Homemade hot chocolate. How to make hot chocolate at home: recipes Make hot chocolate from chocolate

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Liquid chocolate is a drink with a rich history, which can be prepared in many different ways. Some recipes were known to the Aztecs, who proved that cocoa clears the mind no worse than coffee. Take their example and treat yourself to a healthy treat.

What drink is called hot chocolate?

At different times, it was customary to prepare the sweet drink in different ways. The most popular hot chocolate has two main ingredients: chocolate and milk. Although the recipes are simple and there are very few ingredients, it can have completely different tastes. The differences will be determined by which option you choose for preparation and what additives you use.

Hot chocolate - benefits and harms

The benefits of the product have been known since ancient times. It was credited with a healing effect on the body, so it was consumed as a medicine, and not at all as a delicacy. The main effect for which the drink was consumed was increased strength. Over the centuries of its existence, the recipe has constantly changed. The benefits and harms of modern hot chocolate depend on the ingredients.

The most noticeable effect that can be observed after just one cup is an improvement in mood. There is a scientific explanation for this. The drink contains the beneficial substance phenylethylamine, a natural neurotransmitter that increases vitality. Therefore, you can prescribe a chocolate drink for yourself in order not only to enjoy, but to cheer up and gain strength.

We should also talk about the harm that will inevitably be caused to the body in case of excessive consumption of the drink. Nutritionists warn about the calorie content and high sugar content. In large quantities, the component purine, which is also present in the composition, is also harmful. Purine leads to salt deposition and contributes to the occurrence of gout. This product should not be used by people with cystitis or pyelonephritis.

Hot chocolate in bags

The easiest way to make a treat is to use hot chocolate bags. All you need is a glass of milk or water. There are many companies that produce such a product. Taste qualities can vary greatly. Therefore, you will have to try more than one packaged product to find the best one. Unlike a hand-prepared drink, manufacturers add a lot of harmful impurities to the powder instead of natural ingredients in order to reduce production costs.

Hot chocolate - homemade recipe

Over the course of its long history, hot chocolate has been prepared in a variety of ways. If you look at different coffee shops in Moscow, it turns out that all sorts of ingredients are added to it: from vanilla to chili pepper, from liqueur to starch. It can turn out strong or light. Each method deserves attention. To find your own hot chocolate recipe at home, you will have to prepare the drink more than once.

Hot chocolate made from cocoa

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes;
  • Number of servings: 2 persons;
  • Calorie content of the dish: 148 kcal;
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner;

Hot chocolate made from cocoa remains one of the simplest and most common classic recipes and the most inexpensive. Many housewives know how to make hot chocolate at home in different ways. The simplest option includes only a basic set of ingredients. But you can make not an ordinary drink from cocoa, but delicious liquid chocolate, which was enjoyed several centuries ago.


  • cocoa powder - 3 tsp;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • red (preferably cayenne) pepper - to taste;
  • chili pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine cocoa powder with sugar.
  2. Heat but do not bring the milk to a boil.
  3. Gradually add the cocoa and sugar mixture into the hot milk. Stir until completely dissolved.
  4. Add vanilla sugar and pepper to the prepared drink.

Hot chocolate Romantic

  • Cooking time: 15 minutes;
  • Number of servings: 2 persons;
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200;
  • Purpose: for a romantic dinner;
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The name Hot Chocolate Romantic speaks for itself. The ideal occasion to prepare a delicacy is a date with your loved one. The taste of the dessert is rich, rich, but delicate. It's a pleasure to drink. When preparing this recipe, do not ignore the design, look at the photo. In addition to fruit, you can decorate the top of the drink with whipped cream, squeezed directly into the glass, and sprinkles.


  • cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • pineapple or banana - 2 slices;
  • kiwi – 2 slices.

Cooking method:

  1. Add sugar to cocoa powder.
  2. In an enamel saucepan, bring sour cream to a boil.
  3. Gradually add the cocoa and sugar mixture. Mix. Cook until completely dissolved.
  4. Add vanillin and butter. Remove from heat.
  5. Pour into thick glasses. Decorate with fruit.

How to make hot chocolate from a chocolate bar

  • Number of servings: 2 persons;
  • Calorie content of the dish: 150 kcal;
  • Purpose: for dessert;
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Making hot chocolate from a chocolate bar is the best and most delicious option. The main thing is to choose quality chocolate. To do this, pay attention to the cocoa content (at least 70%). Depending on your preferences, the proportions of bitter black and sweet milk chocolate can be changed. Adding cream helps create a hot, creamy drink. It is important not to make a mistake with the proportions, otherwise the drink will turn out too fatty.


