Summary of a lesson in kindergarten on the world around us in the senior group with a presentation: Bread is our wealth! Classroom preparation.

Do you know that the 25 best-paid top managers in Russia earn 1000 times more than 25 good middle managers with work experience? Data based on forbes article.

Why do you think?

What is the difference, why do some people earn as much in 2 hours of work as their colleagues do in a year? A consultation with a famous doctor can be tens of times more expensive than with a regular one. Why, what is the secret of success?

The secret is in the self-development of a person’s personality; in order to succeed you need to do something better than others. Remember, will you choose the worst option for cooperation? Everyone wants to get to to the good doctor, teacher, employer, our whole life is a choice and everyone wants to choose only the best.

What do you need to do to become better?

To become better you need 2 things:

- Work, this is a mandatory attribute of any long-term success;

- It is good to understand the direction where to spend efforts, i.e., a vector of invested labor.

How can you find out the direction where the invested work will give the maximum return? The direction of work is determined by knowledge, i.e. human self-development and way of thinking. Imagine a real-life situation, you need to get from point “A” to point “B”, 2 people:

- First man unfamiliar with the city and in it for the first time;

- Second man, is familiar with the city and knows what transport you can use to get there, where there are traffic jams and other information.

Who do you think will get from point “A” to point “B” faster? Is the person familiar with the city or not?

Why will there be a difference in speed?

Knowledge determines the shortest path from point “A” to point “B”. It's the same in life, knowledge helps us find the shortest path to happiness, success, achievements, money and everything you want. When we travel by car, knowing the traffic situation - traffic jams, the optimal route and other information allows us to get to our destination faster. In life, knowledge also helps you avoid mistakes and achieve success faster.

Now I will tell you about 7 ways of personal self-development to gain new knowledge in your field, which will help you achieve success in your career and life faster. So, the self-development plan (program) is as follows:

1. Read while waiting and in transport

Life story

I'll tell you now a little story about myself and share my impressions. I myself was born and lived in Samara, and when I was about 15 years old I ended up in Moscow. The first thing I noticed when I found myself in the subway car was that many people had newspapers in their hands. It was around 2000, there were no e-books or smartphones yet, so people read newspapers. This was unusual for me; in Samara I almost never saw people reading on public transport and that’s why I remembered it well.

Later I realized how important it is to use the time on the road or while waiting to your advantage. Great amount time is lost when we wait for someone or travel in public transport. I will share my experience: When I plan to go somewhere, I always take my tablet with me to write articles or read e-books saved on the same tablet. I also always have a smartphone with me, on which several e-books, because there are situations when it is more convenient to read from a phone than from a tablet. For example, if one hand is busy, then it is more convenient to hold a phone than a tablet. If you are in a queue or crowded transport, then reading from your phone is also more convenient than from a tablet.

To make good use of your time while waiting and in transport always take a book, magazine with you or download them to your tablet, phone, laptop. This way you can always make good use of your time in transport or waiting. In crowded transport it is very convenient to read from your phone, because it is always with you and only 1 hand is required for reading. You can cut out pages of interest from magazines and put them in a file folder so that you can read them while you wait.

2. Trainings, offline courses

Do you know how training differs from reading and other sources of information? Why waste a lot of time and money? Why can't I watch a webinar or read a book?

Life story

I'll tell you a little story from my life. I first attended training when I was about 20 years old. The training was dedicated to sales. Even though about 10 years have passed since that moment, I still remember the main key points training. I am sure that if several more decades pass and my health does not fail me, I will still remember these skills. Moreover, I use the skills that I remember well in everyday life.

The situation with books is different. In my life, I have read a lot of business literature and I can say that the skills read in the text are quickly forgotten from memory, especially if they are not applied in practice. Why do you think information is remembered better during good training? What is the secret of the trainings, why are people willing to pay money for training, with which they can buy several dozen, or even hundreds of books?

The secret of training

Emotions are the secret of any good training . This is why information in trainings is remembered better than when reading books. AND the stronger your emotions, the better you will remember this event. Everyone knows that without an antenna, TV does not show. If you connect a portable antenna, the signal is strengthened and the TV begins to show many channels. And if you place an antenna on the roof of a building, then more more channels in even more best quality. Emotions are like an antenna on a TV that amplifies the signal, i.e. the transmitted information.

Trainings play a big role and make it easier to remember the transmitted information compared to reading books and magazines, especially in an area where it is important to consolidate practical skills. This is achieved due to the fact that the trainings involve more emotional, visual and audio components thanks to a live narrator.

Types of trainings

A) Industry trainings, according to your field of activity;

B) Personal growth aimed at developing personal qualities, for example, time management, public speaking, and others.

Go to trainings not only for knowledge, but also to recharge yourself with emotions that will motivate you to new achievements in life.

3. Books

I'll ask a very simple question: “How many books have you read in Last year, month?" Many people answer: “We don’t have time to read books.” Let's be honest. Do you want to live better tomorrow than you do now? If you didn't want to, you wouldn't watch this video or read this article. And if you want to live better tomorrow, then the reason is not a lack of time, but a lack of understanding or unwillingness to read books. Right?

Why read books

Publishing a printed book is a costly business, because you have to invest money in layout, preparation, printing, and to get to bookshelf An offline store needs useful content, otherwise they won’t buy it and will accordingly be removed from the store. Due to such difficulties, as a rule, only the best appear on the shelves of bookstores. Therefore, reading industry books is the foundation of your knowledge.

4. 30 minute rule

We know a huge number of stories of entrepreneurs who went from poverty to one of the richest people in the world. How do you think, What principle lies in the growth of an entrepreneur’s well-being? The principle is very simple - investing in business. The entrepreneur invests part of the profit in equipment, premises, renovation, etc., so that these investments pay off and bring more money in future. If there is no investment, then there is no growth.

Why do you think you need to spend time on self-development? Investing personal time in self-development is an investment in yourself, the scheme is the same as in business, the more we invest, the more profit we can expect in the future. When you spend time on self-development, your next actions become more thoughtful, more accurate and faster, which means that your time investment begins to pay off.

In some cases, the time will pay off immediately, in some cases it will pay off in a month or even a year. But the principle of payback is inevitable sooner or later. For example, by sharpening knives in the kitchen in 5 minutes, within a week you can recoup the time spent, because sharp knives will cut faster. Also in self-development, by spending time studying information, you can recoup this time through more effective and thoughtful actions.

Set aside at least 30 minutes every day. for self-development: reading books, magazines, watching thematic videos. The time for daily self-development depends on your existing knowledge and the specifics of your industry. But in many areas, achieving success may require more than 1 or even several hours of daily self-development.

