Iron Man (Iron Man). Iron Man is America's enemy

Iron Man marvel comics

Read Iron Man Comics - Iron Man online

Iron Man - Iron Man Vol.1 (1964-1996) Iron Man - Iron Man Vol.2 (1998-2003) Iron Man - Iron Man Vol.4 (2005-2008)

History of the character Iron Man marvel comics

Iron Man: Iron Man is a fictional superhero from Marvel comics. Its creators are Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Don Heck. Appears for the first time in March 1963, main character is a wealthy billionaire named Tony Stark. While one of his experiments is taking place in the desert, he is kidnapped by a group of terrorists. While terrorists plot hellish plans against the world, he quickly devises an escape plan. Invents an iron suit with the ability to fly, and thus escapes captivity. He also creates a reactor, which is a magnet that prevents shrapnel from reaching his heart. Basically, he should develop terrorist missiles. Instead, Tony makes an Iron Man suit so his biggest enemy of 2008 will be made Feature Film in the series starring Robert Downey. The second part was made in 2010 and the third part of the film comes in 2013. In the first part, Tony Stark invented a suit while being captured by terrorists called the Nine Rings, who are his regular customers. He decided to stop selling weapons. Iron Man read comics online in Russian

In Part 2, Tony Stark is about to die from palladium toxicity, but SHIELD helps him with injections that reduce Stark's symptoms. He must make a new reactor, or rather a mini-arc, but not with palladium, but bring out a new element that is a replacement for palladium and cannot kill it. In the third part, Tony confronts an explosive man, but, of course, everything ends successfully. Iron Man read comics online in Russian

Description of the character Iron Man

Tony Stark was born into a family of wealthy industrialists and even in his youth was heralded as a future pillar of American capitalism. Already at the age of 15, he began studying electrical engineering at MIT. After the death of his parents in a car accident at the age of 21, he took over the family's defense real estate company called Stark Industries, previously led by his father Howard Stark. Supporting American efforts in the fight against communism, Tony was responsible for delivering and testing new technologies for the military. In the original issue vol.1 #39, during the Vietnam War he became a victim of an attack by communist warlords. He was seriously wounded by a shrapnel fragment that struck him in the chest. Tony was captured by Vietnamese communists. He was forced to build weapons for them. Instead, Tony, along with fellow prisoner, physics professor Ho Yinsenem, developed armor that helped him escape. TONY later discovered that he would die if he ever removed the magnetic plate that kept shrapnel fragments away from his heart. Iron Man read comics online in Russian
Based on the armor prototype, they began to create another, more sophisticated exoskeleton. Among his allies were mainly Soviet villains:

  • Scarlet Dynamo;
  • Titan Man.

Apart from them, among the antagonists of Iron Man there were some opponents, such as:

  • Mandarin;
  • Whiplash;
  • AIM organizations;
  • Fin Fang Foom;
  • Madame Masque and MODOK.

The theme of the fight with Iron Man in Asia against the Mandarin had political overtones, as it reflected the fight Western civilization against the eastern world, during the Vietnam War. In The Avengers vol.1 #1 in September 1963, along with the Hulk, Ant-Man, Wasp and Thor, he formed a team known as the Avengers, in which they would work together to fight evil in the form of Loki. Iron Man read comics online in Russian

Tony's entourage included such figures as secretary and lover Pepper Potts and chauffeur and assistant Lucky Hogan. Early stories depict Potts' romance with Stark, while Lucky Hogan's love for Potts creates love triangle between the main characters. Finally, Potts and Hogan get married in Tales of Suspense Vol. 1 #91 and disappear from the comics for a while, although both of these figures played a role, particularly the Civil War crossover and later humorous stories. Another important figure is Tony's friend and pilot, James Rhodes. Created by David Michelinie'ego and Bob Layton, James Rhodes made his comic debut in Iron Man no. 1 #118 since 1979. Rhodes donned the Iron Man armor while Tony was severely wounded (Iron Man vol. 1 #170), and Iron Man vol. 1 #284 acquired his own (heavy) armor and became an assistant to the superhero known as War Machine.
More important events related to this form include (Iron Man vol. 1 #128 November 1979), and tells the story of heroes fighting alcoholism, or the story of Doomquest (Iron Man vol. 1 #149-150 from 1981), Iron Man and Doctor Doom - back in time to the time of King Arthur. The story called Stark Wars (later retitled the popular title Armor of War I) from Iron Man vol. 1 #225 to #231 (originally released between December 1987 and June 1988) tells how Stark was obsessively hunted down and destroyed all the technologies he created that fell into the wrong hands, including the one that was used by the US Army. However, in the story of sexpartite Extremis (Iron Man vol. 4 #1-6 published from January 2005 to April 2006) Warren Ellis, Tony I is injected with a nanotech virus that has evolved in his body to the interface connecting his nervous system to the Iron armor Man read comics online in Russian

Iron Man Armor

Subsequent versions of the Iron Man suits (movie version):

  • Mark I is Stark's first suit. Tony made his project on his home computer. He built it in a cave with the help of Jarvis. He had very strong armor, but he was free. The first arc reactor could operate for 15 minutes. He gave Tony great power. He was armed with flamethrowers on his arms and a grenade launcher on his left forearm. It could fly, but it was slow and did not turn. After Stark's break in the desert, the suit fell into pieces. Pieces of the suit were found by terrorists who managed to restore and modernize it, among other things, they changed its appearance, added software and strengthened the weapons;
  • Mark II is Stark's second suit. This is specifically a modified Mark I. Stark changed his appearance, added an OS from Stark’s home computer, under the name Jarvis, the suit is capable of flying for a long time. Using only 3% of the reactor power during flight. He is armed with weapons in the form of pulses generated by the flight stabilizers on his arms. Its disadvantage is the thin coating, which after crossing the ceiling is 12 km. he passes out. The Mark II has been restored to the War Machine suit. The replica was destroyed in the attack on the Stark home in Iron Man 3;
  • Mark III is an upgraded version of Mark II. This suit is made of titanium and gold alloy, painted red in some parts (it was all gold before adding red). He has more equipment, including torches in his hips, flare guns on his right forearm, and a chest jug in place of the reactor. It was destroyed in the attack on the Stark home in Iron Man 3;
  • Mark IV - a few details in appearance, not much different from the Mark III Except. He shared the fate of the remaining armor;
  • Mark V - first appears in Iron Man 2 This is a portable suit that looks like an unused suitcase. When you turn it on, it is distributed throughout the body. He is armed with weapons in the form of pulses generated by the flight stabilizers on his arms. It was destroyed in Iron Man 3 in the attack on House Stark;
  • Mark VI is Tony's other suit. It is powered by a new reactor active element. His most powerful weapon is laser beams, which are generators placed on his wrists. This is one weapon - Tony used it in combat drones against Ivan Vanko. It was destroyed in an attack on Stark's home;
  • The Mark VII is a weapon used by Stark against Loki and the Space Army in The Avengers. Not significantly different from the previous model, except for laser beams that are no longer disposable, additional missiles, a large supply of ammunition and reinforced armor. In the nuclear missile catch you can see that the armor was installed on the hull with additional engines. He shared the fate of the remaining armor;
  • Mark VIII-XLI - different armor that has its own specific features. They could be under the control of Tony (no one would know) and Jarvis. The armor was built in secret. Some of them were destroyed by Extremis soldiers from AIM. They appeared in Iron Man 3;
  • Mark XLII - Availability large quantity defects that require correction, spacesuit prototype interceptors. It was destroyed on Stark's orders;
  • War Machine Mark I - This suit is a modified Mark II. The Mark II was taken by Tony's friend Rhodey'ego and rebuilt into a military base. The only change is a change in appearance and weapons. Arming is presented. FN F2000 rifle, M134 Minigun, grenade launcher, M24 rifle and semi-automatic pistol. Another weapon is an air-to-air kinetic missile, which is a destructive weapon capable of breaking up a “Bunker”;
  • “War Machine Mark II Iron Patriot - Improved and reinforced armor, piloted by Lt. Col. James Rhodes. She was painted in the style of Captain America;
  • The Iron Trader is an improved version of the Mark I created by Obadiah Stan. It was a large Mark I of sorts, and was destroyed in a Stark arc reactor explosion;
  • The Mark XLIV (also called the "Hulkbuster") is an armor designed by Stark and Bruce Banner in the event that Bruce lost control of his alter ego, the Hulk.

Comics in Russian on the website

So, who is Iron Man and how is he different from other superheroes? This hero became popular all over the world thanks to the 2008 film, where he was brilliantly played by Robert John Downey Jr. But in fact, Iron Man was created much earlier, or rather, in 1963 on the pages of Marvel comics. Here's what one of its creators writes about it: “I thought it was a pretty bold idea. It was high time Cold War. Our readers were young, and if there was one thing they hated, it was war, it was the army... And I created a hero who corresponded to this image one hundred percent. He was a weapons manufacturer, he supplied weapons to the army, he was rich, he was an industrialist... I thought it would be funny to create a character that no one would like, none of our readers, and feed it to them and make them like it... And he really became very popular." .

