Lesson plan work topic is a saying. Summary of an open lesson on literary reading "Proverbs and sayings" outline of a reading lesson (grade 2) on the topic

02.02.2012 32825 2135


Goals : give an idea of ​​the Karelian-Finnish epic; show how the ideas of the northern peoples about the world order, about good and evil are reflected in ancient runes; to reveal the depth of ideas and beauty of images of the ancient epic.

Methodical techniques: expressive reading, analytical conversation.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

III. Studying a new topic.

1. The teacher's word.

Our work on folklore will continue with small forms - proverbs and sayings. Name the proverbs that you know and explain their meaning.

Student answers.

What apt folk sayings! And in each there is advice, teaching, morality. Who does this advice and teaching apply to? (To all.)

2. Working from the textbook.

– Reading the material on p. 42: V.I. Dal about the proverb.

Vocabulary work. Stated indirectly – hints, allegorically.

3. Conversation on issues.

-What is a proverb?

– What does it mean for all occasions? (About work - “without labor...”, about spending time - “doing time...”, having hope for someone - “Trust in God...”, about abandoning a friend and slandering him - “don’t spit into a well...", "don't dig a hole for another...", about boasting - "don't praise yourself...", about attitude towards animals - "don't drive a horse with a whip...".)

A saying is part of a judgment. (Is it possible to get lost in a small, familiar forest? (“I got lost in three pines.”) As they say about a person who appeared unexpectedly (“Like he fell from the moon,” “He appeared out of the blue.”) Sayings are similar to metaphors.)

– Who created proverbs? (People for many years.)

4. Pushkin about proverbs and saying X.

5. Reading proverbs, explaining their meanings (p. 43 in the textbook).

Assignment: determine on what topics the proverbs in sections I, II, III, IV are combined.

6. Retelling of Anikin’s article and “The Wisdom of Nations” (2 students in the form of dialogue).

IV. Securing the topic.

1. Explain the literal and figurative meaning of the proverb.

Option I Option II

1. Explain how the proverb is constructed.

a) One bee doesn’t make much honey.

A proverb is a simple sentence with inversion
(predicate at the end of the sentence), due to which the rhythm of the statement changes, the main words “one” and “not many” are emphasized by intonation.

b) Whoever you hang out with, that’s who you’re like.

The proverb is constructed in the form of a complex sentence with rhyming parts (you drive - you walk).

c) Be strong until you give your word, and once you have given your word, hold on.

This proverb contains instructions for action. A person must be true to his word, no matter how difficult it may be for him. The proverb is two-part, built using a rhyming word (be strong - hold on).

d) The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying.

The sentence is complex, the second part is a consequence of the first.

2. Essay-miniature according to one of the proverbs (“Idleness is the mother of vices” (French).

And so it is. I was messing around, didn’t solve the problem, and I don’t want to get a bad grade. And, forgetting about self-esteem, you start begging someone to copy the solution. Today I wrote it off, tomorrow, and ignorance accumulates. And you would like to decide, but you can’t. You begin to lie, dodge (cunning), invent all sorts of reasons. Now count how many vices laziness has given rise to!

V. Summing up the lesson.

-What is a proverb? proverb?

Closing remarks teacher I.

Proverbs and sayings are not created just to be read. They teach us what to do, they advise, they help us overcome our reluctance; they share with us the life experiences of their creators so that we do not repeat their mistakes and make our own.

Homework: textbook, prepare an answer to question 4, p. 49; miniature essay; textbook, p. 42–43 (retelling of the article).

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>>Literature 2nd grade >>Literature: Riddles. Proverbs and sayings

Lesson 4


Goals: show students how folk wisdom is manifested in riddles, proverbs, and sayings; teach to see hidden meaning; develop imagination.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

The teacher can check homework in the form of a competition in various categories. For example: “The funniest tale”, “The most incredible story”, “To the best liar”, etc.
The students themselves evaluate the work. (The teacher can prepare special “medals” as encouragement.)

Between heaven and earth
The little pig was rummaging
And accidentally tail
Clings to the sky.

Mammoth and papont were walking on the river,
The babant and the dedant were lying on the stove.
And the grandson was sitting on the porch
And he rolled his trunk into rings.

Physical education minute

III. Learning new material.

1. Message of the topic, goals.

2. Work on riddles.

– One of the most interesting and, perhaps, the most diverse and numerous genre of oral folk art is a riddle. How would you explain what a riddle is?

I carry a new house in my hand,
The doors of the house are locked.
The residents here are made of paper,
All terribly important.

