Malakhova's husband. Who was born to Andrei Malakhov? Is it true that the famous showman became a father?

Biography of celebrities - Andrey Malakhov

A famous Russian showman whose TV presenter is known throughout the country and far beyond its borders.


Andrey was born on January 11, 1972 in the Murmansk region, the city of Apatity. Andryusha was a long-awaited and late child. He appeared in the family when my mother was already over 30 years old. My father worked as a geophysicist, studying the countless mineral wealth of the Kola Peninsula. Mom worked as a teacher in a kindergarten. Then she became the head of one of the kindergartens in the city and received the title of Honored Teacher of Russia.

Andrey inherited from his father his appearance and manner of communication, politeness and delicacy, which are the calling card of the presenter. Mom put all her worldly wisdom and pedagogical knowledge into her son. The image of his mother became a symbol of femininity for the already adult Andrei Malakhov.

At school, Andrei studied very well and graduated with a silver medal. In parallel with studying at school, there were visits to music classes. But playing the violin did not bring much pleasure to the boy, so in open lessons he was always put first to perform, so as not to disappoint the viewer. Andrey’s classmate was the now famous DJ Groove Zhenya Rudin.

Baby photos of little Andryusha

A little later, Malakhov began to be trusted with the role of presenter, because He was much better at this than playing music. The young man’s pride was satisfied, because before the concerts they hung posters on which his name appeared. Having learned the taste of fame, the young man began to dream of a stage and stormy applause. Therefore, it was decided to enter the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.

Carier start

My student years were interesting and eventful. Malakhov’s course was lucky; students were sent to do internships in the USA. The internship took place at the University of Michigan, all students had a scholarship and housing in a local dormitory, but for the summer the students lost their scholarships and had to pay for housing themselves. Chance helped the young man; the dean of the faculty sheltered him and allowed him to live in his house, helping with the housework in the absence of his family. The young man had to feed pets and water flowers; the work was not difficult and required a lot of free time. This allowed Andrey to also get a part-time job at a hotel.

They say that when luck is knocking on your house, you need to open the door for it and hear this knock in time. Good luck came into the young man’s life; he was hired at a Detroit television studio. It was real luck. An excellent salary resolved financial issues, while the young man improved his professional level. Returning to Russia, the experience gained abroad helped me find my place in life. In 1992, Andrei began preparing a script for Sergei Alekseev. The first work on television brought disappointment. A representative from Ostankino offered the smartest guys an internship. Andrei was selected among others, but the conditions that were set for them soon led him to disappointment. In just one night it was necessary to translate the news from English. Many people dropped out immediately. Andrei did the translation, passed it and decided that he no longer works with television. But apparently it was fate, since it was Andrey’s translation that they liked the most, they found him and made him a lucrative business offer.

The first talk show with Malakhov - "Big Wash"

So, work began on television in various television programs, all of them were a great success with the viewer and Andrei Malakhov became a recognizable personality throughout the country. A young, handsome, intelligent, resourceful and unmarried young man became an eligible bachelor and the idol of millions of girls. Andrey worked in such programs as “Good Morning”, “Big Wash”, and since 2004 he became the permanent presenter of the hit parade “Golden Gramaphone”. In 2006 he was awarded “For Services to the Fatherland.” In 2009, he worked as a presenter at Eurovision with such pop stars as Alsou and Natalia Vodianova. Having gained mega-popularity and won fame, Andrey did not forget about his hometown. Not without the participation of capital investments in the form of donations from Malakhov, a temple was erected in Apatity.

Personal life

For many years, Andrei held the title of one of the most eligible bachelors in the country. But his heart was also occupied. In 2011, Andrei married Natalya Shkuleva; before that, their relationship lasted 2 years. Natalya is the daughter of the director of the publishing house “Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev”. Malakhov also works there as editor-in-chief. The wedding ceremony took place in Paris, the city of lovers, at the Palace of Versailles.

Andrei Malakhov does not talk about his children. As well as about everything that is going on in his personal life.

How does a popular presenter live, who daily washes the bones of everyone who comes to his TV show?

Malakhov's wife is pregnant! This news has recently captured all the media. The TV presenter has been married for five years, but the couple still has no children together, and the country is impatient: when will he finally become a dad?

But before everyone had time to rejoice for Andrei, he posted a photo on the Internet where he was holding a boy of about four years old in his arms. Malakhov's wife and Nikolai Baskov are standing nearby.

