Collection "Psychodiagnostic games and exercises for children of primary school age." Psychological game for younger schoolchildren “We are together”

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A friendly class is the dream of every teacher, child, and parent. It is very simple to implement. We should work to ensure that every child in the children's team feels like a sought-after individual, feels psychological comfort from his stay here, and receives the necessary support from his comrades.

Every teacher knows from his own experience that year after year the number of children with various problems in behavior, in the ability to build relationships with friends, and find a decent way out of any situation increases. These children can only be helped by using various adequate methods of influencing the team as a whole and each student individually.

Research psychologists convincingly prove that the presence of qualities of psychological health often becomes a stronger basis for a long and active life than direct concern only for physical health. This means that the activities of a practical child psychologist should be aimed at developing in the child useful skills and habits that contribute to successful adaptation in society and productive development for the benefit of himself and society.

The younger schoolchild is still at that transitional stage when the inner is better found through the outer and receives a way out primarily through action.

We offer a system of games that can be conducted by a teacher or psychologist. During one of the lessons, you should allocate 10-15 minutes to play with the children. It is important that this becomes a system and not used occasionally. If the teacher considers this type of work mandatory and necessary and organizes it correctly, then this joint activity will help ensure that each child finds himself in a situation of success, which reduces psychological stress, increases self-esteem, and improves mood.

As practice shows, children really love these minutes of play, look forward to them, and are able to make an effort on themselves during lessons and breaks in order to bring the desired activity closer and not miss it. With a decent organization of classes, after 2-3 weeks, children react more calmly to situations that arise in the classroom, behave more peacefully, balanced, and have better contact with friends to solve a certain pedagogical or psychological problem. In this way, children develop tolerance, which is a necessary basis for building any relationships in everyday life.

Lesson No. 1.

Games that encourage children to collaborate and communicate.

Game "Please". The children stand at their places. The teacher names an action that children must perform only if the word “please” is said (for example: “Please raise your hands up”, etc.).

Game "Tender Name". Children stand in a circle. The host suggests remembering what they affectionately call him at home. Then he offers to throw the ball to each other and the one to whom the ball lands says his affectionate name. After everyone says their names, the ball is thrown in the opposite direction. In this case, you need to remember and say the affectionate name of the person to whom you are throwing the ball.

Lesson No. 2. Self-support.

Game "I can handle it." The presenter offers the children various situations. The one who believes that he can cope with the situation raises both hands up, and the one who does not know a way out hides his hands behind his back.

Discussion. Children tell how they will behave. If the proposed option is approved by the majority of children, then you should put a chip in the “I did it” box.

Lesson No. 3. Thoughts control actions.

Game "I am strong" The presenter invites the children to check how words and thoughts affect a person’s condition. He approaches each child in turn and asks him to extend his hand forward. Then he tries to lower the child’s hand down, pressing on it from above. The child must hold his hand while saying out loud: “I am strong!” At the second stage, the same actions are performed, but with the words: “I am weak.”

Ask children to pronounce words with intonation that matches their meaning. Then discuss in which case they found it easier to hold their hand and why.

Try to lead children to the conclusion that encouraging words help us cope with difficulties and win.

Lesson No. 4. Games with and on fingers.

Children love to move their fingers and talk. These games help develop speech, form communication skills, teach harmony of gestures and simply make you smile.

Game "Sparrows". Five sparrows were sitting on the fence (arms in front of them, fingers spread). The participants in the game grab each other with any finger (according to the agreement of the right or left hand) and pull in their direction. The winner is the one who pulls his neighbor closer to himself.

Lesson No. 5. Games with and on fingers.

Game "Lunokhod". The presenter reads a poem:

Look: lunar rover
It's easy to walk on the moon,
He walks very importantly
In it the hero sits brave.

Children hold their hands on the table, move their fingers along the surface, imitating the movement of the lunar rover.

Game "Controlling your fingers". 4 people play. Two people should sit opposite each other with their eyes closed and extend their index fingers towards each other (you can start with your palms). Two other players stand behind those sitting. Then, in turn, each of them begins to “control” the hand of the person sitting, giving verbal commands. The goal is to bring the fingers (palms) of the friends together.

A group of classes to develop imagination and creative interaction.

Game "Bridge of Friendship".

The teacher asks the children to form pairs if they wish and “build” a bridge (with the help of arms, legs, torso). If there are no volunteers, the adult can pair up with the child and show how to depict a bridge (for example, touching heads or palms) .

Game "Human Machines".

It is important to explain to children that the result of their work will depend on how harmoniously all the “parts” of the machine work.

Divide the children into groups and ask them to design their own machine (for example, a washing machine, mixer, etc.).

You can demonstrate one of the machines, for example, a washing machine. Ask two children to hold hands so that the third can spin freely in the middle, pretending to be “underwear.”

We have tested the proposed forms of work of psychologists in junior high schools in practical activities. We observed while working with children how they gradually became more open, relaxed, friendly, and sociable. The use of games in which the hands are mobile develops fine motor skills, which affects brain activity and the speed of thought processes, which, in turn, affects the educational activities of schoolchildren.

Increased self-esteem

candidate of psychological sciences,

Galina MONINA,
PPMS-Center “Trust”,
Saint Petersburg

Anxiety- This is an individual psychological feature. An anxious person experiences anxiety in a variety of life situations, including those that do not encourage this.

Work to increase self-esteem is one of the most important components of correctional work with anxious children.

Quite often, anxious children have low self-esteem, which is expressed in the fear of taking on a new difficult task, in the painful perception of criticism from others, blaming themselves for many failures. Such children, as a rule, are more often than others subject to manipulative influences from adults and peers.

In order to help children in this category increase their self-esteem, Virginia Quinn suggests providing them with support, showing sincere concern for them, and giving a positive assessment of their actions and actions as often as possible.

If in preschool and primary school age a child does not receive such support from adults, then in adolescence he “develops a sharp feeling of personal discomfort” (Rean A.A., Kolominsky Ya.L., 1999).

To increase a child's self-esteem, you can use the following methods of work.

First of all, you need to call him by name as often as possible and praise him in the presence of other children and adults. In kindergarten or in the classroom, for this purpose, you can celebrate the child’s achievements on specially designed stands (“Star of the week”, “Our successes”, “We can do this”, “I did it!”), award certificates and tokens. You can encourage such children by entrusting them with tasks that are prestigious in the given team (distributing notebooks, writing something on the board).

It is impossible to compare the results that children achieved when performing one or another task. If the teacher still wants to make a comparison, then the child’s achievements can be noted.

It is advisable to ask anxious children not at the beginning or at the end of the lesson, but in the middle. There is no need to rush or push them with an answer. If an adult has already asked a question, he should give the child the time necessary to prepare an answer, trying not to repeat the question twice or even three times. Otherwise, the child will not respond quickly, since he will perceive each repetition as a new stimulus.

If an adult addresses an anxious child, he must establish eye contact: this instills trust in the child’s soul.

In order for an anxious child not to consider himself worse than others, it is advisable to hold conversations in the kindergarten group or in the classroom, during which all children talk about their difficulties in certain situations. Such conversations help the child to realize that peers also have problems similar to his own. Such discussions also help expand the child's behavioral repertoire.

Corrective work with anxious children can be carried out both individually and in a group. We offer several group games aimed at increasing a child's self-esteem.

Game "Praise"

(E.K. Lyutova, G.B. Monina)

Children sit in a circle (or at desks). Everyone receives a card on which some action or deed approved by others is recorded. Moreover, the wording must begin with the words “One day I...” For example: “Once I helped a friend at school” or “Once I quickly completed my homework”

2-3 minutes are given to think about the task, after which each child in a circle (or in turn) makes a short report about how he once did exactly what was indicated on his card.

After all the children have spoken, the adult can summarize what was said. If children are ready to generalize without the help of an adult, let them do it themselves.

In conclusion, you can have a conversation about the fact that every child has some talents, but in order to notice this, you need to be attentive, caring and kind to others.

Game “Why Mom Loves Me”

(E.K. Lyutova, G.B. Monina)

Children sit in a circle (or at desks). Each child takes turns telling everyone why his mother loves him.

Then you can ask one of the children (who wishes) to repeat what the others said. If he has difficulty, children can help him

After this, you need to discuss with the children whether they were pleased that other children remembered this information. Children usually come to the conclusion that they need to be attentive to others and listen to them.

At first, children, in order to seem significant, say that their mothers love them because they wash the dishes, do not interfere with their mother’s writing of her dissertation, love their little sister... Only after repeating this game many times do children come to the conclusion that they are simply loved for what they are.

Game "Give a card"

(E.K. Lyutova, G.B. Monina)

Over the course of several sessions, an adult and children draw cards with pictograms denoting various positive qualities. It is necessary to discuss with the children what each pictogram means. For example, a card with a picture of a smiling man can symbolize fun, while a card with two identical candies can symbolize kindness or honesty. If children know how to read and write, instead of pictograms, you can write down some positive quality (necessarily positive!) on each card.

Each child is given 5-8 cards. At the leader’s signal, the children attach all the cards to their friends’ backs (using tape). The child receives this or that card if his comrades believe that he has this quality.

At a signal from an adult, children stop playing and usually take the “prey” off their backs with great impatience.

At first, of course, it happens that not all players have a lot of cards, but when the game is repeated and after discussion, the situation changes.

During the discussion, you can ask the children if receiving cards is pleasant. Then you can find out what is more pleasant - giving good words to others or receiving them yourself. Most often, children say that they like both giving and receiving. Then the presenter can draw their attention to those who did not receive cards at all or received very few of them. Usually these children admit that they were happy to give cards, but they would also like to receive such gifts.

As a rule, when the game is repeated, there are no “outcast” children left.

Game "Sculpture"

(famous game)

This game teaches children to control the muscles of the face, arms, legs and relieve muscle tension.

Children are divided into pairs. One of them is a sculptor, the other is a sculpture. On instructions from an adult (or child leader), the sculptor sculpts a sculpture from “clay”:

A child who is not afraid of anything;

A child who is happy with everything;

A child who has completed a difficult task, etc.

