Exercises for body plasticity in dance. Wrist and ankle flexibility exercises

Developing body plasticity

One of the main professional requirements for dancers and dancers - developed body plasticity. If we talk about artists for whom choreography is a daily job, their flexibility and good stretching are developed in the process of work. Muscles and ligaments are constantly in good shape and do not require additional effort for development.

However, if you are a lover of choreography and are just starting to learn dancing, one of the main tasks for you at the first stage should be the development of plasticity.

Why should a dancer's body be flexible?

What is the difference between a flexible dancer and ordinary person who has begun to comprehend the art of dance? Why is it so important to develop and improve the ability to be flexible and stretchable? Here are the main reasons:

- Movements acquire gracefulness and completeness. Only by having plastic body, dancers are able to demonstrate incomparable beauty and grace on stage. Visible ease of movement is achieved thanks to perfectly stretched muscles and a flexible body.

- A special charm appears. When we look out auditorium for performances dance groups, we clearly understand that the artists are distinguished by their mesmerizing appeal. Plays a significant role in the formation of an image shrouded in unique charm. advanced plasticity bodies.

- The dance looks harmonious. Thanks to the dancers' plasticity, the viewer does not concentrate attention on individual elements, he does not single them out for himself, but perceives the dance composition as a whole. Thus, the movements form a harmonious dance.

- Increased opportunities to learn complex movements and incorporate them into dance. Only an ideally developed body of a dancer - flexible, stretched, plastic, slender - is capable of perceiving, studying and further transmitting to the audience the most difficult steps to perform.

- Reduces the risk of injury due to stress. Due to the high load, dance art is quite traumatic. A trained body helps professional dancers avoid many troubles - elastic tendons, pliable joints, good muscle stretching.

Some tips for beginning dancers on developing plasticity

1. Exercise daily. On days free from rehearsals and studio classes, study at home. After a short warm-up and warming up your muscles, take time to stretch them. Perform stretching exercises slowly and maintain free and deep breathing.
2. Alternate dance classes with yoga, callanetics, and Pilates. These types of fitness include static load exercises and muscle stretching. Professional dancers develop flexibility through classical exercise at the ballet barre. Since it is often not taught in dance studios, you can choose for yourself a full-fledged replacement for the “barre”.
3. End each dance lesson with exercises to stretch your muscles and develop flexibility. To develop body plasticity and flexibility, make it a rule to end absolutely every dance class - at home or in the studio - with stretching and flexibility exercises. Warm muscles are much more pliable and elastic. In this state it is best to develop and stretch them.
4. Learn to relax. It is difficult to achieve ideal body plasticity if it is “tight.” The so-called “tightness” or unsightly angularity occurs in those who do not know how to relax their muscles, and in everyday life make too much muscle effort to perform ordinary actions. Self-awareness of this problem, constant self-control, meditation, aromatherapy, massage and auto-training will help you learn to relax.

By signing up for dance studio, be prepared to devote enough time to your hobby. Regular exercise will make your body flexible, slender and flexible. And you will become truly plastic and flexible when harmony and self-confidence reign in your soul! Start change with yourself inner world, and success in dance will not take long to arrive!

Valentina Nikonova/teacher folk dances, especially for the portal website/

Stripplasty is a symbiosis of aerobics, gymnastic exercises And seductive dance. Beginners can learn graceful and sensual art stripplasty at home. To do this, you need to know the basics of dance style, skillfully choose suitable clothing and shoes, as well as perform several simple recommendations for home workouts.

Fashionable modern direction is a unique mix of professional choreography, plastic and fitness movements, with a touch of sensuality and the ability to control the body.

Striptease and styripplasty have very little in common with each other common features:

Stripplasty is work on yourself, on your body and emotions. It is important not only to learn basic movements, technology, but also to find your own individual style.

The benefits of stripplasty

Dance is not about age or social status, but an inner feeling of harmony and freedom.

In addition to aesthetics, stripplasty for beginners at home has many advantages:

In addition to the benefits for psychological health, exercise improves blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on joints, cardiovascular system.

How to choose a place indoors

For beginners, it is especially important to achieve an immersive atmosphere; the environment for doing stripplasty, even at home, should awaken sensuality and positive emotions.