Answer: Briefcase, textbooks, notebooks

Thirty-three sisters
Not very tall.
If you know their secret,
Then you will find the answer to everything.

Answer: Letters

– In Russian oral folk art there are riddles for all occasions: about animals and natural phenomena, about plants and tools, about school and about much, much more.

There is a town.
How many gray houses,
So many little white residents.

Two brothers
They look into the water
The centuries will not converge.

Not the sea, not the land,
Ships don't float
And you can't walk.

They beat me, they beat me,
They beat, they beat,
They tore into shreds,
They were lying across the field,
Locked under the key
They sat me on the table.

Red maiden,
I walked through the meadows,
I dropped the keys.
Brother stood up
I picked up the keys.

The horse is running -
The earth is shaking.

Here are the needles and pins crawling out from under the bench.
They look at me, they want milk

Large, fractional frequent
And he watered the whole earth.

Red rocker
It hung across the river.

One color in winter and summer.
(Christmas tree)

Further work on riddles can be done in the form of a game: one row asks its own riddle or a riddle from the textbook, the others guess. The row that named the answer first or formulated the answer more accurately gets the right to ask the riddle.

3. Work on proverbs and sayings.

– How do you understand the meaning of these statements? When and in what cases is it appropriate to use a proverb (saying)?

Learning to read and write is always useful.
Save an hour and you'll live a century.
Bow down and your head won't break off.
When you take it, swagger, but when you take it, bow down.
They do not look at a given horse's teeth.
What goes around comes around.
Price according to merit, not service.

IV. Lesson summary.

Homework: write down in your notebooks one proverb about work, friendship, learning, Motherland, mother; answer the questions on p. 27.

Literary reading. Grades 1-2: lesson plans according to the “School of Russia” program. Publishing house "Teacher", 2011. Contents - N.V. Lobodina, S.V. Savinova and others.

Extracurricular activity on the topic:

"Proverbs - folk wisdom."

Teacher: Yarmushkina N.G.

Target: introduce new proverbs, sayings;

teach to think about their meaning;

learn to express your thoughts briefly and consistently using proverbs and sayings;

fostering a responsible attitude towards any business.

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher: Today we will talk about proverbs and sayings, and think together about the content of some of them.

What is a proverb? What do you know about them?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Proverbs are apt expressions that briefly but accurately ridicule the shortcomings of people. They reflected all aspects of life. They make you think; they express your attitude towards an event.

1 rear

Explain which proverb is the most ancient? Why did you decide so?

A) A man without friends is like a tree without roots;

B) If you like warmth, tolerate smoke;

C) A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song;

2 rear

- Petya the Cockerel brought some words. (I put it out). All clear? Of course, they need to be put in their place

I'm done, it's time for a walk

It's time for fun, it's bold

And here, in my opinion, there are not enough words at all. Make up proverbs and explain their meaning.

A) Labor-…….., laziness…….

(Work heals, laziness spoils)

B) Tongue………, hurry up……..

(Don’t rush with your language, hurry with your actions)

4 task;

-What proverbs are suitable for these situations: ((showing dramatizations)

A) Sasha’s computer doesn’t work at home. My brother fiddled around and couldn't fix anything. The technician came and quickly fixed the problem. (The master's work is afraid)

B) The girl wanted to get “4” and “5”, but she herself won’t open the book again, she does her homework somehow. So her friend says to her:…..(You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty)

C) Petya did not do his homework for several days and received a “2”. All the guys turned their backs on him. And all the teachers praised Sergei, since he was always ready to answer in class. (By work and honor)

Task 5:

Come up with and play out in groups a situation to which the proverb fits:

“If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh”

Task 6:

Say the end of the proverbs. How do you understand them?

Who reads a lot -…..

Don't spit in the well...

Who will you hang out with - .....

Better to do well......

Where is the labor-……..

Task 7:

What proverbs do you guys know? In what situation would you use it?


What do you remember? Why do you need to know proverbs? Do you use proverbs and sayings when talking to someone? In which cases? (children's answers)


Knowledge of proverbs and sayings enriches the mind and speech of a person, and develops memory. Knowing proverbs, you can apply them in your speech in order to briefly, concisely and accurately express your thoughts and your attitude to what is happening.

I would really like you to remember our conversation and think before you say or do anything. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Measure seven times, cut once” or so “The word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you cannot catch it.”

Open lesson

Topic: “Proverbs and sayings about work”

Target: talk about the value of proverbs and sayings, help broaden the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of students.


