How to beautifully and easily draw a mother with a pencil and paints: a step-by-step master class for children. What to draw for mom for her birthday, Mother's Day or just because

With the onset of May warmth, spring truly comes into its own, delighting children and adults with the long-awaited warmth. Of course, in this wonderful time It is especially difficult for schoolchildren to “get into the mood” for work and complete the next one with dignity. academic year. However, in just a little while, the country’s schools will host assemblies dedicated to the Last Bell - thousands of young graduates will go to their new independent life. In honor of this significant event There will be parting words from teachers to graduates of grades 9 and 11 with wishes for a good journey, good luck in choosing a profession and happiness in their personal lives. In addition, don’t forget about the fourth-graders - the youngest graduates will hear farewell speeches touching to tears from their first teacher. Simple in beautiful words in poetry or prose, it is best to congratulate students on graduating from school at the Last Bell or graduation party.

Parting words from teachers to graduates on the last bell at school

Last Bell Day is a joyful and at the same time sad holiday of farewell to school for graduates of grades 9 and 11. Each of the mature students thinks with excitement about the upcoming school exams and entering a university in order to obtain a sought-after specialty. According to tradition, parting words from teachers to graduating seniors are heard at the line in honor of the Last Bell, as well as at the graduation ceremony. In his last parting words teachers express regret that they have to part forever with their beloved students. At the same time, graduates receive from school mentors wise advice and instructions, sincere congratulations and wishes. As a sample, we offer several parting texts in verse and prose - for festive scenario Last call.

Words of parting words and wishes from teachers for graduates of grades 9 and 11 in poetry and prose

Eleven years have flown by.

Today is the last call.

He calls fervently and boldly

To the very last lesson.

Today he is crying pitifully,

In the hands of a first-grader he is sad.

Now without him all the tasks

You will have to decide in life.

Happy last bell, teachers.

They stand with tears in their eyes.

They gave you a lot of knowledge

And the wings have a wide span.

Let life's bells ring

Gives its heart signal.

May your school teacher be happy

And I felt proud of you.

Eleven years you loved

This is a fun call.

You hurried excitedly to class,

When he called you to class.

Your last school bell is ringing.

It rings quietly, somehow in the old fashioned way.

No need to rush to class tomorrow

With a briefcase on a trodden path.

No need to study theorems

Write complex essays in notebooks,

Or you can just take it and dream

About those roads that are possible to travel.

May the mountains that appear on the way

Will be overcome overnight,

May it always be easy for you to walk,

May only happiness be with you.

Let everyone become who they want to become,

Will pass all the difficulties of complex science.

Always go forward, don’t give up and know

That in life everything is always possible!

My dear guys!

I wish you to make the right professional choice, to go into the world only along the roads of courage and kindness, honesty and hard work, to never forget the lessons of your native school, to always remember and respect your teachers, to appreciate and take care of your parents.
Let the wonderful state of youth help you overcome all obstacles.
May your destiny be generous with goodness and joy.
Good luck to you, fulfilling all your hopes and achieving your goals.

Dear graduates, we have now reached this point. significant date- graduation from school! Today the doors open to you in Big world with a lot of possibilities. The last school bell is a symbol of the end of childhood and the beginning of adolescence. Within these walls you have received an invaluable capital of knowledge and experience, which will definitely help you choose the right path in life! Each of you is now able to defend your opinion and withstand any test to achieve success. School time will forever remain in your memory. Let the friendships formed during these years only become stronger, and let the advice of school mentors not be forgotten. Be worthy of respect people and make us and our parents happy with your achievements! Good luck!

Graduated from school. And you have matured.
And your evening is graduation.
We grew up, we were in a hurry, we wanted to finish -
Say goodbye to schoolland.

We tried so hard to teach you
Everything that we ourselves have comprehended.
You argued and doubted
And new things were revealed to us.

Beautiful words from teachers at the graduation ceremony for high school graduates

Prom in grades 9 and 11 - the traditional end of many years of schooling and the beginning of a new one life stage. Getting ready for this important event, graduates and their parents choose festive outfits and the location of the celebration in advance, learn poems and speeches in prose for teachers and school administration. In turn, teachers will speak with touching words of parting words, encouragement and best wishes– for beloved high school graduates. What beautiful words to dedicate from teachers to graduates? A selection awaits you on our pages original options parting words to the younger generation- for graduation or last call.

