VK Fadeev. Maxim Fadeev shared a rare family photo

Behind last decade The Russian language has been enriched with many new words and concepts related to the Internet and social networks.

One of these new products is the word “fake,” which today is used not only on the Internet, but also in everyday life.

What is a fake?

Word "fake", as you might guess, has English origin. This is a direct borrowing from English "fake", which is translated into Russian as fake, deceit, forgery . Fakes, or fake pages, today are commonly called fake sites that copy real popular Internet resources, as well as artificially created pages of users of popular social networks.

As a rule, manufacturers of fakes are driven by the desire for easy money: using fake sites, they gain access to passwords, and use the information obtained in this way in various types of fraud.

The most common types of fakes

The main advantage of communicating on the Internet for many is anonymity. A person can appear before unfamiliar interlocutors in a completely different image: a downtrodden office clerk becomes a brutal macho, an elderly librarian turns into the young daughter of an oligarch, etc.

You should always remember this when traveling through websites and social network accounts, where you can easily encounter one of the types of fakes.

1. Fake accounts of real users. These pages are copies of the pages of people who actually exist. Usually, show business or sports stars, famous politicians, public figures etc.

2. Fake pages imitating accounts real people, but with fictitious names and biographical details. For example, the page of Elena from Syktyvkar is copied, which becomes Yulia from Arkhangelsk. In this case, Elena becomes a “donor” for the fake account, since its creator uses real photographs posted on her page. Such accounts are created either for personal entertainment and to prank friends, or to collect information and further fraudulent activities.

3. Fake sites. As a rule, they are used in political games to spread fake news. The fake site is identical in appearance to the real one, but one or two letters have been replaced in its address. It also happens that a unique website is specially created for the periodic publication of fakes.

4. Fake social networks. Externally, the start page is identical to the real social network page, but the address is slightly changed. Necessary for scammers to collect passwords from real pages.

What is a fake on Odnoklassniki?

Creating fakes on Odnoklassniki is often innocent fun for adults who want to try on a different image. To do this, a fake page is created on a social network, biographical information is invented, and someone’s photos are copied. After the page is created, you can go have fun - start a correspondence, flirt, invite you on dates, etc.

The situation with the creation of a fake Odnoklassniki start page is much more serious. This is done for fraudulent purposes, to obtain passwords to user accounts. Select a domain name that looks like odnoklassniki.ru- For example, oddnoklasniki.ru or obnokkassnlki.ru .

The average user is unlikely to look closely at the address bar and rarely notices a fake. Without the slightest doubt, he enters his login and password for the page into the required window, which is what the attackers require.

Then all that remains is to go to the page and take advantage of the opportunities that have opened up - for example, organize a “night call from your son from the police” with a request to transfer a large sum to the account of the evil policeman.

What is a fake VKontakte?

They act in a similar way when creating fakes on VKontakte, but adjusted for the fact that the audience of this social network is younger age category. Fake accounts are used to raise funds for fake charities, for dating in order to defraud money, etc.

From a fake account of a pop or television star, for example, you can organize a “sale of her personal belongings” or ask for financial help for a “poor aspiring musician.” Pages supposedly created beautiful girls, are often intended. And, of course, creating a fake VK login is banal password phishing.

Getting the password The social network Odnoklassniki was not chosen as an object by chance. My extremely negative attitude towards this social network was formed back in December 2008, when the administration deleted several hundred thousand users due to the fact that they “raised a riot on the ship” in connection with paying for registration. Well, how much have you earned, admins?

If you do not know the victim’s login or e-mail, only a fake method of hacking an account will help you. Fake- This is a banal fake, passed off as an original. You can call your Chinese iPhone a fake. But on the Internet, fakes are used mainly to obtain passwords and user data. A fake website is a fake website page created to obtain data from the victim. The main thing is to direct the victim to our fake.

But the victim is not completely blind to log in to a site called "kgrtgrtg.fmaf.ru", which is not even similar in name to Odnoklassniki. All sites similar to the domain "odnoklassniki.ru", have been busy for a long time. 1-2 letters are replaced in them. An ordinary user often does not notice the replacement of letters and calmly logs in, thereby giving the password and login to the attacker.