Themes for sculptures can be suggested by an adult, or by the children themselves.

The players usually change roles. A group sculpture option is possible.

After the game, it is advisable to discuss with the children how they felt in the role of a sculptor, sculpture, which figure was pleasant to depict, which was not.

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A friendly class is the dream of every teacher, child, and parent. It is very simple to implement. We should work to ensure that every child in the children's team feels like a sought-after individual, feels psychological comfort from his stay here, and receives the necessary support from his comrades.

Every teacher knows from his own experience that year after year the number of children with various problems in behavior, in the ability to build relationships with friends, and find a decent way out of any situation increases. These children can only be helped by using various adequate methods of influencing the team as a whole and each student individually.

Research psychologists convincingly prove that the presence of qualities of psychological health often becomes a stronger basis for a long and active life than direct concern only for physical health. This means that the activities of a practical child psychologist should be aimed at developing in the child useful skills and habits that contribute to successful adaptation in society and productive development for the benefit of himself and society.

The younger schoolchild is still at that transitional stage when the inner is better found through the outer and receives a way out primarily through action.

We offer a system of games that can be conducted by a teacher or psychologist. During one of the lessons, you should allocate 10-15 minutes to play with the children. It is important that this becomes a system and not used occasionally. If the teacher considers this type of work mandatory and necessary and organizes it correctly, then this joint activity will help ensure that each child finds himself in a situation of success, which reduces psychological stress, increases self-esteem, and improves mood.

As practice shows, children really love these minutes of play, look forward to them, and are able to make an effort on themselves during lessons and breaks in order to bring the desired activity closer and not miss it. With a decent organization of classes, after 2-3 weeks, children react more calmly to situations that arise in the classroom, behave more peacefully, balanced, and have better contact with friends to solve a certain pedagogical or psychological problem. In this way, children develop tolerance, which is a necessary basis for building any relationships in everyday life.

Lesson No. 1.

Games that encourage children to collaborate and communicate.

Game "Please". The children stand at their places. The teacher names an action that children must perform only if the word “please” is said (for example: “Please raise your hands up,” etc.).

Game “Tender Name”. Children stand in a circle. The host suggests remembering what they affectionately call him at home. Then he offers to throw the ball to each other and the one to whom the ball lands says his affectionate name. After everyone says their names, the ball is thrown in the opposite direction. In this case, you need to remember and say the affectionate name of the person to whom you are throwing the ball.

Lesson No. 2. Self-support.

Game “I can handle it.” The presenter offers the children various situations. The one who believes that he can cope with the situation raises both hands up, and the one who does not know a way out hides his hands behind his back.

Discussion. Children tell how they will behave. If the proposed option is approved by the majority of children, then you should put a chip in the “I did it” box.

Lesson No. 3. Thoughts control actions.

Game “I am strong”. The presenter invites the children to check how words and thoughts affect a person’s condition. He approaches each child in turn and asks him to extend his hand forward. Then he tries to lower the child’s hand down, pressing on it from above. The child must hold his hand while saying out loud: “I am strong!” At the second stage, the same actions are performed, but with the words: “I am weak.”

Ask children to pronounce words with intonation that matches their meaning. Then discuss in which case they found it easier to hold their hand and why.

Try to lead children to the conclusion that encouraging words help us cope with difficulties and win.

Lesson No. 4. Games with and on fingers.

Children love to move their fingers and talk. These games help develop speech, form communication skills, teach harmony of gestures and simply make you smile.

Game “Sparrows”. Five sparrows were sitting on the fence (arms in front of them, fingers spread). The participants in the game grab each other with any finger (according to the agreement of the right or left hand) and pull in their direction. The winner is the one who pulls his neighbor closer to himself.

Lesson No. 5. Games with and on fingers.

Game “Lunokhod”. The presenter reads the poem:

Look: lunar rover
It's easy to walk on the moon,
He walks very importantly
In it the hero sits brave.

Children hold their hands on the table, move their fingers along the surface, imitating the movement of the lunar rover.

Game “Control with fingers”. 4 people play. Two people should sit opposite each other with their eyes closed and extend their index fingers towards each other (you can start with your palms). Two other players stand behind those sitting. Then, in turn, each of them begins to “control” the sitter’s hand, giving verbal commands. The goal is to bring together the fingers (palms) of friends.

A group of classes to develop imagination and creative interaction.

Game “Bridge of Friendship”.

The teacher asks the children to form pairs if they wish and “build” a bridge (using their arms, legs, torso). If there are no volunteers, the adult can pair up with the child and show how to depict a bridge (for example, touching heads or palms).

Game “Human Machines”.

It is important to explain to children that the result of their work will depend on how well all the “parts” of the machine work.

Divide the children into groups and ask them to design their own machine (for example, a washing machine, mixer, etc.).

You can demonstrate one of the machines, for example, a washing machine. Ask two children to hold hands so that the third can spin freely in the middle, pretending to be “underwear.”

We have tested the proposed forms of work of psychologists in junior high schools in practical activities. We observed while working with children how they gradually became more open, relaxed, friendly, and sociable. The use of games in which the hands are mobile develops fine motor skills, which affects brain activity and the speed of thought processes, which, in turn, affects the educational activities of schoolchildren.

A collection of games to help a psychologist working with primary schoolchildren. The proposed games and exercises will help diagnose memory, develop imagination, activate attention and thinking, help children formulate personal problems, evaluate the choice of their activities, etc. I wish you good luck!



(To help a psychologist)

The collection was compiled by:

educational psychologist

Prokhorova L.N.


Game “I put it in borscht”

Game "Japanese Car"

Exercise “About myself”

Exercise “Sun”

Exercise “What Am I”

Exercise “Who Am I”

Exercise “Drawing houses”

Exercise "Anonymous"

Exercise “Memoirs”

Exercise “Tie the Tie”

Exercise “My World”

Exercise “Toy History”

Game "Matryoshka"

Exercise “What has changed?”

Game "Transformations"

Test “That’s the word”

Exercise "Associations"

Exercise “Continue the phrase”

Exercise “Views”

Exercise "Mirror"

Exercise "Transformation"

Exercise “Transformations”

Exercise "Mirror"

Exercise “This is cool!”

Exercise “Beautiful Garden”

Exercise "Associations"

Meditation “Who loves you?”

Exercise “Let’s write a story”

Game "Tangle"

Game "Dishwasher"

Game "Labyrinth"

Exercise “Column of Happiness”

Exercise "Words"

Exercise "Portrait"

Exercise “Image of your mood”

The presenter invites the children to choose the color of paint they want, to draw color spots and lines. The use of black and purple colors indicates a depressed mood and a lot of fears.

Exercise “Drawing yourself”

The presenter invites the child to draw:

What are you like now?

How adults (father, mother, teacher) want to see you.

What do you want to be?

Game “I put it in borscht”

Purpose: diagnostics of auditory memory.

Age: preschool.

An adult starts this game and says: “I put beets in the borscht.” The next player repeats what was said and adds something else: “I put beets and cabbage in the borscht.” The third player repeats the entire phrase and adds something of his own. And so on.

Game "Japanese Car"

The group sits in a semicircle. Participants are counted in order, starting from any edge. Leaders are always assigned the number “zero”. The leader may take part in the exercise, but most often he just starts it and sets the pace. The tempo is set by all members of the group as follows: on the count of “one,” hit the knees with the palms of both hands, on the count of “two,” snap the fingers of the right hand, on the count of “three,” snap the fingers of the left hand, etc. Simultaneously with the click of the right hand, the presenter begins the game by pronouncing his number “Zero”. With a click of his left hand, he calls the number of the player who continues the game further. For example: “Zero – two.” This is followed by a strike with the palms on the knees (everyone is silent). At the same time, participants, inviting each other to play, must necessarily accompany their invitation with a glance.

A participant who makes a mistake in completing a task stops the game, but continues to sit in a semicircle and tap the rhythm. The presenter, without changing the pace, states, for example: “There is no third,” and continues the game. The following are considered errors:

tempo failure

giving your number incorrectly

Incorrect partner number

an invitation to a game for a retired participant or host (if he is not playing)

an invitation to play without a glance

Possible ways to complicate the game: speeding up the pace; changing the direction of calculation of participants; calculation in odd numbers or letters. The game turns when there are 2-3 participants left in the circle. This task is primarily about gathering attention. It is impossible to fulfill all the requirements of the game without focusing on its conditions, on the “here and now” situation. In addition, this task is about the ability to navigate the surrounding conditions (elimination players) in a situation of limited time (set pace) and, finally, this task is about establishing contact between group members. By observing the exercise, you can identify the leaders of the group, pair, and “outcasts.” It is also interesting to follow the intonations with which the numbers are called.

Exercise “About myself”

Participants are invited to draw a picture reflecting his life in the family. You can draw friends, hobbies and write a short story on the topic “About yourself”

Exercise “Verbal self-portrait”

Participants write messages about themselves on pieces of paper, but do not sign them. They talk about the family they live in, the class they study in, their friends, their qualities, character, behavior, academic success, etc. The sheets are then collected and mixed. Each teenager chooses a sheet and reads a message to the group. The reader’s task is to find out from the verbal description who is being talked about. If he doesn’t guess, he asks the group for help.

Exercise “My light, mirror”

The presenter suggests recalling the lines from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin:

My light, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth:

Who is the cutest in the world?

All blush and whiter?

With the help of a magic mirror, the queen receives information about herself. And you, dear group members, are given time to think and give 10 answers to the question “Who am I?”

Exercise “Miraculous Transformations”

Kinder surprise toys are placed on the table in front of the teenagers. Each participant chooses their favorite toy. You need to come up with a story for your toy within 5 minutes: about its life in the past, present and future, about its habits, problems. We need to tell everyone this story from the toy’s perspective.

When telling a story, teenagers involuntarily talk about themselves, their desires, problems, and reveal themselves. For example: “I am a little gray mouse. I am very lonely, everyone abandoned me, and no one needs me. I really want to find a friend who will understand and support me in difficult times. I want to go out and have fun, not sit alone."

Exercise “Magic Tea Room”

A driver is selected and leaves the room.