A poetic selection with beautiful words of wishes for graduates of grades 9 and 11 from the teacher for the graduation party

We taught you with love,
There is no one closer and dearer to us.
Remember in adult life
You are your teachers.

“Bon voyage” – let’s say today
And we'll cry secretly.
We love you all very much, children.
Congratulations on this day.

I wish you happiness, great success,
Never give up!
May you always be a ray of light
Gives a bright star!

Today you are a little worried,
Today I'm a little happy
And, of course, you can understand,
After all, there is a new path ahead of you!
He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the path be remembered,
That she took me to school every day!

We wish you everything in life,

Finish college, fall in love!

Find a decent job

Show parents concern.

Never forget school

Come visit us at least once a year during recess.

The doors are always open for relatives,

Beloved students, golden ones.

We, graduates, are proud of you,

Have fun today!

Today you are graduates!
A wonderful moment of youth,
The soul is sublime and airy
And believe in tomorrow with simplicity.

Now your choice is free
And all wishes are fulfilled.
You don't like peace
And so the soul is still vulnerable!

It's time to say goodbye to school
And different feelings are crowded!
A year and many years will pass,
Fate will put everyone in their place.

Some will probably be praised,
For others, he will put up barriers!
And it's very difficult to give advice,
And sometimes you won’t find the answer.

But you, playing with your fate,
Sometimes I get bumps,
Don't rush to retreat
Only the strong can win!

May your life be full
Surrounded by the warmth of friends
And warmed by personal happiness,
And as unusual as a comet!

It's a little sad to part with you,
But we hope that the school gave you
Not only writing and reading skills,
But the experience of friendship, endurance, kindness!

May your life be full of excitement,
Go boldly towards your main goal.
We gave everything for the right start,
And if something goes wrong - sorry, we didn’t have time...

Touching words to tears from teachers to elementary school graduates

Another school year is coming to an end - time is counting down last weeks and days until the cherished date of the Last Call. For graduates primary school It’s time to say goodbye to the first teacher, who in 4 years has become a real “second mother” and best friend. And how much warmth and love there is in the heart of the first teacher for his students - just a boundless ocean! However, the students are growing, and will soon set off to conquer new heights, and “yesterday’s” graduates will take their place kindergarten. So, at every Last Bell, touching words to tears are heard from teachers to graduates of 4th grade - matured girls and boys with joy and sadness in their eyes. The love and affection of the first teacher for children is sometimes difficult to express in your own words - they will come to the rescue ready-made examples parting speeches and poems from our collection.

Examples of words of wishes and parting words for graduates of the 4th grade of primary school from the first teacher

Our ship, called the elementary school, approached the shore. Today you will all leave our ship and move to another. But you will never forget these years that we spent together. You will remember the ABC book and numbers and all the lessons. After all, everything that we learned in elementary school will be repeated in high school. I believe that you will be able to continue your studies with excellent grades. I believe that you will overcome all the hardships of high school and graduate with success.
Today is our 4th grade graduation. But only 7 years will pass and you will graduate in 11th grade. And then I will be able to look at you with pride and say that it was not in vain that I believed in you!
Good luck and don't forget your knowledge!

Elementary school is already behind us
It’s as if we just came to school yesterday.
The years, like one, flew by very quickly,
And all this time you tried very hard.
We are proud of you, our beloved!
You have become smarter, more serious, older.
Work conscientiously, but don't be lazy,
Be obedient, study successfully!

You are a graduate of elementary school!
You know a lot, you’re used to thinking.
All three Septembers flew by quickly,
Mothers and grandmothers cry for good reason:
Instead of funny and ridiculous guys
Good fellows are sitting in the class.
The desks are too small for you, the board is a little low,
But everything was great once upon a time.
The teacher's voice also trembles:
After all, a segment of life will be lived with you.
She already knows more about you than your mother,
The warmth of the heart is given to you down to the gram.

