Colonies named after Gorky and the commune named after

The founder of the labor colony named after Maxim Gorkov was A.S. Makarenko. He worked in the colony from 1920 to 1928.

The colony named after Maxim Gorkov was located near Poltava, in Triby and Kovalevka until May 15, 1926. But from May 15, she changes her location and moves near Kharkov, to Kuryazh. That is why the inmates of the colony who lived in Kuryazh called themselves Kuryazh. However, the students of the colony who moved from Kovalevka (there were 120 of them) called themselves colonists - Gorkyites.

But the creation of a single team was facilitated by the “conquest of Kuryazh”. At the end of 1927, Anton Semenovich took part-time leadership of the commune named after Fyodor Dzerzhinsky. About sixty colonists - Gorkyites - were transferred there. They formed the so-called core of the commune.

The meeting with Maxim Gorky was a wonderful and unforgettable meeting for all the colonists. M. Gorky was not only their friend, but also a respected teacher.

A. S. Makarenko set himself the following task: to create a strong, indestructible, able-bodied and responsible team of students from the commune. It was this team that was supposed to become an educational force. But, according to Anton Semenovich, such a capable and indestructible team could only be created with the help of socially useful labor. It is by working, A. S. Makarenko believed, that new social relations between people are formed.

Therefore, A. S. Makarenko began his educational work in the colony with the creation of this very team.

Educational work

Gradually, Anton Semenovich attracted the students of the colony to socially useful work. Thus, he set various tasks for each pupil individually and for a group of pupils, for the activists as a whole, set a personal example, and won the respect of the pupils. The colonists worked not only in the gardens and fields, but also guarded the road from robbers and protected the state forest from deforestation. These works undoubtedly brought excellent results in the formation of morality among students. This is how former street children were brought up.

Anton Semenovich staffed the library in the colony from the very first days of its life. Books and individual and collective reading became an indispensable means of educating colonists. This occupied an important place in their lives and, of course, had a great educational effect. In particular, the colonists loved to read Maxim Gorkov’s works “In People”, “My Universities”, “Childhood”.

There were several detachments in the colony. At the head of each of the detachments were commanders who made up the Council of Commanders. It was on him that A.S. Makarenko relied in his educational work, as well as in the very organization of labor of the colony students.

The Council of Commanders decided and discussed issues of organizing everyday life and the educational process, as well as cultural and educational work, managing the economy of the colony, accepting new members and much, much more.

The People's Commissariat of Education of Ukraine noted the successes of the educational work of the colony. And in honor of the fifth anniversary of the birth of the colony, A.S. Makarenko was awarded the title “Red Hero of Labor,” and the employees and workers of the colony were awarded gifts.

Educational activities

A. S. Makarenko paid great attention to the education of his students. He made sure that the colonists received solid knowledge, as he believed that knowledge determines a person's path in life. But the team of educators did not lag behind in their development. The team could already solve the tasks set for itself, which required discipline and organization. This was of particular importance before moving to the Kuryazhskaya colony, since about four hundred children lived in the premises.

In 1921, the colony was named after M. Gorkov. M. Gorky was interested in the life of the colony, corresponding with Anton Semenovich, as well as with the pupils, while highly appreciating the results of their work.

The colonists valued their lives and clearly understood that the life of the collective that A. S. Makarenko created was aimed at forming a new person. And he undoubtedly succeeded. This could be seen by looking at the graduates of this team. They were filled with a spirit of optimism, camaraderie, humanism, and respect for each other. It was through respect and trust that Anton Semenovich instilled in his students a readiness for defense and work.

In connection with the large number of street children (from 4.5 to 7 million people) who appeared after the First World War, the October Revolution and the subsequent Civil War in Russia, the state and the public took a number of measures to eliminate this phenomenon not only by criminal prosecution , but also by resocialization (return to the culture of society), including through the creation of colonies for the re-education of juvenile offenders.

However, these colonies had weak government provision. There was a lack of organizational and methodological support, material, technical and food supplies. This led to malnutrition among pupils and teachers. However, this also had a plus: since there was a lack of methodological and organizational control, the most gifted leaders of this colony had greater freedom of educational and pedagogical creativity.

An example of such freedom is the transformation of a colony into a commune, in other words, the transformation of settlements into communities of people who are connected by a common cause, into communities.

The most famous of them were the “Red Dawns” commune of I.V. Ionin near Leningrad, the Bolshevsk labor commune (1924-1937) of M. S. Pogrebinsky. In essence, the activities and many of the findings of S. T. Shatsky (the colony was called “Cheerful Life”) echoes the best experience and achievements of the mentioned commune colonies (although this institution was not created by the state and for the “cheerful life” of ordinary children, not street children) .