Leading. You are all confectionery. Now think for just a minute who you are (items should not be repeated) and identify yourself in a circle. Just a name. And the rest remember. Now a buyer will come to us.

The driver comes in, they explain to him where he has ended up, and offer him a selection of confectionery products. After he has chosen, the following instructions are given: “But our confectionery products are not simple. To try them, you need to guess who is behind each of them. You can ask questions to anyone present here: what kind of confectionery product is it, what filling does it have, packaging, etc. Those who answer the question describe the confectionery product, not forgetting who is behind it. We must describe this product as if this person really was it.”

Game “How I feel at school”

Progress of the game: the presenter invites each of the children to draw one card with the name of the feeling (joy, boredom, surprise, disgust...), and then name the school activity that gives rise to this feeling in him.

Exercise “We love - we don’t love”

The presenter draws 3 circles on the floor with inscriptions inside.

Possible inscriptions: love for school, vacation, winter, beer, disco, clothes, cigarettes, math lesson, physical education, etc. Participants move chaotically around the group. The presenter gives the task - to stand in one or another circle in accordance with their preferences.

Exercise “Sun”

One person stands in the center and closes his eyes. This is the Sun". The group (“planets”) stands at the distance at which they are comfortable. You can also take various poses. Then the “sun” opens its eyes and looks at the resulting picture. After this, the person standing in the center can move people to the distance at which he would be comfortable. As a result, everyone sees the real and desired picture of the relationship of the group to the person and the person to the group. This is a kind of sociometry.

Game "Invent an Alien"

Goal: development of imagination, activation of attention, thinking and speech.

Equipment: paper and pencils for each child.

Progress of the game: - Guys, today you will draw an alien. In order to draw it interesting, first think about what it will be like. What kind of head will he have, will there be one or several, what kind of arms and legs will he have, maybe there will be something else instead of them. You need to use your imagination.

Result: - And now each of you will briefly tell us about your alien. Tell us what his name is, what planet he is from, what he eats, whether he is good or evil.

Exercise “Invisible Helpers”

Goals: Very young children still, as a rule, retain the ability to concentrate their attention on very simple things and enjoy them to the fullest. They look at the reflections of the sun on the glass and jump with delight, watching how the sunbeams mysteriously move. Hearing the sounds of birds, they are able to fully concentrate on these sounds and enjoy these brief moments. Young children are born optimists; only over the years do they gradually adopt skepticism and pessimism from adults. To achieve great success in life and develop a high level of self-esteem, we need an optimistic outlook on life. This will be easier if you learn to concentrate on the pleasant moments of life, noting and remembering them. Every day we encounter pleasant events much more often than unpleasant ones. This is easy to notice if you carefully analyze your day, but a pessimist concentrates on his troubles and failures and, accordingly, sees the whole world in gray tones.

In this game we invite children to concentrate on those things that make their life wonderful.

Materials: Bell.

Instructions: Imagine that you have an invisible assistant who is not one step behind you. Whenever you experience something pleasant, he gently touches your shoulder and quietly tells you: “How wonderful!” Of course, you don’t need such an invisible assistant to notice the already striking pleasant moments of your life. For example, you yourself can enjoy the cancellation of school without any help. And when you eat a portion of your favorite ice cream on a hot day, you don’t need outside help to enjoy it to the fullest. But you will need the help of your invisible assistant to enjoy those important but elusive things that happen to us every hour and constantly and make life beautiful and amazing. You can, for example, enjoy the warm rays of the sun, get relief after a deep and strong sigh, hear a kind word from a classmate, see a friend’s smile, and so on. An invisible assistant can draw your attention to all these little joys of life so that you have time to enjoy them. The more you enjoy every moment of your life, the happier you will become.

Let's check how much you understand my words. It’s so simple, and yet all these grumblers and pessimists, through their pathetic example, show us all how necessary such an invisible assistant is in life, whispering in our ears again and again: “How wonderful!”

Please stand up and start slowly wandering around the classroom...

Imagine that an invisible assistant walks next to you and every time puts his hand on your shoulder as soon as you notice something beautiful and pleasant. When you feel a hand on your shoulder, don't say anything out loud, just come to my desk and ring the bell. And again, wander around the classroom, waiting for the moment when something else pleasant will attract your attention. (5-10 minutes.)

Ask the children to then talk about everything that made them happy.

And let your invisible assistant invisibly follow you all day today. Try to notice all these little joys that your invisible assistant will point out to you. Tomorrow I will ask you about everything that will make you happy today.

Exercise Analysis:

What wonderful sounds did you hear?

What beautiful images were you able to see?

Did you manage to smell any pleasant taste?

Did you smell the wonderful smells?

Have you touched anything pleasant to the touch?

Have you made such movements that would be pleasant to your body?

Have you heard any pleasant words?

Exercise “Diagnostics of attitudes towards one’s activities”

Goal: formulating personal problems, assessing the choices of one’s activities.

List 3 things you would like to do more often in your life.

List 3 things you would like to stop doing.

Explain why you don't do the first 3 and do the last 3.

Exercise “What step am I on?”

Purpose of the exercise: to help participants build adequate self-esteem.

Participants are given a form with a ladder of 10 steps drawn on it. The instruction is given: “Draw yourself on the step where you think you are now.”

After everyone has drawn, the presenter gives the key to this technique:

Steps 1-4 – self-esteem is low

Stage 5-7 – self-esteem is adequate

8-10 step – self-esteem is inflated

Exercise “What Am I”

Answer this question with adjectives. Note which of these qualities relate to the physical self, the intellectual self, the emotional self, and the social self. If the difference between different selves is 1-2 points, a person adequately examines himself from all sides. If one of the subpersonalities clearly predominates, it can interfere with a person’s life or in communicating with others.

Exercise “Who Am I”

Take a piece of paper, a pen and answer the question “Who am I?” There can be no right or wrong answers here. The answer should be as open and honest as possible.

At the end of the work, we will consider self-presentation: no more than 8 - you hide, do not open up completely. From 9-10 – average level. 10 or more – a high level, you think about yourself, you are not ashamed of yourself. More than 20 - you have outsmarted yourself. This is not a game of who is bigger.

Consider self-description: self-description almost certainly begins with words such as: “I am a teacher” or “I am a mother.” These are role-playing, formally biographical characteristics. If such characteristics are the majority, you are just the sum of social roles. What then is your individuality? Cross out the role-playing statements; all that remains is how you feel. How often we put on the mask of a teacher, but we are, first of all, women who love ourselves, and through self-love we love the whole world. Each of us is deeply individual and each of us has something for which he loves himself.

Now, let each of us say this out loud. (Sayings in a circle)

Repeating exercise "12th"

Close your eyes. Try not to think about anything. Again ask yourself the question: “Who am I?” Then, pausing periodically, continue to mentally ask yourself this question and write down the answers.

Exchange of opinions, what statements came out now.

Assessment of auditory memory - short-term and long-term

Material for research: 10 words: table, book, clock, horse, brother, apple, dog, window, lamp, fire.

Conducting research:

Before reading words to the child, he is given instructions: “I will tell you 10 words, and you try to remember them.” The material must be read loudly, clearly and monotonously, without highlighting individual elements. In this case, the time interval between them should be 1 second.

After presenting the material, the child is asked to repeat the words that he remembers in any order. Usually a preschooler repeats 5-6 words. This is an indicator of good short-term memory.

After playback, the instructions are read out: “You didn’t remember all the words. I'll read them again. Try to remember more words." The child reproduces again - and this should be done 3 more times.

Next, a break of 1 hour is taken and, without naming words, the child is asked to remember all the words - this is an indicator of long-term auditory memory. Long-term memory is considered good if a preschooler remembers 7-8 words.

Exercise “Cosmic speed”

Purpose of the exercise: to develop the skill of making a group decision on the strategy and tactics of completing the task. Promote group cohesion and deepen the processes of self-disclosure.

Instructions: “Pass the ball in a circle, in any order, except for the neighbor on the right and the neighbor on the left, but so that the ball goes to each team member once.”


do the same thing, but for a while

“Can you do it faster?”

perform in any other way for a while

The facilitator invites all team members to sit in a circle after completing the exercise and express their state at the time the work began and ended.

What to pay attention to:

development of team strategy

understanding the idea of ​​the exercise

understanding of other participants

making decisions

changes in behavior

change on an emotional level and in the degree of everyone's participation.

The presenter’s questions should be neutral and leave freedom of choice, analysis and imagination:

How did you feel?

Why did you choose this solution?

Exercise “Drawing houses”

Age: preschool.

Two children must draw a common house on one sheet of paper and tell who lives in it.

Exercise "Anonymous"

This is an unsigned letter, usually a complaint against someone or something. Imagine that the passion for anonymous letters has captured inanimate objects. Each participant writes an anonymous letter on behalf of some thing, the other participants must guess on whose behalf the complaint is made.

Exercise “Memoirs”

Memoirs are usually written by people who have lived colorful and interesting lives.

Participants in the game are invited to write memoirs on behalf of:

old bedside table

old dress hanger

old tea cup

Memoirs should be short and interesting, well presented.

Exercise “Tie the Tie”

Goal: Forming a feeling of closeness with other people.

Age: preschool, junior school.

Material: Ball of thread.

Children, sitting in a circle, pass a ball of thread. The transfer of the ball is accompanied by statements about what the one holding the ball feels, what he wants for himself and what he can wish for others. If there is difficulty, the psychologist helps the child by throwing the ball to him again. This technique is diagnostic: you can see children experiencing difficulties in communication - the presenter will have double, triple connections with them. When the ball returns to the leader, the children pull the thread and close their eyes, imagining that they form one whole, that each of them is important and significant in this whole.

Exercise “My World”

Goal: creating a capacious metaphor to understand your way of describing the world, its strengths and limitations.

Procedure. Participants are invited to choose their own way of describing the world from the proposed metaphors by answering the questions: “My world is..., and then I am in it – this is..., and then my life is....”

Exercise “Toy History”

Leading. Look at the objects located on the table. Choose the one that for some reason seems close to you, similar to you. Look at it carefully, touch it, feel the material from which it is made. Come up with a short history of the object - from its birth (creation) to the present moment. Tell this story in the first person - as if this object is speaking through your mouth.

