Evening Urgant group in contact. How VKontakte and Ivan Urgant got Russians hooked on online quizzes

Today I would like to talk about the popular Russian showman, TV presenter and actor - Ivan Urgant. This artist has been very successful in his career for many years. All his fans are very interested in the artist’s personal life, love to look at his photographs and read news about him. So, they often ask questions like: is Ivan Urgant on VKontakte? And we will find out this immediately after we read his biography.

Biography of the presenter

Urgant Ivan Andreevich was born on April 16, 1978 in Leningrad. In Ivan’s family, everyone, starting with his grandmother, was engaged in acting. His parents were no less popular. Father - famous actor, theatrical figure and the famous showman, mother - actress and Honored Artist of Russia. But, unfortunately, the young family did not last long, and soon father Andrei Urgant and mother Valery Kiselyov separated. After his parents separated, one-year-old Ivan stayed to live with his mother and stepfather.

After graduating from high school at the State. Russian Museum, Ivan easily entered the second year at the academy theatrical arts. When Ivan was still a student, he had the opportunity to perform on the same stage with Alisa Freindlich in the play “Macbeth”. Ivan Urgant tried himself in the most various fields creativity. While performing in various clubs in the city, Ivan acquired the pseudonym Grandson. We don’t know whether Ivan was listening at that time, but after successful performances he began to study music seriously, learning to play various instruments: piano, guitar, recorder and drums.

Published in 2000 music album, recorded together with Maxim Leonidov. After which Ivan began to think seriously about recording solo album. Cheerful and energetic Academy student creative arts in St. Petersburg, notices the management of the local radio station “Super-radio” and invites them to cooperate. Ivan Urgant also worked at the same time on Channel Five as the host of the “Petersburg Courier” program, which talked about everyday work in factories.

Two years later, Ivan ended up in Moscow, where his main place of work was the Ostankino TV Tower. At the beginning, Urgant hosted a television program on MTV, after which already in 2003 he was offered a reality with the presenter Fekla Tolstoy on the project “ National artist", which was broadcast on the Rossiya channel. This debut performance did not go unnoticed, and Ivan Urgant wins the “Discovery of the Year” nomination. After this Ivan becomes famous showman and all the doors in various TV shows and all the capital’s clubs open before him.

In 2005, Ivan Urgant made his debut on Channel One as the host of the “Big Premiere”. Also this year, he is invited to various projects"Channel One". In 2010, Ivan, together with Ksenia Sobchak, was the host of the Muz-TV Award ceremony. In 2012, the premiere of the show “Evening Urgant” was broadcast on Channel One.

The personal life of Ivan Urgant also pleases his fans: he is married to his former classmate Natalia Kiknadze, in 2008 she gave him a daughter, Nina, who was named after Ivan’s grandmother.

Is he registered on social networks?

Dear users of the social network VKontakte, as well as those simply wondering if Ivan Urgant is on VKontakte! We officially inform you that this artist is not on VKontakte. As he himself says: “The social network is a waste of extra time that I don’t have anyway.” So, don’t despair, because VKontakte has a large number of groups, fans creative activity Ivan Urgant. Join the groups and follow all the news from the life of this interesting artist.
  • A closed, sad, uninteresting person, trembling over money - this is how Ivan Urgant promises to appear before us in the role of producer of a new show on Channel One"Moscow Nights". And he, as always, jokes.
    On February 16, a video conference of Ivan Urgant was held from the VKontakte office. Guess how he behaved?

    Even here, being an invited guest, Ivan clearly takes on the role of host of the program. And no wonder. Ivan Urgant is the owner of six developed vectors of great temperament, who managed to implement all of them harmoniously in his activities.

    Some people think that there is a lot of Urgant on Channel One. It would seem that the TV shows hosted by the presenter are mostly entertaining, but at the same time, Ivan often pronounces very subtle, but accurate and truthful, caustic meanings. This ability was especially evident in ProjectorParisHilton, where the TV presenter repeatedly carefully and intelligently ridiculed politicians, officials, and social and economic problems in the country.

    Who else should broadcast “Smak” if not a person with anal-oral ligament vectors? The sensual realization of such a person lies precisely in the field of cooking. A chef from God, he feels every note of taste and is able to make a masterpiece out of any dish. And Ivan Andreevich’s visual vector transforms them externally into a work of art.