For maximum efficiency, engage in self-development during the period of time when you are at the peak of activity. Usually, many people have a peak of activity in the morning, because after sleep there is a lot of energy. If you get up early, for example at 5 am, then there will be no distractions and you will be able to use this time with maximum benefit.

5. Fast reading

Remember your most last book which you have read. I’ll make a reservation right away that the book should be non-fiction; it could be business literature, a book on a specialty, or another informational focus. Do you remember the most recent book you read?

And now question: “If you were asked to write the contents of a book you read, that is, retell the book in your own language, how many pages would it take to write everything you remember?” Guess this figure at least approximately. Look no further until you mentally estimate the number of pages you will need to recap the contents of the last non-fiction book you read.

Rated? Let's say you read a book of 300 pages, but memorized 3 pages. That is, from memory you can write 3 pages of text from this book. This means that you only remembered 1% of the information you read from the book. And there is nothing strange about this, because our brain can only remember the most important things; there is no point in even reading the secondary things, because we will soon forget them anyway.

Reading books in their entirety is very unproductive.. Reading books in full is an old habit from times when there was a lack of information. My parents told me about times when books were in great short supply. But now in the world, on the contrary, there is an overabundance of information. It is better to read the most important of 3 books than to read all of one book.

Now I will tell you how to find the most important information in any books to read only this one. The method consists of the following 4 parts:

Stage 1. General information about the book. Read everything on the front and back cover, blurb, introduction, author information. Read the entire table of contents and start reading all the headings and subheadings, flipping through the pages, also look at the pictures and read the captions. Treat this stage with attention, act at an average pace. Duration: 10-15 min. for the whole book. Having studied general information, then it will be much easier to understand which chapters and sections to read in full and which ones quickly.

Stage 2. Reading the most important things. Always read the title and subtitle, if they are hooked, then the first paragraph. Often it is in the first one or first two paragraphs that the short summary the content of the subsequent text of the chapter. Therefore, it is worth reading the first paragraph almost always and sometimes the second as well. If the text in the first and second paragraphs and in the headings is not at all engaging, move on to the next heading.

Also always read bold, italics and picture captions. If there are summaries at the end of chapters, read those too. Additionally, you can read one random paragraph on each page. While reading, move your finger under the sentence you are reading; this simple action will help you better focus on the text.

Stage 3. Don't read everything. If you feel that the text is useful, read everything at a normal pace. Some books can be very useful and can be read carefully from cover to cover, but do not neglect the rule of speed reading in other cases. If the first one or 2 paragraphs do not grab your attention, feel free to turn the pages to the next heading, or, as a last resort, read one additional random paragraph at a time. There is no point in wasting time on unimportant things; it is better to read the most important things from 2 or 3 books than everything from one book.

Stage 4 Reading vertically. If you read and understand that this is not text, but pure water, but are still afraid of missing out on something important, then read vertically. Mentally draw a line through the text from top to bottom and read one word from each line that crosses the mental vertical line. The rule is: “1 word - 1 line”. This rule will increase your reading speed significantly and you won’t miss anything important.

When you come across a very useful thought that can greatly change your life. Read it 5-10 times and recite the same amount from memory so as not to forget. Then circle it and, in the notes at the end of the book, indicate the page number where you circled the important text; you can also fold the corners of the pages. And after a few years, you will be able to very quickly recall all the important thoughts of the book by quickly flipping through it and reading the previously highlighted fragments. If the book is electronic, then make a text file with the most important notes and store it in the same folder as the book.

Circle the chapters you have read in full and label them. Also sign the chapters that you glanced at briefly, i.e. using quick reading technology. It is important to sign the chapters you have read so that after a few years you do not have to read again what you have already read, if you need to. Additional Information. Also, if you needed information from the book you read, you knew where to look for it.

Do not use fast reading in fiction, because classics are read for pleasure. Fiction should be read at a pace that suits your relaxed state to unwind and disconnect. Don't ruin your fun fiction quick reading.

6. 50/50 rule

We live in an era of consumption, words such as shopping, shopaholic have become ingrained in our lives. I very often see among my friends and relatives how many people buy completely unnecessary things and only because they are cheap. And then these things are moved to the attic or closet and lie there until they are thrown out. What you can call it: Buying unnecessary junk.

Think about how much money we spend on unnecessary things? Now think about how much money you invest in yourself to become better, in your self-development? Buying junk and unnecessary things is a bad investment and it reduces both your financial status and your free time. And investing in self-development is a good investment in your future, which pays off and helps you achieve success faster.

When you develop and gain new knowledge, you understand how to quickly achieve success in your chosen direction. Do you feel the difference? Excessive consumption leads to degradation and stagnation. And investing in your training leads to development and success. That's the difference.

I'll ask a very simple question: Estimate how much money you spend every month on car maintenance, unnecessary shopping, restaurants, entertainment, clubs, alcohol, etc.? Do not read further until you estimate the cost of your entertainment for the month.

Rated? Now estimate how much money you invest in your self-development in order to achieve your goals and achieve success? How many books did you buy and read? How often do you go to trainings, seminars, or seek advice from professionals in your field?

In order for life, in addition to pleasures, to have a movement towards success through self-development, balance is necessary. How to balance entertainment and self-development? Use simple and effective rule 50/50 . The 50/50 rule means that when you have money for entertainment: Restaurants, new purchases, improving your quality of life, spend the same amount on your education as on entertainment, i.e. 50% rest and 50% development. This rule can significantly accelerate your career and personal growth.

Are you going shopping? Attend training too. All expenses are halved - 50/50. Did you go to a restaurant? Attend a seminar. All expenses are halved - 50/50.

7. Audiobooks

Do you know the advantages of an audiobook over an electronic or text book? It is enough to go to the online store to understand that audiobooks are not in demand. Many people are not even aware of the benefits of audiobooks and therefore do not buy them. Now I will tell you in more detail when to listen to audiobooks and their advantages over text ones.

Benefits of audiobooks

There are 2 most informative channels for obtaining information: visually or through speech. Visual information requires strong concentration of gaze, i.e. reading, watching and at the same time performing some physical actions difficult. After all, most actions in life require a glance to make them correct, accurate and fast. And audio information does not require any concentration of gaze; you can perform familiar physical actions and at the same time receive information through hearing. That’s why they listen to the radio in the car, not the TV, because in order for the driver’s actions to be correct, he needs to concentrate his gaze on the road.

Here's the difference between audiobooks and text books: When you read, there are very few things that can be done in parallel, since most physical actions require looking. A when you listen to an audiobook you can do a large number of physical actions at the same time. This way, you can combine 2 things at once: physical activity and listening to an audiobook.

For example, you can cook a meal and listen to an audiobook. You can disassemble the table and listen to an audiobook. Any physical activity: cleaning, repairing, cooking, playing sports, etc. can be done in parallel while listening to an audiobook.

