How does the name Dmitry stand for? The meaning of the name Dmitry

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. In all actions they are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuition and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

Y- owners of this letter in their name have an impulsive and explosive character. They often don't know how to communicate with people. For a more accurate meaning, you should look at the other letters of the name.

The sonorous and truly proud name Dmitry. What does this wonderful male name mean? It has quite an interesting origin. This name originates from Demeter, the goddess of ancient Greek mythology, the patroness of soil and fertility. What does the name Dima mean? The meaning of the name Dmitry can be interpreted as “fruit brought to earth” or “gift of Demeter.” Thanks to such an unusual and noble origin, the name Dmitry has absorbed reliability, a joyful beginning and firmness - that is, everything that is characteristic of the earth. What is the secret of the name Dmitry? This is what we will talk about.

Basic character traits

As a rule, children named Dmitry often get sick in infancy. They are susceptible to respiratory diseases and often contract various infections, including rubella, mumps and chickenpox. Because of this, a boy named Dima needs constant care and attention, over time getting used to the fact that everyone and everything should revolve around him. Throughout his childhood and most of his youth, his mother ardently took care of her son due to his illness, so for the rest of his life she would become his ideal woman. Dima is a rather capricious child, whose nervous system is quite unstable, so constant crying and hysterics are characteristic of him.

However, oddly enough, with age, demands and the desire to always be the center of attention turn into stubbornness and the desire to reach the top in anything. Therefore, Dmitrys often occupy leadership positions, and their career advancement is more like an elevator that rushes upward at incredible speed. As for intelligence, Dima has a sharp and inventive mind, loves to solve various logical problems. Curiosity and love of work are also inherent in the boy. Owners of this name love comfort, it is difficult for them to limit themselves in anything, any, even the smallest, inconvenience causes them a lot of suffering, makes them angry and nervous.

Distinctive features of the owner of the name Dmitry

The secret of the name Dmitry is that he is incredibly brave and fearless, without a doubt he will rush into the thick of the battle, without even thinking for a second about the consequences. This must be why many great commanders bear the proud name Dmitry (Pozharsky, Donskoy). Unfortunately, Dmitry has a rather unpleasant sin - he is quite amorous and flighty. For Dima, there is nothing terrible or shameful in breaking up with one girl and starting courting another on the same day. This must be the reason why people with this name may get divorced several times in their lives.

Dmitry's touching attitude towards children deserves special attention. Dima will protect his child until his death, while caring and loving as much as not every mother is capable of. In addition, Dima is affectionate with animals, even as an adult, he can bring a wounded stray kitten into the house and leave it, making it a member of the family.

Dima is incredibly loyal to his friends, he is ready to help them in anything without a doubt. Sadly, this is why Dmitry is often taken advantage of, and he is too gullible to notice it.

Dmitry's hobbies

The secret of the name Dmitry is also that from an early age he is distinguished by curiosity and determination. As a rule, boys with this name are attracted to the exact sciences; they love to solve geometric problems and complex algebraic equations, which not every adult can understand. In addition, Dmitry has a clear talent in sports disciplines, including football, basketball, boxing and even equestrianism. Danger and risk are attractive to Dmitry, as a result of which he will, without fear, mount even the most likeable horse or enter the ring with an aggressive and dangerous opponent.

Positive traits of Dmitry

Brave and smart, Dmitry attracts attention, he can easily win over any person. It is interesting and fun to be with him, easy-going, the owner of this name calmly reacts to unexpected or unpleasant situations. Dmitry makes friends easily. Dima can protect his friend to the last drop of blood; he is ready, without a doubt, to give his life for a loved one.

If a friend or relative is in a bad mood, Dmitry will definitely cheer you up with his perky and funny jokes. There are always a lot of friends and comrades around Dmitry, as it is interesting to spend time with him. Dima always becomes the “soul” of the company. People often go to people with this name for advice, which they share with great pleasure. Innate leadership qualities give Dmitry the impetus to quickly and easily climb the career ladder.

Dmitry experiences failures painlessly and does not give up his goal under any circumstances. The owners of this name are always purposeful, they know what they want from life. It is difficult to lead him astray from the intended path, since Dima goes to what he wants through any thorns and obstacles with the confidence of a tank.