  • milk – 450 ml;
  • dark chocolate (70%) – 70 g;
  • milk chocolate – 30 g;
  • cream (33%) – 75 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - ¼ tsp;
  • marshmallow;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat 150 ml of milk, remove from heat, gradually add chocolate pieces. Stir until they melt. Beat with a blender or whisk, if necessary, dissolve completely.
  2. Next, you need to pour in the remaining milk, cream, salt, and cinnamon. Stir well.
  3. Heat the mixture over low heat, but do not boil.
  4. Pour the finished drink into mugs and place marshmallows on top.

Hot chocolate winter evening

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes;
  • Number of servings: 4 persons;
  • Calorie content of the dish: 150;
  • Purpose: for dessert;
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Hot chocolate Winter Evening is a fragrant drink that can be recommended to white chocolate lovers. Mixed with hot pepper, it creates the perfect warming combination that will perfectly speed up the blood. No matter how cloudy the weather is outside, you can enjoy your vacation in good company with a cup of thick hot drink.


  • white chocolate - 170 g;
  • milk - 750 ml;
  • cardamom;
  • hot pepper;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • coconut flakes - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the tile into slices. Place in a cup. Place the cup in a water bath.
  2. Stir regularly until completely dissolved and obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add a beaten egg or one yolk, pepper, cardamom. Stir.
  4. Boil milk and pour into cups.
  5. Pour chocolate mixture into milk. Do this slowly so that no foam forms on the surface and the drink retains its beautiful appearance.
  6. If you like coconut flavor, add some shavings.

Video: Chocolate from cocoa

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Hot chocolate is not just a drink, it is a boost of energy for the whole day. And you don’t have to run to the nearest cafe to get it, because you can quickly make the delicacy at home.

For a truly rich tasting drink, use the best dark chocolate. Its quality directly affects the result obtained.

Required Products:

  • three glasses of milk;
  • one and a half tsp. corn starch;
  • sugar to taste;
  • 180 grams of good dark chocolate.

Cooking process:

  1. Divide the chocolate into pieces so that they melt faster and place in a saucepan.
  2. Add half the specified amount of milk there and turn on the stove to medium heat.
  3. Constantly stirring the ingredients in the pan, bring the chocolate to a liquid state.
  4. Pour two tablespoons of milk into the starch, wait for it to dissolve, and combine the resulting mass with the remaining milk.
  5. This mixture must be poured into the melted chocolate, while whisking the drink with a whisk or mixer.
  6. At this stage, add the desired amount of sugar, mix and cook for about five minutes over low heat until thick.

With added banana

You can make hot chocolate with the addition of banana - this is a good, aromatic combination.

Required Products:

  • one banana;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • about 50 grams of milk chocolate.
  1. Cooking process:
  2. Peel the banana, cut into pieces, and divide the chocolate into cubes.
  3. Pour milk into a saucepan, mix with chocolate and banana.
  4. Heat the mixture over low heat until the chocolate is completely dissolved, then beat the resulting mass with a blender until smooth.
  5. You can add a little sugar before serving to taste.

Recipe with marshmallows

Required Products:

  • 100 grams of chocolate;
  • marshmallow - to your taste;
  • 140 milliliters of cream;
  • 0.6 liters of milk.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour the indicated amount of milk and cream into the pan. Stir and heat over low heat.
  2. Then add the chocolate, which must first be divided into small pieces.
  3. Wait for the contents of the pan to boil, turn the heat to low and stir a little until a homogeneous mixture comes out.
  4. Pour it into cups and place marshmallows on top.

Hot chocolate with cocoa

If you don’t have chocolate on hand, no problem, the drink can be made with cocoa. After all, cocoa is the same as chocolate, only not sweet.

Required Products:

  • two spoons of cocoa;
  • tsp corn starch;
  • sugar to your taste;
  • 0.3 liters of cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix cocoa and starch in a saucepan, pour them with a spoon of cold water.
  2. Heat the indicated amount of cream well, but do not bring it to a boil. Gently pour them into the cocoa mass, stirring until smooth.
  3. Heat the ingredients over low heat and then remove from the stove. Let them sit for five minutes and serve with homemade cookies.

How to make a cinnamon drink

Hot chocolate with cinnamon is a real winter drink. Prepare it according to this recipe and enjoy it on a stormy day.