When choosing or arranging a room, you need to take into account a number of requirements:

It is advisable that the study room be separate so as not to disturb the intimacy of the process. The room should be well ventilated, and the surroundings and design should be conducive to strip plastic practice.

Choosing comfortable clothes and shoes

Stripplasty for beginners at home involves choosing clothes and shoes.

The clothing requirements are as follows:

There are also a number of requirements for shoes:

  • For warming up would be better suited comfortable shoes for flat sole, for example, Czechs.
  • The sole should not slide on the floor, as this can lead to injury during training.
  • Having received your first experience, you can start dancing in shoes on small heels. The foot should be well fixed.
  • Dance steps in strip plastic suggest liberation. To fully demonstrate your skills, you can dance in shoes on high heels. The main thing is to feel convenience and comfort.

Music selection

You can dance to any music. Traditionally, a playlist is selected in the R’n’B style. The rhythm of rhythm and blues, rich vocals, a special direction and a whole philosophy that conveys musical style, helps to demonstrate skills and reveal yourself to the maximum. Under the tracks Britney Spears, Pussycat Dolls, Jessica Simpson or Rihanna can accurately convey the mood of the dance.

If the dance is stylized, you can match the soundtrack to the film to create a beautiful performance. Music should correspond to mood, fantasies, but not principles. This is the only way to achieve the effect of complete emancipation.

To relax while dancing, surrender to the music, demonstrate flexibility and grace, you can choose slow relaxation compositions. The sensual rhythms of Enigma, the seductive voice of Mylene Farmer, the compositions of Touch And Go, Madonna or Christina Aguillera will help you open up emotionally.

Stripplasty training program

Stripplasty for beginners at home - step by step system program which includes the following classes:

The load and difficulty depend on the level of the dancer. Because training dance style is a long process, you need to approach it with all seriousness. Before starting classes it is important emotional mood, a feeling of vigor and a desire to comprehend new facets of seductive dance.

Standard warm-up - basic elements

Standard warm-up Before practicing stripplasty, it is necessary for both beginners and experienced dancers. To make it easier to perform complex ligaments at home, it is necessary to warm up the muscles.

There is a series for this simple exercises:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist, Circular movements of the head, rotation, and then turns back and forth, to the sides are performed. The exercise is performed in four counts.

    You need to start your warm-up with light exercises

  2. Exercise for the shoulder girdle. The shoulders rise alternately and then together, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  3. Warm up the chest. Rotation is performed along the points back and forth and to the sides, and then circularly, connecting the points.
  4. Warm-up for the back. Standing position, hands along the waist. The shoulder blades are brought together, rounding and straightening the back. Effective exercise for stretching the back - “cat”.
  5. Exercise for the spine. Bring your arms forward, and then bend, stretching your arms. The back position is straight.
  6. Warm-up for the thigh muscles. The body in the hip area moves alternately left and right, stretching the muscles as much as possible.

    Exercises for warming up before stripplasty are no different from warming up before any other workouts.

  7. Exercise "eight" hips. They look as if their hips are a pencil drawing the number 8 in the air.
  8. Leg exercises. Squats are performed in sumo position. The legs are wide apart, the toes are turned outward.
  9. Lunges with legs forward and to the sides. Take your leg forward or to the side, do a squat on the abducted leg, then lift and return the leg to its original position.
  10. Performing a wave to prepare the body for smooth execution of the elements. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your feet hip-width apart. Extend your arms, pressing your palms to the floor. As you exhale, pull in your stomach and lift your pelvis and back off the floor. As you inhale, straighten your body, forming a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

    A good warm-up will help avoid injury during training.

Warm-up duration is about 30 minutes. It is necessary not only to warm up the body, but also to exercise the muscles.

Stretching exercises

Stretching helps prepare the body for dance training, relieve muscles from tension, restore flexibility and lightness. Preparation for dance involves a warm-up, which includes stretching exercises to develop movement dynamics and statics.

Basic stretching classes:

Static exercises are training in which all the muscles of the body are brought into action, while parts of the body remain practically motionless.

Several static exercises for stripplasty:

Dynamic warm-up includes exercises that involve certain parts of the body:

Each time you stretch the muscles, you need to consolidate the result by gradually increasing the load.

