What is an auction, forms of holding, types. What is an English auction? Auction is the origin of the word.

Each of us has probably heard the concept of “auction”. Therefore, we know that an auction is a form of sale of goods, which is carried out with the goal of obtaining the highest price for an item through bidding. Until recently, when we used this word, we imagined the trade in objects of art, for example, paintings or some kind of sculptures. However, recently the concept of this form of selling and purchasing goods has changed somewhat. Now we have such a thing as an online auction. This is where everyone can sell their things. And you don’t have to paint a picture for millions to do this!

How are auctions structured?

The very principle of auctions is most likely familiar to many of us, and there is nothing unusual about it: a lot is put up for sale, for which participants begin to “fight”. The one who makes the largest bid wins, as a result of which the goods fall into the hands of the buyer, one might say, for the highest price. Many auctions are also limited in time - this is done in order to limit the possibility of the price rising indefinitely. Also, the fact that the time for which bids can be made is limited plays to the benefit of participants who want to get the product cheaper, raising the price as soon as possible before the end of the auction.

Since an auction is a form of public sale, this means that for it to take place it is necessary to ensure the presence of a large public - people who will place bids. This, in turn, causes some technical difficulties. For example, you have to hold thematic auctions for people who will be interested in a particular category for goods. The disadvantage of real auctions for the same reason is the inability to sell one product (for example, a tractor) at any time. The owner has to wait until a special agricultural auction is organized. This, in principle, applies to any product.

Electronic auction as an opportunity to sell any item

This problem is solved by today’s popular “virtual” auctions, which are held on the Internet. Such services are the largest portals with a large number of categories, in each of which any product can be placed without having to wait for any deadlines.

The advantage of such a platform as an Internet site is also the fact that it is visited by a huge number of users around the clock, each of whom can become a potential buyer of a tractor (if we talk about our example) or any other product. The developed market for contactless payments, as well as companies providing cargo transportation services, facilitate simple exchanges in the form of money and goods between participants in online auctions.

The largest auctions in the world

If we talk about the number of users and goods sold, then the largest, without a doubt, can be called the eBay electronic auction. It was introduced in the USA, but now millions of products are sold on this platform around the world. As a result, many users from a number of countries are constantly searching here, trying to purchase the desired item as cheaply as possible.

In addition to eBay, you can also name AllegroGroup trading platforms, which include the largest portals in Eastern Europe (whether it is an auction or not is a question, since goods are also sold here at a fixed price).

How to start trading?

If you want to start trading, you need to understand that a real auction is an event that requires registration in advance, with the provision of documents and, possibly, minimal guarantee fees. If we talk about online auctions, then participating in them requires much less - you just need to register. In the case of electronic trading, merchants are also sometimes required to confirm their real address and, of course, passport details in order to eliminate the risk of fraud.

Then you need to provide which one you would like to sell, providing it with high-quality photographs. Writing in such a way that the buyer wants to bid on your product is also an art. However, this is a topic for writing a completely different article.

Income opportunities from foreign auctions

Anyone who understands that an auction is a trading platform with its own turnover of lots and money paid for them knows about the opportunity to earn income. The chances of making money from trading also increase because now we have access to many foreign auctions where we can buy and sell things (if not directly, then at least with the help of intermediaries).

There are many examples of successful earnings. For example, these are auctions in Japan, where a large number of cars of their production are traditionally sold. Since in the country itself the price of cars is constantly falling due to the release of new models, it is quite profitable to buy them and bring them to our country. In addition, everyone understands how high-quality products the Japanese auto industry has been offering for many years.

Auctions as a business

In addition to the possibility of one-time earnings, for some of the most advanced users, an auction is a business that brings in regular high income. There are many schemes by which you can make money using auctions. Some rely on the local market, offering goods of their own production at auction, others buy products in bulk and then sell them using online platforms with profit.

A more global approach is to work with foreign auctions. For example, some, such as old coins or some household items from the USSR, can be resold on eBay at a premium. With us, these things, in fact, cost nothing.

There is also a reverse scheme, according to which goods are purchased in Europe, the USA or Canada through an auction directly or through intermediaries, and then sold here on local bulletin boards.

And, believe me, these are not all the opportunities for making money at online auctions. Where there is a turnover of hundreds of thousands of lots, everyone can find their own niche for making money. The main thing is to want and start searching. And you will definitely find your niche: product, category or seller with whom it is profitable to cooperate.

