You can't live by feeling alone. Reason is given to man to understand: one cannot live by reason alone

There are writers whose works have not lost popularity for decades, or even hundreds, of years. One of these is the German writer Erich Maria Remarque, a representative of the literature of the lost generation. We offer you a selection of quotes from Remarque's most famous works. He wrote about everything: about love, about life, kindness, about actions, about women. Here you will find quotes from the Arc de Triomphe, from Three Comrades, from Life on Borrow and others.

The peculiarity of the work of Erich Maria Remarque is the destruction of stereotypes. The most significant and large-scale novel is considered to be All Quiet on the Western Front. This was the first work written by Remarque. He was included in the trilogy of novels of the Lost Generation, along with the works of Hemingway and Aldington. In it, the author expressed his opposition to military slogans, exposing the horror of war.

Remarque's works were banned for some time, they were even burned by the Nazis. But the truth took its toll, and the time came when Remarque’s work was appreciated.

Remember one thing, boy: never, never, never again will you be funny in the eyes of a woman if you do something for her sake. (Three comrades)

Women do not ridicule those who idolize them.

Loneliness is easier when you don't love. (Three comrades)

But sometimes it is unbearable.

How strange young people today are. You hate the past, you despise the present, and you are indifferent to the future. This is unlikely to lead to a good ending. (Three comrades)

Everywhere you turn, there is only discontent.

There is no shame in being born a fool. But it’s a shame to die a fool. (Three comrades)

Life is given in order to learn something.

All love wants to be eternal, and this is its eternal torment. (Three comrades)

Nothing in this world lasts forever.

Only those who have been alone more than once know the happiness of meeting their beloved. (Three comrades)

The rarer the meetings, the more you appreciate them.

No person can become more of a stranger than someone you loved in the past. (Three comrades)

Parting makes enemies out of lovers.

Reason is given to man so that he understands: it is impossible to live by reason alone. (Three comrades)

It is not interesting to live only by reason; sometimes we must be guided by feelings.

Just don't let anyone get close to you. And if you let him in, you’ll want to hold him. And nothing can be held back... (Three comrades)

The more we try to hold on to something, the more it moves away from us.

Everything passes - this is the truest truth in the world. (Three comrades)

Everything is fleeting, nothing is eternal.

It is better to die when you want to live than to live until you want to die. (Three comrades)

If there is no interest in life, then there is no one who would keep you in this world...

People are even more poisonous than alcohol or tobacco. (Three comrades)

Alcohol poisons the stomach and brain, tobacco poisons the lungs, and people poison the soul.

It seemed to me that a woman should not tell a man that she loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak about this. They speak louder than any words. (Three comrades)

Eyes can tell more than words.

It's hard to find words when you really have something to say. And even if the right words come, you are ashamed to say them. (Three comrades)

Never be ashamed to say what you feel.

Happiness is the most uncertain and expensive thing in the world. (Three comrades)

It's difficult to explain what happiness is, but it definitely has its own taste.

He who is lonely will not be abandoned. (Three comrades)

But he won’t be happy either.

It is a mistake to assume that all people have the same ability to feel. (Three comrades)

Everyone feels differently.

Life is a disease and death begins at birth. Every breath, every heartbeat already contains a little bit of dying - all these are pushes that bring us closer to the end. (Three comrades)

How can life be equated with death, and even from birth?

If you want to live, it means that there is something you love. It’s harder this way, but it’s also easier. (Three comrades)

This means there is someone to live for.

I dressed slowly. It made me feel like it was Sunday. (Three comrades)

Sunday exists so that people can take their time.

Without love, a person is nothing more than a dead man on vacation. (Three comrades)

Life without love is just a miserable existence.

Women should either be idolized or abandoned. Everything else is a lie. (Triumphal Arch)

Of course, idolize!

Those who don't expect anything will never be disappointed. (Triumphal Arch)

He who does not demand much from life will appreciate little.

Anyone who looks back too often can easily trip and fall. (Triumphal Arch)

When floating with the flow of life, you only need to look forward.

Only those who have lost everything worth living for are free. (Triumphal Arch)

Free, but unhappy.