The colony near Poltava was created on behalf of the Poltava Gubnarozraz Anton Semenovich Makarenko in 1920.

However, the activities and innovations of Anton Semenovich generated a wide variety of assessments and responses. So, there were both positive (the experience of the colony was called the best of all the colonies that the author visited, in the brochure of M.I. Litvina), and negative responses (for example, in the “Pedagogical Poem” it was said that the teaching system of A.S. Makarenko is a non-Soviet system).

The chief expert on Makarenko, Professor G. Hilling, who lived in Germany, collected a number of evidence that Makarenko’s activities continued under these conditions until 1928. The head of the NKVD of Ukraine, Vsevolod Apollonovich Balitsky (1893 - 1937), contributed very noticeably.

However, after sharply critical accusations of Makarenko’s approaches from N.K. Krupskaya from the rostrum of the next Komsomol congress in May 1928, educational officials put Makarenko before a choice: to abandon a number of her principles in educational work or to leave the colony. He chooses to leave the colony and completely transfer to the Commune named after him, previously created (in 1927) in the NKVD system. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, where before that he worked part-time.

The new administration of the colony named after. Gorky made efforts to ensure that Makarenko’s approaches were no longer used there. A number of Makarenko’s closest associates either went with him to the Commune (for example, V.N. Tersky), or returned to their previous activities (for example, N.E. Fere took up agricultural science: first he went on a scientific expedition, later he defended his Ph.D. thesis on agricultural engineering science, worked as a teacher, was appointed head of the department of operation of the machine and tractor fleet of the Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University named after V. P. Goryachkin.

Colony named after From that time on, Gorky was not mentioned as a model for education in the scientific literature, and after some time (including in connection with the general reduction in the number of street children), she was completely redirected to work with juvenile delinquents, acquired a high fence with barbed wire, changed name and so on.

In a recent post about the procession with the Ozeryanskaya icon, the sad fate of the Kuryazhsky Monastery, destroyed in the first years of Soviet power, was already noted. A children’s labor colony was located on its territory, which turned the former monastery into a “robber’s nest” and into a “bandit Kuryazh”, as residents of the surrounding villages began to see the recent holy place. Their attitude towards the colonists, presumably, began to change when pupils of the Gorky colony, headed by their head A.S. Makarenko, transferred to Kuryazh from near Poltava, joined the Kuryazh colony. This happened in 1926. The information below about the life of the Kuryazh colony is taken from an article published in the magazine “Vsesvit” in 1927, the photographs are from material about the Gorky colony posted on the website of the Ukrainian online news publication.

What was the Kuryazhskaya colony named after Gorky like in those years? All pupils were distributed according to the production principle into 25 units. Each detachment had its own bedroom, its own place in the dining room, its own household.

The summer work day began at 5 o'clock: getting up, cleaning the premises, feeding the livestock.

After breakfast - work in the workshops and in the field. At 12 o'clock - lunch and afternoon rest for an hour, after which work again - until 4 o'clock. Next is time for relaxation and cultural and educational work in the club.

A. S. Makarenko worked in Kuryazh until 1928. Over the years of his work in children's labor colonies, more than three thousand pupils who received an education and profession passed through his hands.

Instead of an afterword- about the monument to A.S. Makarenko in Kharkov.

MediaPort message:
The monument to Makarenko was dismantled .
Today, October 24, 2011, workers dismantled the monument to teacher and public figure Anton Makarenko. The bust on the pedestal, which stood for more than forty years opposite the main entrance to Gorky Park, was dismantled.

The monument to Anton Makarenko was erected in 1968 on the initiative of the plant workers opposite the main entrance to the park named after. Gorky on Sumskaya Street.
This morning the monument was “demolished.” Workers sawed it at the seams and loaded the stones onto a truck.
At the beginning of the year, the mayor's office announced their idea: to develop a square opposite the park named after. Gorky, the tram circle should be “moved towards FED”, and the Makarenko monument should be sent either to the FED plant or to Kommunar.
The management of the state enterprise proposed moving the monument to the territory of the plant, assistant director Vladimir Derlyuk told MediaPort.
“This monument was built on the initiative of our plant, and we have a direct historical relationship with Anton Semyonovich Makarenko. This monument has been designated a beautiful, worthy, visited place,” Derlyuk said. And to the objection that the monument would be hidden behind the factory fence, Derlyuk replied: “Whoever wants to, can [see it]. Because there are requests from schools and organizations to visit our museum. We often do this so that we know the history of our plant and founder.” The bust will be placed between the administrative building and the assembly shop.
By the way, workers of the Kuryazhsk correctional colony in the spring of this year turned to the city authorities with a request to give the monument to them: they say that Makarenko worked in the colony, and it would be correct to erect his monument on the territory. But we never received a response to our appeal.

