What is Smith's name? Will Smith: biography of the actor

Will Smith is rightfully considered a world-famous film actor. Movies with his participation become invariably popular. Our hero has several Oscar statuettes, as well as prizes from various film festivals.

In addition to his artistic career, he is quite successful as a musician. He has received several Grammy awards since the mid-80s.

The artist’s personal life is successful. He was married twice. He is the father of three children, each of whom tried his hand at the film industry.

Height, weight, age. How old is Will Smith

Will Smith, whose photos in his youth and now whom fans collect in their collection, has become successful not only in cinema, but also in music. A program about the popular film actor was recently released on the Culture channel. Official data, as well as reviews from critics and fans around the world, helped us learn about our hero. In addition, the actor himself spoke about himself from a humorous point of view.

Many fans of the artist know quite well what his height, weight, and age are. How old Will Smith is can be calculated by performing simple mathematical calculations in your head. He weighs 89 kg and is 188 cm tall. The film actor often goes to the gym, does weights and basketball. Will is a devotee healthy image life, he eats right, completely ignoring alcoholic drinks.

Biography and personal life of Will Smith

The biography and personal life of Will Smith were able to become twice successful. Even today he is incredibly in demand and popular with a large number of fans.

The boy was born in the late 60s into a large family. He has brothers and sisters with whom he is still friends. Father - Willard Carroll Smith Sr. worked as an engineer. Mother Caroline Smith taught at school.

Boy with youth was the life of the party. He was forgiven for any mischief. Will found a way out of any unpleasant situation. He switched the conversation to another topic, due to which the interlocutor soon became confused and could not remember what the fuss was about.

During his school years, our hero studied well. He was one of the best students in his class.

After graduating from school, Will became concerned with his choice future profession. But not for long. The very next day after receiving the certificate, the guy informed his parents that he would study music and act in films.

Soon Will began performing with Jeff Towns. Their duet became incredibly popular. They gathered large halls of hip-hop music fans.

Since the late 80s it also begins actor career. He played in a large number of the most famous blockbusters. Critics and millions of movie lovers appreciated his performance. The man received several Oscar statuettes from the American Film Academy. In addition, the star has other awards from film festivals.

The film actor was married twice. His first wife gave him a son. From his second wife, Will had a son and daughter, who also became actors.

Filmography: films starring Will Smith

In 1990, Smith received an invitation to play in the television series The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. According to the film actor, his character is similar to himself.

After a short break, he begins to film very actively. His filmography is expanding at a rapid pace. Movies starring Will Smith leading role still just as popular. People watch and review them.

The film actor played in “Bad Boys”, “Independence Day”, “Men in Black”, “After Earth” and many others. Currently, our hero is busy filming two projects at once. In the movie "Aladdin" he plays the Genie, and in "Twin" he plays a hero named Henry. The films are scheduled for release in 2019.

Will Smith voiced cartoon characters. For example, Oscar from Shark Tale speaks in his voice.

Will Smith's family and children

Will Smith's family and children are incredibly friendly. They often meet and spend holidays together. The film actor says that his whole family gathers at his mother's house. Will Smith and his family sit down at a large table, and then unanimously congratulate everyone present.

The actor's father was an engineer. The man was incredibly proud of his son and was his most devoted fan. In 2015, Will's father became ill. Doctors diagnosed cancer. Despite adequate treatment, he died several months after the onset of the disease. The actor was worried about his father's passing.

Our hero's mother was a teacher. She instilled in children a love of creativity. The woman always supported the endeavors of all children. She currently lives with her daughter's family. Other children often visit their mother and also call her.

The Men in Black star has three children. He loves every child and tries to support him. Smith was married twice. He lives with his second wife to this day.

Will Smith's son Jaden Smith

The baby was born in a California maternity hospital. To protect Jaden from excessive press attention, the actor hired him teachers in all subjects. From a young age, the boy learned to play the guitar, dance and write rap songs.

Will Smith's son Jaden Smith has played in several films. The young man played “The Pursuit of Happiness”, “After Earth”. The first film with Will Smith and his son aroused interest. Jaden was named best young actor.

The young guy had already dated two girls. Initially he was in love with a successful American model Sarah Snyder. After breaking up with her, the young son of the star began dating Kylie Jenner, who participated in a popular show program in the country. But this relationship also came to nothing.

