What kind of children does Agutin have? Elizaveta Varum - daughter of star parents

It’s true what they say that other people’s children grow by leaps and bounds. Just in February, the daughter of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin turned 17 years old.

Anzhelika Varum almost never dedicates the public to her personal life, but this time the star Russian stage decided to lift the veil over my family life and showed photographs of her grown-up daughter, who lives in Miami. The parents did not even notice how their daughter Elizabeth became an adult.

Varum shared her most intimate secrets and told how she and her daughter manage to maintain a warm relationship for such a long time. long distance: “Geography has no effect on our relationship. Another thing is age... Lisa turned 17 in February. At this time, parents usually already “sign up for an audience” with the child. She has her own wide range of interests, big circle communication and very busy schedule affairs, including music and study.

But we have several unchanging traditions. Every time upon arrival in Miami and before flying to Moscow, my family and friends gather at our home table. I really love to cook and I really like to receive guests. Family dinners are one of the fondest memories of my childhood. I hope our daughter will inherit this tradition and the same warm memories.”

17-year-old Lisa has a young man with a very extravagant appearance. “A child with his boyfriend. Time, where are you rushing?!” - Agutin asks in the caption to the photo. Fans of the singer noted the similarity between Lisa’s boyfriend and Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. in his youth. Others are the couple’s resemblance to Angelica and Leonid themselves.

The girl followed in the footsteps of her parents and organized her own rock band in Miami called Without Gravity. Apparently, the team is doing well. Lisa and the musicians even performed on American television.

Angelica Varum also revealed the secret of her strong marriage: “We have a set of laws that operates within the perimeter of our house. First - not a word about work! Second - not a word about politics! Otherwise for 19 years life together each of us won our rights and outlined our comfort zone. Long-term family relationships truly impossible without compromise. And we are capable of compromises only when we understand why. Of course, love is in this case- the main argument."

More recently, news began to spread across the Internet that Agutin and Varum’s daughter has autism. Journalists did not skimp on expressions own opinion on this score, not sparing the star family, and accusing the girl’s parents of provoking the development of a terrible diagnosis. But is this really so? And why even the most loyal fans believed that Varum’s daughter had autism.

Family relationships. Why is the rumor so believable?

The celebrity couple has been a darling of the yellow press for decades. What they didn’t write about her. There were statements in the news about divorce, infidelity, and even the fact that the marriage was fictitious. belief sincere feelings The couple was also undermined by Leonid’s antics. However, wisdom and the desire to save the family more often prevailed. And now we can talk about the couple as one of the strongest in domestic show business.

But now the press became bored discussing the relationship between Angelica and Leonid, and they started talking about their daughter. Sensational headlines in newspapers with information about the fact that Agutina and Varum’s daughter suffers from autism far from home become even worse when the girl’s parents accuse her of causing the disease. The rumors were not born without reason, as many fans of the couple believe. Firstly, the daughter does not live with her mother and father, but in America. Moreover, the girl got used to separation from birth. Immediately after Lisa was born, her parents went on tours. And literally from the first months of her life she learned to live without them.

As the star couple themselves say, they saw their daughter a maximum of several times a month, which greatly upset them. But the artist belongs to the stage. Therefore, Angelica and Leonid did not hope for more frequent visits.
Therefore, it is logical for fans to face accusations that Anzhelika Varum’s daughter’s autism was overlooked. early stages leakage. Now, the singer is simply trying to hide information about her daughter’s condition. For this, according to one version, the girl went to live in Miami with Yuri Varum.

Video - Agutin and Varum's daughter Lisa sings with a guitar

What's happening in reality

The couple themselves do not comment on the fact that Agutin and Varum’s daughter Lisa has autism. But Varum and Agutin never cease to brag about their child. Lisa successfully studies in America. And, unlike many children of stars, she understands that her education is not free. She appreciates the work of her parents, so she is not capricious.

Leonid said that his daughter plays rock music. Her hobby is serious, and in the future it can generate income. Therefore, when Lisa ordered an expensive guitar for her birthday, her parents did not refuse her request. In all other respects, the girl grows up without complaints.

Also, as a refutation of the fact that Agutin and Varum’s daughter Lisa has suffered from autism since childhood, there are stories from teachers and peers about her energy and sociability. According to Agutin, the girl has real talent writer, as her teacher told him about. Therefore, parents are aimed at developing this girl’s talent.