Letter to the mayor of Kharkov

Dear Gennady Adolfovich!

I am sincerely glad that smart and energetic people have finally come to lead our city, who are literally changing its appearance before our eyes. I fully support all the events you held, which caused discussions among Kharkov residents. However, yesterday I heard and saw with my own eyes that the city authorities removed the monument to A.S. Makarenko from the main street and decided to move it to the territory of the plant. I assure you that this is a gross mistake that will receive a global response that is unfavorable for the city. This question, I am convinced, was prepared by incompetent people who do not understand what place a teacher-writer occupies in the modern cultural world.
Today in the history of Kharkov there is no name more famous and more attractive to the world community than Makarenko. There is a World Makarenko Association, in all major countries there are special laboratories for the study of his heritage, and the “Pedagogical Poem” has gained worldwide fame. The world center of Makarenko studies has become the city of Marburg (Germany), where the Makarenko-Referat laboratory, headed by Dr. Hillig, has been operating since 1968. There are laboratories in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Volgograd, Poltava and other cities of the former USSR.
The final verdict of science about him is this: Makarenko is a great teacher of the 20th century, his pedagogical theory corresponds to universal humanistic, including Christian values.
I have been studying Makarenko all my life, for more than 20 years I have collaborated with a German laboratory that managed to collect and publish unique documents, and I am well aware of the attitude towards Makarenko in the world. Believe me, there are absolutely no exaggerations here. I feel bad for Makarenko and for our city, with which the brightest period of his pedagogical activity is associated. Chronologically his life looks like this:
1920-1926 - Poltava
1926-1935 — Kharkov
1935-1937 —Kiev
1937-1939 — Moscow
My proposal is this. The monument was dismantled and there is no point in returning it to its old location. In light of what has been said, hiding it on the territory of the plant looks absurd. Its place is in the park where Gorky’s sculpture stood. In Soviet times, all city parks were named after the Moscow model - after Gorky. Many Ukrainian cities abandoned this tradition and did the right thing. It’s time for us to truly perpetuate the name of the great teacher: name the park of culture and recreation after Makarenko and install his monument at the entrance.
Dear Gennady Adolfovich! I am ready to speak before the relevant commission to substantiate my proposal.
Getmanets M.F., Doctor of Philology. sciences, professor

I bring to the attention of everyone who is interested in colonial culture, labor education in the community, self-sufficiency in agricultural products, resocialization of criminals, command pedagogy, the application of the skills, ideas and methods of Anton Makarenko in modern conditions, my abstract. All quotations are given according to the publication: Makarenko A.S. Pedagogical poem. Moscow, Fiction, 1987. My notes and thoughts are highlighted! ...!

The main social task of post-Soviet countries is a change of elites. Unfortunately, powerful pressure from the United States has been bringing to power for the third decade not the elite, but the comprador bourgeoisie, plundering the national natural resources and transferring all their income to Western banks. We cannot change anything at the global level. It would seem that.

In reality, change does not start from the top, not at the highest levels of government. Management is based on information flows, and totalitarian forms of power, especially those under foreign control, cannot receive effective information. Second-class managers surround themselves with third-class subordinates, thus creating an ineffective pyramid of power. Management in this case is simply impossible.

Currently, countries with a colonial past are thriving - the USA, Canada, India. To one degree or another, Chinese civilization is colonial, and even the expansion of Kievan Rus and then the Muscovite kingdom was based on the pioneering development of natural resources and the self-organization of small close-knit groups. The labor of convicts and their self-organization were of great importance in the development of the natural resources of the Urals, Siberia, the Far North and the Far East. In history, the second most prosperous country in the world today is Australia - a country of outcasts and convicts, a country with an extremely high level of local self-government.

The elite is formed at the primary level of social labor, labor binds people together and in direct contact with natural resources and technology, the best teams provide others with models of behavior and bring forward a certain type of elite. The highest achievement of Makarenko’s command pedagogy is that everyone in his colony knew how to obey and was able to command in solving various tasks suitable to his character and knowledge.

Makarenko A. Pedagogical poem (written 1925-1935).