Required Products:

  • 0.7 liters of milk;
  • two cinnamon sticks;
  • 200 grams of good dark chocolate;
  • 0.3 liters of heavy cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine the milk and cream, put it on the stove, heat it well, but do not let the mixture boil.
  2. Grind the cinnamon sticks in a mortar or coffee grinder. If desired, you can use the already ground version.
  3. Remove the cream and milk from the stove, add cinnamon to them and leave for five minutes.
  4. We separate the chocolate into slices, place it in the hot mixture and stir with a whisk until it is completely dissolved. After this, pour the drink into cups and serve.

Original version with chili pepper

This combination will make the drink more aromatic and certainly non-trivial.

Required Products:

  • three dry chili peppers;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • three large spoons of cocoa;
  • three spoons of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix cocoa and sugar, add a little milk, but not all.
  2. Place the mixture on the stove, turning on medium heat.
  3. Without ceasing to stir, add chili pepper to the ingredients and cook the mixture further over low heat.
  4. Keep on the stove until the sugar is completely dissolved, then pour in the remaining milk and as soon as the drink boils, immediately remove it.
  5. Be sure to pass the drink through a sieve so that there is nothing unnecessary in it, including pieces of pepper. After this, pour the chocolate into cups and serve.

With coconut milk

Required Products:

  • 70 milliliters coconut milk;
  • 100 grams of dark chocolate;
  • three spoons of sugar;
  • 0.35 liters of almond or regular milk.

Cooking process:

  1. We separate the chocolate into pieces and bring it to a liquid state. It's best to do this in a steam bath, but if you don't want to mess around, then just do it on the stove or in the microwave.
  2. Mix both types of milk separately and place on the stove. We wait for the mixture to boil and quickly combine it with melted chocolate before it hardens.
  3. Add the specified amount of sugar (or to your taste), mix and serve the drink.

Thick hot chocolate

To get a thick chocolate shake consistency, use regular starch. It is best to take corn, then its taste will not be felt in the drink.

By the way, it can be added to any recipe. Please note that the drink without starch will be quite liquid.

Required Products:

  • liter of milk;
  • three large spoons of starch;
  • 200 grams of chocolate.

Cooking process:

  1. Take a glass of milk and pour starch into it. Stir until a homogeneous mixture without lumps is obtained.
  2. Pour the remaining milk into the pan and set to heat over low heat. Add chocolate, previously divided into slices.
  3. We continue to heat the mixture until the chocolate pieces are completely dissolved, after which we add the diluted starch here. Mix.
  4. Continue cooking until the drink begins to thicken. As soon as the process starts, immediately remove the chocolate from the heat, pour into cups and serve.

Hot chocolate is a fragrant drink that not only gives gastronomic pleasure, but creates a special atmosphere and lifts your spirits. Do not deny yourself the pleasure and prepare this delicious delicacy at least once.

The recipe for hot chocolate from cocoa powder at home pleases both adults and children with its simplicity and originality. This drink quickly lifts your mood even on the gloomiest day and creates a pleasant atmosphere for a conversation with a loved one.

Hot chocolate recipes

Today's chefs have developed many different recipes for hot chocolate from cocoa, which you can safely use at home. All of them attract the attention of adults and children, because it is very difficult to refuse such a fragrant delicacy.

Classic version

Not everyone knows how to cook according to the classic recipe, because modern people prefer its modified versions with various additions. But at the same time, they forget that the classics can rarely be replaced with something worthwhile, so everyone who has a passion for its modifications needs to try the traditional drink.

Flavored chocolate is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • sugar (or sugar powder) – 4 tsp;
  • cocoa – 3 tsp;
  • milk (cow) – 2 tbsp.;
  • vanilla sugar – 2 tsp.

The classic recipe for making the drink is very simple:

  1. Pour 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar, all the regular sugar and 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder into a separate container.
  2. Mix the dry mass thoroughly. In this case, vanilla sugar and cocoa should become a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add a little milk to a separate pan and place on high heat. After 5 minutes, pour the rest of the milk there.
  4. Without bringing the contents of the pan to a boil and stirring constantly, pour the dry mass into it and remove from the heat after a couple of minutes.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Ready-made hot chocolate from cocoa can be decorated with chocolate chips or cinnamon, but it is best to drink it in its pure form.

Hot chocolate “Tenderness”

The most common drink is a delicacy with a hint of bitterness that is healthy for the body. For this you will need to take:

  • ground allspice – 0.5 tsp;
  • milk – 2 tbsp.;
  • cocoa powder – 3-4 tbsp;
  • cream of minimal fat content – ​​200 ml;
  • regular sugar - 4 tbsp;
  • cognac (can be replaced with rum) – 50 g;
  • ground ginger – 5 g;
  • cinnamon - a whole stick.