How to listen to audiobooks

The question may seem very simple, but I’ll ask it to you anyway. The question is: “How to listen to music when you walk down the street?” Answer: “you put on headphones and walk while listening to music.” Do the same with audiobooks as with music - if you are walking, then you can also listen to audiobooks through headphones by downloading them to your player or phone. Question two: “How to listen to music in public without disturbing others?” Answer: “Through headphones.” Do the same with audiobooks. When there are people around you, you can listen to audiobooks on headphones so as not to disturb them.

Text to sound

And now I will share with you a unique idea that few people know about. Do you think it is possible to turn an electronic text book into an audiobook, that is, convert the text into sound? You probably know that musical works play according to notes. You can also make an audiobook from text. You may have a question: “Do you need someone to read the book out loud?” I will answer: “No. The book will be read by a computer at a speed hundreds of times higher than the human reading speed.

And now, how to make an audiobook from a text book. You need to install 2 programs: “Balabolka” and “Speaker”. You copy text into the program and it creates music files that you can listen to. Thus, it becomes possible to listen to all recordings in electronic form. Personally, I create audiobooks from text books using the Govorilka program, but first I install the Balabolka program, since it has the engine necessary for the Govorilka program to work.

8. Choose the best books

To get maximum results from reading, give preference only the best books. How to choose the best book? Take a look at a large online store, for example,, there is a rating of books among readers, sort the books by popularity and proceed to further selection:

- Read the table of contents(for most books, the first pages are posted on the website for informational purposes);

- Read reviews of the book;

Try to find out how long does the author take to write?, the bigger, the better

Make sure that author familiar not only with the theory, but also in practice I studied this issue well. If the author does not have practical experience, then think about this: Can you be taught karate by a coach who has read 1000 books on martial arts, but has not participated in competitions?

- Please rate whether there is practical advice in the book. If there is no practice, then such a book may be useless. For example, imagine you want to open your own business and in front of you are 2 books: One by an economics professor who has never been an entrepreneur, and the other written by a real entrepreneur and contains practical recommendations. Which book will you buy? There are many areas of activity where, without practical experience, it is impossible to understand the real order of things. Theory without practice is like learning karate from a book on the couch.

9. Speed ​​reading courses

Speed ​​reading becomes more important every day as the amount of information in the world increases. The principle of speed reading is to choose what is important and not read the rest. The point is that there is not enough time to read all the books you are interested in, so it makes sense to learn the most important things from several books rather than read everything from a single one.

Of course, you can master speed reading without courses, but compared to courses or training, individual study may seem boring and difficult and you will interrupt this initiative. The courses will be more interesting than studying on your own. The use of speed reading makes sense in non-fiction literature. So if you are reading classical works For pleasure, you should not disturb the harmony by speed reading.

10. Exhibitions

Visit all thematic exhibitions, where you can meet the most successful companies and learn from their experience. Come and be interested in the technologies being used; you don’t even have to hide the fact that you are doing the same thing, but consider everyone as a partner. because if you are unable to complete the order, you will be able to recommend your partner or cooperate as with a subcontractor on mutually beneficial terms.

The peculiarity of exhibitions is that in one place you can communicate with top officials of enterprises. Many directors and executives of companies personally attend exhibitions and communicate with visitors. In addition to invaluable experience in conversation, you can find a business partner.

11. Coaching or personal consultations

This is individual training from a specialist in a certain field. If a specialist can really teach something, then this is one of the most effective methods self-development, because you can find out details that are not described in books and magazines, that is, reveal a topic that interests you more deeply.

And what is very important is to get a competent look from the outside, because a person makes many mistakes due to excessive self-confidence in his rightness, because in many situations it is harder for us to admit our mistakes than to follow the wrong path. The error is always clearer from the side.

12. Read what is most relevant at the moment

Gone are the days when books were in short supply and information was insufficient. Now, on the contrary, there is an overabundance of information. Many people have a huge number of unread books on their bookshelves. You should not read books or magazines from beginning to end. Select only the chapters that interest you and read only those. Our the brain is designed in such a way that it better remembers the information that we need now. And the more information we need at the moment, the better we remember it.

There is also Feedback, many people read all sections in books and magazines, with the hope that perhaps this will be useful in the future. But remembering the principle of how the brain works, we can say with confidence that such reading is not productive, since we poorly remember information that we do not need now and, moreover, will not apply in the near future, that is, we will not consolidate it in practice. It's like a container of water with a hole; no matter how much water you pour into the container, it will still leak out and your work will be in vain.

A particularly large oversupply, potentially unnecessary information is in glossy magazines. It should be remembered that by reading an unhelpful article, we miss time that could be spent reading a more useful one.

13. Conferences, seminars, master classes

Conferences, seminars, and master classes are regularly held in many areas of activity. Participation in such events may be free. Information about upcoming events can be found on the websites and

Additionally, you can type the following phrases into the search engine:

- “Conferences + class. Phrase"

- “Seminars + class. Phrase"

- “Master classes + class. Phrase"

Where "kl. The phrase could be the following: “the name of your city”, “the subject of your activity”. For example, “conferences on psychology” or “seminars in Samara.”

14. Industry magazines

These are magazines dedicated to your activities. New ideas can be published in them, successful examples implementation. Interviews with other experts will help you gain invaluable knowledge very quickly. Subscribe to industry magazines to stay connected to new ideas and opportunities in an ever-changing world.

You can find out what industry magazines exist by visiting an industry exhibition; there are usually pavilions with thematic literature. You can also find them on the Internet by searching for the phrase “magazine” + key queries on your topic, for example: “construction magazine”, “fireplace magazine”, etc.

15. Educational video courses

There are now a huge number of training courses on the Internet, which are a series of lessons in text or video formats. These are the so-called tutorials. The advantages of educational video courses are that the information is prepared by a specialist in his field and is structured, so there is no need to waste time searching from different sources.

There are free tutorials - as a rule, this is a small demo version so that you can evaluate the level of the specialist - and paid ones, they contain the most complete information. Courses are distributed on DVDs or downloaded from the authors’ websites.

Training video courses differ from books in that they focus on practice. For example, a course on Photoshop contains video lessons in which the author shows on video all his actions on the computer, which is much easier to understand than reading such information from a book.

Here are examples of sites where you can find a huge number of training courses, including free ones:, You can find other sites if you type in the search engine: “Training video courses.”

16. Blogs, websites

Many leading experts maintain their own blogs in which they share their opinions and notes. Find and view blogs from experts on your topic; many have the opportunity to subscribe to updates.

17. Forums

If you have questions about your field of activity, many of them, especially technical nature You can solve it by writing about them on the forum. Thematic forums on the Internet are an excellent opportunity to quickly resolve issues of concern in many areas.