Negative traits of Dmitry

The secret of the name Dmitry is also that he experiences insult and injustice very hard. At such moments, he is extremely hot-tempered and can lash out even at the person closest to him. Keeping emotions under control is difficult for Dmitry; he needs to speak out, otherwise a nervous breakdown and depression cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, the owners of this name are quite demanding of people. Dima sincerely believes that everyone should be as selfless and smart as himself, which is why there is a feeling that Dmitry is overly proud and narcissistic.

Negative character traits can also include the fact that Dmitry puts his goals and desires above all others, and, if necessary, can go over people’s heads without a twinge of conscience. At times he can be tyrannical, which will negatively affect others. He can be overly ambitious and picky, likes to stick his nose into places where people don’t ask.

The influence of the seasons on the character and fate of the owner named Dmitry

What does the name Dmitry mean? Dima's character very often depends on what time of year he was born. Let's consider all four options.

The mystery of the name Dmitry: winter. Boys born in the winter season and bearing the name Dmitry are most often very stubborn and stubborn children, who only ingrain these qualities in themselves as they grow up. In addition, winter Dmitry is smart beyond his years and quick-witted, loves to look for a way out using non-standard solutions.

The secret of the name Dmitry: spring. Dima, born in spring, is soft-hearted and truly sincere. He loves animals and is ready to take all the cats and dogs in the city under his wing. Dima, born in spring, knows how to see the beauty of nature; the best rest for him would be to lie in the shade of trees in a meadow or dig in the beds.

The secret of the name Dmitry: summer. Dima, born in the summer, is cheerful and playful. He is distinguished by a special attitude towards close people; he is ready to forgive them for any behavior and even betrayal. However, despite such an easy attitude to life, Dima is quite self-critical and dependent on the opinions of others, loves to be in the center of attention, which he tries to do all the time.

Autumn Dmitry. Dima, born in autumn, is prone to contemplation and observation. He has an irresistible craving for beauty, appreciates art and music, and often engages in creative activities himself. Depression and blues, unfortunately, are also inherent in the autumnal Dima, but he easily overcomes them, especially if he has the shoulder of a loved one nearby, whose support Dmitry greatly values.


What does the name Dima mean? What character and temperament are the owners of this “strong” name endowed with? Dmitry has an unusual temperament. Sometimes one gets the impression that all four types of temperament are combined in him. Sometimes even the most unexpected and out-of-the-ordinary situations cannot make him angry. And sometimes, on the contrary, even a small thing can make Dima very angry, however, he will try with all his might to hide this irritation. From childhood, Dmitry learns to control his emotions, which, undoubtedly, he masters perfectly by the age of 20-25.

It’s pleasant to be around Dmitry, warmth and positive emotions emanate from him; Dima is simply not capable of being angry or offended for a long time. I am ready to apologize to a dear person even if I am innocent. Dmitry's temperament can be compared to a spring: he can only withstand a certain load, but can break at any moment.

Dmitry in love, his personal life

What is Dmitry like in love? The secret of his name suggests that he is passionate and gentle at the same time. Dmitry enjoys great success among the fair sex. But unfortunately, Dmitry is fickle. One love for life is not about him. As a rule, Dima continues to have a craving for women until his old age, so it is not uncommon for Dima to take a mistress or file for divorce, inflamed with feelings for another woman. However, the owner of the name Dmitry is possessive in relation to women. Dima will never tolerate betrayal from his other half; trust in a relationship is too important for him.

Dmitry loves to be surrounded by luxurious women, this raises his self-esteem and makes him even more self-confident. As a rule, women themselves find the company of the domineering and mannered Dmitry pleasant, which is why they love to spend time with him.

In marriage, Dmitry is unhappy in most cases. Dima does not trust and value his wife’s opinion too much, preferring to make decisions on his own and not consult with his significant other. As a husband, Dima is extremely difficult to climb: grumpy, picky, harsh and unshakable. He can go to the left more than once, without considering it a sin and without experiencing pangs of conscience.

