Why is a Sagittarius man indecisive with a Libra woman? Psychological compatibility of Libra men and Sagittarius women in relationships

The union of a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman is prosperous. They will be united by their inherent sociability. Libra man and Sagittarius woman love to communicate with people around them, they are open and talkative. The basis of these relationships is, first of all, unbreakable mutual humane sympathy for each other. The Sagittarius woman is shy and insecure; she has a fear of getting burned when starting new acquaintances. At the same time, she behaves unfeignedly and openly with the Libra man, in this they are amazingly close. The reserved and peaceful Libra man will be captivated by the liveliness and emotionality of the Sagittarius woman. Love will allow them to build relationships without conflicts and scandals. The Libra woman will be won over by the gallantry and politeness of the Libra man. The Libra man is worried about the Sagittarius woman's lack of restraint.

The Libra man and the Sagittarius woman are made for each other, which is manifested in their joint efforts towards internal self-development. They feel comfortable being together. Relationships in this union are created on absolute awareness and acceptance. They attract each other from the first minutes of meeting, and their further relationship develops rapidly. The immense directness and unjustified insolence of the Sagittarius woman are balanced by the diplomacy of the Libra man, who knows how to flexibly discuss any problem.

The impulsive and indecisive Sagittarius woman feels calm and comfortable next to her partner. The shyness of a Libra man should be correctly perceived by a Sagittarius woman. He knows how to stick to the golden mean, and the Sagittarius woman values ​​this quality. The Libra man strives to surround the Sagittarius woman with sensitivity and warmth, anticipating her desires. There will be a minimum of pretexts for conflicts in this union.

A Libra man and a Sagittarius woman will not be bored in a relationship. The Sagittarius woman is life-loving and freedom-loving. At the beginning of the relationship, the partner needs to decide on the limit of allowed freedom for the partner. A Libra man should not suppress a Sagittarius woman; misunderstandings will arise on this basis. The Libra man himself loves independence, for this reason it is necessary to set boundaries for freedom in relationships. Marriage between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman is for life. Their feelings are not able to burn out. They treat marriage as a formality.

For a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman, it is important to create the impression of impeccable spouses, even if everything is not so smooth in the relationship. With the advent of a child, the relationship between spouses may deteriorate. A child for a Libra man will seem superfluous. He will not be able to pay proper attention, spend time and raise his own child. The Sagittarius woman will be as gentle and good-natured towards her child as possible. With the arrival of a child in the family, the Sagittarius woman... free time will give it to him.

The intimate side of the relationship between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman is very active. The Sagittarius woman loves new experiences, and the Libra man will support her in this. Sexual intercourse for them serves as a means of relieving mental stress and new emotions. Sex life This union will bring unforgettable moments of joy. The same views on intimacy and behavior in bed will give them everything so as not to look for adventures on the side.

Financial issues in such an alliance will be decided by the Sagittarius woman. The Libra man will trust her completely. She will be able to count on his support in everything, and he will be heard by his wife, who will always give practical advice.

The business alliance between these partners is favorable. They set global goals for themselves and resolutely move towards their implementation. Such business partners do not argue about goals and means of achievement; they quickly form a joint strategy. Libra man and Sagittarius woman easily find mutual language, connect creative forces and create non-standard projects.

Pros of the union of a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman:

  • both partners are open and communicative in the relationship.
  • partners know how to express their feelings and emotions using words.
  • they have the same views and worldview.
  • There are rarely conflicts and disagreements between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman.
  • they are able to listen to each other and listen to their partner’s opinion.
  • spouses love to travel and fill their life together new impressions.

Disadvantages of the union of a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman:

  • the partner can rudely point out the partner’s shortcomings, this offends and angers the Libra man.
  • The Sagittarius woman is too freedom-loving, thereby causing jealousy in her partner.
  • The Libra man's indecisiveness irritates the Sagittarius woman.
  • For a partner, consistency is the main thing, unlike a partner.
  • the spouse is the owner, which is not to the liking of an independent spouse.
  • Each of the couple has duality, manifested in behavior and disposition.
  • the dissimilarity of temperaments creates inconsistencies, but they can be resolved by partners.

