How to develop plasticity in dancing. Benefits of Developing Flexibility

How to become flexible? This question worries thousands of girls all over the world, because good body contouring is needed not only by those who dance. It fills every movement with grace, your gait changes, and your well-being improves. And if you need to dance at a disco, you will feel more relaxed. To develop plasticity, you need to make an effort and allocate time to perform special exercises for stretching and flexibility. We will tell you how to become the owner of these qualities.

Many people, and even those who play sports, do not understand why they should take the time to stretch. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain the skeleton, prevent scoliosis and other diseases. If your muscles are developed, they function better. Secondly, you will gradually begin to notice that daily household stress has become easier for you to bear. Third, since flexibility is the degree of movement of joints, you increase your range of motion. Fourthly, flexible people do not begin to feel constrained even with age.

Now you understand that body flexibility needs to be developed. And it's best to do this with early age. Children are born very flexible, but over time they lose this quality. Therefore, try to maintain and develop body plasticity throughout your life. Don’t forget about such a concept as: the earlier you start playing sports, the better your physical shape will be by the time you cross the retirement line. For those who have never picked up a barbell, it is almost impossible to pump up after 50.

Types of stretching.

  • Static is a gentle stretching of the muscles, most suitable for beginners. The fixation time for one exercise is 20 seconds. Static stretching allows your muscles to relax and improves their flexibility. Best done after a full workout;

  • Dynamic - execution practical exercises in combination with stretching. Carrying out dynamic exercises, you gradually stretch the muscles, increasing the amplitude and speed of movement. The benefits of dynamic stretching are improved blood flow in the muscles, adaptation to training. The fixation time for one exercise is 1-2 seconds. Best done before training.

Rules for the development of plasticity.

To begin with, it is important to understand which joints should be mobile and which should remain stable. Thus, the knee and elbow joints, as well as the lumbar and cervical spine, must be strong and stable. But the ankle, hip, shoulder and wrist joints, and thoracic spine need to be developed.

It is important to always remember that before you start doing flexibility exercises at home, it is necessary to warm up the muscles. To do this, it is enough to do a classic warm-up, for example, perform side bends, rotations and swings of your arms, squats, etc.

If you are a beginner and just starting to improve your plasticity, then no need to exercise to the point of exhaustion and pain, especially if you are already 50 or older. This can cause overexertion or even injury. Try to always be relaxed, you can turn on pleasant music, select flexibility exercises for beginners. Remember that if your muscles are tense, you will not see results. However, age is far from being a barrier to exercise. So, at 75 years old.

The main principle of stretching- Perform all movements very slowly and smoothly. You need to stretch until you begin to feel tension in your muscles. Don't let sudden movements, this may cause injury. And after training, you can take a hot bath to relieve pain and tension.

You should exercise at least three times a week. However, if you know that your ligaments cannot be stretched as quickly as you would like, then perform the exercises every day. It is best to combine the development of plasticity with strength exercises and do them during training in between sets.

In addition to stretching exercises, you can start doing yoga or Pilates. If your goal is to make your movements more flexible, then you can dance in front of the mirror to your favorite music.

Exercises for plasticity and flexibility.

If you don’t have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to exercise or visit the fitness room, then exercise your body for at least 20-30 minutes a day. Developing flexibility for beginners will give real results, which can be assessed in 1-2 months if you perform the following exercises:

  • Stand straight, put one leg in front of you and squat as low as possible. Repeat the exercise 15 times, then change legs;
  • Raise your arms above your head and clasp them. Stretch up without lifting your heels from the floor;
  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Touch your palms to your toes without bending your knees. Do the exercise 20 times;
  • Lie on your back a few centimeters from the wall, lift your legs up so that your heels touch the wall. Gently spread your legs apart;
  • Stand on right leg, right hand Grasp the foot of your left leg and pull it to the side. Repeat the exercises 5 times, then change legs
  • Lie on the floor on your stomach. Hands on the floor at shoulder level. Raise your body and try to bend as much as possible.

