had visited in the first season of the show.

“I am the host of an incredible travel show “Heads and Tails.” Reboot"... we travel to the cities where Andrei and Zhanna were 6 whole years ago! We look at what changes have happened and try to tell about it in an interesting and fun way... Lovers of my humor, don’t worry, I had to get used to it combine these things when traveling!”, commented Nastya. “It’s not so easy to host a travel program - it’s incredible work! Traveling is psychologically very difficult,” she admitted.

Anastasia Ivleeva's height: 174 centimeters.

Parameters of Anastasia Ivleeva: chest - 97 cm, waist - 67 cm, hips - 98 cm.

Personal life of Anastasia Ivleeva:

Since 2011, she lived in a de facto marriage with a graduate of the “Star Factory” and lead singer of the Chelsea group, Arseny Borodin. They met in St. Petersburg when Nastya was still working as a hostess. After moving to Moscow, Arseny helped Nastya find a job; it was he who, having considered the girl’s talent, advised her to start a video blog and helped her make her first short videos with humorous content, the so-called vines.

In 2016, Arseny Borodin directed Ivleeva in the video “Native”. However, at the beginning of 2017, their relationship fizzled out and the couple broke up.

Nastya noted that only a man could be next to her who would not limit her freedom and career growth. She said: “This is some kind of stupidity when people limit each other in some dreams, in some development. For me, these are not people at all, but some kind of disabled people. You should be free, but freedom is also perceived in different ways. Freedom in terms of development, in terms of work, in terms of hobbies... We cannot be limited by anyone, so only the person who supports me and believes in me can be with me."

Video clips of Anastasia Ivleeva:

2016 - “Native” (Arseny Borodin)
2017 - “If you are with me” (Oleg Miami)

A girl named Nastenka was born on a beautiful day when all women are congratulated on the holiday and given armfuls of flowers on March 8, 1991 in the city on the Neva.

The baby spent her entire childhood in rainy St. Petersburg, which she loves very much. As a schoolgirl, the girl was a real tomboy, a tomboy, she played football with the boys and played pranks. Mom worked a lot, so Nastya had complete freedom of action, she constantly climbed trees and pulled the tails of the neighbor's cats.

The girl admits that she was not too spoiled, so she played pranks herself, although she was given a strict upbringing. Now Nastya, smiling, recalls her childhood years and claims that her younger brother always received less curses, because she took all the blame for her mischief on her fragile shoulders, although her mother was sometimes even very tough and strict.

After graduating from school, the girl had many interesting activities, here are just a few of them:

  • Sportsmanship.
  • Public relations.
  • Personal care.
  • A television.

Nastya is a purposeful girl, so she decides to develop and leaves for Moscow. In the capital, she enters a higher school at Ostankino to study, but not everything succeeds quickly and immediately.

Work and debut

Anastasia Ivleeva worked everywhere. First, she mastered manicure courses and worked for some time in a beauty salon, but this did not appeal to the creative personality, so the girl changed her field of activity and found herself working as a hostel in one of the capital’s nightclubs. The blogger didn’t stay here long either. She was too tired of the exhausting night work schedule.

In general, the first pancake turned out to be lumpy, but the resilient optimist still finds her channel and tries to break into television. Nastya made her debut in a program called “Anything is possible!”, which aired on TV channel Yu. It was something like a reality show dedicated to the life of the most popular video bloggers in the country. The entire program was filmed in a large house, where the participants honed their skills in front of the audience.

These were only the first steps towards popularity, which Anastasia took brilliantly.

Nastya Ivleeva gained wide popularity after the airing of the travel show “Heads and Tails. Reboot". After this, many began to be interested in the girl’s personal life and her hobbies. In addition to being the host of a famous program, Nastya is a popular Internet blogger.

Many people have a question: who is Nastya Ivleeva’s boyfriend? And it’s hard to believe that this active girl has time for a romantic relationship. But, despite her busy schedule, her biography includes several high-profile novels.

First relationship

Nastya Ivleeva was born in St. Petersburg. After graduating from school, she entered a university and after graduation was supposed to receive a diploma in public relations management. The girl managed to combine her studies and work as a hostess in a nightclub.

During her work shift, Nastya met a young man. It was Arseny Borodin, lead singer of the Chelsea group. He happened to be passing through St. Petersburg and dropped in for a few hours at the nightclub where Nastya worked. The young people immediately liked each other, because they had a lot in common and were very purposeful.

At first, their relationship was friendly. They called each other, shared plans and asked each other for advice. When Nastya decided that she did not want to spend her whole life in public relations, it was Arseny who supported her and offered to move to Moscow with him.

At first, the young people lived separately. Nastya had to get an office job to pay for her housing. At this time, the girl graduated from the Ostankino school, and Arseny tried to “introduce” her into the world of show business. Constant communication yielded results. Soon the young people began to live together.

In fact, Nastya and Arseny began to live in a civil marriage. The girl took care of everyday life, Arseny was engaged in creativity and helped the girl realize her creative potential. In their interviews, the couple spoke more than once about marriage, but it never came to that. In 2017, the young people announced their separation. They did not give a reason for this.

And again the singer

Rumor has it that the reason for Nastya Ivleeva’s separation from Arseny Borodin was her passion for another man. It was singer Oleg Miami. In 2017, they crossed paths at work, and at the end of the same year they announced themselves as a couple.

All of Nastya’s followers on Instagram watched their whirlwind romance. The couple did not hesitate to appear together at events or post joint photos on the Internet. But their romance ended quickly enough. Fans also learned about this from social networks. There was a photograph where Oleg was captured together with the lead singer of the Serebro group. From this it was concluded that the affair with Nastya was over, although neither party commented on this.

Interesting notes:

Later, Oleg Miami said in an interview that he had friendly and working relations with Nastya and Olga Serebriakina.

Chasing adventure

Nastya tries to constantly develop and learn something new. The next step for her was casting for the role of host of the travel show “Heads and Tails. Reboot". The girl successfully passed it and kept company with another presenter Anton Ptushkin.

Along with a new round in her career, the girl began a new romantic relationship. But it took some time for them to develop. We are talking about relationships with program partner Anton Ptushkin.

The couple does not comment on their relationship, but fans are sure that there is something between the young people. Anton himself said that his first impressions of Nastya were very negative. The girl constantly made fun of him both on camera and during breaks between filming. This irritated the guy very much.

But after that the young people were able to make friends. They posted photos of each other on their pages on social networks.

After this, fans decided that the relationship between Nastya and Anton had moved to a new level. While traveling, they spent a lot of time together and this could clearly become an impetus for the development of a romantic relationship.

One more love

Now there is news about Nastya’s affair with singer Eljay. They were provoked by the girl herself, who posted a photo of her tenderly hugging the singer. But again, Nastya did not directly talk about her new relationship.

Eljay said that he doesn't have time for a relationship. He devotes all his time to music and recording new songs. But a video of him passionately kissing a girl went viral. The girl was very reminiscent of Nastya Ivleeva.

Perhaps the couple prefers not to talk too much about their relationship yet which started quite recently. When they consider it necessary, they will definitely tell everyone about them. Of course, photos of them together appear on social networks, but many people think that this is just PR and not sincere feelings.

While Nastya continues to create intrigue around her personal life. But that’s not the only reason she’s interesting to fans. She was able to establish herself as a presenter, blogger and model and did so very successfully. Thus, everyone is waiting with interest to see what the next news from Nastya Ivleeva will be.