You are a graduate of elementary school!
He penetrated the secrets of the very first sciences.
You have a lot of work behind you -
There will be more of them, my friend, to come!
Your program will become more complex
It’s unlikely that your mother will solve the problem for you.
Dad will also rub his forehead -
This means that we will have to decide everything ourselves.
You will have to wear the backpack yourself -
It’s a shame to ask my mother about this.
Try to do everything yourself -
Adulthood came to your doorstep.
You are now a middle school student,
Let there be a diary only with A's!

Four years flew by like birds.
And today we proudly say -
Graduates are now you, graduates
Stages of the first school path!
You still have a lot to go through
And you may be wrong more than once!
But we want study to become
The most important task for you!

What words should teachers give to graduates? For the last call or graduation party, you can prepare a beautiful farewell message in poetry or prose, expressing in your own words your most sincere wishes - for graduates of primary school, 9th and 11th grades. On our website you will find a selection of parting words touching to tears from the first teacher and other school teachers.

Everyone is looking forward to the graduation party: mothers, fathers, teachers and especially graduates. The farewell dance will be a waltz of memories of the best carefree years of life. The first teacher always sounds especially exciting. After all, it was he who took the tiny and timid first-graders from their mother’s hands and led them to school life. He had the most difficult task - to teach him to recognize good and evil, truth and lies, love school, respect teachers, help elders, not offend younger ones, value friendship. It was the first teacher who introduced us to the basics of wisdom and played the role of a guide along the corridors of knowledge. And today, together with everyone else, she’s seeing her off to adulthood.

What words to choose for congratulations from the first teacher to graduates so that they touch their hearts? Put all the love, warmth and tenderness into them. On such an evening, all spoken words are perceived by the soul, and not by the ears. The main thing is that congratulations are said from the heart.

Last call

The long-awaited last call takes away carefree years. School adventures, endless lessons and educational moments are behind us. But today all the words of teachers are perceived differently. The congratulations of the first teacher on last call graduates.

Graduates of 11th grade will have to say goodbye to school twice. The first time when the last school bell rings for them at the festive assembly of beautiful adult children. There are still exams ahead and a final determination with a difficult choice of profession. This is exactly what will be the most pressing wishes from teachers and parents.

The Last School Waltz

How long everyone has been waiting for the prom! All school exams have been passed, dresses have been bought, hairstyles have been done. The hassle of shopping and preparing for the holiday is behind us. There are so many unknowns ahead!

Often congratulations to graduates from the first teacher sound like choosing the right path in life, setting priorities correctly, being faithful human values. There will still be many warm words, but the speech of the first teacher is always perceived as a pleasant wake-up call from childhood.

Original congratulations in verse

An excellent option for congratulating graduates from their first teacher would be poems written about themselves, taking into account their characters and temperament, aptitude for knowledge and Active participation in the life of the school. It is important not to forget anyone, to find warm words about each of the graduates. After all, every student is a personality, even if not fully formed, but sincere and open.

Poems can be written by the teacher himself, because no one knows his students better than him. Or order from professionals. The Internet offers a sea of ​​opportunities for preparing ceremonial speeches and even entire scripts. Comic personalized poems are always easily perceived, taking into account the personal characteristics of each student. The main thing is not to forget anyone.

An example from the first teacher.

Now childhood is a thing of the past.

School bells rang.

Think positive

And it will always be with you.

Behind elastic bands and bows

Broken knees, bruises.

I wish you romance in life

And wisdom from the school board.

Today you say goodbye to childhood

You are parting with the school and with us.

Here you can always warm up,

And meet the teachers.

Simple, but from the heart

Sometimes the first teacher’s congratulations to 11th grade graduates, said in simple words, can be much nicer than beautiful poems copied from the Internet. The main thing is that it feels warm. And love and place in huge hearts there are enough teachers for everyone.

“My dear adult children. It seems like just yesterday I met you on the threshold of school as little boys and girls. So funny, clumsy and capricious. 11 flew by quickly for long years. Today, on such a joyful and sad day, you stand on the threshold of adulthood. What it will be depends only on you. For 11 long years we have tried to put the best into your hearts. All life is a choice, and only you can decide what it will be. Listen to wise advice, take all the lessons from life, adopt other people's experiences and share yours. Remember the main rule taken from the Bible: “Always treat people the way you want to be treated.” Good luck, my dear adult children!”