16.09.2014 19:46

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I am happy to note that my series is of great interest to readers. By the way, I note that the number of negative comments regarding GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENTS has decreased significantly; on the contrary, potential procurement participants are asking questions about the substance of the Federal Contract System, finding out the intricacies and secrets of participation in GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENTS. The article about the State contract in the 44-FZ format aroused keen interest and many questions, which is not surprising, since the topic is very relevant. Thank you again for your attention and interest, I am sure that we will continue to consider very important and necessary topics, discuss them and increase professionalism, as well as competence in the field of public procurement. It is with great pleasure that I present to you for your consideration a new article with a very important topic: “Auction. What it is? Instructions for use."

Why did I think this topic was really important? Everything is very simple - today this is a beloved and most popular procedure in 44-FZ. Let me give you a few numbers for understanding:

year 2009

year 2013

Number of accredited participants

15 000

500 000

Number of electronic auctions held,

3 800

992 000

Volume, trillion. rubles



Average number of applications

for one auction


Average savings



Progress is obvious! About a million procedures were performed in just one year. More than 4 trillion were disbursed through electronic auctions. rubles! Colossal money!

The main advantages of an electronic auction:

  • Possibility of submitting a participant application 24 hours a day
    from any region
  • Simplicity, clarity, openness, convenience
  • Increased control capabilities (automated control)
  • Anonymity of application consideration, reduction of collusion risks

The projected share of electronic procedures in the STATE ORDER - 78% of total quantities.

Now a little history, where would we be without it?

In a broad sense, the concept of “auction” will be understood as a public auction and, accordingly, the sale of certain goods on pre-agreed conditions on the principles of competition (submission of bids with the proposed price). In a narrow sense, an auction is a specific method of purchasing goods that the customer uses.
Origins of modern auctions
Auctions have a three-hundred-year history that dates back to the mid-17th century. It was from these times that the first Dutch public auctions began. Later, their popularity gained strength in both Great Britain and France, and then everywhere.
Auctions were originally a simple and quick way to sell property that typically remained after the owner's death. The prototype of mortgage auctions arose when it was necessary, as a result of such auctions, to collect a sum of money to pay debts.
The fashion for auctions came to Russia already in the 18th century. The serfdom that existed in those days also dictated the form of trading in those days: often during such “transactions” serfs were sold. The very first auctions in Russia (1792 and 1793), according to documentary sources of that time, only “serf girls” were sold.
Auctions also became widespread in Soviet Russia. Thus, the auction in Leningrad ensured the sale of about 80% of all fur products.
A significant event in the history of public auctions in Russia was 1995, when, as part of the execution of the presidential decree, auctions for loans were held, organized by the State Committee of the Russian Federation.
Nowadays, numerous forms of auctions are known, but still, with the advent of the computer era, the bulk of auctions are conducted via the Internet in the online system and are called open auctions in electronic form (OAEF).
Electronic auction.
Law No. 44-FZ, which entered into force in 2014, provides for the fact that an open auction must be held using electronic information means; an electronic signature is required - an electronic digital signature, the Internet and a computer. This type of competitive procurement is known as an “electronic auction.”
Thus, the most optimal way to determine the counterparty during procurement is to organize an auction in electronic form. Having analyzed Law No. 44-FZ (Article 24 and Article 59), we can highlight the following features of this type of auction:

Implementation on the basis of an official Internet resource (website);
. the presence of a unified data system in which procurement information is posted;
. The auction participant whose price offer for goods or services is lower is declared the winner.

  • Anonymity of applications
  • Non-personal assessment of auction bids based on quality criteria (impersonal)
  • Formation of the final protocol by the electronic platform (automation)
  • Information about personal prices onlyin the final protocol

The basic condition under which an auction is considered possible is the presence of goods (services) offered for purchase in a special list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2013 - ORDER dated October 31, 2013 N 2019-r. However, the customer has the right to purchase goods and services that are not listed in the list, also through the electronic auction format at his request (Article 59, Part 3 of Law No. 44-FZ). Actually, this is why we see a huge number of auctions held by government customers.
It is considered the most rational to conduct an electronic auction also for the purpose of purchasing goods or services for which the determining factor is the contract price. In other words, the price in relation to these goods plays a priority role; accordingly, such criteria as the availability of financial resources, the availability of equipment and other material resources owned by right of ownership or on another legal basis, and the presence of work experience related to the subject of the contract are not taken into consideration , the presence of a business reputation, the presence of specialists and other workers of a certain skill level, the so-called non-cost criteria.