“My family,” the TV presenter signed this idyll. Fans were amazed: does he already have such an adult son? And he hid it?.. And a few days later a new sensation thundered: Malakhov secretly baptized his fourth child!..

“Let them talk” is not only the name of the program conducted by Andrey, but also his credo in life. Several years ago, Malakhov decided that he would not give his life to be torn apart by curious people. They can guess, make assumptions, discuss and gossip - in general, let them say what they want. He neither confirms nor denies anything.


Social networks are a brilliant invention for those who want to learn a lot about another person. But not in the case of 44-year-old Malakhov. His Instagram is like a mirror of Narcissus - Andrey is there in all forms: half naked, with six-pack abs, a white-toothed, satisfied smile. Look how good I am!

There are almost no photographs of my wife. But with her: no matter the photo, she’s in an embrace with her husband.

Natalya Shkuleva seems to be boasting: this is the kind of love we have! Or trying to prove to the whole world that their marriage is not at all fictitious. As many people still think, by the way...

Until the age of 39, Malakhov was a bachelor. And in the summer of 2011, unexpectedly for everyone, he married the daughter of media magnate Viktor Shkulev, whose publishing house also publishes StarHit magazine, of which Andrey is listed as the editor. Natalya (she is eight years younger than her husband) is the president of her father’s company, a business-like lady and very strict at work.

Malakhov says with nostalgia that he saw her in the canteen of the factory on whose territory the editorial office is located, and immediately fell in love. Many people are not too happy with this version - after all, it is known that Shkuleva dines only in cool restaurants. Before the wedding, they were seen together only a couple of times, and that communication was similar to business negotiations. Around the same time, Malakhov gave an interview in which he talked about arranged marriages: “There is something right in contracts. You need to be able to be happy with yourself, that’s the most important thing. And everyone else is transit passengers on your life's journey. Sooner or later you will still be alone."


At first, Malakhov did not hide the fact that he and Natalya had a guest marriage - they live in different apartments, but they meet. However, recently, when Andrei was tired of vile gossip that marriage was just a cover for his true preferences, he announced that he had moved from his luxurious apartment overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to live with Natasha. Now she makes him oatmeal in the morning, and they have a real family.

“Whoever wants to see me with boys, let them imagine me with boys, whoever wants to see me with girls, let them imagine them with girls. It's stupid to prove anything. Take Maxim Galkin: half the country thinks that their relationship with Alla Pugacheva is a PR stunt and a deception. And then, I won’t lie, I’m pleased that I Everyone likes me. This is a real success!” - says Malakhov, behind whom is an impressive Don Juan list. It includes Elena Korikova, Ksenia Sobchak, businesswoman Marina Kuzmina, and Anna Semenovich.

True, ill-wishers say that he invented and directed all his novels himself. Just like the high-profile story with his illegitimate child, a boy from Veliky Ustyug. “We started this scam to promote the Big Wash magazine,” admits producer Larisa Krivtsova, who worked with Andrei for a long time.


Maybe the gossip started because of Malakhov’s appearance? Always dressed to the nines, all polished: hair done, manicure-pedicure, full body depilation, colored contact lenses...

“I like this image: a tanned brunette with blue eyes! I constantly go to the solarium. “I need it just as much as some women need silicone breasts,” he confesses. - I believe that any man, even if he has only an hour of free time, should spend it in the gym. But sometimes you leave work and think: “I already have a wife. Everything is fine. Who should I surprise? Natasha tells me that I’m already beautiful. I’d better go home.”

But at home there is only the wife. The wealthy couple still has no children together. But Malakhov is the father of four children at once. My son is three, my daughter is four, and two more daughters recently appeared. Godparents. Andrey willingly goes to visit them. And the older ones - Alla-Victoria and Martin, the children of his bosom friend Philip Kirkorov, is always pampered with expensive gifts.

But when will he get his own? Fans closely monitor Natalia's figure, but every time they think that her tummy is growing, it turns out to be a mistake.

“I recently learned that beer improves sperm quality. If I used to drink about a couple of bottles of beer a month, now I’ll probably have to buy all five,” Malakhov jokes sadly.

He believes that only “children give meaning to everything,” but for some reason there are none of them in his family. So life is filled not with children’s laughter, but with selfies in the gym and at resorts. And various rumors about personal...

Photo by A. Lomokhov.