How to make hot chocolate:

  1. Combine and mix all liquid ingredients - alcohol, cream and milk.
  2. Stirring the mixture constantly, add spices.
  3. Place the resulting mass on the fire and boil with constant stirring.
  4. Pour part of the mixture into another container, add 3 tablespoons of cocoa there (leave the rest for decoration), thoroughly rubbing the resulting lumps with a whisk.
  5. Add the rest of the liquid mass with spices and return to the fire.
  6. Without bringing it to a boil, remove the pan from the heat, remove the cinnamon stick and distribute the contents into glasses.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova

Hot chocolate with marshmallows

Children coming back from a walk will always be happy to enjoy something prepared at home with cocoa and small marshmallows. At the same time, you will have to spend no more than half an hour preparing such a drink.

The main ingredients are:

  • cocoa, butter (butter), granulated sugar - 4 tbsp each;
  • cold drinking water (its quantity is determined depending on the desired consistency of the finished drink);
  • marshmallows – 1 package.

Cooking process:

  1. Melt the butter in a small container.
  2. Separately combine sugar and cocoa, then add to the butter and mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour the mixture with water and boil over low heat, stirring constantly.
  4. Divide hot chocolate between glasses and decorate with marshmallows.

  • When using cream or milk during the cooking process, you should not bring the chocolate mixture to a boil, because eventually the delicacy will lose its properties.
  • Vanilla will give the drink a wonderful taste, but it will not be easy for unknowing people to guess its presence in hot chocolate.
  • You can decorate the resulting delicacy with a couple of spoons of cinnamon, small marshmallows, grated sweets and even melted caramel.
  • Thanks to these simple rules, any recipe for hot chocolate with cocoa made at home will not seem so complicated, because the resulting drink will delight all its tasters.


    Winter - It's time for the most delicious hot and warming drinks. Don't miss the moment to please yourself with freshly brewed sweet, delicious cocoa.

    How to make hot chocolate?

    Now we will get acquainted with the best recipes for preparing a healthy chocolate drink.

    Recipes for cooking cocoa can be divided into:

    • fast way;
    • classic way;
    • recipes with ingredient substitutes.

    How to make hot chocolate at home and quickly?

    Let's figure this out together. Quick and easy method requires only 4 ingredients:

    • 1 tbsp. a spoon of natural cocoa powder;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of whole milk powder (optional);
    • 1.5 cups whole milk.

    First you need to mix cocoa powder, sugar and milk powder in a mug until a thick mixture is formed. Add liquid milk to the resulting mixture, directly into the same mug. For such a delicious drink, choose your favorite cup― it will add pleasant emotions!

    Quick cooking involves using a microwave oven. Place the cup of mixture in the oven for one minute. Then take out the cup and mix the ingredients well using a spoon.

    The formation of lumps is acceptable, but they should be thoroughly rubbed until completely dissolved. Place the container in the microwave again for 30 seconds.

    Your cocoa is ready! This method is the fastest, and at the same time the drink remains full of all the taste qualities.

    Now let's look at longer methods,how to make hot chocolate at home.

    Let's call these recipes as follows:

    1. Cook cocoa on the stove.
    2. Cocoa from the mixture.
    3. Chocolate sticky cocoa.
    4. Cocoa powder or the longest cooking method.
    1. Cook cocoa on the stove.

    You will need:

    • 80 ml water;
    • 70 g cocoa powder;
    • 150 g sugar pinch of salt;
    • 3.5 glasses of whole milk;
    • vanilla (to taste).

    Cooking method.

    First you need to boil water. Any method is suitable for this: a kettle, a microwave oven, a Turk, a saucepan. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl: cocoa + sugar + salt.

    Take the pan in which the drink will be boiled and pour the dry mixture into it. Now you need to add boiled water to the mixture. If you do not abuse sugar, then any sweetener is quite suitable for the drink.

    The burner should be kept on low heat. The resulting liquid must be stirred gently and gradually brought to a boil. This will take approximately 2.5 minutes. In order for the cocoa to be properly cooked and aromatic, the fire should be kept at the lowest temperature for the best dissolution of particles.

    After the liquid has boiled, you need to add milk. It should be poured in carefully so that it combines evenly with the resulting liquid. If extra lumps have formed― stir them with a spoon. Choose the fat content of milk according to your own preference. The one with fat content starting from 2.5% is best suited. Once the milk has combined with the chocolate mixture, continue stirring until steam begins to release.

    The combined liquid should not boil!

