Calorie content of raw and boiled carrots, health and dietary benefits of carrots. How many calories are in carrots and their beneficial properties?

It is perhaps difficult to find a more healthy and affordable vegetable in our diet than carrots. And today it is impossible to believe that initially this root vegetable was grown only as a spice, using its aromatic leaves and seeds.

Carrots are extremely healthy, nutritious, and at the same time low in calories. Its energy value per 100 grams is only 32 Kcal. It contains only 1.3 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat, and 6.9 g of carbohydrates. This calorie content of carrots, if consumed raw regularly, will prevent you from gaining excess weight.

Since ancient times, carrots have been considered a kind of symbol of longevity. When the beta-carotene it contains enters the body, it is converted into vitamin A, which improves vision. The root vegetable is rich in magnesium, calcium, iodine, and manganese. It strengthens the immune system thanks to vitamins B, C and E. Carrots and carrot juice can be considered an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing agent that serves as an antiseptic. This miraculous vegetable is recommended for the following diseases:

  • hearts;
  • anemia;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • gastritis, etc.

Fresh carrots relieve fatigue, increase appetite, and restore a healthy complexion. And most importantly, the low calorie content of carrots allows you to get rid of excess weight. Introducing carrots into your diet will improve metabolism, which, in turn, will help break down fat deposits.

Calorie content of stewed carrots

The nutritional value of a dish will depend on the amount of vegetable oil contained in it. If you are losing weight, then it is better to give it up altogether.

The calorie content per 100 g of stewed carrots with butter is 108 Kcal. Without it - 30.3 Kcal. It is curious that stewed carrots without fat have fewer calories than fresh ones, and they contain more vitamins. After heat treatment, the level of antioxidants in it increases by 35%.

Cooking stewed carrots without fat with onions

  1. Peel and cut the onion.
  2. Place on a heated frying pan and lightly fry.
  3. Grate the peeled carrots and add to the onions.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of water.
  5. Simmer, covered, until done (10-15 minutes).

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Carrots are one of the most common, affordable and healthy vegetables. Many people like to eat it fresh, others prefer to prepare carrot salads, bake it, and add it to various meat and vegetable dishes. Moreover, carrots are great for making jam and various desserts. Growing such a vegetable in your garden is incredibly easy, and in stores it costs mere pennies. Therefore, if you have not yet included carrots in your regular diet, be sure to do so.


Since childhood, everyone knows that carrots contain a huge amount of vitamin A, which is so necessary for the health of our eyes. But besides this, it contains a lot of carotene. Only sea buckthorn can compete with carrots in the amount of this microelement. Moreover, the daily norm of carotene is contained in 1 carrot.

Also, the chemical composition of the orange vegetable contains a lot of fats, proteins, sucrose, carbohydrates, luteins, potassium and thiamine, as well as calcium, phosphorus and other substances essential for the human body. The glycemic index of carrots is easy to find in any corresponding table; it is equal to 35.

How many calories does it contain?

If you are watching your figure or are forced to limit your diet due to health problems, then carrots will definitely not harm you. 100 grams of fresh carrots contain about 35 kilocalories. Agree, this is a very small indicator. However, the nutritional value of such a vegetable is not the smallest, since it contains glucose. It is due to this that the body is saturated with energy after eating carrots. Since vegetable varieties can differ significantly from each other in sugar content, their energy value will also be different. The rule is simple - the sweeter the variety, the more energy you get from the product.

Also, do not forget that the calorie content of raw carrots will differ from boiled, dried, frozen or fried. You should not assume that carrots fried in a frying pan in a large amount of oil will have a beneficial effect on the body and will not add extra pounds. So that you know exactly how many calories you have to eat after preparing a vegetable in one way or another, we will consider in detail the KBJU of various dishes.


Boiled, grated or diced carrots are present in a large number of everyone’s favorite dishes. This includes Olivier, borscht, and various jellied snacks. Yellow and orange carrots not only increase the usefulness of the dish, but also become its real decoration. If you cook this vegetable in water, its BJU will also remain quite low - 30-40 kcal. If you cook it in meat broth, the calorie content of the vegetable will increase slightly.

Also, do not forget that dressing vegetables from mayonnaise or sour cream significantly increases the nutritional value of the product, and it is better not to eat such food at night.


If you bake carrots in the oven, you will get a healthy low-calorie dish. Moreover, the number of kcal in baked carrots is even less than in fresh ones - about 29. This means that baked carrots are an excellent dietary product. And to prevent this dish from being too bland, we recommend adding your favorite spices to it.