Love does not tolerate explanations. She needs actions. (Triumphal Arch)

Love is tested not by words, but by deeds.

We! What an unusual word! The most mysterious thing in the world. (Triumphal Arch)

The one who loves replaces “I” with “We”.

Whoever wants to hold on loses. They try to hold on to those who are ready to let go with a smile. (Life on borrowed time)

The law of attraction works even when we don't count on it.

People have lost respect for death. And this happened because of two world wars. (Life on borrowed time)

It's scary when death becomes commonplace.

The death of one person is death, but the death of two million is just a statistic. (Life on borrowed time)

To hell with the statistics if loved ones pass away.

There will always be people who are worse off than you. (Life on borrowed time)

But this is no reason for gloating.

In general, I want to live without reasoning, without listening to advice, without any warnings. Live as you live. (Life on borrowed time)

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

What you can't get always seems better than what you have. This is the romance and idiocy of human life. (Black obelisk)

But when you manage to get it, you yourself are perplexed as to why it seemed better...)

If a woman belongs to another, she is five times more desirable than one who can be had—an old rule. (Black obelisk)

Someone else's always attracts more than one's own.

At midnight the universe smells like stars. (Black obelisk)

The night has the smell of freedom, stars and moon.

Only if you finally break up with a person do you begin to be truly interested in everything that concerns him. This is one of the paradoxes of love. (Black obelisk)

And you only begin to appreciate it when you lose it.

The more primitive a person is, the higher his opinion of himself. (Love thy neighbour)

And the smarter, the more modest...

There is nothing more tiring than being present when a person demonstrates his intelligence. Especially if you have no mind. (Shadows in Paradise)

If you have intelligence, you don’t have to show it, much less prove it.

Women don’t need to explain anything; you always need to act with them. (Night in Lisbon)

The stereotype that women do not understand many things has long been outdated.

Only cows are happy these days. (A time to live and a time to die)

My cat, by the way, is also doing well...)

How much grief and melancholy still fits in two such small spots that can be covered with one finger - in human eyes. (No change on the Western Front)

The eyes reflect both inner disappointment and bewilderment from the world around us.

Hate is an acid that corrodes the soul; it makes no difference whether you hate yourself or experience the hatred of another. (Night in Lisbon)

Hatred is the most powerful poison.

The most wonderful city is the one where a person is happy. ( Night in Lisbon)

And he is happy where he is always welcome.

You can talk about happiness for five minutes, no more. There is nothing to say here except that you are happy. And people talk about misfortune all night long. (Shadows in Paradise)

They generally try to remain silent about happiness, but unhappiness is shown to everyone.

People always die too early, even if the person is ninety. (A time to live and a time to die)

A person could never use another couple of decades of life...

Life must be hard for you if you still believe in justice. (A time to live and a time to die)

Are you looking for it everywhere, but can’t find it anywhere?

It's good to have cigarettes. Sometimes it's even better than friends. Cigarettes are not confusing. They are silent friends. (A time to live and a time to die)

Cigarettes calm your nerves, but kill your health.

As long as a person does not give up, he is stronger than his destiny.

The main thing in this life is never give up.

“Nothing is lost yet,” I repeated. “You only lose a person when he dies.”

As long as everyone is alive, everything can be fixed.

If you want people not to notice anything, you don’t have to be careful.

The more you hide something, the more it leaks out.

A woman is not metal furniture; she is a flower. She doesn't want to be businesslike. She needs sunny, sweet words. It’s better to say something nice to her every day than to work for her all your life with gloomy frenzy.

A woman blooms like a flower when beautiful and tender words are spoken to her.

I stood next to her, listened to her, laughed and thought how scary it is to love a woman and be poor.

The rich find it much easier to love.

Essay in the direction: Reason and feeling. Graduation essay 2016-2017

Reason and feeling: can they possess a person at the same time or are they concepts that are mutually exclusive? Is it true that in a fit of feelings a person commits both base acts and great discoveries that drive evolution and progress? What can a dispassionate mind, a cold calculation, do? The search for answers to these questions has occupied the best minds of humanity since life appeared. And this debate, which is more important - reason or feeling, has been going on since ancient times, and everyone has their own answer. “People live by feelings,” says Erich Maria Remarque, but immediately adds that in order to realize this, reason is needed.

