Witcher 3 wild hunt armor. Addition "Blood and Wine"

Sets of specialized witcher armor are the most powerful artifacts in the game. It’s not easy to get them, but one way or another Geralt will discover the corresponding drawings scattered throughout the world.

Witcher School Equipment

The vanilla version of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt contains three sets of such armor and weapons, belonging to the following schools:

  • Kota School- light armor that provides protection from elemental damage. They also increase the power of attacks. The basic set requires level 17.
  • Griffon School- medium armor, increases the strength of signs. Basic set - level 11.
  • Bear School- heavy armor, increases the speed of adrenaline gain. The basic set requires level 20.

All schools provide additional protection against monster damage. There are also blueprints for making crossbows for the Cat and Bear schools.

Sets of other Schools can be obtained by installing add-ons to the original version of the game.

For example, the Hearts of Stone DLC adds some equipment to the game Snake Schools(requires level 40 to use). And a separate free add-on: “Treasure Hunt: Items” Wolf School"(Wolf School Gear), adds drawings of the corresponding school to the game. Wolf equipment can be used from level 14.

In the powerful DLC Blood & Wine you can find equipment Manticore schools, it requires level 40.

The armor of the "vanilla" and Wolf Schools can be upgraded in stages, moving from normal to "improved", then to "excellent" and finally becoming "masterful". Grandmaster level is added to the Blood and Wine DLC.

Each level of improvement requires an armorer/blacksmith of sufficient qualification. Creating workshop armor will require finding real masters in their field. But first they will ask you to complete tasks.

Characteristics of items and spoilers - where to look for drawings, I have hidden them inside articles on individual schools. If you want to find them yourself, don't follow the links :).

Rare and unique equipment

The “weak point” of the equipment of witcher schools, created according to blueprints, is that it is of a fixed level. The game contains common, rare, magical equipment and relics, which can be found in chests or knocked out of opponents. The required level for these items may vary, and the characteristics of the artifacts will depend on this.

Here's an example of a Small Club with required levels of 28 and 20.

High level weapons

The game is designed in such a way that by the final events of the main quest you will be able to wear masterpiece armor and weapons from any witcher school (one of the Schools from the game without DLC), i.e. reach level 34.

After completing the entire game, I only gained experience up to level 35. But in the game you can find recipes for creating items designed for a much higher character level. Considering that experience is given mainly for completing quests, reaching the required level seems like an impossible task.

Here are some of the drawings:

Longclaw, steel sword, level 37.

Foreman, silver sword, level 37.

Harpy, silver sword, level 37.

Mountain tooth, silver sword, level 37

Gnomish Gwyhir, steel sword, level 42

Banshee, steel weapon, level 44

Dwarven blade, steel sword, level 45.

Blade from Tir Tahair, steel weapon, level 46.

I reached level 38-39 by completing the Stone Hearts DLC. At the same time, level 45-46 seems completely out of reach without installing add-ons that allow you to complete new tasks.

The Witcher... The immortal creation of Andrzej Sapkowski never ceases to excite the minds of game makers. This time, the creators of emotions offer the third part of the saga about the adventures of Geralt of Rivia. The immortal warrior, the White Wolf will come to life again on our monitors. And along with him are Cirilla, Triss, Ian and many other already beloved characters.

The content of the article:

There are several witcher schools in the game, the equipment of which (silver and steel swords, gloves, trousers, armor and boots) we have to find. So where to start? Let's take a closer look from the game.

Witcher steel blade. Basic equipment

First, you need to find a steel sword crafting diagram. Travel to Velen and from there to the ruins of Hindhold. There, in the ancient ruins, you will encounter the inhabitants of the ruins, who do not pose any difficulties for our hero. Defeat them all and go upstairs to the Harpies' nest. Vile creatures will die by your sword. This is where the fun begins. Position yourself facing the nest of freshly killed inhabitants of the upper level of the ruins. Stand on the roof - the desired door is on the left. Take advantage of Geralt's heightened senses - the diagram for forging a steel sword will be in your hands within a minute.