Such a union is the personification of happiness, but not given by fate, but created with one’s own hands. Passionate woman Sagittarius turns into a faithful wife. Lovers make and implement decisions together, but the Libra man hands over the reins of power to his wife, and does not feel disadvantaged because of this. The strength of the union between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman lies in the unanimity of the partners. The family created by these partners will overcome many obstacles.

A Libra man will become more determined when he is next to an energetic Sagittarius woman. Both of them are tired of gray days and routine, so they often travel, go out and communicate with friends. The Sagittarius woman needs to slow down her pace of life, and the Libra man needs to try to become more active in order to keep up with his wife. The relationship will be flawless if they accept some of each other's shortcomings. Having lost a share of independence, they will gain more. There is always luck with this couple, so they will go through life side by side on the same path, filling the gray days with love and care.

Sagittarius woman and Libra man

Love compatibility

A very nice couple with a possible long-term relationship, as confirmed by the horoscope for the Libra man and the sometimes carefree Sagittarius woman. Such a couple has a high chance of meeting their golden wedding with trepidation in their souls and tears of joy in their eyes. Like two halves of one pendant, these two successfully match in many ways. The Sagittarius girl will try to teach her partner – the Libra man – to be a little more self-confident and more emotional.

The spouse can only surround his “fiery” half with attention and, as small child, care. It’s interesting that from the outside everything looks exactly the opposite, so the news about the wedding may be perceived by loved ones as an eccentric joke from Sagittarius.

A sign of not only falling in love, but also a great feeling can be the ability to communicate. The Sagittarius woman will always tell her stories to the Libra man first, and he will discuss secrets exclusively with her. Compatibility in love between a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man sometimes begins with more than just a glance. In this case, from the first exchanges of remarks.

Heart-to-heart communication is the key to successfully building family relationships. Everything will be spelled out and discussed. The only thing that the spouse and his companion will need is short trips. Going abroad or with a tent in the neighboring forest - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that the walls do not press!

Sexual compatibility

The Sagittarius woman sincerely does not understand how some people underestimate sex. The Libra man shares this opinion, so compatibility in love and such manifestations as physical intimacy are important to them. Thoughts and images that arise in the head of a sign of the element of Air are quickly voiced at the bodily level and embodied fiery zodiac with pleasure and resignation.

Such an intimate tandem not only splashes out its energy, it shares it. And besides, who said that sex is not a joint hobby? Both signs can take him from the amateur category to a professional “sport”, when partners learn to feel each other at the subconscious level!

At work and at home

If people born under certain constellations get along well in one area, then in other areas they understand each other almost immediately, so the compatibility of Sagittarius and Libra works with enviable consistency here too.

Such a tandem helps the autumn dual sign to find a point of balance, to gain a sense of stability and solid ground under their feet, because Sagittarius, if they take on helping a friend, in this case(almost always) to a Libra friend, they try to achieve their goals. Together they are not just the power of two Zodiacs, but the power of three!

This compatibility allows you to feel the strength of mind that the autumn sign demonstrates for two, and the strength of zeal - the “fiery” colleague. From such a close union, it won’t take long for the flame of love to flare up!

Anna Lyubimova July 24, 2018

In one sentence this relationship can be described as follows: two connected puzzles in a single picture.

The union of Sagittarius and Libra is not just very close to the ideal - it is the ideal, an excellent tandem . The planets themselves (Jupiter and Venus) prophesied for them to be together.

They say about such a couple that they communicate without words, understand each other at a glance, without explanation

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are generous and ambitious, they want to see elegance from the world around them, and Libra personifies elegance itself from birth and needs beauty everywhere.