On the pages of world fiction, the problem of the influence of human feelings and reason is raised very often. So, for example, in Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace” two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, the impetuous Natasha Rostova, the sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, the fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other, the arrogant and calculating Helen Kuragina and her brother, callous Anatole. Many conflicts in the novel arise precisely from the excess of feelings of the characters, the ups and downs of which are very interesting to watch. A striking example of how a rush of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, and impatient youth influenced the fate of the heroes is the case of Natasha’s betrayal, because for her, funny and young, it was an incredibly long time to wait for her wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subdue her unexpectedly flared up feelings? feelings for Anatole the voice of reason? Here a real drama of the mind and feelings in the soul of the heroine unfolds before us; she faces a difficult choice: leave her fiancé and leave with Anatole or not give in to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrei. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made; only an accident prevented Natasha. We cannot blame the girl, knowing her impatient nature and thirst for love. It was Natasha’s impulse that was dictated by her feelings, after which she regretted her action when she analyzed it.

It was the feeling of boundless, all-consuming love that helped Margarita reunite with her lover in Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.” The heroine, without hesitation for a second, gives her soul to the devil and goes with him to the ball, where murderers and hanged men kiss her knee. Having abandoned a wealthy, measured life in a luxurious mansion with a loving husband, she rushes into an adventurous adventure with evil spirits. Here is a vivid example of how a person, by choosing a feeling, created his own happiness.
Thus, the statement of Erich Maria Remarque is absolutely correct: guided only by reason, a person can live, but it will be a colorless, dull and joyless life, only feelings give life indescribable bright colors, leaving emotionally filled memories. As the great classic Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote: “If we assume that human life can be controlled by reason, then the very possibility of life will be destroyed.”

Date of publication: 11/26/2016

EXAMPLE: Verified Final essay on the topic “Reason is given to man in order to understand that it is impossible to live by reason alone, people live by feelings” in the direction of “Reason and Feeling.”

Introduction (intro):“Reason is given to man to understand that it is impossible to live by reason alone, people live by feelings” Erich Maria Remarque.
Feelings and reason are the most important components of a person’s inner world. As a rule, they are in harmony, but sometimes a bloody battle begins between them, which is decisive and can radically change the situation. People in charge (guided) only with their minds, they can live their lives without experiencing true emotions and feelings. Others who susceptible to feelings (it is better to avoid this combination of words), sometimes they do very stupid and thoughtless things. I can confirm the correctness of my reasoning with examples from literary works.

A comment: The beginning is very good, but the topic is not covered. Since the theme here is a statement, there are two options: either use the quote itself as the theme, but conveying the meaning in your own words. Or take the statement as a basis and write WHY it is so. In general, the essence of the essay should boil down to the fact that a person cannot live without feelings. Plus, it is very important to formulate the thesis using introductory words that indicate that this is your personal opinion.

Argument 1:
In A.S. Pushkin’s work “Eugene Onegin,” the author raises the issue of reason and feeling. The main characters, Evgeny and Tatyana, have strong feelings towards each other, but constantly hesitate, not understanding how best to act. Attempts to express her emotions are unsuccessful for Tatyana and do not bear fruit. Eugene, having read the letter, says that he was created for bliss, and not for family life. This ends their conversation. Time passes, Onegin realizes that he is in love and wants to see Tatyana. She admits that she loves Evgeniy, but having yielded to her mother’s pleas, she is already married to someone else. In the end, the mind wins the fight.

A comment: good argument, and this piece can even be used for your topic. But this format is not suitable. You described an example of the victory of reason over feelings, and Remarque wrote that people live by feelings, and this contradicts the topic.