Carrots prepared in this way will be an excellent addition to meat dishes and stewed cabbage. If you are going to stew it in water with the addition of a minimum amount of vegetable oil, then the nutritional value of 100 grams of the dish will be approximately 40-50 kcal. However, if your recipe involves stewing a vegetable in butter, the calorie content of the same amount of product will already be more than 100 kilocalories.


Carrots cooked in a frying pan are much higher in calories than raw carrots. However, it is still a completely dietary dish. If you cook 100 grams of carrots in olive oil, the nutritional value of this dish will be approximately 80 kcal.

In juice

Carrot juice is no less popular than any other fruit or vegetable drink. It is especially recommended for children to drink to improve their health and improve their mood, because the bright orange drink looks simply wonderful. 100 grams of freshly squeezed carrot juice contains approximately 55 kcal - a couple of glasses of this juice can completely replace a light snack in the middle of the day.

In addition to the listed cooking options, a recipe for spicy carrot salad “Korean style” is quite common. Carrots are the main component in it, and oil, salt, vinegar and other spices are added to it in large quantities. Despite the fact that this dish is a vegetable salad, its calorie content is about 110 kcal per 100 grams.

Benefits and harms

The large amount of vitamins and microelements in carrots makes them rich in various beneficial properties. It is incredibly beneficial for the health of people who suffer from visual impairments, as well as those whose daily activities involve a lot of strain on the eyes, for example, office workers who spend all day in front of a computer screen. Carrots are also useful for people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and high blood pressure.

According to scientists, regular consumption of raw carrots is an excellent prevention of stroke, reducing the number of diseases by about 70%.

By the way, boiled carrots contain much more antioxidants than fresh ones. This contradicts the generally accepted belief that vegetables lose most of their nutrients after heat treatment. Therefore, it is useful for people to consume boiled carrots to prevent the appearance of cancerous tumors. Include carrots in your regular menu, and you will be able to reduce the likelihood of developing cancer by at least 30%. Carrots are no less useful for those people who already have problems with cancer.

Carrots also help the body get rid of bile and kidney stones, accelerate tissue regeneration, help increase the body's resistance and saturate it with energy. Eating carrots has a positive effect on women's and men's health. Juice from fresh orange vegetables helps restore strength after intense physical activity. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it after training. The vegetable also helps strengthen nails and hair and replenishes the lack of vitamins in the body. Carrots help improve skin color and get rid of excess weight.

Vegetable harm

Like any other product, carrots can bring not only benefits to the body, but also harm. First of all, negative consequences can occur with excessive consumption of carrots - more than 4 medium vegetables per day. If you eat much more than this amount, you may experience a headache, loss of energy and drowsiness.

What can you cook?

The number of delicious and healthy dishes that you can prepare from carrots is simply huge! We offer you several proven recipes that are definitely worth trying.

Moroccan salad

This unusual and very tender dish will take its rightful place on your menu. For it you will need to take 0.5 kg of fresh peeled carrots, about 200 grams of olives, some cilantro and parsley, as well as 3 large spoons of natural olive oil, a little salt, lemon juice, ground red pepper and cumin. The vegetable must be chopped into medium-sized slices, kept in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then doused with cold water over the carrot sticks.

Next, add finely chopped herbs and olives to the cooked carrots. Season the salad with olive oil and the following spices. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and let the salad brew for a couple of hours, then serve.

Carrot cutlets

This dish will perfectly diversify the healthy diet of a vegetarian, but meat lovers will certainly enjoy it. And it only takes half an hour to prepare vegetable cutlets. Take about one and a half cups of finely chopped carrots, put them in a saucepan with a small amount of water, and after boiling, keep them on low heat for 5 minutes. Next, transfer the vegetable to a separate container, pour in a couple of glasses of dry corn flakes, 2 beaten eggs, 1 pc. chopped celery root, a little salt, pepper and onion. Mix all ingredients well. From this amount of product you can make 6 cutlets.

Form them and fry in a hot frying pan for a couple of minutes on each side.

You can fry in either vegetable or butter. But if you want to make the dish even lower in calories, you can cook the cutlets not in a frying pan, but steam them in a slow cooker or oven.

See the video recipe for making carrot cutlets below.


This delicate, tasty and beautiful dessert will give you a lot of pleasure, but will not harm your figure. For it you need about half a kilogram of boiled or steamed carrots, cut into slices. Mix vegetables in a bowl with two fresh eggs, 1/5 stick of butter, 100 g cane (or white) sugar, a glass of flour and a spoonful of baking powder. Grind the resulting mass further using a food processor or blender, then beat the resulting puree for several minutes. The better you beat the dough, the more airy and tender the souffle will be.

Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about an hour.


