Wise quotes about home. Smart thoughts about home, marriage and family

A marriage without love is devoid of true existence, goodness, consolation, has nothing in it from God’s institution, nothing but the most wretched and base, which any self-respecting person can easily neglect. The carnal life may continue, but it will be neither holy nor pure, nor upholding the sacred bonds of marriage, but will become best case scenario animal function... For in human affairs the soul is the active force, and the body is in a sense passive. And if in this case the body acts contrary to what the soul demands, how can a person think that it is he who is acting, and not something below him?
Milton John

All happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Tolstoy L. N.

The homeland and parents should come first, then the children and the whole family, and then the rest of the relatives.

Pledge family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness...
Zola E.

Getting married without tying yourself to anything is a betrayal.
Montaigne M.

The purpose of dinner is nutrition and the purpose of marriage is family.
Tolstoy L. N.

Marriage is a long conversation punctuated by arguments.
Stevenson R.

Those who love the truth should seek love in marriage, that is, love without illusions.
Camus A.

Take care of your wife, don’t give her free rein.
Fonvizin D. I.

The most best mother the one who can replace her father when he is gone.
Goethe I.

The job of a good housewife is: to be quiet, modest, constant, careful; Diligent to God, respectful to father-in-law and mother-in-law; treat your husband lovingly and decently, teach small children to justice and love for your neighbor; Be polite in front of relatives and relatives, listen willingly to kind speeches, and abhor lies and deceit; not to be idle, but diligent in every product and thrifty in expenses.
Catherine the Great

I want to clean up my house forever. I want to live in clean rooms, and I don’t want to make too careful inquiries about the broom and dustpan with which they will be cleaned.
Thackeray W.

IN family life the most important screw is love.
Chekhov A.P.

To grow not only in breadth, but also to grow upward - may the garden of marriage help you in this, my brothers!
Nietzsche F.

The virtue of parents is a great dowry.

Marriage is distinguished by the peculiarity that with it the worship of an idol ceases. When a man takes a closer look at his goddess, she becomes a simple woman again.
Addison D.

If your father is kind, love him; if he is evil, endure him.

It is better to commit a hundred serious sins, to accept a hundred severe torments, to gain a hundred enemies, than to offend a parent by becoming disobedient, than not to come to him in difficult times when he calls.

It is good to lead in your home.

Marriage follows love, just like smoke follows fire.

Any matter between reasonable spouses is resolved with mutual consent, but so that the headship of the husband is obvious and the last word remained with him.

In my deep conviction, the marriage union should be alien to any publicity, this matter concerns only two people - no one else.

A marriage cannot be happy if the spouses, before entering into a union, do not know each other’s morals, habits and characters perfectly.

All this can be neglected if we're talking about about us, but not when it comes to our loved ones.

Houses, like people, have their own soul and their own face, which reflects their inner essence.

Marriage is legal love; with such a definition, everything that is transitory, capricious and subjective in it is excluded from the latter.

Only then is it easy to live with a person when you do not consider yourself higher or better than him, or him higher and better than yourself.

Marriage without love is fraught with love without marriage.

Living together under one roof is a terrible thing in itself, and half of the marriages have collapsed. Living closely together, people come too close to each other), see each other in too much detail, too wide open, and imperceptibly pluck all the flowers of the wreath petal by petal that surrounds the personality with poetry and boundaries.

Marriage, to tell the truth, is evil, but a necessary evil.

Regarding any marriage, let one rule be observed: each person should enter into a marriage that is useful for the state, and not just the most pleasant for himself.

We must always marry in the same way as we die, that is, only when it is impossible otherwise.

Marriage is too perfect a state for an imperfect person.

Do not have love for your husband that resembles friendship. Have a friendship for him that would be like love. It will be much stronger.

Marriage and love have different aspirations: Marriage seeks benefits, love seeks favor.

When a man takes a wife below himself in rank, he does not humiliate himself, but elevates his wife; on the contrary, by entering into a marriage with a person of a higher rank, he humiliates her and does not elevate himself.

Marriage is a reverse fever: it begins with heat and ends with cold.

There is no such thing in a family that spouses do not influence each other. Where there is love, this happens easily, but where there is no love, the use of violence causes what we call tragedy.

Any social doctrine that attempts to destroy the family is worthless and, moreover, inapplicable. The family is the crystal of society.

People usually torture their neighbors under the pretext that they wish them well.

Everyone knows that if a husband and wife live harmoniously and happily, then their mutual affection intensifies every year and finally reaches such a development that they literally “cannot live without each other.”