Picture: Griffin sword

Silver sword. Basic equipment

Your new goal is the Lornroot Lighthouse. You need to get into it, but, unfortunately, you won’t be able to use the bridge. Geralt will die. Stay to the right of the lighthouse. Once in the water, swim to the place of power so that the obelisk is on the right. Dive and swim through the underwater channel inside the lighthouse. The hero's breath is enough to overcome this path. Go up to the top level and kick the butt of a level 14 monster. If you are still healed, heat it up by activating the bridge, and grab the loot and legs in your hands. You now have a diagram for forging a silver bound sword.

Picture: Silver griffin sword

Armored pants, boots, armor and gloves

The last four diagrams await you in the dragon hunters' cave in eastern Temeria. Not far from the Reardon estate. Explore the cave and, while simultaneously dealing with all the mobs inhabiting it, find a crack in the wall. Witcher magic will come to your aid. Use the Aard sign to smash the wall into dust. Behind it, a cave with a mini-boss awaits you. A vampire. Like Regis, only evil and not as smart. After making sure that the bloodsucker will no longer cause harm to others, feel free to delve into the chests. In addition to the treasured diagrams, you will find plenty of other loot, which you can later use for your needs.

Picture: Pants, boots, armor, griffin gloves

Thus, you will get one of the coolest sets of armor and weapons that our white-haired protégé can use. But do not forget that all of the above parts of the kit can be improved... Basically, we looked at how to get it in the game world The Witcher 3 Griffin school equipment, now let's look at how to improve it!

Upgrading Griffin School equipment

Briefly about where to find the necessary drawings for improving witcher shoes, trousers, shirts and mittens. And also the arsenal of the main character.

"Improved"(you will have to run around Temeria and Redania in search of these drawings):

  • Steel sword. In the west of Temeria there is the village of Fangs. Find the bandit camp, it will be on the peninsula near the village, in one of the chests you will find a drawing for an improved steel sword.
  • Silver sword. The drawing can be found in the cave to the left of the Fork. One of the chests will contain the improvement manual you need. Southeast of Temeria.
  • Armor set. You'll have to climb a little and look into the neighboring kingdom. The Body Armor Upgrade Kit is found in a chest in White Eagle Fort. The singing troll will point you to it. You will find the glove upgrade in a cave in the cemetery. The notorious resting place is located in the south of Temeria. It is called the New Burying Ground Cemetery. Having opened the entrance with Aard, search the chests. There you will find what you need. To improve the main character's trousers, you need to find the castle of the Bloody Baron Vronitsa in the north of Temeria. The ruined tower east of the castle contains a treasured chest. Upgrading the boots from the set will be available after searching a chest in the ruins northwest of the tavern on the border of Temeria and Redania. We'll have to fight.

"Excellent"(this and the next “master” set of improvement diagrams can be found on the Skellige Islands):

  • Steel sword. Northwest of An Skellige. We need a cliff with an altar. Behind the place of worship there will be a treasured drawing.
  • Silver sword. South of Ard Skellige, Elverum lighthouse, cave to the northwest, last hall.
  • Armor set. Also located on the main island of the archipelago. Northeast coast, bandit camp near the Giant's Foot rocks. Chest in the boat (broken).


  • Steel sword. Center of Ard Skellige. You will need to find the destroyed village of Bosholm, in one of the houses of which lies the treasured diagram.
  • Silver sword. The village of Fornhala in the south of Ard Skellige. To the east of the village there is a breeding ground for monsters. Find a lake, on one of the shores of which there is a tower containing a treasured chest with a drawing.
  • Armor set. You'll have to defeat Cyclops on the eastern coast of Ard Skellige. On the second tier of the lair there is the desired chest. The lair itself is located between Redgill and the whale cemetery.