Let us remind you that this is not Leonid’s first daughter. From previous marriage he also has a daughter, Polina, who is not much older than Lisa. She lives with her mother in France, and when she first met Lisa, some tension arose between the girls. But, when the completely natural embarrassment passed, they began to actively communicate, and are now in excellent relations. Therefore, not everyone believes that Agutin and Varum’s daughter suffers from autism and leads a somewhat limited lifestyle due to her illness.

The only reason why the girl could be suspected of struggling with such a mental illness is the fact that she is extremely reluctant to make contact with journalists. And if most young girls are only happy increased attention, then Lisa, on the contrary, goes away from him. Perhaps this is why rumors spread that Varum’s daughter has autism.

Video - The daughter of Angelika Varum and Leonid Agutin gave her first interview in Russia

The rich singer spared money for the operation of his own nephew

On July 16th, the country's most famous “barefoot boy” celebrates his anniversary. Over the 45 years of his life, Leonid AGUTIN wrote dozens of hits and won the love of thousands of fans, but at the same time he always remained a closed person. We tried to write a “portrait” of the hero of the day, but there were a lot of gaps in his biography that we tried to fill.

The Agutin-Varum family has always been a mystery to journalists. Many still believe that Leonid and Angelica are not husband and wife at all, but only a profitable creative union. The artists themselves, naturally, do not confirm this information and always appear in public in the image of an ideal married couple. There are many rumors among their relatives: Angelica’s father, the once popular composer Yuri Varum, has been living in Miami for nine years and does not appear in Russia. There, overseas, Agutin and Varum’s daughter, 14-year-old Lisa, also lives in his care. At one time, all the newspapers trumpeted that the girl was taken abroad due to a serious illness. Leonid also has another daughter - the blond beauty Polina. She was born 16 years ago as a result of the singer’s fleeting affair with ballerina Maria Vorobyova. The artist hid the girl for a long time, but now she is increasingly seen in the company of her father. And it also turned out that Leonid has two younger sisters - Ksyusha and Masha. But first things first.

Oh, where are you, brother?

On the Internet, we absolutely accidentally discovered a letter from Maria Agutina to the management and members of a large American charitable foundation. In it, the girl literally begged for help:
- My son has a terrible disease - congenital heart disease. On the fourth day of life, Matvey underwent the first of three required operations. Now we need a second stage. Our doctors recommend waiting until the child grows up. But the vice is unpredictable, and deterioration can begin at any moment. My son has shortness of breath and gets tired quickly. I learned that in the USA they successfully operate on children with this disease. Matvey is already ready to be admitted to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. There was hope that my son would develop normally. But the bill issued by the clinic is huge. I am raising two children alone. Please, help!

The amount for the treatment of tiny Matvey Agutin for ordinary people really prohibitive - $156 thousand. But Maria was helped by volunteers from all over the world and, fortunately, the required amount of money was collected on time. The baby underwent surgery in December. Now the boy is in Moscow and is preparing for another test - a repeat surgical intervention.
We called his mother to make sure that the unfortunate child was really Leonid Agutin’s nephew. Ksenia answered the phone:
“Masha and Matvey are at the dacha now,” the girl responded affably. “It makes it easier for him to bear the heat.” There Fresh air- expanse. We have him very tiny - he was recently eleven months old, and he has suffered so much... When Masha was pregnant, an examination showed that the child’s left side of the heart, which is responsible for the large and most important circle of blood circulation, had not formed. Doctors said there was no chance. They persuaded me to have an abortion. But my sister did not agree. She gave birth and is now fighting with all her might for her son’s life.
- Who helps her with this?
- Me and our mother. We all live together in the same apartment. Masha has a daughter from her first marriage, I have a son. Unfortunately, Matvey's father left them as soon as he learned that the child was sick. Masha graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University, but she can’t work – she needs to take care of the child. She receives kopecks from the state: six thousand - an allowance for the first group of disability of her son, and two - as a single mother. It's good that you found it good people, who helped raise money for the operation in America. We have to fly there again in six months, the doctors again bill for an exorbitant amount - 300 thousand dollars. So the only hope is a charitable foundation.