We note that an online auction (open type) is prohibited in cases requiring a closed bidding method and defined by Law No. 44-FZ (Article 84 and Article 86).
Submission and consideration of applications
We consider the principle by which the electronic auction operates noteworthy: the application for participation is processed not by the customer of the goods himself, but by the operator of the site, which serves as an electronic trading platform (ETP).
If, when reviewing applications from participants, the customer finds certain information incomprehensible or illegible, he may request the necessary documentation. At the same time, again, such a possibility must certainly be spelled out in the Procurement Regulations. Naturally, this applies to purchases carried out in the 223-FZ format. As for the strictly regulated Federal contract system, the attitude towards the participant’s application is much stricter. The information must be clear and legible, free from ambiguity and be reliable. Otherwise, such auction application will be rejected.
Law No. 44-FZ, which came into force in 2014, provides for ensuring the execution of contracts in two ways:
. by depositing a certain amount of money;
. provision of a guarantee from the bank.

The last document listed above can only be obtained from banks that are included in a special state List published on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. A Art. 45 of Law No. 44-FZ determines the terms of the bank guarantee, the conditions of its validity, the type and amount of the monetary obligation.
After consideration of the first and second parts of applications, it is necessary to draw up an appropriate protocol.
Final protocol of the auction.
Based on the results of the auction, a final protocol of the auction must be written, which indicates the following data:
. information about the auction and the customer;
. maximum (initial) contract price;
. date and exact time of the end of the deadline for submitting applications and the beginning of the electronic auction;
. information about participants;
. information about the auction winner.
After this, this document is published on an electronic resource within the time limits determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Ambiguous situations and conflicts.
Auctions don't always go smoothly. The parties taking part in them are sometimes faced with not entirely fair bidding or simply a controversial situation. But here, of course, my position is quite tough. Each participant in placing an order must be able to protect their interests in the field of GOST TRADE, know the mechanisms and tools for implementing such protection. Let's say you are faced with a similar situation as part of an auction, you must file a corresponding complaint with the FAS, a sample of which can be found on the official website of the FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service). Filing a complaint is relevant both when working with non-budgetary organizations, and within the framework of open and closed auctions, in the format of the FCC and 223-FZ.
We also add that Law No. 44-FZ (Article 50, Part 7) provides that participants in an electronic auction can submit a request for clarification of documentation. This tool for protecting their interests is very often underestimated by auction participants, since many believe that the request will be ignored or the participant will receive an unspecified answer. Very in vain! The customer, with very rare exceptions, responds to a request for clarification and changes the auction documentation, and FAS subsequently deals with very serious violators. Please note that the request can be submitted electronically no later than three days before the application deadline.

Summary: problems identified in advance in conducting a particular type of auction will help you avoid wrong decisions and financial losses, and they are possible in this area and lie in wait for you at every step. But that's a completely different story!

Thank you for your attention! See you again!

Do you want to win GOSTORGI? Do you want to see your company among the winners of the tender? Contact us and you will learn to earn much more at GOSTORGA and become a qualified tender specialist! You can study without leaving your home, in accordance with all laws regulating PUBLIC PROCUREMENT. Highly qualified teachers and a welcoming atmosphere will make learning simple and very effective. During the training process, the latest software is used, which allows you to see perfectly, hear perfectly, and make adjustments to presentations. The teacher uses the latest versions of teaching materials from the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia. Our courses have the highest density of material delivery in relation to other training centers. As a professional, you will leave everyone behind you !