Before he became a superhero, Tony Stark glorified war with cynical cruelty because it allowed him to make money. He not only sells weapons, he creates new weapons. Usually characters with such a biography become villains, but not this time. This is what makes this hero interesting: he changes the scenario we are used to. This isn't just a good guy who puts on a suit and becomes a super-powered good guy - this is a man who completely changes himself, becomes a self-made man, and gives his fans hope that they can do it too. He is best characterized by a quote from the movie “The Avengers”: “Who are you without your suit? “Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”

Iron Man at Marvel Comics

Tony Stark Iron Man was born in March 1963 in a comic book published by Marvel Comics. It owes its birth to writer Stan Lee and artists Don Hack and Jack Kirby. But Iron Man gained real fame only in 1968, when a personalized comic book series was released in May. Until this point, the hero was mainly associated with the Avengers team, being, although a permanent member, only a participant in the Tales of Suspense anthology, where he had to compete for first place with Captain America. Stark's popularity in 1968 became so high that letters coming to the editor were addressed not to the writer and artists who created the comic, but to Tony personally - as if he was not a fictional character at all. Most of these letters were written by women.

Initially, the plot of the comic book is Iron Man from Marvel Comics fighting the communist threat, and only then the script introduces villains more familiar to modern man.

According to IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Heroes," Iron Man from Marvel Comics took twelfth place, and the top of the list, of course, is the ever-present Superman.

Iron Man: The Animated Series

Following the comic book, a 13-episode animated series about Iron Man was released in 1966. Fans of Tony Stark consider this single season a classic and will not confuse the magnificent melody that sounded as the intro to this series with anything. Of course, in our time, the 1966 Iron Man cartoon looks somewhat naive, but this is the 60s: in general, they now look somewhat naive, which does not prevent them from remaining unique in their own way. We should never forget that it was then that Iron Man was “born” from Marvel.

Now the creation of the 60s looks a little naive

Two unsuccessful seasons

Iron Man's next animated series appeared only in 1994; before that he had to play on a team. This time, from 1994 to 1996, two seasons of thirteen episodes each were released. Despite the fact that this series is longer than the previous one by a whole season, Iron Man of 1994 is considered a failure. The writers blame the absurd dialogues between the characters, the same type of episodes, and the lack of distinct characters in the characters. To be fair, it is worth noting that in the second season the situation became a little better, but not enough to captivate the viewer.

In 2008, Marvel Studios released the animated series Iron Man: Armored Adventures. It lasts for a whopping 52 episodes. Tony Stark is introduced to us as a teenager in Iron Man: Armored Adventures. His father is killed, his usual way of life is shattered into pieces. And at the same time, Tony Stark needs to not only piece together his ordinary life, where, like every teenager, there are enough problems, but also from time to time to save the world, and also find out the truth about the death of his father. This series once again brought back the audience's interest and love for Iron Man.

Teenager Tony Stark also turned out to be interesting to the audience

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes

In 2010, viewers were in for a double surprise. The animated series "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" is released, where Iron Man is one of the leading characters.

Also in 2010, the anime “Iron Man” appeared. Marvel Anime is divided into four parts. The remaining parts were divided between Wolverine, the X-Men and Blade. According to the plot of the anime, Iron Man comes to the idea of ​​ending his career as a superhero and engaging exclusively in peaceful science, for which he leaves for Japan. There he will have to face not only the distrust of local residents, who have not forgotten his great fame as an arms dealer, but also the powerful terrorist organization Zodiac.

Iron Man is also reflected in Japanese anime culture

Animated series "LEGO Iron Man"

It is also worth mentioning the series released by the manufacturer of LEGO games, “LEGO Marvel Superheroes: Maximum Reboot,” where Iron Man has one of the leading roles.

Tony Stark and superheroes

In addition, Tony Stark Iron Man repeatedly appears in TV series dedicated to other superheroes. We can observe combinations: Iron Man - Spider-Man; Iron Man - Hulk; Iron Man - Captain America.

Indestructible Iron Man

Now let’s remember the 2007 full-length cartoon “The Indestructible Iron Man.” This cartoon about Iron Man was immediately presented to viewers on DVD. This cartoon, unlike the series, was immediately aimed at older viewers and is not recommended for viewing by persons under 13 years of age.

According to the plot of the cartoon, Tony Stark is working on a project to revive an ancient Chinese city. This project will pit him against the Mandarin, who in most of Tony Stark's revivals, from comics to films, is Iron Man's worst enemy.

Cartoon got two prestigious awards for the best soundtrack and for the best sound editing of a film on DVD.

Millions of fans' favorite image from the 2008 film

And now we have come to the main moment, which became a stellar moment for Iron Man. In 2008, the film “Iron Man” was released, thanks to which Iron Man became one of the most beloved superheroes in the world. But the road to this success was long. The idea of ​​making a movie about Iron Man arose in 1990, and Universal Studios, 20th Century Fox and New Line Cinema teamed up to develop the idea for the film, but in 2006 Marvel Studio bought the rights to film. Then the search for a director began, until the choice fell on Jon Favreau, already known for such films as “Everything is Captured” and “Elf.” And Marvel Studio made a mistake: Jon Favreau created a megahit. First of all, he decided to highlight his superhero, and for this he began making films in California, because most of the films about superheroes were shot in New York. This may seem like a small thing, but it is precisely from such little things that a brilliant movie was made. Another of these little things is that the artists were allowed not only to bring their own vision of the character, but also to add their own lines.

The film "Iron Man" was so successful that it was included in the top ten best films of 2008 according to the American Institute of Art. But Favreau worked only on the films “Iron Man 1” and “Iron Man 2”; he refused to continue cooperation. And the director of the third film was Shane Black.

So, why did the movie “Iron Man 1” so captivate the viewer? In fact, the idea has not changed since the Iron Man comic from Marvel, but the presentation has changed. What became possible on the screen was something that was impossible to even imagine in the 60s. The 2008 movie Iron Man gives us such a realistic superhero that you involuntarily begin to believe that he really exists and it’s time to start writing letters to him, as his fans did in 1968.

Tony Stark is the heir to a huge company that creates and sells weapons. This man cannot be called a model of morality: irresponsible, cynical, changing women like gloves, a narcissist, he is constant in only one thing - Tony Stark is obsessed with his work, he has no equal in this, he is a genius. Going to Afghanistan to sell the latest Jericho missile launcher, Tony Stark has no idea that he will almost die from the weapon he himself produced. The military convoy transporting Tony is attacked by terrorists. Stark is taken prisoner, they want to get him to make “Jericho” for the militants. In exchange, the kidnappers promise to release Stark, but he is not so naive: Tony understands perfectly well that he will be killed in any case. Instead of making a rocket, Tony, together with the physicist Ho Yinsen, whom he met in captivity and to whom he owes his life (after all, Yinsen not only pulled out most of the fragments from Stark’s chest, but also, using an electromagnet, did not allow the remaining fragments to get to the inventor’s heart), develops and makes an Iron Man suit, as well as a portable nuclear reactor, which Tony Stark carries in his chest to protect himself from shrapnel. The same reactor provides energy to the suit. Tony Stark hopes the armor will help him and Yinsen escape. The plan is only half successful - the suit is created and opens the way to freedom, but only for Stark. The physicist dies, saving Stark’s life for the second time (“You saved my life. Don’t waste it”).

The hero's costume often underwent numerous deformations during various battles with villains.

When escaping, Stark breaks the first suit (subsequently its fragments fall into the hands of terrorists), but this no longer matters: he can always recreate it, and even improve it. The incident in Afghanistan has changed Stark in many ways; he begins to understand how much trouble and grief the weapons he made bring. By creating armor, he no longer thinks about money and fame, his goal is to protect the world from terrorism, but for him the threat is closer than he thinks. It turns out that Obadiah Stane (in the comics he has the nickname “Iron Merchant”), a friend of Stark’s father and Tony’s business partner, ordered Stark’s death. It was on his instructions that an attack was carried out on Tony in Afghanistan. Obadiah is trying to steal Tony Stark's technology and kill him. If it weren't for the help of Stark's faithful assistant Virginia Pepper Potts, Obadiah would have succeeded. The decisive showdown between the armored Tony Stark and the armored Obadiah Stane cannot go unnoticed. In the morning, all the newspapers talk about the superhero, assigning him big name- Iron Man.

The 2008 film Iron Man didn't just restore Tony Stark's popularity, it reinvented it. But, as usually happens, the sequels did not live up to this genius. We can only hope that the film "Iron Man 4" or, in extreme cases, the movie "Iron Man 5" will change this situation for the better.

Two years after the sensational premiere of the first film, the movie Iron Man 2 was released in 2010.