Women's plastic arts - femininity and sexuality embodied in dance

Sports and dance have a lot in common, and their main feature is the beneficial effect on the body with regular training. But sometimes dance and sport combine, giving birth to new styles and trends that develop body plasticity, grace and sexuality. A striking example of this is female plastic surgery, which combines exercises for body plasticity, exercises to increase confidence and sexuality.

Women's plastic arts are dance lessons for girls and women who want to change themselves and reveal their femininity.

What is female plastic surgery?

It is difficult to come up with more exciting, beautiful and simply feminine dances than women's plastic dances. Today, women's plastic dance is a combination of several classical and modern dance styles that help a woman reveal her sexuality and femininity, and at the same time get her body in shape, develop body plasticity, and also gain self-confidence.

What dances for women are combined into female plastic surgery? Here you can see elements of sensual oriental and hot Latin American dances, gentle classical ballet and groovy jazz-modern, rhythmic modern choreography and frank strip plastic. From these styles, women's plastic surgery took all the best, unusual and interesting, and most importantly, everything that is beneficial.

The benefits of dancing for women are obvious; female plasticity is well characterized famous saying"seven troubles - one answer." How is this possible? Just ask yourself a few simple questions about your body, your sense of self, and your sexuality. For example, how to develop femininity? How to become elegant and feminine? Or how to become sexually attractive? How to become fragile and feminine? Finally, how to become flexible and flexible? The answer to all these and many other questions is one: take dance lessons for women, first of all – video lessons on female plastic surgery!

Video dance lessons for beginner girls and women from coach Firsova will teach you how to become feminine and attractive, how to become sexually attractive, how to become more flexible, how to gain confidence in yourself and your body, and also learn to attract the looks and attention of men. Catherine, presented in this course.

Development of femininity: Ekaterina Firsova tells and shows

the site presents to your attention a course of video lessons on female plastic surgery for beginner girls and women of all ages. The lessons are taught by trainer Ekaterina Firsova, who has many years of experience in various areas of fitness. Dancing classes for women and girls will help you master the subtleties and secrets of female plasticity, and most importantly, understand how to become more feminine, more flexible and sexier in dance and in life.

The course consists of 12 video lessons from which you will learn how to become feminine, change your body and increase self-esteem. You will learn the basics of dancing sexy women, and learn the secrets of expression female sexuality through movement to music.

The women's plastic arts course is dance (training) for girls and women of all ages. The main thing here is to have a desire to learn how to become elegant and feminine, and learn how to pleasantly surprise men. If you have decided “I want to become feminine!”, then female plastic surgery is for you!

What results will video dance lessons for women lead to?

We have said many times that the female plastic surgery course will teach you how to become feminine, sexy and flexible, but this is only one side of this. dance direction. After completing the entire course of 12 video lessons presented on the site, you will get several results:

You will be able to correct your figure, emphasizing its advantages, because women's plastic arts are dances for the figure, they affect all muscle groups, and in terms of the strength of their impact they can compete with traditional areas of fitness;

You will understand how to become a more feminine girl - this is especially important for young girls who are embarrassed about themselves and their bodies, and feel insecure;

You will learn how to surprise your spouse, and how to become sexy for your husband - your man will see you in a new light, and you will be surprised that married life, even after many years, can be so bright and eventful!

Develop self-confidence, believe in your sexuality and attractiveness - this is the first and very important step to the success that any woman can achieve;

You will be able to relax and get incredible pleasure from dancing, from the magnificence of your body and the atmosphere created by rhythmic music and dance moves.

How to become plastic, how to become sexy, feminine and self-confident - this is what Ekaterina Firsova teaches in video lessons on female plastic surgery. This is useful and very nice! Try it now and enjoy truly feminine dancing.

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Lesson 1 (free)

Watch online video lesson

The first lesson in the field of female plastic surgery.

Learning to feel your body. We master: waves, chest movements, head rotations, hip movements. Perform the movements to the best of your physical capabilities.

Lesson 2 (free)

Watch online video lesson

Let's move on to the second lesson and learn new dance moves. As always, we use all parts of our body (from head to toe), dance on the ground and learn a new dance routine!