At one time, the news that the favorite of women, a talented TV presenter, a brilliant showman and simply a handsome man, Andrei Malakhov, was getting married literally shocked many TV viewers in the country. Malakhov always preferred not to talk about his personal life, leaving the ubiquitous paparazzi and curious fans in the dark. Such secrecy even gave rise to a number of rumors about the star’s non-traditional sexual orientation. And suddenly, in 2011, the famous TV presenter not only introduced the public to his beloved, but got married! The chosen one was Natalya Shkuleva - a pretty blonde with a strong character and the tenacious grip of a businessman. Having recovered a little from the shock, fans and journalists came to the conclusion that, most likely, the reason for such a sudden marriage was the bride’s pregnancy. However, this rumor will haunt the couple for another 6 years, until at the end of the summer of 2017, presenter Andrei Malakhov personally confirms the fact of his imminent paternity. Learn more about who Andrei Malakhov’s wife is (biography and photo from Instagram), how old she is, when she will give birth to a child and whether there are already children in the presenter’s family, and we’ll talk further.

Andrei Malakhov’s wife - Natalya Shkuleva: short biography and photo from Instagram

It cannot be said that before his marriage to Andrei Malakhov, his current wife Natalya Shkuleva was an unknown girl. Her name is well known to all fans of publications such as Marie Claire and ELLE, of which Natalya is the publisher. According to close friends of the family, Natalya Shkuleva achieved such heights in her professional activity largely due to her strong character, hard work and determination. But evil tongues do not miss the opportunity to hint that the reason for the young woman’s dizzying career is much more prosaic. The fact is that Natalya’s father, Viktor Shkulev, is the president of Hearst Shkulev Publishing, which includes all of the above magazines and many other popular publications. Natalya’s mother, Tamara Shkuleva, also works in this company, so we can confidently talk about the family publishing business, which in due course will be partially inherited by Malakhov’s young wife.

Brief facts from the biography of Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva, photo from Instagram

Here are some more interesting facts from the biography of Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva and photos from her personal page on Instagram. Natalya received a law degree from MGIMO and even managed to work as a lawyer at the Moscow publishing house AFS. Over time, Shkuleva became an executive editor at this company - from this position her editorial career began. Malakhov’s wife began to engage in publishing activities in 2008, starting to publish the unique Departures magazine. This publication is dedicated to the luxurious lifestyle, travel, art, collecting and other attributes of luxury life.

The wife of presenter Andrei Malakhov Natalya Shkuleva is pregnant, photos and videos

Rumors that Natalya Shkuleva, the wife of Andrei Malakhov, was pregnant began to appear immediately after the wedding of the star couple. The ubiquitous paparazzi tried to see signs of Natalia’s interesting position not only in her voluminous outfits, but also in the constant silence on this topic in the spouses’ interviews. Six years have passed since the wedding of showman Andrei Malakhov, and the tabloids are again full of headlines about the expectation of the first child in the presenter’s family.

Is Natalya Shkuleva really pregnant, video

This time, Andrei not only did not deny rumors about his wife’s pregnancy, but also personally confirmed this information. The general public became aware of this fact in August 2017 after Malakhov’s wife appeared on one of the broadcasts of a new television show. Natalya had noticeably gained weight, and the voluminous dress barely hid the woman’s very rounded belly. In addition, a little later, Andrei Malakhov gave an official comment to one publication, in which he fully confirmed the fact of his imminent paternity.

When will Andrei Malakhov's wife give birth?

How old is the expectant mother? When will Andrei Malakhov's wife give birth? Who is the celebrity couple waiting for? Alas, fans of the presenter will be able to get answers to most questions only after the birth of the baby. The fact is that Natalya does not comment on her situation in any way, and Andrei prefers to ignore personal questions regarding the gender of the baby and the timing of his birth. Therefore, journalists and fans can only make assumptions. For example, after one of the joint photos with his wife appeared on the showman’s page on a social network, his followers suggested that the family was expecting a girl.

As for the timing of the baby’s appearance in the Malakhov family, journalists can only speculate on the possible date. The presenter himself does not comment on this issue, so we can only resort to the deductive method. Thus, based on a clearly visible belly, it can be assumed that at the time of the TV program’s appearance in the studio in August 2017, Natalya was approximately 6 months pregnant. Based on this, the Malakhovs expect the birth of their child in November 2017.

How old will the future mother Natalya Shkuleva, the wife of Andrei Malakhov, be when she gives birth?

Another question that interests many fans concerns the age of the expectant mother. From the biography of Malakhov’s wife it is known that Natalya Shkuleva was born on May 31, 1980. If we assume that the addition to the presenter’s family will happen in November of this year, then Natalya will become a mother at 37 years old.