There is no place sweeter than home.

The wife's guardian is virtue. The only one who is virtuous is the one who is not forced by fear, and the one who is faithful out of fear is not faithful at all.

If a girl is forced down the aisle,
This is where virtue often ends.
After all, maybe the spouse is calm for his honor
Only on the condition that you yourself are worthy of love.
And if husbands have something growing on their foreheads,
Let them blame themselves - not their wives and not fate.

Let anyone who enters our house marvel at us, and not at our dishes.

I want to say that the word "marriage" has a thousand meanings. This word acquires meaning only in human life. Take away the person and it will be difficult to determine the meaning... If I say that main meaning This word is love, I will have to define the word “love”, and what is called love is even more closely connected with life than marriage.

When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, after less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter.

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Quotes about home, family, children.

Family starts with children.

A. I. Herzen

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

L. N. Tolstoy

The key to family happiness is kindness, frankness, responsiveness...

E. Zola

In family life, the most important screw is love.

A. P. Chekhov

A strong family is when all its members live amicably with each other.

T. Kleiman

Family is one of nature's masterpieces.

D. Santayana

The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The family is the crystal of society.

V. Hugo

Mother and father, dad and mom - these are the first two authorities on which the world is based for a child, faith in life, in man, in everything honest, good and holy.

G. Medynsky

Only the family, only it alone, can educate children in the most essential aspects of culture, instill its most spiritual particles.

V. V. Rozanov

If your own heart, your own habits, your own life cannot serve as a model for your children, then everything will be wasted effort and wasted effort.

I. Kampe

A benevolent family is a ship that is held together during a storm by two anchors: faith and morality.


Your son, when he is 5 years old, is your master; when he is 10 - your slave; when he is 15 - your double; but then it’s one of two things: either a friend or an enemy, depending on your upbringing.

A. Hasdaim

Children make up the most beautiful, loudest and most joyful part of society.
A. Makarenko

Don’t part with your childhood, don’t part with it as long as possible, and the world will never fade in your soul.

P. P. Bazhov

The child learns from what he sees in his home.

I. Brandt

Happy is he who is happy at home.

L. Tolstoy

Children never obeyed adults, but they always imitated them correctly.

D. Baldwin

We do not make laws for our children, all we can do for them is to give them a valuable example.

T. Macaulay

Home should not be a place to stay, but a place to which we always return.

A. Monterlant

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A home is not only a place where a person lives, but also his personal living space. It is in our own apartment that we can truly relax and recover after nervous tension received at work. Only at home do we really rest and recuperate. That is why there is such a wise saying - “My home is my fortress.” This is actually true.

Quotes about home help to appreciate the importance and significance of the comfort with which a person surrounds himself. When you read such statements, a feeling of warmth is created and an opportunity arises to look differently at your usual way of life in order to appreciate everything that you have. The quotes below about home demonstrate an attitude of humility and peace.

“Home is not a place, but a state of mind” (S. Ahern)

Since a person spends a significant part of his life in an apartment, it is where he feels most comfortable. In the evening, people return from work and find an atmosphere of comfort and peace. Relaxation and harmony reign there, so there is an opportunity to spend time well and with benefit for the whole body. If a person did not have such a personal corner, he probably would not be able to fully exist. Quotes about home fully correspond to people’s ideas about life and how it should be arranged.

We ourselves emit energy that envelops the space of the apartment, creating a unique atmosphere in it. You will not find two identical houses in the whole wide world; they will definitely differ from each other in some way. The state of mind is how we feel in a particular space.

“He who does not have a home can be anywhere” (E. M. Remarque)

As a rule, such individuals cannot find consolation anywhere. They look for reassurance and comfort everywhere, but something constantly prevents them from feeling happy. The thing is that they do not have a specific place where they could lay their heads, fully relax, and reflect on the events taking place. Quotes from writers about home demonstrate family and personal values. Creative people As a rule, they more scrupulously seek answers to questions about the meaning of life and are actively engaged in self-knowledge.

“There is a home where we are loved and waited for” (Byron)

Quotes from the greats about home would be incomplete without this wonderful saying. It is customary to call a hearth not so much a place of physical habitat, but rather a spatial dimension where a person is met by relatives and loved ones. Where you are happy to see you, where you go to heal your spiritual wounds, is your true home. In such a place you can remove social masks, allow yourself to be weak, and achieve a state of calm and comfort.