As the stories progress, each subject should be asked the question: “What or who have you ever been offended by in your life?”

This exercise allows you to relieve stress and awaken creativity. At the same time, the participants themselves often notice the projective nature of their stories and analyze the personal characteristics of the experience of resentment that appear in them.

Exercise “Draw your body”


Identify psychosomatic signs.

Diagnose the client's self-esteem.

Instructions: “Draw your body.”

The client can ask how to draw: with clothes on or not? The psychologist repeats his instructions.

Normally, the drawing should be drawn:

naked body

in underwear (with a “wedge leaf”).

All problems appear:

in closed clothes;

the belt is drawn;

necklace, rings, etc. emerge.

After the client has drawn, he is given a second instruction: “Assess each part of your body. How much does it cost?" It is very important that the client writes down all his body parts on a piece of paper and sets the cost (pennies, rubles, dollars, real estate).

If the client evaluates himself as “Priceless,” then during therapy with him you need to draw his attention to the fact that “Priceless means Free, For Free.” Those parts of the body that have been forgotten, not described, not appreciated - This is a problem. You can predict psychosomatics and dissatisfaction with your body.

This technique is good to use when working with the problem of dissatisfaction in your personal life and marital relationships. In this case, clients are additionally asked to draw their spouse's body and evaluate it. When comparing, it is clearly visible who values ​​whom more and what parts of the body are forgotten and not paid attention to.

Exercise “You are sexuality”

This exercise is used in therapeutic adult groups. The exercise can be used as a warm-up at the beginning of the training. It is very resourceful. Diagnostic. The coach monitors how the work is going, who sits how, how they speak, how they react.

Everyone sits in a circle. Everyone in the group gives each member a compliment in turn, starting with the words “For me, what’s sexy about you...” (for example, hair, eyes, legs, figure...). The one to whom a compliment is given is silent and listens to his feelings and sensations in the body. When everyone receives a compliment, then sharing is a discussion. What was easier: accepting or giving compliments? How did you feel? What are the sensations in the body?

Exercise “Recover the missing word”

Before the exercise, a short conversation is held on the topic “What is memory?”

A series of 5-7 words that are not related to each other in meaning is read, for example: sugar - bullet - box - fish - dance - pear. The second time the row is not read completely, one of the words is omitted. Children must restore the missing word (and subsequently its place in the series). The third time another word is skipped. For the fourth time, you can ask the children to restore the entire series completely: without preserving the order of the words or in order.

Game "Matryoshka"


develop self-analysis skills among participants;

help overcome internal barriers, fear and uncertainty in front of other people;

enable team members to reflect on the qualities that help and hinder them in being leaders.

Group size: the game assumes an intimate situation, and therefore a group of up to 15 people is preferable.

Resources: large matryoshka doll.

Time: depending on the number of participants and the level of self-disclosure.

Progress of the game

“Matryoshka” is one of the psychodramatic techniques that promotes self-disclosure and self-knowledge of group members. As always when using psychodramatic techniques, the success of the exercise largely depends on the trainer. This success is associated with the creation of a trusting and supportive atmosphere. Participants should be focused on the statements and emotions of their comrades, avoid any comments, ridicule, or reactions that could frighten revelation or offend.

A volunteer who comes to the site from among the training participants is given a matryoshka doll in his hands and is asked to open it, getting to the smallest doll. Each layer represents for our hero his essence, so that under the outer shell - as others see him - there are deeper and more secret levels hidden.

The game begins with the words:

– This is me (last and first name of the participant), as others see me...

The continuation could be: “This is me as my colleagues/friends/family/lover know me/as I really am.” You can direct the conversation in a certain direction and ask them to speak only about leadership qualities, potential, successes and miscalculations, fears and expectations...

Or you can leave everything as it is, let the story unfold in accordance with the level of openness and reflection of each of the players who come out to present their nesting doll.

Exercise “What has changed?”

Goal: development of attention and visual memory.

Material: surrounding objects, matches.

Time required: 25 minutes.


The exercise is performed in the form of a game and has several options.

A) Children sit in a semicircle. One of the participants becomes the driver (all participants must play this role). The rest of the participants in the game are asked to take certain positions at their request and remember how they sit. The driver must try to remember the pose of each participant. After which the driver turns away, the participants change something in their position, and the driver must restore the original poses of each of the participants. Participants correct the driver’s mistakes after he has finished “restoring” the poses of all participants. Having established the truth and pointed out his mistakes to the driver, the participants change roles.

B) If option A is successfully completed, you can add any changes in the clothing of the participants to the change in poses. Children should be drawn to the fact that changes in clothing should be minor: untied - tied in a bow, unbuttoned - buttoned up the top button of a shirt or blouse - then they are more difficult to notice and more interesting to play with.

C) Small objects are used - from 5 to 9, laid out in a certain way on the table. The driver must remember how the objects are located, after which he turns away, and the adult makes 2-3 changes. The driver must restore the original arrangement of objects. The rest of the participants monitor the correct actions of the driver. Hints and assistance from them are allowed only after the driver has finished his work. An adult organizes the game according to the rules.

D) Instead of objects, you can use matches, from which some simple figure is built. The number of matches used is also from 5 to 9. The complexity of the configuration is determined by the capabilities of the participants, that is, experimentally, determined by a psychologist during the game. It is advisable to gradually increase the complexity of match constructions. The procedure for playing the game is similar to option B.

Exercise “Dance of Five Movements”

There are five primary rhythms of movement that are present in all cultures and are representations of ontological qualities:

smooth, soft, round and fluid movements; movements of “feminine” energy;

sharp, strong and clear, “masculine” movements;

chaotic movements;

lyrical, subtle, graceful movements, “flight of a butterfly” or “falling leaf”;

movement in stillness, observation of the primary impulses of movement, “pulsating statue”.

These movement modalities, in the context of therapy and diagnosis, are representations of personality characteristics. The client or training participant may have an aversion to certain movements. Thus, quite often middle-aged women do not accept “masculine”, sharp and strong movements. “I’m not like that, I don’t like it,” they say. At the same time, they complain about the lack of attention in the family, the inability to express their feelings, and the position of the victim. In the process of work, it turns out that it is the clear, vivid and precise expression of one’s desires that helps change the situation. The source of strength is often found where we are afraid and unfamiliar to go.

Another common “black spot” is chaotic movements, which is not surprising for a modern city dweller confined within the framework of numerous personal and social stereotypes. The brightness and unpredictability of chaos is frightening, and it becomes clear to us how unaccustomed we are and how we do not know how to “let go” of ourselves, how much we are depriving ourselves of spontaneity and spontaneity.

It is recommended to perform the “Dance of Five Movements” with your eyes closed, completely surrendering to it, joining the rhythm with your whole body. The consultant should select music for each of these rhythms in advance. Each stage lasts about five minutes. Before the start, there is an instruction, after the end there is a discussion, during which participants are asked to answer several questions: which of the rhythms was the most pleasant and which was the most difficult; with which movements you took up more space, and which ones you could express only in a small volume, etc. In general, this gives a fairly clear and promising diagnostic picture.

Thus, the proposed technique can perform several functions:

Diagnostic - a person discovers mastered and unmastered qualities and how this relates to his life. He can make a conscious choice - to master a certain area of ​​his life, previously unfamiliar or even “forbidden”.

Test - if you carry out this technique at the beginning and at the end of the training, then many participants clearly perceive the degree and quality of the personal changes that have occurred.

Therapeutic – in combination with other techniques, “Dance of the Five Movements” allows a person to find ways to express himself, expand the range of reactions and forms of interaction. In addition, the movement itself, which is also filled with personal meanings, has a positive psychophysiological effect.

Exercise “Name yourself affectionately”

Age: preschool.

Children sit in a circle. The teacher throws a ball to each child and asks them to call themselves affectionately.

Exercise "Ladies and Gentlemen"

Purpose: an exercise in intense physical interaction.

Participants with their eyes closed change places with the one sitting opposite.

Instructions: “Look at the person sitting opposite you. Now you will close your eyes, and together you will go and change places with the one you have chosen. Don’t open your eyes until you sit down.”

This is a sharp exercise. The presenter says: “Let’s work carefully, carefully, calmly, like ladies and gentlemen.” This exercise also has internal self-sustaining motivation. When I give the second part of the instructions, it is not known at what pace to perform the exercise. How are ladies and gentlemen? At what speed? Is it slow and uncertain or confident and fast? And how it will turn out, how it will turn out. When 2-4 people have not yet had time to sit down, the leader commands “Stop!”, “Freeze!”. They stand and everyone sits. They will stand for a while and you need to start a conversation from them with those who are sitting. “What did this exercise reveal as a person?” “Yes, they are slow, but very honest.” There is an opportunity to express both positive and negative characteristics. There must be an equal number of them. In any case, there are no more negative ones than positive ones. If necessary, balance it yourself. Ask the “eyes”: “What happened?”, “Who were you walking with in your mind?”, “Who exactly was walking?” It is necessary to give the opportunity to speak out to those who had acute sensations.

You can enable time control. “I count to 10. Anyone who didn’t have time to change is a forfeit.” You don’t have to use a phantom, just enter it to enable sports motivation.

They do the full exercise (i.e. with reflection), then the leader says: “And for 9?”, “And for 8?” He exaggerates, forces him to be active, to be cunning, and the cunning one is always visible, therefore, it will be discussed, “ears will come out” and they will be discussed “with eyes.” The “eyes” change every time. Then the time limit is lifted and the presenter says: “Do it slowly, slowly, calmly, enjoy it. We can even talk." What we felt with time control and without time control is discussed later.

Exercise “From Heart to Heart”

Age: from 8 years old.

Materials: Heart cut out of red cardboard.

Instructions: Sit in a circle. I think that each of us from time to time is timid, insecure, afraid of something or shy. When we feel embarrassed, we tend to keep what we wanted to say to ourselves and try to figure it out ourselves. We are not sure that others will be interested in what we have to say, or that others will like us enough to help us. I know one good cure for shyness is to talk about it among close, good friends. Shyness does not like this - it decreases. So I would like to invite you to talk about the shyness that we all experience at times, and do it in the following way...