18. Online consultations

To get an advanced answer to your question, you can use paid consultation. There are special services that represent a huge number of specialists in various fields. There you can get both free and paid consultations.

To find such sites, type the phrase “online consultation” into a search engine. The advantages of such services are that you can quickly find a reputable specialist, look at reviews, his past answers, work experience and much more, which you will agree is very important. Example of online consultations:

19. Mailing catalogs

Many people may have associations associated with spam. In fact, mailing directories are not associated with spam. To receive emails from the mailing list, you must subscribe. Without a subscription, there will be no letters, and if you need to unsubscribe, you can always do this very simply by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in the letter or in personal account mailing catalogue.

Many reputable experts conduct their own email newsletters. A large number of these authoritative specialists conduct thematic mailing lists on special services. Namely, on these services you can find and subscribe to a huge number of industry newsletters in just one evening. There are 2 most popular email newsletter services with a huge number of reputable specialists: and Just go to the “mailing” section of these services, then “catalog” and subscribe to the ones that are most interesting to you.

You can even subscribe to all thematic mailings. And when I receive letters from authors, I can refuse very easily - by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link in the letter or in my personal account of the mailing catalog. By receiving thematic mailings from specialists, you can keep abreast of new trends in your field of activity, and also receive invaluable knowledge from experts in their field.

20. Social networks

Almost all bloggers and influencers have accounts on social networks. Social networks will allow you not only to learn about the author’s latest publications, but also to follow his life. Lifestyle successful people will help anyone to adopt this experience and quickly improve their own life.

So that you have a guideline to strive for, subscribe to the news of the most authoritative experts in your field on social networks, add them as friends. And now you will have the opportunity to find out in much more detail what building blocks success in your business is built from.

To find authoritative experts in your field, go to an online bookstore, like, and find books on your industry, write down the authors of these books. Now, by typing the names of the authors in the search engine, you can find their social media accounts. networks. Subscribe to all authoritative experts on social media. networks.

There are also social networks thematic groups. You can find thematic groups using group search, which is available in almost all social networks. networks. Enter in search bar social network keywords related to your field of activity and join the most interesting groups to stay informed interesting materials and latest news.

21. Youtube

A huge number of reputable experts create videos. The video format in many areas of activity allows you to better convey the essence of the matter. There are authors who make excellent educational videos, but do not write articles, so the information on the video hosting may be unique and you should not skip it, because it may not be available elsewhere.

You can find authoritative specialists just like on social media. networks by typing keywords related to your industry in the YouTube search. Video will allow you to combine several things at once, for example, you can watch and do another thing at the same time. For example, watch a thematic video and eat. Or play sports and watch videos. Find and subscribe to authoritative YouTube channels.

P.S. If you have difficulties or questions about the article you read, as well as about the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc. ask them to me, I will try to help. Consultation via Skype is also possible.

P.P.S. You can also take the online training “How to get 1 hour of extra time.” Write comments and your additions;)

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Problem 1. What to do if the individual development plan drawn up for an employee does not work?

Problem 2.What to do if an employee does not agree with the individual development plan?

Problem 3.How often should an individual development plan be adjusted?

The situation on the labor market is such that choosing a person who is suitable both professionally and personal qualities, it's getting more and more difficult. Therefore, employee training and development is becoming one of the most priority tasks for many companies. How to retain key and promising employees? How to preserve the company's human resources potential? The solution to these problems can be individual development plans, which are necessary tool in personnel career planning. In addition, without it it is unthinkable to work with the personnel reserve, as well as attract young specialists to the company.

Why do you need an individual development plan?

The individual plan contains a detailed algorithm of development actions necessary qualities, knowledge and skills of the employee, which will ultimately increase the personal effectiveness of a particular employee. As a rule, the plan is drawn up for a period of three months to one year. It is optimal to create an individual plan as an element of a comprehensive system of adaptation, motivation, training and assessment of personnel. In this case, an individual development plan will be useful to both the employee and the company (Table 1).

Benefits of an individual plan

Benefit for the employee

Benefit for the company

The plan helps the employee focus his efforts on the chosen areas of development, that is, it allows him to understand: “What should I do in order to achieve my goals?” The plan provides an opportunity to combine the employee's goals with the company's goals. Achieving his development goals, the employee simultaneously works to achieve key business indicators
Together with the manager, the specialist determines priority areas for growth, which allows for a better understanding own desires Increases employees’ readiness to solve assigned tasks and also motivates them to be goal-oriented
Allows an employee to significantly accelerate the pace of their development and encourages them to work better Allows the company to plan and conduct training based on the real needs of employees
The employee gets the opportunity to be an active participant in the process of his development, influence it, and independently evaluate personal progress and achievements With the help of a plan, a company can unlock its potential best employees and direct it to solve critical business problems
There is no need to think about changing jobs, since the employee imagines the stages of his career in this company When working with a personnel reserve, the plan makes it possible to track the stages of development of reservists

Marina Shurupova, Head of HR Department of the United Consulting Group (St. Petersburg):

“One of the factors determining the success of an individual development plan is active position employee, his need, readiness and desire to participate not only in the development of the plan, but also in its implementation. I know of an example where a plan was not implemented because employees were not interested in it.

Thus, in one trading company, due to undeveloped customer service and low motivation of salespeople, a process of falling sales began. The company's managers, together with an invited consultant, developed a number of activities: a series of trainings, implementation new technology sales new system bonuses. In addition, an individual development plan was drawn up for each sales manager. What happened in the end? Riot on the ship. Employees refused to participate in training and education events. After identifying the reasons, it turned out that when choosing training, the interests and wishes of sales people were not taken into account, while they had low awareness of the training goals and were not ready for changes - each of them was hostage to their habits and measured work process and at the same time considered themselves a unique specialist."

HR Dictionary

Individual development plan– this is a document containing the goals and program for training an employee, developing his professional and personal qualities.

Who draws up the individual development plan?

Ideally, an individual development plan should be drawn up by a manager together with his subordinate during a conversation. The HR manager oversees this process. You will need to evaluate the effectiveness of your activities: the results of certification and other types of employee assessments will be useful. Try to ensure that the employee takes an active part in drawing up his development plan. This will make it possible to more accurately determine his needs, career expectations, desires to develop in one direction or another, etc.

An individual development plan usually consists of three blocks:

  • information about the employee (full name, position, etc.);
  • a list of competencies that need to be developed;
  • actions that an employee needs to perform to develop competencies.
  • In addition to the above, the following information can be included in an individual development plan:
  • about the position being filled by the employee;
  • about possible employee movements within the company (as part of both horizontal and vertical growth);
  • about the employee’s goals regarding professional growth;
  • about possible career prospects*.