Practice combinations of movements even after watching the lesson until you achieve a good result.

Pay attention to the details, the positions of the arms, hands, and head, as Ekaterina shows, in order to hone all movements to perfection, because this course with Ekaterina Firsova is for you, dear girls!

Lesson 3 ()

Available by subscription

In the third lesson we pay special attention to dancing on the ground, it is very feminine, sexy and always charms men.

You have already mastered the first lessons and we can move on to more fast pace in dance. Try to dance all the movements shown by Ekaterina, even at a fast pace; do not “eat up” the movements, but dance to their full amplitude.

In this case, the combinations will look very beautiful!

Enjoy every moment!

Lesson 4 ()

Available by subscription

For the male half, your gait should be simply mesmerizing and stunning.

That's why!!!

We work on our gait, learn to walk beautifully and confidently.

We feel our flexible body like a cat, and dance a new and beautiful sequence on the ground.

Lesson 5 (New Year's Edition)

Happy New Year!

Dear lovely girls!

We have prepared a New Year's edition especially for you.

Charge yourself with a good mood, please your loved ones and your beloved man with a beautiful, attractive, magical and of course New Year's dance!

Happy New Year!

Lesson 6

Available by subscription

Sixth lesson. You are no longer a beginner, you have completed the first part of the lessons.

Try to pay more attention to details when practicing movements (look, position of arms, hands, fingers).

Try to perform all movements in the full amplitude indicated by Ekaterina.

In this lesson we will pay special attention to rotations and deflections. Watch your breathing while dancing, this is important!

Have a good mood let's go!!!

Lesson 7

Available by subscription

New lesson on female plastic surgery.

You've probably already noticed that you've begun to master new movements and combinations faster. Well done! Just don't forget about the details of each movement.

We continue to study our body. We're warming up most Let's focus on the hips (rotations, figure eights), thereby preparing our muscles for more complex combinations.

Head swings, graceful waves, ground work…. We are sure. All these movements performed by you will win the heart of a man.

Lesson 8

Available by subscription

Let's move on to 8 (the eighth lesson on female plastic surgery).

We practice “isolation” on the ground, learn to dance separately with the hips, separately with the chest and combine these movements into a beautiful combination.

We are mastering a not simple, but very feminine and beautiful dance to the blues.

Lesson 9

Available by subscription

We continue to learn a dance routine to the blues. Special attention We pay attention to the movement of the hips and shoulders.

Plastic movements hips is not just about working with grace, but also one of the foundations of any spectacular dance movement.

From a physiological point of view, accurate and Attentive attitude to hip movements during exercise, allows you to get rid of muscle tension in hip joint.

Over time, even your gait will change.

Plastic movements are relaxed movements and can be either fast or slow. With slow movements of the plastic, the most pronounced effect is obtained.

The most beautiful styles dances are those that use plasticity. For example, from club destinations this is hip-hop, popping, as styles are most saturated with plasticity.
Plastic, like cream, can decorate any cake and at the same time it can be consumed separately. The main thing is to feel the rhythm of the music and reflect it in movements. Our school teaches both plasticity and its use in dancing.

Plastic is the most powerful tool improvisation in dance. It’s such a powerful instrument that if you have a sufficient level of plasticity, you can paste it onto everyday movements, and by reproducing them, the audience will take it for a dance. A dance like no other.

Plastic by its nature has no boundaries. You may be the most flexible, but someday you will definitely meet an even more flexible person. You can develop endlessly.

Plasticity is like riding a bicycle - once you learn it, it stays with you forever. And now we are approaching a small discovery in plastic. It is no coincidence that I mentioned the word “learned.” So far I have written about plastic only as a property of the body. The properties of bodies are not learned, if by this word we mean mental activity, but are developed. Now I will talk about plastic from the point of view of teachings.