  1. Conversation with the governor! Kremenchug, Poltava province, Ukraine!

In September 1920, the head of the provincial government summoned me to his office and said:
- That’s what, brother, I heard you swear a lot there... that’s what your labor school was given this very thing... the Gubernia Economic Council...
- How can you not swear? Here you will not only quarrel - you will howl: what kind of labor school is there? Smoky, dirty! Does this look like school?
- Yes... It would be the same for you: build a new building, install new desks, then you would study. It’s not about the buildings, brother, it’s important to educate a new person, but you, teachers, are sabotaging everything: the building is not like that, and the tables are not like that. You don’t have this very... fire, you know, such a revolutionary one. Your pants are untucked!
- I just don’t have it on.
- Well, you don’t have a lot of clothes... The intellectuals are lousy!.. So I’m looking, I’m looking, there’s such a big thing here: there are these same tramps, boys - you can’t walk down the street, and they’re climbing into apartments. They say to me: this is your business, People’s Education Department... Well?
- What about “well”?
- Yes, this is the same thing: no one wants it, no matter who I tell them, they will kill them with their hands and feet, they say. You should have this office, books... Put on glasses over there...
I laughed:
- Look, the glasses are already in the way!
“I’m telling you, you should read everything, but if they give you a living person, then you, that’s it, a living person will kill me.” Intellectuals!
The governor angrily pricked me with his small black eyes and, from under his Nietzschean mustache, spewed blasphemy against our entire teaching fraternity. But he was wrong, this provincial governor.
- Listen to me...
- Well, what about “listen”? Well, what can you say? You will say: if only it were the same... like in America! I recently read a little book on this occasion - they slipped it in. Reformers... or whatever it is, stop! Yeah! Reformatoriums. Well, we don't have that yet. (Reformatoriums are institutions for the re-education of juvenile offenders in some countries; children's prisons).
- No, listen to me.
- Well, I’m listening.
- After all, even before the revolution, these tramps were dealt with. There were colonies of juvenile delinquents...
- This is not the same, you know... Before the revolution, this was not the same.
- Right. This means that a new person needs to be made in a new way.
- In a new way, you are right.
- But no one knows how.
- And you don’t know?
- And I don’t know.
- But I have this very thing... there are people in the provincial government who know...
- But they don’t want to get down to business.
- They don’t want to, bastards, that’s right.
- And if I take it, they will kill me from the world. No matter what I do, they will say: wrong.

P.5! 6 km from Poltava!

2. The inglorious beginning of the Gorky colony

Six kilometers from Poltava, on the sandy hills, there are two hundred hectares of pine forest, and along the edge of the forest there is a highway to Kharkov, boringly sparkling with clean cobblestones.
There is a clearing in the forest, about forty hectares. In one of its corners there are five geometrically regular brick boxes, which together make up a regular quadrangle. This is a new colony for offenders.
The sandy area of ​​the yard descends into a wide forest clearing, to the reeds of a small lake, on the other side of which there are fences and huts of a kulak farm. Far beyond the farm, a row of old birch trees and two or three more thatched roofs are painted in the sky. That's all.
Before the revolution, there was a colony of juvenile delinquents here. In 1917 she fled, leaving behind very few pedagogical traces. Judging by these traces, preserved in tattered diary journals, the main teachers in the colony were men, probably retired non-commissioned officers, whose duties were to monitor every step of the pupils both during work and during rest, and at night to sleep next to them. with them in the next room. From the stories of the peasant neighbors, one could judge that the uncles’ pedagogy was not particularly complex. Its external expression was such a simple projectile, like a stick.

P.14! the first 6 pupils are Zadorov, Burun, Volokhov, Bendyuk, Good and Taranets, four are already 18 years old, armed robberies, and two for theft!

And then it happened: I couldn’t stay on the teaching rope. One winter morning I suggested to Zadorov that we go chop wood for the kitchen. I heard the usual perky and cheerful answer:
- Go chop it yourself, there are a lot of you here!
This is the first time they addressed me on a first name basis.
In a state of anger and resentment, driven to despair and frenzy by all the previous months, I swung my hand and hit Zadorov on the cheek. It hit him hard, he couldn’t stay on his feet and fell onto the stove. I hit him a second time, grabbed him by the collar, lifted him up and hit him a third time.
I suddenly saw that he was terribly scared. Pale, with shaking hands, he hurried to put on his cap, then took it off and put it on again. I probably would have still beaten him, but he whispered quietly and with a groan:
- Sorry, Anton Semenovich...
My anger was so wild and immoderate that I felt: if anyone said a word against me, I would rush at everyone, I would strive to kill, to destroy this pack of bandits. I found myself with an iron poker in my hands. All five pupils stood silently by their beds, Burun was in a hurry to adjust something in his suit.
I turned to them and tapped the headboard with the poker:
- Either everyone immediately go to the forest, to work, or get the hell out of the colony!
And he left the bedroom.
Walking to the barn where our tools were located, I took an ax and frowned as the students dismantled axes and saws. The thought flashed through my mind that it would be better not to cut down the forest that day - not to give the students axes in their hands, but it was too late: they received everything they were entitled to. doesn't matter. I was ready for anything, I decided that I would not give my life for nothing. I also had a revolver in my pocket.

