Master class, Children's Day. Master class "postcard for Children's Day" Craft for June 1st in kindergarten

Children Protection Day

Children's Day is celebrated annually June 1st in most countries on the planet. The name of the holiday is due to its meaning - protection of the life, health and rights of children, in a word - child protection. In parks and squares of many cities, festive events for children are organized on this day; everywhere you can see children's faces with a smile from ear to ear and balloons in their hands.

By June 1, as a rule, they coincide charity events in favor of children with disabilities, orphans, children from low-income and disadvantaged families. Giving children in need a reason to smile means making the world a brighter place and children happier.

We are looking forward to your reports on the celebration of Children's Day, charity events, and competitions. The section also includes games, wall newspapers, drawings on asphalt and other works dedicated to the holiday.

Master Class

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by a master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be original (invented and made by you). If you used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing sales of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited according to clause 2.4 of the PS).

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The process should be photographed step by step (see Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

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June 1st celebrated in many countries around the world International Children's Day or Children Protection Day . This is one of the oldest holidays, which is revered by many peoples. The decision to establish it was made at the World Conference in Geneva back in 1925.

On the first day of summer, discussions on the rights and well-being of children are usually held, children's feature films and television programs are broadcast, and sports competitions are organized.

Besides, in International Children's Day Various events, competitions, performances are held, which children do for this holiday.

Children Protection Day - This is a kind and bright holiday, so it is always celebrated in a fun and interesting way.

We invite you to make a funny sun for the holiday, which personifies warmth and joy, and is sure to bring a good mood.

For work we will need:

- colored paper (preferably double-sided);
- scissors;
— 2 disks;
— felt-tip pens or markers;
- glue.

Craft manufacturing technology:

1. Fold a sheet of yellow or orange paper, A4 size, like an accordion so that the width of the strip is 1 cm.
2. Next, we cut off the corners on both sides, smoothly rounding them.

3. We need to get a fan that needs to be folded in half.
4. It turned out to be two fans that are attached in the middle. You need to glue them to each other.
5. We take the same sheet, A4 format, but in a different bright color and make the same fan out of it. We glue them together.

6. In order for the sun to have two beautiful sides, we take two disks. We seal the holes with a circle of yellow colored paper and decorate our sun’s face.

7. We glue the disks on both sides onto the rays from the accordion and get such a funny sun.

8. The sun needs to be placed under a press for a short time so that the discs stick better.

These interesting ones can be used to decorate a child’s room for any holiday. The sun, suspended on a thread, will spin, and the rays emanating from the disk will delight the eyes of children and launch “sun bunnies”.

By showing some imagination, the rays of the sun can be slightly varied.

For example, cut strips of colored paper up to 1 cm wide and glue them with loops. Glue it onto the disk and cover it with the disk on the other side. And if the loops are glued in two rows, shifted to the side, you will get rays in the form of funny curls.

All residents of our country are familiar with such a holiday as June 1. Indeed, at the very beginning of summer we celebrate Children’s Day with our children. On this bright day, concert programs are organized in many cities. The kids receive gifts every day and just a good mood. Of course, on this day it is customary to make crafts. Therefore, after reading this article you can find out what crafts you can make with your own hands for June 1st.

Crafts catalog

It is important to point out that this publication will contain some great ideas. Absolutely all kids can cope with them. In addition, creating crafts does not require expensive materials. In general, we will get acquainted with each craft in more detail below.

Cute flowers.

To create flowers with a child, you will need a couple of toilet paper rolls. To begin with, the bushings are painted in various bright colors with paints. After the paint has dried, the bushings are cut into rings. After that, using a glue stick, glue these rings together. At the same time, you need to create flowers or beautiful compositions from them. The elements that you have obtained are glued to an ordinary sheet of cardboard.

Let's color it mug with your fingers.

What crafts can you make yourself for June 1, Children's Day? Perhaps this question is of interest to many. Thematic classes can be held before June 1 or just on this day. Every child dreams of having a children's mug with some interesting design. So why not give him such a gift. Let the child dream up his own imagination and make for himself the best product in his opinion.

To make such a mug you will need: paints for ceramics and just a white porcelain glass. The kid should dip his fingers in this paint and leave prints on the mug in the form of some summer drawings. These drawings can be: the sun and clouds, butterflies, flowers or something else.

Dear sunshine.

In this article you can see crafts for June 1st. The next sun craft will become part of the decor of the children's room. She will remind the child of the parents who love him so much. On such a craft there will be the inscription “You are my sunshine!”

To make a craft you will need a circle, which can be made of plastic or wood. This circle is painted bright yellow. They also write that treasured phrase on it. You can write it not only in Russian, but also in English.

