All about trends of the 21st century. Main trends of the first decade of the 21st century

The Russian Reporter magazine identified ten trends of the past decade: society became networked, the welfare state plunged into crisis, mobile communications reached everyone, the world became multipolar, people learned to read genomes, private space became shared, scientists stopped working for the war, 3D cinema and cartoons took over the world, tolerance reached the point of absurdity, sports turned into biotechnology.

About your vision of the trends of the decade to the coordinator of the international expert group Sergei Sibiryakov fellow experts said.

: What can be added or removed from this list of the main trends of the first decade of the 21st century?

Igor Bogatyrev- journalist, editor of the news service of the online magazine “Polar Star” (Tver, Russia):

The world has become not multipolar, but monopolar, and therefore is degrading.

They are trying to make private space public, but it has not yet become so. God bless.

Have scientists stopped working for the war? Rather, they stopped working for the world.

Cinema and cartoons have not taken over the world either.

I agree with the rest.

Eduard Afonin- doctor social sciences, professor at the National Academy government controlled under the President of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine):

Perhaps we can leave only one - people have learned to read genomes.

Larisa Beltser-Lisyutkina- historian, sociologist, cultural scientist, candidate philosophical sciences, lecturer at the Free University (Berlin, Germany):

Society has become networked - this is an exaggeration. Not all society and not all countries have become networked.

Mobile communication has reached everyone - the same.

Private space has become public - I don’t agree. Why did it become common? It has become more transparent than before, thanks to electronic means communications. But it did not become GENERAL.

Scientists stopped working for the war - this, alas, is not so.

3D cinema and cartoons have taken over the world - not yet. New types of entertainment are still at the start.

Tolerance has reached the point of absurdity - fear of the future has reached the point of absurdity among conservative layers of society who are not ready to live in a global world.

Sport has turned into biotechnology - I don’t think so. Not yet. But medicine and biology are steadily moving closer to biotechnology. With all the ensuing pros and cons.

Fyodor Tolstoy— IT entrepreneur, poet and translator (Boston, Massachusetts, USA):

From the above list I do not agree with some points.

The world has become multipolar. The world has not yet become multipolar. The power of the United States has faded, but new poles of power are not visible. China does not play a leading role almost anywhere, the Islamic world is divided, Europe is politically passive, Russia is immersed in corruption and has no time for leadership.

Tolerance has reached the point of absurdity. This is just nonsense. The fear of tolerance among people who grew up under the influence of xenophobic myths has reached the point of absurdity. Tolerance, on the contrary, continues to play a positive role in the development of modern Western society.

Sports have turned into biotechnology. Compared to the rampant production of bioathletes in the GDR, this trend has rather slowed down in the 21st century.

In general, interest in individual sports is subsiding, and in team sports, although doping plays a role, it is not decisive.

Global Jihad. It is strange that this has not yet been reflected, although the 21st century actually began not with the carnivals of 2000, but with 9.11. Instead of the local outbreaks of Islamic terrorism that accompanied the local territorial conflicts of the late 20th century, Osama bin Laden and his supporters managed to create and implement mass consciousness the ideology of global jihad - the terrorist war of Muslims with the West. Now it is known in all corners of the world where Muslims live: from Xinjiang to Los Angeles. And any Muslim dissatisfied with life can “subscribe” to it at any time and join the movement - the Internet will help him. The fight against this phenomenon will take away significant resources from the West and successfully slow down globalization Islamic countries, which increases their isolation and lag behind the rest of the world.

Demographic and immigration crisis of the West. The extensive development model: “the needs of an aging population are met through the influx of migrants” has stopped working. The number of migrants exceeded a critical value when absorption became painless. Inflow restrictions work force lead to a reduction in the ability of states to pay social obligations.

A widespread increase is coming retirement age and review of the pension system. The “long, healthy and carefree old age” that the current generation of pensioners in the West enjoyed has become unattainable for the majority; a “long, healthy and working old age” is coming.

The triumph of technological medicine and the crisis of health insurance. Medical science has reached a level where, with the investment of enough money, one can not learn to cure any specific ailment and prolong a person's life, if not indefinitely, but by long years. In this regard, the concept of “social health care”, where it was believed that a person has a fundamental right to “saving life”, that is, free treatment for fatal diseases, becomes impossible. Due to a lack of funds, the struggle over how the question of who will be treated and who will be “left to die” will still lie ahead in the Western world. Russia, oddly enough, is a pioneer here, because the free healthcare system is actually limited to basic procedures, and society has come to terms with this.