Both signs have similar lifestyles, character traits, and love for secularism. And if they also set common goals, they will boldly conquer the Universe!

The union of Sagittarius and Libra is not just very close to the ideal - it is the ideal

Compatibility Chart for Aquarius and Scorpio

Compatibility of Sagittarius Man and Libra Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

A Sagittarius man in a relationship with Libra will behave honestly and sincerely. Will help the lady to reveal herself to the fullest, will support, give energy, strength and inspiration.

Libra will bring sophistication, sophistication and devotion to this relationship. The companion will be “doomed” to affection, care and kindness on her part.

Both representatives are quite two-faced. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, unpleasant character traits may emerge that will affect behavior relative to each other.

Sagittarians sometimes show cunning and hypocrisy. There is a possibility that the “Napoleonic complex” will be revealed and, as a result, the companion will suffer from his arrogance, pride and arrogance

Libras can show excessive, excessive passions. They can become selfish. In their excessive search for luxury and pleasure, they will press on their partner, forcing him to work beyond the norm. At the same time, showing passivity and laziness on their part.

Note: specified Cons are just possible cons.

Libra is romantic, and Sagittarius is realistic. Based on this characteristic, misunderstanding or a sparkling combination may arise.

Libra is romantic and Sagittarius is realistic, so misunderstandings may arise

Are they compatible in love?

Such people have an easy approach to life, have out-of-the-box thinking. These qualities give a high percentage of compatibility in love.

Fascinated by Libra Sagittarius will give up his freedom. This is the case when for the sake of Great love You can change your freedom-loving disposition. After all, the beloved will conquer with her devotion, flexibility of character, and bring harmony.

Sagittarians will understand that for them Libra is the missing “fifth element”. The main thing is to respect and hear each other without imposing your usual principles. Such a couple will be able to set goals that seem incredible at first glance and freely achieve them.

For the sake of great love, Sagittarius is ready to change his freedom-loving disposition

Sagittarius guy and Libra girl in sex

A more suitable union for intimate relationships it would be difficult to imagine. One hundred percent match in compatibility.

The guy's sexual fire will be fueled fresh air girl, and at the right moments the wind will cool her to accumulate energy in order to again fan the passionate flame with a new unimaginable force.

These two signs will always find something to surprise you in bed. Libras are open to everything new and intriguing, and a guy who is assertive never minds Libra's pliability.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

A Sagittarius and Libra marriage will never be boring. They do not dwell on problems, grievances or routine matters. They look for perspective in everything. They are similar in their conservatism, but at the same time, they know how and love to change. They try not to stagnate in any one image.

Both are moderately freedom-loving, respect their space and need it. Respect the boundaries of the partner's world

As in any family, misunderstandings are also possible here. So, for example, a spouse may be irritated by the constant hesitation of a companion, and she will be unnerved by the boundless ambition of her partner. The wife will take a leadership position and take control of various obligations, but the husband will not mind, since by nature he does not like to take responsibility.

But these are mere trifles. This is the couple who can talk to each other 24 hours a day, opening up new facets. Them no need to look for a “golden mean”- they are the very “golden mean”.

A marriage between Sagittarius and Libra will never be boring, but there may be misunderstandings

Is there friendship if he is a Sagittarius and she is a Libra?

At their core, Sagittarians are open, noble, kind, ready to help everyone and be good friends. Their erudition allows them to support the most global and serious topics. They can find a common language with everyone and the comparison “like a duck to water” in any company is about them.

A distinctive feature of Libra Women is hypercommunication. They flexible and easily make new acquaintances. They catastrophically cannot stand boredom and boring conversations. Prefer fun companies, where they are happy to be the center of attention.

Sagittarians are open, noble and ready to help everyone

The versatility of the described natures, a positive outlook on life and a constant thirst for searching for new truths make it possible to establish good friendly relationships.

They both love to attend all sorts of openings, visiting galleries, cinemas and other social events. This team has the most important thing - mutual understanding. Let there be friendship!