Palm flowers.

It is customary all over the world that there are many flowers at every holiday. You can make flowers for Children's Day yourself. And there is nothing complicated here. In particular, you will need double-sided colored paper from which handprints are cut out. Next, they are glued together. Sequins are used to decorate the core.

Another craft is the sun.

Children's Day is always celebrated cheerfully and sincerely. Therefore, another craft for kindergarten on June 1 will be confirmation of this. You will have to tinker with the creation of the next sun. However, in this case, the thematic lesson will be incredibly fun. Here you may need: double-sided colored paper, scissors and 2 CDs, glue and markers.

So, first, an A4 sheet of orange or yellow color is folded like an accordion. In this case, the width of the strip should be 1 cm.

Then the corners are cut off on both sides. This is done in order to smoothly round them. Now you have a fan that needs to be folded in half. As a result, you get two fans that should be fixed in the middle. Now glue them to each other.

Then you will need another A4 sheet, from which the same fan is made, which is glued together.

Now it's time for the old CDs. They will allow the sun to be beautiful. For both disks, the holes are sealed with a circle of colored paper. Next, our sun needs a face.

Now the rays are glued to the disks on both sides. The result will be a very funny sun.

Let's sum it up

Now you can find out what children's crafts are easy to make by June 1st. The time spent with your baby will be remembered only for pleasant moments. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to your child, whom you love so much.

Children's crafts for June 1 - Children's Day fill any corner of the school, kindergarten and home with the atmosphere of a holiday and cloudless childhood. They seem to remind us that in childhood, each of us came into contact with creativity and learned to express our feelings and thoughts through art. Over time, this skill could get lost in a series of routine tasks, but for every young child, creativity is an integral part of life.

Paper craft for June 1st - “Children surround the Earth”

School days for Children's Day are already ending, and children attending kindergarten often make crafts for this holiday.

A kindergarten craft for Children's Day should be relatively simple to make, but at the same time be quite impressive. Therefore, it is better to take durable, bright and, perhaps even unusual materials as its basis. We suggest making a craft using bright double-sided sheets of cardboard and an unnecessary CD.

First of all, you will need to trace the disc along the outline on a pale green cardboard sheet.

Using a template, cut out these people from cardboard of different colors - black, blue, red, yellow and white.

Glue the green circle onto the surface of the CD using reliable office glue, and place the little people on top, around the perimeter, so that it looks like they are holding each other's hands.

Use a shaped hole punch and cut colorful paper flowers. They will need to decorate the “clearing” where the little men dance in a circle. Trees can be “planted” between the little people - as small symbols of growing friendship.

Now another interesting part of the work - using a template you need to cut out a face for each person from white paper.

Using felt-tip pens or colored pens, we draw eyes, a nose and a smiling mouth on each face.

Glue the faces to the human figures.

We thread a translucent ribbon through the hole in the disk. We made a wonderful DIY craft for Children's Day! You can make several of these crafts if you plan to hold competitions or relay races at the holiday. The winning team will receive such unique medals as a reward, and the rest of the participants will become a consolation prize. On the reverse side you can write words of congratulations or a beautiful poem about children's friendship.

Craft for June 1 (Children's Day) video:

Purpose of the master class:

June 1 is International Children's Day. Such a master class can be held at a children's event or matinee. A handmade keepsake card will allow the child to show creativity and realize the possibility of his contribution to the world holiday. The lesson is designed for children aged 7 years and older. Operating time – from 45 minutes.

Target:making a postcard for Children's Day.


To promote the formation of citizenship in children.

Encourage children to engage in independent arts and crafts.

Teach children to do work consistently and from memory, as well as from imagination.

To develop the ability to correctly arrange details and composition elements on the surface.

Help increase concentration, perseverance and accuracy in children.

Promote the development of creative imagination and fantasy in a child.

To cultivate aesthetic taste in children.

Tools and materials:

Sheets of colored and white A4 paper;

Scissors; Glue stick; Figured hole punches in the form of flowers, butterflies;

Markers; Template for the sun with a ray; Ribbon lines with the inscriptions “Children’s Day”, “Author of the postcard”;

Ruler, pencil, eraser.

Stages of work:

1.Fold sheets of yellow and white paper in half, like a book.

2.Using a template, cut out the sun on a white sheet.

3. Decorate the card with flowers and butterflies cut out with figured hole punches.

4. Supplement the design of the postcard with blank strips with the inscriptions: “Children’s Day”, “Author of the postcard”, “Congratulations!”

5.Draw any pictures or scenes inside the postcard.

The postcard is ready! Such a card will be a wonderful, and most importantly, an important gift for any child!