- Wait, what about your brother?
- Lenya? – Ksenia asked me again. – You see, he and I are not that close. We have the same father, but different mothers. Of course, we are still family, but it so happened that his father now lives with him, Lenya and his wife support him and help him. You know, dad somehow distanced us. I don't know why. Maybe he’s afraid that we’ll bother Lena with our problems and ask for money...
- Did Leonid and Angelica really not respond to your grief? Matvey is their nephew!
- Oh, you just don’t know Masha. She's so proud of us! Believes: if people want, they help just like that, without unnecessary words. But one day she called her brother and asked for help. This was during my last trip to America. Matvey was already lying on the operating table, when suddenly his heart began to fail. An additional operation was required to insert a special catheter that widens the aortic wall. But the money collected by the fund was not enough for this. Masha dialed Lena, and he transferred 300 thousand rubles to her account. This is only a tenth of the funds that were needed, but thanks for that! We know that my brother has enough problems of his own. It’s also not easy for him to get this money, so we don’t hold any grudges against anyone. What is important for us now is to raise funds for the final operation and for our baby to endure it well.

If I don't love you, I won't marry you

- Lisa hasn’t been to Russia for so many years!
- I’m surprised how Angelica persuaded her this time?! She's almost American. Everything there is familiar to her. They barely even communicated with Polina in Russian - they only chatted in English. But we are against this, so in the family circle it’s important to only talk to girls for native language we talk. Although Polya is a polyglot! He knows five languages ​​and dreams of mastering the sixth - Japanese. Very capable!
- WITH future profession have the girls decided?
- Polina, I think, will become a linguist or a manager. She's already looking at college for herself. And Lisa is still all about music. She also draws very well. I really like her works - they have character. I look and am amazed!
- Are the girls similar to each other?
- They have many common interests: books, music, films... Polina’s development is ahead of her age. Those who have communicated with her at least once think that she is already well over twenty. Lisa is a little childish. But together they are an explosive mixture! Polya has a lot of friends, and probably already has a young man. And Lisa is still such a child inside! It seems to me that all this love doesn’t even occur to her. But at the same time, Elizabeth is a very brave girl. Leni once had a concert in Miami. He invited Lisa to perform with the group. She replied: “Easy!” She was given time, she came out and worked without any hesitation! I then asked Leni how it all went. The son replied that he was standing behind the scenes and was terribly nervous for her, but she didn’t care!

- Is Lisa going to return to Russia?
- Hard to tell. She has now transitional age. We don't put pressure on her. We have such a family: everyone chooses what they like. In any case, this decision will be hers alone, assures Agutin Sr. - But so far I don’t see her desire to come here and live at home. She has everything there: studies, friends, hobbies...
- Has Polina also become unaccustomed to her homeland?
- Her mother’s grandparents live here, so Polya comes to Russia much more often. Previously, she spent every summer at her grandfather’s small dacha. Lenya visited her there. She visited us less often, because those grandparents are closer to her - in fact, they raised her. Polina even studied in Moscow for a couple of years so that don't forget the language. And then she went to Italy - she and her mother lived there, and now they have moved to Nice.

- Leonid never talked about Polina’s mother. Do they communicate with her?
- Periodically. Masha is now married to an Italian, they have a ten-year-old son. Maria was a ballerina Bolshoi Theater, and now teaches in France. She has a large team, she is very respected there. But things didn’t work out with Lenya from the very beginning. The son is a peculiar person: in order to live with a woman, he must feel for her strong feelings. One day Masha asked what would happen if she got pregnant? Lenya answered honestly: “If I don’t love the way I imagine it, I’ll never get married! So don't be angry with me, if anything. You and I don’t have a close relationship to live as one family. You understand this!” Maria reacted calmly to this: “I feel very good with you, don’t worry - everything is fine!”

Despite this, Masha soon became pregnant. Lenya took her by the arm and took her to her parents. He honestly admitted that he was not ready to get married. The girl’s father said: “We love our daughter very much. It had to happen someday, time is ticking. And now the period is quite favorable: the theater is on vacation, new troupe on tour. Let Masha give birth. We will somehow raise this child ourselves!” So everything was fair! Of course, Lenya helped as best he could. Visited my daughter in Italy. Polina loves him very much.
- Girls don’t compete? After all, both one and the other rarely see their father!
- No, they manage to get by without conflicts. Both Lenya and Angelica are diplomats. As long as I have lived with them, I have never heard screams or scandals. Everything is always resolved peacefully. They know how to negotiate.