How to win a Sagittarius man?

A Sagittarius man, first of all, likes devotion and sincerity in a woman, lightness and the desire to go on an adventure with him.

Of course he wants to see his companion bright, beautiful and well-groomed. Libra with his love is always on top and meets all these requirements.

Such a man will not be able to resist the fragility and vulnerability of this gentle creature. The ardent fire of the admirer’s leading element will be warmed by airy Libra, which will feed his flame to burn even brighter.

The girl's main task is show ingenuity and a non-standard approach and retain the interest of the curious Sagittarius to continue the relationship, since he really does not like various kinds of affection.

How to get the attention of a Libra woman?

If you have set yourself the goal of gaining the attention of such a lady, then focus on beautiful courtship. After all, such women have an incredibly sentimental disposition, a very sensual and sensitive nature. They look for an aesthetic component in everything. They do not put up with bad taste, rudeness and bad manners. Avoid routine and importunity.

Come up with interesting places for meetings. These don't have to be expensive restaurants. Your dates will be unforgettable, be it on the roof of a house with an incredible view of the city lights at night or drinking tea by the river or sea. The main thing is to stock up on candles, rose petals, warm soft blankets and romantic stories in advance.

While maintaining unobtrusiveness, use your imagination more strongly - the reward will be worth it. Remember For Libra, beauty in everything is important!

Libra women have an incredibly sentimental disposition and sensitive nature.

Compatibility horoscope for Sagittarius Woman and Libra Man

A strikingly successful connection in all areas. In this combination the pair will be mesmerizing social success and mind-blowing material wealth.

Sagittarius woman is open to the whole world. Her fire and enthusiasm charges everyone around her. High level intelligence goes along with noble morality and spiritual qualities.

The Libra man will be captivated by Sagittarius quite quickly. He will gladly step into a relationship with her and offer his hand and heart, provided that both are free. Together they will build the strongest nest. Together they will be a decent, decent and decent couple.

Such deep relationships may well become long-lasting and develop into a more serious romance in order to marry

Love relationship

Both partners are quite interesting personalities, capable of action. They feel emotions subtly and surprisingly quickly find a response in the soul of the object of desire. Such people are close to the feelings of romantic excitement, and they are ready to listen to their partner’s needs.

Sexual attraction of a couple

This is the case when we can safely talk about strong attractive sexual energy. Both signs fantastically charge each other and exchange currents, filling them with vitality.

In bed with a Sagittarius woman, all the dreams and desires of a Libra man find their bold embodiment. Both are fantastically inventive and open-minded.

This is an incredible symbiosis of an all-consuming hot flame with windy, cooling air, which sometimes calms and sometimes provokes fire.

This is the case when we can safely talk about strong attractive sexual energy


Sagittarius is quite freedom-loving. Such a couple is in no hurry to force themselves into the shackles of marriage. If Sagittarius and Libra get married, then they will cunningly advocate equality, although in fact they will establish a matriarchal order.

There may be several attempts to create a family, and the first one is not the most successful, so-so trial version. Subsequent attempts may be quite successful.

The Sagittarius wife will fight to the last for her happiness in the family, and the Libra husband will diligently work through all his mistakes.

The Libra-Sagittarius couple is in no hurry to force themselves into the shackles of marriage

Such a marriage May be successful and productive. A man is inherently non-conflictual and will avoid any confrontation. Sagittarius and Libra will easily achieve consensus in any difficult situation.

How a Sagittarius girl and a Libra guy are friends

Main foundation true friendship– community of interests and understanding. These two signs have similar components. Both love social events, being in public, attending various events, and learning something new.

They do not like to argue; quarrels are unacceptable to them. There are rarely disagreements

The Sagittarius girl perfectly inspires the Libra guy with her enthusiasm, and he is happy to share his knowledge and contacts. Together they quickly and effectively achieve their goals. A real team.