In fact hack password in Odnoklassniki Can for free. But you will have to spend money on the domain. Which one should I register?
I found a slightly different way. When downloading sites, we often notice Odnoklassniki subdomains in the form i83.odnoklassniki.ru or 4ew.odnoklassniki.ru and so on. They are designed to relieve the load on the main server. So why not take advantage of this.
As a result, on September 1, 2011, on the start date of the experiment, I registered the domain ok53odnoklassniki.ru. The domain is sent to the server, but is not connected because it is no longer needed.


Most users do not see the difference in these domains. The only difference is the dot after the number 53.
For domain registration you will have to pay an average of 100 rubles. When registering, you can enter any fictitious data. They won't check you anyway)). Before registering a domain, I advise you to create a separate soap and use it only to obtain passwords.

For a fake to work, you need the script itself and hosting.5
You can register a domain at reg.ru, but you’ll have to look for a long time for hosting on which you can post fakes. If you don’t understand what a script, domain, hosting is, then it’s better to forget about the ideas of hacking accounts.
In total, you spend 100 rubles for a domain, 50 rubles for a month of hosting. And you get ability to hack accounts on Odnoklassniki and other social networks. You heard right. I said “opportunity” because it is up to you to obtain the password from the victim.

Below are fakes of the main pages of mobile and full version website (WEB) of the social network Odnoklassniki with the ability to record the password in the database and send it by E-mail. Download the archive you need, unpack it on your hosting and do the following:
If you downloaded a fake from classmates with a password sent to the soap, then in the file login.php enter your email.
If you downloaded a fake Odnoklassniki with passwords recorded in the database, then change the name of the file bduser.php whatever you want, and also enter this name in the file login.php. You can view passwords only by downloading this file via FTP. Fakes are no different from the main pages of the Odnoklassniki website. Just when you log in to them, you either receive a password by email, or it is recorded in the database.

You can download fakes to Odnoklassniki here:
Attention: fakes updated June 4, 2013.

This article will focus on fake pages. This question actually represents today big interest. Especially considering the fact that these objects are in great demand in modern social networks. What is a fake page? Let's try to sort this issue out.

What is a fake page?

Let's try to compose general idea about the fake page. This is nothing more than a simple deception. The word "fake" translated from in English means fake. Fake pages can be found on Vkontakte and other social networks. They are created by simple scammers or ill-wishers. There are cases when fake pages are created just for imitation. Then there is no harm in it. But very often the purpose of creating such pages is to harm an honest user of a social network.

It is impossible to say unequivocally for what purpose fake pages are created. Maybe just for fun. But nevertheless, let’s try to figure out how such fake pages are created.

Choice of victim

Let's say you're thinking about creating a fake page. First and most interesting point– choice of potential victim. Create without this new page will be impossible. A fake page in any form is nothing more than just a copy of one of the profiles of a social network user. So before you create a fake page, think about who you would like to duplicate.

After you find a suitable object, you can start making a fake page. This process usually takes no more than half an hour. Let's try to use standard methods that were known a few years ago.

Step one - collecting information

The first thing you need to do after you find a suitable property is to collect all the necessary information. All this data will subsequently be displayed on our page. You need to start by copying your personal data. If you choose to copy an item that uses some special privacy settings, the process may take some time. Want to create a fake page? Then just copy the whole personal information about the object you have chosen in its profile.

It is better to save the resulting lines in a separate document, just in case. You will need it in case of problems or failures. Now you can move on. All social networks are literally filled with such objects. “Fake” pages are created in just a few mouse clicks, provided that you have all the personal data about the real user.

We supplement the profile

To begin with, it is worth dwelling on one very important point. In addition to the questionnaire, you need to copy some more information about the user. Such information includes photographs, audio recordings, and videos. It's these little things that make a difference important role in creating a fake page.

On the social network Vkontakte, fake pages are usually an exact copy of the “donor” profile. Therefore, we will have to spend some time to give our fake authenticity, for example, saving a couple of photo albums. It is better to first create several photo albums on your computer, copied from a real user profile, to create a fake page. This will help you make the process easier in the future. When all preliminary operations are completed, you can begin creating a “fake” page.


Perhaps we should start with the most important point, namely, with the registration of a new user. If you fail at this stage, then doing anything further will be pointless.