Mother's surname

For some reason, Angelica’s father, Yuri Varum, did not arrive from overseas with Lisa. He has been the girl's official guardian for many years and usually accompanied her on long trips. Worried that something had happened (at one time there were rumors that Yuri Ignatievich had lost his leg due to progressive diabetes), we called Miami.

“Don’t worry, everything is fine with us,” my wife Varum reassured us. “Love.” - Yura feels good. He has a lot creative plans. Now he is working on a new project. And she flew for Lisa mother, and they went to Moscow together. She has relatives there whom she has not seen since childhood. In addition, she needs to get a passport. She is a citizen of Russia.
- They wrote that Yuri Ignatievich’s leg was amputated...
- He actually underwent the operation. But we have good doctors here, so this did not affect his well-being in any way. I don’t understand those who gossip that he is completely bad! And with Lisa the same situation happened: we live here quietly, no one bothers us, and suddenly I read in the newspaper that our girl has autism! I almost had a heart attack. You see, we live in the Russian region, everyone here knows us. How can you write something like that about a child? You should have seen her! Beautiful, healthy, talented... Or something else I recently read: it’s as if Lisa was of some other faith, almost joined a sect! And all because she has a “strange appearance” - her hair color often changes and her makeup is bright.

- But there is no smoke without fire. Where did these rumors come from?
- I have no idea. I went to our doctor and got a certificate that Lisa was healthy. The guys came, I gave it to them and asked them to sue those who would argue otherwise!
- Maybe the reason is that the child was hidden from everyone?
- Maybe. Although even before leaving for Miami we had journalists at home. They saw that Lisa was an absolutely normal child. She is now a good student and has the best grades in her class. English language. Isn't that a healthy kid? Can a puppy learn like this? When Lisa was born, Lenya and Angelica did not hire any nannies or governesses. They didn’t want to let strangers into the house. Yura and I lived outside the city at that time. They brought the girl to us. She was so pretty that we couldn’t resist and kept her, allowing her parents to work as usual. While they were on tour, we were raising Lisa.

- How did you end up in Miami?
- Nobody thought that this would happen. We arrived there for new year holidays. There were terrible frosts in Moscow, but in Miami it was a real paradise! Lisa was delighted. Then Yura suddenly began to have health problems - his legs began to fail. He underwent a complex operation and doctors forbade him to fly. For six months we could not return to Russia, because pressure changes were very dangerous for Yura. We had to send Lisa to kindergarten - well, the child won’t sit at home! She turned out to be very capable - within three months she spoke English. And somehow everything worked out for us by itself: the doctors helped, the climate was good, Lisa got used to it...
- Why doesn’t the girl bear her father’s surname? Leonid’s first daughter, Polina, goes by his last name.
- Who told you that? – Love was surprised. - Polina bears her mother’s surname - Vorobyova! And Lisa lived with us all the time, I took her abroad on vacation. And we decided to leave her surname Varum, because otherwise we would have eternal problems with paperwork. The same permission to travel abroad would have to be obtained from my father every time. This is not at all because we underestimated the Agutin family. It was just easier for us. At one time the guys thought to give Lisa double surname, but someone told them that according to the law this cannot be done. I didn't delve into these things. As long as the child is healthy, what difference does it make what his last name is?

- But she has dual citizenship?
- No, she is a Russian citizen. To live in Miami without problems, it is enough to have a green card. With her you are a full-fledged member American society: you can study, get treatment, and have fun for free. I think that in the near future we will not change anything.

Angelika Varum - popular Russian pop singer and songwriter. Varum holds the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and is a member of the International Union of Pop Artists. For my creative biography the singer recorded 14 studio albums and continues to compose and perform new songs.

Maria Varum (real name popular singer) was born in Ukrainian Lvov, which at that time was part of Soviet Union. Her parents are creative and quite famous people. Father Yuri Itshakovich Varum - famous composer, and mother Galina Mikhailovna Shapovalova is a theater director. Due to the continuous tours of the parents, the girl most I had to spend my childhood with my grandmother.