Friendship, when “she is a Sagittarius, and he is a Libra,” can be described as “do not spill water.” They can be friends for many years, even into old age. The only thing that can destroy their friendship is if one of the friends goes downhill, stops in their development or commits a crime.

Position in society and general moral character remain a priority in the interaction of these signs.

How to win a Libra man and build a relationship with him?

Libra men are handsome, charming, and are almost always in a couple or in the process of breaking up. They pathologically do not like to be alone. Representatives of this sign do not avoid family ties; on the contrary, they seek coziness, comfort and strive to lead an acceptable life by the standards of society.

Exactly A Sagittarius woman is able to awaken his instincts conqueror, shake his deepest desires, and he will gladly go with her on a love journey. At the same time, generally accepted norms of behavior are also important to the partner, and she will not violate them, which attracts such a man even more.

To conquer it, Sagittarius needs to properly balance between seething passions, uncontrollable temperament and restrained decency in secular circles. As soon as he falls for this maneuver, the young lady will not have time to look back before she sees the ring on her ring finger.

Libra men pathologically do not like to be alone

Is it possible to make a Sagittarius woman fall in love with you?

The Sagittarius woman is always the center of attention and does not feel a lack of male courtship. She is alive, cheerful, and there is always a flow of fresh energy bubbling inside her. Of course, men flock to her like bees to a flower.

Therefore, in order to fall in love with such a bright person, you yourself need to be a fascinating person, have an extraordinary mind and intelligence.

The Libra man has all the qualities that attract the Sagittarius woman. He also does not tolerate routine and loves intriguing adventures. On equal terms, such a couple can conquer this world!

The constellations Libra and Sagittarius are separated by the sign of Scorpio, but the compatibility of these partners turns out to be incredibly favorable. Together they will be able to master different roles - excellent friends, psychologists, like-minded people and, of course, passionate lovers. The compatibility horoscope of these zodiac signs does not show any particular problems. The main thing is that they just move without stopping, since both of our heroes are not used to being bored, and such a habit should not be changed.

Libra and Sagittarius belong to different elements: he is air, and she is fire, but this is an example when the difference in views does not complicate love relationship, but on the contrary – contributes to their favorable compatibility. Indeed, the rhythm of life and even the perception itself, the image classic novel these two match well. Most likely, they will be a couple of ladies and gentlemen who are aristocratic, well-mannered, but at the same time do not have their head in the clouds and can always come down to earth in case of unforeseen situations.

The Libra man is one of those people who are great at building bridges. It seems that this is a messenger of peace, because only he is able to smooth out the situation, pick up a couple of simple, but very the right words, to simply relieve tension and give the entire dialogue a constructive direction. This is exactly why the Libra guy will incredibly please the temperamental Sagittarius girl. She’s just a strong, straightforward lady who has an unfeminine grip and is able to rebuff anyone who, in her opinion, is behaving dishonestly. And this openness of character is sometimes expressed in the fact that Sagittarius very harshly besieges his ill-wishers and even friends. That is why she subconsciously strives for a person who, at a minimum, would be much softer than her and master the art of smoothing out rough edges.

The Libra man fits this image like no one else in the horoscope. He is a gallant gentleman who prefers beautiful, vibrant relationships that are initially based not so much on deep passions as on unconditional respect for the partner’s personality. And this can be felt literally on the very first dates. Libras are not known for their open manners, but on the other hand, they are very sincere and do not mislead their significant other. Yes, he will remain silent about something, but this is only because he prefers beauty to truth. But really, the truth is a matter that in some situations can do a lot of harm.

With scales you feel incredibly light, simple and at the same time sublime. It seems that he is the crown prince who is in Once again went around his possessions and accidentally met with fiery girl Sagittarius I wonder what will attract his attention? Sagittarius is a bright lady in her own right, but Libra will evaluate her in her favorite style: going from personality to appearance, and not vice versa.