Elena Guryeva, Manager for recruitment and adaptation of personnel at Stoliya Group of Companies LLC (Volgograd):

“There are times when one of the employees does not agree with the individual development plan. To avoid this, it is necessary, first of all, to motivate the employee to fulfill the development plan. How to do it? First you should explain why such a plan is needed, show specific examples, what positive changes in your career will its implementation lead to. Then describe each point of the plan, discuss what each party will receive as a result. It is important not to impose a development plan on an employee, but to help him decide on methods and methods of training that will contribute to his career. Ideally, he would independently prepare a plan for himself and submit it to his manager for approval.”

Who needs an individual plan?

  • key specialists;
  • personnel reserve or applicants for high positions;
  • managers at all levels.

In practice, an individual development plan is drawn up mainly for key specialists and applicants for high positions.

Tatiana Iliopulo,

“In our group of companies there is an opportunity for both professional (horizontal) and career growth (vertical). We use horizontal development if employees are not capable of being managers (and this is not always what the company needs). Such employees have the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills in their area of ​​functionality or in related areas, and become mentors, participants or leaders of new projects and innovation groups. For horizontal development, we do not draw up a detailed development plan. Enough simple list events. Strategically, their implementation is monitored by the company's top management (twice a year), and more quickly - by immediate managers and HR employees responsible for this work. Vertical development is planned for employees who share the company's values ​​and are very loyal. A well-developed and long-term career development plan must be drawn up for them.”

When drawing up an individual development plan, take into account not only the employee’s goals and expectations, but also his concerns regarding the implementation of the plan.

How often should an individual development plan be adjusted?

To work effectively with the plan, it needs to be adjusted. We recommend adjusting the development plan at least once every six months after assessing the results, for example, in the form of an individual conversation. In addition, ask employees about the results and the need to change development plans.

In what cases is it necessary to make adjustments to the plan? It happens that the position for which an employee applies after the plan is completed is vacated earlier (for example, due to the dismissal of the employee from the position he replaced) than the development plan is implemented. In such situations, many employers take risks and promote an employee who is clearly not fully prepared, but with great desire and ability, to a leadership position. In this case, it is necessary to make certain changes to the plan, for example, reduce the amount of theoretical training and focus on acquiring the practical skills necessary for a manager. Also, the reasons for adjusting the plan may be the employee’s low motivation to carry out the plan, its formal implementation, or lack of time for training.

Possible problems when implementing an individual plan and how to overcome them

Once a plan has been developed and approved by both parties, the company may encounter difficulties in implementing it. The most common problem is lack of motivation. To avoid this, ensure that the plan is balanced and takes into account the employee's personal aspirations. Then there will be no problems with motivation.

The second problem is that the development plan exists only on paper or is carried out formally. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to clearly plan professional and career employee. To do this, it is necessary to determine the employee’s potential, his development needs and, most importantly, whether his growth within the company is realistic.

Third, the employee does not meet the employer's expectations according to this plan. The reason for this may be a lack of understanding of the employee’s development goals or incorrectly selected training. In the second case, it is necessary to clearly define what theoretical and practical knowledge the employee needs and correctly indicate the preparation time frame. In addition, emphasis should be placed on acquiring practical skills that will be useful for performing the job.

Lada Seredyuk, deputy general director for personnel of Navigator LLC (St. Petersburg):

“When an individual development plan is carried out formally or does not work at all, then the first thing that really needs to be done is to identify the reasons and errors that led to such a situation. For example, talk to the employee, find out what prevents him from implementing the plan, whether there are results after completing training programs, what he liked and what, in his opinion, needs to be changed, etc. If the employee did not meet the employer’s expectations, you should not blame this is just his. This means that when drawing up an individual plan, a clear development goal that was equally understood by both the employee and the employer was not formed. With an agreed upon goal, we can outline the smaller steps of the plan. Any problem is always easier to solve when we break it down into smaller ones.”

In addition to the insufficient level of motivation and formal execution of the individual plan, the following organizational risks may arise:

  • cancellation of some corporate courses (for example due to dismissal, illness of an internal trainer);
  • termination of relations with the training company (for example, due to a reduction in training costs, provision of low-quality services, etc.);
  • reduction or freezing of the training budget;
  • priority of business goals over the goals of the individual development plan.

To keep these risks manageable, consider how you can support your employees and managers as they implement their individual plan; do not forget to monitor the implementation of the plan (diagram on page 94).

Tatiana Iliopulo, Deputy Director for Personnel and organizational development Novard Group of Companies (Moscow):

“The main problem we face when implementing an individual development plan is the employee’s workload with operational activities. As a rule, the person himself needs to understand that in order to develop, he will have to sacrifice some of his personal time. If it exists and manifests itself in practice, then this is already 80 percent of success.

Ideally, when an employee completes the development plan and within a month takes the position for which he was trained. But in practice this does not happen often. As a rule, you have to wait some time (six months or even more) for a corresponding vacancy to appear. And the main thing here is that the employee does not burn out. The competent work of the company’s personnel management service will help with this.”

An individual employee development plan is one of the tools of the personnel management system. According to some experts, in order to reduce risks when implementing an individual development plan, it is necessary, already at the stage of hiring employees, to give preference to candidates who are initially aimed at professional development and who perceive the individual plan as help in determining the direction of their development.

Do not use components of material motivation (bonuses, bonuses, etc.) to interest an employee in fulfilling an individual plan. As practice shows, in such cases the staff begins to perceive the individual plan as a source of income and treats its implementation formally.

In this publication I would like to deviate a little from the usual financial topics to talk about self-development and tell me what it could be personality development program. Analyzing the site's statistics and communicating with readers, I noticed that motivating articles about this, etc. are very popular, especially among regular readers. Therefore, I decided to pay more attention to the development of this topic and continue the series of articles about self-development.

So, today we’ll talk about what a personality development program is and why it is needed. Any person, any personality can change in the course of his life, and these changes can occur both for the better and for the worse. By better changes I mean acquiring some new ones useful knowledge, skills, abilities, under the worst - accordingly, the loss of existing useful knowledge, skills, abilities. But also, in my opinion, negative factor can even be considered a stop in personal development.

If a person stops in his development, he will inevitably begin to lose something in some areas of his life (work, business, relationships, hobbies, etc.). Now nothing stands still, so to be successful, constant development is necessary. The absence of such development means inevitable losses; the longer it is absent, the stronger these losses can be.

There are people who think about their development and strive for it, there are those for whom it happens on its own, for example, due to professional activity, practicing your hobbies, etc. In addition, sometimes personality development can occur without any signs visible to the person himself: he does not notice changes in himself, but learns about them only from those around him. This depends on the degree of a person’s self-awareness: the higher it is, the more he is able to objectively assess the changes occurring in his personality.