This cabbage and carrot salad has earned incredible popularity throughout Russia. Almost every housewife knows how to cook it, and if you still haven’t tried this dish, then this recipe will definitely come in handy.

Shred fresh white cabbage as thinly as possible, and then mash it slightly to release the juice. This will make the salad much more delicious. Add grated or thinly sliced ​​carrots to the cabbage. Season the vegetables with a little vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and sugar. Mix the ingredients well and that's it, the salad is ready!

The recipe is incredibly simple, but it doesn’t make the dish any less healthy.

Baking filling

Such unusual pastries can be added to pies and buns. It’s easy to prepare, you only need three products: 2 large carrots, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 small spoon of butter or margarine. Pass the vegetables through a coarse grater, put them in a saucepan, add sugar and just a little water. Simmer the carrot mixture over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then use the finished filling for its intended purpose.

There is perhaps no more healthy and affordable vegetable that must be used in our diet.

Carrots are a storehouse of nutrients. It contains large quantities of vitamins, essential vitamins of the following groups: E, C, K, B, PP; as well as a wide variety of microelements: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, cobalt, copper, potassium, etc.

Carrots are a recognized leader in carotene content, which is converted into vitamin A in our body. And as you know, vitamin A is essential for good vision, healthy skin, hair and nails. It is enough to eat 30 grams of carrots a day to reach your daily requirement.

Carrots contain a large amount of fiber, which is why it is good for obesity, as well as for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The presence of potassium, phosphorus and a set of vitamins in carrots allows them to be successfully used for the prevention of heart disease.

Carrot juice is good for liver and kidney diseases, anemia, polyarthritis and atherosclerosis.

Carrots are successfully used in many diets: carrot diet for 3 days, carrot diet for 10 days. Carrot juice is very good to use to cleanse the body, either alone or in a mixture with other vegetable juices.

How much does one carrot weigh? If you don't have a scale, you need to know that one medium tablespoon-length carrot weighs about 125 grams and contains only 44 calories.

To fully absorb carotene and convert it into vitamin A, you need to eat carrots with sour cream or vegetable oil. It is also important to use freshly prepared juice and fresh carrot salads. The amount of nutrients in peeled carrots quickly decreases from contact with air.

When choosing carrots, pay attention to color and size. The largest amount of vitamins is contained in carrots of medium size and bright color. Larger varieties contain more nitrates, while pale varieties contain less carotene.

Korean carrots are very popular. It contains carrots, sugar, salt, spices, vinegar and a mixture of oriental spices. The calorie content of Korean carrots is 134 calories per 100 grams, so you should not use it for your diet.

T Table of caloric content and nutritional value of carrots.

The product's name Number of grams of product Contains
fresh carrots 100g 35 kcal
boiled carrots 100g 24 kcal
carrots in Korean 100g 134 kcal
proteins 100g 1.3 gr.
fat 100g 0.1 gr.
carbohydrates 100g 6.9 gr.
dietary fiber 100g 2.4 gr.
water 100g 88 gr.

100 grams of carrots contain the following microelements: Calcium 27 mg, Magnesium 38 mg, Sodium 21 mg, Potassium 200 mg, Phosphorus 55 mg, Chlorine 63 mg, Sulfur 6 mg, Iron 0.7 mg, Zinc 0.4 mg, Iodine 5 mcg, Copper 80 mcg, Manganese 0 .2 mg, Selenium 0.1 µg, Chromium 3 µg, Fluorine 55 µg, Molybdenum 2 0 µg, Boron 200 µg, Vanadium 99 µg, Cobalt 2 µg, Lithium 6 µg, Aluminum 323 µg, Nickel 6 µg

Carrots contain the following vitamins: Vitamin PP 1 mg, Beta-carotene 12 mg, Vitamin A (VE) 2000 mcg, Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.06 mg, Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.07 mg, Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.3 mg, Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.1 mg, Vitamin B9 (folate) 9 mcg, Vitamin C 5 mg, Vitamin E (TE) 0.4 mg, Vitamin H (biotin) 0.06 mcg, Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 13.2 mcg, Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 1.1 mg

Nika Sestrinskaya -specifically for the site site

Carrots have been cultivated for several thousand years; back in Ancient Egypt, the plant was used for medicinal purposes. Russia ranks second among the largest producers of root crops, second only to China and ahead of the United States. Why is this culture so popular? Carrots are a vegetable that has a pleasant balance of beneficial properties and affordability. In culinary terms, the amazing compatibility of carrots with other ingredients is amazing. There are many ways to prepare this product, and the taste pleasantly complements both desserts and main courses. The bright, rich color of the vegetable is especially pleasing, aesthetically complementing any combination. It remains to find out the calorie content of carrots in order to forever become a fan of this vegetable.