Relaxation is achieved due to the fact that it becomes possible to express your emotions fully, and not hush them up for fear of disapproval from your superiors. It is for this reason that conflicts that arise at work are easily “treated” with warmth and comfort.

“Home is where your heart is” (P. Strashiy)

When a person talks about himself, in most cases he understands by his own well-being the presence of a large and friendly family. Home is a place where close people gather, deeply loving friend friend. Willingness to give care, warmth, and understanding indicates that several individuals feel good together.

Thus, quotes about home allow each of us to find our own individual values ​​and look at our close surroundings with recognition and gratitude. A person cannot be happy alone, no matter how hard he tries to prove the opposite to himself or those around him. Each of us needs to understand and recognize our own uniqueness.

What does the word home mean for each of us? How do we feel when it comes to our family? What happens to our heart when we hear these words? How does our memory react? What color are emotions? And most importantly, are the sensations from these two concepts similar? A lot has been written, but it’s worth reading - after all, this is the main thing in our lives...


Answering this question, first of all, we imagine a material object, a place where we spend most of our time. But for many, these are not just rooms connected by a corridor, they are our shell and protection from the outside world. And sometimes from ourselves. This is a bunker from problems, enemies, relationships. This is our heart. This is why we often treat our home as an animate object. Each house has its own history, its own secrets, legends, and sometimes even ghosts and curses. As you know, a house has not only walls, but also ears and energy. Our walls are saturated with our words and actions, just as we are saturated with our conversations in the kitchen and the view from the window. This is our mood and way of life. The concept of home, in fact, implies a very complex and deep interaction of our inner world and external manifestation, expressed in the material arrangement of one’s home. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a huge mansion in an elite area or whether it’s a corner communal apartment. Only one thing is important - that no matter what happens to us, there is always a way out, or rather an entrance. Entrance to our house.

If we talk about family, then we imagine the image of the people closest and most necessary to our hearts. By and large, a family is also a kind of home, with its own past, present, and future. With its mysteries, secrets, traditions, victories and failures.

The family is not only a paragraph in the constitution, it is a whole social invention. And the whole paradox of this phenomenon is that when we are asked about family, our pupils dilate not only because we imagine those who are now with us, but also those who are no longer alive. Therefore, if we talked about home as a heart, then family is our soul, our thoughts and feelings.

And after all that has been said, it becomes clear that it is especially not worth convincing the reader that these are not just words, things, real estate, and - these are two elements, two emotional titans that make up every person.

So, if we talk about the inner feeling of each of us, then the concept of home and family stand on the most important and main pedestal of our thoughts and our memory. It is on these two concepts that our whole life is built. This is where our beliefs, characters, values ​​and priorities are formed.

In other words, it is this Home and Family that are the engines of our actions and actions. They are the ones who motivate us to take decisive steps, confront us with choices and force us to move forward. That is why, going out into the open sea of ​​life, each of us must build these ships on which they will sail. As you know, you have to swim not only with the flow, but also against it.

Home and family interact closely with each other. In fact, if everything is done correctly, then these two concepts merge into a single whole, representing a very powerful symbiosis, with which you can achieve absolutely all peaks.

The presence of powerful rear - required condition every serious project. This is the foundation on which the future will be built.

As soon as a person gets a feeling of the importance and necessity of Home and Family, he thinks about the question: how to do it right. History shows that life gives virtually no room for error. You cannot rewrite or reboot your life. Do everything as if it was the last time.

But if we discard all philosophical formalities and do not engage in soul-searching, then home and family are also everyday life. Heart and soul are of course necessary, but there are also eyes, habits and much more. And this is also an important part of ourselves. Roughly speaking, there is “Where”, there is with “Whom”. Now we need to think about “how?” How to make your and your family’s stay at home comfortable?

This is where psychologists and designers will come to the rescue, but your main assistant and litmus test will be your conscience and responsibility.

Love your home and your family as yourself. Remember, everything where you live and what surrounds you is entirely your choice. Do you want to change something? Is there something you're not happy with? Remember the first rule of home and family: Don't change them - change yourself! Work on yourself!

And they need to be loved, protected, pampered and cared for. The more you give, the more you receive. Law of the Universe.

When crossing the threshold of the house, accumulate everything positive emotions and take them to your family. Leave all the negativity behind your back. Whatever happens during your day, it should not affect your loved ones. Therefore, remember one more thing important rule: Your speech is your visualization. This is your SMS to the future. Every word is the same action as a wave of a hand. It transmits energy, creates a microclimate and relationships. This shapes the attitude towards you. Swearing and swearing are very destructive and bring significant damage to the minds of every family member.