Set Griffin school equipment in the game The Witcher 3 represented by medium armor and full melee weapons. This is one of the best sets of witcher equipment that will provide you with reliable protection and confidence in battles against almost any monster!

Since the level of enemies in the “Blood and Wine” add-on turned out to be considerable, equipment is also needed that will make it possible to effectively fight them. However, you should not immediately rush into your chest and carefully sort through all your previously found things, since in the Toussaint region completely new equipment awaits you - the equipment of the Great Master, or the Grandmaster. In this guide, you will learn not only where you can find all the Grandmaster equipment, but also where the Grandmaster blacksmith is located!

Where can I find a grandmaster blacksmith?

The blacksmith can be found in the shop in the city of Beauclair, near the sign that points towards the Nilfgaardian embassy. You just need to go a little east, after which you will soon notice the icon of armor and a sword on it. As soon as you find it, you can safely talk to the shopkeeper, who will tell the witcher that he dreams of becoming a grandmaster. So you will receive the task: “Master, master, master, master!”

If during the dialogue with the blacksmith you start talking about the missing witchers, then he will tell Geralt about a treasure hunt, during which it will be possible to obtain the grandmaster’s armor. The same applies to the new equipment from the School of Manticore.

After this, you will have to complete the task of finding treasures and return back to the blacksmith. This will give you the ability to create grandmaster equipment, which includes armor and weapons. The price will not be too high and in general there will be five types of grandmaster equipment. All are described below.

Where and how to find all the pieces of the Grandmaster armor of the “Bear School”

Grandmaster Silver Sword of the Bear School, Grandmaster School of the Bear Breastplate, Grandmaster School of the Bear Bracers

Above is a screenshot, and here will be a description. Based on the screenshot and description, you will certainly find parts of the Bear School equipment. So, in the marked place there are the ruins of a red building - search this building from the back side. There will be a large pile of stones near the canopy - use the Aard Sign on these stones. After the stones are knocked down, a passage into the cave will open. The cave will be small, so when you find it, you can find all three blueprints for this armor set.

Grandmaster Steel Sword of the Bear School, Grandmaster Pants of the Bear School, Grandmaster Boots of the Bear School

In the screenshot above you need to find a cave. Inside the cave you will find that the cave has more than one tunnel. No one is stopping you from exploring the cave inside and out, or immediately moving to the above-mentioned place. In any case, the last three drawings will be found.

Where and how to find all the parts of the Grandmaster armor of the “School of the Wolf”

Grandmaster Wolf School Chestplate, Grandmaster Wolf School Boots, Grandmaster Wolf School Pants

This is the latest possible improvement to the “School of the Wolf” armor set, and it’s easy to find, and even easier with the guide. The fact is that absolutely the entire set of armor is located in the same ruins, but which will have to be searched completely and thoroughly. Before you start searching for six pieces of new armor, near the entrance to the ruins (which are shown in the screenshot above), look for a purple ruby. For what? This ruby ​​will be needed in order to remove the barrier of the same color. To find the ruby, activate your Witcher Senses. Using your Witcher Senses, find a wall with a crack and break it using the Aard Sign. As soon as the witcher enters the ruins through the cave, turn left. In the first room there will be a chest on the floor, where you will find the aforementioned first three parts of the “Wolf School” Grandmaster armor set.

Grandmaster Wolf School Bracers, Wolf School Grandmaster Steel Sword, Wolf School Grandmaster Pants

After you've picked up the first three pieces of said new Wolf School armor set, turn around and return to the room you came from. It is necessary to move forward from that place until the slightly damaged collapse. A corpse will also lie in the same place, after searching it you can find the last three pieces of the Grandmaster’s armor of the “School of the Wolf”.

Where and how to find all the pieces of the Grandmaster armor of the “School of the Cat”

Grandmaster Breastplate of the Cat School

In fact, finding the Grandmaster Equipment of the School of the Cat is a little more difficult, because parts of this armor are scattered throughout the map. Anyway. You can find the first part of the kit in the screenshot above. This place will not be the usual ruins, or caves - this is an estate. You can get inside from the right side, after climbing over the boards over the wall. There will most likely be a couple of enemies inside, but nothing too difficult. Go inside the house, whose front door will be painted white. Inside, activate your Witcher Senses and examine the painting of a bearded man in an elegant hat. Behind the painting there will be a hiding place, and in the hiding place is the long-awaited drawing. Let's move on.

Grandmaster Cat School Pants, Grandmaster Cat School Boots

These drawings are located in ruins in the swamp, which are located not far from the estate (see screenshot above). Upon arrival, go up the steps and look around - you need to find a blazing fire made of logs. Near these flaming logs (which resemble a signal fire) is a chest containing the two aforementioned blueprints.

Grandmaster Bracers of the Cat School, Grandmaster Silver Sword of the Cat School, Grandmaster Steel Sword of the Cat School

Above, again, is a screenshot of where these three drawings of the new “School of the Cat” armor are located. As you already understood, these three drawings are located not far from the estate where the drawing of the bib was previously found. Upon arrival, find the cave at the indicated location. The cave will not be so big. Inside, activate your witch's sense, because you need to find something like a bag in one of the small dead ends of the cave (mushrooms will still grow nearby). Inside the bag will be the last three drawings.

Where and how to find all the pieces of the Grandmaster armor of the “Gryphon School”

Grandmaster Steel Sword of the Griffin School, Grandmaster Boots of the Griffin School, Grandmaster Bracers of the Griffin School

The first three drawings can be found in the eastern part of Toussaint, in a fort destroyed almost to its very foundation. It is better to go to the fort through the central road, because if you enter, for example, the fort from the west, you will face the Boss. All three diagrams are in the chest, which in turn is located under the stairs. The staircase, of course, will not look like a staircase at all, so focus on the stone steps that lead higher - if that is more convenient for you. In any case, there is a witcher's sense, so be careful.

Grandmaster Silver Sword of the Griffin School, Grandmaster Breastplate of the Griffin School, Grandmaster Pants of the Griffin School

The last three drawings can be found in the castle next door (northwestern part from the previous location). Now be careful: it is better to enter the castle from the main entrance. Having entered inside, you will have to turn to the left in any case - at this moment you need to clearly go forward, right up to the wall. The wall is actually an illusion, and by dispelling it you can find a secret corridor leading down. Below you will need to find a mini-room with a table and a variety of jars, because there will be a crystal there that you need to take. Immediately after this, go to the center, where on the map there is a passage forward, but the door is not open. There is a lever on the side, so you can find it by activating your witcher's senses. When the secret door (wall) opens, go forward. Search the chest, activate the portal using the Aard Sign and the previously found crystal. Thanks to the portal, you will find yourself on the other side, where you have to defeat the Golem. And immediately after this monster you can go further, where there will be various types of furniture. Now carefully examine everything here, because the last three drawings are located in this very place!

Where and how to find all parts of the Grandmaster armor of the “School of Manticore”

Grandmaster Steel Sword of Manticore School

The screenshot above shows the ruins where you can find the first item from the “School of Manticore” set. The first thing in this search is a steel sword. In these ruins there is one dilapidated tower, from which wooden beams will protrude and on which you can see an iron mesh, reminiscent of broken doors in the old days. So, you can get to the top of this destroyed tower only along the walls. Climb some wall and just walk inside. When you find yourself in the tower, activate your witcher senses and examine the walls, because one of the stones of this wall is a hiding place. Inside the cache you can find a drawing of a sword.

Grandmaster Armor of the Manticore School

The next place is the ruins, which may look like a cave. In any case, look at the screenshot above and go to this exact place. Upon arrival, you need to find a way inside a small hill. Inside, just move to the very end until you reach a dead end. When you find yourself in a round room, examine the walls - on one of the walls there are various kinds of pieces of paper hanging. One of these pieces of paper will be a drawing of the “School of Manticore” armor.

Grandmaster Pants of the Manticore School, Grandmaster Boots of the Manticore School

The next place noted above is the ruins, reminiscent of an ancient library. There will be guards at the entrance, but they won't bother you. The path inside will be completely linear, the only thing worth knowing is that the wall with the crack needs to be broken using the Aard Sign, and inside you will have to fight the shadow. Otherwise, everything is simple: at the very end of this place, carefully examine each box. Soon, therefore, you will find two more drawings.

Grandmaster Silver Sword of Manticore School

This drawing is a little more difficult to find. To begin with, you should know that the search will have to be carried out in the next cave. You can only get inside the cave from the river. The inside of the cave will be huge. In any case, to start, go forward along the linear path, but when you find yourself at a fork, go left. Now you need to move forward until you come across a blockage, which can only be destroyed with the help of the Aard Sign. Immediately after this, go inside to the very end and near the stranger you can find a blueprint for the silver sword of the “School of Manticore”.

Grandmaster Bracers of the Manticore School

The most easily obtained item from a full set of armor. Go to the place indicated in the screenshot above and jump from the pier into the water. Swim to the very center of this small lake and dive. At the very bottom, activate your witcher's sense and thus you will be able to find the last drawing.

Here you can find all the information on obtaining equipment from the Griffin School. The school has 4 gradations: ordinary, improved, excellent and masterful. Drawings of ordinary equipment are obtained through the task “Witcher Antiquities: Equipment of the Griffin School”, and all subsequent ones are already without tasks.

Creating a stronger version of equipment requires the previous one, so you can’t just find blueprints for master equipment and immediately make yourself a “top” version. You need to find and craft everything one by one.

Griffin School Equipment Drawings

Geralt found traces of drawings that belonged to the legendary witcher Georg. Our hero heard many incredible stories about his equipment, and therefore decided to follow the found tracks to the end.

The easiest way to start this task is to go to the place where the first drawing of the griffin school is taken, it is here:

In the indicated place there is a dilapidated abandoned bastion, examining which we find “Drawing: steel sword of the Griffin School”:

Having taken the drawing, the task itself is automatically given. By going to the quest log you can find out other places where the following drawings are located.

Also, in the same bastion there are notes that reveal the history of the witcher Georg; here are their contents:

Testimony of the witcher Georg

I, the undersigned Georg of Kagen, a witcher by profession, report the following.

While I was in Velen, I was called as a specialist to check the testimony of the accused Bartoslav from Lyubovna.

The same Bartoslav was allegedly responsible for the death of several ships in the vicinity of the sea lighthouse, for which he was responsible. The ships, guided by the deceptive light of the lighthouse, flew into the coastal rocks, and for this the keeper should be punished. During the trial, Bartoslav showed that he fulfills his duties conscientiously, and the night owls who deceive the navigators with wandering lights should be held accountable for the incident.

After a quick investigation, I can confirm that no traces of the night owls have been found in the area. There are also no traces of noondays, lures, deceivers and other ghosts that love to lead weary travelers astray, such as those on the sea, on foot or on horseback.

But I discovered the true cause of the disasters: the middays (vide zrga) are not to blame for them, but the lighthouse keeper is not responsible either. These incidents happen because of the surrounding peasants, who light fires on the hills at night and then rob the crashed ships. I got on their trail thanks to Bartoslav’s son, who showed me the marks from those fires.

According to the information I have received, caretaker Bartoslav from Lyubovna is not guilty of the atrocities of which he is accused. However, I humbly submit a request that the seneschal provide security for the caretaker’s family, because in the light of the circumstances that I discovered together with Bartoslav’s son, there will certainly be those who want to take revenge on him. I myself cannot take charge of his protection, because, having accepted an order to kill a dragon prowling in the vicinity of the Crooked Ear Hills, I will have to return to the hills and kill the beast there before it tears my customers apart.

Signed: Georg of Kagen, witcher

Compiled by Vincenzo Ston, investigator of the royal prefecture in Gors Velen.

One more thing:

Letter to brother-in-law

Read what I am about to write to you carefully, brother-in-law! As soon as you receive the letter, go to the fencer Kramer, who is sitting in Maribor. Tell him we have first-class goods for sale and some blueprints for witcher swords. You're probably scratching your head and wondering where I got this stuff from? Well, so: I had to deal with one witcher, who already had one foot in the grave. And I watch how the poor fellow suffers in agony, and I myself think that, it’s true, he has all this equipment, and he doesn’t need any paperwork anymore, but we can open a common business as soon as we successfully get rid of his household. Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, I didn’t take everything from him, so no one will understand that he’s missing something.

The Witcher was a good man. First, he helped the baronet deal with the sea lighthouse, and then he killed that dragon that was eating the peasants. Only the dragon was also not made with a finger, and our hero was greatly annoyed. As soon as the witcher is placed in a tomb on the Crooked Ear Hills, I will immediately run to you. Of course, I’m interested to see how they will put him in this tomb, if the men say that some kind of vampire is sitting there.

P.S. I also took some eggplants from the witcher, but they can get damaged on the road. So I’ll try all this witcher’s booze myself for the success of our future affairs!

Your relative A. Blaszczyk

We go to the following place, marked on the map to the grave of the witcher Georg:

Let's explore the entire dungeon. Inside, in addition to the ghosts, you have to defeat a strong enemy Ekimmu. In general, we clean out everything, including taking 4 recipes from the griffin school:

There you can also find “The Diary of the Witcher Georg”, its contents:

Diary of the Witcher Georg

Having heard rumors about the dragon, I rushed to Velen with all my might. Unfortunately, I was distracted from the hunt for the reptile by the prefects from Gors Velen. I was called there as an expert to solve the mystery of several shipwrecks allegedly caused by night owls. What can you do, a dragon that devastates villages is less important than a trade route that has stopped. Fortunately, I quickly unraveled the mystery of the lonely sea lighthouse and set off again in pursuit of the dragon.

I learned that peasants from destroyed villages found refuge in the elven catacombs on Lake Morechko. Reasonable! However, they did not have enough intelligence to better choose their kindling material. They used elven manuscripts for kindling! It’s scary to think how much knowledge of the Elder People has turned into smoke. Fortunately, I managed to save several manuscripts (including an interesting sketch of a shell). However, enough about that.

According to the testimony of direct witnesses: the scales are ashen, the height at the withers is two fathoms, the length is five fathoms (addendum: estimated weight is about 14 centners). The ability to maintain high temperature in the dragon's furs (lungs) for more than a quarter of an hour. Conclusion: we are dealing with a green dragon.

I'm starting the hunt.

It remains to explore the last place on the assignment the ruins of a fortress near a lonely rock, it is located here:

A Wyvern will meet us on the spot (in my case, it was level 14). After killing it, we will need to get into the fortress, and it is very difficult to guess how to do this without hints.

First you need to safely go down to the water, along the descent to the right of the bridge:

The last drawing is located near the bridge, you will need to climb this ladder:

And at the top we find “Drawing: silver sword of the Griffin School”

This completes the task.

Geralt managed to find blueprints for all the items that the witcher Georg had ever used. In addition, many unknown facts from the life of the glorious dragon slayer from the Griffin School were revealed.