Useful and harmful properties of carrots

The areas of positive impact of this product on the body are extremely diverse. Omitting the data on the issue of “calorie content of carrots,” we can with a light heart call the red vegetable a panacea for many diseases:

  • bones (nails, hair) - strengthening with calcium,
  • heart - potassium nutrition,
  • kidneys and liver - cleansing, cell renewal, stone removal,
  • eyes - improved vision thanks to vitamin A,
  • blood vessels - cholesterol removal, strengthening walls,
  • cells - slowing down aging through the effects of antioxidants, general rejuvenation,
  • blood - sugar concentration decreases (diabetes prevention),
  • teeth (oral cavity) - cleansing through antibacterial effects, strengthening enamel and gums, removing plaque,
  • nervous system - stabilization with B vitamins.

In addition to the above, carrots affect the body as a whole, removing harmful residual substances (toxins, heavy metal salts, waste products) with the help of fiber, has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the formation of oncological complications (the substance falcarinol), and improves the condition of respiratory diseases thanks to phytoncides.

Freshly squeezed carrots have a separate set of advantages (we’ll touch on calorie content later): relieving fatigue, improving appetite, weakening the toxic effects of antibiotics, strengthening the immune system, improving complexion, hair and nails.

The harmful effects of the product come down to two aspects:

  • overeating (no more than 1 kg per day) - accompanied by headache, lethargy, drowsiness, possible excess load on a weak intestine,
  • allergies (especially seeds) - burning in the mouth, nausea, eczema.

Eating carrots is contraindicated in the presence of exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases and malfunctions of the renal system (excessive accumulation of potassium).

How many calories are in carrots

Let's look at the pressing question about the carrot product: calorie content and benefits for weight loss. In the process of losing excess weight, numerous beneficial properties will pale in comparison to the high energy value of the product. Let's take carrots to court: the calorie content per 100 grams will be 32 units. The numbers are low and encouraging.

The other side of the coin is the high carbohydrate content - almost 8 grams (for 100 g of product). For this reason, many protein diets (Montignac, Kremlin), aimed at eliminating the “dangerous” element, add carrots to the list of forbidden desires. At the same time, it exists in the same universe with equal rights. Nutrition experts do not have a consensus on the orange vegetable.

When calculating the daily calorie intake, it is worth taking into account the method of preparing the product, which affects the final energy value:

  • boiled - 25 kcal (100 grams),
  • baked - 28 kcal (100 grams),
  • stew - 40-45 kcal (100 grams) (with vegetable oil - 81-85 kcal),
  • - 56 kcal (100 grams),
  • fried - 75 kcal (100 grams),
  • in Korean - 85-130 kcal (100 grams).

According to the data presented, it is clear that the calorie content of raw carrots exceeds that of the cooked and baked product, so dietary nutrition can include both options for serving the product.

In general, the beneficial properties of carrots for weight loss come down to satiation for a long time with a small amount of calories, acceleration of metabolism with an active energy release (the influence of polysaccharides), and the breakdown of complex carbohydrates with the impossibility of storing them in “storage areas.”

Calorie content of carrots (raw, boiled)

The mysterious product “carrots”: calories are shuffled in completely unexpected ways when prepared differently, but each dish has a number of advantages and is beneficial for the body.

To improve vision, grated raw carrots (salad with apple/orange/grapefruit, sprinkled with lemon juice) are suitable. Vitamin A, which is beneficial for the eyes, is absorbed only together with fats, so dressing in the form of sour cream or vegetable oil is necessary. However, the calorie content will jump up (up to 95-98 kcal - 100 grams).

To strengthen your gums, you should bite the whole carrot, chewing the pieces thoroughly. The calorie content of the fruit can vary depending on the sweetness (32-44 kcal - 100 grams): a more orange vegetable is more sugary, high-calorie and healthy. Raw carrots cleanse the blood and intestines of toxins and supply the body with a vitamin complex.

For vitamin deficiency and high blood pressure, it is recommended to eat vegetables boiled in their peel: the content of antioxidants triples, and the level of phenols, which prevent premature aging, increases. However, the anti-cold effect decreases due to a reduction in the amount of vitamin C.

Calorie table for carrots of various cooking options

Carrot calorie table
Dish/product Calorie content per 100 grams
Raw carrots 32
Stewed carrots 45
Carrots with butter (salad) 127
Carrots with mayonnaise and garlic 113
Boiled carrots 27
Fried carrots 77
Baked carrots 74
Carrots with apples 41
Carrots with cheese 147
Carrots with vinegar 51
Carrots with sour cream 104