Dmitry takes sexual relationships and the choice of a partner extremely seriously, preferring experienced and sophisticated women who are ready to take the initiative into their own hands. He loves sex, even talking about it gives Dima pleasure, as he is confident in his own abilities.

Dima likes to give surprises to his other half, and the more expensive the gift, in his opinion, the better. Thus, Dmitry can, without hesitation, present his beloved with a fur coat or a new car, if he has the means. He himself accepts gifts quite coolly.

The secret of the name Dmitry: name compatibility

Dmitry will be especially happy in marriage with owners of the following names: Elena, Evgenia, Olga, Anna, Daria, Lyudmila. A rather successful party for Dima will be: Angela, Sofia, Victoria, Maya, Galina, Alina, Irina and Svetlana. Unfortunately, an unsuccessful marriage awaits Dmitry with Christina, Anastasia, Nadezhda, Oksana, Yulia, Ekaterina and Maria.

Interesting facts about those named Dmitry

What kind of father will the owner of the name Dmitry be? The secret and meaning of the name tells us that most often Dima gives birth to sons, given that they are expecting no less daughters. He will care for and cherish his child, will never give offense and will be a mountain for him in any situation. Thanks to this, Dmitry turns out to be a wonderful dad who is ready to give his child everything to the last shirt. It is believed that it is precisely in order to give his children the best that Dmitry works so hard, thereby killing his health for the sake of his offspring. Despite his frequent hobbies with women, Dmitry can only have one true love in his entire life.

In order to attract Dima’s attention, you need not only to have a spectacular and pleasant appearance, but also to have a rich inner world, since Dmitry will never pay attention to a “dummy”. Surprisingly, most of all Dmitry likes women with unusual hair colors: red, ash blondes, very dark brunettes.

Professions in which Dmitry will be successful

What does the name Dmitry mean? What professions are suitable for Dima? Possessing a sharp mind and ingenuity, Dmitry will be an excellent leader. He will make a wonderful engineer, architect or foreman. Dima will also be in demand as a highly qualified doctor or programmer. As a rule, the choice of professions such as designer, archaeologist or teacher will not be very successful.

Famous people named Dmitry

The following famous people have the name Dmitry:

  • Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy (commander).
  • Dmitry Pozharsky (commander).
  • Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak (writer).
  • Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev (chemist).
  • Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich (composer).
  • Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev (President of Russia 2008-2012).

Astrology named after Dmitry

Planet: Uranus.

Color, which Dmitry needs to choose: blood red.

Tree: ash, rowan, elm.

Animal: tiger, lion, walrus.

Stone, associated with luck: sapphire.

Numbers, which will bring good luck: 02, 37, 89, 104.

Name options: Dmitry, Dima, Dimochka, Dimulechka, Mitya, Mityusha, Mitrofan, Dimitry.

Now you know the secret of the name Dmitry. For a child it will definitely bring good luck, as it is a real, strong, proud masculine name.

It's no secret that a name determines not only a person's character, but also predetermines his fate. In this article, we invite you to find out everything connected with the name Dmitry: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the person named by him. The name Dmitry does not lose its popularity to this day. And there are several reasons for this, which you can find out in our article.

The name Dmitry: origin, meaning, as well as the character and fate of a boy with this name

Origin and meaning of the name Dmitry

Dmitry: the meaning of the name, the character of the guy with this name.

First of all, it is necessary to understand the origin and meaning of the name.

The name Dmitry comes from ancient Greek, meaning “dedicated to Demeter” or “farmer.” Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of fertility and agriculture.

Of the Orthodox saints, the most revered is Saint Dmitry Donskoy, the Great Prince of Moscow, who patronizes the protection of family and home, as well as healing from mental and physical illnesses. Every Dmitry needs to have an icon with this saint with him.

This is one of the reasons why many prefer the name Dmitry, the origin and meaning of which is associated with hard work and wealth. Let's consider what character traits this name gives to its owner.

What kind of character might Dmitry have?

The characteristics of the name Dmitry are based on the influence of the planet Pluto.