Plastics and our brain ///

Anyone who previously believed that plastic was a physical pipe was mistaken. 50% of plasticity is the properties of your brain, the remaining 50% is the body. And so let’s look at what happens in our body when we try to perform plastic movements:
The movements we make every day are the result of commands sent by our brain along the nerve endings to the muscles, as a result of which we move. We perform these movements (running, walking, squatting, bending, turning) automatically, that is, we do not think about how to perform them. Movements performed less frequently require a certain amount of our attention (grab an object, open a door, jump over something). And so on - we skip the listing to the category of movements that we perform extremely rarely. Performing just such movements, we look extremely awkward, get confused, get nervous, especially if they are looking at us, and lose control. Why is this happening? The thing is that our brain, when transmitting a signal to a certain muscle group, looks for the shortest path. The path in the brain, like any path in the field, has a degree of troddenness. If the path is not trodden, then there is no obvious path, and if you need to walk, you have to find the way by touch. Likewise, nerve impulses in our brain, if there is no path, then they run along bypass channels, activating not necessary groups muscles, and are often lost and do not reach the recipient. This is where awkward movements arise.
In our dance classes, we noticed from our beginning students that if they are asked to move only their torso, without moving either their head or pelvis, they will still perform this movement using their head and pelvis. This will happen precisely because their brain does not know how to send an accurate signal only to the torso, and the sent signal affects neighboring areas.
And plasticity is precisely those very rarely performed movements. Having learned this, you, like an addict, begin to use this skill in every movement you make, because it is beautiful, it requires less strength. The gait, tactics, and even thinking, to some extent, change. We observe this phenomenon in all our regular students.

Plastic and stretching ///

They have as much in common as they do apart. Many plastic people have no pulled muscles. And many stretched people are surprised by the plasticity of non-stretched people. But to achieve high level it is necessary to develop both. Therefore, we devote part of our training to stretching, and part to working out movements in order to tread paths in the student’s brain.

Plastic training ///

If you want to learn plastic arts in a club format, then come to the niche plastic classes in the group of mixed dance styles. You can see the trainer leading the class in this group in the video, and also understand what plastic surgery is in a club format.
But we warn you right away, we have heavy loads, and if you want to test your endurance, then you have come to the right address. Tel. 256-46-26 Egor.

Flexibility exercises make our body more resilient and strong, strengthen the muscles of the legs, back, and abs, and also have a positive effect on the quality sex life. Sleep improves and the overall tone of the body increases.

So, flexibility exercises:

  • strengthen muscles;
  • make joints more mobile;
  • increase endurance;
  • reduce the likelihood of injury and muscle pain;
  • form an even, beautiful posture;
  • improve sleep;
  • increase the overall tone of the body.

Do not confuse flexibility with stretching - they are two different concepts. Flexibility is determined genetically, for example, some can do the splits or bend their back unthinkably even in mature age, others cannot do it even after several months of training. Stretching is physical exercise that develop flexibility. Thus, flexibility depends on stretching.

How to test your flexibility

  1. Tilt your head, touch your chin to your chest. Round your back. If you feel pain or discomfort in the spine, and your eyes become dark, this is an alarming sign that your body is not flexible enough.
  2. Gently bend back at your spine. If somewhere you feel unpleasant or painful sensations, a crunching sensation, you should definitely change your lifestyle.
  3. Lean forward, place your palms on the floor, while keeping your knees straight. Normally, you should not feel discomfort or pain.

In the morning, the body's flexibility is reduced, so early workouts are most effective.

To become flexible, you will need regular exercise (at least every other day, preferably daily) to develop mobility of the spine and joints. The best results from stretching are observed when performing each exercise for 30 to 60 seconds with minimal breaks.

General safety rules when performing exercises:

  1. Flexibility develops slowly. For example, to do the splits, to an ordinary person It will take six months to two years of regular training. If someone says that you can become flexible in a week or in one day, this is a myth.
  2. Exercise shouldn't cause pain. Exercising too intensely can damage the ligaments and cause injury. Each lesson on developing flexibility should begin with a 5-minute warm-up (swinging your arms and legs, rotating your head and pelvis).
  3. Choose a balanced set of activities so that your body develops harmoniously and symmetrically. Choose 10-15 exercises (their list with explanations is in the second half of the article) that will affect all muscle groups and joints. Perform them sequentially, starting from the neck and ending with the pelvic region and knee joints.