Victory over racism. Obama's election as US President marked a victory over "biological" racism in this country. And, in fact, all over the world. White race is no longer considered and does not consider itself a “master race”. The Chinese and Indians, following the Japanese and Koreans, proved that they are not inferior to whites in any talents; the successes of many blacks have become not an exception, but a common occurrence. Tensions between the races gave way to cultural ("Westernized" - "savage") and religious (especially Islamophobia associated with the Global Jihad).

Globalization Everyday life. Due to the development information technologies national isolation has completely disappeared, even in the most remote corners of the world. A blogger in Nepal can find an audience in Europe. A son who left an Eastern European village for the United States speaks to his parents every day (via Skype), as if he lived on the next street. Even the language barrier has ceased to be an obstacle with the advent of high-quality translators, like Google's. The process of integration of cultures, ideas, and economies has reached a new level. Simplified visa regimes for the middle class and cheap air tickets have made physical borders invisible. One of the results of the process: the formation of a global middle class, very weakly connected with the place of its physical residence, and living both socially and economically “online”. Colonies of “expats” are forming everywhere, physically living where it is cheaper and warmer, but socially few are not connected with this land.

Daniel Steisslinger- journalist and translator (Lod, Israel):

In my opinion, 3D is unnecessary here. The fashion for them will pass. Moreover, the technology used is known back in the 60s of the last century (in Moscow there was a stereo cinema based on the same effect, maybe it is still preserved, nothing special).

Lev Vershinin- writer and political scientist (Torrevieja, Alicante, Spain):

I would add that the “Brezhnev Doctrine” has officially become the doctrine of the “free world”, which once bitterly criticized it, and the principle “Democracy as the rule of the majority, whose choice is final” has officially and openly become obsolete. In addition, an important trend of the time is that double standards have become the norm.

Vadim Bulatov- journalist, publicist, blogger (Nizhny Tagil, Russia):

1. Real dominance of capital and the market, which has no restrictions left; everyone expected the crisis to collapse the market economy, but this did not happen. The crisis has resubordinated sovereign states to global financial capital, and it has no rivals left.

2. Departure from classical democracy. The political programs of candidates in democracies are so heavily weighted by political correctness that they strive for complete unification. Elections no longer give a person the right to speak out on truly important issues.

3.Virtualization of basic areas of life: finance, work, entertainment, communication...

4. Division of labor on a global scale.

Worth removing:

1. Multipolar world. The world is moving towards unipolarity, but of a slightly different type than classical power domination.

2. Did scientists stop working for the war?

3. 3D cartoons? This is a special case in the history of cinema.

4. Sport as biotechnology? In my opinion, sport, on the contrary, is moving towards naturalness. More and more anti-doping laws are being adopted.

Mark Sandomirsky- Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychotherapist (Moscow, Russia):

It is necessary to remove the paragraph about scientists, and add - “A sociomedia revolution has occurred” and “Depression has become one of the leading threats to humanity.”

Peter Getsko Prime Minister of the unrecognized Republic of Subcarpathian Rus (Uzhgorod, Ukraine):

What events, phenomena and trends have determined the current decade? "Russian Reporter" identified the most important trends of the outgoing decade. All aspects have been analyzed human life: from geopolitics to consumer gadgets and from mating behavior to scientific discoveries.

Mobile communications have reached everyone. The handset without wires radically and forever changed our society, connected and at the same time separated people, gave a sense of freedom and the possibility of total control to millions of subscribers.

Society has become networked. 2000s - a time of widespread expansion social networks in the Internet. According to various estimates, the number of social network users in the world is about to reach 900 million. In fact, every seventh inhabitant of the Earth today is part of a global communication system, thanks to which the very nature of communication between people and social groups is changing.

The welfare state plunged into crisis. The 2000s began with economic know-how: ultra-loose monetary policy, record low interest rates, the good old “printing press” - and the crisis of the turn of the century was stopped. As a result of that victory, a feeling arose similar to the euphoria of another inventor of a perpetual motion machine: it seemed to experts that a universal mechanism had been found that would allow one to overcome cyclical crises. This model lasted surprisingly not long, but collapsed with a bang that exceeded all expectations.

The world has become multipolar. The first decade of the 21st century began with claims to create a new world order and ended with the collapse of this attempt. The neoconservatives who came to power in the United States sought to build an American-centric world, but their policies gave rise only to bloody wars without end, growing discontent around the world, the depletion of growth resources in the United States, and the new president’s assurances of renouncing unilateral actions on the world stage. This did not add security to the planet, but the field of opportunities for small countries has greatly expanded.