He will like this woman with her strong intellect, freedom of expression and quick decision-making. Indeed, a Libra man can solve almost any puzzle. But making up his mind is his weak side. It’s just that he completely personifies the name and symbol of his zodiac sign: this person often hesitates before taking a specific step, carefully choosing between different ones, in his own way good options. That is why it is simply vital for him to be next to a strong lady who will not only tell you what to do in this or that case, but also carefully argues her position.

Don't forget - Libras make decisions exclusively with their heads. That's why he hesitates for so long. Emotions and business never coincide for him. Another thing is the brave Sagittarius. She can simply trust her intuition and often acts impulsively, but at the same time she accurately hits the target. And this is not surprising. Let us remember that she is the element of fire. This is an active, driven, ambitious person. Moreover, Sagittarius is not afraid of reality, does not run from it, but simply methodically solves one problem after another. She fears something else - when the whole heap of unsolved problems will fall on her under its own weight. That is why she was accustomed to acting immediately and without delay, rightly believing that later it might be too late.

On the other hand, typical woman Sagittarius will never appropriate men's laurels to themselves. She is not going to compete with her faithful Libra. And all because in this life she is looking for a partner, a like-minded person with whom she can move through life together. The archer does not like a clear hierarchy, because she does not at all fit into the image of a submissive wife who simply prepares food and waits for her beloved. On the contrary, she herself can perfectly organize their life together, but on the other hand, she will never sit on her soul mate, trying to dominate her. Even the most powerful Sagittarians do not so much strive to control as to move together, and this is a completely different matter.

It is precisely in this spirit that the entire romance between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman will proceed: movement, plans, ambitions, a change of decision, new tasks. And not a day for boredom. And the most interesting thing: it is precisely the excited pace that will completely suit both parties, which will create favorable preconditions for compatibility in love.

Marriage compatibility: no skeletons in the closet

Finally, our heroes are approaching a more meaningful and serious stage of the relationship and begin to plan their family life. This can happen quite quickly, since the initiative and assertiveness of Sagittarius will most likely simply captivate the Libra man. On the other hand, he himself can for a long time hesitate before making a decision. What can I say – even if in less meaningful issues he prefers to think a hundred times, then when it comes to the most important decisions, this in itself is the basis for a real brainstorming.

In this sense, Sagittarius will try to win him over, which will be dictated, rather, by impatience - this active, temperamental lady does not like to wait too long and lives by the principle of “everything at once.” Moreover, she hates uncertainty and at some point can even issue an ultimatum. The approach is not entirely correct - after all, diplomatic Libra may consider this as a direct attack, which will even offend their sentimental soul.

Indeed, air signs of the zodiac are distinguished by a pronounced love of freedom. Moreover, by freedom they understand anything, but only within reason. Therefore, verbal attacks up to a certain degree of tension are perceived by them as elementary disagreements, which they can easily extinguish. But when it comes to open attacks, this is definitely a mistake. In this sense stellar advice The Sagittarius girl is like this: be more cunning, because cunning is synonymous with intelligence, and intellectual ladies for Libra are like a muse for an artist.

However, if our heroes have firmly set the goal of getting married, they will achieve it. If only because they are simply drawn to each other. Interesting, intelligent, but not boring people, and even with great prospects in life - this is already a sufficient basis for compatibility in marriage. Actually, relationships at more serious stages will not be much different from their whirlwind romance. It’s just that Sagittarius and Libra don’t try to hide skeletons in the closet, and some sensational discoveries They definitely won’t talk about each other, living under the same roof. The stronger they are family relationships, and the more harmonious their compatibility is. Our heroes are just used to treating each other with respect. But honesty is the most important basis of this very respect. And it is precisely this approach that explains the strength of their union.

And a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman will definitely not let each other get bored. Favorites of the public, regulars at celebrations, welcome guests in many homes, they will continue their active social life. And they will be absolutely right, because without this powerful source of pleasure family life may lose its momentum. On the other hand, no matter how much you walk, the road still leads to the house. In this sense, the star's advice is very simple: partners should organize their lives more responsibly and carefully. Yes, it’s not worth creating a system for the sake of a system. But remembering that you can safely go for a walk only after the work is over is not superfluous.

