Epigraph in Rus' to live well. Quotes from the book Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov

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The literature of the 50-60s was marked by an active interest in folklore motives « folk themes" The works of Nekrasov, who often “visited Russian huts” and knew a lot about the life of peasants first-hand, were no exception.

In the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” a wide panorama opens up before the reader peasant life with all its troubles and difficulties.

All the heroes of this work are distinguished by a difficult fate and unusual life situations. One of these characters is Ermila Girin.

Ermila's life story

Seven men continue their search happy person in Rus'. While at the holiday, they ask people, and soon the peasant Fedosei from the village of Dymoglotovo tells them that they need to ask Ermila Girin, if this person cannot call himself happy, then they don’t have to ask anyone else at the holiday.

Girin was a simple man, but rather strange - he had too much honesty and selflessness, and this always surprised. In his youth he was a clerk in an office. Yermila performed his duties well, always helped the peasants whenever possible and did not take anything for his help:

However, for the peasant
And the clerk is a man.
You approach him first,
And he will advise
And he will make inquiries;
Where there is enough strength, it will help out.

The attitude of ordinary people towards Ermila

Over the course of five years, the peasants became attached to young man. However, soon such a merciful attitude towards ordinary people The chief manager did not like the clerk's behavior, and he took another person instead of Girin.

A little time passed and the old landowner died. The young man did not keep either the manager, his secretary, or the office. He ordered the people to choose a mayor for themselves. By general vote it was determined that such a person would be Ermilo Girin. The young man performed this service no less efficiently. After a while it was the turn younger brother Girina Mitriya to join the recruits. Ermila took advantage of his position and sent the son of fellow villager Vlasyevna instead of his brother. However, he soon repented of his action and even wanted to hang himself because of this incident, but everyone unanimously dissuaded him. Vlasyevna’s son was returned home, and Ermila’s brother was sent to the army. The prince personally made sure that the service of the younger Girin was not difficult. Yermila could not forgive himself for such an act. He decided to buy himself a mill and retire from public affairs.

Things didn't look good with the mill in the best possible way: There were two main buyers for the mill, he - Girin - and the merchant Altynnikov. Without warning, auctions were announced and Yermila won them, but he did not have money with him to pay, so Yermila asked for a delay of half an hour and went to the market square. There he asked people to help him out and thus collected the required amount. A week later, Yermila returned to the same square with money and gave it to the people. However, he only had one ruble left - no one came for it. Girin walked for a long time and looked for the owner, but, not finding it, he gave the ruble to the blind people asking for mercy.

He had everything he needed
For happiness: and peace of mind,
And money and honor,
An enviable, true honor,
Not bought with money,
Not with fear: with strict truth,
With intelligence and kindness!

Personality characteristics

Ermila Girin with youth was distinguished by intelligence and prudence. He was educated person, since he served in the office. At the same time, Girin’s selflessness also manifests itself - he often helps ordinary people with advice, tells them what is best to do in order to better and faster deal with the issues that have arisen. Ermila did not ask for any remuneration for his services, and did not even take anything in the case when they offered him:

Doesn't ask for gratitude
And if you give it, he won’t take it!
During the five years of his work as a secretary, people were able to discern in Girin good man, therefore, when it was necessary to choose a mayor, everyone unanimously decided that such a person should be Ermila - although he is still young, no one can handle the responsibilities better than him:
We shout: - Ermila Girina! -
How one man is!
The guy is agile, competent,
I’ll say one thing: isn’t he young?..”
And we: - There is no need, father,
And young, and smart!

Ermila - honest and honest man, he always acts according to his conscience, and never once “behaved.” He served as mayor for seven years and no one made any complaints about his work. After the incident with the army, Yermila cannot calm down - his conscience torments him for such a dishonorable act.

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Many works have not lost their relevance in our time. This, perhaps, happens because most of the problems and difficulties in a person’s life can be taken beyond the boundaries of time and the development of humanity as a whole. It has always been difficult for people to find their place in society, some did not have enough money to get a proper education, others did not have enough money to look the right way (society did not accept a person in a shabby suit either in ancient times or now). The problem of arranging life and providing food has always occupied the minds of people, especially those of low income. How to get out of the vicious circle of such problems and is it possible to do this in an honest way? N.A. is trying to answer this question. Nekrasov in his unfinished poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'.”

Many images could serve a clear example to cover this topic, but still the main body of information on this issue falls on the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov.