Do TV presenter Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva have any other children?

Despite the fact that for TV presenter Andrei Malakhov and his wife Natalya Shkuleva, their marriage is the first, the question of whether they already have children worries many. Most often, the reason for rumors about Malakhov’s illegitimate children is news related to the baptism of babies. The fact is that Andrei has already become a father 5 times, although only as a godfather. The presenter was lucky enough to have three daughters and two sons, including the children of Philip Kirkorov - Alla Victoria and Martin.

Did Natalya Shkuleva have children before her marriage to TV presenter Andrei Malakhov?

As for Natalya Shkuleva, there is no information about her godchildren. But Natalya definitely didn’t have any children of her own before she and Andrey started their family. Therefore, all that remains is to wait until Andrei Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva, who is definitely pregnant, gives birth to her husband’s child together. This event, after so many years of marriage of the star couple, will definitely not go unnoticed by journalists. Until then, rumors about the showman’s illegitimate children are unlikely to stop.

Who doesn’t know Andrei Malakhov and who hasn’t watched his show on Channel One? There are only a few such people. Everyone knows who Andrei Malakhov is. This is a man in the prime of his life, of rather pleasant appearance and with glasses on his nose. Glasses are Andrey's essential accessory. He is charismatic and smart, has an excellent sense of humor and natural curiosity.

Andey dedicated 25 years of his life to Channel One and became a world famous presenter. His photo adorns the covers of popular glossy publications, the press is constantly hunting for him, there is no end to fans and admirers. But there are also opponents of his “creativity” who do not perceive the man as a serious journalist and teacher.

Andrei Malakhov has all the qualities that are inherent in every real man: courage, perseverance, willpower, reliability, courage, iron character. It was they who helped him achieve unprecedented heights and career growth: from a simple correspondent to a Russian showman.

We have prepared material that will answer all your questions regarding this man. How old is Malakhov? Does he have a wife and child? How did the career of the famous showman begin? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

  1. Andrey's childhood and youth.
  2. Education and career.
  3. Malakhov’s personal life, wedding and family life.

Andrey's childhood and youth

January 11, 1972 In the distant northern city of Apatity, Murmansk region, little Andrei was born. Malakhov's mother and father are deeply intelligent and well-mannered people with high moral values. My mother worked in a kindergarten and was a teacher “from God”; my father was engaged in geophysics. Andey was such a desired and long-awaited first-born, who was cherished and cherished from childhood. The parents instilled in their little son all the best qualities that they themselves were endowed with.

Malakhov inherited from his mother self-esteem, ethics, peacefulness, decency and the desire to always seek the truth. From his father, the son adopted delicacy and courage, incredible perseverance and iron willpower, as well as external features and tall height (183 cm).

The desire to always be in the center of attention and to occupy a leadership position manifested itself in Andrey quite early. He fell in love with the stage with all his soul when he gave reporting concerts at a music school in violin class. However, he was truly happy when he was put on stage not to play, but to host the event. Then Andrei realized that his calling was as a presenter. He wanted fame, popularity and universal calling.

One can only envy the ambition of young Malakhov. Having graduated from school with a silver medal and conquered his hometown, he did not stop there and decided to conquer the capital.

Education and career

In Moscow young Andrei entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. He specifically chose the best Russian university in order to receive more guarantees for a successful career and further employment in television. Malakhov studied very diligently, which undoubtedly affected his academic performance. He was sent to practice in the USA, where it was not easy for the young man to survive in a capitalist state, however, he endured all the difficulties with dignity and gained valuable experience working in the media. A year later, Malakhov returned to Moscow. He graduated from the university with honors.

But university practice did not satisfy Andrei; he did not like writing boring newspaper articles and doing routine work. The young man had a fierce thirst for knowledge, he loved to study, so he entered the law faculty of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

year 2001 became a real breakthrough for Malakhov. The growth of his career began exactly this year. After all, then the talk show “Big Wash” appears on our silver screens. This program brought Andrey enormous popularity. Everyone knows him as an honest presenter who, at any cost, will get to the bottom of the truth, rummaging through other people's dirty laundry. Scandals, intrigues, investigations - that's what Malakhov needed. The young man was recognized as the most stylish presenter in the country.

The role of the host of the Golden Gramophone program "in 2004 brought even more fans to Andrei Malakhov.