I brought with me one big heart. The one who holds this heart tells us about his shyness: when he feels it, how he feels it, what he does with it, etc. Everyone else listens to him very seriously and in a friendly manner. The one who is currently speaking can tell everything that comes to his mind, and when he finishes, he will pass his heart on to the next person, and he will talk to himself. The heart should pass in a circle for as long as necessary for everyone to speak. And after that, everyone will be able to check whether I said correctly that shyness does not like to be talked about.

It will be better if you start the conversation in a circle yourself.

Other theme options:

What in the classroom bothers me and makes me angry?

When do I feel bullied in class?

How do I feel when people laugh at me?

How do I feel when I'm not noticed?

When and for what reason have I been happy recently?

Exercise Analysis:

How did you feel at the beginning of the game? How are you feeling now?

Are there kids here who are going through almost the same thing as you?

Did anything surprise you?

Can you imagine that adults are shy too?

Do you know any good recipe against shyness?

Game "Transformations"

Objectives: In this game, children can use the power of their imagination to learn the language of intuition. The pictures that children will develop as they play will help them gain confidence in the versatility of their personality. At the end, it is very good to offer children a creative essay or drawing so that they feel the impression they experienced even more deeply.

Age: from 6 years.

Materials: Paper and pencils for each child.

Instructions: Tell me a couple of things that you know from experience. Can you tell me some things that you can only discover with your imagination? I would like to offer you a game in which only your imagination will help you discover interesting things.

You will see pictures in your imagination that may surprise you. You don't have to invent them, they will come by themselves. You shouldn't try to change them; it's better if you just notice and see them.

Sit back and close your eyes. Breathe three times...

Imagine that it is morning. You wake up at your usual time and suddenly discover that today you can become some kind of wonderful animal... Look around. What kind of animal are you? How do you feel as this animal? Walk a little and feel your new body...

And now you have found a magic wand. You know that animals are very curious, so you sniff her. And then you notice that you have changed again and become a beautiful flower or tree. What have you become? A flower? A tree? What flower or what tree? What do you like most about this flower or tree?

And now you are transforming again - you have become some kind of color. What color would you like to be? What does this color feel like? Is it completely smooth or rough?

Now you turn into a wonderful balloon. What shape is your ball? Is it oblong? Or round? Does it have any image on it?

Finally, on this magical morning, you turn into a little child. Look at yourself as a baby... Listen to the sounds a baby makes...

You want to get a closer look at this baby, so lean over him and pet him gently. Take him in your arms and rock him... Feel what it's like to be such a small child who is rocked in your arms.

Put the baby back and remember all the pictures you saw as an animal... as a tree or a flower... as a color... as a balloon... and as a small child.

And now you can stretch and feel how free your body is. Take a deep breath. Go back to the classroom and open your eyes. Would you like to paint the pictures you saw? Or would you like to talk about what you were experiencing?

Exercise Analysis:

How clearly could you see the pictures?

Did you hear anything at the same time?

What was the most difficult thing for you?

Who would you most like to be in your imagination?

Do you sometimes play similar games yourself, in which you have to imagine interesting, unusual things?

Test “That’s the word”

The purpose of the test: to help you understand your internal experiences.

The main idea of ​​the test: find the key word that will help unravel the tangle of a person’s pressing problems.

Keyword: this is just the end of the thread that you need to grab in order to unravel the tangle of problems.

This technique is intended solely for self-testing. The diagnostic value for professional psychodiagnostics is negligible. Primarily due to the fact that the situation of psychodiagnostics, due to the social desirability of written words, disrupts the free flow of associations.

In addition, it is highly desirable that testing take place in a calm environment. Better alone.

Instructions: Take a blank sheet of A4 paper. Place it horizontally. At the left edge of the paper, use a pen or felt-tip pen to place sixteen dots. Next to each dot, write the first word that comes to mind. It must be a noun, preferably singular. Try not to limit your “random word generator” in any way. What has come has come and is good. The only condition is that no words should be repeated throughout the ENTIRE test, no matter how much you might like it.

In order, for each pair of words, come up with one association word. Here you can take not only the first word that comes to mind, but also the second and third. The main thing is that you feel with your intuition that the new word is somehow connected with the original two. Remember that all new words must really be new. In the second list, words should not repeat words in the first list. Write down the words.

You have eight words left. Repeat the procedure.

Repeat the procedure until you get one, final word. This is the key word. You can circle it with a red felt-tip pen.

Processing the results

The word that you received at the end is the end of the thread that you can try to pull to unravel the tangle of problems that have fallen in order to understand yourself a little. It is very important to take this test in a calm environment. Try to remember all those fleeting thoughts that will visit you during the testing process. Sometimes it happens that immediately after receiving “his word” a person gets the right idea. Sometimes you should first wait so many minutes, think, analyze the situation, etc. If in the next one or two days you constantly keep “your word” in mind and try to apply this word to different aspects of your being, then a lot of ideas can arise. It would be a good idea to write down all the ideas that arise, so that later, in a calm atmosphere, you can discuss these ideas with yourself.

Remember that you cannot take this test more than once a month. Otherwise, you will be disturbed by unnecessary associations left over from the previous test.

Exercise “Twin from afar”

Purpose. This technique is intended for preliminary acquaintance with the value-semantic sphere of the individual, identifying the leading value orientations in a person’s life. The technique does not require much time to carry out and process. All processing consists only of a qualitative analysis of the subject’s answers. The technique is well suited for drawing up a psychological portrait of the subject.

The psychologist asks the subject to imagine the existence of a twin brother, about whom he knew nothing before. It is proposed to answer the question about what circumstances in the life of a twin brother can cause envy, and write down these circumstances in as much detail as possible.

This fictitious, but completely understandable situation for the subject encourages him to reveal his basic life values. To be revealed in the quality in which they exist.

The technique is projective in nature, but its purpose can be quite clear to the subject. Therefore, it should not be used for professional selection purposes and other similar purposes. The technique can be used both during psychological consultations and as one of the psychological training procedures.

Qualities assessed. Values.


A blank sheet of paper is placed in front of the subject. If necessary, the sheet is marked with the subject's name or some other identification marks. The instructions are spoken (shown below). It is highly advisable not to limit the subject's time. If time and place permit, then immediately after receiving the test piece from the test, the psychologist looks at it and asks clarifying questions. This is done if the subject wrote incomprehensibly, too briefly, or limited himself to general words.


Instructions for men:

Imagine that you learned about the existence of your twin brother. You were separated in infancy. Now he lives far away, but he came to visit you. You started talking and learned a lot about each other. In some ways you envied your brother.

Question. What could have caused this envy in you, what were the circumstances of your brother’s life?

Feel free to write whatever comes to mind. If you imagine this scene in all details, it will be easier for you to answer this question. Try to imagine what your twin brother looks like, what he is wearing, what hairstyle he has, etc. Imagine how and what he says, his individual behavior. Imagine how jealous you are and - maybe - how angry you are.

Instructions for women:

Imagine that you found out about the existence of your twin sister. You were separated in infancy. Now she lives far away, but she came to visit you. You started talking and learned a lot about each other. In some ways you envied your sister.

Question. What could have caused this envy in you, what were the circumstances of your sister’s life?

Feel free to write whatever comes to mind. If you imagine this scene in all details, it will be easier for you to answer this question. Try to imagine what your twin sister looks like, what she is wearing, what hairstyle she has, etc. Imagine how and what she says, her individual behavior. Imagine how jealous you are and - maybe - how angry you are.

Write down on a piece of paper everything that could cause envy. Try to write specifically, not limiting yourself to general phrases like “Success in life” or “Happiness in your personal life.”

Processing the results:

Only a qualitative analysis of the subject’s answers is carried out, based on the purposes of psychodiagnostics. If the volume of circumstances written by the test subject is large enough, then you can try to generalize them, reducing the number of positions. For example, if the subject indicates “a good car” and “own yacht”, then it can be reduced to the item “material well-being”.

Exercise "Associations"

Participants take turns defining each group member: “If this were a flower (weather, furniture, clothing, car, dishes, building, color, figure, insect, etc.), then who is which?”

Exercise “Continue the phrase”

The training participants are asked to continue the phrase: “Happiness for me is...”.

Exercise “Views”

Everyone closes their eyes. At the command of the leader, opening your eyes, you need to establish contact with someone from the group with your eyes alone. If it doesn't work the first time, try again. When everyone has achieved their goal, ask those who have eye contact to stand in front of each other, but in such a way that they form two lines - these are two teams for the next exercise (the exercise also shows the degree of development of personal contacts in the group).

Exercise "Mirror"

Participants look at themselves in the mirror and answer the questions:

Do I like this person?

Does he deserve respect?

Is it possible to love him?

Discussion. What difficulties did you encounter while doing this exercise?

Exercise "Transformation"

The group sits in a circle. Now each of you will be given the opportunity to get used to another person in order to try to feel and understand him better. You will receive sheets of paper indicating the name of the person you will have to turn into.

In a couple of minutes, each of you will be someone else. And you will have to portray this person, and the group will have to guess who it is. Also, other participants can ask questions, and he must answer as the person being portrayed would answer.

Exercise “Transformations”

Participants sit comfortably in chairs. One of them receives a task from the leader or from his neighbor to turn into a certain thing. He must imagine himself as this thing, immerse himself in its world, feel its “character”. On behalf of this thing, he begins a story about what surrounds it, how it lives, what it feels, about its worries, passions, about its past and future. Having finished the story, the participant gives the task to the next one in the circle, etc.

It is advisable to play the game in a darkened room - this will provide its participants with greater relaxation and psychological comfort. Gradually, the “reincarnations” become more and more profound and the participants move from superficial, purely external descriptions to the expression of moods, feelings, etc.

Exercise “This is cool!”

All participants stand in a circle. One participant goes to the middle and continues the phrase: “Life has taught me...”, and after each statement the rest of the participants throw their hand forward with their finger pointed up and say: “This is cool!”