Maria attended secondary school in Lviv, and studied music at home under the guidance of her father, who was categorically against government music schools. He believed that the framework set by the program limited creative potential children. From the age of 5 the girl learned to play the piano, and in adolescence I taught myself the guitar. In high school, Varum was a member of the school troupe and even went on tour. She not only played roles in various performances, but also sang Ukrainian folk songs with your own guitar accompaniment.

The scene attracted the girl so much that after receiving her certificate, she went to Moscow and submitted documents to the famous Shchukinskoe drama school. But the applicant failed the exams, so she had to return to her parents and start working part-time in her father’s studio, performing backing vocals. The girl also worked as a backup singer for pop stars for several years.


In 1989, the aspiring singer recorded two solo songs written by her father. They were "Midnight Cowboy" and "Hello and Goodbye." The first of them becomes an all-Union hit. It is with him that Varum makes her debut as a singer in television program « morning Star" Then she takes the pseudonym Angelica, changing the affectionate home address of her grandmother, who called her “angel.”

After 2 years, Angelika Varum’s first full-length album, “Good Bye, my boy,” is released and immediately becomes very popular. The title song, which tells about the separation of young lovers due to the fall of the USSR and repeats the refrain that has become an aphorism “Goodbye, my boy,” became the anthem of that time for the singer’s peers.

The second album “La-la-fa” in 1993 strengthened Varum’s popularity. The song “The Artist Who Paints the Rain” became famous hit, song "Town" for a long time was the soundtrack to the popular humorous show of the same name, and “La-la-fa” became a nominee for the “Song of the Year” award.

The next disc of 1995, “Autumn Jazz,” receives the Ovation award as best album, the song of the same name becomes the best video clip, and Anzhelika Varum herself is named singer of the year. The singer’s subsequent albums “Two Minutes from Love” and “ Winter cherry" strengthened their popularity among fans, but did not bring new awards.

For a couple of years Varum takes a break from musical career and tries herself as an actress. She played the role of the Ukrainian Katya in the play “The Emigrant's Pose” directed by Leonid Trushkin based on the play “The Banker” by Hanna Slutsky. Behind great game in this production Angelica received theater award"Gull". Around the same time, she played one of the first roles in the film “The Sky in Diamonds.”

In 1999, a new album, “Only She,” was released, and creative duet Angelica Varum and. Together the musicians record the songs “Queen”, “Everything is in your hands”, “If you ever forgive me” and others. The result is a popular disc " Love affair at work", released in 2000. During this period, Varum directed music videos for duet songs and solo songs.

The joint performance of Varum and Agutin will be repeated on many more records, for example, “Stop, curiosity” in 2002, “Two roads, two ways” in 2007. And in the song “Be a Part of Yours,” the Varum-Agutin duet was joined by the duo and his wife. The duet of Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin has won the Golden Gramophone award 6 times.

In 2004, Angelica collaborated with the popular VIA “Slivki”. Varum records a song together with the girl band and Music clip"The best". Varum and Agutin spend the same year on tour: the duo performs in Germany, the USA, Israel and the post-Soviet space.

Angelika Varum also regularly releases solo discs. In 2007, the double album “Music” was released, in 2009 - “If He Leaves”.

In 2011, for her services in the field of art, Angelica received the honorary title “Honored Artist Russian Federation».

In January 2013, Anzhelika Varum and Leonid Agutin left for the concert tour “How not to think about you?” across the CIS countries, Russia, USA and Canada.

Then the singer plunges into work with the official album “Crazy,” released in 2013. Along with the release of the album, Varum will present two videos for the songs “Crazy” - the title song of the album, and “I’m always with you”.

Personal life

First husband famous singer was hers former classmate, and subsequently the illuminator at his wife’s concerts, Maxim Nikitin. This marriage lasted 8 years.

During this period, Angelica's father entered into a new marriage, in which in 1990 he had a son, the singer's half-brother, Mikhail.

In 1997, Varum met Leonid Agutin, who became the singer’s partner on stage. Creative Union develops into a full-fledged relationship, and Leonid becomes the singer’s life partner. In 1999, Angelica gave birth to a child from Agutin, and the musicians decided to formalize the relationship. They officially became married in 2000, a year after the birth of their daughter Elizabeth. The daughter followed in the footsteps of her parents. Lisa studies and plays in the rock band “Without Gravity”, with which she performs at concerts in college.