Which person will develop their personality more effectively: the one who takes some action for this, sets goals and objectives for themselves and achieves them, that is, engages in self-development, or the one who doesn’t even think about it? In my opinion, the answer is obvious.

Personality development will be more effective for people engaged in self-development: they will be able to achieve better results than those who let the development of their personality take its course.

Then another question arises: what needs to be done for personal development? To do this, as in any matter, it is best to act according to some planned plan, to have a certain program of action. IN in this case it can be called a “self-development program” or “personal development program.” Let's consider what it can be.

So, a personal development program is a certain set of measures intended to achieve certain results in the self-development of the individual in general and its individual areas in particular. I bring to your attention the most general, simplified program for personal self-development, presented in the form of a diagram:

As you can see, it consists of 5 stages:

1. Setting goals;

2. Self-analysis;

3. Personal development plan;

4. Practical implementation;

5. Analysis of results.

Let's take a closer look at what these stages of the personality development program include.

1. Setting goals. First of all, you need to determine why exactly you need a personal development program, that is, what goals you ultimately want to achieve. At this stage, you need to “draw” for yourself some ideal image of the person you would like to become. It is advisable to set goals for yourself in all main areas of personal development at once:

- Personal life;

– Work, career, earnings;

Intellectual development;

– Health, physical development;

– Hobbies and interests;

– Getting rid of bad habits etc.

Goals need to be formulated as clearly as possible so that you can clearly see what you are striving for. In addition, these goals are also important as a motive, an incentive for achieving them. Having thought it through well and “drawn” this image for yourself, you will psychologically want to become one, you will have more desires and positive energy, which will become your assistant in self-development.

Goals can be short-term, medium-term and long-term. Moreover, having goals for one period does not in any way relieve you of the need to set goals for another, longer or shorter period of achievement.

When setting goals in your personal development program, I strongly recommend that you do not take into account stereotypes imposed by anyone (parents, teachers, acquaintances, people around you, etc.). You should strive to become exactly the kind of person you want to see in yourself, and not someone else. Otherwise, you may be deeply disappointed, and you will have to start all over again, but an irreplaceable human resource - time - will already be lost.

2. Introspection. After the goals have been set, we move on to the second stage of the personality development program - self-analysis. If at the previous stage you “drew” for yourself an image of the ideal “I”, now you need to “draw”, on the contrary, the real “I” - the way you are in reality. this moment. You need to see and highlight all your positive qualities that will help you move towards achieving your goals, and the negative ones that, on the contrary, will slow you down and with which you will have to fight.

Here, on the contrary, in order for self-analysis to be as objective as possible, it is necessary to compare how you see yourself and how others see you. By the way, this is not always easy to do. The fact is that your friends or acquaintances may, for ethical reasons, “not notice” your negative qualities and shortcomings, then you yourself won’t even notice them. But here you can use one trick: think about how you see your friends, your social circle. A person is always drawn to others like himself, so it is very likely that the shortcomings that you see in the people around you are mirror reflection your own shortcomings.

At the self-analysis stage of the personality development program, you need to identify and record starting point, the initial data with which you will compare the result achieved in the future.

3. Personal development plan. The third step is to compose specific plan actions with which you will achieve your goals. Let's call it a “personal development plan.” Based on our identified strengths, think about how with their help you can get rid of weak ones, eliminate negative qualities, and strengthen and strengthen positive ones even more strongly.

For example, if we're talking about about achieving some financial goals, you need to draw up a plan, about improving your health - a plan for classes, training, switching to proper nutrition, etc.

The personal development plan should contain not only a list of specific activities, but also specific deadlines for completing each of them and identifying factors by which it can be assumed that the goal has been achieved.

4. Practical implementation of the plan. When the plan is ready, you can consider that your self-development program, personality development program has been drawn up, and begin practical implementation. That is, carry out all the points of the planned plan in the sequence in which it is provided.

Any change is always difficult at the first stage. However, over time, these difficulties go away. There is a so-called “21-day rule”, which says that any new, inconvenient and unwanted action for you will turn into a habit after 21 days. Therefore, try to persevere through the initial difficulties and develop as many useful habits as possible, which will begin to appear in just 3 weeks. And when you see some first, even minor successes, it will certainly begin to inspire you and motivate your self-development even more.

It is also necessary to understand that not all actions will necessarily produce some result, and this is quite normal. states that 20% of actions provide 80% of results and vice versa.

To more effectively carry out your personal development program, you will have to get rid of the so-called. “time wasters” - activities that do not bring any benefit, but take up time. Well, for example, “hanging out” on social networks or empty chatter on the phone (every person probably has his own “time wasters”). The time thus freed up can be used for more useful activities that your personal development program provides.

It will also be a good help in implementing your plan to make new acquaintances and connections with people who are better than you in what you are striving for, or who are striving for the same thing as you. Firstly, they can become for you positive examples, increasing your motivation. Secondly, it is easier to move towards a goal together than alone. Thirdly, the more other people are involved in the process of your self-development, the more difficult it will be for you to refuse it, because then you will fall in their eyes. Thus, look for new useful acquaintances among people who have something to learn from and whom you would like to be like.

The practical implementation of a personality development program is the most difficult stage, but only he can lead you to the desired results. No matter how well and competently you plan your self-development, theory without practice, as you know, is blind.

5. Analysis of results. And finally, like any process, a personal development program requires summing up and analyzing the results obtained. It is far from a fact that you will achieve everything you planned on the first try. But you still need to analyze all your actions, find in them what helped or, conversely, prevented you from achieving your goals.

If the goal is achieved, great, then you can set a new, more ambitious goal, and build a plan to achieve it, because, as you remember, self-development, personal development should never stop.

If the goal is not achieved, you always have more attempts that you can make, taking into account the analysis and correction of your mistakes.

Self-development can hardly be called simple process, but can certainly be called interesting and exciting. Developing his personality, a person constantly learns something new, acquires new skills and abilities, experience, and all this, sooner or later, will definitely help him in life, make life brighter and more interesting.

Stay on: the materials on this site will certainly help you in self-development, increase your financial literacy and teach you how to make the most of your personal finances. See you again!

After reading this article, you will have a clear understanding of where and how to move in self-improvement (I hope so). Here you will find detailed plan self-development in all areas of life, but this is not the most important thing. It is much more important to understand the need for self-development itself and develop an adequate attitude towards it. We will do all this within the framework of this article.

Self-development is popular today and this term has even become somewhat hackneyed. This may reduce the value of the process itself, and this is the danger. Self-development is not entertainment or a means to “kill” time. It has very specific tasks, which were once discussed in an article about.