    By using low heat you simply warm it up thoroughly. The steam will rise after about another 2.5 minutes, and then remove the pan from the heat. Your cocoa is ready. You can add vanilla extract to add flavor. It can be added either to each cup separately or to the entire pan at once. Pour cocoa into cups. Cinnamon can add a wonderful aroma to the drink.

    1. Winter cocoa in the microwave.

    Children will really like this cocoa recipe because it is complemented with sweet marshmallows and cream (optional). He came to us from SSHA, where confectionery shops and coffee shops on the eve of Christmas celebrations attracted visitors with their signature cocktails based on cocoa and coffee, decorated with candies. Visitors immediately liked such drinks for their appearance and design.

    You will need:

    • 1 tbsp. spoon of cocoa powder;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • 1.5 glasses of milk;
    • whipped cream or marshmallows (to taste).

    Cooking method.

    The classic cocoa recipe uses natural cocoa powder without additional sugar. However, if you have cocoa with added sugar at home, this will also work, but it should not be sweetened further.

    Mix powder and sugar in one mug until smooth. Then add milk and rub the resulting lumps with a spoon. If you have a fairly thick dark mixture― it means you did everything right. When preparing cocoa in a mug, an important point is the absence of lumps that will not dissolve later, and the drink may not be as rich as expected.

    For speed and convenience, use the microwave. Place the mug there for up to 1 minute so that the liquid warms up well. Then take it out and mix well again. After mixing, place the mug again, but now for up to 30 seconds so that the cocoa does not boil.

    After you take out the drink, do not wait until it cools down. Immediately top it with whipped cream or marshmallows, or feel free to mix both together. As decoration, you can use sugar beads and any other confectionery additions.

    Believe me, this drink will become everyone’s favorite sweet treat!

    1. Cocoa from the mixture.

    Cocoa from the mixture - one of the most convenient methods, since the mixture itself already contains all the ingredients for preparing the drink.

    You will need:

    • cocoa mixture;
    • water (according to preference);
    • milk (according to preference).

    There is nothing fancy about this recipe. Choose any cup and pour the cocoa mixture into it. For those who like it sweeter, we recommend adding 3-4 tablespoons. For a less concentrated drink, 2 tbsp will be enough. spoons

    You can only add boiled water or hot milk directly to the cup with the mixture. Please note that neither the milk nor the water should be completely hot or just boiling. The cocoa mixture will brew in a very warm liquid.

    For better dissolution, mix the lumps well with a spoon.

    Note: if you stir with chaotic movements, the mixture will mix better, since circular movements will only disperse the lumps to the sides.

    To garnish your drink, use cinnamon, grated chocolate, or a sprig of mint.

    1. Chocolate sticky cocoa.

    The most chocolatey and aromatic cocoa recipe. This drink will perfectly warm you up on winter evenings and is perfect for Christmas gatherings at home.How to make hot chocolate? Let's try together!

    You will need:

    • 170 g dark chocolate;
    • 4 glasses of milk;
    • cream (to taste);
    • a pinch of salt;
    • spices (cinnamon, mint, nutmeg, vanilla, etc.);
    • pastry decorations (optional).

    Cooking method.

    To make chocolate cocoa, choose chocolate with a high cocoa percentage. This kind of chocolate is more natural and does not contain a lot of sugar. Chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 70% is best. First you need to melt the chocolate in milk. The best proportion: 3 spoons of chocolate and 1 glass of milk.

    Before you start melting, break the chocolate into smaller pieces. You can also use a knife for this to make it more convenient. Place the chocolate in a bowl and place it over low heat. To ensure that the chocolate melts optimally, you should stir it constantly. It will be better if you use a wooden stirrer to make it easier to get rid of the remaining sweet mixture later.

    Add milk and cream (to taste) to the chocolate. You will know by the consistency when the product is ready. The mixture should be quite thick and homogeneous. Be careful not to burn the chocolate!

    Sometimes you can add hot milk a little at a time, it will dilute the liquid. Add your favorite spices to the resulting mixture. Choose those that suit your taste.

    For a sophisticated aroma, various liqueurs and flavored syrups are perfect. Pour in additional liquid very carefully so as not to overdo it.

    Add the remaining milk and leave the heat on medium heat. The peculiarity of cooking cocoa is its care. Cocoa should not boil! To prevent it from boiling and burning the melted chocolate, you need to stir it constantly.

    The dark chocolate pieces will gradually melt and you will get a homogeneous mass. After the last grains of chocolate have melted, feel free to pour the drink into cups. Use your favorite confectionery products as decorations. Sugar drops or whipped cream would be a great option!