1. Development of intellectual and creative abilities of students;

2. Develop skills in the reasonable use of proverbs in speech;

3. Instill interest in oral folk art;

4.Speech development and enrichment of students’ vocabulary;

Visibility and equipment:


Presentation “Proverbs and sayings about work”



Speech material:

His face is handsome;

Wise sayings;

How it will come back to haunt you;

Its own burden;

A weighty word;

Slide 2.

Progress of the event

Educator: - The Russian people have a lot of proverbs and sayings. Perhaps more than many other nations of the world. These wise sayings were created and accumulated over many centuries. They reflect people's daily lives, working conditions, and culture.

As a rule, proverbs and sayings are easy to remember. One sentence contains a huge meaning, there is a rhythm, a rhyme. Every word is weighty, meaningful and precise. The value of Russian proverbs and sayings is stated in them themselves.

Here's what great writers said about proverbs:

“Reading a collection of proverbs is one of my favorite things - not activities, but pleasures” L.N. TOLSTOY

“Our proverbs are more significant than the proverbs of all other peoples... They reflect many of our properties; they contain everything: mockery, ridicule, reproach - in a word, everything that stirs and tugs at the living... All great people, from Pushkin to Suvorov and Peter, were in awe of our proverbs” N.V. GOGOL

“The Russian people created a huge literature: wise proverbs and cunning riddles... It is vain to think that this literature was the fruit of people’s leisure. She was the dignity and intelligence of the people. She formed and strengthened him with historical memory, the festive clothes of his soul and filled with deep content his entire measured life, flowing according to the customs and rituals associated with his work. Nature and reverence for fathers and grandfathers” A.N. TOLSTOY

Slide 3.

How is a proverb different from a saying?

Proverbs - these are short sayings expressing the worldly wisdom of the people. Proverb , like a proverb, is a witty, apt folk judgment, short in form. Proverbs differ from sayings in their completeness. A proverb is a complete thought, a saying is only part of a judgment.

Slide 4.

-Guess where is the proverb and where is the saying?

*A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song. (Proverb)

*Like cheese rolling around in butter. (Proverb)

*He is not good who has a handsome face, but he is good who is good at business. (Proverb)

*Prepare a sleigh in summer, a cart in winter. (Proverb)

*He says he’s giving it in rubles. (Proverb)

Slide 5.

Today we will check how well you know proverbs and sayings!

Educator: - Guys, listen to the short stories and try to find a suitable proverb for each of them.

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya Solntsev. He was neither smart nor stupid, neither an excellent student nor a poor student, neither lazy nor hardworking. The middle one was a little boy.

One day Petya was given a lot of homework. But he was so overcome by laziness that he first read a book for an hour, then watched TV for thirty minutes, and then went with his friends to play football. He played for so long that, when he came home, he no longer had the strength, time or desire to do his homework. And Petya decided not to do them.

The next day, when the boy went to school, there was a test. Petya got a bad grade because he didn't study his homework at all.

(Everything has its time; Business has a time, and fun has an hour; Laziness was born before you.)

Slide 6.

Some people, when they are late for work, break the rules and run a red traffic light. For this, they are stopped by a traffic police officer and fined. And they are even more late for work.

Once upon a time there lived a poor artist. He had many friends. One day he got sick. He needed an expensive operation, but he had no money. Then all his friends brought money. The artist underwent surgery and recovered.

(Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.)

Slide 7.

Let's play with you. Let's split into two teams. Teams are awarded points for correctly completed tasks. The team that scores the most points wins!

Our first competition is “Warm-up”.

The task is to continue the proverbs and sayings:

1. What goes around... (comes around).

2. Without difficulty... (not even catching a fish from a pond).

3. Did the job... (walk boldly).

4. It’s good when visiting… (and it’s better at home).

5. Picked up the tug... (don’t say it’s not hefty).

6. Who will you get along with... (that's how you'll gain weight).

7. Prepare a sleigh in the summer... (and a cart in the winter).

8. As it comes back to you... (so it will respond).

9. You’ll chase two hares... (you won’t catch either).

10. Make a fool pray to God... (he will even hurt his forehead).

11. No matter how much you feed the wolf... (and he keeps looking into the forest).

Game "Confusion"

(Each team receives a sheet of paper on which they write

in an “unusual” way 2 sayings or proverbs. The words in them stand on

in their places, but the letters inside each word are mixed up. Teams

must return the letters to their places and read the saying correctly or


Proverb texts:

1 team

1. SH E P S O I S H P - E Y D Y L S H E S H I M S A N.

(If you hurry, you will make people laugh)

(I've finished the job - go for a walk!)