What are the types of flexibility exercises?

Flexibility exercises can be static or dynamic. Let's look at their differences and identify the advantages of each type.

Dynamic flexibility exercises

This method of developing flexibility involves repeating the exercise a specified number of times with a gradual increase in the range of motion. Dynamic stretching promotes greater mobility and flexibility in the joints, and also increases blood flow to the muscles, so they are better supplied with oxygen.

Static flexibility exercises

Here it is important to take a position in which the muscles are stretched to the maximum and held in it for 30-60 seconds. Static stretching improves joint and ligament flexibility and helps lengthen muscles and ligaments. This type is considered safer and the chance of injury is almost zero. Despite this, it is optimal to combine two types of stretches.

A set of exercises to develop flexibility

This set of exercises will seem quite simple to you, but it is very effective, especially for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Thanks to it, metabolism improves, all organs are saturated with oxygen, and the body becomes more flexible and plastic. It is best to practice in front of a mirror.

  1. Stand straight, stretch your arms to the sides. Take a breath and hug yourself tightly with your arms. As you exhale, again stretch your arms to the sides and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Repeat the complex 10 times. For many girls, this part of the spine is the weakest, which can lead to poor posture and back pain.
  2. Place your hands in a lock behind your back - one hand on top, the other on bottom. Try to grip as best as possible - not only with your fingers, but also with your palms. Change the position of your hands.
  3. Stand with your back to the back of a chair (window sill, bed, table), grab it with your hands. Squat down slowly until you feel a stretch.
  4. Lying on your stomach, place your hands on the floor and bend your chest as much as possible. Hold the position for half a minute. While remaining lying down, grab your feet with your hands (then your ankles), arch your back, and stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  5. Take the “bridge” position, stay in it for half a minute, gradually achieving full straightening of your arms and legs.

  1. Standing on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Do 15 bends in each direction.
  2. Without changing your position, rotate your body in the lower back, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Now clasp your hands at the back of your head and make a series of rotational movements in each direction.
  3. Kneel down, reach your arms back and grab your ankles or heels. Bend at the lumbar region for 30 seconds.
  4. Remaining on your knees, squat first to one side, then to the other. Do 15 reps on each side.

Exercises to develop flexibility in the pelvic region

  1. While standing, place your hands on your waist. Bring one leg bent at the knee forward. Do 10 rotations, first in one direction, then in the other. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.
  2. Kneel down and grab your ankles or heels with your hands. Bend your lower back and stretch your pelvis forward. Hold for 30 seconds.
  3. Sit on the floor, stretch one leg forward, bend the other at the knee and press your foot against the inner thigh of the other leg. Bend forward, trying to reach your feet with your hands and lay your chest on your leg. Hold the position for half a minute and repeat the same for the other leg.
  4. Now bend one leg and take it back so that your knee and inner side thighs touched the floor. Stretch forward and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Switch legs.
  5. Remaining sitting on the floor, bend one leg and pull it up, trying to bring it behind your head. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

  1. Standing on the floor with your legs fully straightened, bend over, trying to reach your palms to the floor, and press your head and chest to your legs. Pause for a minute.
  2. Now spread your legs shoulder-width apart, stretch first to one leg, then to the other.
  3. Make a lunge, while the leg that is behind should remain completely straight. Stretch forward until you feel a stretch in the back of your leg at the knee joint.
  4. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs. Stretch your hands towards your feet, trying to lie completely with your chest on your legs. Then spread your legs as wide as possible and bend over, trying to lie with your chest on the floor.
  5. Lying on your back, one leg extended and the other bent at the knee. Grab the ankle of your bent leg and pull it up. Then pull her towards you. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

Wrist and ankle flexibility exercises

  1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, pull your toes towards you. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  2. Without changing your position, perform a series of rotational movements with your feet.
  3. Sit on your knees, lean on the outside of your hands. Place your hands so that your palms are facing you.