So, the pedagogical theory did not work, the thieves' ethics and normal human instincts worked!

To my surprise, everything went perfectly. I worked with the guys until lunch. We cut down crooked pine trees in the forest. The guys generally frowned, but the fresh frosty air, the beautiful forest, covered with huge caps of snow, and the friendly participation of the saw and ax did their job.
During the break, we embarrassedly lit a smoke from my supply of tobacco, and, blowing smoke towards the top of the pine trees, Zadorov suddenly burst out laughing:
- That's great! Ha-ha-ha-ha!..
It was nice to see his laughing, rosy face, and I couldn’t help but answer him with a smile:
- What's great? Job?
- The work goes without saying. No, but this is how you drove me away!
Zadorov was a big and strong young man, and it was, of course, appropriate for him to laugh. I was surprised how I decided to touch such a hero.
He burst into laughter and, continuing to laugh, took an ax and headed towards the tree:
- History, ha-ha-ha!..
We dined together, with appetite and jokes, but did not remember the morning events. I still felt awkward, but I had already decided not to give up and confidently made arrangements for the afternoon. Volokhov grinned, but Zadorov came up to me with the most serious face:
- We are not so bad, Anton Semenovich! It's gonna be all right. We understand…

3. Characteristics of primary needs

In the field of discipline, the Zadorov case was a turning point. I must tell the truth, I was not tormented by remorse. Yes, I beat up a pupil. I experienced all the pedagogical absurdity, all the legal legality of this case, but at the same time I saw that the purity of my pedagogical hands was a secondary matter in comparison with the task facing me. I firmly decided that I would become a dictator if I did not master another method. After some time, I had a serious clash with Volokhov, who, being on duty, did not clean the bedroom and refused to clean it after my remark. I looked at him angrily and said:
- Don't make me angry. Take it away!
- But the fact that? Will you hit me in the face? You have no right!..
I took him by the collar, brought him closer to me and hissed in his face completely sincerely:
- Listen! I’m warning you for the last time: I won’t punch you in the face, I’ll mutilate you! And then you complain about me, I’ll go to the police station, it’s none of your business!
Volokhov broke free from my hands and said with tears:
“There’s no point in going to the police station for such a trifle.” I'll take it away, to hell with you!
I thundered at him:
- How do you talk?
- How can I talk to you? Come on..!
- What? Swear...
He suddenly laughed and waved his hand.
- Here’s a man, look... I’ll clean it up, I’ll clean it up, don’t shout!
It must be noted, however, that I did not think for a single minute that I had found in violence some kind of omnipotent pedagogical means. The incident with Zadorov cost me more than Zadorov himself. I began to fear that I might rush in the direction of least resistance. Of the teachers, Lidia Petrovna directly and persistently condemned me. That evening she put her head on her fists and said:
- So have you already found a method? Like in bursa, right? (Bursa is a dormitory at theological seminaries and schools, synonymous with a harsh regime and rough morals with the use of corporal punishment (ZT. Pomyalovsky Nik Gerasimovich M. 1951. Essays on Bursa)).

... Ekaterina Grigorievna (experienced teacher) ...: The most unpleasant thing is that the guys talk about your feat with rapture. They are even ready to fall in love with you, and Zadorov is the first. What it is? I don't understand. What is this, a habit of slavery?
I thought a little and said to Ekaterina Grigorievna:
- No, this is not about slavery. It's somehow different here. Analyze it carefully: after all, Zadorov is stronger than me, he could cripple me with one blow. But he is not afraid of anything, neither are Burun and others. In this whole story they do not see beatings, they see only anger, a human explosion. They understand perfectly well that I could not have beaten him, I could have returned Zadorov, as incorrigible, to the commission, and I could have caused them a lot of important trouble. But I don’t do this, I took a dangerous, but human, and not a formal act. But they obviously still need a colony. It's more complicated here. In addition, they see that we work hard for them, after all, they are people.

A week later, in February 1921, I brought a dozen real homeless and truly ragged children on a furniture line. We had to tinker with them a lot to wash them, dress them somehow, and cure the scabies. By March there were up to thirty children in the colony.

Most of them were very neglected, wild and completely unsuited to fulfill the socialist dream. They have not yet had that special creativity that supposedly makes children’s thinking very close in type to scientific thinking.
There were also more educators in the colony. By March we already had a real pedagogical council.