Unlike other superheroes, Tony Stark does not hide from the public that he is the man in the armor. On the contrary, he does not miss the opportunity to show off in a suit. This behavior pisses off many people. But the reason for this madness this time is not Stark’s usual narcissism. It’s just that the miniature nuclear reactor in his chest not only saves Tony from the shrapnel, but at the same time slowly but surely kills him. Stark has already tried all possible options, but it seems that nothing can save him. He tries to confess everything to Pepper Potts, but he fails.

Tony Stark and his friend James Rhodes in Iron Man and War Machine costumes

In this movie "Iron Man 2" Tony has a new enemy - Ivan Vanko, the son of Russian engineer Anton Vanko, who once worked with Tony Stark's father and whom he considered guilty of being expelled from the United States for espionage, after which he The USSR put him in a camp. Anton betrays his knowledge and drawings to his son, and Ivan creates an analogue of the armor in order to take revenge on the Stark family in the person of Tony. Stark's rival Hammer helps him in promoting his plans for revenge. Hammer gets Ivan out of prison for attacking Stark and gives him everything he needs to create a suit like Iron Man. But Ivan is not as simple as Hammer thinks. Working for him, Vanko pursues his goals. He creates the suit and drones that Hammer presents at the Stark Expo.

In Iron Man 2, S.H.I.E.L.D. assigns a bodyguard to Tony Stark - Natalie Rushman - or, as she is more often called, the Black Widow. It is thanks to the organization S.H.I.E.L.D. Stark receives a message from his father, who also worked on new technologies before his death, and learns how to discover an element that can replace palladium and save his life.

Having been healed and receiving a new source of energy, Stark rushes to the conference, but as soon as he appears there, the Warmaster suit, in which Stark’s friend James Rhodes is located, “goes crazy” and rushes in pursuit of Stark, and in this he is helped by numerous drones . The drones and suit are controlled by Ivan, who also appears to fight Iron Man and War Machine. Even defeated, he hopes to take Stark with him to the grave, since all the drones turn out to be mined. Stark not only saves himself, but also manages to rescue Pepper Potts, with whom he is now connected not only by work.

Producer Kevin Feige said of Iron Man 2: “A sequel is harder to make because more is always expected of it. And we really want to surpass the first film. Every day we worked to the maximum of our capabilities - all in order to make the sequel better than the first part.” Whether this was achieved in Iron Man 2 is up to the viewer to decide.

The premiere of the movie "Iron Man 3" took place on April 24, 2013. This is the seventh film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His actions are directly related to the plot of The Avengers. And if you skip the Avengers movie, Iron Man 3 won't be entirely clear at first. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this movie or at least having an idea of ​​what is happening in it. The film brings together all the heroes of the Marvel universe: Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and others. They save the world from the god Loki and aliens.

The hero will once again rise to fight evil

In the movie Iron Man 3, Stark begins to have panic attacks, and Tony realizes that the threat that the Avengers dealt with in New York could happen again. He tries to protect himself and his friends by creating more and more Iron Man suits. In addition, Stark’s past boomerangs back, in which he himself gave birth to his demons - by deceiving and humiliating the scientist Aldrich Killian. Aldrich uses his ingenious powers in the service of terrorism, making self-igniting bombs out of people. It is the film “Iron Man 3” that shows Stark’s clashes with his main enemy from the comics, whose name is the Mandarin. Iron Man challenges him in Iron Man 3 and almost gets killed. But the well-known Mandarin is just Aldrich’s tame terrorist, who is terrorist No. 1. To defeat him, Stark will have to use all his suits, which he will throw into the war against terrorists. But it’s not he who will defeat Aldrich, but Pepper.

At the end of the film "Iron Man 3", the fragments are removed from Stark's body: he no longer needs the portable reactor. Tony destroys his suits. It seems that the end has been set in the life of Iron Man, but fans of this superhero hope that this is not a full stop, but an ellipsis. After all, Tony Stark is Iron Man, and that says it all!

Iron Man 4 release date

Fans believe in the continuation of the story about the brilliant inventor

The release of the film "Iron Man 4" is predicted for 2017, with the participation of Robert Downey Jr. in the title role. There was a lot of controversy about the participation of this actor and about the release of the movie “Iron Man 4”, but what can I say – and now it’s still going on. Many claim that, despite all the announcements, the film will not happen. So whether there will be an Iron Man 4 is not yet entirely clear, but there is hope.

After Tony Stark was brilliantly played by Robert Downey Jr., no one will ever imagine this hero with a different face. But such celebrities as Tom Cruise, Nicolas Cage, Clive Owen and Sam Rockwell were in contention for the role of Tony Stark. But the role of Pepper Potts was not so popular. Rachel McAdams categorically refused her, and Gwyneth Paltrow agreed only on the condition that film set you won't have to travel far.

Things were completely different with the film “Iron Man 2”: the actors were literally eager to see it. Scarlett Johansson dreamed of becoming the Black Widow so much that she even dyed her hair red, exactly like the desired heroine, even before it became known who would get the role. In turn, Terrence Howard, who played Iron Man's friend, Colonel James Rhodes, refused to star in Iron Man 2 due to creative differences, and Don Cheadle was invited to take his place. But there are rumors that money is to blame.

There were also rumors that after the movie “Iron Man 3” the actors would disperse, and Iron Man Robert Downey Jr. would refuse to play Tony Stark. But, apparently, they turned out to be groundless. And who else if not him?

Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man

Music from the movie "Iron Man"

As a rule, in a brilliant film everything is on the level, including the music. The music from Iron Man was no exception. Interestingly, in the 2008 film “Iron Man” you can hear the melody from the 1966 cartoon of the same name. But not only this song from the distant past won the love of the audience. The music for the film "Iron Man" was written by Iranian-German composer Ramin Djawadi. For the score of this film, Djawadi received a Grammy Award in the category “Best Original Score for a Film, Television Series or Other Project.”

The soundtrack to the film "Iron Man 2" was composed by the famous Australian band AC/DC and appeared on April 19, 2010.

The first Iron Man suit, depicted in the pages of a 1963 comic, was not particularly elegant. It was covered in a gray carbon-iron alloy, and the contours were not very attractive. The creators understood this, and already in the second issue the armor turns into gold. And only eight issues later in the comic, the Iron Man suit will become a golden-red, elegant titanium structure. This will happen thanks to the legendary Steve Ditko, an artist and comic book writer. In total, as Stark fans estimate, from 1963 to 2013 (that is, in 50 years), the hero changed more than 50 costume options - well, this is quite in Tony’s style. But Stark’s armor undergoes a transformation not only in appearance - it is constantly being improved, representing a compound the smallest elements, each of which is mutated and capable of controlling the entire suit. By improving his appearance, weapons and communications, Iron Man has the opportunity not only to change, but to always be a little ahead of his time, captivating the imagination of more and more of his fans.

This is what Iron Man originally looked like

What does the suit consist of?

The basis for everything is a portable arc reactor, which generates nuclear energy to power the suit and prevent fragments from reaching Stark’s heart.

The helmet has built-in systems that allow it to control the supercomputer Jarvis.

The repulsors in the suit's feet act as jet engines, allowing it to fly, and those in the palms act as weapons. They are also necessary for maneuvering during flight. The weapon is activated using a holographic display located in the helmet. Fans of the film have calculated how much the Iron Man suit costs. If you wanted to recreate a real Iron Man suit, it would cost you about sixteen billion dollars. And that's just the costume.

Iron Man: Toys

While hardly anyone can afford a real Iron Man suit, the choice of costumes for children on the market is amazing in its diversity. Here you will find something for every taste and budget - from the simplest to complex realistic models. When choosing a costume for a child, first of all you should think about its quality, so you shouldn’t stop at the first option you come across - look through them all. It's also quite fun: for example, you can find an electronic Iron Man helmet that changes your voice to become Tony Stark's, Iron Man gloves, or even a whole Iron Man hand with light and sound effects. And if none of general diversity You still don’t like the costumes, then there are some on the Internet detailed instructions making, paper and fabric patterns and even crochet patterns. This once again shows how popular Iron Man is.

If buying a superhero costume in whole or in parts is not in your plans, an Iron Man figurine could be a wonderful prerogative. There will be no shortage of options here either. You can buy an Iron Man toy both online and by going to your nearest toy store. You won't have to search for long. Moreover, Iron Man figures are interesting not only to children. Many adults enjoy collecting Iron Man toys.

There are also many related things, such as Tony Stark's cars, helicopters and other equipment - both conventional and radio-controlled.