Economic dictionary of terms

(from Latin auctio - sale at public auction) auction

a method of selling certain types of goods in the form of a public auction, held in a predetermined place and at a predetermined time with the right of preliminary inspection of the goods. Goods at auction are sold in single samples or in batches (lots) to the buyer who offers the highest price. During the bidding process, the auctioneer (the person conducting the auction) announces to the potential buyers (auctioneers) present about the item being sold and its initial starting price. Then the auctioneers take turns announcing and naming the rising price at which they are willing to buy the item. The bidding continues until the highest price is named. This is an "English" auction. In a Dutch auction, bidding starts at a very high price and proceeds downwards until a buyer is found who is willing to buy at the advertised price. A voluntary auction is held at the initiative of the owner of the goods. Enforcer

Dictionary of financial terms


alternate sale of real goods based on a buyer competition. AUCTIONS are held at permanent or pre-designated locations at a traditional or pre-designated location. International AUCTIONS are usually commercial organizations with premises, equipment and personnel. Trading at AUCTIONS takes place openly with the participation of the buyers themselves. AUCTIONS are also organized by specialized brokerage firms that resell goods on a commission basis on behalf of their clients, sellers and buyers, who do not themselves participate in the AUCTION, but pay a fee to the brokers.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


M. lat. sale at auction, at auction, at auction, at public auction. Auction chamber, the location of this sale. Auctioneer, auctioneer m. official trader when selling under the hammer; auctioneer m. who bargains, adder.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


auction, m. (Latin auctio, lit. multiplication) (bargaining). Selling something property or goods at public auction, with the property going to the highest bidder. sell at auction (sell for debts through auction).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


A, m. Public sale, in which the buyer becomes the one who offers a higher price. Sell ​​at auction. Buy at auction. Furry a. International a. breeding horses.

adj. auction, oh, oh.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. A method of publicly selling something, in which the buyer becomes the one who offered a higher price.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


AUCTION (from Latin auctio - sale at public auction) is a method of selling goods in which the goods (or samples of them) are first put up for inspection. In the form of an auction, real estate is also sold, the forced sale of property of insolvent debtors, etc. is carried out. Usually, a starting price is set at an auction.

Large legal dictionary


(from Latin auctio - sale at public auction) - a type of auction in which a contract for the sale and purchase of property is concluded with the person who offers the highest price. An auction sale can be forced or voluntary, organized by the seller himself or carried out through a special organization acting as a commission agent. also Auction trading.


(from the Latin auctio ≈ sale at public auction), in international trade, a method of selling certain goods (furs, tobacco, tea, etc.) in separate lots, in which the goods (or samples of them) are first put up for inspection by possible buyers. The time and place of the A. will be announced in advance. The general conditions for the sale of goods are determined by the seller. The buyer of the consignment is considered to be the person who offered the highest price during the execution of A. When selling on A., unlike a regular sale, the seller’s liability for the quality of the goods sold is excluded. In the USSR, international exhibitions for the sale of furs are regularly held in Leningrad.

In the form of A. ≈ public auctions ≈ the forced sale of property of insolvent debtors is carried out, goods that are not claimed on time from transport and warehouse enterprises are sold, and in other cases.

V. S. Pozdnyakov.



Auction- public sale of goods, securities, enterprise property, works of art and other objects, which is carried out according to pre-established auction rules. The principle common to all auctions is the principle of competition between buyers. In the process of competition between buyers for the right to purchase the goods, the winner of the auction is determined. The winner of the auction is the person who wins the auction in accordance with its rules. In this case, the object is purchased by the auction winner.

Auction (novel)

Novel "Auction" published in 1985. In the world, the arms race between two ideologically opposed camps, led by the USSR and the USA, is reaching its peak.

In the Soviet Union, after a series of deaths of General Secretaries, the party is headed by a relatively young leader, M. S. Gorbachev.

The novel tells that there are powerful forces in the world that prevent the return to their homeland of cultural property stolen by Nazi criminals during the Second World War and taken from the occupied territories.

The memory of the past war is still fresh in society; many veterans are alive who have the opportunity to tell the truth about the atrocities and crimes that the Nazi invaders committed.

Online Auction(Internet auction) - an information trading system in which a purchase and sale transaction is carried out on a competitive basis using an information network. Electronic trading platforms of this type are characterized by the fact that the price of goods or services sold is not fixed, but is established during the bidding process. Depending on the method of establishing the final price for a product, auctions are divided into the following types:

  • Standard or English auction. Bidding begins with a reduced price, the goods are received by the buyer who offered the maximum price;
  • Dutch auction. Bidding starts at an inflated price and as the auction progresses, the price decreases. The goods are received by the buyer who agrees to buy at the declared price. The Dutch auction is used for the sale of treasury securities, flowers, and used goods;
  • Simultaneous offer auction. The price for the goods is set by all buyers simultaneously in writing. A closed bid format is used, where buyers do not know about the proposed price of their opponents. The one who offers the highest price wins;
  • Double auction- offers come simultaneously from the seller and the buyer (the equilibrium price is established).