Very few colonists had boots on their feet, while the majority wrapped their feet in footcloths and tied them with ropes...
Our food was called conder. Other food was random. At that time, there were many different nutritional norms: there were ordinary norms, increased norms, norms for the weak and for the strong, norms for defective norms, sanatorium norms, hospital norms. With the help of very intense diplomacy, we sometimes managed to convince, beg, deceive, bribe with our pitiful appearance, intimidate the colonists with a rebellion, and we were transferred, for example, to the sanatorium norm...

Sometimes we managed to exert such strong pressure that we even began to receive meat, smoked meats and sweets, but our life became all the sadder when it was discovered that the morally defective had no right to this luxury, but only the intellectually defective.
Sometimes we were able to make forays from the sphere of narrow pedagogy into some neighboring spheres, for example, to the provincial food committee, or to the food committee of the First Reserve, or to the supply department of some suitable department. The National Education Department categorically prohibited such guerrilla warfare, and forays had to be done in secret.
For the sortie, it was necessary to arm yourself with a piece of paper, which contained only one simple and expressive assumption:
“The colony of juvenile delinquents asks for the release of one hundred pounds of flour to feed the inmates.”
In the colony itself, we never used words such as “criminal”, and our colony was never called that. At that time we were called morally defective. But for outside worlds the last name was not suitable, because it reeked too much of the smell of the educational department.

The primary need for humans is food. Therefore, the situation with clothes was not as depressing for us as the situation with food. Our students were always hungry, and this greatly complicated the task of their moral re-education. The colonists were able to satisfy only a certain, small part of their appetite using private methods.
One of the main types of private food industry was fishing. In winter it was very difficult. The easiest way was to empty the yateri (a network in the shape of a tetrahedral pyramid), which were installed by local farmers on a nearby river and on our lake.

The second way of privately obtaining food was trips to the market in town. Every day, the caretaker Kalina Ivanovich harnessed Baby - a Kyrgyz - and went for food or on a trip to the institutions. Two or three colonists followed him, who by that time began to feel the need for the city: to the hospital, for interrogation by the commission, to help Kalina Ivanovich, to hold the Kid. All these lucky people usually returned from the city well-fed and brought something to their comrades. There was no case of anyone falling asleep at the market. The results of these trips had a legal appearance: “my aunt gave me”, “I met an acquaintance.” I tried not to offend the colonist with dirty suspicion and always believed these explanations. And what could my distrust lead to? Hungry, dirty colonists, scouring for food, seemed to me ungrateful objects for preaching any kind of morality on such trivial occasions as stealing a bagel or a pair of soles at the market.

There was one good side to our mind-boggling poverty, which we never had again. We, the teachers, were equally hungry and poor. We received almost no salary at that time, we were content with the same air conditioner and wore approximately the same rags. Throughout the winter I had no soles on my boots, and a piece of footcloth always came out.

So, common table, general supply, general housekeeping, common destiny– this is precisely the principle being developed in a modern ecological colony on an island in Norway. It is clear that prisoners do not bring stolen bagels or roach from the nearest Norwegian market to the hungry guards. But common dining room for prisoners and staff, everyone eats nearby what the chefs have prepared for all the colonists.

If we talk about the army, there cannot be a separate officers’ mess; if we talk about a patriotic summer camp, educators are not prepared separately. Well, as a good example of Soviet culture, still alive today, this is food in archaeological and other expeditions, where “difficult children” traditionally participate: adults, students, and schoolchildren are on duty. Everyone eats nearby and all from one pot!

Isn’t it true that, being accustomed to the titles “teacher” and “writer”, we somehow never thought that another definition is possible – inventor? But, in fact, every outstanding teacher is also a social inventor. His educational practice gives rise to new types of relationships, new ways of resolving social conflicts, and his theory makes it possible to make these decisions not just special cases, but a universal property.

Poltava labor colony named after. Gorky was discovered in 1920 by Gubnarboraz. The old estate of a colony of juvenile delinquents, consisting of five stone outbuildings in need of repair, located on 12 acres of loose sand, was set aside for her. In January 1921, the destroyed Trepke estate was transferred to the colony's disposal. For five years, the colony carried out major renovations of the estate and completed it only thanks to the help of the Central Committee for Children's Assistance (Central Commission for Children).

The overall increase in the number of pupils was as follows: 1921 – 30; 1922 – 50; 1923 – 70; 1924 – 100; 1925 – 130; and by 1935, 500 communes were raised in the commune.

Already at the very beginning of the organization of working life in the colony named after A.M. Gorky Anton Semenovich was convinced that work in itself is not a means of educational influence on children. He saw that most of the pupils did not have an aversion to work, that many of them knew how to work cheerfully and lively.

The first step towards a pedagogically expedient organization of collective labor in the Gorky colony was the creation of detachments based on the production principle.