Before the premiere of the film "Iron Man 3", LEGO released a super set of three LEGO "Iron Man 3" construction sets. These sets allow you to fully display key moments of the film in the game. Lego Iron Man: Battle of the Seaport (76006) includes Iron Man, Aldrich Killian and James Rhodes in suit. In addition to the main characters, the set includes a buildable model of a speedboat and a sea buoy. What follows is a construction kit dedicated to the episode of the attack on the Malibu mansion (76007) containing many details of a copy of Tony Stark's mansion, a combat helicopter and five figures: Iron Man, Tony Stark, Pepper, Mandarin and an Extremis soldier. The third set “Iron Man vs. the Mandarin” (76008) will delight you with figures of Iron Man and the Mandarin, as well as the ability to assemble an armored vehicle equipped with two rocket launchers and flamethrowers.

Despite the miniature size of the costume, all details of the look are preserved

This is not the first time that LEGO and Marvel Studios have collaborated: in addition to LEGO Iron Man 3, you can also find LEGO construction sets dedicated to Tony Stark, Iron Man: Loki's Escape with the Cosmic Cup, and an Iron Man figurine.

In addition to Iron Man constructors, LEGO has released sets in honor of such Marvel heroes as the Hulk, Captain America, Spider-Man and others, as well as the Avengers team as a whole.

From ordinary toys, it's time to move on to video games, the main character of which, naturally, is Iron Man. Thanks to the capabilities of a superhero, the player will be able to plunge into a whirlpool of events and adventures that will take anyone's breath away. What's the first Iron Man feature that comes to mind? That's right - flight! And it is very clearly and believably reflected in the games. There are many of them - “Iron Man Superhero”, “Iron Man Flight”, “Training” and “Flight over the Desert”: you can enjoy this opportunity to the fullest and show the enemy who is boss in the sky, and at the same time save the world from evil. But flight is not Tony Stark's only ability, or even his main one. First of all, Stark is a genius. Possessing a magnificent mind, he was able to create an armored suit. The game creators have not forgotten about this either. In the game "Iron Man in the Lab" you will be able to visit the place of work of Tony Stark, and in "Search for Marks" you will have a good chance to test your attentiveness and logic.

It's tempting to feel like a superhero, and the Iron Man video games give us this opportunity, and at the same time teach us not to give up and go to the end - even if it seems that there is no chance left to win.

Iron Man games are expectedly filled with explosions, fights and chases

Public opinion about Tony Stark

Despite the fact that Tony Stark is a very controversial hero, especially at the beginning of the story, public opinion on his issue is almost unanimous. Tony Stark Iron Man is a good example of never giving up. “We can’t walk, so we’ll run.” This is an example of a hero who doesn’t get everything for nothing, but uses his mind. Iron Man can teach his fans perseverance, courage, the ability to admit one’s mistakes and the determination to follow one’s principles to the end, the desire for a goal, efficiency, a sense of justice, the ability to stand up for oneself and not give up in hopeless situations. This is a very good list of qualities and a good example for boys.

And yet there was a fly in the ointment. Tony Stark is absolutely positive only when he is wearing armor - the rest of the time he is a narcissistic narcissist, prone to instability in relationships and actions. This is what the champions of morality blame him for. But even they can’t argue with the fact that Tony becomes more and more ideal from film to film. Maybe that's why Iron Man 2 and Iron Man 3 aren't as good as the first Iron Man movie.

The Marvel comics universe gave the world great amount a wide variety of superheroes, some of them impossible to forget. Of course, we are talking about a character nicknamed Iron Man (Tony Stark). The famous multimillionaire, conqueror of women's hearts and part-time brilliant scientist, thanks to his sense of humor, charisma and intelligence, won the hearts of millions and rightfully took one of the leading roles among superheroes. This character will be discussed in the article.

The appearance of a superhero

The world first heard about a hero named Tony Stark (Iron Man) back in 1963. At first, the character did not have his own separate comic book, and he had to compete for the attention of readers with such stars as Captain America, but he quickly gained popularity.

Already in 1968, Marvel launched a separate story about the hero. Even though the series only lasted 332 issues, it was able to shape the world of Iron Man. Initially, stories about this superhero, as conceived by author Stan Lee, expressed anti-communist ideas and became a platform for expressing thoughts about the Cold War with Soviet Union. But after the unsuccessful Vietnam War, the series lost its political relevance and switched to terrorism and corporate crime.

A few facts from the character's life

Tony Stark (Iron Man) does not have any superpowers, which is what makes him stand out among other heroes. He was not bitten by radioactive spiders or brought from another planet, he was not struck by lightning, he did not wear a cape and mask. The great scientist, thanks to his intelligence and quick wit, was able to reach unprecedented heights.

The future superhero was born into the family of a wealthy industrialist, owner of the huge Stark Industries corporation. At the age of 15, this genius entered the Massachusetts Institute, and at 19 he celebrated his graduation. At the age of 21, Iron Man (Tony Stark), after the death of his parents as a result of a fake car accident, becomes the head of the corporation. But for the young man, running the company has become an unbearable burden, so Stark entrusts a significant part of his affairs to his assistant Virginia Potts (Pepper).

Iron Man on the big screen

The idea to make a movie about the adventures of this superhero appeared back in 1990. It was at that time that film companies 20th Century, Universal Studios, and New Line Cinema began film adaptation of the comic book. But in 2006, she bought all the filming rights. Since this was the first project solely financed by the Marvel film company, its film adaptation took so much time.

The film “Tony Stark - Iron Man,” described below, was the first film in a series of adventures of superheroes from the fictional Marvel universe.

The first film was directed by Jon Favreau. You can recognize him by his role as the main character's friend Happy Hogan. John decided to make the superhero stand out from the rest, so the film about his adventures was shot in California, and not, as usual, in New York. The director had his own approach to filming; he allowed the actors to freely change dialogue if the content of the film did not suffer from it. This was probably the basis for the tremendous success with which this action film spread across all cinemas around the world.

The film "Tony Stark - Iron Man": actors and roles

In addition to impressive special effects, the movie about the adventures of a superhero also boasted an excellent cast. Even before filming began, it was clear that this project would be an unprecedented success. That is why such stars as Tom Cruise applied for participation in the film, and many others wanted to get into the film “Tony Stark - Iron Man”. The main role went to Robert Downey Jr. He brought to life a superhero and a multimillionaire. The actor was 43 years old at the time of filming, so he had to carefully attend to his appearance and go to the gym at least 5 times a week.

Another world-class star who starred in this film is Gwyneth Paltrow. She played the role of the superhero's main assistant. It is noteworthy that at first the actress was not particularly eager to star in this film and agreed to participate only on the condition that filming would take place near her home.

The main villain and antagonist of Iron Man was masterfully brought to life by Jeff Bridges. The role of US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes (Rhodey) went to Terrence Howard. Artificial intelligence, part-time butler of Tony Stark, was voiced

The plot of the film

The story that the film "Tony Stark - Iron Man" tells us (contents presented below) is slightly different from the comics. In the story, the main character is a multimillionaire and philanthropist who spent his life carefree. A lot of money comes from supplies of various weapons for the needs of the army. One fine day, after demonstrating a new project, Tony Stark was captured by terrorists from Afghanistan, who demanded that the Jericho missile be created for them. During the kidnapping, the main character was seriously wounded in the chest. Despite the fact that Stark removed the largest fragments, small shrapnel lodged in his body and strives to get to his heart. That is why the main character inserts an electromagnet into his chest. Tony realizes that even if he creates a missile, the terrorists will not let him go. So, instead of Jericho, the hero begins to produce heavy armor, which helps to escape from captivity.

Returning home, Stark abandons the production of any weapons and spends all his time creating a more advanced suit. According to the plot, the main character will have more than one battle with terrorists. He will have to protect the innocent, confront the US Air Force and unravel a conspiracy in own company. Also, Iron Man (Tony Stark) will meet the mysterious group S.H.I.E.L.D., which the hero will meet more than once in his future adventures.

A huge success

Never participated in before similar projects, but he managed to create great action with amazing special effects. The flight scenes were especially successful, according to experts. And this is not surprising, because after filming ended, Robert Downey worked on special effects in the studio for another 8 months in order to harmoniously convey the movements of the superhero. Critics noted excellent camera work and the film's soundtrack.

The film was a huge success in cinemas around the world. "Tony Stark - Iron Man" (fantasy) was nominated 8 times for the Saturn Award - the main prize of the Academy of Science Fiction, especially popular among fans of films from this genre. The film was also nominated for two Oscars.

Continuation of adventures

The film "Tony Stark - Iron Man 2" appeared on the screen in 2010. The director of the film was the same Jon Favreau. The cast remains virtually unchanged: Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow remained in the lead roles. Terrence Howard, who played James Rowdy, left the project due to disagreements with the Marvel film company over fees, and Don Cheadle was cast in his place. The leading actress, Gwyneth Paltrow, also wanted to demand an increase in pay, but after refusing, she decided to stay in the project and not create a scandal. But Robert Downey Jr. hit the jackpot. The first part brought him $500 thousand, and for the second he was paid 10 million.