There are other, less common types of auctions (currency, check, futures, group, bill, etc.).
At auctions running, non-standard goods are sold, such as works of art, antiques, personal goods, used items, and obsolete digital devices. At auctions operating on the B2C model, perishable goods, food products, warehouse balances, etc. are sold. At online auctions of these models, goods are sold directly to individuals.

Trading through online auctions includes concepts such as

  1. thong,
  2. draft.

Lot- in auction trade - a batch of auction goods of uniform quality. A lot may consist of a single item. Each lot is assigned a specific serial number and a separate price is set.

String- a unit of auction trading, which is a group of lots of similar quality.

Draft(draft) - a list for preliminary acquaintance of auction participants with the lots put up for sale.

Online auctions are conducted using special software installed on the website of the auction organizer. They are held at regular or pre-designated locations at traditional or pre-determined times. The auction organizer can be the owner of the goods or a specialized organization - the site organizer. A specialized organization acts on the basis of an agreement with the owner of the goods and acts on his behalf or on its own behalf.

Internet auctions more accessible to a wide range of sellers and consumers than conventional ones. The number of goods or services offered for an online auction, as well as the number of participants in an online auction, can be significantly greater than in a traditional form of auction. Auction participants have access to complete information about the items offered for sale. Additional information, if necessary, can be obtained from the seller via email or other means of communication.

As a result, the buyer can more accurately evaluate the product or service being sold at auction. For sellers, the benefits of online auctions include increasing the number of goods or services sold. Anyone wishing to sell a product at an auction registers on the information server, where he places all the necessary information about the product being sold - its description, a picture of the appearance of the product, delivery conditions, and a link to his information server. E-commerce at auctions can be wholesale or retail.

Typically, an auction does not provide for simultaneous, but alternate offerings of goods with the right of preliminary inspection. Auctions are carried out according to auction rules ( auction rules). In accordance with them, goods are delivered to auction, goods are sold at auction, contracts are drawn up and goods are received.

Auction rules are set out in special information materials transmitted to auction participants. Sellers and buyers of the auction bear financial responsibility in the form of fines for violating the rules of operation at the auction. For example, if the buyer does not pay for the selected item on time or if the seller does not sell the item to the auction winner.

At auction, goods are sold in single samples or in batches: lots and strings. Representative samples are selected from each batch and inspected by buyers before bidding begins. All data about the goods is given in the auction catalogue: in it, lots and thongs are recorded under their numbers, which are announced by the auctioneer.

Online auctions have an advantage over other types of trading platforms in cases where there is increased demand for goods or services of a certain type. Online stores, electronic storefronts and supermarket sites do not carry large stocks of goods. If there is a shortage of certain types of goods, these trading platforms cannot satisfy customer demand. In these cases, online auctions are in a better position. Their owners prudently purchase scarce goods to sell them on an online auction at an inflated price.

Auction– one of the forms of bidding; public sale of goods, securities, enterprise property, works of art and other objects, carried out according to pre-established rules.

General principle of auctions is the principle of competition between its participants - buyers. An auction is a competitive type of sale, where the right to buy the goods put up for auction is acquired by the auction participant who offered the highest price for the goods. This participant is called the auction winner. To conduct an auction and recognize it as valid, as a rule, at least two participants are required. In the form of an auction, trade in goods that have individual characteristics and properties is carried out. This excludes the possibility of replacing batches of goods with the same name, since they may have different properties: appearance, quality, taste, etc.

Property or goods that are put up for auction are called lot. A lot can include either one unit of property - an apartment, a painting, a TV, a car, a mobile phone, or a factory, or a group of objects - a batch of coffee, several dozen mobile phones, fish, furs, and so on. Auctions often sell goods with unique properties: works of art, historical rarities, collectibles, antiques, as well as various financial assets: stocks, bonds, etc.

Each lot has individual properties, features, and its own initial (starting) price. This is where the auction begins. The starting price is set either at the request of the seller, or is calculated by specialists based on developed and approved methods.