    1. Cocoa powder or the longest cooking method.

    The most important thing about this recipe is using the highest quality cocoa powder!

    Please note that most cocoa presented in stores are often artificial substitutes for its natural counterpart. Manufacturers, in order to save money, create a product that is very similar in taste, butno difference in quality at all.If you try natural cocoa powder and its artificial substitute, then, of course, the difference will be noticeable. However, don’t despair if your store doesn’t have really good cocoa. You will be able to prepare the most aromatic drink from almost any powder.

    For this you will need:

    • 0.5 cups cocoa powder;
    • 0.5 cups sugar;
    • a quarter glass of water;
    • liter of milk;
    • salt (to taste);
    • spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, mint, etc.).

    Please note that the liquid obtained from these ingredients will be quite large, so you may have enough for a whole company of 5 people.

    Cooking method.

    First, mix all the dry ingredients into one mass. Mix cocoa, sugar and salt thoroughly. Once mixed, slowly pour in water and mix the mixture again. It is best to cook cocoa over medium heat, while constantly stirring the liquid.

    Bring the drink to a boil. Reduce heat and leave to simmer for no more than two minutes.

    Special secret: most famous chefs advise adding your favorite spices exactly at the moment when the liquid has just boiled.

    After boiling, the cocoa will simmer for some time with all the spices and acquire the brightest aroma. Show your imagination and decorate the drink at your discretion.

    Any of these recipes can be modified to your own liking.

    Some tips on what and how best to replace the ingredients we are used to.
    • Replace milk with water.

    If you are cooking for a long time, replace the milk with water.― great option. Please note that cocoa powder dissolves less well in water. The drink will be more liquid and less rich in taste.

    • Replace cow's milk with plant-based milk.

    This method is suitable for vegetarians, vegans and those who suffer from lactose intolerance. Plant-based milk is perfect for the drink. It is worth noting that almond, soy or coconut milk has a specific taste that will affect the drink as a whole. And yes, you will need a little more of it than usual, because it has a lower percentage of fat content.

    • Replace classic cocoa powder with flavored cocoa.

    To diversify your cooking, feel free to experiment and try new flavorings. This method is suitable for those who do not have an allergic reaction to flavoring additives.

    • Replace sugar with sweetener or omit it altogether.

    Anyone who monitors the amount of sugar entering the body is always interested in the number of calories in drinks or food. Natural cocoa― not a high-calorie drink, but cocoa mixtures and various additives certainly contain large amounts of sugar. Choose blends according to your own preferences.

    • Replace your usual confectionery decorations with colorful marshmallows.

    The American way of decoration will appeal to literally everyone!

    Throw one small marshmallow into a cup and watch it melt before your eyes right in the cup. The marshmallow leaves a buttery residue and gives the cocoa a sticky texture. This decoration is adored by children who carefully watch how the candies melt.

    Tips on how to how to make hot chocolate at home.

    1. Those with a sweet tooth should be advised to replace regular milk with chocolate milk. You can simply pour in the mixture, pour chocolate milk over it, and microwave it.
    2. Do not bring cocoa to a boil and do not drink the drink very hot!
    3. If you appreciate the taste of sticky cocoa and prefer a special aftertaste from each sip, you should try adding half a teaspoon of cornstarch. The starch will start the drink and make it heavier. To keep it sweet, you may need to add extra sugar.
    4. When choosing chocolate for making cocoa, you can safely experiment with the flavor fillings of sweet bars. Try using white chocolate or chocolate with salted cricket inside. Strawberry flavored chocolate will add a special aroma.
    5. The combination of salt and sugar will add sharpness to the taste. The chocolate will open up on the other side and add zest to the entire drink.
    6. The cream will add butteriness and extra sweetness to the drink.
    7. Fennel - the secret of the cocoa brewing masters, try it!
    8. Mix spices. For example, basil and cinnamonGreat topping for a hot drink.
    9. The higher the percentage of chocolate in the powder, the richer the taste!
    10. You can store the finished drink in the refrigerator! Children really like this sweet and cool drink and they drink it with great pleasure.
    11. If you use electric whisks, you can achieve absolutely amazing foam on top of the drink!
    12. Additional confectionery decorations will make your drink more festive and are perfect for a Christmas feast.
    13. Try making “American” cocoa with marshmallows- you will not regret!
    14. Feel free to experiment, but be careful not to overdo it with sugar or, conversely, with bitterness.