Star cast of the second part

New, but well-known faces also appeared in the film “Tony Stark - Iron Man 2”. In the second part, the main character had to enter into a confrontation with the brilliant Soviet engineer Ivan Vanko, nicknamed Whip, who was masterfully played by Mickey Rourke. In order to get used to the role of a Russian prisoner, the actor visited Butyrka prison.

Scarlett Johansson is another global star who finds herself in the second part of the superhero's adventures. In the story, the actress played a special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., nicknamed Justin Hammer, who played the role of another villain with whom Tony Stark had to fight.

Rental and awards for the second part

The rating of this film turned out to be significantly lower than the previous part. So the film received average ratings. The film was nominated for prestigious awards such as the Oscar and Saturn, but it failed to win a single prize. Critics complained that the storyline was not developed enough and that the film was not as funny as the first part. Iron Man 2 was a relatively good box office success. The president of the Marvel film studio was still pleased with the results of the film and said that the continuation of the adventures would be more interesting and would appear on screen in 2013.

One of the highest grossing films in history

"Tony Stark - Iron Man 3" was released on big screens in April 2013. Jon Favreau left the director's chair and was replaced by the master of ironic action films Shane Black, with whom Downey had already worked on the film Kiss Bang Bang. The main roles are played by the same Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle. TO cast Ben Keagsley, Rebecca Hall and Guy Pearce joined, they played villains and the main opponents of the superhero.

Iron Man (Tony Stark) in this part showed how he can cope with difficulties even without his hero suit. Having lost the first battle with the main enemy, the Mandarin, the hero begins to deal with the villain in earnest. And then the viewer is bombarded with one plot twist after another. The film keeps you in suspense from the very beginning until the end credits. And the fact that the film is full of jokes and amazing special effects gives it more charm.

The change of director had a positive effect on the film as a whole. Shane Black, familiar from two parts of the blockbuster “Lethal Weapon,” was able to discover new character traits of the amazing superhero named Tony Stark.

Iron Man 3 was a huge success around the world. With a budget of 200 million, the film grossed more than $1 billion and entered the top 10 most profitable films of all time. The fee for the leading actor is no less impressive. Smart Robert Downey Jr. I realized that the film could not exist without him, and asked for $50 million for his participation, and finally received it.

"Tony Stark - Iron Man 4"

To date, the Marvel film company has not officially announced the release of a continuation of the solo adventures of the movie hero.

And this is not surprising, because the studio is releasing several major films from the comic book universe, in which Tony Stark (Iron Man) is present. The release year for this film, according to preliminary estimates, is 2018, if the project is approved and brought to life.

, Doctor Octopus , Alistair Smythe

Special powers
    • Brilliant intellect
    • Extensive knowledge in many technical sciences
    • Outstanding inventor and engineer
    • Cyberpathic link with armored suit
    • Extensive knowledge of martial arts
    • Telepathic connection with the World Wide Web
    • Portable energy reactor in the chest that supports life and is a source of energy for armor
    • A series of exoskeletons that provide:
    • supersonic flight
    • high resistance to damage
    • use of repulsor beams on the arms and numerous weapons built into the suit
    • using a unibeam on the chest
Images via Wikimedia Commons

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Evolution of Iron Man in movies and cartoon

    ✪ Evolution of Modok in cartoons

    ✪ You shouldn’t have intervened with an iron forehead. Spider-Man (1994)


    ✪ EVOLUTION OF IRON MAN (1966 - 2019)


Publication history


The image of Iron Man first appeared in Tales of Suspense#39 (March 1963). It was created by writer Stan Lee, screenwriter Larry Leiber, and artists Don Heck and Jack Kirby.

Translation (Russian)

I thought this was a pretty bold idea. It was the height of the Cold War. Our readers, young readers, if there was one thing they hated, it was war, it was the army... And I created a hero who corresponded to this image one hundred percent. He was a weapons manufacturer, he supplied weapons to the army, he was rich, he was an industrialist... I thought it would be funny to create a character that no one likes, none of our readers, and feed him to them and make them like... And he really became very popular.

Original text(English)

I think I gave myself a dare. It was the height of the Cold War. The readers, the young readers, if there was one thing they hated, it was war, it was the military....So I got a hero who represented that to the hundredth degree. He was a weapons manufacturer, he was providing weapons for the Army, he was rich, he was an industrialist....I thought it would be fun to take the kind of character that nobody would like, none of our readers would like, and shove him down their throats and make them like him....And he became very popular.

After creating the character, the task was to give direction for the creation external image. According to Gerry Conway, “the character of the hero showed external equanimity even when the internal state was like a wound. Stan created him in such a way that Stark’s heart was literally torn apart. But someday, any pain passes and our hero returns his inner world to its original state All this, I think, made the character interesting, which required a certain appearance." And Stan Lee took as a basis the image of the most famous at that time “inventor, adventurer, multi-billionaire, womanizer and, finally, psycho” - Howard Hughes. He explained it this way: "Howard Hughes was one of the most bright people our time. But he wasn't crazy - he was Howard Hughes."

While Lee was working on the hero's story and arguing with the Liber company over the long specification, Don Heck and Jack Kirby, based on the ideas of author Tony Stark, created the cover for the first issue, as well as Iron Man's assistants Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan. The original Iron Man suit was bulky, covered in a gray carbon-iron alloy. By the second issue the armor had changed to gold (#40). The original, titanium, golden-red costume was first introduced in Tales of Suspense #48 by Steve Ditko. As Don Heck recalls: “Compared to the first design, this one was lighter, more elegant than the one that was invented by Kirbish...”.

In the first storylines of Iron Man, there was an anti-communist direction, expressed in the struggle of the protagonist with opponents originally from China, Vietnam and other countries in the Asian region. Later, Stan Lee, regretting the attention to this problem, transferred Stark's activities to helping the US Army and participating in the development of civil defense. The story of Iron Man's personal life also developed, for example, problems with drinking and mental health shown in the episode "Demon in a Bottle".

Key Numbers

  • Red and Gold Armor Debuts (Tales of Suspense #48, 1963);
  • traveled to Camelot with Doctor Doom (Iron Man #149-150, 1981);
  • succumbed to alcoholism (Iron Man #167-182, 1983-1984);
  • Jim Rhodes became Iron Man (Iron Man #169-199, 1983-1985);
  • Tony Stark returned as Iron Man in red and silver armor (Iron Man #200, 1985);
  • fought in the Armor Wars (Iron Man #225-231, 1987-1988);
  • went to Camelot again with Doom (Iron Man #249-250, 1989);
  • manipulated Kearson DeWitt in Armor Wars II (Iron Man #258-266, 1990-1991);
  • James Rhodes returns as Iron Man (Iron Man #284, 1992);
  • Tony Stark became Iron Man again (Iron Man #289, 1993);
  • helped form Force Works (Force Works #1, 1994);
  • traveled through time with Doctor Doom (Iron Man #11, 1997);
  • returned from Counter-Earth (Iron Man #1, 1998);
  • became a member of the Hell Fire Club (X-Men #73, 1998);
  • the armor became “intelligent”, killed Knut (Iron Man #26-30, 2000);
  • Ultron gained control of the armor (Iron Man #46-49, 2001-2002);
  • Became Secretary of Defense (Iron Man #73-78, 2003);
  • became a member of the Thunderbolts as Cobalt Man (Avengers/Thunderbolts #1-6, 2004);
  • helped form the new Avengers team (New Avengers #1, 2005);
  • became director of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Civil War #7, 2007)


The son of a wealthy industrialist, Tony Stark was a brilliant inventor and mechanic. He took over his father's business at the age of 21, turning the company into one of the leading arms manufacturers. Stark was hit in the chest by shrapnel during a field test on the suitability of combat armor, which was supposed to give soldiers combat capabilities. Stark was captured by the weapons baron Wong Chu, forcing him to create weapons of mass destruction - only then would Tony receive the operation necessary to save his life.

Together with his comrade and former prisoner Ho Yinsen, laureate Nobel Prize in physics, Stark began working on a modified exoskeleton equipped with heavy weapons. Unknown even to Stark, Yinsen designed a protective chest plate to support the inventor's wounded heart. Stark put on the suit to try to escape captivity, but Professor Yinsen himself was killed in the decisive battle. He gave his life so that Iron Man could live.

After defeating the weapons baron, Stark returned to America and redesigned the suit. Having made up a story that Iron Man was his guard, Stark entered into double life as a billionaire inventor and costumed adventurer. Early enemies sent spies and foreign agents intent on stealing Stark's armor and military secrets. After some time, Stark stopped protecting only his personal interests. He also became involved in issues of national and international security. Iron Man even helped found the Avengers and became their team's sponsor.

Despite his enormous wealth, Stark's life is not perfect. When starting his career, he was forced to wear a chest plate at all times to protect his heart. Stark is also a former alcoholic, and his personal life is a complete mess. In many ways, Iron Man is a release and a shell he wears to keep the world around him at bay.