Name meaning and prototypes

In literature, the names of heroes are often symbolic. Their first and last names in most cases are brief description literary personality. If the issue of assigning names to characters, in view of the detailing of their personal qualities, is controversial, then the issue of the meaning of surnames is almost always resolved in favor of symbolism. Authors past centuries They took as a basis names that were widespread in society, in particular, the described class was taken into account. The hero's name should have been close and familiar to readers. The names of the characters were invented by the authors themselves. It was from associations with the surname that the further development image. It was based either on a game of contrasts, or on enhancing the effect of a person’s personal qualities.

The prototype of Grisha Dobrosklonov was the poet and publicist Nikolai Alekseevich Dobrolyubov. In society, he was known as a man of unique hard work and talent - at the age of 13 he was already translating Horace and successfully writing literary critical articles. Dobrosklonov and Dobrolyubov are united by a childhood tragedy - the death of their mother, which left an indelible impression on both the former and the latter. Similar qualities also arise in their social position - the desire to make the world kinder and better.

As you can see, Nekrasov took the surname as a basis literary figure, modifying it, but at the same time one cannot reject the fact of its symbolism. The character's last name also reflects it personal qualities. It is based on the noun “good”, which corresponds to general characteristics Grisha. He really a kind person by nature, full of good aspirations and dreams. The second part of his surname is formed from the verb “to incline.” That is,

Age, appearance and occupation of Grigory Dobrosklonov

The reader becomes acquainted with the image of Grigory Dobrosklonov in the last parts of the poem - partly in “A Feast for the Whole World” and, in more detail, in the epilogue of the poem.

We do not know the exact age of the hero; the fact that at the time of the story he is studying at a seminary gives us the right to assume that his age is about 15 years old, the same guess is confirmed by the author, saying that the boy is “about fifteen years old.”

Gregory's mother's name was Domna, she died early:

She was much more caring
But also durability
God didn't give it to her.

His father's name is Tryphon, he was a clerk, in other words, he was at the bottom step career ladder clergy. The family's income was never high - the mother tried her best to change this situation and give a proper education to her children - Grisha and Savva. The woman was often helped by fellow villagers to feed her children, so she

Unresponsive farmhand
For everyone who has anything
Helped her on a rainy day.

Naturally, hard physical labor and poor living conditions had an extremely adverse effect on the woman’s health and she soon died. Grigory is grieving the loss of his mother - she was kind, good and caring, so at night the boy “sorried for his mother” and quietly sang her song about salt.

Life after mother's death

After Domna’s death, the family’s life deteriorated significantly - “Poorer than the seedy / Last peasant / Lived Tryphon.” There was never enough food in their house:

No cow, no horse,
There was a dog Itchy,
There was a cat - and they left.

Grigory and Savva are often fed by their fellow villagers. The brothers are very grateful to the men for this and try not to remain in debt - to somehow help them:

The guys paid them.
To the best of my ability, by work,
Trouble in their affairs
We celebrated in the city.

Nekrasov gives a meager description of Grisha. He has “wide bones,” but he himself does not look like a hero - “his face is too emaciated.” This is because he is always half hungry. While at the seminary, he woke up in the middle of the night from hunger and waited for breakfast. Their father is also not a ruler - he is just as eternally hungry as his sons.

Gregory, like his brother, is “marked by God’s seal” - his abilities in science and the ability to lead crowds, so “the sexton boasted about his children.”

Studying at the seminary is not joyful for Gregory, it is “dark, cold and hungry,” but the young man is not going to retreat; his plans also include studying at the university.

Over time, the image of the mother and small homeland merged together, they soon decided on the desire to serve the common people, to make the lives of ordinary men better:

Gregory already knew for sure
What will live for happiness
Wretched and dark
Native corner.

Gregory does not dream of personal wealth or benefits. He wants all people to live in goodness and prosperity:

I don't need any silver
Not gold, but God willing,
So that my fellow countrymen
And every peasant
Life was free and fun
All over Holy Rus'.

And the young man is ready to do everything possible to get closer to fulfilling his dream.

Dobrosklonov is optimistic, this is especially noticeable in the lyrics of his songs, where he tries to praise the love of life and outline a wonderful, cheerful future.

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Don’t dress well, don’t wash your face white, the neighbors have sharp eyes, sharp tongues! Walk the streets more quietly, Carry your head lower, If you're having fun, don't laugh, Don't cry out of sadness!..

There is no measure for Russian hops. Have they measured our grief? Is there a limit to the work? Wine brings down the peasant, but grief doesn’t bring him down? Work isn't going well? A man does not measure troubles, he copes with everything, no matter what comes. A man, while working, doesn’t think that his strength will be strained, so is it really possible to think over a glass that with too much you’ll end up in a ditch?