The capital's TV presenter was awarded the medal "For Services to the Fatherland" in 2006. He received it for the significant contribution he made to television and radio broadcasting in our country.

This was followed by the program on Channel One “Let Them Talk,” which Andrey continues to present to this day. The concept of the program is the same as in “The Big Wash”. Famous stars and politicians, actors, as well as ordinary people who do not remain indifferent to Andrey come to visit Malakhov.

Malakhov had many women, however, until the age of 38 he remained an eligible bachelor.

Andey worked in the famous magazine "Starhit" and it was this work that brought him together with his chosen one. The head of this publication was the father of his future wife, thanks to whom Andrei Malakhov met Natalya Shkuleva. The biography of his wife is also very interesting. Natalya is a fairly successful businesswoman to match Andrey, her father is the owner of a considerable fortune. Therefore, marriage between young people raised a lot of questions and dirty gossip. Photos of the newlyweds adorned all popular glossy publications.

The wedding ceremony of Natalia and Andrey was very chic and pathetic. For this solemn event, the young people chose France and the Palace of Versailles. They did not want to advertise their wedding, so only close relatives were invited.

Evil tongues say that the wedding happened not out of love, but out of convenience. How many people - so many opinions. However, Andrey is happily married and faithful to his wife.

In 2017, the press announced that Natalya was pregnant and Andrey would soon have his first child. Malakhov confirmed the media’s guesses and stated that he wants to leave his career as a presenter for a while and start raising a child, devoting himself entirely to family and home.

Malakhov is a very noble and kind person. He gives huge sums to charity, helping his hometown of Apata build a church.

Andrey loves flowers very much, so I planted a balcony in my house with plants, adopting the American tradition of generously decorating the house with flowers.

No one remains indifferent to Andrei Malakhov: they either love him or hate him, but he captivates everyone with his charisma.

Television projects in which Andrei Malakhov took part

Today, increasingly, fans of the popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov are interested in the biography of Natalya Shkuleva, his wife. Who is she, what is her education and where did she and Andrei meet? Such questions are asked by many who have heard about their recent marriage. The biography of Natalya Shkuleva will be briefly described in this article, and the reader will be able to get answers to many of his questions, including what the wife of one of the most successful showmen in the country does. Is it really possible that, like many spouses of famous people, she is only involved in housework and raising children?

Biography of Natalia Shkuleva: beginning of a career

The future life partner of Andrei Malakhov was born in 1980, on May 31. Her father was a major publisher, a rich and very educated man, and therefore from an early age he prepared his daughter to acquire a serious amount of knowledge. Natalya Viktorovna Shkuleva was a student at MGIMO (Faculty of International Law), which she successfully graduated in 2002. In parallel with her studies, Natalya Shkuleva worked at the AFS Publishing House, first as a junior lawyer, and after she received a higher education diploma, she was promoted to lawyer. Natalya Viktorovna did not stop there and continued her studies, this time abroad. She completed the FIPP course in London. The biography of Natalya Shkuleva contains the fact that she was responsible for the legal side of the project of combining InterMediaGroup CJSC and AFS Publishing House LLC (2002 - 2004)

Shkuleva Natalya: rapid career growth

Already in October 2005, Natalya was appointed executive editor of the AFS Publishing House LLC and InterMediaGroup CJSC, and later head of the Corporate Department of consolidated companies. In 2008, Shkuleva became the publisher of her father’s magazine Departures, and the very next year, thanks to successful work, several more projects were added to the issue - the magazines “HOME. Interiors+ideas" and Marie Claire. In 2009, Natalya Shkuleva headed the publishing house of a group of magazines called ELLE (ELLE Girl, ELLE Deluxe).

Natalya Shkuleva: biography - meeting her future husband Andrei Malakhov

At the time when the future spouses met, Andrei worked as a TV presenter of the famous talk show “Let Them Talk” and at the same time as an editor for a magazine called StarHit, owned by Natalya’s father, media tycoon Viktor Shkulev. Andrey became an ideal candidate for a wife for Natalya - as successful, striving for development, and purposeful as she was.

Unlike the wives of other famous showmen - Vladimir Urgant - Natalya Shkuleva does not want to put up with the status of “just the wife” of her famous husband and limit her interests to the concerns of home and family. She is a successful and ambitious woman striving to conquer new heights in her professional field. Andrei himself is sure that another woman could not have been next to him. Their family is a union of like-minded people, people moving in the same direction, supporting and understanding each other. That's why they are happy together.