Iron Man's enemies took many forms, from conquerors with ambitions for world domination and corporate competitors, to super-criminals and foreign agents seeking to surpass or steal his technology.

Stark grew up feeling an increasing responsibility to use his technology around the world. Stark Enterprises broke ties with the government to focus on technologies that would improve people's lives.

Taught at a young age to give back to those who helped him live such a comfortable life, Stark founded many charities and institutions. With an increasing sense of responsibility, he reached a new level of maturation. Comparing his secret to debt rather than personal possessions, Stark decided to reveal to the world that he was Iron Man. With the weight of a double life on his shoulders, Stark found himself in unfamiliar territory as one of the few publicly known heroes.

  • Tony Stark is an ardent football fan.
  • Tony Stark is included in Forbes ratings. the richest fictional characters where he ranks 4th, his fortune is estimated at 12.4 billion dollars.

Civil War

After learning of the government's plans to push through the Superhuman Registration Act, which would force costumed superheroes to reveal their identities to the government and become legal agents, Iron Man sought a way to get the Act passed, even going to the extent of hiring Titanium Man to attack during the law's hearing. to sway opinions to your side. Stark tried to convince the other superheroes to support the new Law, saying that their participation could prevent the Law from passing greater restrictions on their activities, but all except Mister Fantastic rejected the idea of ​​Registration.

During a battle in Stamford between the New Warriors and a pair of supervillains, the explosion killed several hundred people, including 60 children. This event turned public opinion against superheroes and accelerated the passage of the law. Stark publicly supported the Registration, but the new law divided the heroes into two camps. Stark became the leader and public face of the Pro-Registration side. His first major public move as a supporter of the Registration was to reveal his alter ego Iron Man (Civil War: Front Line #1). He convinced Spider-Man to join him and do the same. Spider-Man, after growing concerned about Stark's overzealousness, began to question his choice of side and later joined the Anti-Registration Bloc after learning of a prison in the Negative Zone that was constructed to hold Anti-Registration heroes. Eventually, these heroes and Iron Man's forces met in a final battle, ending when Captain America, horrified by the destruction of the battle and realizing that his actions would not lead to the repeal of the law, surrendered.

In Civil War #7, Stark becomes director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Shortly after these events of the Civil War, Captain America was killed. Despite his fervent belief in the registration law, Tony Stark, bending over the body of Captain America, said that most of his actions in the name of the law "are not worth such a sacrifice" and later said at his funeral that "it was not supposed to end like this." .

Exile and Return of the Hulk

“Yes, I sent the Hulk into space. If you have to blame anyone for his return... blame me." - Iron Man.

Along with the rest of the Illuminati, Iron Man decided to banish the Hulk from Earth and found himself held accountable for his actions when he returned seeking revenge. Fortunately, Stark foresaw this opportunity and met the green giant in his new Hulkbuster armor. During the battle, most of New York was destroyed and burned, the battle was so fierce that the other heroes could not even get close and help. Stark Tower also failed and was destroyed, after which the Hulk captured Tony and sent him to the stadium to fight with the rest of the heroes. When all attempts to stop the enraged Hulk were exhausted, Stark aimed the lasers of the orbital satellites at the Hulk, which he installed after becoming director of S.H.I.E.L.D. This powerful beam deprived the green giant of his senses. Iron Man had to withdraw huge amounts of money from numerous accounts (mostly from S.H.I.E.L.D.) in order to restore Avengers Tower and some other buildings in New York.

When Thor returned and learned of the events of the Registration Act, he was furious that Iron Man had waged war against his fellow superheroes and, without his knowledge or permission, had used his DNA to create a clone of Thor.

Tony fought Thor, but it soon became clear that he could not win. Seeking a compromise, Stark proposed treating Asgard as a foreign embassy with diplomatic immunity for its inhabitants. Thor found this acceptable and the battle stopped.

Tony arrived at the remains of the X-Men Mansion to speak with Cyclops. He informed the former X-Men leader that the government wanted the X-Men to register. To which Scott replied no. more people X, and they will be registered from birth.

Secret Invasion

During the Secret Invasion, Stark's armor was infected with an alien virus. Due to the influence of the virus, the Skrull queen Veranka, who took the form of Spider-Woman, almost succeeded in winning Iron Man to her ranks, but the timely appearance of Black Widow saved Tony Stark. Under Natasha's cover, Tony repaired the damaged armor and led New York's heroes against the invaders. However, in the middle of the fight, the armor began to fail, forcing him to return to Avengers Tower for another. The US President blamed Stark for the Skrull attack and not only removed him from his post as director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but also outlawed the organization. Although the battle against the aliens was won, Tony suffered a great loss - his technology did not function, his corporation was on the verge of bankruptcy, he had many enemies and no friends willing to help him with his problems.

Dark Dominion

After the Secret Invasion, Tony was removed from his post and S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded. Norman Osborn created his service M.O.L.O.T., where many former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents went to work. Also new organization was entrusted with the management of all previous affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D., including control over the Initiative project. Stark was supposed to give Osborn the database for this project, which contained detailed information about every superhero and villain on Earth, including their real names. However, Tony gave him a fake database, which is worth quoting in full:

“The beginning of the database.

Iron Man. Real name Anthony Edward Stark.

End of database."

When Tony returned home, Pepper Potts and Maria Hill began asking him where real information. It turned out that Iron Man took advantage of the capabilities of the Extrimis virus and recorded all the information in his brain. However, if he is arrested by M.O.L.O.T. agents, they will still be able to read the data. Therefore, Stark began to implement a plan developed some time ago specifically for such cases. He gave Maria Hill some kind of high-tech hard drive and told her to find Captain America (Barnes). Pepper was assigned to lead Stark Enterprises with the sole purpose of carrying out the bankruptcy procedure of the corporation. And Tony himself began to travel around the world, coming to his many hiding places and gradually erasing the database from his head. However, despite the Extrememis virus, his brain was not a computer disk, and all the information in it was interconnected. Because of this, Tony experienced ever-progressive memory loss, and his IQ decreased significantly with each memory erasing procedure. It soon became difficult for him to use modern model armor, and had to wear increasingly older armor.

Meanwhile, Pepper Potts discovered a cache created especially for her, which contained armor reminiscent of Iron Man's armor, but devoid of any weapons. All technical means of the suit were designed to protect and save people. Pepper became a superheroine called the Savior.

Norman Osborn was awake. He managed to catch Potts and Hill, as well as Black Widow, who was helping the former deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but all three managed to escape. But the Agents of M.O.L.O.T. tracked down Tony Stark, who was heading to his last hideout in Afghanistan to conduct a final memory erasing session. By this time he could barely remember who he was. At his disposal was only the oldest and most primitive armor, the “tin can” (Tin Can), or Mark 00 (Mark 00). Osborn arrived in the Afghan desert in his Iron Patriot suit and was ready to kill Tony, but a press helicopter suddenly appeared. Osborn had to show that he followed the laws, so he left Stark alive, hoping to get at least a small part of the database. However, during the battle, Tony managed to erase the remnants of his memory.


Now Tony was in an extremely poor state. Not only his personality and mind were erased, but also all the body’s reflexes, including innate ones. Even breathing had to be maintained artificially, although neither the brain nor the internal organs were damaged. With Stark in the public eye, Osborn was still unable to kill him. After some thought, he came to the conclusion that Iron Man was no longer dangerous. Even if he could regain his memory, he had neither the armor nor the ability to create a new one. Moreover, if he does return to normal existence, he will be immediately arrested and put on trial. Therefore, Osborne gave Tony to the care of Dr. Donald Blake, who lives in the town of Bronxton, Oklahoma.

In fact, Thor lived in the city under the guise of Blake. He immediately called Pepper Potts, Maria Hill, Jim Rhodes, Captain America (Rogers, who had just recently returned to life) and Doctor Strange. Rhodes found a videotape in which Tony left instructions on what to do next. First, doctors placed a repulsor reactor in his chest. With the help of the Extrimis virus, Stark had long ago improved his body, so some “deviations from the norm” were observed, for example, wires in the lungs. Next, the hard drive that Hill kept together with Black Widow and Bucky Barnes was connected to Tony’s head through special ports. As it turned out, Tony had recorded all his memories on the disk some time ago, but there was no Initiative database there. The memory was written into the brain, and then Thor, using a very weak electrical discharge passed through Captain America's shield, forced the brain cells to accept it. After this, Tony should have woken up, but this did not happen immediately. Doctor Strange had to make considerable efforts to keep his brain functioning normally.

So Tony Stark is back. However, his memory was rewritten from a backup copy that was made before the Civil War. Consequently, Tony didn't remember anything that happened after that. Upon learning of the Civil War and the death of Captain America, he was horrified, even though Cap was alive again.