  1. Provide healthy eating . Make sure you have enough dairy products in your diet. With a lack of calcium, it is easy to get injured.
  2. Warm up before exercise. Always start your workouts with a warm-up - slow springing exercises, gradually moving on to more intense exercises.
  3. Do full body exercises. To ensure that your body develops evenly, do flexibility exercises for each zone, starting with the cervical spine and ending with ankle joint. Don't forget about symmetry.
  4. Exercise regularly. Exercises to develop flexibility should be performed daily or at least every other day throughout your life. It is impossible to become flexible in one day and maintain a good stretch if you stop exercising.
  5. Increase difficulty and intensity. Do this carefully and gradually to avoid injury.
  6. Don't do "your" exercises. Any fictitious exercise is dangerous, especially if you do not have the necessary knowledge.
  7. Don't exercise if you feel pain. This can lead to strained muscles and ligaments.

By developing the mobility of your joints and spine, you will not only become flexible, but also prolong the youth and beauty of your body.

Stripplasty is a symbiosis of aerobics, gymnastic exercises And seductive dance. Beginners can learn graceful and sensual art stripplasty at home. To do this, you need to know the basics of dance style, skillfully choose suitable clothing and shoes, as well as perform several simple recommendations for home workouts.

Fashionable modern direction is a unique mix of professional choreography, plastic and fitness movements, with a touch of sensuality and the ability to control the body.

Striptease and styripplasty have very little in common with each other common features:

Stripplasty is work on yourself, on your body and emotions. It is important not only to learn basic movements, technology, but also to find your own individual style.

The benefits of stripplasty

Dance is not about age or social status, but an inner feeling of harmony and freedom.

In addition to aesthetics, stripplasty for beginners at home has many advantages:

In addition to the benefits for psychological health, exercise improves blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on joints, cardiovascular system.

How to choose a place indoors

For beginners, it is especially important to achieve an immersive atmosphere; the environment for practicing stripplasty, even at home, should awaken sensuality, positive emotions.

When choosing or arranging a room, you need to take into account a number of requirements:

It is advisable that the study room be separate so as not to disturb the intimacy of the process. The room should be well ventilated, and the surroundings and design should be conducive to strip plastic practice.

Choosing comfortable clothes and shoes

Stripplasty for beginners at home involves choosing clothes and shoes.

The clothing requirements are as follows:

There are also a number of requirements for shoes:

  • For warming up would be better suited comfortable shoes for flat sole, for example, Czechs.
  • The sole should not slide on the floor, as this can lead to injury during training.
  • Having received your first experience, you can start dancing in shoes on small heels. The foot should be well fixed.
  • Dance steps in strip plastic suggest liberation. To fully demonstrate your skills, you can dance in shoes on high heels. The main thing is to feel convenience and comfort.

Music selection

You can dance to any music. Traditionally, a playlist is selected in the R’n’B style. The rhythm of rhythm and blues, rich vocals, a special direction and a whole philosophy that conveys musical style, helps to demonstrate skills and reveal yourself to the maximum. Under the tracks Britney Spears, Pussycat Dolls, Jessica Simpson or Rihanna can accurately convey the mood of the dance.

If the dance is stylized, you can match the soundtrack to the film to create a beautiful performance. Music should correspond to mood, fantasies, but not principles. This is the only way to achieve the effect of complete emancipation.

To relax while dancing, surrender to the music, demonstrate flexibility and grace, you can choose slow relaxation compositions. The sensual rhythms of Enigma, the seductive voice of Mylene Farmer, the compositions of Touch And Go, Madonna or Christina Aguillera will help you open up emotionally.

Stripplasty training program

Stripplasty for beginners at home - step by step system program which includes the following classes:

The load and difficulty depend on the level of the dancer. Because training dance style is a long process, you need to approach it with all seriousness. Before starting classes it is important emotional mood, a feeling of vigor and a desire to comprehend new facets of seductive dance.