Russian peasants are smart, One thing is not good, That they drink until they become stupefied, They fall into ditches, into ditches - It’s a shame to see!

To be intolerant is an abyss! To endure is an abyss...

A man does not measure troubles, he copes with everything, no matter what comes. A man, working, does not think that he will strain his strength.

We have a non-drinking family for our drinking family!

It’s awkward for a sober person to feel naked here.

The guy is like a bull: what a whim it gets into your head - You can’t knock it out with a stake from there...

It is not the wild winds that blow, It is not mother earth that sways - It makes noise, sings, swears, sways, rolls around, fights and kisses at the holiday people.

Going home is worse than going to hard labor. And I would be glad to go to heaven, but where is the door?

He works himself to death and drinks until he is half to death.


As there is no money, he is rushing (humble) to pay. The godfather was strong, but she lost her mind. It's fun to walk if there is nothing to drive (that is, there are no livestock). I, good fellow, without goats, without sheep: there would be a song. A shawl will be imposed on you, and it will be a pity to leave. That is not a goat (not a sheep) that followed (with) a wolf. You can't feed the horse

*** The presence of many means the absence of only *** A man, if he is worth something, will never let a woman down.

*** The demon stands behind the shoulder of every man who has the slightest bit of self-respect. What kind of man is this - without a personal demon?

*** "Fruit." What strange botany. Human fetus. Humanroot. And I am a human being. Human fruit culture. *** Aging did not seem like a disaster to her. It seemed like a disaster to grow old apart. *** ... the guests left, the door closed, and there was no need to smile. ***Don't stop yet

*** It is not true that life is gloomy, it is not true that it contains only ulcers and groans, grief and tears!... It contains everything that a person wants to find, and he has the strength to create what is not in it.

*** During the summer and winter there were hours and days when it seemed that these people lived worse than cattle, it was scary to live with them; they are rude, dishonest, dirty, drunk, do not live in harmony, constantly quarrel because they do not respect, fear and suspect each other. Who runs the tavern and gets people drunk?

*** I'm a man, I'm gloomy, hairy and smelly *** Ha-ha-ha, how funny, Everyone grabbed their tummies, But everything that I sang about, Drugs can kill you right away *** I'm not trying to become a champion - I loved pasta, so I will love pasta *** Work, work, work, Salary, grin, gallows *** Do you remember how

*** Show us a show, man with a knife, man with a gun, we are waiting for you!!! *** Everything is very good. I want it to rain, I want it to snow, so that a maniac will find me.

*** - So many weapons and none of us have bullets? - I have one, in my thigh. *** Mike - Hey Marcus, in such situations I try to cheer you up and always say that everything will be fine, don’t worry buddy, we’ll get through it... Marcus - Yes, yes.. Mike - ... but today, bro , that would be a complete lie. ***

*** - Do like that guy, hang up a poster: “Lonely woman.” - I'm telling you about my insomnia. - So everything is interconnected. If you had a man, wouldn't you... Were you worried about the migration of moose?

*** - What are you, a cop? - Don’t you have a license to dope? *** Go to a shrink before you end up in a ditch! *** Believe me, I'm a really cool guy... I have 90 friends on Facebook. 12 do not give confirmation, but without them 90. *** - Did I get it? - How do you feel? *** - Hi baby! - Hello,

Go see a shrink before you end up in a ditch! *** Believe me, I'm a really cool guy... I have 90 friends on Facebook. 12 do not give confirmation, but without them 90. *** - Did I get it? - How do you feel? *** - Hi baby! - Hi, darling. - Did you receive my messages? - Received. I listened to half of it

There was Ivan, but he became a Blockhead, and it’s all the wine’s fault. The eternal path is not a road, and a drunken person’s speech is not a conversation. Wine fell in love with the family and ruined it. Wine comes, shame goes away. Where there is wine, there is fire. Where there is intoxication, there is crime. Where they drink, they pour. Hunger and cold paved the way to the tavern. The tavern built a mountain

The works of N.A. Nekrasov are a treasure trove of Russian folk wisdom. “Who lives well in Rus'” - quotes (from brief explanation) will help imagine the life of different classes. The difficult fates and hard work of peasants are more understandable through proverbs, sayings, songs and riddles.

About drunkenness

Life common people filled with grief, wine and poverty. Their life is not joyful, but they want fun for the soul. How to find happiness? There is a simple way - get drunk. The author shows drunken men and explains why they drink so much in Rus'.