A man named Dima is a cheerful, kind person. Very often a calm, balanced, unforgiving person, he has a strong, unshakable will and is almost impossible to convince him. It is difficult to be friends with him because of his stubbornness and pride. Therefore, throughout his life he has one or two most devoted friends. D. often looks like his mother and is spiritually very connected to her. Sometimes he can only listen to his mother’s advice.

Dmitry is smart, he has a good understanding of people and quite cleverly wins the favor of people who are significant to him. He strives for luxury and wealth.

It will not be easy for D.’s wife to get along with him. She will have to come to terms with his grumpiness, and with age this quality will prevail in him more and more. Dmitry is moderately jealous. He may have a mistress, but Dmitry will carefully hide this from his wife, thereby not giving reasons for jealousy on her part. His mother will be his authority all his life, so his wife definitely needs to find a common language with her. D. loves children and pampers them in every possible way, instilling a love of luxury. In the house, coziness and comfort are important to him; his wife must take care of herself.

Dmitry is attracted to everything new and fashionable. He can become interested in hunting and fishing, and loves to travel to exotic countries.

In the professional sphere, D. can successfully realize himself in politics and finance. He is comfortable where public speaking is required, but he does not prepare his speech in advance; he is excellent at improvising. He has the gift of persuasion and always achieves his goals. It's hard to compete with him. For Dmitry, status and constant income growth are important.

Dima may have problems with metabolism, so he has been predisposed to obesity since childhood. It is necessary to monitor your diet and lead an active lifestyle. And this is exactly what Dmitry has problems with: he loves to eat delicious food and is an absolute opponent of sports. Either his mother or serious health problems can affect his lifestyle.

The character of a child named Dmitry depending on the time of year of his birth:

  • Spring - stubborn and unpredictable, fond of art and collecting.
  • summer - narcissistic, irritable and amorous, he is attracted by fame and wealth, and may become interested in journalism, acting, directing.
  • Autumn is thrifty, knows the value of money from childhood, and can be fascinated by the field of finance.
  • winter is a leader and fighter by nature, he will be interested in scientific research in chemistry and biology, and will achieve great success.

What fate awaits Dmitry?

Now we will consider what impact the name Dmitry can have on a person’s life; the meaning of the name and the fate of a person are inextricably linked with each other. The name gives its owner willpower and the gift of persuasion. Other traits will be formed under the influence of the environment and the people around you.

Dmitry is the darling of fate: he will have virtually no shocks in his life.

D. will definitely receive a higher education and most likely more than one. Due to the fact that Dmitry is able to understand people well, he will deliberately surround himself only with successful and useful people; he will have few friends, mostly friends and companions.

D. is characterized by several marriages; due to his excessive demands and unyielding character, not every woman will be able to endure him. Nevertheless, Dmitry will love all his children from previous marriages very much and will happily take part in their upbringing. They often have girls, but the most desired child for him will be a son, to whom he will pass on his accumulated knowledge and connections.

Dmitry will leave his family early and start earning money on his own. But he always maintains contact with his mother and consults with her throughout his life. Almost all doors are open for him. The area in which he decides to realize himself will bring him a lot of money.

D. will decide to retire only due to his state of health. As a rule, by the age of 60, he accumulates a whole bunch of diseases of the joints, cardiovascular system, digestive system and nervous disorders. By old age, he will probably have time to make a good fortune and choose a quiet life in the lap of nature.

What will the child named Dmitry be like?

Parents pay great attention to choosing a name for their child. What is the character of a child named Dmitry?

Let's consider the characteristics and character traits of a child named Dmitry; the meaning of the name for a boy will be reflected in his main character traits.

Dima is a very capricious child; he will constantly demand increased attention. He will have difficulty getting along with other children. He will be greedy and not let them play with their toys. It is common for him to shout to the entire store that he wants something, thereby attracting the attention of others and causing pity for himself. It is important from childhood to let the child understand what is good and what is bad.

By his school years, Dima's nervous system will stabilize, he will become a more obedient and calm boy. There is every chance of becoming an excellent student. He will win the hearts of teachers with his childish prudence and seriousness, but problems with physical education are possible. If you notice Dmitry’s tendency to be overweight, sound the alarm, do not trigger this condition so that it does not worsen in the future.