Exercise “Beautiful Garden”

Description of the exercise: Participants sit in a circle. The presenter suggests sitting quietly, you can close your eyes, and imagine yourself as a flower. What would you be like? What leaves, stem, and maybe thorns? High or low? Bright or not very bright? Now, after everyone has presented this, draw your flower. Everyone is given paper, markers, and crayons.

Next, participants are invited to cut out their own flower. Then everyone sits in a circle. The presenter spreads a cloth of any fabric, preferably plain, inside the circle, and distributes a pin to each participant. The fabric is declared to be a garden clearing that needs to be planted with flowers. All participants take turns coming out and attaching their flower.

Discussion: It is suggested that you admire the “beautiful garden” and capture this picture in your memory so that it shares its positive energy. Notice that although there were many flowers, there was enough space for everyone, everyone took only their own, the one they chose. See what different, different flowers yours is surrounded by. But there is also something in common - some have the color, others the size or shape of the leaves. And all flowers, without exception, need sun and attention.

Psychological meaning of the exercise: Art therapy itself is a very powerful tool that is used for psychological correction and serves to explore feelings, develop interpersonal skills and relationships, strengthen self-esteem and self-confidence. In this case, the exercise allows you to understand and feel yourself, be yourself, express your thoughts and feelings freely, and also understand the uniqueness of everyone, see the place you occupy in the diversity of this world and feel part of this beautiful world.

Exercise “Non-existent animal”

Participants are asked to draw an animal or plant that has never existed and give it a name. Then all the sheets with drawings are collected. The first sheet is taken and the training participants begin to express their opinions on the drawing. The author of the drawing can remain silent, but if he wants, he can add information about who or what he drew, how the animal or plant lives, etc.

Exercise “If I were an insect, I would...”

The facilitator invites the group members to continue the phrase “If I were an insect, I would be...” (time for reflection - 2 minutes). Then, in a circle, everyone names the insect they presented.

Leading. Now take a piece of paper and write down 5 characteristics of your insect in a column, answering the question: “What am I?”

Next to each characteristic, write its opposite (antonym). Next to each characteristic, put a “+” if you like that trait and a “-” if you don’t.

Leading. Look at the two lists you made to answer the question “what am I?”

The first list is the character traits that are most inherent to you, and the second list is those that exist both in you and in other people.

Maybe you don’t show them in your life now, but you see them very clearly in others. And if you put a “-” next to some characteristic, it is likely that you enter into obvious conflicts with people who have such characteristics or, not wanting to aggravate the relationship, experience a conflict within yourself.”

Meditation “Who loves you?”

Understanding internal well-being and ill-being, answer the questions:

Who loves you?

Who do you love?

Whose face lights up when he thinks of you?

Who is happier to live knowing that you exist, just exist?

Who brings happiness into your life?

Exercise “Let’s write a story”

Age: for children from 5 years old.

The presenter begins the story: “Once upon a time...”, the next participant continues, and so on in a circle. When it’s the host’s turn again, he directs the plot of the story, sharpens it, makes it more meaningful, and the exercise continues.

Game "What is the mood like?"

Age: for children from 5 years old.

Participants in the game take turns saying what time of year, natural phenomenon, or weather their current mood is similar to. It’s better for an adult to start making comparisons: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in a calm blue sky, what about yours?”

The game is played in a circle. The adult summarizes what the mood of the whole group is today: sad, cheerful, funny, angry, etc. When interpreting children's answers, keep in mind that bad weather, cold, rain, gloomy skies, and aggressive elements indicate emotional distress.

Game "Tangle"

Age: for children from 4 years old.

The game is useful in the company of unfamiliar children. Children sit in a circle, the leader, holding a ball in his hands, wraps a thread around his finger, asks any question he is interested in to the participant in the game (For example: “What is your name, do you want to be friends with me, what do you love, what are you afraid of,” etc. .d.), he catches the ball, wraps the thread around his finger, answers the question, and then asks his to the next player. Thus, at the end the ball is returned to the leader. Everyone sees the threads that connect the participants in the game into one whole, determines what the figure looks like, learns a lot about each other, and unites.

Note: If the leader is forced to help a child who is having difficulty, then he takes the ball back, gives a hint and throws it to the child again. As a result, you can see children who have difficulty communicating; the leader will have double or triple connections with them.

Exercise “The Blind Man and the Guide”

The “guide” leads the blindfolded participant to the other end of the room, overcoming obstacles with the help of verbal recommendations. The others are watching. Experience of responsibility and helplessness, trust in a partner. Participants may trust different group members differently. You can find out in advance who wants to go with whom, but it may reveal a person whom no one trusts, this is dangerous. At the same time, it would be useful for someone to know that they are not trusted.

Game "Dishwasher"

Goal: The game allows you to feel more deeply about another person and understand yourself.

All participants stand in two columns, one opposite the other at arm's length. The first one in the column on the left goes to the middle of the path between the two columns. He needs to imagine himself as a dish and give instructions to the machine regarding grooming.

For example:

“I am my grandmother’s old cup that has been on the shelf for a long time. Several generations of family took care of me, admired me, appreciated me, but now I feel like I’ve become a little dusty. I need to be washed with warm water, carefully so as not to damage the gold patterns...”


“I am a very dirty teapot. Everyone has probably forgotten that I once sparkled and shone. Only I remember this, so I need to be washed very well using cleaning powder..."

After the instructions, a signal is given to turn on the “machine”, the “cup” moves along the corridor, and the “brushes” (the hands of the participants) “wash” it.

The presenter himself gets involved in the game, actively imitating the sound of the machine, encouraging other participants to do the same.

Game "Labyrinth"

The game consists of five stages and helps to identify visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners in the group.

First stage. Three participants, located in the center of the site, are given the task: to walk through an imaginary labyrinth with their eyes closed. The group observes the physical condition of the performers (movements are free or constrained, whether the muscles are tight, what is the position of the head, hands, is there any fussiness, etc.). After 1-2 minutes of “wandering,” the participant is asked to describe “his” labyrinth.

The initial description is usually very short: 1-2 sentences, most often a definition of the place. For example: “it was a dark, damp dungeon”, “it was a glass labyrinth”, “this was the corridor of a spaceship”. The group may note stiffness and tension in the muscles, shoulder girdle, arms, and pelvis.

Second phase. The same participants are asked to examine the maze while walking through it (the task is performed with their eyes closed). When describing the labyrinth, the group makes sure that the describers do not stray into describing sounds and sensations. For example:

“It was a glass labyrinth, very transparent, sparkling so much that it hurt the eyes” (the group should notice the kinesthetic word “hurt” and correct the narrator).

“It was a corridor of a spaceship with blue walls and light from somewhere below. I heard... (the group stops) I saw a very beautiful remote control, on which there were many colorful lights.”

“This is a dark dungeon with gray stone walls. I had a small candle in my hands, from which there was almost no light. I saw water flowing down the walls...”

After the description, the group discusses the physical condition of the participants. A high head and freer hand movements will likely be noted.

Third stage. It is suggested to walk through the labyrinth and “hear” the maximum number of sounds. When describing sounds, the group makes sure that participants do not get confused by pictures and sensations. For example:

“The walls in this labyrinth rang like glass in a sideboard when a truck passes.”

“There was a special, ringing silence there. All the devices worked silently, the special coating muffled the sound of footsteps, and yet I felt... (the group stops), I heard quiet breathing behind me.”

When the group describes the physical condition of the participants, they will probably note a head tilted to the shoulder, less constrained hand movements compared to the first stage of the game, and perhaps a cautious gait.

Fourth stage. Participants need to describe how they feel while walking through the maze (temperature, humidity, smell, etc.):

“It was a very hot labyrinth, the sun was so hot that I was melting. And the walls were cold. I really wanted to get out, but I couldn’t find a way out. I wanted to break down the walls."

“I was damp and cold, I stumbled and fell on sharp stones - it was very painful. I really wanted warm light and someone to be near.” (The group should note that in this case the subject’s movements were free, his face was down, his step was light.)

“I felt the breath of another person behind my back and I felt very calm that I was not alone. The walls were soft and the floor was springy. In general, it was a very convenient corridor. I felt comfortable."

Fifth stage. The last “pass” through the maze with the task of “seeing,” “hearing,” and “feeling.” After this, a complete description is given, which is compared with the original one. The changes that occurred in the physical condition of the participants are analyzed.

In conclusion, the floor is given to the subjects to analyze their condition, what hindered and helped when performing the exercise, etc.

Notes. This game can also be played in a group with a large number of participants (up to 12-14 people). In this case, the discussion should be very dynamic, and the training facilitator should take on the role of coordinator. He must single out from the entire group those who described the labyrinth as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.

Exercise “Column of Happiness”

Goal: work to increase self-esteem.

Participants line up in a column one after another. The very first one stands facing the wall, the rest follow him. The principle of building a column: the one who considers himself the happiest stands first. The rest follow him, as happiness decreases. The last person to stand is the unluckiest person. During the construction process, you can change your place in the column.

Exercise "Words"

Purpose: to assess the level of communication capabilities of the subjects.

Take an unusual word, outdated, little familiar. For example - Bratina, Akenak, Griden, etc.

Choose a participant, give him a word.

The participant’s task is to talk about this word for 3 minutes without prior preparation.

Exercise "Portrait"

Goal: identifying the sympathies of group members, receiving feedback, developing the skill of analyzing the character of another person.

Each of the participants chooses an “object” and describes its character, habits, i.e. “writes” his psychological portrait. The notes are given to the presenter, who reads them out loud. The rest are trying to guess who we are talking about.

Zalina Aylarova
Mini-training for primary school children “Helping Hand”

Mini training"Helping hand"

Participants: children primary school age

Target: develop a sense of belonging to a group. Relieve tension, be able to talk about yourself.

Equipment for the lesson:

Whatman paper, pens, markers, note paper, bag, microphone;

various toys, tape recorder.