2nd team

1. U S A K H A R T Z A L G A E K I L I V.

(Fear has big eyes)

2. L O C H K N I O D L E - G L Y U Y M L E S O.

(I've finished the job - go for a walk!)

Slide 8.

(children decipher the names, the team that is faster wins

copes with tasks. The winning team receives a letter).

Game "Lost Words"

Educator: - I say the beginning of a proverb, and you must finish it.

    Learning is light and ignorance is darkness)

    Be afraid of wolves….(don’t go into the forest)

    They greet you by their clothes, but... (they see them off by their intelligence)

    How it comes back... (it will respond)

    Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)

    The word is silver, and ..... (silence is gold).

Slide 9.

Game "Questions - jokes"

    In what saying does an insect turn into a mammal? (To make mountains out of molehills.)

    According to what proverb, words are in the pocket? (He won’t reach into his pocket for a word.)

    What proverb is remembered when they want to say that a person who gets up early in the morning manages to do more in a day? (He who gets up early, God gives him.)

    According to what saying can teeth not be in the mouth? (Put your teeth on the shelf.)

Slide 10.

Game “Proverbs in Drawings”

The teams illustrate proverbs. Competitors must guess the proverb based on their drawing.

Slide 11

Game "Choose a proverb"

An explanation of the proverb and below 3 proverbs are given. You need to find a suitable proverb.

A century is a person's life. You can learn throughout your life; every day brings new knowledge. This is said as good advice to constantly study or as a joke when they learn something new that they did not know before.

Live and learn;

The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet;

Learning is light, but not learning is darkness.

If you are afraid of difficulties or dangerous consequences, then you should not start any business. This is said to encourage oneself or someone else when dealing with some dangerous or unknown matter involving risk.

If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest;

Slide 12

Game "Connoisseur"

From fragments of proverbs you need to guess what object, quality or phenomenon we are talking about.

If it’s your own, then it doesn’t work. burden

Appetite comes with eating

You can’t get it out of the pond without difficulty. fish

Road to lunch. spoon

They escort him along. mind

Takes cities. Courage

Slide 13.

The task is to match the proverbs and sayings of different peoples with a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning:

You can't fool a baker with bread. Spanish proverb. (An old bird is not caught with chaff.)

Don't look for fried sausage in a doghouse. German proverb. (Look for the wind in the field.)

He who has a chatty mouth has bruises on his body. English proverb. (My tongue is my enemy.)

He who asks will not get lost. Finnish proverb. (Language will take you to Kyiv.)

A scalded rooster runs away from the rain. French proverb. (Whoever gets burned on milk blows on the water.)

A leisurely elephant reaches its goal earlier than a fast stallion. Vietnamese proverb. (The quieter you go, the further you'll get.)


Every game has winners and losers. But, despite this, we can say that there are no losers in our game today, since each of you has gained new knowledge about proverbs and sayings about work, which means you have become smarter and were able to better know the culture of the Russian people.

7 A Class Russian language

Topic: “Proverbs and sayings.”

Lesson objectives: formation motivation for educational activities,

the ability to find and distinguish proverbs and sayings;

development communication ability of students,

spelling vigilance, ability to link sentences,

enrich students' vocabulary and speech;

upbringing a sense of responsibility for the lives of others,

negative attitude towards callousness, hypocrisy;

increasing the social activity of students through

solving current problem situations; upbringing

interest in language.

The purpose of the lesson: formation of understanding and systematization of knowledge,

correlation of the known with the new; introduce proverbs

and sayings and the ability to work with text.

Props: exhibition of books, individual cards and handouts,

Lesson type: lesson - game "Email".

Lesson type: non-standard lesson.

Teaching methods: explanatory, partially search, verbal.

Form of work: collective, group and individual.

During the classes

І. Inducement.

1. Organizational moment.

- Hello guys!

- Now say hello to the guests! Sit down.

- Who is on duty in the classroom?

-Who is not in class?

2. Communicate the purpose and objectives of the lesson.

- What is the date today?

- What day of the week?

- Opened the notebooks, wrote down the number, great job.

Today our lesson will be unusual. Lesson – game “Email”

- Do you have a computer at home? (Yes)

- What about email? (Yes)

- What is email?

(we send a message, correspond with friends, send

drawings, photos, music, but for this you need to create your own website.)

And in the old days, people wrote letters and sent them via mail.

And they waited for this letter for 3 - 4 days. And now all this can be done via email and You instantly receive an email or message.

- Then let's start our lesson.

Today we will get acquainted with proverbs and sayings.

So, let's start our game. Now each group must choose a name for their website.