Will Smith's daughter - Willow Smith

The charming baby in the Smith family appeared at the beginning of the new millennium. She got good home education. The actor spent a lot of time with the girl.

From a young age, Will Smith's daughter - Willow Smith sang great. She lent her voice to the character from the popular children's animated film Madagascar.

At the age of 10, the girl recorded her first album and filmed a large number of clips. She is popular among teenagers.

The girl also played in films. She appeared in the movie "I Am Legend." The film actor is happy about the success of his favorite. He supports her in everything.

Will Smith's ex-wife - Shiri Zampino

The future spouses met at one of the concert performances Willa. The novel developed rapidly. A few days later, the artist made an offer, which was favorably accepted.

The wedding was modest. Only close people were present. Our hero's first marriage did not last long - only a few years. After the birth of their son Trey, the couple began to quarrel. They divorced in mid-1995. The man gave his wife a good allowance so that his son would not need anything.

The woman did not interfere with communication between her ex-husband and her little son. Ex-wife Will Smith - Shiri Zampino married a second time a few years later. She lives in Malibu and owns a small store. WITH ex-husband the woman communicates, thanking him that the man gave her the happiness of becoming the mother of a charming son.

Will Smith's wife - Jada Pinkett Smith

The actor's wife was raised in a simple family. The woman was born in the American town of Baltimore. Jada's mother worked in a clinical hospital. She always supported her daughter in her desire to become a film actress.

In her youth, Jada often found herself in sticky situations, from which her mother helped her out.

Will Smith's wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, has played in several films. Despite the actress’s persistence, film directors trusted her only with small roles. She was not destined to become famous and play leading roles. The woman devoted herself entirely to raising children and family well-being. She reliably provides support for the film actor, appearing with him at various social events.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Jada released a book about show business, which became a bestseller in a few hours. The woman is currently writing a book about her famous husband.

Instagram and Wikipedia Will Smith

Will Smith's Instagram and Wikipedia contain the most reliable information about the world cinema star.

Wikipedia talks about creative path artist. The page lists all the movies in which Will played. Here you can also find out what musical compositions performed by Smith. The village reports about the man’s awards throughout his life.

The singer and actor never refuses an interview. He always communicates with fans without ignoring them. On his Instagram page, the man posts numerous photos and videos and shares the secrets of his craft with fans.

Willard Carroll Smith Jr., known by his abbreviated name Will Smith, is a famous American actor and hip-hopper. According to Forbes, he is considered the highest paid actor in America. It is clear that all his fans, and especially fans of this rich handsome man, want to know everything about his personal life.

In the article we will talk about Will Smith's wives, yes, exactly about wives, since he already had two of them. Let's look at their photographs with the actor and get acquainted with short biography. You will also find out how many children the Hollywood star has and what they do.

Let's start everything in order, that is, with his first wife, although the actor lived with her for only three years.

First wife

Will Smith first got married back in 1992. On the aspiring actress and TV presenter Sheri Zampino. A photo of Will Smith's first wife can be seen below. The couple lived together for only three and a half years, but they have a child together.

After the divorce, son Trey stayed with his mother. Although at first Will saw little of the child, now you can often meet them joint photos in the Internet. According to rumors, Sheri suspected that Will had a relationship with Jada Pinkett. They met on the set of the film “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” before their wedding to Sheree. This was in 1990. At first they were just friends, and then, after Will’s divorce from his first wife, the couple began to live together, and two years later they formalized their relationship.

Will Smith's second wife

Jada Pinkett met her future husband in 1990 when she auditioned for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. After communicating, Jada and Will became friends and communicated as friends for several years. The actor was just beginning his career at that time, and this series played a huge role in his development as famous person in Hollywood. The series was shown on television for six long years, the actor became recognizable on the streets, paid off all his debts and gained some popularity.

The career of Will Smith's future wife was just beginning during this period. Jada Pinkett starred in several films, but her roles were episodic, for example, in the films “True Colors”, “Mo’s World”, “Dr. Doogie Howser”, etc.

Will later married, the couple had a son, so the friendship did not immediately develop into something more. Over time, Will Smith finally realized that Jada had become much closer to him than just a friend. After breaking up with his first wife, Will Smith and Jada began dating.

Brief biography of Jada Pinkett Smith

The full name of the actress is Jada Koren Pinkett. She was born in mid-September 1971. Her mother was still in high school when she met her future husband. Having immediately become pregnant, she gave birth to a girl and soon separated from the child’s father. Since childhood, Jada was raised by a loving grandmother who doted on her granddaughter. Exactly elderly woman I saw acting talent in the little girl.