“...There is no measure for Russian hops...”

But no one has tried to measure grief and work. Exhausted peasants lie in the ditches, not only from wine, but also from grief and work.

“...He works himself to death, drinks until he is half to death!...”

A man does not always drink, he chooses the time: during the harvest period, it is rare that a peasant will drown his fatigue with an intoxicating drink. If you take a bucket of vodka and walk through the villages and hamlets in the “hot” time, there will be few hunters for what is proposed. The sober period passes and then the poor people

“...they drink until they stupefy,
They fall into ditches, into ditches -
It’s a shame to see!”

Families suffer from drunkenness, mothers grow old quickly, the house becomes poor:

Little children are crying here.
Wives and mothers grieve:
Is it easy from drinking
Should I call the men?...

Entire estates are sold and disappear.

“...Instead of them...drinking houses are multiplying!”

Folk signs and riddles

The Russian people are distinguished by the precision and figurativeness of their language. Nekrasov’s poem is an example of such mastery of words. The text contains many quotes that help to penetrate into the essence of the character of the common people. Signs become part of life; they determine when to start sowing, what spring will be like, and what to expect from the harvest.

“...Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo! The bread will begin to spike, you will choke on the ear -
You won’t cuckoo!”

How to explain that the village is located far from roads, large and small cities? Using a proverb:

“...for our side, the devil has been looking for three years.”

The text of Nekrasov’s poem contains many riddles that are used separately from the work:

“Lives, but without a body, screams, but without a tongue.”

“It flies - it’s silent, it lies - it’s silent, When it dies, then it roars”

Part - already with answers:

“The castle is a faithful dog: It doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let you into the house!”

Nekrasov chooses his words well. He deeply feels the essence of the problem, shows it from all sides, looks inside. Here's an example of a guy's stupidity:

“..I bent one - I didn’t like it, I bent the other, I pushed. And as soon as the rim straightens out - a click on the man’s forehead! A man roars over the rim, scolds the fighter with an “elm club”

Folk signs and riddles depict Rus' with amazing accuracy. They bring the image of the country closer, making it beautiful, kind, but mysterious.

About Russia

“In moments of despondency, O Motherland!”

These words have become an appeal to Russia for many centuries. People try to find hope for the future by studying history great country, able to rise from ruins and recover after wars and disasters. Nekrasov is offended current state homeland, but hope is hidden behind the words: “An unenviable village”: the huts with supports resemble beggars wandering along the roads.

“And the straw from the roofs was fed to the cattle. The wretched houses stand like skeletons.”

Men have little choice, three roads:

“...tavern, prison and hard labor”


“...doesn’t measure troubles, copes with everything, no matter what comes”

People work without looking into the future, without calculating their strength. He strains himself and dies, leaving orphans and widows. It is interesting that, according to the author, faith in the future and love of freedom do not die. They live in the soul of the most destitute old man:

“Branded, but not a slave!”

The people endure, but how much longer they will last, the answer is not known:

“Every peasant has a Soul like a black cloud - Angry, menacing - and it would be necessary for Thunder to thunder from there, to rain bloody rains ...”

The life of the poor changes the lordly way of life:

“The great chain broke, it broke and sprang apart. One end for the master, the other for the peasant!..”

More tyrants appear:

“I will have mercy on whomever I want, I will execute whomever I want.”

But for the most part, they are beginning to understand who the country rests on.

“And I would be glad to go to heaven, but where is the door?”

About women's share

For women, the fate is no better - a silk noose around the neck. Only the color of the material for the loop can be different: white, red, black. The meaning of flowers is easy to understand, the meaning is the same: loss of freedom and a ban on desires and emotional impulses. Where is the female happiness of a simple Russian peasant woman hidden? Unknown:

"The keys to women's happiness,
From our free will
Abandoned, lost
From God himself!”

With what love the author of the poem describes women:

“Pure silver is your purity, Red gold is your beauty, White pearls are large - Tears roll from your eyes...”

There is bitterness in the words when the fate of mothers is heard: they are forbidden to breastfeed their children on “fast” days, they are given in marriage without love and consent.

The masters of life are playing women's destinies: they find suitors for them to mock and ridicule:

“And that widow is nearly seventy, And the groom is six years old!”

Nekrasov is glad that he finally got his freedom:

“...You are still in the family of a slave, but the mother of a free son”

Women adorn any society:

“A crowd without red girls is like rye without cornflowers”