As a teenager, Dima will not be interested in girls, like most of his peers. If a boy has a hobby, for example, drawing, playing the violin, or a programming club, then he will be completely immersed in it. Even walks with friends will not attract him. As a rule, Dmitry already at this age begins to make useful acquaintances, for example, with excellent students in those subjects in which he is slightly behind, with some hooligans who can protect him, and tries to gain the trust of teachers and even the school principal.

Dmitry comprehends love relationships quite late, perhaps due to his constant employment, perhaps due to complexes or excessive demands. All his life he will be in search of the ideal woman.

Famous people named Dmitry

  1. D. Medvedev (born 1965) Russian statesman and political figure, tenth Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (since May 8, 2012), third President of the Russian Federation (2008 - 2012). Candidate of Legal Sciences.)
  2. D. Pevtsov (theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
  3. D. Mendeleev (1834 - 1907) - Russian scientific encyclopedist, professor at St. Petersburg University;
  4. D. Kharatyan (1960) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2000).
Published: 2016-05-23, Modified: 2016-11-20,

When a child is born, he is given a name that gives the baby special abilities. It shapes character, attitude towards people and towards oneself. It is not uncommon for a name to predetermine one’s fate.

The meaning of the name Dmitry

The origin and history of the name Dmitry began in Ancient Greece. Then people worshiped many gods and goddesses, among them the one who was responsible for fertility and bore the name Demeter stood out. The one who dedicated himself to serving the great goddess was called Demetrios, which means “dedicated to Demeter.” Gradually, the name was simplified and the sonorous and convenient one has survived to this day - Dmitry.

There is a second version of the origin of the name. Some argue that the name Dmitry was based on the word meter - mother, divine mother. And in this the meaning of the name Dmitry corresponds to the version. He is attached to his family, especially his mother. That’s why trips and travels are so difficult.

It is worth noting that Dima should not be trusted with secrets, since a person likes to talk and keeping something secret is difficult and sometimes impossible. But at the same time, at work these are always leadership positions, high positions.

The character and fate of Dmitry

Like every person, the owner of the name Dima is distinguished by both positive and negative character traits, which are reflected in his life.

Let's consider what positive things the name Dmitry means. First of all, this person is a lover of life, an incorrigible optimist. He is friendly with people, although he gets offended, but quickly moves away. It is noted that Dim has a good creative imagination and can show off her erudition. The guy quickly gets used to a foreign place, knows how to build relationships with other people, and knows how to make useful connections.

What bad can be found in Dmitry. You need to be prepared for the fact that impulsiveness can prevent you from making the right decision, and selfishness and self-will will add negativity. As a child, Dima is often capricious, gets very offended and needs protection. But his enemies will not envy him. If Dima dislikes someone, then his cruelty will manifest itself in everything towards this person. At the same time, Dima, already an adult, will not miss the benefits and will use every chance that comes his way. He strives to get everything at once. During communication, he likes to listen to himself, so the dialogue quickly develops into a monologue. The interlocutor is unlikely to have the opportunity to speak out, since Dmitry is verbose, tries to say everything at once and, as a result, gets lost in his own thoughts. He often gets involved in adventures. Likes to take risks, but successfully. However, every failure severely punishes Mitya.

Dima, when he gets down to business, he brings it to perfection. He is distinguished by his strong will and perseverance. He always strives to become a leader and can defend his opinion. However, his talkativeness often prevents him from reaching heights. Laziness also gets in the way. Often there are Dmitrys who are loved by mothers, this is due to the fact that in them women see their dreams that did not come true. Mitya does not love and does not see boundaries. Legends can be made about his courage, as well as about his cruelty. At the same time, he is charming and incredibly amorous, but quickly moves away.

As a rule, the origin and history of the name Dmitry suggests that at all times Dima has had and still has a sanguine type of character. He is smart, will be able to insist on his own, if necessary, turn on his imagination and come up with something. The new environment is not a hindrance; Mitya will quickly find his bearings and make friends with the right people. At the same time, he will not give in, he will remain with his opinion. Although stubbornness does not prevent you from making many friends, because Dmitry is friendly and can even act as a patron.