Another very important detail, which many will dispute: this is order in the house. And not the presence household appliances or expensive furniture, namely order. Every thing has its place. And there is an explanation for this. But on a subconscious level, any change in the situation causes stress or irritation in a person.

Order in the head and thoughts depends on the order in the house. Thoughts – decisions – actions – results. Do you get it?! It's the domino principle! Therefore, the house should be clean and tidy everywhere. Whether you like it or not. Teach yourself and your children to this.

Remember the smell of childhood? That cozy aroma of baking from the kitchen... Or the feeling of starched sheets. How did the whole family used to gather around the table and serve it with festive polished porcelain? This shouldn't just be our past. Such traditions and habits must exist in the present and in the future. Associations of home and family should be exactly like this. And you need to form them in such a way that your children have the opportunity to spread warmth throughout their entire body when they hear such words as Home and Family.

Home and family are the most important thing in the life of any personGrade 5.00 /5 1 vote

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Discussion: 3 comments left.

    My family and my children are my everything in life. They are my rear and fortress and life and destiny. So you can list them ad infinitum. Your article makes a clear point about the influence of family on behavior, actions, actions, and career. When I come home, I completely relax, live and enjoy life, sometimes it’s true that I can’t immediately switch off from work, then my other half gives me a relaxing massage. Then I become such a sweetheart. I have order and discipline in my house, so I always go to work every day rested, with fresh thoughts. I happy man, and this is my choice.

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    The news is spreading in Telegram channels(https://t.me/banksta/3705, https://t.me/karaulny_accountant/21904) that the dating service Tinder gave users the opportunity to show off their credit cards.
    The user can indicate which bank credit card he uses. The news also states that testing on an audience of many thousands has proven: the presence bank card makes users more attractive and sexy.

    Tinder has proven that having a credit card affects sexuality.

    Some Tinder users have a new feature. The application asks to indicate which bank credit card is in their wallet. There are credit cards from leading Russian banks to choose from: Sberbank, Alfa-Bank and Tinkoff Bank.
    Tinder suggested that having a credit card could be a significant factor when a like/dislike decision needs to be made in seconds. The hypothesis was confirmed: after 2 weeks of testing, it turned out that the credit card worked. Users who indicated a Sberbank credit card received 1.2 times more “hearts” (swipes to the right) than users without credit cards. In other words, this is a plus of 20% to attractiveness.

    Tinkoff Bank card holders lost. The stereotype has come into play that the owners of credit cards from this bank have small limits (10 - 35 thousand rubles). Indeed, this characterizes a person from a certain side. Thus, the conversion to swipes to the right turned out to be 1.6 lower than for users without credit cards. Alfa-Bank cardholders won more than others. Conversion to “hearts” (swipes to the right) increased 4.6 times, and the frequency of clicks on “Superlike” (analogous to super “hearts”) increased 8 times, that is, by 800%. From this we can conclude that Alfa-Bank credit cards make people significantly more attractive, and perhaps even sexier.
    Tinder hasn't ruled out a paid option coming soon. By paying for a monthly subscription, users will be able to see not only the credit cards of potential partners, but also the credit limits of the cards.

    And I agree that Tinder's conclusions are correct.
    A wealthy and wealthy person is, first of all, support and financial reliability for his partner! That is why harmony in life is harmony in relationships and of course this also means harmony in finances.

    Here's my selection of the best options:

    Personally, I took Halva for myself!: overpayment is always 0% – Up to 36 months! the limit was given 100 thousand rubles. enough for girls.
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    Many people praise Alfa Bank - 100 days card.: Reliable, proven Bank + limits up to 500 tr.
    Not everyone approves, but for sure:

    Debit card Benefit from Home Credit Bank- also an interesting and worthy option.
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    And of course, where would we be without Conscience.) The rate for using installment plans is 0% per annum in partner stores
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    Rosbank - #EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Visa #EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE— a card that provides the client with maximum flexibility and ease of use. The card allows the client to independently choose the type of reward for purchases - travel bonuses or Cashback.

    And for dessert Tinkoff Platinum. Loan amount - up to 300,000 rubles. Interest-free period - up to 55 days
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    These and other maps are available on the resource, linked below:
    I saw a lot of cards there! And Halva and Conscience. Even 100 days from Alpha and there still seemed to be some benefits.
    After all, the main thing is that there is always enough for Dad’s Yogur!)