People have learned to read genomes. In the first decade of the 21st century, researchers from the United States and Great Britain completed deciphering the human genome. This was the largest project in the history of biology. The new era in science and medicine has already been dubbed the “post-genomic era.” From a single genome we have now moved on to massive decoding. It has become possible to design “personal medicines”, find out the causes of unknown diseases, and program human abilities.

Private space has become shared. Today, even strictly confidential diplomatic cables become public knowledge - for example, on the WikiLeaks website. Over the past 10 years - since mass distribution Internet, mobile communications and social networks - violating other people's privacy has become commonplace. Not only technological capabilities have changed, but also social norm regulating personal space. And it changes further.

Scientists stopped working for the war. In the 20th century, behind almost every scientific idea loomed the shadow of the military-industrial complex: “physicists make bombs.” Commercial technologies appeared as a result of the conversion of military developments. Now the innovation contour has changed: the number one customer is not the military, but corporations working for the consumer market.

3D movies and cartoons have taken over the world. Virtual world in the 2000s it became voluminous, real and almost tangible. Mass cinema made a bet on creating alternate worlds using 3D technology. With the release of Avatar, James Cameron himself box office film In history, science fiction, fantasy and animation have become the most popular and profitable genres in cinema.

Tolerance has reached the point of absurdity. Try to name the US in the USA, but anyone with the black skin of a “black man”. Now this is almost equivalent to robbing a store. There are no more blacks there, there are African Americans. Political correctness, as the idea of ​​refusing to use definitions that any group of the population considers offensive, began to conquer the world in the 70s, but it was in the 2000s that it acquired exaggerated and sometimes cartoonish forms. The same thing happened with the concept of tolerance.

Sports have turned into biotechnology. Scientific progress tries to actively intervene in sports highest achievements. International sports federations new bans have to be introduced: too often technical, medical and pharmacological innovations influence the outcome of competitions. The first decade of the 21st century in sports such as swimming and athletics will be remembered as a period of fierce struggle with innovation.

Even schoolchildren know the words “tendency” and “trend” today. These words become especially relevant at the beginning of each season, at a time when many avid fashionistas begin to feel feverish: what will famous couturiers come up with this time?

And here it is not even entirely clear who is more dependent on fashion - designers who dictate its rules and canons, or people who strive to always be in trend and regularly update their wardrobe.

Fashion beginning of the XXI century is absolutely unpredictable and even the most experienced designer will not dare to name a dominant stylistic solution, there are a lot of variations: glam rock, grunge, folk, sexy and even the “sixties” - in a word, the complete absence of a single trend.

But the same cannot be said about the 20th century, because there a clear style, color scheme and, notably, heel height for shoes were chosen for each decade.

The stylistic canons of those times, in contrast to the fashion trends of 2015-2016, had a clear social background. And famous couturiers - Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Gianni Versace - became famous precisely because of their unmistakable ability to sense social pressures and translate them into real images.

So, in the 40s war years, women sought to emphasize masculinity and courage with X-shaped outfits - broad shoulders, wide hips— demonstrated quite appropriate and simply necessary strength qualities. The war passed, and women again wanted to be fragile, gentle creatures. The uniform came to their aid " hourglass"and very feminine toiletries from Christian Dior.

Another one characteristic that era - the concepts of “fashionable” and “unfashionable” were clearly distinguished, and everyone had a clear idea of ​​which element in his wardrobe could become a reason for ridicule. What dresses!

The world is ruled by hippies, and therefore in fashion:

  • flared jeans;
  • colorful ethnic prints;
  • pacifist symbols.

In the 80s, fashion began to be perceived as a product, a product popular and necessary for a wide range of people, and not just the elite of society.

During the years of frantic production, fashion became an industry in which the main emphasis was placed on speed and novelty. It can be clearly said that it was from this moment that designers began to expect some kind of innovative approach to each new season.

Today it appeared and became very popular new profession- trend hunter, or cool hunter. Who is it? This is someone who in 2014 already clearly knows all the fashion trends of 2015-2016.

This is a sociologist, intelligence officer and creative person rolled into one. Possessing heightened intuition, he reads a lot of specialized literature, meets people from completely different social groups, travels a lot and is often forced to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

He summarizes the information received, identifies fresh, non-trivial ideas - and, voila, the fashion trend of the next season already exists. Important nuance: becoming a professional in this field is extremely difficult, because you not only need to find interesting idea and offer it for development, it must appeal to the general public, it must sell well and make a profit!