Dmitry – name compatibility

The personal life of the owner of the name is an eternal holiday. Dima easily falls in love and is not indifferent to the female sex. Doesn't plot against ex-girlfriends or wives. He is not afraid to remarry. Loves children.

If we manage to tame Dima, then we will be able to have a family with the following representatives of the female half of the population: Anna, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Elena, Marina, Elvira, Natalya.

But you shouldn’t even think about marriage and make plans for the following female names: Christina, Katya, Zhanna, Sophia, Polina and Yulia.

Despite the fact that Dmitry is a very amorous man, he leads his sex life as is customary in society. He chooses his partner carefully, with experience. Mitya does not separate love and sex; for him these are inseparable concepts. Therefore, problems may arise in the marriage, but the reason for the quarrels will not be clear to Dmitry. He does not feel responsible to his wife. However, Dmitry sincerely loves children, is very attached and is ready to help in everything. He will also not allow another man to adopt his own child, even if he is the husband of his ex-wife. Doesn't like alcohol. Mother will always come first.

Mitya quickly becomes a sexually active male, but the habit of talking a lot, the desire to say everything at once and unbridled energy make it difficult to attract a girl. At the same time, he has a sense of morality and will not tolerate jokes from others about love and sex. The first girl and woman does not appear immediately, but evokes only the most reverent feelings, attentiveness and care. That’s why sex has a special place for him and has a special meaning. Falling in love accompanies Dima all his life, and even in old age remarriages are not excluded.

Dmitry – attitude to health

Since childhood, the boy has endeared himself to people around him. He is kind, flexible, calm. While studying at school, he shows perseverance; if you initially pay attention to Mitya’s education, then in the future he will show success in the scientific field. But he is subject to the influence of others, especially older comrades with whom he prefers to be friends.

As he grows up, Dmitry develops charm and courage, and at the same time his cruelty increases. When injustice occurs nearby or is directed towards him, resentment grows, which infuriates Mitya. He immediately rushes into battle, at this moment there are no thoughts about the consequences, which is punished as a result. To be friends with Dima you need to be patient. In particular, the boy, and only then the man, is very proud, always trying to be better, higher, unattainable. However, if a friend appears, then the loyalty of each of them is not questioned.

He is active, temperamental, stubborn, has a strong-willed character, which greatly contributes to success in the field of show business and ballet. Even in politics, Dmitry will succeed. He attracts people to himself; the spirit of the magic of acting is felt in the name itself. The person is practical, money matters to him, he knows its value. Dmitrievs make good dentists, trade workers, often in leadership positions.

When they look at the meaning of the name Dmitry, they say that he is disciplined, which as a result demands from others. Knows how to work, has a cold analytical mind. He does not make hasty decisions, first thoroughly studies the problem, and only then draws conclusions and proposes a solution.

For Dima, coziness at home is important to make him feel comfortable. At the same time, he needs a variety of pleasures and beautiful women. He will happily drink in good company, but he cannot be called an alcoholic. He knows the limit and tries not to overstep it.

The character and fate of Dmitry

What does the name Dmitry mean if you look at his future work activity? When they talk about Dmitry’s career growth, it should be said right away that the owner of the name will always strive to the top of the career Olympus. A person has a creative beginning and when inspiration comes, bright and great ideas are born. The path is open to him for such professions as writer, artist, scientist or composer. When circumstances are forced, incredible performance and endurance awaken in Mita. But it is worth noting that Dima will quickly get bored with monotonous and routine work. He needs constant movement, events, so that life is in full swing. Therefore, he will strive for political Olympus or try to become a public figure. For such an activity, he has intelligence, eloquence and a generator of excellent and unusual ideas.

Dimas are often common among entrepreneurs, movement organizers, and leaders.

Regarding business, Mitya is a risky guy who is ready to go all-in. At the same time, things will go with varying degrees of success, and money will quickly run out. His unusual business abilities can develop and help him achieve more if there are no stops along the way for pipe dreams and dubious scams.