Grandma took Jada to music school in piano class. Then there was also a dance school and choreography classes. The girl developed comprehensively and turned out to be very flexible and talented. I tap danced all day long.

So that her granddaughter could develop creatively to perfection, the grandmother, after consulting with her mother, who worked as a nurse in a Baltimore hospital, decided to send the child to study in a specialized educational institution with a narrow specialty "Dance and Theater". When Jada graduated from school, namely in 1989, she set off to conquer Los Angeles.

Actress career

Since 1990, Jada Pinkett has been climbing the career ladder, filming first in cameo roles. For the first time critics noted talented girl After the release of the film "Missing Millions", her name appeared in periodical glossy magazines.

However, the girl gained real fame after the triumphant release of the film “The Nutty Professor” on national screens, which earned $25 million in the very first days of its screening. The film was released successfully in all American cinemas.

Already being the wife of Will Smith (see photo of the married couple below), Jada took up musical activity and formed her own group, Wicked Wisdom. Since 2002, she has been a vocalist and composer, performing metal on stage. On stage for performances, the girl uses the pseudonym Jada Koren.

Continuing to act in films, the girl embodied the brave, decisive and restive characters of characters in such cult films as “The Matrix Reloaded” and “Gotham”. Behind good game the actress was nominated for best female role supporting actor, and as a crowd favorite in People's Choice Awards. But the actress never received the award.

Pinkett's directorial work was a successful experiment. Her film "The Human Contract" was broadcast at the Cannes Film Festival.

Family life

Friendship with Will Smith in 1995 grew into romantic relationship. And two years later they got married, having a very modest wedding by Hollywood standards. Only 100 of the closest people were present. A year later the couple had their first joint child. Jaden was born in July 1998, and two years later their daughter Willow was born (in October 2000).

At all public events, Will Smith, his wife and children appear accompanied by the actor’s eldest son from his first wife, which proves a good relationship between family members.

Will Smith's children

There is little information about Trey's eldest son. It is known that the relationship with the father and his new family The guy is friendly. Trey starred in several episodes of the series “All About Us” created by the married couple together.

At the age of 19, Jaden Smith is already earning a lot of money himself, starring in numerous films with famous partners; he could be seen several times next to his father.

The daughter does not lag behind her older brothers. She starred in several films with her father, voiced one of the characters in the cartoon "Madagascar", and releases singles and videos for her songs.

Members of the talented family - Will Smith, his wife and children (photos of which are posted in the article) - now all live separately. The children have grown up, earn their own money and left parental care. And Will and Jada, too, according to rumors, decided to live separately. They have a relationship crisis after the children leave. The couple visits a psychologist, but the actors keep the results of their communication with him secret. Let's hope that the most star couple Hollywood will survive hard times and will delight viewers with new projects.

But this does not negate the fact that he is a talented guy who has made successful steps in cinema, despite his young years. Jaden has also reached considerable heights as a singer and dancer.

Jaden Smith was born in July 1998 in Malibu, California. Star parents decided that son Jayden and daughter Willow will be taught at home. Thus, the children did not attend schools where ordinary children studied. But from a young age they are accustomed to constant work.

Jayden showed off early musical talents. So Will Smith took up musical education son and took the boy to charity events and concerts, the proceeds of which were sent to HIV-infected children in Zambia.

It was at such concerts that Jaden Smith was noticed. The boy demonstrated considerable artistry.


The cinematic biography of Jaden Smith began when the boy was 5 years old. Then, in 2003, the top-rated series “All About Us” was released, where viewers saw the little actor for the first time.

Trailer for the film "The Pursuit of Happiness"

And the big role went to the star offspring in 2006. He played the son of the main character in the serial film “The Pursuit of Happiness.” The film was doomed to success, because the main character was played by Will Smith himself. 8-year-old Jayden has demonstrated that he is worthy of his dad.

The plot of the film tells about single father Chris Gardner. He does everything to make his beloved son Christopher grow up happy. But it turns out that Chris does not pay for the apartment, and the man and child are evicted. Then Gardner gets a job at a brokerage office, where Chris is accepted as an intern. The problem is that the internship is not paid, and it lasts 6 months.