Angelika Varum not only successfully performs songs and plays on stage. She is a businesswoman. In the late 90s, Varum opened his own line of fragrances - the Angelika Varum perfume. And in 2001 he created a joint venture with his father record company Varum Records Company.

Angelika Varum maintains an account in Instagram, where the singer has 690 thousand subscribers. Varum shares studio photographs, which dilutes family personnel and photographs from friendly meetings. Frequent hero of Angelica's Instagram - gray cat singers.

Angelika Varum now

In 2016, Angelika Varum presented new album entitled "A Woman Walked". The singer wrote the lyrics herself new record, and the composer was the author of the music.

In the same year, the singer released music video for the song “Late Love,” which Varum recorded together with Igor Krutoy. In total, the performer’s videography includes three dozen music videos.

In April 2017, the duo Varum and Agutin were accused of delaying the start of a concert in Ulyanovsk by Anzhelika for an hour, and Leonid going on stage while drunk. The musicians commented on this rumor, explaining that the singer had caught a cold and needed to change the program, which is why the delay occurred. And Leonid, how loving husband, was worried about his wife, which is why he behaved somewhat nervously at the concert.


  • 1991 - Good bye, my boy
  • 1993 - La-la-fa
  • 1995 - Autumn Jazz
  • 1996 - Two minutes from love
  • 1996 - Winter Cherry
  • 1998 - Only she...
  • 2000 - Office romance
  • 2002 - Stop, curiosity
  • 2007 - Music
  • 2009 - If he leaves
  • 2013 - Crazy
  • 2016 - A woman walked

Stars who abandoned their children

As you know, the world of cinema, theater and show business has its own laws. And one of them says: a child is the same reason for PR as a newly built Vacation home or a new luxury car. So the stars photograph their offspring, starting almost from the first days of their lives in the very different focuses and angles. If for some reason the stars refuse to do this, this can only mean one thing: the relationship with the child did not work out. The reasons why theater and concert celestials leave their children are different, but the result, as a rule, is the same - the fate of their offspring is unenviable.

The actress considers the separation from her eldest daughter almost the main tragedy own life. The actress gave birth to Nastya in her first marriage with Kyiv actor Vyacheslav Voronin. Some time later, Lidiya Nikolaevna was filming What is it like, the sea? In Sudak she met Vasily Shukshin and went with him to Moscow. The girl was temporarily taken to Leningrad by her parents, but soon began to complain that they did not have enough strength or money to support the child. So Nastya moved to Ukraine - to live with her father and grandmother.

When the girl went to first grade, Fedoseeva-Shukshina tried to return her daughter, but her ex-husband refused, and she went to court. There were 13 trials in total, of which Lidia Nikolaevna won only two. The decision on the last, thirteenth court was made by the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR; it decided to leave Nastya to her grandmother, her father’s mother, as the girl herself asked. For some time, Fedoseeva-Shukshina still tried to see her daughter, but her relatives ex-husband hid the child from her. Meanwhile, in her marriage to Shukshin, she gave birth to two daughters - Masha and Olya, and she began to forget about Nastya.

Anastasia’s fate was not easy: she married a citizen of Luanda, gave birth to a daughter, lived for some time in her husband’s homeland, but when hostilities began there, she returned home to Kyiv. She was arrested and convicted of drug trafficking. Lidia Nikolaevna did not try to help her.

Actress and TV presenter Elena Proklova left eldest daughter Arina from her first marriage to the director documentaries Vitaly Melik-Karamov to his parents. The actress got married at 18, gave birth at 19, and soon divorced. There was absolutely not enough time for a child, because it was necessary first to study, then to make a career in cinema.

Then Elena had another family, in which everything was very, very difficult - the twin boys died soon after birth. Proklova got divorced again and threw herself back into work, which means she again had no time for her eldest daughter. The actress found happiness only in her third marriage, in which, despite the death of her newborn son, thanks to the love and support of her husband, she was able to give birth to a daughter, Polina, the same age as her granddaughter Alice. With her mother, Arina, at Elena's difficult relationships.