Working on coordination

After the first step to success in stripplasty - stretching, You can move on to coordination training:

The result of regular work on coordination will be complete control of the body in dance: beautiful jumps with a confident landing, a graceful gait of the dancer, the ability to balance while performing steps in strip plastic.

To train coordination at home, it is enough to do the following exercises daily:

  1. Standing with your feet together, spread your arms to your sides. Freeze in this position for half a minute, closing your eyes.
  2. Rise up onto your toes as much as possible, close your eyes, throw back your head and stand for 30 seconds.
  3. Cat walk. Place a ribbon or rope on the floor and walk along it, placing your feet in front of each other.

Development of plasticity

The striking skills of a strip dancer include amazing plasticity.

To develop it, you must regularly perform the following exercises:

How to learn to dance using video lessons

Stripplasty is hard physical work; you shouldn’t expect lightning-fast miracles, but by practicing regularly, even at home, you can achieve amazing results. For beginners there are manuals and educational video lessons.

Regularity of classes

To achieve positive result, stripplasty classes should be carried out regularly. Training should be done at least 2-3 times a week.

After a few workouts, you will feel more toned and in full control of your body. After 3-6 months, provided you systematically follow the training program, you can perfectly learn to dance strip plastic at home.

Stripplasty evenly engages all muscle groups

As if an artist is painting a picture, the dancer creates a small performance, a celebration of grace and seduction. It is possible even for beginners to learn stripplasty at home without the help of a professional trainer. Beautiful music, smooth and precise movements, the flexibility of a cat, a romantic atmosphere - all this is a holiday beautiful dance in the style of seductive stripplasty.

Useful videos about stripplasty

Set of movements for stripplasty:

Basics of stripplasty for beginners:

To all fans dance art This dance is known as strip plastic. Many people mistakenly believe that only this style exists, ignoring the dance called “plastic”. Of course, plastic arts cannot be fully classified as an independent movement, but dance still has all the makings of becoming a unique phenomenon.

What is plastic?

IN currently Plastic is not really a dance; rather, it is an important component of many modern dance styles. Plastic is widely used in styles such as hip-hop, locking, and popping. These dances can be attributed to the directions that are most saturated with its elements. IN last years in almost every dance school plastic arts began to be taught as a separate discipline. Moreover, in such classes attention is paid not only to the study of independent elements of this new style, but also to the application of the concept of plasticity in other dances.

Plasticity as the main instrument of improvisation in dance

Plastic, due to its creative basis, is considered one of the main tools of improvisation. This is a powerful way to transform the most banal dance with simple movements into something more interesting and exciting. By reproducing an ordinary dance element using plastic techniques, the dance will immediately take on a unique shape. It is worth noting that with the help of plastics, improvisation can become a simpler phenomenon, and its use will look natural for any dancer.

At the moment plastic is like dance direction not formed enough to be called independent style. However, those elements that are used in many directions give the right to talk about this technique as an important part of most modern dances.

Every girl dreams of being plastic, because thanks to them you can become more graceful and sophisticated. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly work on developing these qualities.

Some girls can boast of natural flexibility; they are really lucky. After all, even when they are already adults, they can do the splits without any problems. Although it has not been scientifically proven that flexibility can be hereditary.

Flexibility lies not only in the ability to throw your leg behind your head, it is the ability to feel and control every cell of your body. In nature, the most flexible creatures are all felines. Only a cat can silently sneak up to its victim, only it can gently stroke its owner’s leg with its whole body, and only a cat can remain intact after falling from a height. All thanks super developed abilities bend your body.

A flexible body indicates the health of the joints and spine, so every person needs to work hard on it.

Most men are sure that flexible women are incredibly sexy and are real goddesses in bed. This is due to the fact that flexibility allows you to realize all your fantasies to the maximum.

The most flexible sports are gymnastics and dancing. Gymnasts are especially capable of captivating with their movements. Sometimes you get the feeling that professionals simply don’t have bones, they can bend their own bodies so deftly.

Every person should understand that flexibility is something that each of us has in childhood. It’s just that some parents immediately begin to work with their children and develop these abilities even more, while others do not pay attention to flexibility and, as a result, their child is no longer realistic at 10 years old.

You can become plastic at any age and conditions. Carrying out the right houses, you will very soon be able to do the splits, somersault and reach your feet with your fingers.