    To us, ordinary spectators, whom he tirelessly makes laugh, Ivan seems to be a very cheerful person. In fact, a person with an oral vector is always in an even mood. A wide amplitude emotional states more typical for spectators.

    In addition to sensual, a person also needs conscious realization. That is, its use intellectual capabilities. Most of all, Ivan Urgant’s serious and somewhat distant eyes are always surprising. The sound vector, which our hero also possesses, gives him profundity and philosophical view for life.

    Oral speakers usually don’t talk to themselves. They get the greatest pleasure from speaking, but they definitely need listeners. Ivan combines both the most talkative and the most listening vectors - oral and auditory.

    The presenter himself says this: “By the way, sometimes I can even talk to myself. There’s silence... It’s somehow quiet... I don’t like silence. Why silence? And so I say something to myself: “Hello! - Hello!""

    Answering the question of what helped achieve such success, Ivan Urgant literally answers that it is self-control of the skin vector, immersion in the material of the anal vector and the frenzied seriousness of the sound vector with which he does everything in this life. This is the whole of Vanya Urgant, whom we love infinitely for his “frenzied seriousness” sweetened with subtle intellectual humor. AND new project“Moscow Nights” will probably receive a similar implementation under his production.

16-year-old VKontakte programmer Seva Zhidkov, together with his colleagues, developed the online quiz “Clover”, an analogue of the American mobile application HQ Trivia. The presenters for the project were selected by Ivan Urgant’s team

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina for RBC

March 14th social network VKontakte and the team of TV presenter Ivan Urgant launched the interactive quiz “Clover,” an analogue of the American mobile application HQ Trivia. In just a few months the game has become one of the most popular mobile services with an audience of several million users. RBC magazine found out how the unusual alliance of the creators of “Clover” formed and how the quiz managed to quickly gain popularity.

Laboratory for a genius

HQ Trivia was launched in August 2017 by the co-founders of the Vine application Ruslan (Rus) Yusupov and Colin Kroll. They came up with the idea of ​​combining two “hot” trends in one service - live broadcasts promoted by Periscope and its analogues, and online quizzes based on the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” model. and other TV shows. The game in the application starts twice a day and lasts 15-20 minutes. During this time, users must answer 12 questions from the presenter, the limit is ten seconds. The winners who pass all rounds share prize fund- in the USA it reaches hundreds of thousands of dollars per game.

The American quiz quickly became a mobile hit - it received more than 5 million downloads, attracted $15 million in investments from a pool led by Founders Fund at a valuation of over $100 million, and spawned many local copies: Millions Winner launched in China, Loco launched in India, and Bethewone launched in France. . In Russia, VKontakte was ahead of everyone: the initiative to create a local HQ Trivia was taken by a small team of developers led by 16-year-old Seva Zhidkov, the youngest programmer of the social network, who got a job after the 9th grade and specialized in machine learning.

"I've played HQ Trivia myself, but due to my lack of familiarity with American culture, could not answer all the questions. In addition, I often watched videos about players, for example, how large teams in offices try to win. I saw strong emotions, and it hooked me,” recalls Seva. Together with five colleagues, he “literally over the weekend” wrote the prototype of “Clover”: “We realized that we couldn’t hesitate, otherwise someone would get ahead of us.”

After this, VKontakte marketers got involved in the work process and turned to “ Creative laboratory" Behind this sign is the team of the “Evening Urgant” show; it was they who took upon themselves the “creative content and visual design” of the project. “This is cooperation on a mutually beneficial basis. We, greedy people, thirsty for new creative solutions and new banknotes, could not refuse,” Ivan Urgant told RBC magazine (the TV presenter conveyed the answers through a representative).

VKontakte took over technical issues, management and promotion. As a result, the entire development - from idea to launch - took two months. During the test launches, Seva moved to Moscow and worked closely with the Urgant team. “Before we met, Vanya didn’t know anything about me, but I was introduced to him as the boy genius who made Clover.” As a joke, of course. He is an incredible professional,” the programmer shares his impressions of meeting him.

Photo: Alexander Vilf / MIA Russia Today

Together with his colleagues from VKontakte, he overcame many problems on the eve of the launch - from the influx of users to synchronizing the words of the presenter with the answer options on the screen. Employees " Evening Urgant“Meanwhile, we were struggling with design and casting. “Completely unexpectedly, one of the presenters turned out to be our dear and beloved editor of (Evening Urgant) Artem Movchan. In the absence of the person who was supposed to come to the casting, he stood in the frame, and everyone suddenly realized that this was what was needed,” notes Urgant.