Method for determining the starting price depends on who owns the property. If the property is state-owned, communal (municipal) or is sold forcibly (seized from the owner by tax authorities or the executive service), the procedure for determining its starting price is fixed at the legislative or regulatory level. If the property is private, then the owner himself can determine the minimum price he plans to receive for his property. It is this price that will be the starting price in this case. A reasonable owner correlates his desire and market prices for the goods that he puts up for auction. Inflated starting prices do not make potential buyers want to take part in the auction and buy the product. However, during auctions, the price of a lot put up for sale can increase many times, and even exceed the market price.

According to their organizational form, auctions are:

- standard(British), where the price only goes up and

- Dutch auctions, at which the price may be reduced to a certain level.

The price increases or decreases gradually, per auction step.

Step– minimum markup or price discount. The step may be regulated by law, for example, during the sale of state property, or determined by the litigant.

Licitator (auctioneer)- This is a specialist who conducts an auction. The auctioneer must know the legislative acts regulating the auction and be fluent in the techniques of conducting auctions. The licitator’s working tool is a hammer, which is used to record the moment of final determination of the auction winner.

According to the purpose of the event there are auctions :


Charitable – the owner donates property for sale at auction free of charge;

Presentation – to promote a product to the market.

By type of event:

Regular– when the participant confirms the price named by the licitizer by raising a card with a number.

Unspoken– the participant gives an inconspicuous sign, understandable only to the licitator.

Dark– proposals from participants are submitted simultaneously, for example, in a closed envelope.

Auctions can be divided by type of initiative:

Compulsory (sale of property confiscated for certain legal reasons);

Voluntary auctions (held at the initiative of the seller himself).

The following types of auctions are distinguished according to the composition of participants:

Open auction- an auction during which participants see the bids of all their opponents. A classic example is the English open auction. Closed auction- an auction during which participants do not see the bids of their opponents and cannot change their bids. Applications are submitted closed (in envelopes) - each participant directly, without publicly disclosing, informs the auctioneer the size of his bid. An example is privatization auctions in Russia.

First price auction- a closed auction in which the winner is the participant with the highest price and it is this price that must be paid. Typically, sealed auctions are first price auctions.

Second price auction- a closed auction in which the winner is the participant with the highest price, but he must pay the “second price,” that is, the price of his closest competitor. Today it is not widely used.

Double auction- a generalized form of auction, denoting a situation where more than one seller and more than one buyer participate in it, simultaneously reporting their bids to the auctioneer, who then determines the equilibrium price at which transactions are made between sellers and buyers whose bids were no worse than this price.

English auction- the most common type of auction, which provides for buyers to offer step-by-step increasing prices for an item until there is only one auctioneer left - the winner. It is also called an upscaling auction.

Dutch auction- an auction in which the auction begins with a very high price and continues to lower it until a buyer is found who agrees to buy at the announced price. Typically, this type of reverse wholesale auction is used when it is necessary to sell several units of an item at the buyer's price. The Dutch auction is most often used for the sale of securities, flowers and used goods, sales of unfinished construction projects, and the issuance of licenses.

Today they are becoming increasingly popular electronic trading (Internet auction, also known as “online auction”)– open auctions in electronic form for the right to conclude contracts held on the Internet. Unlike conventional auctions, online auctions are conducted not on the basis of personal participation of buyers in them, but remotely. You can participate in them from anywhere in the world and place bids through the auction website or a special computer program. The end date of an online auction, unlike traditional auctions, is set in advance by the seller himself when placing the goods up for auction. In ordinary auctions, the struggle continues as long as the auction rates increase. At the end of the online auction, the buyer must transfer money to the seller by bank transfer (less often in cash, for example, when receiving the goods in person), and the seller must send the goods to the buyer by mail to almost any country in the world. The limits of possible shipment of goods are indicated by the seller himself in advance.

Online auctions are an integral part of e-commerce. The largest and most profitable electronic auction today is the American online eBay, where you can literally buy everything - from airplanes and submarines to autographs of movie stars.

Articles 447-449 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are devoted to the procedure for holding auctions. These articles regulate the procedure for conducting auctions in the Russian Federation, while separate regulations may be adopted for various items of auction (types of property, work, services), within the framework that does not contradict the general rules established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

You can become familiar with the rules for participating in electronic trading by studying the legislative framework - Federal Law No. 94-FZ of July 21, 2005 “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work and provision of services for state and municipal needs.”