Working out at home

Before starting stretching, each person should master the basic safety rules.

Try a couple of simple exercises at home: stand straight and touch your toes. If you can’t do this, then you definitely need to develop flexibility, but don’t think that after a week of doing the exercises you will be able to do the cross splits.

Exercises to develop plasticity must be performed constantly. For convenience, it is better to make a schedule.

Really good results can become obvious within a month, but flexibility varies from person to person. So don't get upset and don't give up.

For stretch marks, you must have special clothing, it can be a couple of sizes larger.

All exercises should be performed slowly, smoothly and without strain. You should not experience pain, everything should be comfortable. After all, you want to become more flexible, not get an Olympic medal.

It is better to perform in good mood and in the morning. You will get a huge charge positive emotions, which is enough for the whole working day.

When training, you should pay attention to all muscles. Flexibility is the interaction of all muscle groups, so you should not pull your legs and throw your arms completely.

Entire programs by different specialists have been developed for stretching. Take advantage of them.

Set of exercises

We lie down on the floor, place our arms at 90 degrees from the body, legs straight. We bend our right leg at the knee and try to touch it to the floor on the left side. We do the same with the other leg. Thus, the muscles of the legs, back and lateral abdominal muscles are stretched.

We sit on the floor, legs straight, just stretch our palms towards our toes. Don't bend your knees or slack. You are stretching for yourself, so do the exercises honestly. 20 times.

We sit on the floor, knees under the butt, hands behind the head, elbows apart. Slowly we begin to stand up, then smoothly lower ourselves back down. 30 times.

Lie down completely on the floor, arms straight above your head, legs straight. Raise one leg to right angle, grab it with your hand and pull it towards the head. 20 times on each leg.

Let's stand up straight right leg We put it forward and bend it. We try to sit down as low as possible. For each leg 15 times.

Starting position as before. Sit down, grab your feet and try, without lifting your arms, to stand up completely. These are the so-called complicated squats. 25 times.

It’s quite easy to develop flexibility at home. All you need is your desire and willingness to become better.

Methodological recommendations for the development of plastic movement in children in children's choreographic and theater groups prepared NOT. Kharcheva And MM. Mazepova based on work at the Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth of the Prioksky District of Nizhny Novgorod.


Warm-up should not be self-sufficient. It is needed in order to engage in fantasy. At each lesson, children need to be oriented towards development - towards moving forward, discovering new plastic possibilities of their own body.

Warm-up is: gradual warm-up (head, arms, body); elements of plastic and pantomime; free movements for a sense of space; contraction - relaxation; fall elements; riffles.

Warm-up exercises for warming up the body It is recommended to carry out from head to feet and gradually, during the warming up process, turn on game exercises on the development of a plastic image.

Level 1: head and neck

Starting position: standing, body relaxed.

Turn your head left and right. On the count of “one”, the head turns as much as possible to the right side, the muscles tense as much as possible. On the count of “two” the head returns to its original position. The same goes to the left side. The exercise is done slowly - 2 times and quickly - 4 times.

Head tilts left and right. On the count of “one”, tilt your head to the right side, trying to touch your shoulder with your ear. At the same time, the shoulder does not rise, remaining relaxed. On the count of “two” the head returns to its original position. The same goes to the left side. The exercise is done slowly - 4 times and quickly - 8 times.

Slow rotation of the head: “apple on a plate.” On the count of “one,” the head drops to the chest. Without returning to the starting position, on the count of “two”, “three”, “four”, slowly move your head to the right, back, left. Repeat 2 times in one direction and the other.


Exercise 1.

The head tilts towards the right shoulder, followed by the right shoulder; Sit down slowly and touch the floor with your palms. We gradually straighten our legs (raising the tailbone first), then our back, straighten our shoulders and the head completes the movement of the body. This exercise relaxes the body muscles very well, so it is recommended to repeat it after each muscle group.

The head is lowered as much as possible - feel how the muscles of the cervical spine are stretched. Shake your head left and right. Make sure that the muscles are relaxed. To check, place your hand under your chin and feel the weight of your head on your hand.

Exercise 3.