Trendhunters and trendsetters

The closest attention of trend hunters is focused on trendsetters - people who constantly experiment with their appearance and love everything new and unusual. In many ways, this fashion is fashion ordinary people from the street, less often it can be movie or music stars. Previously, everything was different: it was the stars who dictated fashion, and ordinary people blindly followed their image.

For example, the same craze for white curls, like Marilyn Monroe, or short hair and thickly painted eyelashes, like the miniature model Twiggy. Today, couturiers, supervising the wardrobes of top stars, themselves have changed this situation. Stars flaunt their outfits on the red carpet, and people continue to search for the look that suits them on their own.

The ideal place to “hunt” is the streets of large cities and the pages of fashion blogs. It was from the latter that the wild fashion for boots with open toes came into the world, which leading designers presented on the catwalks in countless variations.

After all his ordeals and travels, the trend hunter sends his report to the forecasting bureau. There, all data is systematized and carefully analyzed to issue a seasonal forecast - a trend book for the two coming years.

This book is a collection of photographs, sketches, sketches, fabric samples and decor. The most successful implementation of a trend book is considered to be the release of the Happy fragrance by Clinique in the 2000s. Then all the experts agreed that all the compiled trend books demonstrate humanity’s thirst to become happier.

The Clinique company quickly got its bearings and featured the laughing, carefree red-haired model Karen Elson on its advertising posters. The promotion turned out to be so successful that the company continues to successfully release new versions of this perfume to this day.

The company's initiative was quickly adopted by other fashion industries, all unanimously deciding that models in magazines and advertising should demonstrate warmth and happiness, and not royal indifference and alienation.

There is a lot that is incomprehensible and chaotic in our century, but one thing is for sure - our fashion is very diverse, it gives each person the opportunity to bring to life their own image, their own vision of what is considered relevant.

And no matter how much trend hunters eavesdrop on people’s conversations, read smart books and look at glamorous magazines, there will always be a place for individuality, difference and complete indifference to fashion forecasts on the street.

Fashion is unpredictable and changeable. She dictates terms and rules, behaves like a capricious woman. But the thing is that we all want to be attractive and beautiful, so we follow all the fashion trends of our time. To be on trend, you need to know the basics fashion trends XXI century, so we offer a list of the most current tips.

Gothic is back

This statement means that there is no need to apply special effort, enough to spend money and buy modern clothes. So, for example, in Japan to be fashionable girl easy, you just need to stick to the Gothic style.

True masculine style

IN modern world It's not just women who should be fashionable. One of the strange trends of the 21st century is men's leggings (meggings). These custom pants that fit completely men's legs, became a reason for discussion.

Fake braces

Who hasn't been ashamed of having braces? Forget about all fears! In the 21st century, it has become fashionable to wear braces. The trend originates from Asian countries, where such a dental system is an expensive pleasure and an indicator of wealth.


Do you have good eyesight but want to be fashionable? Then go urgently to the optician and buy yourself large glasses without lenses.


It would seem that a man with a beard is far from ideal for women. Nowadays everything has changed. To keep up with the times, men need to wear a beard!

Pet as an accessory

Do you have a rat or hamster at home? guinea pig or turtle? Then hurry up to become fashionable. Take the advice of Dutch artist Cecilia Valentin. She recommends using the animal as decoration.


It is an irrefutable fact that fashion sometimes comes back, and this is what happened in the 21st century. Now suspenders have become an integral part of women's and men's wardrobe.

There are still cowboys left

It will probably be difficult for you to believe that this could happen in the 21st century. Yes, from now on cowboy clothing is back in fashion, so you need to urgently go to the store. This style won the hearts of designers who are in no hurry to abandon it today.

Chunky shoes

High heels do not lose popularity, but now they can have quite impressive sizes. A thin stiletto heel is a classic, but a wide heel is the hit of the season.

Game of contrasts

To follow fashion, you need to choose colors that do not harmonize with each other. Oddly enough, a green blouse and a red skirt will look fashionable.

We ourselves sometimes do not keep up with the development of our own lives, and even more so of civilization.
The trends and technocracies of the 21st century seem to be spinning out of control. The world of things dictates that personality and living experience fade into the background. But the point is that a person does not cease to be a person, that is, a social and individual being. And that's why gaining strength new trend. And it is born out of people’s deep dissatisfaction.

Trend #1. Reality, we're leaving!