Crafting and Characteristics of Griffin School equipment


Steel sword

Silver sword


Required to create:

  • Steel sword: steel ingot - 2 pcs., leather scraps - 1 pc., monster eye - 1 pc., monster brain - 1 pc.
  • Silver sword: silver ingot - 3 pcs., leather scraps - 1 pc., fifth essence - 1 pc., monster brain - 1 pc.
  • Armor: meteorite silver plate - 1 pc., shirt - 1 pc., leather straps - 5 pcs., reinforced leather - 2 pcs., monster eye - 2 pcs.
  • Trousers: meteorite ore - 1 pc., silk - 2 pcs., monster blood - 1 pc., skin - 1 pc., leather scraps - 4 pcs.
  • Gloves: meteorite ore - 1 pc., leather scraps - 4 pcs., trash - 2 pcs., leather straps - 2 pcs., crushed monster flesh - 4 pcs.
  • Shoes: meteorite ore - 1 pc., strengthened leather - 1 pc., leather scraps - 4 pcs., dredge - 3 pcs., monster essence - 1 pc.


  • To create a steel sword you need a Blacksmith/Apprentice
  • To create a silver sword you need a Weaponsmith/Journeyman

Swords can be forged in the Nilfgaardian garrison.

Drawings of improved equipment for the Griffin School

Improved equipment requires level 14-15, so it makes no sense to go in search of improved drawings before level 14. Also, to create improved equipment, you will need regular equipment from the Griffin School.

There is no quest associated with finding improved blueprints. All drawings are in different places. There are no difficulties in obtaining them; it is enough to know the place where the drawing is located, so the description will be brief.

Steel sword

Found in a chest in the bandit camp. We come, kill the bandits, take the drawing, everything is simple:

Silver sword

Located in a small cave:


Located in the ruined White Eagle Fort. To the left of the troll there will be a chest drawing there:


Located near the bloody baron’s castle, in ruins called “ash pit”:


In the indicated place there will be a fight with the midnight owl. Nearby there will be an entrance to a cave, littered with stones. We use the Aard sign, go into the cave, take the drawing (there I also found the relic “Boots of the People of the Alders”):


Their location is not tied to any landmark on the map. Come to the indicated place, there will be nameless ruins, in the center there is a chest with a drawing:

Crafting and Characteristics of improved equipment of the Griffin School


Steel sword

Silver sword


Required to create:

  • Steel sword: steel sword of the Griffin School - 1 pc., dark steel ingot - 2 pcs., leather scraps - 1 pc., crushed monster flesh - 1 pc., monster claw - 1 pc.
  • Silver sword: silver sword of the Griffin School - 1 pc., meteorite silver ingot - 2 pcs., leather straps - 2 pcs., monster egg - 1 pc., monster tongue - 1 pc.
  • Armor: Griffin School armor - 1 pc., meteorite silver plate - 1 pc., reinforced leather - 3 pcs., canvas - 4 pcs., monster feather - 5 pcs.
  • Trousers: Griffin School pants - 1 pc., meteorite ore - 1 pc., silk - 2 pcs., skin - 1 pc., leather scraps - 4 pcs., monster blood - 1 pc.
  • Gloves: Griffin School gloves - 1 pc., meteorite ore - 1 pc., leather scraps - 4 pcs., leather straps - 2 pcs., trash - 2 pcs., crushed monster flesh - 4 pcs.
  • Shoes: Griffin School boots - 1 pc., meteorite ore - 1 pc., strengthened leather - 1 pc., dredge - 3 pcs., leather scraps - 4 pcs., monster essence - 1 pc.


  • To create a steel and silver sword you need a Weaponsmith/Journeyman.
  • To create armor Armorer/Journeyman

You can find gunsmiths and armorsmiths in the city of Oxenfurt.

Blueprints for excellent equipment from the Griffin School

Excellent equipment requires levels 21-23 to use, so before level 21 there is no point in going in search of them. The drawings are located on the Skellige Islands. To get there you must have completed the quest On Skellige.

Finding drawings is not associated with any task. In total, the drawings are in three places: in one there is a steel sword, in the second there is a silver sword, and in the third there is armor + pants + gloves + shoes.

Silver sword

Located at the bottom of the main island. The drawing is in the cave where you will need to defeat the polar bear.