Siege and subsequent events

All this happened shortly before the siege of Asgard, and Osborn had no time for Iron Man. Therefore, he calmly sat at Donald Blake's house and read the press of that period, which he did not remember. Tony Stark's body has been rebuilt. Now his brain was connected to the reactor and acted faster, meaning Stark became smarter than ever. During the Siege, Tony, along with the rest of the heroes, confronted the forces of the Iron Patriot, using the miraculously surviving old armor.

When Osborn was arrested and M.O.L.O.T. was closed, all charges were dropped against Stark, and he was able to begin to rebuild his life. Stark Enterprises was declared bankrupt, and Tony founded a new corporation, Stark Resilient, specializing in the production of repulsor reactors - the next generation of energy sources. In addition, he created new armor. Thor's electrical discharge partially unblocked the Extrimis virus, and Stark completely fused the armor with his body. Now, if necessary, he does not put on armor, but simply turns into Iron Man.

Powers and abilities


Iron Man's armor gives Stark superhuman strength and physical protection. Stark can lift up to 90 tons in normal operation, and his jet-powered boots and gloves allow him to fly. The suit includes various weapons such as repulsor beams on the arms, missiles, lasers and flamethrowers. The Unibeam in the center of his chest is capable of emitting different kinds light energy, and his helmet contains communication devices, scanning equipment and a recording device.

Powers and Abilities

  • An armored suit equipped with the latest weapons that gives superhuman strength.
  • Genius inventor, mechanic, engineer.
  • Flight ability
  • Neural connection with the suit
  • Mastered martial arts skills
  • Weapon - light pulses.


A custom-designed, unique reactor-based suit provides protection from bullets and stab wounds and acts as an exoskeleton, multiplying Tony's strength. The suit is equipped with various weapons: a pulse cannon, missiles, lasers, tasers and flamethrowers. The boots have built-in motors that allow flight by maneuvering with the help of additional motors while wearing gloves. The helmet provides communication with satellites and allows you to scan the area, search for information and give instructions to headquarters.

Other versions

Marvel Zombies

The military equipment of the US Army is branded "Stark Industries". Robert Downey Jr. himself appeared as Stark in a post-credits scene, showing the film's connection to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The second film about Stark was released on May 7 (in Russia on April 29), 2010. His famous suitcase armor was demonstrated here for the first time. The main villain is Ivan Vanko, with Black Widow and Nick Fury appearing in key roles.

In Age of Ultron, Tony serves as the creator of the film's main antagonist. Together with the Avengers, he participates in the fight against Ultron, who, having destroyed Jarvis, decided that by destroying life on the planet he would restore order on it. Stark later helps Dr. Bruce Banner infuse Jarvis's matrix into his body, thereby co-creating Vision. After defeating Ultron, he says he is taking a “time out.”

At the beginning of the film, a flashback showed Howard as the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony was later mentioned by Hank Pym in a conversation with Scott Lang when he suggested turning to the Avengers for help.

In this film, Tony still tries to lead an ordinary life, but after the Super Hero Registration Act, he returns to the post of Iron Man and fully supports the government. Participates in the battle at the airport, and later finds Steve and Bucky in Siberia, where he finds out who really killed his parents. He enters into a fight with Bucky and Steve, during which he deprives Bucky of his arm and beats Steve, but ultimately loses. In the finale, he learns that everyone who was against registration fled, but he doesn’t show it.


  • In 1966, the first animated series about Iron Man was released, which lasted only one season of 13 episodes.
  • In the series "Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends" (English) Russian» 1983 Iron Man appears as his alter ego, billionaire Tony Stark.
  • In 1994, Iron Man was in several episodes of the 1994 Spider-Man animated series, and then acquired his second series, which ran for 2 seasons. Moreover, in the first season, instead of heart failure, Tony Stark’s main illness was shrapnel stuck in his back.
  • Iron Man was in one episode of the 2nd season of Fantastic Four and also one episode of The Incredible Hulk.
  • Iron Man was in several episodes of The Avengers. Always together.”
  • Iron Man is one of the main characters of the full-length cartoon "New Avengers" and its sequel "New Avengers 2"
  • In the animated film New Avengers: Tomorrow's Heroes, Tony is one of the few Avengers who was able to survive the climactic battle with Ultron - mainly because the rest of the Avengers trusted him to take care of their children. For about 10 years, he, along with the children of his comrades, hid in the Arctic base of the Avengers, which Ultron did not know about. In fact, he replaced the children with a father, but Tony missed his fallen friends so much that in his spare time he created their mechanical doubles based on his suits. When the hideout was declassified, Tony fought Ultron, but lost due to the intervention of the Iron Avengers. Ultron did not kill Stark ahead of time, only because he is his creator. The children eventually find Tony and rescue him from captivity, but due to the destruction of the last working suit in the skirmish with Ultron, Tony did not participate in the final battle.
  • Iron Man appeared in one episode of the series Fantastic Four: The World's Greatest Heroes
  • On January 27, 2007, the full-length cartoon “The Indestructible Iron Man” was released, released immediately on DVD.
  • In 2009, the third animated series was released - Iron Man: Armored Adventures, in which Tony and his friends are presented as teenagers. Tony never went to school and studied at home, as a result of which he became a truly brilliant teenager. Tony had a bad relationship with his father's colleague, Obadiah Stane, because he wanted to turn his and his father's inventions into weapons. Tony and his father were in a plane crash, but Tony managed to escape thanks to the prototype Iron Man suit. The series has many differences from the comics: for example, in the comics, Tony and Pepper Potts have always been friends, while in the series they just met; The villain Mandarin in the series is also a teenager, and Tony does not know for a long time that he is his friend Jin Han. Madame Mask in the series is Stane's daughter, and Red Dynamo is a suit for space flights. At least three seasons are planned. Dubbed in Russia by Anton Eldarov.
  • In the 2010 animated feature Planet Hulk, Iron Man makes a cameo appearance as a member of the Illuminati along with Mister Fantastic, Doctor Strange, and Black Bolt. He was voiced by Mark Warden.
  • In the winter of 2010, a Japanese film adaptation of the comic was released, consisting of 12 episodes.
  • In the fall of 2010, the series “The Avengers” was also released. Earth's Mightiest Heroes" where Iron Man is one of the main heroes and the leader of the team (before handing over his duties to Captain America). He also appeared in the sequel to this animated series "Avengers Assemble" in 2013, in which he is still the leader of the team: although he disbanded it and then reassembled it, most of the team members did not appear in the 1st season. Dubbed in Russia by Konstantin Karasik
  • In May 2013, the animated series "Avengers Team" was released (a continuation of the events of "The Avengers: Great Heroes of Earth"). Tony Stark reassembles the team when his friend Captain America was destroyed before his eyes (teleported, in fact). And this began the new adventures of the team. Voiced in Russian by Yaroslav Geyvandov.
  • Iron Man appeared in two episodes of the animated series "Ultimate Spider-Man". Dubbed in Russia by Yaroslav Geyvandov.
  • Iron Man appeared in the 2014 animated series “Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Ultimate Reboot,” and his main enemy, the Mandarin, also appeared here.


  • Iron Man appears in several film games, and is also a playable character in Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2.
  • Appears in the game “The Punisher” (2005) as a cameo character.
  • He is the main and playable character in SEGA's Iron Man and Iron Man 2.
  • Based on the film, the game Iron Man 3 (English: Iron Man 3: The Official Game) was released for mobile platforms IOS and Android.
  • In the game "LEGO Marvel Super Heroes" he appears as a playable character.
  • In the game Marvel Heroes 2016
  • In the game "Disney INFINITY", after the update "2.0 Marvel Super Heroes" is present as a playable character.
  • In the game "LEGO Marvel's Avengers" he is a playable character.
  • He is a playable character in Marvel Future Fight.


  • The character was parodied in several issues of the animated series Robot Chicken.