Standard warm-up - basic elements

Standard warm-up Before practicing stripplasty, it is necessary for both beginners and experienced dancers. To make it easier to perform complex ligaments at home, it is necessary to warm up the muscles.

There is a series for this simple exercises:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist, Circular movements of the head, rotation, and then turns back and forth, to the sides are performed. The exercise is performed in four counts.

    You need to start your warm-up with light exercises

  2. Exercise for the shoulder girdle. The shoulders rise alternately and then together, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  3. Warm up the chest. Rotation is performed along the points back and forth and to the sides, and then circularly, connecting the points.
  4. Warm-up for the back. Standing position, hands along the waist. The shoulder blades are brought together, rounding and straightening the back. Effective exercise for stretching the back - “cat”.
  5. Exercise for the spine. Bring your arms forward, and then bend, stretching your arms. The back position is straight.
  6. Warm-up for the thigh muscles. The body in the hip area moves alternately left and right, stretching the muscles as much as possible.

    Exercises for warming up before stripplasty are no different from warming up before any other workouts.

  7. Exercise "eight" hips. They look as if their hips are a pencil drawing the number 8 in the air.
  8. Leg exercises. Squats are performed in sumo position. The legs are wide apart, the toes are turned outward.
  9. Lunges with legs forward and to the sides. Take your leg forward or to the side, do a squat on the abducted leg, then lift and return the leg to its original position.
  10. Performing a wave to prepare the body for smooth execution of the elements. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet hip-width apart. Extend your arms, pressing your palms to the floor. As you exhale, pull in your stomach and lift your pelvis and back off the floor. As you inhale, straighten your body, forming a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

    A good warm-up will help avoid injury during training.

Warm-up duration is about 30 minutes. It is necessary not only to warm up the body, but also to exercise the muscles.

Stretching exercises

Stretching helps prepare the body for dance training, relieve muscles from tension, restore flexibility and lightness. Preparation for dance involves a warm-up, which includes stretching exercises to develop movement dynamics and statics.

Basic stretching classes:

Static exercises are training in which all the muscles of the body are brought into action, while parts of the body remain practically motionless.

Several static exercises for stripplasty:

Dynamic warm-up includes exercises that involve certain parts of the body:

Each time you stretch the muscles, you need to consolidate the result by gradually increasing the load.

Working on coordination

After the first step to success in stripplasty - stretching, You can move on to coordination training:

The result of regular work on coordination will be complete control of the body in dance: beautiful jumps with a confident landing, a graceful gait of the dancer, the ability to balance while performing steps in strip plastic.

To train coordination at home, it is enough to do the following exercises daily:

  1. Standing with your feet together, spread your arms to your sides. Freeze in this position for half a minute, closing your eyes.
  2. Rise up onto your toes as much as possible, close your eyes, throw back your head and stand for 30 seconds.
  3. Cat walk. Place a ribbon or rope on the floor and walk along it, placing your feet in front of each other.

Development of plasticity

The striking skills of a strip dancer include amazing plasticity.

To develop it, you must regularly perform the following exercises:

How to learn to dance using video lessons

Stripplasty is hard physical work; you shouldn’t expect lightning-fast miracles, but by practicing regularly, even at home, you can achieve amazing results. For beginners there are manuals and educational video lessons.

Regularity of classes

To achieve positive result, stripplasty classes should be carried out regularly. Training should be done at least 2-3 times a week.

After a few workouts, you will feel more toned and in full control of your body. After 3-6 months, provided you systematically follow the training program, you can perfectly learn to dance strip plastic at home.

Stripplasty evenly engages all muscle groups

As if an artist is painting a picture, the dancer creates a small performance, a celebration of grace and seduction. It is possible even for beginners to learn stripplasty at home without the help of a professional trainer. Beautiful music, smooth and precise movements, the flexibility of a cat, a romantic atmosphere - all this is a holiday beautiful dance in the style of seductive stripplasty.

Useful videos about stripplasty

Set of movements for stripplasty:

Basics of stripplasty for beginners: