Essay on the image of a health worker in Russian literature. Project work on literature "the image of a doctor in Russian literature" Medical theme in Russian literature

The image of a doctor in Russian literature

Korsak V.O., Khromenkova Yu.Yu.

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Saratov State Medical University im. IN AND. Razumovsky Ministry of Health of Russia

Department of Humanities, Philosophy and Psychology

Doctors are representatives of one of the most difficult professions. The life of a person is in their hands. The essence of the profession of a doctor is most clearly revealed in the works of classical literature. Writers of different eras often made doctors the heroes of their works. Moreover, many talented writers came to literature from medicine: Chekhov, Veresaev, Bulgakov. Literature and medicine are brought together by the deepest interest in the human personality, since it is an indifferent attitude towards a person that determines a true writer and a true doctor.

Since ancient times, the main commandment of a doctor is “do no harm”. Recall the work of Astafiev "Lyudochka". In one of the episodes, we meet a guy who is dying in a hospital. The boy caught a cold in the cutting area, and a boil appeared on his temple. The inexperienced paramedic scolded him for being treated for nothing, squeamishly crushed the abscess with her fingers, and a day later she accompanied the guy, who had fallen into unconsciousness, to the district hospital. Perhaps, during the examination, the paramedic herself provoked a breakthrough of the abscess, and he began to exert his destructive effect. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "iatrogeny" - the negative impact of a medical worker on a patient, leading to adverse consequences.

For comparison, we cite Bulgakov's story "Towel with a Rooster". A young doctor ended up in a provincial hospital after a medical university. He is worried about the lack of professional experience, but he scolds himself for his fear, because the medical staff of the hospital should not doubt his medical viability. He experiences a real shock when a dying girl with a crushed leg appears on the operating table. He never performed amputations, but there is no one else to help the girl. Despite the fact that human weaknesses are not alien to the hero of the story, all personal experiences recede before the consciousness of medical duty. Because of this, he saves human life.

After analyzing these works, we will identify the qualities that a real doctor should have: dedication, dedication, humanity. It is necessary to be a real professional, to treat work responsibly, otherwise the consequences can be tragic. In any conditions, the main thing for a doctor is to save human life, overcoming fatigue and fear. This is what the great words of the Hippocratic Oath are about.

Ivchenko Karina

The image of a doctor in Russian literature is a little touched upon topic, although a very interesting one. It is no coincidence that I chose her for my work. But I want to consider not just the image of a doctor, but a doctor through the eyes of a doctor. To see the literary world from a special point of view, which is inherent in every profession, and especially observant and scrupulous physicians.

I want to trace if a fictional character is related to the author? What features are characteristic of Chekhov's, Bulgakov's or Versaev's doctors? Do they reflect the true views, attitude to life and profession of the writers themselves? What ideal of a doctor was created by writers-physicians? I will try to get answers to all these questions. In this I will be helped by such Chekhov's works as "The Jumper", "Ionych", "Ward No. 6", Bulgakov's works: "Notes of a Young Doctor", "Morphine", "Heart of a Dog" - and, finally, "Without a Road" and "Doctor's Notes" by Veresaev. In addition to these works, I will need biographies of writers, memoirs of their contemporaries, critical articles on the work of authors.



All-Russian Research Conference of Students

Scientific direction (section):


The image of a doctor in Russian literature

(on the example of the works of Chekhov, Veresaev and Bulgakov)

Ivchenko Karina

MOU secondary school No. 12

G. Vyborg

Project Manager: Anisimova O.N.

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………..-3-

Chapter I Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

1.1 Doctor Chekhov…………………………………………………………………………...-4-

1.2 There is something in it…………………………………………………………………….…-4-

1.3 We grow old, we grow fat, we fall …………………………………………………………-5-

1.4 Life is an annoying trap………………………………………………………...-6-

1.5 The doctor through the eyes of Chekhov…………………………………………………………………..-8-

Chapter III Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev

2.1 It is necessary to work in life as an engineer, doctor, teacher, worker…………….-9-

2.2 Truth, truth, where are you? …………………………………………………………...-9-

2.3 What is this game of blind man's buff for, what is the deception of the society that thinks that we have some kind of "medical science"?……………………………………………………………… …-eleven-

2.4 Veresaevsky type of doctor………………………………………………………………-13-

Chapter II Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov

3.1 Doctor with honors………………………………………………………………….…-15-

3.2 You, doctor, are so youthful……………………………………………………………-15-

3.3 Happiness is like health: when it is there, you don’t notice it……………………..-16-

3.4 Science still does not know how to turn animals into people……………….……..…..…-17-

3.5 How Bulgakov’s doctor is seen……………………………………….……….…..…-19-

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………..………….-21-

Used materials……………………………………………………………….-22-


"The profession of a doctor is a feat. It requires dedication,

purity of spirit and purity of thought.

A. P. Chekhov

A literary hero can be a count or a prince, a worker or a peasant, a botanist or a teacher - all this will not play an important role, but if he is a doctor, then this is another matter. The profession of a doctor is not only meaningful, but also symbolic. A doctor by position is inextricably linked with our entire essence: birth, life, suffering, resurrection, and finally, death itself - the doctor is always there.

The image of a doctor in Russian literature is a little touched upon topic, although a very interesting one. It is no coincidence that I chose her for my work. But I want to consider not just the image of a doctor, but a doctor through the eyes of a doctor. To see the literary world from a special point of view, which is inherent in every profession, and especially observant and scrupulous physicians.

The most famous writer who turned to his profession is Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The first profession is widely reflected in such remarkable writers as Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev and Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. In their works, they told us about the strengths and weaknesses of medicine, showed the medical environment, doctors who used their noble profession for profit, and those who lived among the people, took his needs to heart, gave him their knowledge and strength. On the example of some of their works, where much attention is paid to the hero-doctor, I will try to consider the image of representatives of this profession.

I want to trace whether the fictional character is related to the author, did the creators pass on part of their biography, any qualities to the characters? What features are characteristic of Chekhov's, Bulgakov's or Versaev's doctors? Do they reflect the true views, attitude to life and profession of the writers themselves? What ideal of a doctor was created by writers-physicians? I will try to get answers to all these questions. In this I will be helped by such works by Chekhov as "The Jumper" (Dymov), "Ionych" (Startsev), "Ward No. 6" (Ragin), Bulgakov's works: "Notes of a Young Doctor" and "Morphine" (Bomgard), "Dog heart" (Preobrazhensky) - and, finally, "Without a Road" (Chekanov) and "Notes of a Doctor" by Veresaev. In addition to the works themselves, I will need biographies of writers, memoirs of their contemporaries, critical articles on the work of the authors.

Chapter I Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

"Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my mistress.

When I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov entered the medical faculty of Moscow University in 1879. Why did Chekhov choose medicine? The future writer himself does not remember, but in his brief autobiography, transmitted by G. I. Rossolimo, he writes that he never regretted his choice.

In his student years, Chekhov diligently studied medicine, attended lectures and practical classes with pleasure, successfully passed exams and at the same time worked a lot in humorous magazines. Already in his student years, A.P. Chekhov arranged for himself an "internship" and received patients at the Chikinskaya hospital, located two kilometers from Voskresensk.

In November 1884, Chekhov received a certificate that he was approved by the university council with the rank of district doctor. Soon a plaque with the inscription "Dr. A.P. Chekhov" appeared on the door of his apartment. .

Anton Pavlovich began his practical medical activity in the Chikinsky Zemstvo hospital, which he knew, for some time he was in charge of the Zvenigorod hospital. During the period of his medical activity in Voskresensk and Zvenigorod, and then in Babkin, Anton Pavlovich closely observed the life of the local population - peasants, district intelligentsia, landowners. Acquaintance with new people, interesting stories from the life of patients paved the way for literary activity. The writer drew plots for the stories "The Fugitive", "Surgery", "Dead Body", "Siren", "Daughter of Albion", "Burbot", "Witch". Chekhov's close acquaintance with zemstvo doctors made it possible for Chekhov, the writer, to reflect their life in a number of remarkable works - in the stories Enemies, Trouble, Princess, in the play Uncle Vanya.

In 1890 Chekhov went to Sakhalin Island. On this trip and in his work on the island, the best features of Chekhov - a writer, a doctor, a citizen - were reflected. Since 1892, Chekhov has been living on his estate in Melikhovo, where he establishes a regular reception of patients.

Anton Pavlovich devoted almost his entire life to practical medicine. Even as a famous writer, Chekhov continued to be a medical practitioner.

Did medicine interfere with Chekhov the writer? Both hindered and helped. I interfered because it took precious time and energy from writing. But medicine helped Chekhov, enriched him with a scientific understanding of human psychology and the intimate aspects of his inner world.

Knowledge of medicine had a great influence on Chekhov's work. Many of his works touch upon issues of medicine, he creates a whole gallery of images of doctors.

Chekhov the artist with great depth revealed the psychology of his heroes, their feelings and experiences, with such scientific probability showed the psychopathology of a person that it bordered on the accuracy of a clinical description. However, the image of a sick and healthy psyche was never an end in itself for Chekhov: it gave him material for artistic creativity and great social generalizations, for the merciless exposure of the ugly phenomena of contemporary reality ("Seizure", "Chamber", "Duel", "Black Monk" , play "Ivanov").

1.2 There is something in it

In the story "The Jumper", written by Chekhov in 1891, the husband of the main character is the doctor Osip Stepanovich Dymov. And even though he is not the main character of the work, his image is a bright link in the chain of Chekhov's characters-doctors, and as Olga Ivanovna, the character's wife, noted, "there is something in him."

Each guest who visited the doctor's house "was somehow remarkable and a little known", each "showed brilliant promises", his wife, no less talented artist and singer, was simply sure of this. One Dymov, a poor doctor, despite his bright appearance, "seemed to be a stranger, superfluous and small" in this extraordinary company. He could not keep up a conversation with these people and did not try to do so. Dymov did not understand landscapes and operas, because "all his life he was engaged in natural sciences and medicine", he had no time to be interested in "arts". Dedicated to his work, a real doctor treated patients for a penny, risking his life.

But with his character, traits characteristic of doctors, many of his colleagues liked him, brought his wife "to tenderness and delight." He was simple and good-natured, had common sense, intelligence and nobility. He was a good and loving husband, but Olga Ivanovna did not appreciate this, could not appreciate it, because despite her "talents", she was an empty jumper, looking for originality and fun. "For him, a simple and ordinary person, the happiness that he has already received is enough," thought Olga Ivanovna.

It seemed that the wife's obvious dislike, her reckless behavior and actions, which many knew about, would have angered any spouse long ago, unsettled, strangled with jealousy. But not Dymov. He sat in the office at night, worked, healed. He still "happily looked his wife straight in the eye", smiling guiltily, remaining devoted and caring. That's where the patience and endurance of the doctor showed up.

"A silent, resigned, incomprehensible creature, impersonal by its meekness, spineless, weak from excessive kindness" - this is one side of Dymov, obvious to all his wife's acquaintances, in whose company he was some kind of old thorn that has already taken root, but still remained foreign. For colleagues, especially for a friend of Korostelev, he was a loss for science, "a great, extraordinary person", a talent, "a kind, pure, loving soul", a young scientist who did not spare himself.

1.3 Getting old, getting fat, falling down

“It is necessary to describe a life that is even, smooth, as it really is,” Chekhov thought, so his plots are a story from the life of an ordinary person, whose fate the writer gazed at. The story "Ionych" plunges readers into the everyday life of the city of S., the Turkin family and the protagonist of the work - Dr. Dmitry Startsev .

The first impression when meeting with the doctor is very pleasant. And it is unmistakable. At the beginning of the story, Dmitry Ionych is "an extraordinary, amazing doctor", a wonderful person who loves to live and work. His industriousness also attracts: Dmitry Ionych always "had a lot of work in the hospital, and he could not choose a free hour"; and his habit of walking, walking in the garden. Everything was interesting for him, new, pleasant, he "could talk about literature, about art, about anything." And most importantly, in my opinion, the hero could think, evaluate what was happening, dream. All this was…

Once he had a free minute, and "he decided to go to the Turkins, to see what kind of people they were." The Turkins are the "most educated and talented" family in town. The head of the family - Ivan Petrovich - "all the time spoke in his unusual language, worked out by long exercises in wit and, obviously, had long become his habit"; his wife Vera Iosifovna "wrote stories and novels and willingly read them aloud", "read about what never happens in life"; and their daughter "Ekaterina Ivanovna sat down and struck the keys with both hands." And it was the most talented family! Not surprisingly, the rest of the city's residents considered it their duty to visit this intelligent family, where "art" is combined with the clatter of knives on the table and the smell of fried onions. You can imagine what the rest of society was like without talent!

It is surprising that Startsev, who was clearly different from the narrow-minded, jaded guests, also liked the "talented" family. "Great! excellent!" - the guests exclaim when Kotik finishes rattling the piano, roughly imitating music. “Great!” Startsev will also say, succumbing to the general enthusiasm. “Where did you study music? .. At the conservatory?” Alas, for Startsev, everything that happens in the Turkins' house seems like "fun", "cordial simplicity", "culture". "Not bad," he remembered, falling asleep, and laughed.

Is it possible that Startsev will become the same? Artificial, similarity to a spiritually developed person? The hope for the salvation of the soul, the lifeline in the sea of ​​philistinism seems to be the hero's falling in love. If he can still feel something sublime, then all is not lost. But, unfortunately, Startsev's love is just an imitation. Either he is visited by prudent thoughts: “And they must give a lot of dowry”, then someone direct, honest, but hard and sharp inside him does not allow him to “break away” from the ground: “Stop before it’s too late! Is she to you? She is spoiled, capricious, sleeps until two o'clock..." - "Well, well. - "... her relatives will force you to quit the Zemstvo service..." - "... They will give you a dowry, we will set things up."

There is neither real art nor sincere love in the story. Receiving a refusal from Kotik, the young doctor says with a sigh: "How much trouble, however!"

From that moment on, a complete necrosis of the soul occurs, Startsev drowns in the swamp of everyday life. Four years later, he still retains his individuality, the features of a real person. “Startsev already had a big practice in the city. Every morning he hastily received patients in his Dyalizh, then he left for the city patients, he left not on a pair, but on a troika with bells and returned home late at night” - these are the features of a real doctor. Everyone seems stupid to him, but he still continues to go to the evenings, not getting close to anyone and not communicating. Startsev's only hobby - "in the evenings, taking out pieces of paper obtained by practice" from his pockets - repels readers, crosses out the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdisinterested service to medicine.

The meeting of the already middle-aged doctor and Ekaterina Ivanovna looks very interesting. There was some rethinking of the life of the heroine, she realized that she was not so talented, and she saw the real activity of a zemstvo doctor as noble: "What a happiness it is to be a zemstvo doctor, to help the sufferers, to serve the people." Almost Ionych is sharply opposed to her, in whose soul a “light lit up”, and then went out. "How are we doing here? No way. We are getting old, we are getting fat, we are sinking. Day and night - a day goes by, life passes dully, without impressions, without thoughts."

A few more years passed. “Startsev has become even more stout, obese, breathes heavily and is already walking with his head thrown back.” It is no coincidence that the inhabitants of the city, through the lips of Chekhov, call him Ionych, "a pagan god." "He has a lot of trouble, but still he does not leave the Zemstvo place; greed has overcome, I want to keep up here and there."

Formerly interesting, inspired by life, cheerful young Dmitry Startsev turned into a sharp, irritable, impatient Ionych, who lives "boringly, nothing interests him." And already kind, soft and simple Turkins do not seem so terrible against his background.

1.4 Life is an annoying trap

“There is a small outbuilding in the hospital yard, surrounded by a whole forest of thistles, nettles and wild hemp ...” - this is how Chekhov opens the new world of old Russia to us, gradually immersing us in the life of ward No. 6.

The story "Ward No. 6" introduces us to mentally ill people, with their "way of existence" in the Zemstvo hospital. "First from the door, a tall, thin tradesman", followed by the Jew Moiseika, the only one who is allowed to leave the outbuilding, a paralytic, "an immobile, gluttonous and unclean animal" and "Ivan Dmitrich Gromov, a man of about thirty-three, from the noble, a former bailiff and provincial secretary, suffers from persecution mania." Slowly and monotonously, days and years dragged on here, surrounded by medical indifference and tyranny on the part of the "naive, positive and stupid" watchman Nikita.

Somehow "a rumor was spread that ward No. 6 was allegedly visited by a doctor<…>Andrey Efimych Ragin is a wonderful person in his own way. "From the very beginning of the story, this hero seems foreign in the medical environment. Firstly, this is his appearance: the rough appearance of an innkeeper and an old worn frock coat. Secondly, Andrei Efimych is a doctor not calling, and by the will of his father, he himself dreamed of becoming a priest.Even the fact that he could not determine his fate of his own free will speaks of his indecision, some indifference to himself.Thirdly, his disappointment in medicine.If in at first, Ragin worked hard, operated, received crowds of patients, then everything “got bored with him with its monotony and obvious uselessness.” Fourth, which is rather decisive, indifference to patients. sickness and physical impurity;<…>Nikita beats the sick and that Moiseyka walks around the city every day and collects alms, "but remained not only indifferent to everything that was happening, but even justified himself. He simply lacks the character and faith to change everything, anyway people die sooner or later, all this "impurity" will disappear by itself, time is to blame for everything, now if he was born at a different moment ...

His whole miserable life would have dragged on gray and monotonous, and he would have died one day over a mug of beer, only a meeting with Gromov interrupted Ragin's sleep, made him plunge into reality for several days. On one of the spring evenings, Andrey Yefimitch, passing by ward No. 6, heard: "... Gentlemen, congratulations, the doctor honors us with his visit! Damned reptile!" This was said by Ivan Gromov, the only person in the ward who retained his mind, who wanted to get out to freedom. His further reflections interested the doctor, reasoning about life became a "spoon of honey" for Ragin.

Gromov sharply contrasts Ragin with his active life position, correct understanding of reality, and thirst for life. They talk about the future, and about modern society, and about human suffering. These "hospital" conversations increasingly incline the reader to the side of the "madman" rather than the doctor. What is the true characterization of Ragin made by Gromov: "In your entire life, no one has touched you with a finger<…>you are a lazy, loose person and therefore tried to arrange your life in such a way that nothing bothered you and did not move you<…>In a word, you have not seen life, you do not know it at all, but you are only theoretically familiar with reality.<…>A convenient philosophy: there is nothing to do, and the conscience is clear, and you feel like a sage."

The result of philosophizing with the patient was the conclusion of Ragin in the ward number 6. What happened? Has the doctor gone mad? No, he simply opened his eyes for a moment to everything that was happening, and conversations with a patient, which would seem completely natural to real doctors, were a sign of ill health. The hero of the work dies at the hands of Nikita. But is it worth blaming anyone for the death of Andrei Yefimitch, except for himself? He himself "dug" this hole with his indifference, with his passivity, helpless reflections on life, which he did not understand. "I was indifferent, I reasoned cheerfully and sensibly, but as soon as life touched me rudely, I lost heart<…>How could it be that for more than twenty years he did not know and did not want to know this? He did not know, had no idea about pain, which means he was not to blame, but his conscience, as intractable and rude as Nikita, made him go cold from the back of his head to his toes.

Chekhov, with great realistic skill, painted pictures of the life of the town, the hospital, and ward No. 6. Knowledge of medicine, and primarily psychiatry, helped the writer to depict in detail the mental world of a person. The story attracts with its truthfulness, naturalness, emotionality. Anton Pavlovich pointed out the vices of society and their unresolved nature. But the hope that "better times will come" and "truth will triumph" remains. "God help you, friends!".

1.5 The doctor through the eyes of Chekhov

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov created a whole gallery of doctors, of course, that his own knowledge and love for the profession helped him in this. There are also many patients whose diseases are described by a prose writer with just a few strokes, without scientific terminology.

Chekhov's doctors are most often simple, kind, even gentle people. They do not differ in talents in everyday life, they rather remain in the shadows than they are the center of the company. Their life goes smoothly, without any adventures, funny stories, troubles. They are not tightly entangled in family ties: their love either passed by, turning its back; or the hero still managed to get married, but married life does not bring him happiness.

But if the personal life of the heroes-doctors is unsuccessful, then in their professional activities they achieve some success, although this is only in their youth. While doctors begin their practice, they are full of enthusiasm, energy, they like their work, they are sure that they are needed by society. But already in adulthood, love for the profession passes, and there is no longer such a pace, diligence in work. And the attitude towards patients is already cold, growing into indifference, which is perhaps the most terrible thing for a doctor who saves lives. Only the "chosen ones", such as Dr. Dymov, can continue to work despite external pressure. And not just to work, but to work at night, disinterestedly, patiently, with interest. Perhaps it was these characters that were close to Chekhov, who did not spare himself, treated the poor, did charity work and was an active figure.

However, Chekhov's doctors do not follow the path of the writer, they do not have prototypes. Anton Pavlovich uses knowledge of human psychopathology, many years of analysis of people who have lost their mental balance. That is why the inner world of doctors and patients is depicted with exceptional realism, and his heroes die first internally, and only then from illness or physical violence.

The language of Chekhov's works is accessible, understandable, but at the same time beautiful and is the result of a deep life experience. Here is Maxim Gorky's opinion about Chekhov's style: “... the only artist of our time who has mastered the art of writing to the highest degree so that words are cramped and thoughts spacious. He doesn’t say anything new, but what he says comes out amazingly convincing and simple, terribly simple and clear, irrefutably true…”.

Natural science thinking and literary talent organically combined in the writer, which allowed him to better understand human psychology and correctly depict the spiritual world of his characters. Medicine for Chekhov is the focus of truth, and the truth about the most essential, about life and death, the ability to create life.

Chapter II Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev

"My dream was to become a writer;

and for this it seemed necessary

Knowledge of the biological side of man.

2.1 You need to work in life - an engineer, a doctor, a teacher, a worker

A contemporary of Chekhov, the writer Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev, in 1888, already a candidate of historical sciences, entered the Medical Faculty of Dorpat University. Here, in Dorpat, far from the revolutionary centers, the future writer spent six years doing science and literary work. In his "Memoirs" Veresaev explains the desire to study medicine with the desire to become a writer, and the writer, in his opinion, should know a person well, both in a healthy state and during an illness.

Veresaev once said: “Writing is a difficult and confusing business. A writer should not observe life, but live in life, observing it not from the outside, but from the inside.”<…>An aspiring writer, if he respects his talent and cherishes it, should not "live" on literature<…>You need to work in life - an engineer, a doctor, a teacher, a worker.

Okay, so when do you write? - you ask.
- When? After work. On rest days. In a month of vacation, I will answer.
How much will you write then?
- And it's good that a little. Everything that is written then will be complete, it is necessary ..."

Gitovich N.I. Chronicle of the life and work of A.P. Chekhov. M., 1955.

Gromov M.P. Book about Chekhov. M., 1989.

Anikin A. The image of a doctor in Russian classics

Owls. Encyclopedia, 1989 - a series of biographical dictionaries.

Fokht - Babushkin Yu. On the work of V. V. Veresaev // Introductory article.

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The image of a doctor is not the most popular topic in Russian literary criticism. And although literary critics and culturologists have repeatedly noted the presence of great potential in the study of this issue, nevertheless, in general, the images of doctors in Russian literature are spoken of as “of great importance” without explaining this wording.

We can agree that the image of a doctor is most often one of the most interesting, deep and important, not only because the indicated period of time is rich in works that can serve as examples of the connection between medicine and literature. In 1924, M. Gorky spoke very sarcastically about Russian literature: “Russian literature is the most pessimistic literature in Europe; all our books are written on the same subject: how we suffer.” Thus, it can be said that images of doctors and their relationships with patients, as a rule, are only part of the overall picture of the "total disease of society."

The image of a doctor penetrates into traditional romantic works along with their inherent aesthetics of life as suffering, decline, destruction, torment, which ends only with death. The writers of the Romantic era do not skimp on physiological details to emphasize the break with the tradition of sentimentalism. A peculiar motif of love for death and thirst for death appears. Death is perceived as a cure for all worldly sorrows and diseases. The aesthetics of romanticism include the composition of epitaphs, attendance at funerals, in cemeteries, looking at dead bodies, etc. The motif of hope for a “otherworldly recovery” arises.

In this regard, the image of Dr. Werner from the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", which is partly romantic and partly a realistic hero, is of particular interest. On the one hand, "he is a skeptic and a materialist, like almost all doctors," and on the other hand, "the irregularities of his skull would strike any phrenologist with a strange interweaving of opposite inclinations." In this character, it is equally easy to detect both demonic features and his extraordinary humanity and even naivety. For example, Werner was well versed in people, in the properties of their character, but “never knew how to use his knowledge”, “mocked his patients”, but “wept over a dying soldier”. doctor of literary criticism Lermontov Turgenev

In the era of great discoveries in medicine, medical ethics received much less attention. The physicians of this period are most often portrayed in literature as nihilists or materialists disillusioned with human nature. If in the literature of the second half of the 19th century there is a positive image of a doctor, then, according to E. S. Neklyudova, he, as a rule, is eccentric, lonely and unhappy in family life. Dealing with the human body by the nature of his profession, he does not understand the human soul. Helping people to live, he, nevertheless, is deeply disappointed in life. So, in Russian literature, the image of a doctor appears, responsible not only for human health, but also for the meaning of his existence. For example, Dr. Krupov from the story of the same name by A. I. Herzen, who began his career as a doctor, driven by the desire to help people. He believed that the human being is rational and in the likeness of God, but, however, moving from theory to practice, he found that disease and pathology are also part of human nature. By the nature of his profession, dealing mainly with diseases, Krupov comes to the conclusion that the course of history is ruled not by reason, but by madness, that human consciousness is sick, that there is no healthy human brain, just as there is no “pure mathematical pendulum” in nature. . In the novel "Who is to blame?" Krupov already “does not so much heal as reflects on everyday life and arranges the fate of Krucifersky, Beltov and others.” In general, in the whole novel, in contrast to the story "Doctor Krupov", the emphasis is on the social nature of the disease. A. I. Herzen speaks, rather, about the "disease of society", therefore here the profession of Krupov acquires a symbolic meaning.

Another well-known image of a doctor in the second half of the 19th century. - the image of a medical student Bazarov from the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Bazarov's belonging to doctors does not have such a deeply symbolic meaning as that of Herzen. It should be noted that Bazarov’s profession throughout the novel remains, as it were, on the periphery, his confidence in his own knowledge of life and people comes to the fore, in fact, his complete inability to resolve even his own worldly and worldview contradictions, he knows and understands poorly even in himself, which is why many of his thoughts, feelings, and actions turn out to be so unexpected for him. However, the theme of the connection between diseases and the structure of society is not bypassed in this work. Prone to simplifications, Bazarov says: “Moral illnesses ... from the ugly state of society. Fix society and there will be no disease.” Many of Bazarov's statements sound bold enough, but these are more hints at actions than the activity itself.

In The Death of Ivan Ilyich, L. N. Tolstoy demonstrates how great is the gulf between the patient and the doctor, who understands the disease in a purely materialistic way. “For Ivan Ilyich, only one question was important: is his position dangerous or not? But the doctor ignored him. From the doctor's point of view, this question is idle and not subject to discussion; only the weighing of the probabilities is essential - a wandering kidney, a chronic catarrh, and a disease of the caecum. There was no question about the life of Ivan Ilyich, but there was a dispute between a wandering kidney and a caecum ... ".

The connection between literature and medicine, perhaps, has never manifested itself as fully and diversely as in the work of A.P. Chekhov, on the one hand, absorbing the experience of previous generations, on the other hand, giving it new depth and authenticity. In the story "Ward No. 6", doctor Andrey Efimovich Ragin is broken precisely by the uselessness of medicine in the face of death, the inability of medicine to give people eternal life, which turns all the doctor's efforts into a "tragic delusion", delaying the inevitable. In one of Chekhov's most famous works about a doctor, the story "Ionych", the protagonist is not so much mired in the little things of life as he refuses to understand the meaning of being, if death "puts a limit to life", if "there is nothing in the world but corporality". After realizing the instability of everything beautiful and spiritual, this character begins to lead an earthly, bodily life, gradually acquiring money and real estate. Now he is only interested in the most mundane things. The reason for this is precisely the disappointment in the former values ​​and ideals, the realization of one's own impotence.

Summing up, we can say that in Russian literature the image of a doctor has traveled a long and interesting path from a charlatan to a romantic hero, from a romantic hero to a mundane materialist, and from a materialist to a bearer of morality, a hero who knows the truth, knows everything about life and death, and is responsible for others in the broadest sense.


1 “The image of a doctor in fiction” Literature review Compiled by: Serpukhova V.M. Ozerkina O.V. NB KhNMU 2013

2 The proposed review "The Image of a Doctor in Fiction" is intended for undergraduate medical students. Its task is to familiarize future doctors with the most interesting works that reveal the profession of a doctor and are available in the Scientific Library of KhNMU. Since ancient times, both domestic and foreign writers and not only writers have addressed the medical topic. The doctors themselves repeatedly took up the pen in order to “transmit their pains, experiences, hopes, joys, humor from the first mouth ...”, since daily practice gave them huge material, both for scientific and artistic comprehension. In this regard, I would like to quote the words of the famous French writer Andre Maurois: “Both of them, the doctor and the writer, are passionately interested in people, both of them are trying to unravel what is obscured by a deceptive appearance. Both forget about themselves and their own lives, peering into the lives of others. There are a lot of works of art in the library of our university that reveal the topic of today's literature review. I would like only to pay attention to a small part of the works that deserve special attention. The first section of our review is called "Knights of Pen and Mercy." It is dedicated to works of art created by professional doctors. The noticeable activity of doctors in the literature did not begin today, and not yesterday. If we leaf through the history of world literature, we will meet the first professional doctor in ancient Greek literature. Of the three great Athenian playwrights, except for Aeschylus and

3 Euripides, was Sophocles. According to legend, he was a direct descendant of Asclepius, the god of healing, and also a priest of the temple in honor of Asclepius in Athens. Interestingly, in the excavations of this temple, excerpts from the works of Sophocles were found (he wrote 123 dramatic and poetic works in his entire life). I bring to your attention the book of Sophocles "Dramas" (Moscow, 1990). When we talk about medicine in the Middle Ages, we first of all remember the outstanding physician and poet Abu Ali Ibn-Sin (Avicenna), whose poems and poems are classics in the Arabic-speaking world. He, possessing encyclopedic knowledge in various sciences of that time, turned to all young people who embarked on the path of serving their profession: "Improve your soul with the sciences in order to move forward." There are no works by Avicenna in our library, but there are books about him: the author Boris Petrov "Ibn Sina (Avicenna)", published in Moscow in 1980 and timed to coincide with the millennium anniversary of the birth of the great scientist, as well as "The Tale of Avicenna", written Vera Smirnova-Rakitina (Moscow, 1955). Now I want to come closer to our time and talk about the famous English writer Arthur Conan Doyle. He said about his creative destiny: "After studying medicine, where I received my master's degree in Edinburgh, I have come a long way in literature." It is worth remembering his Notes on Sherlock Holmes. Did the writer portray himself in the image of Dr. Watson? The hero, as well as the author of the notes, was a military doctor and participated in military campaigns. Here he acts as a chronicler of the life and work of the protagonist and advises the detective on medical issues during the investigation of crimes, and also provides medical assistance to all who need it. Doctor Watson is sympathetic to readers not only for his devotion to Holmes, but also for his reliability and decency.

4 One of the famous Russian medical writers of the second half of the 19th century, who reflected the profession of a doctor in his literary work, was A.P. Chekhov. Thanks to his own experience as a county doctor, for the first time in Russian literature, he fully revealed the image of a physician, his asceticism, his tragedy, etc. His works will tell you about this: "The Jumper", "Ward 6" (complete works, volume 8), "Trouble", "Surgery" (pol. collected works, volume 3), "Ionych" (Chekhov "Selected ") etc. I want to dwell on the story "Ionych", in which the author told the story of a young doctor who came to work in the province, and after years turned into a layman living lonely and boring. He hardened and became indifferent to his patients. The image of Ionych is a warning to all young doctors embarking on the path of serving people: do not become indifferent, do not harden, do not stop in their professional development, faithfully and disinterestedly serve people. About his first and main profession, Chekhov wrote: "Medicine is as simple and as difficult as life." The profession of a doctor is widely reflected in such remarkable Russian writers as Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev and Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. If Chekhov first chose the profession of a doctor, and then became a writer, then Veresaev immediately took up literature, and then came to medicine, without stopping writing. His "Doctor's Notes" became truly famous, interest in which has not dried up to this day. The work is devoted to the complex moral, social and professional problems that arise before a young doctor. The story begins with the freshman's memories and ends with the doctor's mature judgments. An illustration to what has been said can be the words of the writer himself: “I will write about what I experienced when getting acquainted with medicine, what I expected from her, and what she gave me.”

5 The literary career of the outstanding Russian writer of the 20th century, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, began in 1919, when he gave up his position as a zemstvo doctor and devoted himself entirely to creativity. However, it was thanks to the experience gained in front-line hospitals, and then in a rural hospital, that Bulgakov the writer was formed, with his special sense of humor and a special look at the emerging Soviet reality. The collection of short stories "Notes of a Young Doctor" became a kind of transition for Bulgakov from medicine to literature. Also included in the collection is the well-known story "Morphine", in which Bulgakov with cruel frankness described all the torments of a young doctor addicted to a harmful drug and adjoining the "medical" cycle of works by M. Bulgakov, the story "The Extraordinary Adventures of the Doctor". All works are largely autobiographical in nature. There is no doubt that the amount of medical knowledge received by the writer at Kiev University affected the appearance of such works as Fatal Eggs, Heart of a Dog, Master and Margarita. The famous English writer Somerset Maugham, a doctor by profession, devoted his whole life to literary creativity. The profession of a doctor helped him to better understand the nature of man and his actions, as evidenced by his words: "I do not know a better school for a writer than the work of a doctor." The influence of medical knowledge can be traced in many of his works, but I would like to list his books in which we can meet the hero-doctor: The Burden of Human Passions, The Moon and the Gross, The Razor's Edge. Our library also contains a collection of short stories by Maugham and the two novels listed above, in addition to The Burden of Human Passions. Next, I would like to dwell on the works of authors who have reached considerable heights in the field of medicine and at the same time

6 engaged in literary creativity, widely reflecting the profession of a doctor in it. They are also united by another circumstance: they all went through the Great Patriotic War, fulfilling their professional duty. And this, of course, first of all, is the famous Ukrainian cardiac surgeon, medical scientist, and also a writer, Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov. Having experienced all the hardships of the profession of a military surgeon, the author tells about his experiences in the book “PPG-2266” (“Notes of a Military Surgeon”), which he led throughout the Great Patriotic War during a lull at the front. You can find this book in our library collection. A talented surgeon and a famous writer, Fedor Uglov, who knew firsthand about the war, worked all the time of the blockade of Leningrad as the head of the surgical department of one of the city's hospitals, a pioneer of cardiac surgery in the USSR, wrote, in addition to scientific, a number of works of art: "Man among people" (1982) , “Are We Living Our Age” (1983), “Under the White Mantle” (1984), etc. Our library has his autobiographical story “The Surgeon's Heart”, published in Leningrad. This is a real diary of a surgeon, in which everything is true - from the first to the last word. Fascinating description of operations, complex cases, mysterious diagnoses. It is impossible to break away from the stories from the practice of the famous surgeon. The descriptions of operations during the bombing and shelling in besieged Leningrad are especially striking: “Once, in the midst of an operation, an air raid signal sounded. But how can you move away from such a wounded man! And we continued to work ... ". The book has received worldwide recognition and has been translated into many languages. The words of the famous doctor are filled with sincere admiration when he writes about the power of the artistic word: “And how many times ... I was convinced of the great ennobling power of literature: even the most seemingly callous, hardened hearts surrender to true poetry!”.

8 "Notes from the Future", "PPG-2266", "The Book of Happiness and Unhappiness" and "Voices of Times". The next famous doctor-writer, Pavel Beilin, embodies his love for life, his desires and willingness to protect human life, dignity, health in his book “Talk to me, doctor”, which was published in 1980 in Kiev. The main theme that unites all the works of this book is the relationship between the attending physician and patients. One of the decisive factors of the medical profession, according to the author, remains humanity, which determines the authority of the physician and medicine in society. In the last section, “My Teachers” (“Strokes to Portraits”), the author talks with great love about his mentors, doctors: Alexei Krymov, Alexander Pkhakadze, Mikhail Kolomiychenko. In 1981, the first book by pediatrician Sergei Ivanov, “I treat children” (A story in the form of notes of a young student, and then a doctor), was published in Moscow. At the time of writing this story, the author had already gained some experience in working with young patients: after graduating from the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute, he worked for three years in the Western Urals in a small district hospital, was a doctor in an orphanage. At the same time he was a freelance correspondent for a number of district and regional newspapers. The author of the book appears before us as a sincere person, writing truthfully, in love with his profession. And for honesty, especially for compassion for children, you believe the author, you even catch yourself thinking about who to take your children to when, God forbid, they get sick. About the first meeting with his patients, the author writes: “We were taught to heal a child, to understand him, we were left to learn on our own. And he, sick, torn from his mother, confused and frightened, was waiting for understanding and only then treatment. Today Sergey Ivanov is the author of many publications in various media, as well as books on the work of a pediatrician, a new approach to herbal treatment and science fiction books.

9 In the 50s of the last century, the famous Austrian publicist and public figure, a military doctor by training, Hugo Glaser, wrote the popular science book "Dramatic Medicine". It is dedicated to doctors who conducted medical experiments on themselves. Various areas of medical science are considered, in each of which, at a certain stage, it was required to test new methods associated with a risk to health and life. "Medicine is made up of science and art, and above them lies a veil of heroism," the author states in his book. If we talk about doctors-writers, our contemporaries, one cannot fail to mention the name of Vladimir Andreevich Bersenev, a neuropathologist of the highest category, founder and head of the Institute for Pain Problems, a member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine. In the documentary story "Keep my composure", published in the magazine "Rainbow" for 2004 at 9 and 10, the author talks about his patients, among whom there were many famous people and reflects on medical duty and professionalism: "I am convinced that professionalism without discipline is impossible. Otherwise, you will never be in the right place at the right time. Start with discipline, you can't become a professional without it. Our contemporary, Yevgeny Chernyakhovsky, a therapist, a resident of Kiev, in his spare time writes stories, humorous miniatures. They can be read in the magazines: "Fountain" (Odessa), "Around Laughter" (St. Petersburg), "Rainbow" (Kyiv). In addition, he is the author of a book of ironic prose, Notes of an Elderly Doctor, which is not in our fund. We can offer you the story “Happiness has come”, published in the magazine “Rainbow” (2012, 11-12), in which the author talks with humor about a negligent medical student, his classmate. Modern fiction about doctors is most often of an entertaining nature, without delving into the analysis of the reasons for the actions of the characters. This is fiction, intended mainly for leisure.

10 Tatyana Solomatina, our contemporary, a medical doctor by training. In 2007, her first book Obstetrician Ha was published, which, like all subsequent ones, is devoted to medical topics. The collection of her works "Sick Heart" (Moscow, 2010) includes three works in which the author speaks with feminine frankness about medical cynicism as a form of self-defense of a doctor in the world of human suffering. The next doctor-writer, Andrei Shlyakhov, worked for more than 10 years in an ambulance, in the cardiology department. He has been writing since 2009. He writes a lot about doctors. In 2012, his book “Doctor Danilov in the Maternity Hospital, or Men Have No Place Here” was published in Moscow. The book includes funny and dramatic stories from the life of an ordinary Moscow maternity hospital. The book "Notes of a psychiatrist, or all haloperidol at the expense of the institution", (Moscow, 2012). Its author, Maxim Malyavin, has been in psychiatry for over a decade and a half. The author himself calls his literary works tales. Together with his wife, also a psychiatrist, they run the popular "Blog of Good Psychiatrists", in which they warn their readers: "Attempts to find in the stories below signs of a violation of medical confidentiality, ethics, and patients' rights are as fruitless as they are dangerous for a fragile psyche ". Possessing an excellent sense of humor, through laughter and tears, Maxim Malyavin vividly and aptly describes the everyday life of a modern psychiatric hospital. The best thing about the author's books is their titles: “New Notes of a Psychiatrist, or Barbukhayk, Out!”, “Psychiatry for the People! Doctor - cognac. A modern foreign novel on medical topics is presented in our review by two authors. Our contemporary, Noah Gordon, an American writer, the grandson of an emigrant from Tsarist Russia, being a professional physician, preferred journalism to medicine. At the same time, he retained his love for medicine and deep respect for physicians for the rest of his life. All novels of the writer, both historical and related to

11 modernity, tells exclusively about doctors. I would like to draw your attention to his trilogy, which includes the books "Healer", "Shaman" and "Doctor Cole", united by a common theme: the biography of a family of Cole doctors (Kharkov, 2012). Modern English writer Ken McClure, author of a cycle of medical thrillers about the investigations of Dr. Stephen Donbar, an investigator for especially important cases of a secret agency. The book "Donor" (Moscow, 2011) reveals the burning topic of illegal trade in children's organs. The next section of our review is called "Writers about doctors", which presents the works of authors who do not have a medical education, but the heroes of their books are doctors. European writers turned to medical topics 300 years ago. Jean-Baptiste Moliere is an outstanding French playwright of the Renaissance, a true humanist, comedian. Thirty-three plays written by Molière have survived to this day. The image of a doctor is reflected in two of them: “Imaginary Sick” and “Healer involuntarily”, in which the negative features of medicine of that era are ridiculed in a grotesque form: quackery, extortion and professional ignorance of doctors and pharmacists. Moliere expressed his attitude to medicine and doctors in the words of one of his heroes: “I do not ridicule doctors, but show the funny side of medicine.” You can read the above plays in Molière's Comedies (Moscow, 1953). Another well-known French writer of the 19th century, Gustave Flaubert, also addressed the image of the doctor in his works. Being himself the son of a surgeon, he decided to devote himself to literature. His novel Madame Bovary is world famous. The author reveals the image of the village doctor Charles Bovary, who, despite his background, plays an important role in the work. It interests the author both in itself and how

12 part of the environment in which the main character exists. Despite his kindness and diligence, he is not a master of his craft, professionally showing superficiality and inertia. A characteristic case is the straightening of the deviated foot, described in detail by the author, when, due to the mediocrity and ignorance of the hero, the patient lost his leg. The author previously studied the special literature on surgery. Dr. Bovary is contrasted with the highly educated and experienced Dr. Kaniva, through whom the author expressed his attitude to the profession of a doctor: “... Medicine is a high vocation ... No matter how many different konovals desecrate the art of healing, it cannot be viewed otherwise than as a sacred ceremony.” The rapid growth of medical discoveries, which marked the 20th century, was reflected in fiction, in particular, Soviet. Veniamin Kaverin in his novel "The Open Book" writes about the talented microbiologist Tatyana Vlasenkova. The heroine went through a difficult but courageous path to a scientific discovery that had a profound impact on the development of medical science in the first half of the 20th century. This novel was included in Kaverin's book "Favorites", published in Moscow in 1999. The life, work and contribution to medicine in particular, and to science in general, of the famous German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen is described in the fiction-documentary novel by Vruyr Penesyan “Wonderful Rays” (Yerevan, 1974). The author chronologically traces the formation of the great experimenter, who defended his doctoral dissertation at the age of 24, the man to whom we owe the existence of the science of radiology, without which modern medicine is indispensable. Information about Wilhelm Roentgen is very scarce: the scientist's archive was burned according to his will. The author has studied and

13 used all available sources: fragmentary memoirs scattered in articles, employees and scientists who worked with Roentgen. Many writers addressed the topic of the image of a doctor during the Great Patriotic War. In 1985, a novel by a Russian Soviet writer living in Ukraine, Grigory Tereshchenko, “Medsanbat” was published in Kiev about the selfless, often associated with mortal risk, work of our doctors, nurses, nurses, who saved lives and returned Soviet soldiers to service during the Great Patriotic War. war. The novel contains such words about the heroism of military doctors: “Not all medical battalion workers could afford to sleep even for two hours. It was especially difficult for surgeons... Yes, surgeons did wonders at the front. How many they returned to the ranks of the wounded soldiers! When writing the novel, the author used his personal experiences of a participant in the Great Patriotic War. The influence of the post-war period on the fate of doctors and their loved ones is reflected in the novel by Lyudmila Ulitskaya "Kukotsky's Case", published in 2001 in Russia. The book received the same year the Russian Booker Prize, and in 2006 the prestigious Italian Prize. The protagonist of the novel is a hereditary, born physician. Pavel Alekseevich Kukotsky treated patients, was engaged in science and even wrote projects on the organization of healthcare. He and his family were at the center of controversial events that took place in the history of Soviet medicine: banned abortions, a campaign against genetics. All this most tragically affected the life of the protagonist and his loved ones. And the last book of our review is the publication of the teachers of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of our University Yakovtsova Antonina Fedorovna, Sorokina Irina Viktorovna and Golyeva Natalya Vladimirovna "Medicine and Art", published in 2008 in Kharkov.

14 The authors of the book see a close relationship between the science of medicine and the wonderful world of art: literature, music and dance, painting and cinema. Several chapters of the book are devoted to the theme of doctors in literature: the work of Chekhov, Veresaev, Bulgakov, Amosov, and others. The book contains many quotes from prominent people. Our Ukrainian surgeon and clergyman, author of numerous theological works, Valentin Feliksovich Voyno-Yasenetsky (Luka Krymsky) once spoke about the connection between medicine and art, in particular painting: “The ability to draw very subtly and my love for form turned into a love for anatomy and fine art work during anatomical preparation and operations ... From a failed artist, I became an artist in anatomy and surgery. Finally, I will cite a few statements of prominent people from different eras about medicine and doctors: “A teacher and a doctor are two occupations for which love for people is an obligatory quality.” Nikolai Amosov "Learning to be a doctor means learning to be a person." "Medicine for a true doctor is more than a profession, it is a way of life." Alexander Bilibin "The vocation of a doctor is the will to learn from life and continuously improve." Ippolit Davydovsky

15 "Medicine is made up of science and art, and above them stretches the veil of heroism." Hugo Glaser And I want to complete today's review with the words of Hippocrates: "Medicine is truly the most noble of all arts." "Love for the art of medicine is love for humanity." Thank you for your attention!