Criticism and reviews


  • Age of Innocence: The Rebirth of Iron Man(February 1996)
  • A+X #2,7 (Avengers + X-Men #2,7) (2012)
  • Giant-Size Iron Man (1975)
  • Iron Man 2020(August 1994)
  • Iron Man and the Sub-Mariner (1968)
  • Iron Man Annual #1-15 (1970-1994)
  • Iron Man Annual (1998-2001)
  • Iron Man: Bad Blood#1-4 (September - December 2000)
  • Iron Man: Crash (1988)
  • Iron Man: The Inevitable#1-6 (February - July 2006)
  • Iron Man: The Iron Age#1-2 (August - September 1998)
  • Iron Man Vol. 1, #1-332 (May 1968 - September 1996)
  • Iron Man Vol. 2, #1-13 (November 1996 - November 1997)
  • Iron Man Vol. 3, #1-89 (February 1998 - October 2004)
  • Iron Man Vol. 4, #1- (November 2004 -)
  • Iron Manual (1993)
  • Tales of Suspense#39-99 (March 1963 - March 1968)
  • Ultimate Iron Man#1-4 (March 2005 - November 2005)


  1. The Invincible Iron Man. Paramount Pictures.
  2. Lee, Son of Origins, pp. 46-48
  3. Heck, quoted in Peel, John. A Signing Session with Don Heck, Comics Feature(March/April 1985), p. 18.
  4. Beard, Jim. Spotlight on Iron Man/Tony Stark (undefined) . Marvel(February 27, 2008). Retrieved March 5, 2008. Archived November 20, 2012.
  5. The series" indicia gives its copyright title Iron Man, while the trademarked cover logo of most issues is The Invincible Iron Man.
  6. Iron Man is number 12
  7. The Forbes Fictional 15, 2006 (English), Forbes (20 November 2006). Archived January 23, 2013.
  8. The Forbes Fictional 15, 2007 (English), Forbes (11 December 2007).
  9. The Forbes Fictional 15, 2010 (English), Forbes (2010-4-13).
  10. Tony Stark - The Forbes Fictional 15
  11. The Forbes Fictional 15 2011 (English), Forbes (2012-23-4).
  12. David M. Ewalt. The 2013 Forbes Fictional 15 (English), Forbes (2013-7-31).
  13. THE 25 LARGEST FICTIONAL COMPANIES, Forbes (December 11, 2007).
  14. The Most Expensive Fictional Houses (English), Forbes (12-08-18). Archived from the original on July 31, 2012.


  • Biography of Iron Man in Russian on the website
  • "Iron Man" (English) on the Internet Movie Database
  • Description of Iron Man (undefined) . (August 8, 2016). Retrieved August 16, 2016.
  • "The Untamed Iron Man (2007)" (English) on Internet Movie Database

(Iron Man) his real name Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark is a fictional character, a superhero who appears in the Marvel Comics universe.


The son of a wealthy industrialist, Tony Stark was a brilliant inventor and mechanic. He took over his father's business at the age of 21, turning the company into one of the leading arms manufacturers. Stark was wounded in the chest by shrapnel in Asia during a field test of the suitability of combat armor, which was supposed to give soldiers combat capabilities. Stark was captured by the weapons baron Wong-Chu, forcing him to create weapons of mass destruction - only then would he receive the surgery needed to save his life.

Together with his comrade and former prisoner Huo Yinsen, a Nobel Prize winner in physics, Stark began working on a modified exoskeleton equipped with heavy weapons. Secret even from Stark, Yinsen designed a protective chest plate to support the inventor's early heart. Stark put on the suit to try to escape captivity, but Professor Yinsen himself was killed in the decisive battle. He gave his life so Iron Man could live.

Having extorted the arms baron, Stark returned to America and redesigned the suit. After making up the story that Iron Man was his security guard, Stark began a double life as a billionaire inventor and costumed adventurer. Early enemies infiltrated spies and foreign agents, intent on stealing Stark's armor and military secrets. Over time, Stark stopped protecting only his personal interests. He also became involved in issues of national and international security. Iron Man even helped find the Avengers and became their team's sponsor.

Despite his enormous wealth, Stark's life is not perfect. When starting his career, he was forced to wear a chest plate at all times to protect his heart. Stark is also a former alcoholic, and his personal life is a complete mess. In many ways, Iron Man is a release and a shell he wears to keep the world around him at bay.

Iron Man's enemies took many forms, from conquerors with ambitions for world domination and corporate rivals, to super-criminals and foreign agents seeking to surpass or steal his technology.

Stark grew up feeling an increasing responsibility to use his technology around the world. Stark Enterprises broke ties with the government to focus on technologies that would improve people's lives.

Taught at a young age to give back to those who helped him live such a comfortable life, Stark founded many charities and institutions. With an increasing sense of responsibility, he reached a new level of maturation. Comparing his secret to debt rather than personal possessions, Stark chose to reveal to the world that he was Iron Man. With the weight of a double life on his shoulders, Stark found himself in unfamiliar territory as one of the few publicly known heroes.


Previously, he had no abilities, but being critically wounded during a battle with Mallin from the Extremis dimension, Stark introduced an altered techno-organic virus into his nervous system to save his life. This fused Stark's armor to his body, and allowed him to store the inner (bottom) layer of Iron Man's armor inside the body in the voids of his bones, and also control this inner layer through direct brain impulses. Tony is also able to connect to external communications systems such as satellites, cell phones and computers all over the world. Since the armor operating system is now linked directly to nervous system Stark, her response time noticeably accelerated. The Extremis armor gave him the ability to react quickly and have a healing factor that allowed him to re-grow even entire organs. Iron Man was also able to stop and then restart the heart of the Crimson Dynamo.

In addition, Anthony Stark has a genius-level intellect, which allowed him to create complex inventions, including Iron Man's exoskeleton armor. Stark also has a forward-thinking business mindset.

It’s not worth putting him on a par with other superheroes - the ability is artificially created, and even military-robotic.

In the media
Cartoon series

Iron Man appears in the 1966 animated series Marvel Superheroes", where he was voiced by John Vernon.

In 1981, Iron Man appeared in the animated series Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, voiced by William H. Marshall. His most notable appearance was in the episode "Spider-Friends Origins", in which Tony Stark is the central character. Beetle stole the computer and vacuum booster invented by Tony Stark to increase his strength. He was the first villain the Spider-Friends faced together in that episode. In gratitude for helping the Spider-Friends against the Bug, Stark provided them with the crime-detection technology used by the heroes throughout the series.

Iron Man appeared in the 1981 animated series " Spider-Man" in the episodes "Arsenic and Aunt May" and "The Capture of Captain America".

In 1994, Iron Man starred in the animated series " ", voiced by Robert Hayes. Iron Man served as part of a team consisting of Centuri, War Machine, Hawkeye and Spider-Woman.

Iron Man appears in some episodes of the 1994 Fantastic Four series.

Iron Man appeared in two episodes of "Venom and Carnage" and "Secret War Chapter" in the animated series " Spider-Man" 1994. Where he was voiced by Robert Hayes.

Robert Hayes voiced Iron Man again in the 1996 animated series The Incredible Hulk in the episode "Helping Hand, Iron Fist".

In 1999, in the animated series "Avengers: Always Together" he was voiced by Francis Dyakovsky. He helps the Avengers stop the Zodiac's plan.

In 2007, Iron Man appeared in Fantastic Four: Greatest Heroes Peace" in the episode "Fraud", voiced by David Kaye.

In 2009, Iron Man starred in " Iron Man: Armored Adventures", voiced by Adrian Petriv.

In 2009, Iron Man appeared in The Super Hero Squadron, voiced by Tom Kenny.

In 2010, Iron Man appears in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, voiced by Eric Loomis and Keiji Fujiwara in the Japanese dub. As in the comics, he is one of the founding members of the team and provides them with Avengers Mansion as well as technology for the entire team, including a special ID card and a Quinjet.

Iron Man appears in the Marvel Anime: X-Men, voiced by Keiji Fujiwara in the Japanese version and by Adrian Pasdar in the English version.

He appears in the animated series " Great Spider-Man", voiced by Adrian Pasdare. In the episode " Great power"He is shown trying to deal with his suit, which has fallen under the control of the villain. He stars in the episode "Flight of the Iron Spider", where he and the team fight the Living Laser.

Iron Man appears in the animated series LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload, voiced by Adrian Pasdar.

He will appear in Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H., voiced by Adrian Pasder.

Iron Man appears in Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel, voiced by Adrian Pasdar.

Iron Man appears in the animated series Avengers Assemble, voiced by Adrian Pasder.

Iron Man will appear in Avengers: Disc Wars.


Robert Downey Jr. played the role of Iron Man (Tony Stark) in the films:

  • "Iron Man" (2008).
  • "Iron Man 2" (2010).
  • "The Avengers" (2012).
  • "Iron Man 3" (2013).
  • "Avengers: Age of Ultron" (2015).
  • "Captain America: Civil War" (2016).
  • "Spider-Man: Homecoming" (2017).

Animated films

Iron Man was featured in New Avengers, voiced by Mark Worden.

Iron Man was featured in New Avengers 2, voiced by Mark Worden.

Iron Man appears in "Indestructible Iron Man", voiced by Mark Worden.

An elderly Iron Man appears in alternate universe, in New Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow, voiced by Tom Kane. He keeps the children of the Avengers in a safe place so that Ultron does not find them.

Iron Man has a cameo in Planet Hulk, voiced by Mark Warden. He appears at the very beginning of the film and informs the Hulk that they were forced to send him to another planet.

Iron Man appears in "Iron Man: Rise of the Technovore".

Iron Man appears as a central character in Iron Man and the Hulk: Hero Alliance, voiced by Adrian Pasder.

Iron Man appears in Iron Man and Captain America: Hero Alliance.

Iron Man appears in " Secret materials Avengers: Black Widow and the Punisher" voiced by Mercer.

Iron Man will appear in Superhero Adventures: Frostbite!