As mentioned earlier, the fake page is an exact copy of the profile of the social network user selected as a “donor.” Accordingly, when registering you will need to indicate a similar name. To do this, go to the main page of the social network and start the registration process. Provide all required information. Now you need to insert this information from the “victim” profile.

If you have saved this information as a separate document on your computer, you can use it. All that remains is to go through authorization. This is what fake pages do. The resulting object cannot be called complete. We have not yet completed all the operations necessary to recreate the profile. Let's talk about further actions.

Filling out your profile

Fake pages on social networks are exact copy"donor" questionnaires. After successful registration and filling out all the necessary information in the form, you can proceed to the next step, namely filling out the page. For filling, it is important to use the same objects as the original. Of course, we're talking about about photographs and pictures. First of all, you need to put the same avatar as the original. To do this, simply copy the photo from the user’s profile and save it on your computer. After that, select “upload avatar” and use the image you copied. Next you need to save your changes.

If the fake page is an exact copy of the donor’s page, then there is nothing left to do but upload the “victim’s” photo albums to it. If you have previously saved all the necessary images in folders on your computer, things should speed up. All that remains to be done is to go to the “Photos” tab and select “Create Album”. It should be called the same as the original. After that, upload the saved images to the album. Save your changes and return to the main page. Check out the results. In a short period of time, you managed to create a fake page. One thing left to discuss important point.


After detailed description the procedure for creating a fake page cannot be ignored one very important point. Namely, the consequences that may arise after the implementation of such an idea.

Suppose a person who decided to use a fake page was unable to restore access to it. These problems will be identified at the stage of proving profile ownership. Usually, in order to prove this fact, you need to provide scanned pages of your passport. Of course you can't have them. Another important point is the ban. If the fact that your page is fake is revealed, you will be punished by a fine. The administrator of the social network will close access to your page and add you to a special list as a fraudster. Agree, this is not very pleasant. Therefore, try to avoid the possibility of feeling like a different person on social networks.

Maxim Fadeev - famous in Russia music producer, thanks to which many new names were discovered. It was he who contributed to what appeared on Russian stage such performers as Linda, Glucose, Narcissus Pierre, Yulia Savicheva, the Serebro group and many others.

Childhood and family of Maxim Fadeev

The birthplace of Maxim Fadeev is Kurgan. Work out in music school he started at age five. It is no coincidence that music appeared so early in the boy’s life. His mother is singer of romances and choir teacher Svetlana Fadeeva, and his father is the famous talented composer Alexander Fadeev. It is known that the boy’s grandmother was a student of Lydia Ruslanova, and his great-uncle was a famous Soviet poet. His name is Timofey Belozerov. Maxim has a brother Artyom, who also connected his life with music, becoming a songwriter.

At the age of twelve, Fadeev freely played the bass guitar, which was helped by the fact that he ended up in the children's room of the police. The bully was punished by having to learn the guitar. Maxim started studying and really became interested. Music eventually became a part of his life. Fadeev decided to enroll in School of Music. He succeeded, and he studied at two faculties at once. At the age of seventeen, after receiving an injury and long-term treatment, the young man began writing songs. The title of his debut composition is “Dance on Broken Glass.” Maxim liked to write songs, he began to seriously dream of becoming a musician.

The first performances of Maxim Fadeev

In his youth, Maxim was a participant music group, organized at the Youth Palace of Culture. The guys performed compositions such as famous groups, How " The Beatles", "Queen" and "Led Zeppelin".

After this experience, the aspiring musician was invited to join the Convoy group. As a soloist, Maxim easily copied Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson. “Convoy” constantly toured villages, where the musicians played at local discos. In Kurgan it was also a fairly well-known group.

Maxim Fadeev's move to Moscow

Having become a participant in the Jurmala-89 competition, which was soon renamed Yalta-90, Fadeev performed brilliantly. He took third place, thanks to which Maxim was shown on central television. For future career this event was extremely important. Sergei Krylov drew attention to him. While on tour in Kurgan, he personally came to Maxim’s home to meet him and listen to his songs. As a result, Krylov invited Fadeev to Moscow and offered his help and support in the arrangement.

It should be noted that Maxim did not immediately take advantage of his invitation, as he understood that it was too early for him to go to the capital. The performer and musician spent some time in Yekaterinbur and Omsk. Having arrived in Moscow, Fadeev got a job as an arranger in the studio. He had the opportunity to make arrangements for Larisa Dolina, Valery Leontyev, Vyacheslav Malezhik.