Lesson structure

I. Organizational part:

1. Greeting 5 min.

2. Rules for working in a group 3 min.

II. Main part.

1. Exercise "Good morning" 15 minutes.

2. Exercise "Three Faces" 15 minutes.

3. Exercise "Quick Transformations" 15 minutes.

4. Exercise. "Cow" 30 min.

5. Exercise "Snake" 10 min.

6. Exercise "Stories from the Bag" 30 min.


9. Exercise. "Color with love" 10 min.

2. Exercise "Good morning".

Goals: Microphone used in the game will help start classes in a non-traditional, special way that strengthens the self-esteem of the participants. Each participant gets the opportunity to greet their classmates and tell them what makes them happy that day, what they want to do, what their mood is. This is an extremely effective ritual, it awakens the participants' interest, stimulates their willingness to listen to each other and, most importantly, gives them the opportunity to feel like the center of everyone's attention.

Instructions: Please sit down in a circle. Today I brought you a microphone. Each of you, in turn, will be able to say something into this microphone, and the rest will need to listen to it calmly. Whoever holds the microphone can tell everyone us: "Good morning" and tell him what he is happy about today. He can also tell us what his mood is this morning, and how the beginning of the day went at his home.

It may happen that some of children they won’t want to say anything. Don't insist. When you you will perform this ritual for the first time, start speaking into the microphone yourself, and then pass it on to someone from children.

The microphone can be used in a variety of situations: when one of children gives instructions to the class, sings a song, tells something funny or interesting.

3. Exercise "Three Faces".

Goals: Everyone loves surprises. The Three Faces game gives participants a surprise and also allows them to use their intuition and love of imitation. The task is to achieve matching facial expressions without words. If this is successful, the participants begin to be proud and ask themselves how they could have done it. You can offer this game before starting various activities, especially if they require cooperation and intuition.

Instructions: I'll show you three facial expressions now. At the same time, I want you to imitate me.

First I will show you a sad face. Remember what a sad person looks like. Now let each of you make a sad face. What gestures are best for us to make? hands to express sadness?

Now I will show you my fierce face. Has everyone imagined what it looks like? Let's all furrow our eyebrows, bare our teeth and clench our fists.

The third person is happy. To do this, let's all smile broadly and put our hand to our hearts.

Do you understand what these three faces look like? Let's try again once: sad, fierce and happy.

Now split into pairs and stand with your partner back to back. Let's go through all three facial expressions again. Let's make a sad face, a fierce one, and then a happy one. Now you're on your own you will choose one of three faces. When I now count to three, you will need to quickly turn to your partner and show him the facial expression you have chosen. The goal is to show the same face as your partner without prior agreement. Ready? One two Three. Show your face to your partner. Which couple chose the same face?

Give the children the opportunity to practice a little more on their own. Then combine the pairs into fours. Each pair in a group of four must agree in a whisper what facial expression they want to show to the other pair. Then the couples stand with their backs to each other, and you give the command again. Increase the number of people in the group until the whole class is divided into two large teams.

You can supplement the suggested facial expressions with appropriate sounds and gestures. This gives everyone more freedom in the game and makes it even more fun.

4. Exercise "Quick Transformations".

Goals: Here we use the creative movement method, thanks to which participants will be able to have the opportunity to express their fantasies, as a creative break, for example, after a long “sedentary” work.

Instructions: Now the music will start playing and you will start walking around the class. When the music stops, you should stop too. At this point I will tell you who you should portray. (Turn on the music and stop it after about one minute.)

Now you all must turn into Baba Yaga. (Play the music again for 30 seconds.)

Now everyone is a robot. Stand in pairs and show each other that you are robots. (Play the music again for 30 seconds.)

Other transformations: a sad clown, a cheerful dancer, a nervous robber, a tired sprinter, a smiling mannequin, a boxer before a fight, a singer earning applause.

5. Exercise "Cow".

Participants are divided into two teams of 3-4 people. Their task: Draw a picture on a given topic faster and better. You can discuss, agree, but go out to draw one at a time

6. Exercise "Snake".

Participants line up one after another. The first is the head of the snake, the last is the tail. The snake's head performs different movements. The tail repeats. The task is not to lose the tail.

7. Exercise "Stories from the Bag"

Instructions: I brought you a big bag containing a lot of different things. Each of you can stick your hand in there once and get something out.

Now go in twos and come up with a story that involves both of your subjects. You have five minutes. After that, each couple will tell us their story.

When you you will To repeat this game, you can ask the participants not only to tell, but also to act out their story.

Exercise Analysis:

Do you like playing with other children?

Did you catch an interesting item from the “magic bag”?

8. Exercise "Color with love".

Goals: To really get along well with people, we need to feel their love and support. Otherwise, in critical situations, we lose our composure and cannot contain our irritation.

This game is remarkable in that it creates an atmosphere of mutual love in the group, and also lays the foundations for stable friendships between children. We advise you to repeat this game more often, each time with new partners. Although, of course, this is not the only procedure helping Create an atmosphere of community and friendliness in the classroom.

Here we offer a version of the game in which children cooperate with each other in pairs.

Instructions: How do you show other people that you love them? How do you understand that another person loves you?

Now please divide into pairs. Now stretch your arms forward and imagine that they are covered with the wonderful color of love. (You yourself will also extend your arms forward.) Which color will you choose for yourself? I want you to show each other now how much you love each other. To do this, you will now “paint” each other with the colors of love, tenderness, kindness, and affection. I'll show you now how this can be done.

You approach several participants in turn and begin to “color” them - with light circular movements of your hands, slide from top to bottom along the head, shoulders, hands, torso, legs. Thus, you seem to melt the ice of mistrust. Also tell each participant what color you have chosen for them.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths in and out.

First, prepare your palms for “coloring”: rub them together. Feel your palms getting warmer and warmer. While you rub your palms together, think about how much love you have in your heart. (15 seconds.)

Now extend your palms forward and let them rest for a while. Feel what they are like. Warm? Does it tingle slightly? Are they full of energy? Now send love from your heart and let it flow hands will flow into your palms and fill them. (5 second.)

Feel this love in your palms (5 seconds, and feel how your palms "colored" the color of love, kindness, tenderness. (5 second.)

Now open your eyes and start coloring each other one by one.

Place your hands on top of your partner's head. If you really "color" with his love, send him kind and gentle thoughts. Imagine covering it completely with your chosen color of love and kindness. Start from the head and gradually work your way down. "Color" ears, then cheeks, back of the head. Lower yourself over your shoulders hands to palms. Finally, move from your hips through your legs to your knees and feet. (30 - 60 seconds. By adjusting the required intensity, for older children this instruction can be given more slowly, so that the entire process lasts 2-3 minutes.)

Now switch roles. (Please repeat all instructions again.) Now you have a few minutes to discuss your feelings with each other.

Exercise Analysis:

How did you feel when they “painted” you?

How did you feel when you "colored" your partner?

Did you see the color that your partner “painted” you?

Did you experience any sensations in your palms when you “colored” your partner?

What kind and affectionate thoughts did you send to your partner?

What was difficult for you in this game?

Final part. Discussion, exchange of impressions.

"Forbidden word"

We choose a forbidden word, it can be any color (yellow) or quality (small). We throw the ball to the child while asking questions. (The sea is blue, and the sun? What color is the rose? And the daisy? The elephant is big, and the mouse?) The child must give an accurate answer, not forgetting to say “abracadabra” instead of forbidden words.

"Secret Letter"

Draw the outlines of a geometric figure, number, letter or even a word in the air. Let your child try to guess what you wrote “in transparent colors on transparent paper.” The next secret message to write to a child.


Sit with your child in front of the window. Find some stationary object and ask your child to guess what it is (“transparent, like a small house”) you see. You can also play like this: “Quickly name 5 round (red, hard and smooth) objects in this room.”


You are an architect, the child is a builder. Both have the same number of cubes of different types. The architect uses his cubes to show what structure needs to be built (staircase, arch, house), and the builder repeats the task.

"Magic word"

First you need to agree on which words are considered “magic”. Words starting with the letter “M” or any other letter can be considered “magical” (then the game will simultaneously develop the child’s phonemic hearing), or they can be words denoting birds, pets, etc. You tell a story or say any words in a row. When pronouncing the “magic words,” the child must give a signal: hit the table with his palm (raise his hand up or stand up).

Exercise “My favorite fruit”

The exercise allows the facilitator to create a working mood in the group; memory is also developed and the ability to concentrate for a long time is developed.

Group members introduce themselves in a circle. Having identified themselves by name, each participant names their favorite fruit; the second - the name of the previous one and his favorite fruit, his name and his favorite fruit; the third - the names of the previous two and the names of their favorite fruits, and then your name and your favorite fruit, etc. The latter, therefore, must name the names of the favorite fruits of all group members.

Exercise “I won’t get lost”

Exercise to develop concentration and distribution of attention

The psychologist offers the following tasks: count out loud from 1 to 31, but the subject should not name numbers that include three or multiples of three. Instead of these numbers, he should say: “I won’t go astray.” For example: “One, two, I won’t get lost, four, five, I won’t get lost...”

Sample correct count: 1, 2, -, 4, 5, -, 7, 8, -, 10, 11, -, -, 14, -, 16, 17, -, 19, 20, -, 22, -, -, 25, 26, -, 28, 29, -, - _the line replaces numbers that cannot be pronounced).

Exercise "Observation"

Exercise to develop visual attention. This game reveals the connections between attention and visual memory.

Children are asked to describe in detail from memory the school yard, the path from home to school - something they have seen hundreds of times. Junior schoolchildren make such descriptions orally, and their classmates fill in the missing details.

Exercise "Fly 1"

Exercise to develop concentration

This exercise requires a board with a nine-cell 3X3 playing field lined on it and a small suction cup (or a piece of plasticine). The sucker acts as a “trained fly”. The board is placed vertically and the presenter explains to the participants that the “fly” moves from one cell to another by giving it commands, which it obediently carries out. According to one of four possible commands (up, down, right and left), the fly moves according to the command to the adjacent cell. The starting position of the “fly” is the central cell of the playing field. Teams are given by the participants one by one. The players must, by constantly monitoring the movements of the “fly”, prevent it from leaving the playing field.