Therefore, at the very beginning of your self-improvement, track your attitude towards it. Think about what it represents to you at the moment. Perhaps this is just a fashion trend or for you it is like a life preserver for a drowning man. It is better to approach the process of working on yourself consciously, understanding that without this it is basically impossible to become successful and happy.

But there are other options. Fate forced me to engage in self-development, literally destroying all my illusions at one fine moment. True, this is not the most pleasant scenario. It’s better to start yourself, realizing the importance of the process, and not wait until life drives you into a corner.

Making a plan as a smart start to self-development

Whatever we start doing, we must have an understanding of what we want to achieve in the end. If we do not have a clear understanding of the end goal, then achieving it will be much more difficult. Next, once we have decided on a goal, we need to make a plan to achieve it.

When there is a plan to achieve a certain goal, then we can clearly see what, when and how much we need to do to achieve what we want. It’s even better when our goals and plans are associated with specific numbers: time, money, quantity, etc.

Here is a specific goal and a plan to achieve it:

I want to learn to speak fluently English language after 1 year. You must master at least 1500 English words. To do this, you need to visit a tutor 2 times a week, for which you need X amount of money per week. After 8 months of studying with a tutor, you need to go to England for 3 months to immerse yourself in the language environment. A teacher is also needed there. And so on.

I have given an approximate plan for achieving the goal, in reality it may differ. I think that you understand the essence.

Likewise, in self-development, we all must have goals and plans to achieve them. In some places the plan will be simpler, in others more complicated, but it must be there.

But even more important than the goals is understanding why this is all needed. You literally have to ask yourself questions:

Why do I want to engage in self-development? What do I want to get as a result?

Then you need to answer them. This will be additional motivation for you, and on difficult days it will force you to act.

Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to strictly follow self-development plans; it is not so easy. But if you want health, happiness and success, then you need to strive for this.

Self-development plan at four levels of life

We will consider self-development based on all important areas (levels) of life. In other words, this is called the wheel of life or the wheel of life balance. But one way or another, we will include all important areas in the plan: health, relationships, work, personal and spiritual growth, relaxation and more.

So, there are four levels of life at which you need to develop to achieve harmony and happiness:

  1. Physical;
  2. Social;
  3. Intellectual;
  4. Spiritual.

On the physical level important: cleansing, nutrition, lifestyle, exercise, breathing exercises, daily routine, food restrictions, harmonious sex life, staying in nature, regular rest, getting rid of bad habits.

On social level the following areas should be worked out: purpose in activity, relationships with parents, husband or wife, children, grandchildren, development of one’s masculine or feminine nature (qualities), earning money, improving the fate of the Family, building harmonious relations with others, the ability to live with benefit for others and the world as a whole.

Intellectual level includes setting and achieving goals, working with emotions, calming the mind and controlling feelings, getting out of the influence of the false ego, changing fate, understanding the main goal human life, awareness of one’s true nature (spiritual), a harmonious life with the rejection of everything unfavorable, obtaining education and training in general, learning languages, obtaining scientific degrees, etc., studying the Holy Scriptures, regularly visiting Holy places.

On spiritual level we study the nature and qualities of the soul, increase unconditional love in the heart, develop selflessness, humility, cheerfulness, inner peace, detachment and other sublime qualities, learn to live in the present moment, see God everywhere and in everything, accept fate, strive for absence pride, selfishness, desire for fame, resentment, condemnation, claims and criticism.

All areas of self-development are described in detail. Based on these directions, we will build a self-development plan that will be enough for you for the next few years, at least.

Self-development program for 3-5 years

Of course, I don’t know what level of development you are at now. Therefore, this plan will take into account the needs of beginners in self-development and those who have been working on themselves for some time.

Actions will not be described here by month or week - it is better to do this individually, based on personal qualities and lifestyle. Below you will find a list of specific self-development goals, the achievement of which will bring you a big breakthrough in life.

Self-development plan (all important goals of working on yourself):

Physical layer:

  • Learn to get up before 6 am, ideally at 4-5 o’clock (section to help);
  • Go to bed at 21-22 hours, maximum 22-30;
  • Start taking a shower every morning and every evening ();
  • Cleanse the intestines 1-2 times a year, then depending on the circumstances (read about);
  • Go to the bathhouse for health purposes at least 1-2 times a month (article about);
  • Do not eat after 18-19 hours, do not overeat;
  • If possible, avoid meat, flour products, white sugar, preservatives ();
  • Start fasting on water or freshly squeezed juices 2 times a month (on Ekadashi);
  • Completely give up alcohol, tobacco, coffee and other drugs (section will help);
  • Be in nature at least once a week (2-3 hours): in the forest, on the river, the sea, in the mountains;
  • Take a break from everyday activities at least once a week and devote time to self-development and spiritual practices;
  • Be sure to rest at least 4 weeks a year, more is better;
  • Start exercising regularly physical exercise: running (), swimming, brisk walking, cycling, skiing, etc.;
  • Learn to practice breathing exercises(pranayama, qigong, etc.);
  • Avoid casual sexual relationships;
  • Refuse pornography, erotica, computer () and gambling, financial fraud.

Social level:

  • Find a purpose in your activity and begin to gradually develop in it (article:);
  • Improve your relationship with your parents, make bows and prescriptions to them (read:);
  • Study laws happy relationship and learn to apply them in life (section and section);
  • Start the harmonious upbringing of children and grandchildren, if you have them (section to help:);
  • Thoroughly calculate how much money is needed to meet the needs in life;
  • Thinking about how you can reach the required level of income is more important for men (read:);
  • Learn to handle money correctly, especially for women (read:);
  • For men to develop: intelligence, generosity, asceticism, determination, responsibility, courage ();
  • Women to develop: love, humility, flexibility, wisdom, purity, fidelity ();
  • Think about how you can use your life to benefit others and the world as a whole.

Self-development plan at the intellectual level:

  • Learn to set and achieve goals ();
  • Write goals at 4 levels of life;
  • Learn to track your emotions so as not to be influenced by them;
  • Be sure to work on calming your mind (read about this);
  • Learn to control feelings, and not try to satisfy them with material means;
  • Study what fate is and how to change it (category:);
  • Realize the main goal of human life ();
  • Write down the main goal of life;
  • Realize your true nature, different from the body and mind (an article about may help);
  • A man should think about how he can become a more in-demand specialist (obtaining additional education, advanced training, training with a guru);
  • A woman should first of all think about creating an atmosphere of love and comfort in the home, about relationships with her husband and raising children;
  • Start meditating every day, starting with 5-10 minutes and gradually increasing the duration of practice;
  • Study spiritual treatises and scriptures- VERY IMPORTANT;
  • If possible, visit Holy places, clean and energetically powerful corners of the Earth.