On the count of “one”, “two” we slowly turn our head to the right, on the count of “three”, “four” - to the left (feel the tension in the neck muscles). On the count of “one”, “two”, “three”, with quick, clear movements, we turn our head to the right - left - right (the neck muscles relax). Repeat this entire complex twice. The same exercise, only the head is tilted towards the shoulder. Repeat twice.

Exercise 4.

Clear turns of the head: to the right - we return to the starting position, look forward (in the future we will call it a “point”) - to the left - a “point”. Repeat two to four times. Clear shifts of the head forward - “point” - back - “point”. Repeat 2 - 4 times.

Level 2: shoulders, chest, arms

Starting position: standing, muscles relaxed, feet shoulder-width apart.

On the count of "one" - raise your shoulders up, on the count of "two" - bring forward, "three" - lower down, "four" - pull back. This results in a circular motion. The same thing in the other direction. Repeat 4 times in each direction.

Hands are tense. On the count of “one” - raise your shoulders sharply up, “two” - sharply lower them down (together, alternately with each shoulder), the same thing: on the count of “one” - shoulders forward, “two” - back (alternately, together).


Move your shoulders forward (to the count of “one”, “two”) and backward (to the count of “three”, “four”). The movements are performed slowly and widely; when moving backwards, it is necessary to connect the shoulder blades.

We make a “square” with our shoulders: shoulders forward - raise them to the ears - back - lower our shoulders. Same thing in reverse.

Relaxation exercise (option 1):

The right hand slowly moves to the side, rises up, the body gradually begins to tilt to the left: first the head, the left shoulder (while the right hand helps the body), the knees gradually bend, the body goes down. We touched our palms to the floor and, passing the baton to our left hand, we begin to slowly raise the body: the left hand goes up (through the right side), straighten the knees, the body, the left hand describes an arc above the head and goes down through the left side.

Option 2

The right hand goes back - up - forward (sit down) - down. We pass the baton to the left hand: back - up - forward - down.

Option 3

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up in a V-shape, body and arms tense. Slightly tilting your body to the right, throw your right hand down (the hand moves to the left by inertia), sharply raise it to its place, and straighten up. The same with the left hand.

Diaphragm.(When working with the diaphragm, hands are lowered to the belt, to the place of the protruding bones).

Having fixed the hip in immobility, we begin to move the diaphragm forward and backward. (Pay attention to the feet. They should be parallel to each other).

The starting position is the same, but we move the diaphragm to the right - to the left.

The starting position is the same. We make a “square” with the diaphragm: forward - right - back - left.

Exercise "Wave"

It runs very smoothly. Down head goes, right shoulder, then we squat slightly and, as if we were crawling under a stick, we begin to stretch our head upward, followed by our shoulders and the whole body. Repeat everything in the other direction. Try to stay in one place. This results in an S-shaped arc.

We do the “Wave”, but forward: we tilt our head forward, followed by our shoulders, bend our knees, climb over under an imaginary bar (while the pelvis remains in place), stretch out the head, shoulders, pelvis, knees.

Spinal twist

Feet shoulder-width apart, hips fixed, arms to the sides: turn the body and head to the maximum in one direction, then the other. We do the exercise 4 times on straight legs, 4 times on bent legs.

Level 3: legs

Development of the knee joint:

Feet together, squat a little: circular movements with your knees in one direction, then in the other direction (two legs at once, one at a time);

Feet shoulder-width apart: knees in a semicircle to the right and left.


The body is all relaxed. Swaying your hips from side to side;

Upper body clamp. Swaying your hips from side to side, back and forth;

Upper body clamp, legs wide apart, knees slightly bent, feet parallel to each other:

a) swaying the hips left and right, back and forth;

b) semicircle: hip left - forward - right, back: right - forward - left; left - back - right, back.

c) full circle: hip to the left - forward - right - back - left, the same in the other direction.

Rotation of the hip with the leg moving to the side: the hip is to the right, the right leg describes a semicircle to the right. The same with the left leg and left thigh.

The same exercise, but moving forward. We return to our place with a springy step;

- “eight”. We describe a figure eight with our hips.


Keep your feet together. We take sliding steps while remaining in place (pay attention to the tension in the muscles of the foot). The right foot is placed on the heel, the left foot on the toe. We move the right foot back, as if dragging it across the floor, moving it onto the toe. Left - simultaneously moves forward, lowering onto the heel.