Steel sword

It is located on a small island that can be reached by boat (although this island was already “discovered” for me in the main plot). In the indicated place there is a small gang of bandits we kill them, and behind the stone, in the chest, we take a drawing of a steel sword:


The armor drawings are on the main island. In the indicated place there will be about 20 pirates, having killed them all, we take the drawings in the chest:

Crafting and Characteristics of excellent equipment of the Griffin School


Steel sword

Silver sword


Required to create:

  • Steel sword: improved steel sword of the Griffin School - 1 pc., dark steel ingot - 3 pcs., leather scraps - 1 pc., monster blood - 1 pc., monster feather - 1 pc.
  • Silver sword: improved silver sword of the Griffin School - 1 pc., dimerite ingot - 1 pc., leather scraps - 2 pcs., monster blood - 1 pc., crushed monster flesh - 1 pc.
  • Armor: improved armor of the Griffin School - 1 pc., dimerite plate - 2 pcs., draconian skin - 3 pcs., monster skin - 1 pc., monster heart - 2 pcs.
  • Trousers: improved Griffin School pants - 1 pc., meteorite silver ingot - 1 pc., silk - 2 pcs., leather straps - 1 pc., monster egg - 1 pc.
  • Gloves: improved signets of the Griffin School - 1 pc., meteorite silver plate - 1 pc., skin - 1 pc., lace - 2 pcs., monster tongue - 2 pcs.
  • Shoes: improved boots of the Griffin School - 1 pc., meteorite silver ingot - 1 pc., strengthened leather - 2 pcs., lace - 2 pcs., monster claw - 2 pcs.


  • To create a steel and silver sword you need a Gunsmith.
  • To create armor Armorer/Journeyman

Griffin School Master Equipment Blueprints

Finding Master Blueprints is also not associated with any quest. Equipment requires level 30-31, but personally, I took the drawings at level 21 without any problems. In two places there will be strong opponents of level 30, but you don’t have to fight them anywhere; you can calmly run past.

The Witcher 3 has a ton of loot. Hundreds of swords and different types of armor. But the best, of course, will not go to Geralt just like that. To create one, you will need a Master Weaponsmith. The cover armor, the symbol of the game, is actually the weakest armor. It can be upgraded to a Military Leather Jacket, but it won't be good, and you'll quickly find a better one. Maybe visually it's good, but from a practical point of view it's almost trash. To create good armor, you have to work hard. You will need drawings. The best armor is witcher's. In total, there are 5 Witcher schools in the game. The armor from Kaer Morhen is the starting armor. And it's not Wolf School Armor. She is going separately. Snake school armor does not exist in the game, but there are swords that are good in the initial stages. But the best equipment is armor and swords of the Cat, Griffin and Bear school. Here are detailed guides on the search and characteristics of this armor (text + video):

There is another great armor - the Witch Hunter Armor Set. But first things first.

And, of course, with the release of the Blood and Wine expansion, we have new sets, but they are located in Toussaint. We wrote them too - all the characteristics, all the schools, all the locations. All with pictures and descriptions.

Master Gunsmith

You can find a master gunsmith in Vronitsy, where you will complete the Baron's quest. There you will receive the quest - Master Gunsmith. Details:

  • Level – 26
  • Location: Skellige, No Man's Land


  • Full set of medium armor level 27
  • New Master Armorer option


on Skellige get to the island of Undvik. A level 26 troll will meet you there. He guarded a chest with tools needed by the master.


In Velen you will be given another quest - to get acid. To get it, you will need to kill the griffin griffin. After that, come back, give the acid and wait a day. You will be given a set of Witch Hunter Armor.

Witch Hunter Armor Features:

  • Base armor – 166
  • Resistance to piercing damage: 30%
  • Resistance to crushing damage: 30%
  • Resistance to cutting damage: 30%
  • Monster Damage Resistance: 10%
  • Elemental Damage Resistance: 10%

But in Vronitsy they won’t be able to make swords for you. To do this you will need Master Gunsmith Hattori in Novigrad. He will also need to complete a quest. Upon completion, he will give you a Sword from Scraps.