The human factor has become a stumbling block on the path to automation. The weaker the human factor, the more reliable it is. All the most successful banks have moved online. Money become invisible (have you heard about bitcoins?).

Maybe people Is this coming too? After all study not necessarily from a living person, everything can be done remotely via online services. There are now thousands, tens of thousands. We are already learning from robots.

Work It doesn't have to be nearby either. It happens that the employer and the applicant have never even seen each other in person.

Childhood modified: everything was invented for the children - everything can be felt and touched. There is no need to show and develop imagination. Children of our century will not distinguish the real from the unreal, because they will never again see the world separately from virtual reality.

Artificial intelligence creates a situation where there is no need to use human intelligence, and there is no need for people themselves. After all, the human factor is inconvenient.

And technology blockchain? The final departure from any contact with a person, when algorithms and computers become the connecting link, the guarantee of anything in this world.

Trend #2. Information finds us itself

There is too much information and it has become too accessible. She is so entangled in her own tangle that she herself cannot separate the wheat from the chaff - the important from the empty. And there are too many teachers. Today, every fifth person positions himself as a guru and strives to teach him how to make a million as quickly as possible.

Information has been digitized
At first, knowledge could be obtained by talking with a sage. Word of mouth.
Then the book could be borrowed from the library.
Then at the store around the corner.
Then we collected 17,000 books on a small flash drive weighing 2 grams.
Now most We google for operational information.

Information finds you itself
By the way, about “Google”. Today, all the information in the world is available through the search bar.
Moreover, now not only we are looking for information, but it is also looking for us. And he finds it. Leaving your e-mail somewhere is fraught with a whole ton of spam - unique, priceless and exclusive information which will help you become rich, healthy and beautiful in 1 week.

Big Data
But this is super modern, complex and truly great technology. The apogee of the trend. A base that contains everyone. A base where they know almost everything about everyone. The only method of disengagement is to leave fewer digital traces, but how possible is this in our time?

Trend #3. No criteria, no framework, no principles

Blurring all frames What is good and what is bad.
Blurring traditions, blurring and mixing cultures, avoiding differences. There are no criteria and no framework. There is nothing to rely on. At the forefront is tolerance. There is no understanding of where a person begins and where he ends. There is one principle - freedom. Which means tomorrow everything will be possible. And if someone is against it, he will be accused of intolerance.

The most famous spiritual movement of recent centuries is the New Age. There is no doctrine, no principles, no leader or founder, no specific rituals. There is nothing specific at all. This is a mix of everything that is and was in the world. This is the merging of everything with everything, where a person finally loses his bearings.

Trend #4. C - value

All three trends have a common root. Impersonalism. When the significance of the personality, its characteristics, its framework and living experience fades into the background.

The essence of the fourth trend is that a person does not cease to be a person. And the more the first three trends gain strength, the more more people feels dissatisfied:

  • due to the lack of live interaction, the transfer of real living human experience, and not an unlimited amount of dead information;
  • due to the absence, albeit imperfect, of at least some guideline or truth in this world.

A new trend is gaining strength. And it is born out of people’s deep dissatisfaction.

  • People are ready to overpay, but communicate with a real person when they call the bank, and not with an auto-informer.
  • People buy where there is a human atmosphere, not a robotic atmosphere.
  • People buy where the customer is cared for and can be trusted and trusted. And this is impossible without human empathy.
  • People want to find one friend with whom they can communicate spiritually, and get rid of 5,000 formal friends.
  • It’s easier to ask specific questions to an experienced person than to sift through terabytes of information.
  • There is more and more talk about mentoring.
  • A two-hour conversation in a group of 7 people who understand the topic is a hundred times more useful than a sea of ​​books. Because they are practitioners with lived experience.

Sincerity is becoming the most valuable thing in our society.
This is the singularity point of humanity. We have reached the limit, we have become far enough from each other to finally start moving towards each other again. In any form and for any reason.

In the world, only those companies become leaders who know exactly what “right” is. Which have an ideology and a certain set of values. All global brands have an ideology and follow their values! Leaders become people who disdain tolerance; they seem to be tyrants, but they clearly know where the truth is and where the lies are. Those who have a cohesive and loyal team, in which everyone can rely on each other, win. People respect those who mean business behind their words. It is very easy to unite if you have a specific set of values.

People love directness. People love ideas. People love Personalities.

Instead of postscriptum

Based on the fourth trend, the club is able to create the right environment and #BeAnExample for society. We believe that behind our deeds there are even greater deeds. Correct, ideological, alive.