Contraction (clamping) - relaxation (relaxation):

Clamp (strong tension of the body muscles) in the following order: foot - lower leg - buttock - stomach - shoulders - arms - hand, release the clamp in the reverse order;

Lower body clamp (from foot to buttock), top part the body is free: movement of the chest back and forth, left and right (especially pay attention to the clamping of the lower body while moving the upper body);

Clamping the upper part (from the stomach to the hand), circular movements with the pelvis, figure eight with the pelvis, “cradle” - rock the pelvis from side to side;

A fall:

From a standing position: slowly lower yourself onto your thigh, then lie down on your lower back, then your back, arms. If you fall, do not raise your legs (it is important to distribute the weight).

Exercises to develop hand plasticity, movement, imagination, coordination


We make wave-like movements with the hand and arm (up to the elbow), as if a stream were flowing; We depict with our hands as if we are splashing water to the sides, then on our face; wipe your face with your hands.


The exercise is performed with one hand, with two hands - we teach you to swing your arms, depicting a swan: slowly raise your hand up - first comes the elbow, then the hand - fingers, then smoothly lower the hand: elbow - hand - fingers.

"Pantomimic Wall"

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, body relaxed. The right arm is bent at the elbow, fingers clenched into a fist. Straighten your fingers sharply, tense your palm. It is explained to the children that the hand seems to be resting against an invisible wall. We walk along an invisible wall, trying to find a way out in the wall, on the ceiling, on the floor. Gradually the room narrows: the ceiling drops, the walls move. The room turns into a small box. Now everything is gradually expanding.


We imitate playing various instruments: we “play” the piano, violin, guitar, drum, trumpet, etc. First, take turns on each instrument, then each participant chooses an instrument for himself. At the end there should be an instrumental ensemble. The game is played to music. Without interruption, children smoothly move from one musical image to another.

"We are drawing"

a) Let's imagine that our hand is a brush. We carefully dip the brush into the paint and begin to paint over its imaginary walls, ceiling, and floor. Pay attention to the smooth movement of the hand.

b) Draw a picture with colored paints. Be sure to mentally imagine the drawing in color. The game is played to music.

Contact and non-contact improvisation


We move around the room to the music, trying not to hurt anyone, but staying close to each other. On command, participants freeze in various poses, allowing them to put one butterfly on themselves, two, four, six. For example, put your elbow out right hand and the heel of the left foot are “places” for butterflies.

Pair exercises


Goal: interaction with a partner.

Participants - plant grains - are distributed in pairs. The grains begin to sprout, branches, roots, etc. appear. The grains begin to “wrap” each other without touching the partner.


Participants are divided into pairs. One of the partners is a mirror. The task of the mirror is to accurately copy and repeat the movements of the partner, being his reflection. Then the players change places.

"Sweets - tray"

A couple holds an imaginary tray of sweets. The couple's task is to carry the tray without dropping it and the sweets through rivers, mountains, holes and other obstacles. "Wall"

In a position of stability - contact improvisation to trust a partner, the ability to distribute weight. Focus on your partner's palms. Let's hold each other.

"3 expenses"

The first is to “slide”: partners rest their foreheads on each other, evenly distributing their weight so as not to fall. The task is to slide your foreheads past each other and run in the opposite direction. The same thing, but emphasis on the shoulder, arms, hip, back, etc.

The second is to “melt”: the emphasis is the same as in the first flow. On command, the partners seem to begin to melt, sinking to the floor.

The third is to “tear off sharply”: the contacts are the same. On command, the partners abruptly break away from each other and rush to opposite corners of the room.

Verbal work in a group


Take a simple poem, for example, from A. Barto. Participants - 4-5 people - line up in one line and lie on the floor - “being under water.” Everyone takes in as much air as possible and holds it until the need to breathe appears. As soon as someone has this need, the participant jumps up and begins to read the poem very quickly with expression until the next player gets up. As soon as the next player rises, the one who read the poem again takes air into his lungs and “dives under water” - lies on the floor. The order cannot be maintained. Those who need to breathe jump up.


Three players participate. Two people lie on the floor parallel to each other, they have soft rags in their hands. The third stands between them. He reads a poem, and two players throw rags at him. The task of the person standing is not to be distracted and to finish reading the poem correctly with expression.