1 group –brave lion Group 2 –wise Owl Group 3 –smart puppy

1st round « Homework"

Each group read out their message that came to your site:

What was your homework assignment? (p. 146 exercise 330. Complete the phraseological unit)

Headlong - quickly hack on the nose - remember

Nodding off - taking a nap per hour, a teaspoon is not enough

Sit with your hands folded - idle, lay your head down - die

To turn up your nose - to be arrogant with all your heart - sincerely


2nd round. « Remember too"

4. New topic.

1. Working with text.

- Guys, a strange message has arrived on your website: one of the three groups shouldshow a theatrical performance.

- What group is performing today?

(ours is group 1, but all groups are participating, since there are many heroes)

    So, let's begin our presentation. (p. 154 exercise 351) – children’s performance

    Daria: so let's live together, respect each other and love. It has long been known that “friendship is neither bought nor sold” and that friendship is more valuable than all wealth. The people have created many wise proverbs and sayings on this topic. Friendship is true not through flattery, but through truth and honor.

    Well done boys!Teacher's explanation.

    Proverbs and sayings belong to phraseological expressions. Proverbs are apt folk sayings. Sayings are folded proverbs

2. Question-and-answer conversation.

- Chickens in the fall... Life is given for good...

- He who doesn’t work is... Fear...

- I porridge with butter...

ІІІ round. « Unusual message"

5. Consolidation.

1. Written work.

- Guys, your website received a strange message:

Finish the proverbs you started.

Fluff to fluff - it will become soft in the basket.

Intelligence is good, but stupidity is bad.

The forest is being cut down - the chips are flying

Hard to learn, easy to fight

2. Game “Like a squirrel in a wheel”

If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Live and learn

III. Reflection

І V tour. "Dialogue in mode « online e"

3. Independent work p.153 exercise 348

Our next message: Complete the proverbs.

If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest. Seven times measure cut once. Intelligence is good, but stupidity is bad. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Time for business is time for fun. Don't be hasty with your tongue, but hurry with your deeds. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. Live and learn. Who does not work shall not eat. Work always gives, but laziness spoils.

V tour. "Agent »

4. Work in groups

You needsend a message to a friend using proverbs.

(p. 152 exercise 345) – work with cards.

Group 1 – 2 proverbs.

Group 2 – 2 proverbs.

Group 3 – 2 proverbs.

Group 1 – if you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Group 2 – To eat a fish, you need to get into the water. The forest is being cut down and the chips are flying.

Group 3 – Hard to learn, easy to fight. Fear has big eyes.

5. Working with gifted children

p.154 exercise 351 (c, a, c, b, b, b, a, b, a, a)

a) dress up; a) in food;

b) treat; b) in trouble;

c) believe; c) in happiness;

a) doesn’t eat; a) for work;

c) sleeps soundly; c) on business;

c) you won’t spoil it; c) will wait;

a) red shirt; a) words;

b) the eyes are large; b) affairs;

c) sensitive ears; c) actions;

6. Working with low-achieving children

p.152 exercise 344 (a, a, a, c)

7. Game “Who is faster?”

Hungry as wolf). Dirty like….(pig). Sly as ... (fox).

Healthy as .... (bull).

8. Lesson summary

- What new did you learn in the lesson?

- What did you do in class?

9. Homework:p.153 exercise 349

1 group

You love to ride...you love to carry sleighs...An apple...doesn't fall far from the tree...t.

2nd group

In order to eat fish, you have to get into the water... They cut down the forest - the wood chips fall.

3 group

Difficult in learning, easy in battle.

Fear has eyes in...faces.


Chicks in the fall... Friends get to know each other......

a) dress up; a) in food;

b) treat; b) in trouble;

c) believe; c) in happiness;

He who does not work is... Judge not by words, but......

a) doesn’t eat; a) for work;

b) always with care; b) for work;

c) sleeps soundly; c) on business;

Porridge with butter... Seven of one......

a) refueling is dangerous; a) don’t wait;

b) like okroshka with kvass; b) are waiting;

c) you won’t spoil it; c) will wait;

In fear…. Life is given for good......

a) red shirt; a) words;

b) the eyes are large; b) affairs;

c) sensitive ears; c) actions;


Fluff to feather –…. The forest is being cut down -……

a) will become soft in the basket; a) chips are flying;

b) and the feather duster will come out; b) trees are destroyed;

c) you won’t find the middle; c) they don’t like nature;

Mind – good –…. It’s hard to study -……

a) stupidity is bad; a) eat some cookies;

b) two are better; b) wait for entertainment;

c) but there are no abilities; c) easy in battle;