The first production project of Maxim Fadeev

Fadeev first acted as a producer in 1993, when Fyodor Bondarchuk invited him to listen to the singer, whom everyone later recognized as Linda. Maxim was its producer until 1999. This production project became extremely popular, and experts noted high quality product presented on stage.

Collaboration with Linda marked the beginning of Fadeev’s other production projects.

Maxim also wrote songs for films. He worked a lot in the Czech Republic and Germany.

Konstantin Ernst, as the head of Channel One, invited the producer to participate in the Star Factory-2 project. During the work, many names were discovered - Narcissus Pierre, Yulia Savicheva, Elena Temnikova, Irakli. Glucose has become another popular and successful project Fadeeva. The producer began working with this singer shortly before the start of the Star Factory 2 project. The producer still communicates with the singer and his ward to this day, he even became her daughter’s godfather.

Personal life of Maxim Fadeev

Maxim Fadeev’s dream is to create a children’s school musical art, where he could teach the children himself. For this purpose, he developed a unique concept. Another dream is to create a cartoon database. In other words, the famous producer is betting on children.

Maxim met his future wife at twenty-three and immediately fell in love. They merried. Their son Savva is seriously involved in music and plays the piano.

In Bali, Fadeev has his own closed area where he can live in solitude. The house is located twenty-five meters from the ocean. Coconuts, mangoes, and bananas grow on the plot, which Maxim himself planted. During his life he planted more than two and a half thousand trees. Garden design is his passion. Another hobby is fairy tales, which Fadeev has been writing since childhood. None of them were published, since the author was always embarrassed about it and wrote only to read them to children before bed.

Max is a fairly straightforward person. He criticizes his players without hesitation. Fadeev does not tolerate those who are sick " star fever"and sometimes treats them quite harshly. He spends a lot of time in chat rooms, relaxing in this way. On the Internet, he pretends to be a nineteen-year-old guy.

Account: Fadeevmaxim

Occupation: director, composer, songwriter, arranger

Maxim Fadeev started Instagram relatively recently, despite the fact that the photo sharing service has been operating for almost six years.

Maxim Fadeev's Instagram account

On official page celebrity users can watch the process of a musician’s work. Maxim Fadeev updates photos from Instagram quite often. Fadeev adds a description to each post. In the pictures Russian musician and the producer often appears not only he alone, but also his wards. We are talking about the group “Serebro”, singer Glukoza, Nargiz, and beginning performers.

Maxim Fadeev's Instagram is full of photos interesting places. It also contains a lot of pictures with friends. It is noteworthy that there are no photos with his son on the celebrity’s Instagram. Distinctive feature Fadeev's account is completely free of advertising. As you know, today it is an additional income for many famous people.

Very often in his official account On Instagram, the Fadeevs announce the premieres of new songs or videos of their own charges. In the photographs Maxim is always smiling, he gives his subscribers only positive emotions. By the way, the latter quite actively comment on the musician’s posts. In most cases, they wish their idol creative success and admire his professionalism.

Biography of Maxim Fadeev

The biography of Maxim Fadeev is quite interesting. He was born in Kurgan, with early childhood studied music. Fadeev began writing original songs at the age of 17, after clinical death. His very first musical composition was “Dance on Broken Glass.”

Maxim Fadeev biography:

  • In 1993, he got his first job working in a recording studio. Fadeev has to work with Larisa Dolina, Valeriev Leontyev, Vyacheslav Malezhik;
  • In 1993, Fadeev, with the help of Fyodor Bondarchuk, became Linda’s producer. Thanks to working together The singer and musician created 6 albums, 1 of which was certified platinum;
  • In 2002, Fadeev became the producer of the Star Factory project;
  • In 2003, Fadeev had his own production center. Then he began working with Natalya Ionova (Glucose);
  • In 2006, Fadeev founded the trio “Silver”, with which he received an honorable second place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2007.
  • In 2007, work began on the film adaptation of the book “Savva” written by Fadeev.
  • In 2015, Fadeev took the judge’s chair in the “Voice.Children” project, but a year later he left the show for personal reasons;
  • Now Fadeev continues to be actively involved in production activities and develop existing musical projects.