Spiritual level:

  • Study the qualities and nature of the soul, that is, your own nature;
  • To understand that Unconditional lovehighest value and strive to increase it in the heart;
  • Develop selflessness, humility, cheerfulness, detachment, inner peace;
  • Learn to live in a state of “here and now”, that is, do everything consciously, focusing on activities in the present moment;
  • Learn to accept fate (study:);
  • Strive to see God and His Will everywhere and in everything;
  • Eradicate pride, selfishness, greed, envy, lust, anger, resentment and other vices;
  • Live without condemnation, harsh assessments, criticism, claims;
  • Start praying or reading mantras every morning.

In questions spiritual growth(where to start, etc.) Articles from the section will help you figure it out.

What plan of self-education and work on yourself do you personally need?

Here is a general plan for self-development. It is usually different for each person. It is necessary to take into account a person’s gender, his level of life and development, his aspirations and desires, his capabilities and more. Based on all this, you can build individual development plan for an individual person.

If you need a plan for self-education and work on yourself that is right for you, then you can work with me, during which we will draw up your individual self-development program.

By the way, there are several unusual ways work on yourself, which are described in the article:

http://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/plan-samoobrazovaniya-cheloveka.jpg 320 640 Sergey Yuriev http://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergey Yuriev 2018-09-27 05:00:12 2018-09-27 16:37:18 A detailed plan for human self-development at four levels of life

Every employer is interested in the development of an employee, especially if the person works in a leadership position. Improving employee qualifications increases the overall efficiency of the enterprise. The development of an employee is facilitated by the preparation of an individual development plan (IDP).

What is an individual development plan?

A development plan is a set of training measures that contribute to improving competence and professional growth. It is individual because it is compiled in accordance with the characteristics of the work of a particular employee.

When developing a plan, you need to take into account the needs of the specialist, as well as the needs of the company. For this reason, an individual development plan is beneficial to both the company and the specialist.

An employee's fulfillment of the plan can be rewarded financially. The individual development plan specifies development strategies and provides recommendations. The plan may indicate a list of books to be read, a number of seminars and lectures to be listened to.

Goals of the plan

An individual development plan is drawn up with the following goals:

  • Increasing staff loyalty.
  • Professional development.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of goods produced by the enterprise.
  • Increased labor efficiency.
  • Systematic development of a specialist.
  • Coordination of work goals.
  • Improving control efficiency.
  • Turning hypothetical goals into actions.
  • Simplifying the analysis of strengths and weaknesses specialist
  • Timely preparation for enterprise modernization.
  • Ensuring self-organization.
  • Prioritization.

Without a plan, an employee can also develop, but it will be chaotic. In addition, the employer will not be able to track development results.

Who creates an individual development plan and for whom?

For whom is the development plan being formed? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. A company can choose one of the following strategies:

  • An individual development plan is developed for each employee. This model is based on the fact that every employee, regardless of his position, can improve the efficiency of the company.
  • The plan is issued only for employees applying for senior positions. The model is based on the fact that developing an individual plan is a complex and expensive process. Therefore, it is better to develop a plan only for high potential individuals.
  • The plan is issued only for management personnel. The model is based on the view that the effectiveness of a company is determined by the effectiveness of management.

The choice of model depends on which employees contribute to increasing the productivity of the company. The development of these specialists will increase efficiency at minimal cost. It is in these employees that it makes sense to invest greatest number strength

The formation of the plan should be carried out by the manager together with the employee. However, to draw up a high-quality plan, the manager must have all the relevant knowledge. Not every manager has this knowledge. Therefore, you should hire a professional coach to help you.

Stages of developing a development plan

Let's consider the main steps to develop an individual development plan:

  1. Preparation. Development recommendations are developed and then reviewed by the employee. The employee forms the person’s development priorities. A consultation on drawing up a plan is ordered, if required.
  2. Planning. A table is compiled indicating priorities and development activities.
  3. Approval of the plan. The formed plan must be agreed upon with the manager. If necessary, adjustments are made.
  4. Plan approval. The manager also approves the plan.

The drawn up development plan is analyzed for compliance with the following criteria:

  • Availability of logic, reasonable consistency. The employee is expected to first decide simple tasks, and only then complex ones.
  • Compliance with the main purpose. The plan identifies the skill that the employee must develop. The assigned tasks should contribute to the formation of this skill.
  • Setting deadlines. Developmental activities must be completed within a certain time frame. This will make it easier to monitor their implementation.

It is important that the plan is realistic. That is, the employee must have time to complete all developmental tasks. For this reason, his standard workload must be taken into account.

Elements that make up a development plan

The structure of an individual development plan depends on the needs of the company and the employee. Typically, the plan includes these elements:

  1. Information about the employee. This is the full name, position, department in which the employee works, planning period.
  2. Tasks. It is necessary to list current professional tasks.
  3. Recommendations. It is necessary to list recommendations for the development of professional competencies.
  4. Goals. It is necessary to list the goals for the implementation of certain activities, as well as indicate the time frame for achieving these goals.
  5. Results of plan execution. The results are recorded. Comments may be included in this section.

If required, the plan may include additional items.

When developing an individual development plan, it makes sense to be guided by these recommendations:

  1. No more than two areas of development are established per year. Only in this case can proper efficiency be achieved.
  2. Each direction must include full complex activities: theory, training under the supervision of experienced specialists, practice.
  3. Ensuring uniform load throughout the year.
  4. One and the same developmental method cannot be grouped in one period. It's important to them the right combination. For example, you should not give an employee the task of reading books all month. Theory must be combined with practice.

Managers must evaluate the resources to execute the plan. These are material costs and time.

IMPORTANT! In order for the plan to be even more effective, it makes sense to involve several specialists in its creation: employees, representatives of human resources departments, consultants, coaches.

Example of a development plan

The development plan is drawn up in the form of a table. Let's look at an example. First you need to specify personal information: Full name of the employee, date of birth, position, period during which the plan will be valid. Then this information is written:

Tasks Formation and introduction of a quality management system at the enterprise
Recommendations The employee should:
  1. Develop analytical thinking.
  2. Pay special attention to planning.
  3. Improve management skills.
  4. When setting tasks, focus on the analysis of the economic component.
  5. Develop greater initiative.
Development Goals Acquiring the skill of distributing responsibility
Development methods The plan uses the following methods:
  • Self-study (read at least 3 chapters from the book “The Art of Management”. Drawing up notes on the most significant points.
  • Trainings and seminars. Registration and participation in the seminar “How to increase work efficiency.”
Plan creation date 28.09.2018
Signatures (employee and manager)

The second part of the plan is results. They include an employee’s self-assessment of his development and assessment by his manager. The manager can also give certain comments.

IMPORTANT! Each task should have its own deadlines. For example, an employee needs to read the specified book before June 1 and attend training before August 1.