If these two can properly organize the everyday side, their relationship will develop favorably in many ways. There are no particular reasons for disagreements, and they resolve quarrels that break out every now and then very simply - on the one hand, Libra diplomacy helps. On the other hand, they simply don’t know how to stay angry at each other for too long. And the stars can only be glad that their feelings remain fresh for a very, very long time.

Sexual compatibility: spark of ignition

In bed, a Libra guy and a Sagittarius girl suit each other incredibly well. Their compatibility in intimate matters is based on unpredictability. Libra is generally a stunning actor with a good imagination and developed sense harmony. And Sagittarius is an extreme person, an innovator and a real hurricane.

As soon as Libra learns to cope with such elements and direct its energy in the right direction, nightly adventures will become especially bright, cheerful and fiery. We can say that in such a tandem it is the man who will serve as the very spark of ignition that will make the night brighter than the day.

Compatibility at work: pressure is inappropriate

At work, a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman may not feel particularly compatible. He was just used to treating things dispassionately, somewhat philosophically. Libra loves specific tasks, but hates specific deadlines. But Sagittarius can begin to put pressure on him and constantly push him - even if he is higher in position than her.

Such arrogance (and this is exactly how the Libra guy will think) will lead to the fact that he can start being mischievous and simply out of principle will do as he sees fit. The difference in the elements in this case does not benefit our heroes, and the matter can be greatly lost.

A Libra man and a Sagittarius woman have good chances to continue their earthly journey together. Yes, they are somewhat unpredictable and can change their plans on the fly. But it is precisely thanks to the constant movement forward that their tandem grows stronger and develops.

Between Sagittarius and Libra there is excellent compatibility in all areas. Next to each other, they feel completely satisfied with life. In addition, Sagittarius brings good luck to Libra.

Sagittarius-Libra compatibility: how to seduce a Libra man

The Libra man is usually happy with himself and his life. He is prudent, charming, and is loved by those around him. He cannot imagine life without a partner, so at the time of meeting the Sagittarius woman, he is probably in a relationship or has just ended it. Libras are polite, not adventurous, and lead a calm, socially approved life. They don't have much fire, passion, or temperament. But, like any man, he wants to feel like a hunter, a conqueror. Sometimes he dreams of passionate things, whirlwind romance, although he understands that in real life he is unlikely to agree to not give a damn about conventions and give up a quiet life for the sake of love. When a Sagittarius woman appears on his horizon, all Libra’s dreams come to life. He finds the ideal woman For love adventure- active and temperamental, but respecting social norms of behavior and not demanding the impossible. Libra understands that passionate people can combine sexual relations with the secularity and restraint, decency to which they are accustomed. Therefore, Sagittarius will not have to specifically seduce Libra for an affair. Moreover, Libra is a master of courtship. The Sagittarius woman will not have time to look back before she herself finds herself seduced. As soon as Libra is convinced that Sagittarius shares their views and they have sexual compatibility, they will not give up marriage. After all, Libra is not afraid of marital ties, but on the contrary, they willingly live in a family.

What does an ideal couple look like: Sagittarius woman – Libra man?

People around see this couple as a union of socially successful and loving friend people's friend. They like to be invited to visit because they never burden their acquaintances with problems and stories of troubles, and do not publicly conflict with each other. The Libra man and the Sagittarius woman really are not the kind of couples who create problematic, conflict-ridden families. Their neighbors are happy: this couple is always nice, polite, friendly, and does not arrange a noisy showdown between themselves right on the site. If Sagittarius and Libra live next to you, you can be sure that you will never have to call the police with a request to calm down the brawlers. On the contrary, this couple gives off a feeling of success and well-being. If you look inside the relationship with the help of synastry, you will see that these people are completely satisfied with their family. They have good mutual understanding, common goals, and excellent sexual compatibility. Both do not like to create problems out of the blue, they live easily, and resolve all issues peacefully. They are not boring, do not like to chew themselves, and avoid unnecessary worries. This couple most often has a rich home, an organized life, well-mannered and charming children.