Argument 2:
Another striking example is the work of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Ilya Ilyich is the main character of the novel, who is tied to one place and has completely lost the incentive to develop. He stopped setting goals for himself a long time ago, because his life goes smoothly and measuredly. He was accustomed to such a life as a child. Oblomov’s dream tells us about this. One day, Andrei Stolts makes attempts to help Ilya Ilyich and introduces him to Olga Ilyinskaya, who later becomes Oblomov’s lover. Olga is a very smart, well-read girl; is constantly evolving. She tries to raise Oblomov to her “ideal”, to re-educate him, but this is insincere love. Their paths diverge. She is replaced by another woman - Agafya Pshenitsyna: she is very hardworking, cooks well, tries in every possible way to please Ilya Ilyich, and she succeeds. There is complete harmony in their relationship. They are very good together. In this work, the author helps you understand that sincere feelings are a huge force that can work miracles.

Feelings and reason have always been at odds with each other. The theme of this confrontation is popular in both classical and modern literature. And for good reason: the victory of one over the other in a person often ends in disastrous consequences.

Famous writer E.M. Remarque argues that suppression of feelings is a terrible misfortune, and it is impossible to live by reason alone. Indeed, many examples are proof of this; one of the most striking, in my opinion, is the fate of the main character of the novel “Fathers and Sons” - Evgeniy Bazarov. His life is built on clear rules dictated by reason, among which there is no place for love or recklessness. Dedicate yourself to science, destroy the old, build the world anew! Looking at this cold young man, it’s hard to believe that he can think about anything other than work.

However, a meeting with Mrs. Odintsova turns his world upside down. Love, almost animal passion, takes possession of the hero, and he finds himself in despair due to his inability to resist the surging feelings. Bazarov experiences all this very painfully. The character's internal conflict destroys all the unspoken rules in his head. As a result, he understands: you cannot live by reason alone. This defeat leads the hero to an equally tragic end.

Just as the mind can imprison feelings behind a stone wall, so feelings cloud our minds with unjustified ease. What's more scary? The story of Natasha Rostova, the heroine of the novel “War and Peace,” will help answer this question.

This girl, sincere and emotional, was lucky enough to grow up in a loving, wealthy family. She grew up without thinking about how strongly feelings took over her entire being. Anatol Kuragin, the main womanizer and rake of St. Petersburg, with his attractive appearance and passionate looks, instantly captured the heart of Natasha, who at that time was already indebted to Prince Andrei. Accustomed to trusting the will of her feelings, the heroine commits betrayal towards her groom, obviously believing that she is doing the right thing. Later, Natasha regrets what she did, she regrets it so much that mental torment almost destroyed her physical shell. Feelings without the voice of reason are an uncontrollable element, tirelessly growing and merciless. Fortunately, Natasha manages to understand this in time.

I have always considered myself to be a person who puts feelings in the background. However, the sad events that overtook those who were under the rule of one mind, or one feeling, force them to think seriously and reconsider their priorities. You can learn a lot from the destinies of Evgeny Bazarov and Natasha Rostova, but the main thing is: reason and feelings should not create internal conflict, their task is to complement each other.

I agree with these words, because if people forget what it means to live with feelings, to enjoy their love, to be truly happy, then this world will really come to an end. We will become just robots who will not be interested in living. Many writers discussed this topic in their works and tried to convey their truth to readers, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was no exception.

On the other hand, not everyone chooses to live by feelings. It is based on Kuprin’s story “Olesya” - the love of a forest witch and a city “gentleman”. Why was mutual love unhappy? Is it not because reason and feelings argued here too? The cards revealed to Olesya the whole tragedy of her life and the life of her loved one. She knew that happiness was not waiting for them, that her hero was a weak person, that he would “fall” into great love, which he would pass by. Olesya meets her feelings halfway, sacrificing everything. Ivan Timofeevich undoubtedly loves her and is afraid of the response of his heart. It was fear, the weakness of a person, confined to the framework prescribed for him by civilization, that helped him take a decisive step: take his beloved with him, stay and share any share with her.

“We will have nothing but grief...” said Olesya. Reason won. But did this bring happiness to anyone? Of course not. Olesya did the wrong thing, not understanding that all other things, except such sincere love, do not matter. Again, the author makes us understand that it is better to try once, than to regret later for the rest of your life that you didn’t try. And this time, our heroes still didn’t need reason; they lacked a little emotion and decisiveness in their feelings.

Drawing a conclusion from the above, I just want to quote the words of the French writer Nicolas Chamfort: “Our reason sometimes brings us no less grief than our passions.”