Trailer for the film “The Day the Earth Stood Still”

Spectators and critics agreed that the boy is talented and has a wonderful future. This biographical project brought Jaden Smith his first awards, including the MTV Movie Awards, Teen Choice Awards and the Phoenix Film Critics Society Award.

The film “The Pursuit of Happiness” turned out to be an excellent springboard for the young artist. In 2008, he was already filming “separately” from his star dad. Jaden appeared in several episodes of the project “Everything is Tip Top, or the Suite Life of Zack and Cody.” That same year he starred in fantastic picture"The Day the Earth Stood Still" where he appeared on film set With .

Trailer for the film "The Karate Kid"

In 2010, audiences enjoyed watching Jaden Smith's increased skill in the film The Karate Kid. The young artist was entrusted with one of the main roles. He played on the same court with. The film was a success and brought excellent box office receipts, recouping the filming costs 7 times.

After such success, it was announced that filming of a continuation of the film was planned. Jaden was supposed to return to Dre Parker's character. However, so far the creators have not begun to implement the idea.

Trailer for the film “After Earth”

The star offspring also played in the documentary “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never,” which tells the story of his life famous singer, and the futuristic film “After Earth,” in which Jaden starred with his father for the second time. However, this project was not as successful as “The Pursuit of Happiness.”

Critics panned the film, and viewers had mixed reactions to the film. As a result, the film received six Golden Raspberry nominations. And the Russian magazine “World of Fantasy” called the film “Disappointment 2013.”

In the same year, he visited St. Petersburg, presenting the film “After Our Era.”

Justin Bieber - "Never Say Never"

Jaden Smith does not forget about his passion for music and vocals. Together with him, he recorded the popular single “Never Say Never”, which was featured in the film of the same name “Never Say Never”. Later, young Smith recorded solo tracks, which he performed in hip-hop style. Some of them were included in the rotation of US radio stations.

In January 2016, Jaden became the face of the LOUIS VUITTON women's collection.

Personal life

The artist’s young age is not an obstacle to romance. Jaden Smith's personal life has been in the top news of popular tabloids more than once. Long time the artist’s name was placed next to the name of a successful fashion model and sister -. It turned out that these were rumors and gossip.

They say that at that time Jaden was dating not Kendall, but the second Kardashian sister. Although the couple did not comment on the romance. The paparazzi managed to capture young Smith with a girl on vacation in England. Some media even called Jaden and Kylie one of the most beautiful couples in America.

Jaden then began a relationship with model Sarah Snyder, which lasted more than a year. It is known that the guy’s parents liked Sarah.

In 2017, the young man was in a relationship with the daughter of actress Pamela Adlon, Odessa Adlon. The couple managed to relax in Miami, where the lovers were caught by the paparazzi. Noticing the journalists, Jayden and Odessa began making faces at the camera and showing signs with their fingers.

In November 2018, the entire world media and public discussed sensational news - Jaden Smith. The guy announced that he has a boyfriend right at the concert of rapper Tyler the Creator.

"Tyler the Creator is my best friend, and I love him very much. I want to tell you guys something. Tyler doesn’t want to say it, but Tyler is the boyfriend of my life,” Jayden admitted to applause from the audience.

Tyler did not expect such revelations from his friend, so he left the stage, covering his face with his hands. Later, the young people corresponded on Twitter. Jaden said that he confessed his love to Tyler “because there is no way out of this situation,” to which the rapper called him “crazy.”

Jaden Smith has come out

Jaden maintains an officially verified account on this social network, where the young man is watched by millions of fans. However, Smith's profile looks more like a work microblog, made in a unique style. He also shares recordings with fans in the official “

  • Name: Will Smith (Willard Carroll Smith Jr.)
  • Date of birth: September 25, 1968
  • Libra
  • Place of birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Height: 188
  • Occupation: actor, producer, rapper, director
  • Marital status: married to Jada Pinkett Smith

Will Smith: biography

Famous rapper and actor Will Smith (Willard Christopher Smith Jr.) was born on September 25, 1968 in Philadelphia. Will's mom Caroline worked school teacher, and father Willard Christopher Smith was the owner of a small refrigeration company. The parents divorced when their son was 13 years old. Will is the second of four children in the family.
As a child, Will Smith earned himself the nickname "Prince." The guy had an amazing quality: he masterfully got out of any trouble with the help of a well-spoken tongue and innate charm.

Will Smith in his youth.