“Dear graduates. All these difficult 11 years, I watched you as you grew, matured, and became wiser. Many events took place before my eyes. From clumsy little children you have become elegant ladies and courageous young men. You have to pass the main exam in life - to remain human. There will be many temptations, injustice and difficulties. But you will overcome everything, I believe in you, just as I believed in little naive girls and boys 11 years ago. Don't let me down. May the Lord bless your paths and send you angels to guide you. And the walls of your home school are always open for you.”

Tender congratulations from the first teacher to the graduates, coming from the very depths of the soul, will not leave either the graduates or their parents indifferent. As a rule, in such exciting moments, graduates (and their mothers) have difficulty holding back tears.

Dear schoolchildren!
Dear kids!

You came to first grade
Just like kids.
Small, timid,
You entered the classroom timidly,
Learned numbers and letters
And what a change!
The years have flown by
In learning and striving!
Now you already know
What does "equation" mean?
That the letters turn
In dictations, presentations,
And the words are composed
Easy into poems!
Today you say goodbye
With the teacher first,
And you enter another
Study phase boldly!
You have to study
For many years
But what came first
With you - forever!
You have a lot ahead of you
Find out everything, go through it.
Good luck with your studies!
Bon Voyage!

Expensive graduate !

Here are the first ones school years behind...

It seemed only recently with briefcases, primers and

The boys timidly walked to 1st grade. Remember first 1

September? Excitement, white bows, bouquets of flowers,

meeting my first teacher, how touching

moments! And now 4 years of study have flown by unnoticed.

The first letters in the copybooks, the multiplication table... - and now

prom. Goodbye elementary school! Graduation evening in elementary school is a celebration of students, first

teachers, and, of course, parents.
Ahead new life, one might say, quite an adult,

new stage discoveries, achievements!

You are a graduate of elementary school!

He penetrated the secrets of the very first sciences.

You have a lot of work behind you -

There will be more of them, my friend, to come!

Your program will become more complex

It’s unlikely that your mother will solve the problem for you.

Dad will also rub his forehead -

This means that we will have to decide everything ourselves.

You will have to wear the backpack yourself -

It’s a shame to ask my mother about this.

Try to do everything yourself -

Adult life has arrived at your doorstep.

You are now a middle school student,

Let there be a diary only with A's!

(I. Ageeva)


MBOU Secondary School named after. USMANOVA G.M. With. AKHUNOVO

Parting words to the graduate

Head teacher: ……………………

Khazima Ismagilovna Kucherbaeva

The first teacher classroom teacher:


Zulfiya Khadisovna Kalimova

S. AKHUNOVO - 2015

Instructions for primary school graduates

Today is an unusual day - you have entered fifth grade.
On the threshold high school We give you our order!
I still have many years to study and always be diligent,
And in the eleventh grade everyone will receive medals!
But for this you need, of course, to know everything perfectly!
And don’t test the teachers’ patience once again!
And there’s no point in drawing the director’s attention to you,
And then, suddenly, yes, he wants to see mom and dad!
And this extreme is too much! This is clearly too much!
He’s not inviting you for tea and pancakes, but for a serious conversation!
Remember the school fraternity and that you are friends!
Help out, help, because your class is one family!
Our lovely girls! We wish you with all our hearts
Be the hostess in the classroom and take care of its peace!
You, the stronger sex, also wanted to say a few words:
It’s not for nothing that we have boys! You need to protect the girls!
And it remains for us to remind ourselves of something else now...
About your parents, about yours... you have no closer friend!
Feel free to tell them... every little secret...
And, believe me, mom and dad will give you the BEST advice!
We'll see you off, guys, today we're going to fifth grade.
We are both happy and hurt... after all, you grew up with us!
This is how nature works: our world does not like to stand.
Let everything in your life be easy and everything be “A”!
Go away, don't be sad! You are always in our hearts!
And also... You come... Even if not often... Sometimes...