The final parameters of “Clover” are similar to HQ Trivia: games start at 13:00 and 20:00 Moscow time, the prize fund ranges from several tens of thousands to several hundred thousand rubles. You can withdraw prize money through the VKontakte e-wallet. The social network does not disclose costs for the project. As of mid-May, more than 5 million rubles had been raffled off. The first sponsorship integrations also appeared, for example with MegaFon (HQ Trivia held joint games with Nike and Warner Bros). Negotiations are also underway with other brands, adds a VKontakte representative.

Life for a newbie

At first, the game required constant monitoring from the developers. “I had to make sure that the application was stable,” explains Seva. When stability was achieved, programmers switched to introducing new functions. Zhidkov promises the emergence of a motivation system for losing users and other innovations.

For Urgant, “Clover” also became important project. “If I’m not on the air of Vecherny Urgant, I sit in the control room of Clover, press all the buttons and pull all the levers,” admits the TV presenter. He himself “never won HQ Trivia or Clover.” “This irritates me terribly. If in HQ Trivia I at least understand that, okay, God bless him - people live on the other side of the world and it’s unclear what’s in their heads, then in “Clover” I always get cut off, although I have a direct connection to it attitude. The maximum reached the ninth question, although even if I win, alas, I won’t get the money,” Urgant assures.

According to VKontakte, the popularity of Clover is already comparable to HQ Trivia: the application was installed by 6 million users, the record number of participants in one game was 890 thousand people (data as of mid-May). Rapid growth happened due to the viral effect when players invite new users through VKontakte, says Seva. In exchange for each newcomer, participants receive a “life”, which allows them to continue the game after an incorrect answer. 83% of users came to the game this way.
One of the main difficulties is the limited amount of time to correct errors. “If we find a bug in a day game, we need to fix it before 20:00. The game cannot fail,” says Zhidkov.

Bot protection

“When we launched Clover, we were afraid that users would doubt our honesty - they wouldn’t believe that we were actually paying out money. The players themselves helped cope by writing in the game group about their winnings. Plus, Urgant’s participation significantly increased confidence in the application,” says the programmer. Important task for his team it is the fight against unscrupulous players. VKontakte uses “a complex algorithm that checks from which device the system received the response.” “If the response comes from a bot, the system no longer accepts its responses,” says Seva. He assures that so far the “Clover” defense has not been deceived. In addition to server checks, a group of editors also works: they try to compose questions in such a way that in ten seconds, even with the help of a bot, the search engine does not have time to provide an answer.

“Intellectual games give you the deceptive feeling that after playing you have become a little bit smarter. Well, I certainly haven’t become any more stupid. And you can also become richer. And since our country is large, filled with intellectuals who want to make money with their own minds, I think “Clover” is strong and will last for a long time,” concludes Ivan Urgant.

Ivan Urgant organizes performances on the agency’s official website. Ordering a host or tour, as well as invitations to a party. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of the concert agent of the talented presenter and actor Ivan Urgant. Ivan was born in Leningrad in creative family. A year after the boy was born, the parents separated. Ivan began to live with his mother, surrounded by the love of his grandparents. WITH early age an intelligent family raised their son in various Creative skills. Ivan Urgant graduated music school, and later entered the theater academy.

Creative achievements

Ivan has experience as a waiter, performer of songs on Spanish, and then work appeared on the radio: “ Russian radio", "Hit -FM". Ivan gained popularity and recognition from his work at MTV, where he became the host of the “Bright Morning” program. Then his debut on television was called “the discovery of the year.” His popularity grew incredibly quickly. He has held a huge number of events and festivals: Eurovision in Russia, Golden Gramophone, Muz-TV Award, Tour de France and others.

Now Ivan Urgant is one of the most popular TV presenters: “Smak”, “People’s Artist”, “Big Difference”. He is a three-time winner of the TEFI Award. Ivan had the honor of becoming a co-host of the “One-Story America” project with such a master domestic television Vladimir Pozner. He has participated in the filming of more than 20 films, some of which are documentaries. Ivan Urgant loves to travel, cinema and theater, and collects wine.


Ivan Urgant is one of the most popular showmen. Not long ago, Ivan decided to try himself as a solo singer, performing under the pseudonym “Grisha Urgant”. Ivan also manages to manage the restaurant “The Garden”, which he opened with. More detailed information Read about Ivan Urgant on the official website!