Working at an enterprise, you are more able to rise from the bottom, thanks to your sociability and incredible hard work. Therefore, moving up the career ladder will go smoothly, without sudden jumps, but steadily. At the same time, any sphere of human life is available to him. It is worth noting that Dima will not engage in work that he does not like, but if the project captivates him, you can be sure that it will be completed. He does not like sudden changes, he tries to keep life stable. Has a penchant for exact sciences and loves research projects.

Famous Dmitrys in Russian history

The Russian land has always been rich in talents, many of whom bore and still bear the name Dmitry.

Dmitry Pozharsky. Grand Russian prince who lived in the 16th century. He took part in the liberation of Moscow from the invaders who came from the Polish-Lithuanian principality. He was a political and military figure.

Dmitry Shostakovich. Composer, pianist, taught and was active in public life. Winner of many awards, hero of labor, people's artist.

Dmitriy Mendeleev. Great Russian scientist. Creator of the periodic table. He studied chemistry, physics, metrology, economics and many other sciences.

Dmitry Kharatyan. Actor of the Soviet Union and Russia. Honored and People's Artist, has the "Professional of Russia" medal.

Dmitry Likhachev. Scientist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, screenwriter.

Patron planet of Dmitry: Pluto.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Dmitry: tan, orange, steel.

Dmitry's favorite colors: black, orange, silver.

Dmitry's talisman stone: black and fire opal, silver jewelry.

History of the name Dmitry

Translated - belonging to Demeter. Demeter is one of the most revered ancient Greek goddesses, the personification of fertility. Literal meaning: mother earth.

The meaning of the name Dmitry

The energy of this name is enormous, it is like a spring that can be compressed for as long as desired. Dmitry is an extremely serious person with an analytical mind and explosive character. He persistently achieves his goals, is very sociable, moderately modest and not talkative at all. Dmitry is inventive and makes do with a flight of imagination, which replaces reality for him. At an early age, Dima is quite capricious, and this quality is combined in him with violent manifestations of fun. Then, growing up, Dima changes, independence, sometimes bordering on self-will, restraint and calmness begins to awaken in him. He is benevolent, friendly and gentle, but resentment and injustice can lead him into a rage that often goes beyond reason. Dmitry's mother sees his life as the embodiment of her own unrealized dream, so she spoils him. He is brave, charming, amorous, but quickly cools down. He gets married quite late. Although he has success with women, he is not a seducer - he takes more force.

The karma of the name is harmonious. Dmitry is a talented person, and his profession may be related to advocacy and research work. The Dmitrievs make good programmers and doctors. Increased sensitivity is hidden in the sounds of the name Dmitry.

One of Dima’s main shortcomings is laziness, and if he wants to achieve success in life, he must learn, first of all, to wisely distribute his strength, accustom himself to daily work, not forgetting that it is still advisable to leave some energy for the decisive throw. Dmitry's whole life is a series of ups and downs, successes and failures.

Dmitry is often unrestrained when communicating with friends, but he moves away quickly and calms down. In joint affairs, Dmitry puts in the first place not profit, but trusting and friendly relations, however, when starting another project with him, try to discuss it as little as possible, otherwise Dima may be so caught up in the discussion process that there will be no time left for the matter itself.

In any case, Dmitry is a reliable, decent and bright person.

Dmitry's name day: June 1 (May 19) - Dmitry Donskoy, Grand Duke, November 8 (October 26) - Dmitry of Thessaloniki, martyr.

Famous in the history of Dmitry

Dmitry Mendeleev (1834-1907) - great Russian chemist. Mendeleev was a member of more than 90 academies of sciences, scientific societies, and universities in different countries. He is one of the founders of the Russian Chemical Society; was repeatedly elected its president. The scientist's name - mendeleevium - is the 101st element in the periodic table. In 1962, the USSR Academy of Sciences established a prize and a Gold Medal named after. Mendeleev for the best works in chemistry and chemical technology, in 1964 Mendeleev's name was included on the honor board. Using the example of Mendeleev’s personality, one can judge the character of men with the name Dmitry - these are strong personalities with extraordinary ability to work, they are talented and often innovate.