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Anniversary writers of January 2019 January 1 - 100 years since the birth of the writer D. Granin (German) (1919 2017) Soviet and Russian writer, screenwriter, public figure. Member of the Great Patriotic

Borisova N.V. Constellation of writers of Kuban: method. allowance / N.V.Borisova. Thirty Kuban writers: bibliographic index / comp. N.V.Borisova, L.A.Tolstykh, T.I.Shikhova. Krasnodar: Tradition, 2014.

An essay on the theme of the affirmation of eternal values ​​in the novel Quiet Don The theme of war and the development of historical events as a reflection of the life of the state is inevitable Eternal and real in the story of IA Bunin Mr.

"Young artists of the Rzhev region" Speaker: Teacher of the art department of the MOU DOD DSHI of the Rzhev region, Matveeva Maria Aleksandrovna 2015 The role of family values ​​in the context of history

Essay on the topic of a meeting with a literary hero

Speech clichés in the Russian language for the composition of the exam. Cliche for writing the exam. Cliches that can be used to write an essay on the exam in the Russian language. Elements of an essay For an introduction Language tools

Modern poetry and prose of the Nightingale region: [prose works and poems / rare.: Yu. Pershin, V. Davydkov, V. Korneev, M. Eskov; ch. ed.: Boris Ageev].-Kursk: Slavyanka, 2014.-256s.: ill.

The dead do not hurt / Bykov V.V. M. OLMA Media group, 2015. 256 p. This story is one of the most striking works of the author. It is in this book that the “meat grinder of war” that our fathers went through

I came into the world to disagree with the 150th anniversary of M. Gorky People's magazine Writer and journalist Pavel Basinsky, author of the bestseller "Leo Tolstoy: Escape from Paradise", based on strictly documentary material,

The problem of faith as a manifestation of a person's moral stamina essay The problem of a person's moral choice in an extreme life situation. The problem of the manifestation of rudeness of people towards each other

“All his life he remembered this battlefield” - 100 years since the birth of the Russian poet, writer Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov (1915-1979) Unnecessary memories Will come when they are not called, Like extra reprints

Composition in what the beloved heroes of Tolstoy see the meaning of life Searching for the meaning of life by the main characters of the novel War and Peace. My favorite character in the novel War and Peace * For the first time Tolstoy introduces us to Andrei Read an essay

MBUK "CBS of the urban district of the city of Vyksa" City Children's Library, st. Ostrovsky, 22 REFERENCES "Wars sacred pages forever in human memory" 2015 12+ The greatest war

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Voznesenovskaya secondary school" Literary and poetic hour Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov.

125 years since the birth of A. A. Akhmatova (1889 1966) It's not scary to lie down under the bullets of the dead It's not bitter to be homeless, And we will save you, Russian speech, Great Russian word. We'll carry you free and clean

An essay on the theme of the fate of the generation of 1830 in the lyrics of Lermontov From an early age, Lermontov reflects on fate, on a high destiny, spent two years in a Moscow noble boarding school, and in 1830 he entered

(195th anniversary of N.A. Nekrasov) (10.12.1821-08.01.1878) 6+ “I dedicated the lyre to my people Perhaps I will die, unknown to them. But I served him and my heart is calm "In the history of Russian literature, Nikolai Alekseevich

The Patriotic War of 1812 on the pages of fiction “The twelfth year is a folk epic, the memory of which will pass into the centuries and will not die as long as the Russian people live” M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Love, creativity and prayer of Tatyana Shcheglova In the central city library named after. S. Yesenin On October 8, a presentation of the new book "Faces of Love" was held. Tatyana Shcheglova Lipetsk writer, her novel "Without

Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev Writer, reporter, prose writer, playwright, publicist... Vypracovala: Simona Hrabalová, 350688 Life - 21.08.1871-12.09.1919 Leonid was born in the city of Orel in the family of an official. When

“Only I myself can tell about my war” I go there to the broken grove, The starting line for attacks, Where it was easier to be killed, Than to somehow get tobacco. (V. Kondratiev) October 30, 2015 marks the

What does Tolstoy value in people in the novel War and Peace composition The great Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is considered War and Peace, known throughout the world, to be this type of work. value

Anniversary writers (November 2018) DRAGUNSKY VICTOR YUZEFOVITCH December 1, 1913 New York, USA) - May 6, 1972 (Moscow, USSR) November 30 105 years since the birth of VICTOR YUZEFOVITCH DRAGUNSKY, Russian Soviet

GUK "Regional library for the blind them. N. Ostrovsky ”, 1995. Anna Dmitrievna Abramova was born on January 28, 1945 in the village of Vechna, Peremyshlsky District, Kaluga Region, into a peasant family. Disabled person

An essay on the theme of the life of a little Czech man On the significance of the work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Maxim said for a long time he would learn to understand life from his writings, illuminated by the sad smile of the abyss of philistinism,

"Dynasty of surgeons Mouse" Vladimir Mikhailovich Mysh (1873 1947) Dmitry Vladimirovich Mysh (1902 1961) Georgy Dmitrievich Mysh (1930 2000) Vladimir Mikhailovich Mysh an outstanding Soviet surgeon,

Regional telecommunications project "MASTER-CLASS, 2014" Perman Natalya Nikolaevna, head of the library of MBOU "Bolsherechenskaya secondary school 2" Thank you, dear penates

"Their names in the history of the Penza region" K 53 Book of Memory of the most prominent physicians who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of health care in the Penza region / under the general. ed. V.V. Stryuchkov; comp. V.F.

The task of the Olympiad "Line of Knowledge: Literature" Instructions for completing the task: I. Carefully read the instructions for section II. Read question III carefully. Correct answer option (numbers only)

Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture "Novozybkov City Centralized Library System" Central Library Nadtochey Natalia, 12 years old Novozybkov Romantic Pages of Love Materials

To the 120th anniversary of the birth of V.P. Kataeva "FATHERLAND'S SON AND SON OF THE REGIMENT" 1 Valentin Petrovich Kataev - Russian Soviet writer and poet, playwright, journalist, screenwriter. 2 Odessa - the most beautiful city on the coast

UDC 811.161.1-1 LBC 84(2Ros-Rus)1-5 B 82 Design by artist A. Novikov The series was founded in 2001. B 82 Boratynsky E. A. Do not tempt me needlessly / Evgeny Boratynsky. M. : Eksmo, 2011. 384 p. (Folk

Museum lesson as a practice of humanitarian education Gushchina Yulia Aleksandrovna, Tupitsina Natalya Aleksandrovna, teachers of the Russian language and literature of the Vyatka Humanitarian Gymnasium with in-depth study