After all these explanations, the game itself begins. It is held on an imaginary field, which each participant imagines in front of him. If someone loses the thread of the game, or “sees” that the “fly” has left the field, he gives the command “Stop” and, returning the “fly” to the central square, starts the game again. "Fly" requires constant concentration from the players.

Exercise "Selector"

Exercise to develop concentration and attention span

For the exercise, one of the game participants is selected - the “receiver”. The rest of the group - the "transmitters" - are busy counting out loud from different numbers and in different directions. The “receiver” holds the rod in his hand and listens silently. He must tune in to each “transmitter” in turn. If it is difficult for him to hear this or that “transmitter,” he can make him speak louder with an imperative gesture. If it's too easy for him, he may turn down the volume. After the “receiver” has worked enough, he passes the rod to his neighbor, and he himself becomes a “transmitter”. During the game, the rod makes a full circle.

Exercise “Flies - does not fly”

An exercise to develop attention switching and the ability to perform movements.

Children sit down or stand in a semicircle. The presenter names the items. If an object flies, children raise their hands. If it doesn’t fly, the children’s hands are down. The presenter may deliberately make mistakes; many children’s hands will rise involuntarily, due to imitation. It is necessary to hold back in a timely manner and not raise your hands when a non-flying object is named.

Exercise “My Birthday”

The exercise will develop memory and the ability to concentrate for long periods of time.

The group members, as in the previous version, take turns saying their names, but each participant adds the date of their birthday to their name. The second is the name of the previous one and the date of his birthday, his name and the date of his birthday, the third is the names and birthdays of the two previous ones and his name and the date of his birthday, etc. The latter, therefore, must name the names and birthdays of all members of the group.

Exercise "Palms"

Exercise to develop stability of attention.

Participants sit in a circle and place their palms on the knees of their neighbors: the right palm on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left palm on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. The point of the game is to raise your palms one by one, i.e. a “wave” of rising palms ran through. After preliminary training, palms raised at the wrong time or not raised at the right time are eliminated from the game.

Exercise “Edible – Inedible”

Exercise to develop attention switching.

The presenter takes turns throwing a ball to the participants and at the same time names the objects (edible and inedible). If the object is edible, the ball is caught; if not, it is discarded.

Exercise "Fly"

An exercise to develop concentration and switching attention.

The exercise is carried out in exactly the same way as the previous version, only in a more complicated version: the number of flies has been increased (there are two of them). Commands to the “flies” are given separately.

Exercise “The most attentive”

Exercise to develop visual attention and memory.

Participants must stand in a semicircle and identify the driver. The driver tries to remember the order of the players for a few seconds. Then, on command, he turns away and names the order in which his comrades stand. All players in turn must take the place of the driver. It is worth rewarding those who do not make a mistake with applause.

"Where was it" 1

The child is shown several objects lying on the table. When he turns away, one of the objects is removed or rearranged. The child is required to indicate what has changed. You should start with a small number of items, gradually increasing it.

"Find the difference" (Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.) 2

Goal: developing the ability to concentrate on details.

The child draws any simple picture (a cat, a house, etc.) and passes it to an adult, but turns away. The adult completes a few details and returns the picture. The child should notice what has changed in the drawing. Then the adult and child can switch roles.

The game can also be played with a group of children. In this case, the children take turns drawing a picture on the board and turning away (the possibility of movement is not limited). The adult completes a few details. Children, looking at the drawing, must say what changes have occurred.

"Tender paws" (Shevtsova I.V.) 2

Goal: relieving tension, muscle tension, reducing aggressiveness, developing sensory perception, harmonizing relationships between a child and an adult.

An adult selects 6-7 small objects of different textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is asked to bare his arm up to the elbow; The teacher explains that an “animal” will walk along your hand and touch you with its affectionate paws. You need to guess with your eyes closed which “animal” touched your hand - guess the object. Touches should be stroking and pleasant.
Game option: the “animal” will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can change places with your child.

"Sea waves" (Lyutova E.K., Monina G.B.) 3

Goal: to teach children to switch attention from one type of activity to another, to help reduce muscle tension.

At the signal from the teacher "Calm", all children in the class "freeze". At the “Wave” signal, the children take turns standing at their desks. The students sitting at the first desks stand up first. After 2-3 seconds, those sitting at the second desks rise, etc. As soon as the turn comes to the inhabitants of the last desks, they stand up and all clap their hands together, after which the children who stood up first (at the first desks) sit down, etc. At the signal from the “Storm” teacher, the nature of the actions and the sequence of their implementation is repeated, with the only difference being that the children do not wait 2-3 seconds, but stand up one after another at once. You need to finish the game with the command "Calm".

"Looking for letters" 5

These tasks contribute to the development of concentration and self-control when students perform written work. To carry them out, you will need any printed texts (old unnecessary books, newspapers), pencils, pens. For children 6-11 years old, it is advisable to use texts in large font.

To achieve any success, this task should be done at least 5 times a week for 5 minutes. Classes can be individual or group.

Now the instructions themselves: Within 5 minutes you need to find and cross out all the letters “A” you encounter (you can indicate any letter): both small and capital ones, both in the title of the text and in the author’s surname.

As you master the game, the rules become more complicated: the letters you are looking for change, they are crossed out in different ways, and so on; two letters are simultaneously searched, one is crossed out, the other is underlined; On one line the letters are circled, on the other they are marked with a tick, etc. Based on the results of the work, the number of omissions and incorrectly crossed out letters is calculated. The indicator of normal concentration is 4 or fewer absences. More than 4 absences - poor concentration.

Losing should not cause feelings of dissatisfaction in children, so you can introduce funny “fines”: meow as many times as mistakes are made, crow, jump on one leg, and so on. The game time should not exceed 5 minutes.

"Find the words - 1"

Words are written on the board or on a blank sheet of paper, in each of which you need to find another word “hidden” in it. For example: laughter, wolf, post, scythe, regiment, bison, fishing rod, stranded, set, injection, road.

"Find the words - 2"

The child is presented with a letter text in which words are inserted. The child must find and underline these words:

Sun andshatmashinaro

"Tangled Lines" 5

Tracing the gaze of a line from its beginning to its end, especially when it is intertwined with other lines, contributes to the development of concentration and concentration.

"Do as I do!" (with matches)

Goal: to increase the amount of attention (the result is achieved by repeating the game options many times).

Children play in pairs. Initially, each child has 6 matches. One, the leader, lays out a random composition from 6 matches, then shows it to his partner for one or two seconds.

The partner lays out exactly the same figure from his matches from memory. Then the children change roles. If the condition is successfully met, the number of matches gradually increases to 12-15.

"Monkeys" (1.5-7 years)

Purpose of the game: development of attention, coordination of movements, memory.

Equipment: bricks of one or more colors (all children and the leader must have the same sets), or counting sticks, or a set for the game “Tangram”, “Vietnamese game”, etc.

Progress of the game: the presenter suggests to the children: “Let’s “turn” into monkeys today. Monkeys are best at imitating, repeating everything they see.” The presenter, in front of the children, puts together a structure from bricks (or from the material on which the game is played). The guys must copy as accurately as possible not only the design, but also all its movements.

Option: the structure built in front of the children is covered with a sheet of paper or a box and they are asked to fold it from memory (then the result is compared with the model).


Participants sit in a circle and place their palms on the knees of their neighbors: the right palm on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left palm on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. The point of the game is to raise your palms one by one, i.e. a “wave” of rising palms ran through. After preliminary training, palms raised at the wrong time or not raised at the right moment are eliminated from the game.


A word is written on the board. Task: make as many words as possible from the letters of the written word. Each letter can be used in each word no more than it appears in the given word. A game against time or a given number of words (who will write first). At the end, participants read out the words they composed one by one. The rest cross out the words they read. The one who makes up the most words wins.

For example: ceiling (floor, current, about, etc.), fair (yar, mark, karma, punishment, etc.)

"Guess the animal"

You can play with two or more. Each participant takes turns thinking of an animal and describing it: “I know an animal that...” (for example: a marsupial, lives in a tree, lives in Australia; the largest sea animal; a pet that catches mice). The next participant must guess. If he finds it difficult, the participant who guessed the animal can complement its description.

This game is convenient because you can play it anywhere and anytime: at home, on the street, at a party, etc.

Using the same principle, you can play “vehicles”, “clothing”, “kitchenware”, etc.

"Third wheel"

This game can be played after the child has mastered the classification of objects into groups and subgroups: animals (wild/domestic, sea/birds, etc.), vehicles (land, air, sea), furniture, kitchen utensils, toys , clothes, etc. First (initial) option. The adult shows the child cards, each of which depicts three objects: two belong to the same group, and the third is extra. For example: tree-flower-house. The child must determine and explain that the house is an extra object, because... is not a plant.

Second (complicated) option. The same game - only by ear: an adult names three objects. The child’s task is to determine which of the named objects is superfluous and why.

The child must explain why he considers the item unnecessary. At the request of the parents and the child, you can also alternate: let the child also ask you such riddles.

"Game with geometric shapes

Cut out 3 triangles, 3 rectangles, 3 squares, 3 diamonds, 3 circles, 3 ellipses and 3 trapezoids from colored paper. In each three, all the figures must be of different colors, 2 figures must be of the same size, the third must be of another (for example: red and blue triangles of the same size and a green triangle of another size - larger or smaller than the previous ones; yellow and red rectangles of one size and blue of another; and etc.).

All figures are laid out on the table in random order. The adult takes one figure and invites the child to find another according to one of the instructions:

1) change only the shape (i.e. leave the color and size)

2) change only the color

3) change only the size

4) change only the shape and color

5) change only the shape and size

6) change shape, color, size

The child must pick up another piece as directed and explain his choice. If more than one shape matches the directions, the child must choose any of them. In this case, you can also ask him to show additional figures that meet the requirements.

You can also complicate the game by asking the child to choose a figure that does NOT correspond to the instructions, and be sure to explain how this discrepancy is expressed.

An adult can alternate with a child in the roles of presenter and performer: it will be interesting for the child to feel like an “examiner”. At the same time, he will need to independently choose a figure and come up with instructions, as well as evaluate the adult’s answer.