Ever since school, Will became seriously interested in rap and hip-hop. Nothing could tear the young rapper away from his favorite pastime, not even considerable academic success and a tempting offer of a scholarship from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The guy made the right decision. The hobby became the first step in Will Smith's career in show business. Will, along with his friend DJ Jeff Townes, formed a duet in which the rapper performed under the pseudonym “Cool Prince.” The duet's songs had big success. Two albums were certified platinum, and the works “He"s the DJ" and "I"m the Rapper" even received a Grammy Award.
But soon the group’s popularity began to decline, and Smith decided to try his hand at other business projects. He invested his capital in cars and jewelry, but was not successful. Moreover, he got into large debts.


Will Smith's creative biography continued in cinema. Mine happy ticket the rapper pulled out when he received an offer from Warner Brothers to play the lead role in the television series “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” Will didn't even have to strain: he just played himself. Main character plot - a black guy, by the will of fate, abandoned in Beverly Hills. The series was released in 1990 and became very popular. Aspiring actor Will Smith had the opportunity not only to cover debts from unsuccessful business investments, but was also able to make friends in professional Hollywood circles.

Will Smith in his youth.

After a successful debut, Smith began to think seriously about a career as a film actor. He starred in several films. One of them, “Six Degrees of Separation” (1993), was well received by critics, and the film actor himself was noticed by directors.
The next notable success in the artist’s film career, which had commercial success, was the action film “ Bad Boys" In this film, Smith and Martin Lawrence played cool and charming police officers. It seems that it was the action genre that suited Will's image and character the most. In the mid-90s, a whole series of successful films in this genre with Smith's participation were released. It all started with the action movie Independence Day, in which Smith played the brave pilot Stephen Hillier.

Will Smith in the movie "Men in Black"

Smith gained popular love for his role in the action comedy film Men in Black. Will's duet with Tommy Lee Jones is one of the best acting tandems in cinema. Will Smith wrote his own soundtrack for the film Men in Black. The composition became a hit on the British charts and topped the most prestigious chart in the world - the Billboard Hot 100, restoring his lost glory as a rapper.

The actor’s next victory was his role in the film “Enemy of the State.” In 1999, Will Smith, as they say, missed the mark by refusing to star in the film “The Matrix.” Smith chose to play a cowboy in the Western Wild Wild West. The film failed miserably, not even recouping its budget. Moreover, in addition, it received the Golden Raspberry award as the worst film of the year. Only music came to the rescue again: the soundtrack written by Smith for the film took the top lines of the American charts.

Will Smith as Ali

“Wild Wild West” taught the actor a lot, somewhat “grounding” him after a series of successes. Will Smith began to take his choice of roles more seriously and acting work. And success returned again. In 2001, the film “Ali” was released, in which Smith played the great boxer Muhammad Ali. For this role he was twice nominated for an Oscar. According to the actor, this role greatly changed him, his physical and spiritual capabilities. To get used to the role of the legendary boxer, Smith trained 6 hours a day while on a boxing diet. As a result, he gained fifteen hundred kilograms muscle mass. For the sake of authenticity, the actor, like his hero, even temporarily refused to have sex.

After this, Smith began to take a more careful approach to choosing roles. From now on, he strove to play characterful, interesting and unusual characters. One of these was his hero-pimp Hitch from the film Rules of Renting: The Hitch Method, as well as the charismatic single father from the drama The Pursuit of Happyness, in which Smith starred with his son Jaden.
Mid-2000s creative biography Will Smith is replenished with new victories, which include the continuation of the franchise “Men in Black 2”, “Bad Boys 2”, the series “All About Us” and “Close Walk”. The year 2004 made viewers and fans of Will Smith happy with the film “I Robot,” where he played the main role.
In 2008, Will Smith was in first place on the Forbes list of the most highly paid actors Hollywood. For the first time in the history of the film industry, eight films in a row starring Will Smith grossed more than $100 million each.

Then the films “7 Lives” and “Hancock” added to their impressive track record. In 2012, the next, already third, part of “Men in Black” was released. Unlike the second part, the third was positively received by critics. Smith visited Russia with the presentation of this film, which greatly pleased Russian fans of his talent. During his stay in Moscow, Smith became a guest on the TV show “Spotlight Paris Hilton”, and also starred with his son in the show “Evening Urgant”.

But for his next work in the film After Earth, Smith was awarded the Golden Raspberry for Worst Supporting Actor.
By the beginning of the second decades XXI century, Will Smith remained one of the most sought-after Hollywood actors. Will is also the author of witty sayings that have become almost aphorisms. For example: “Money and success do not spoil a person, they simply emphasize his innate qualities,” or “We are all monstrously ignorant. Only in different areas.”

Personal life

Will Smith's personal life is always at the forefront of fans' attention. But the actor himself does not give much reason to talk about himself. He lived with his first wife Shiri Zampino for three years and divorced in 1995. Smith's son Willard III was born in 1992 and lives with his mother after the divorce.

Will Smith with his wife

Two years after the divorce, in December 1997, Smith married his longtime girlfriend Jada Pinkett. Jada gave birth to two children for Will: son Jaden Christopher Cyr and daughter Willow Camilla Rain Smith. The actor appeared with his daughter in the film “I Am Legend,” and with his son in the films “The Pursuit of Happiness” and “After Earth.”

Will Smith's children

Jaden Smith followed in his father's footsteps by becoming a rapper, actor, and dancer. You could say - a copy of dad in his youth. The daughter, who acted in films and recorded her own album, is not far behind. Both of Will Smith's sons are Instagram stars.

Will Smith now

In 2016, the film “Phantom Beauty” was released. The film stars Will Smith, Keira Knightley, Kate Winslet, Helen Mirren and others. star actors. Smith played in the film the head of a successful advertising agency and the father of a deceased daughter. His hero has lost the meaning of life, and his friends are trying to help him. The Smith family suffered a real loss in 2016: the actor’s father passed away. As for the film, despite the stellar cast of actors and deep philosophical meaning, film critics did not evaluate it in the most enthusiastic terms this picture.
Twice in the past few years Will Smith has appeared in films with a young Australian actress Margot Robbie. First it was the film “Focus”, after which the star couple was invited to film the hit program about cars “Top Gear”. And in 2016, the film “Suicide Squad” was released. The film was shot in Toronto on a grand scale.
In the story, the government sends a group of villains on a mission from which it is simply impossible to return alive. Smith played the role of a killer in the film, and won the casting against many famous colleagues - Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp. To get used to the role, the actor was forced to shave his head and learn to shoot at a military base. Smith's co-stars were Margot Robbie and famous rock singer Jared Leto, and the film received a People's Choice nomination.

Will Smith and Margot Robbie

Of course, after such frequent on-screen collaborations, the tabloids could not help but savor the possible love affair Smith and the young actress. They immediately attributed an affair with Margot Robbie to him and once again predicted a quick divorce from current wife. However, Jada, according to her, is accustomed to numerous rumors about her husband and takes it calmly. And Will Smith, despite the assurances of the tabloids, is still married.
The actor continues to act in films. In 2018, the world will see the continuation of the film “I am a Robot,” which the audience liked. A little earlier, Smith may play with Tom Hanks in animated film"Dumbo." Will Smith has been offered the role of the father of children who become friends with the main character, the circus elephant Dumbo.

Will Smith now

The actor "showed up" in the event, which on New Year's Eve is regularly carried out by Hollywood stars especially for Russian newspaper"Kopeisk worker" For almost ten years, readers of the local newspaper have been congratulated by Richard Gere, Bruce Willis, Angelina Jolie and other celebrities. The thing is that the wife of the famous Hollywood producer Jack Tewksbury is Russian woman Margarita Sushkevich, former resident city ​​of Kopeisk.
Will Smith is considered one of the most successful actors in the film industry, who has not yet been awarded an Oscar. However, Smith is not eager to attend the ceremony. For several years in a row, the actor and his wife have ignored the event, believing that racism is rampant at the Film Academy. According to Smith and his family, it is strange that in two years all 20 nominated actors were white. In 2017, the academy corrected this “misunderstanding.”


  • The Prince of Bel-Air
  • Six degrees of alienation
  • Bad Boys
  • independence Day
  • Enemy of the state
  • I'm a legend
  • Men in Black
  • I am a robot
  • Shooting rules: Hitch method
  • Hancock

Will Smith performed the 2018 World Cup anthem

American actor Will Smith took part in the closing ceremony of the 2018 World Cup. At the Luzhniki football stadium in Moscow, he, along with Nicky Jam and Era Istrefi, performed the World Cup anthem. The closing ceremony took place at the Luzhniki Stadium on Sunday, July 15, before final game national team of Croatia and France. Earlier, Smith walked along Red Square and danced at the Luzhniki Stadium.