What are the difficulties in a union between Sagittarius women and Libra men?

Sagittarius and Libra have such a good understanding that serious tests this couple is not in danger. They are not only ready to cope with difficulties together, but both also tend to choose those paths where there are the fewest holes and stones. Their life is calm and prosperous. And the fly in the ointment can be added to this harmony... by the most ordinary pans. Pans, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher... In a word, everyday life. The everyday side of life is the most “terrible enemy” of the couple. The shooter is not the best housewife. She can quickly put the house in order, but she is not interested in doing it on an ongoing basis. Libra will decorate their home and set the table beautifully, in addition, they will do everything they are told - but Sagittarius is not going to say anything, and Libra themselves do not like boring household chores. And it turns out that two people who love to live in a beautiful and comfortable atmosphere have no one to create this very atmosphere.

I don’t think it’s worth talking about how to make housekeeping easier for yourself. These “secrets” are obvious: a beautiful woman will help Appliances, discipline, in extreme cases - an au pair. Let's better discuss what needs to be done so that inability in everyday life does not interfere good relationship paired with. Libra is a completely non-conflict man who will help a woman. He has no prejudice against “non-male” work. Therefore, if a couple once and for all distributes household responsibilities and everyone does their part, this will remove the reasons for conflicts. If both absolutely do not want to waste time on homework, then Sagittarius’ sense of humor and Libra’s light-hearted outlook on life will help them. For Libra, there is nothing more valuable than human relationships, and he will never be the first to spoil the mood of himself and his beloved. And if Strelchikha feels that anger is boiling inside, let her look at the situation with humor. This is her universal lifesaver in many difficult situations. Cultivate this character trait in yourself, develop it, and everyday difficulties through the prism of humor will seem unimportant to you.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Libra man at work

The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man are very compatible in business relationships. They both do not shirk their work, value the same methods, and both are aimed at success. Thanks to Sagittarius, Libra sets bigger goals for themselves than they would do alone.

Compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man - colleagues or partners

When Sagittarius and Libra work together, they achieve success. Employers value this non-conflict, but inspiring couple. IN own business there is no dispute between them about the goals to be strived for or about the methods of work. Great help on the path to success they provide useful connections that both Libra and Sagittarius know how to make.

When a Sagittarius woman is a boss and a Libra man is a subordinate

This is a wonderful combination. Sagittarius can do something that Libra cannot - set large-scale goals. Sagittarius's connections are also more extensive. Therefore, Sagittarius will good leader, setting tasks, and Libra will be able to work effectively under his leadership, fully understanding the plans of the boss.

When a Sagittarius woman is a subordinate, and a Libra man is a boss

In this case, mutual understanding remains between them. But at some point Sagittarius may feel cramped within the limits set by Libra, and Libra will be unhappy that the subordinate often exceeds her authority and interferes in her own business.

Compatibility of Sagittarius woman and Libra man in friendship

There is a good mutual understanding between Sagittarius and Libra, and this is the basis for strong friendship. They are both optimistic and love to spend time in pleasant company. Therefore, there are no obstacles to their friendship. They are keenly interested in news, they are frequent guests at exhibitions, in the theater, and in companies. Despite good compatibility in all areas, they will not start an affair if one of them (or both) is not free: both value the beauty and decency of relationships. But for free Libra and Sagittarius, friendship can end in a wedding. A relationship can be destroyed if one of the friends drops from his social stratum to a lower one. Neither Libra nor Sagittarius will want to continue communicating with a loser, a convicted person, an alcoholic, because for both it is important to produce good impression on society, and such friends do not make them look good.