    Cocoa - a product created from transferred ground beans. Cacao butterthe main component of any chocolate. When you add chocolate to cocoa, you are adding cocoa to cocoa, no matter how it sounds. Cocoa butter also has many beneficial properties for our body. Scientists have proven the positive effects of cocoa on the respiratory system and throat. Drinking this drink will only have a positive effect on your health!

    The powder itself is It's a leftover from processed bean cakes and has such an amazing aroma! Cocoa is actively used in the perfume industry and is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs! A properly brewed drink will not only please, but also invigorate your loved ones, lift your spirits and even make you laugh!

    Hot chocolate is rightfully considered the favorite delicacy of most Russians. The recipe for the drink has spread all over the world; many countries have changed it based on the personal preferences of their people. Nutmeg, ground cinnamon, mint and even chili pepper are often added to hot chocolate. Experienced housewives have learned how to make hot chocolate at home. The technology is not particularly difficult if you follow the step-by-step instructions.

    Features of making hot chocolate

    1. To make real hot chocolate, you won't need cocoa alone. Although many consider the recipe based on this product to be correct. Ultimately, the dessert turns out fatty, nutritious, thick and viscous. Sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon are added to the classic recipe.
    2. Buy cream with a fat content of at least 20%, as a result of which the prepared drink will be much thicker. When you beat the total mass, the end result will be a thick dessert, reminiscent of pudding. It is preferable to eat a delicacy of this consistency with a spoon.
    3. To give the dessert an exquisite taste, add various ingredients to it, such as liqueur, rum, cognac, water, cream, etc. By adding water, the fat content of the drink will significantly decrease, and the taste of chocolate will become more expressive. When mixed with cream you will achieve a soft product.
    4. When preparing hot chocolate, add full-fat milk, sour cream, starch or yolk to the mixture. In this case, the drink will become much thicker. Also use only high-quality dark chocolate without additives or flavor enhancers. Milk chocolate is suitable for the drink, but not porous.
    5. Fans of spicy desserts often add various spices, such as cardamom, vanilla, ginger, cinnamon, and some types of pepper. The addition of chili pepper has somewhat become a classic of the genre. The taste of the drink is more spicy, sharp and tart.
    6. To properly melt chocolate while preserving its beneficial properties, use a water bath. Make sure that no drops of water get into the melted mixture, otherwise lumps will appear. You won't be able to melt them again, so the dessert will be ruined.

    Hot chocolate: classic

    1. It is necessary to bring 550 ml to a boil. skim milk, after pouring it into a thick-bottomed pan. After this, you can add chilled chopped chocolate (about 145-150 g). Leave the heat on low and stir the mixture.
    2. Combine the hot mixture with 15 gr. sifted flour, avoiding lumps. Stir the liquid to a creamy mass, bringing it to a boil again (this move will give the drink thickness). Add sugar to taste and consume the chocolate hot.

    1. Grind the chocolate bar until you get fine crumbs. Combine chili powder (choose the quantity based on personal preference), a cinnamon stick and 480 ml into one mass. milk. Pour everything into a saucepan.
    2. Heat the mixture without bringing to a boil. Next, add chocolate to the mixture, cook it for 10 minutes, do not forget to stir. Then take out the spices and add sugar to taste. Add cognac (optional ingredient).
    3. Decorate the finished drink with whipped cream, sprinkled with chocolate chips or cocoa powder. Serve in tall glasses.

    White hot chocolate

    1. Pour 930-960 ml. skim milk into a thick-bottomed saucepan, place on the stove, set the heat to medium. Crumble about 245 grams into a mass. white non-porous chocolate.
    2. While preparing the chocolate mass, add sugar (the amount is at your discretion). Achieve homogeneity of the composition, do not wait for bubbles to appear (boiling).
    3. Remove the pan from the burner and allow the drink to cool. After this, start tasting, pouring the contents into beautiful cups. Garnish the drink with cocoa powder or coconut flakes.

    Berry chocolate

    1. Mix 220 ml into one mass. heavy cream, granulated sugar to taste and 240 gr. chopped dark chocolate.
    2. Melt the composition in a water bath, then add 65 g. butter and 180 gr. seasonal berries (cherries, strawberries, gooseberries, plums, currants, etc.). Stir until smooth. The drink can be consumed both hot and cold.

    1. In a small metal container, mix 115 g. chopped dark chocolate, several marshmallows and 550 ml. low-fat milk. Heat the mixture over medium heat for 10 minutes, stir until the mixture is homogeneous.
    2. Remove the pan from the burner, add nutmeg on the tip of a knife, 3 g. ground cinnamon, 1 ml. vanilla extract. Mix the chocolate and pour into mugs. Bon appetit!