Willow Smith - daughter of the famous American actors Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. But the girl is famous not only for her relationship with Hollywood stars. She became popular largely due to her own vocal, acting and choreographic abilities.

Willow was born in 2000 in Los Angeles.

She youngest child in family.

Willow Smith's family (left)

Willow Smith (right) with Trey (middle) and Jaden (left)

Her older brothers Trey and Jaden Smith decided to follow in the footsteps of their parents, and little Willow’s stage career seemed destined.

On Oprah at age 5


The girl's debut in cinema took place when she was only seven. She then starred with her dad in the popular science fiction action movie“I Am Legend”, in which Will Smith played the main character.

Still from the film “I am Legend”

It is noteworthy that despite her father’s connections, the girl participated in the casting along with everyone else. On the set she demonstrated not only acting skills, but also endurance. Will Smith says that several scenes with his daughter’s participation had to be filmed in the cold, and yet the filming of even one short episode sometimes stretches on for hours. The girl was cold, she was tired, but firmly stated:

“Dad, even if it’s even colder, I’ll still finish what I started.”

The second film with the participation of the little girl was the drama “Kit Kittredge: The Mystery of the American Girl”, released in 2008, and in the same year the young artist participated in the dubbing of the cartoon “Madagascar 2”: it is in her voice that the charming hippopotamus Gloria speaks.

Film "Kit Kittredge: The Mystery of an American Girl"

At the premiere of the cartoon "Madagascar 2" with mom

In 2010, the little girl showed herself as an aspiring singer: working under the guidance of American rapper and producer Shawn Corey Carter (known to the public under the pseudonym Jay Z), Willow released her first single called “Whip My Hair.”

Although the hip-hop song was the debut of the aspiring singer, it instantly became a hit, and critics approvingly compared the girl with the already established Rihanna. In an interview, Jada Pinkett Smith shared her thoughts about her daughter’s vocals:

“You know, she’s nine now. And I don’t know who she has that voice for. She sings like she's adult woman. Where does this feed come from? I have no idea, but it's incredible. Music is definitely her path.”

The girl initially seemed like an adult not only because of her excellent vocal abilities, but also because of her wisdom, which is unusual for children. When, after the release of the debut song, ten-year-old Willow was asked what it was about, she replied that the song is about how important it is to be yourself, not to be afraid to be an individual and not to allow anyone to undermine a person’s faith in himself. It was self-confidence that helped the girl become who she is now - a bright star on the stage.

Willow's second video (2011)

Touring Europe with Justin Bieber

Released in 2015 debut album Willow called "Ardipithecus".

Presentation of the album “Ardipithecus”

The young singer explained the meaning of the name like this:

“Ardipithecus ramidus is the scientific name of the first known hominid, which some consider to be the prototype of man. I wanted to name the album after this creature, because when I was working on the songs, I was also in a kind of transitional state. I looked deep inside myself and found relics of my ancient nature, and each such discovery had its own story, which was embodied in the next song.”

Since the girl was busy on stage and in films from an early age, she could not study at a regular school, and she received her secondary education by studying with private teachers. The star girl's teachers were clearly good. This can be seen in the way she views education. Willow says learning doesn't end with graduating from high school or getting a college degree. According to the young artist, every person should study all his life - on his own. Here is another opinion that reveals a girl as an adult, accomplished person.

Willow Smith at the EMA Awards 2017:

Personal life

There are a lot of rumors surrounding the personal life of Will Smith's 17-year-old daughter. At one time it was rumored that she had not yet decided on her own sexual orientation, and many were sure that the girl was a lesbian. Probably, conversations on this topic arose due to the fact that Willow looks like a boy and once even cut her hair very short.

One way or another, the rumors were not confirmed: the young artist is heterosexual and, at the age of 14, she dated a young man, Moises Arias, who is six years older than her.

With Moises Arias

They were often seen together, although it is still unknown for certain whether they loved each other or were just friends.

Willow on a walk with Tyler Cole (the press wrote that they were dating)

Today, tall and beautiful Willow is completely focused on her career and therefore does not think about boys. In addition to stage work, she is engaged noble cause: Helps African children with AIDS, being, along with his brother Jayden, an ambassador for one of the major charity projects.

Live in Boston (2017)

Photo shoot for DIOR (2018)

Willow Smith Plants Trees with Her Brother (2018)

At Our Lives event in Los Angeles (2018)

With a friend

With brother