At first, in the colony there were so-called detachments led by commanders. The detachment commanders formed a council of commanders that directed the entire life of the colony. The detachments were distributed among workshops and other production areas. This is how detachments of shoemakers, blacksmiths, grooms, pig keepers, etc. appeared.

At the same time, the development of agricultural work and its nature required the participation of the entire team, but the “artisans” did not want to take on this work, since they valued their qualifications. Then Makarenko had the idea of ​​​​creating combined detachments.

The creation of consolidated detachments, Makarenko noted, allowed our detachments to merge into a real, strong and united team, in which there was worker and organizational differentiation, democracy of the general meeting, orders and subordination of comrade to comrade” (33.t.1., p. 200).

Simultaneously with the formation of consolidated detachments, a clear schedule of agricultural work was introduced and time for work and rest was established.

Diversified agriculture (grain, livestock, vegetable growing, horticulture, floriculture, beekeeping, etc.) was well mechanized at that time, was built on a scientific basis and was carried out in an exemplary manner by the students themselves under the guidance of a small group of specialists. “When they ask me what is the main proof of the success of our work, I point out: our boys, sent to us forcibly, by order of the judicial authorities, after a few months are already proud of the fact that they are colonists, and Gorkyites at that. Every pupil who has spent 1 year in a colony, as well as every employee, receives from the Pedagogical Council the honorary title of colonist...” (34. correspondence with A.M. Gorky, July 8, 1925).

We spent 14,000 rubles and about 20,000 children's working hours on repairs.

The colony was located on the Kolomak River. With her there were 40 acres of arable land, 3 acres of meadows, a park and a garden. The colony rented a steam mill, had 7 horses, 4 cows, 7 young animals, 30 sheep and 80 pigs of the English breed. They also had their own theater, where they staged plays for the villagers every week - free of charge. The theater attracted 500 spectators.

At the first stage of the colony's existence, the most primitive agricultural labor was organized. This was also caused by vital necessity: the colonies were in the hands of the colonists. They owned storerooms, barns, and common keys.

The colonists were captivated by the beauty and miraculous power of agronomic science and collective labor, and therefore a real agricultural hobby soon began. Anton Semenovich immediately channeled this passion into purposeful creativity, the struggle to increase labor productivity, and the cultivation of valuable human qualities.

One of the most striking signs of labor organization in the colony was competition. It is expressed in the attitude towards difficult work as a moral duty of a team member, in high labor productivity, in comradely mutual assistance, in friendly work, in the development of initiative and creativity.

Thanks to a conscious desire for a common goal, the work was carried out by the colonists cheerfully and cheerfully. Makarenko called this mood of elation “major,” giving it the meaning of political consciousness.

The results of long and hard work were summed up with special solemnity in the colony named after A.M. Gorky.

In the romance of socialist labor, A.S. Makarenko found a source of emotional influence on pupils, thanks to which he transformed the difficult work duties of children into joy and happiness.

In the colony there was a school consisting of six classes and a group for training for workers' faculties. Seeing that the class tends to move away from the interests of the whole collective and become isolated in the circle of its own interests, A.S. Makarenko did not follow this path. He later saw this danger in the primary team, built on the basis of a production team.

Therefore, in the last years of my experience, I paid more and more attention to the mixed-age nature of the primary team. In a group of different ages, relationships of care for younger people, respect for elders, responsibility, and exactingness easily develop. It is known that the detachment was fully responsible for the individual: for her studies and work activities, for her behavior and cultural growth, for the development of her abilities and interests.

And the general team, if they wanted to somehow influence this or that student, did it through the detachment! If necessary, for the misconduct of one of the members, the entire detachment was punished, deprived of the right to visit the theater or any important and attractive business.

Labor and the constant daily need to improve this work - this was the foundation for the self-organization of the team. With his hands, destroyed buildings were repaired, restored, 40 dessiatines of land were cultivated, and 200 pounds of wheat were collected per dessiatine. The colony received 8 horses, 2 seeders, and threshing machines. The first tractor in this area was the tractor of the colonists and the first tractor drivers were the colonists. Gradually the colony transitioned to profitable farming.

A path was made from fairly monotonous and simple productive work in workshops, from the manufacture of primitive wooden chairs for clubs and cinema halls, to the realization of a seemingly impossible dream - to the construction of real factories.

The students who went through the factory work school and received high job ranks became people in a wide variety of professions and occupied various positions.

In the colony, the educational staff became increasingly involved in transforming the environment. The fight against moonshine in the surrounding farms, against unauthorized logging, friendship with rural youth, introducing them to culture with the help of the theater created in the colony - this and much more filled the life of the collective of colonists and everyone with socially useful activities and diverse relationships: labor, economic, political, legal, moral, aesthetic, typical of the new way of life. At the center of this organization of collective life was the diversified economy of the colony, where pupils for the first time felt the joy of free labor and realized the need for knowledge and learning.