    Vanilla chocolate

    1. Prepare a small saucepan, pour in 30 ml. filtered water and wait until it boils. Add granulated sugar (about 30 g) mixed with cocoa powder (25 g). Achieve the formation of a homogeneous paste.
    2. Add 265 ml. milk (fat content about 1.5%), boil the mixture for 5-7 minutes, then pour in 3 ml. vanilla essence. Serve the finished dish with whipped cream sprinkled with nutmeg.

    Creamy chocolate

    1. Pour in 550 ml. milk into a small iron ladle, place on the stove. Heat the mixture, but do not let it boil.
    2. Remove the liquid from the burner, add 50 g. liquid honey, 4 ml. vanilla essence, 245 gr. grated chocolate, 1 pinch of salt. To add thickness, add 25 grams. corn starch, stir until smooth.
    3. Over medium heat, until the first bubbles appear, turn off the burner and let the chocolate cool. Pour into mugs and serve with marshmallows and whipped cream.

    Orange chocolate

    1. Fill a small iron pan with finely chopped orange zest (60 g). Add 6 gr. chopped cinnamon and 120 gr. grated dark chocolate. Pour in 60 ml. milk and dissolve the mixture over low heat.
    2. After this, add another 320 ml. milk and bring to a boil. Whisk 60 ml. heavy cream into cream using a blender, move the mixture to the general composition. Pour the prepared hot chocolate into mugs, garnishing with a cinnamon stick.

    1. Break 120 gr. dark chocolate into pieces. Add 15 g. corn starch in 85 ml. milk and stir. Add 240 ml to a separate pan. milk, 220 ml. heavy cream and 30 gr. grated chocolate.
    2. Bring the mixture to a boil and add the dissolved starch. Stir the mixture until smooth. Turn off the burner. The drink should be served hot.

    Chocolate with banana

    1. Grind 115 g in a convenient way. dark chocolate, peel 1.5 bananas and cut into cubes. Take a small saucepan, add grated chocolate, banana, pour in 1 liter. milk and place on the burner.
    2. After 10 minutes, turn off the stove, whisk the mixture and bring until smooth. Remove the dishes from the heat, add sugar to taste and 2 pinches of chopped cinnamon. You can garnish the drink with banana slices.

    Chocolate with rum

    1. Pour 800 ml into a small saucepan. milk with low fat content. Add 45 ml. rum (whisky, brandy, cognac) and 120 ml. cream. Place on the burner and bring the mixture to a boil.
    2. Remove the pan from the heat. Add 280 gr. crushed chocolate into crumbs so that it melts in hot milk. Bring the mixture until smooth and pour into mugs. Serve the drink hot.

    1. In a small metal container, mix 90 g. dark chocolate, 120 ml. filtered water, 65 gr. granulated sugar. Wait for the first bubbles to appear and simmer the mixture at medium power. Lower the burner and cook the drink for another 3 minutes.
    2. Pour in 630 ml. skim milk, 55 ml. Baileys liqueur, 20 gr. instant coffee, 40 ml. cognac Whisk the mixture and cook for another 3 minutes. Whisk 120 ml. thick cream until creamy, place it on top of the chocolate, sprinkle with chopped almonds.

    Chocolate with egg yolk

    1. Whisk 150 ml into one mixture. milk and 1 egg yolk. Heat another 350 ml. milk and add 90 grams to it. grated dark chocolate.
    2. Stir the mixture constantly, add 1 g. cinnamon and granulated sugar (quantity at your discretion). Remove the resulting mixture from the burner and add the beaten yolk. Stir until smooth and serve the chocolate hot.
    1. Prepare hot chocolate exclusively from natural products. The cocoa content in the bar must be at least 65%. Most often, dark chocolate without various fillers is used for the drink.
    2. White and milk chocolate are also used for preparation. Whipped cream is added to give the drink thickness and tenderness. For a unique taste, vanilla sugar or essence is used.
    3. The most important thing is to present the dish beautifully, this is the key to success. Cream, caramel, mint leaves, cinnamon sticks and candies will help you decorate the dessert correctly.

    Consider recipes for making hot chocolate based on coffee, heavy cream, cognac, Baileys liqueur, vanilla essence, dark rum. If desired, add marshmallows, almonds, chili peppers, banana, seasonal berries, nutmeg, chopped cinnamon, orange zest to the drink. Vary the proportions at your discretion, experiment, add your favorite ingredients.

    Video: how to make hot chocolate