Lyubov Polishchuk surrendered her son, now - famous actor Alexei Makarov, to a boarding school, out of despair. At that time, Lyubov Grigorievna worked a lot, often went on tour, so her son studied for five days from the first to the sixth grade. In an interview, Alexey recalls that for a long time he did not even know that there were other schools where children came in the morning and returned home after school; he was sure that everyone studied in boarding schools. In the same way, the boy did not know that teachers and educators did not have the right to beat their students; he, like all his classmates, took slaps and pokes for granted: A dog that sits on a chain is sure that this is how the whole world works. The most interesting thing is that it never occurred to him to blame his mother: A female actress cannot be housewife. The main thing for her is her profession; everything else, including her family, fades into the background.

When Lyubov Grigorievna married the artist Sergei Tsigal and her daughter Masha was born, Lesha was finally taken home. And his life did not become any easier: he nursed younger sister– changed her diapers, fed her formula and put her to bed. And the boy’s relationship with his mother’s husband, to put it mildly, did not work out: for unlearned lessons an adult man hit the boy on the head. The son hid this from Lyubov Grigorievna, he did not want to upset her. But today, almost 6 years after his mother’s death, he is sure that if he meets his stepfather, he will have something to say to him.

Masha Rasputina gave birth to her eldest daughter Lydia in marriage with her first producer Vladimir Ermakov at the age of 22. But since the singer was actively pursuing a career at that time, she not only left her with her parents immediately after birth, but also hid the very fact of her existence from the public and journalists.

The fact that Rasputina has an adult daughter became known only when Masha married businessman Viktor Zakharov for the second time and gave birth to a daughter, Masha. Moreover, Lida’s appearance in Rasputina’s prosperous life was associated with a scandal - it turned out that a child left without maternal care grew into a worthless creature who did not want to study or work. Take in new family The singer did not want an adult girl; she bought Lida an apartment and decided that she had done everything she could for her. It is not surprising that the daughter Once again I felt betrayed and did not want to communicate with my mother. However, it must be said that Masha answers her in kind.

The daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Tsekalo lives with her grandmother Alla Dmitrievna, the singer’s mother in Kyiv. Fourteen-year-old Eva has autism, a mental disorder associated with a brain disease, characterized by isolation, a person’s detachment from the outside world, limited interests and repetitive actions.

In one of the interviews, the singer said that at first her daughter was given a different diagnosis - Down syndrome (which is why she was even offered to leave the child in the maternity hospital), but it was not confirmed. The singer’s mother works with Eva a lot, thanks to which the developmental delay, inevitable with autism, is almost invisible. Lolita cannot be called a bad mother; she provides the girl with everything she needs, but she rarely appears in Kyiv. True, when he comes to a concert, he always brings his daughter backstage. The singer is not shy about taking pictures with her daughter, although the photographs show that the girl is unwell. But Milyavskaya doesn’t want to live with her, citing her extreme busyness. However, in comparison with Alexander Tsekalo, who does not even want to know his daughter from a previous marriage, this behavior of the singer seems quite normal.

Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum

They say that the daughter of Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum also suffers from autism. And parents, like Lolita, justify their reluctance to live next to her with their tense tour schedule. Their daughter Lisa has been living in Miami for almost 8 years with her grandfather Yuri Varum, grandmother (his young wife) and uncle - Angelica’s brother Mikhail. They say that immediately after birth, Agutin and Varum went to the big tour, so they hardly saw their daughter (the nanny was sitting with her at that time), so dangerous disease didn't notice in time. When they found out what was happening, they apparently got scared and sent the girl to America - when you don’t constantly see a sick child, then, it seems, your heart doesn’t hurt so much.

When answering questions from journalists about their daughter, Agutin and Varum always laugh it off: they say, Lisa often says that her parents abandoned her, although her mother and father fly to her for two months in the winter, and in the summer at the slightest opportunity. The girl just watched enough films on the popular topic in America: workaholic parents don’t care about their own children, and now she’s making such dark jokes. In addition, she has entered adolescence, when it is customary to be rude to parents and not be with them. common language. But, be that as it may, when Lisa has day in America, her parents in Russia have night, and this already says a lot. Moreover, Yuri Varum obtained guardianship over the girl.