Led by Anton Semenovich Makarenko in the colony, labor was one of the main levers in the entire educational system effectively implemented in practice. Because A.S. Makarenko believed that complete secondary education and a high work rank are a good determinant of personality. All of them were helped in life by the economic knowledge and labor skills acquired in the colony.

The next stage of A.S. Makarenko’s life is work in the Dzerzhinsky commune.

Here in the commune, the searches, undertakings, plans of Anton Semenovich, born in the colony named after. A.M. Gorky, were further developed and formed into an integral, deeply scientific system of education.

Setting the task of raising a “cultured worker” before the labor commune, A.S. Makarenko proceeded from the basic needs of our country. When organizing the commune, a clear goal was set: “The main goal of the labor commune is to determine the education of a class-conscious and literate proletarian with average industrial qualifications.”

“Cost accounting is a wonderful teacher,” wrote Anton Semenovich. Recently, the commune not only covered the maintenance of the plant, but also gave the state 5 million rubles of net profit per year.

Income from production made it possible to dress boys in cloth suits and girls in silk and woolen dresses. The commune could spend 40 thousand rubles on theaters annually. When this is done, “in the order of labor discipline, in the order of gaining wealth, when the whole team fights for it, then what can be compared with this new pedagogical force” (33.t.5, pp. 311-312).

Wages were also introduced in the commune. Each communard had 2 thousand rubles in the savings bank when he graduated. Everyone put aside their money and pocket expenses in the commune cash register. The pupil was thus placed under the conditions of his own budget, and this already made it possible to educate the future owner.

From the earnings of each communard, 10 percent was transferred to the fund of the Council of Communards. Such a fund allowed Anton Semenovich to direct the life of the communards. All these “devices” related to the use of funds received from production made it possible to reduce the greed for money, which in a team could be a very difficult, unpleasant addition to the educational process” (33.t.5, p.206).

There were training and production workshops in the commune:

· Plumbing and mechanical;

· Woodworking;

· Sewing;

· A shoe shop; in addition, a blacksmith shop was organized.

Thus, the task of the commune was to introduce children to working life and, in the context of the struggle to create an advanced team, to instill in them personality traits. In addition, by participating in social production labor, the communards mastered a certain working specialty, which gave them a sense of confidence about their future life after leaving the commune.

What form of educational work was carried out in the commune?

· The commune had drama, photography, music, library, literary, and technical circles. Most of them were closely related to the production process. The aircraft engine, auto engine, glider, parachute, cavalry section and others clubs were very popular.

· In order to teach students how to manage rationally and increase their overall political level, production circles were created in the commune:

· circle of the Communard machine tool;

· material circle;

· rationalization circle;

· circle of organizers;

· circle of production economics.

Here theoretical and practical work was carried out to study the correct and economical use of materials, the possibilities of invention and rationalization of production. The communes became acquainted with the issues of costs, prices, profits, and wages. They read technical and economic literature, took excursions to the best factories in Kharkov, studied their production and looked for real ways to improve, identified communards - the best innovators and those who use materials most economically, and held discussions on certain issues of organizing production management.

· The squad system contributed to strengthening discipline, increasing labor productivity and fulfilling training and production assignments.

· The first steps have been taken to ensure that scientific interests are born and arise, which can be satisfied through broad general education.

Therefore, the idea of ​​the value of human labor was reinforced by the production program. In the minds of Dzerzhin residents, work acquired the meaning of socially useful activity filled with political meaning. This consciousness served as the source of the attitude towards work. After all, the whole work of the commune consisted in raising a new person from precisely such people, through labor, study, and political work.

An educational institution for juvenile offenders on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (1920-36), which was led (until 1928) by A.S. Makarenko. Since 1921, on the initiative of Makarenko and his students, the Colony was named after M. Gorky. Organized as a colony for defective children by the Poltava Gubnaroobraz in the town of Trepke, near Poltava; since 1924 it was located in the former estate of the Trepke brothers. Kovalevka; from 1926 - in the village. Kuryazh near Kharkov. In 1923-26 it was an experimental and demonstration institution of the People's Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR. Children with negative social experiences were brought up in the Colony, among whom were many former street children and orphans. Makarenko implemented his ideas of creating a children's group into the practice of the Colony. His book “Pedagogical Poem” (parts 1-3, 1933-1935) is dedicated to the history of the Colony.

(Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 2002. P. 123)

see also Makarenko, Anton Semenovich

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