Plastic dances. We develop body plasticity! Stretching exercises

Exercise should become your faithful companion for life. Even husbands can change, but the exercises will remain (just kidding). How else? We are going to live a long time in our beautiful and slender body, and this means that we need to move, move, move... Remember: our body loves movement.

Of course, we are not talking now about superloads of professional athletes, this is completely different. We are talking about endorphins, the hormones of joy that are produced from regular exercise. Any one you like. It doesn’t matter what exactly you do, the main thing is to move throughout your life.

Video lessons on mathematics.

Tonus is youth!

Constant movement is the prevention of aging of the body. Old age does not come instantly, out of the blue. She approaches a person using weak points, such as: wrong way of thinking; negative self-perception and judgment of others; poor nutrition; lack of habit of joyful movement. If we restructure our consciousness and do not leave any loopholes for old age, then it will be more difficult for it to bite us. The best way for this purpose – daily training of your beautiful body. Tonus is youth! If you are in good physical shape, then even overweight will look harmonious on a trained body. Our intention is a very powerful thing, so you must firmly decide for yourself that you intend to have a new body. Slender, fit, with a straight back and toned stomach.

Buy nice sportswear.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Look favorably, with love, with pleasure. Stroke yourself gently in those places that you don’t like right now. If you think about the cells of your body with love, then it will be much easier for you to “agree” with them to lose weight. Believe me, the success of the entire enterprise to achieve slimness, beauty and health depends on this starting point. We love ourselves now. Just as we are. Full and thin, strong and frail. Give thanks Higher power Because you have a body, love and caress it. Make a promise to yourself to make it even better. As soon as we tune in to gradual improvement, and do not scare our beloved body with the promise of strict diets and merciless workouts, then our subconscious, and with it the body, relaxes and tunes in to the process of gaining harmony.

First aid for weight gain.

First of all, you shouldn't eat after eight o'clock. You can drink green tea, kefir with rye bread. When you feel an irresistible urge to eat something, eat fruit so that your stomach feels sweetly full and calms down. Do the exercises for 15–20 minutes every day. Try to walk more. Take a massage course. It is also very useful because you cannot eat two hours before the massage and two hours after. This is simply wonderful! A few cups of green tea will help remove toxins from the body and keep us slim and youthful, as green tea is rich in antioxidants.

Vacation is a time for health and harmony

Vacation is the most valuable time when we can devote almost every minute to ourselves, our figure and health. Use it! You can only look at your sun lounger as improvised means for storing towels and beach bags. And keep moving all the time! I know that I want to sleep on the beach, but I don’t need to. It’s better to put on sunscreen and put on a hat and go on a trip along the seashore. Of course, straighten your back and tense your leg muscles when walking. For a change, you can swim along the way, and then move again. If you are not tempted by the prospect of playing volleyball on the beach, then do not miss the opportunity to do exercises in the pool or in the sea. Water is an excellent natural massager and will benefit your entire body immensely.

While relaxing, don’t forget about healthy eating. After all, one of the reasons for weight gain is stress. During rest, we relax and it is much easier for our body to lose extra pounds.

Love yourself, love your body and everything will be fine.

Using materials from Natalia Pravdina’s book “48 Tips for Slimness”

Strip plastic lesson

Learn to move beautifully and plastically, easily getting rid of extra pounds possible using strip plastic surgery. This type of dance is often confused with striptease. However, this is far from the same thing. Strip of plastic -- separate species dance art, based on jazz choreography, elements of dance stretching and wave techniques. Strip plastic exercises include many range of movements, squats, bends, and hip rotations. Dance strip movement is built on beautiful and smooth transitions to demonstrate all the strength, grace, flexibility and beauty of the body. Strip plastic will not only teach you sensuality and the ability to control own body, but will also help maintain muscle tone, train cardiovascular system, will model the body.

Plastic movements are relaxed movements and can be either fast or slow. With slow movements of the plastic, the most pronounced effect is obtained.

The most beautiful styles dances are those that use plasticity. For example, from club destinations this is hip-hop, popping, as styles are most saturated with plasticity.
Plastic, like cream, can decorate any cake and at the same time it can be consumed separately. The main thing is to feel the rhythm of the music and reflect it in movements. Our school teaches both plasticity and its use in dancing.

Plastic is the most powerful tool improvisation in dance. It is such a powerful instrument that if you have a sufficient level of plasticity, you can paste it onto everyday movements, and by reproducing them, the audience will take it for a dance. A dance like no other.

Plastic by its nature has no boundaries. You may be the most flexible, but someday you will definitely meet an even more flexible person. You can develop endlessly.

Plasticity is like riding a bicycle - once you learn it, it stays with you forever. And now we are approaching a small discovery in plastic. It is no coincidence that I mentioned the word “learned.” So far I have written about plastic only as a property of the body. The properties of bodies are not learned, if by this word we mean mental activity, but are developed. Now I will talk about plastic from the point of view of teachings.

Plastics and our brain ///

Anyone who previously believed that plastic was a physical pipe was mistaken. 50% of plasticity is the properties of your brain, the remaining 50% is the body. And so let’s look at what happens in our body when we try to perform plastic movements:
The movements we make every day are the result of commands sent by our brain along the nerve endings to the muscles, as a result of which we move. We perform these movements (running, walking, squatting, bending, turning) automatically, that is, we do not think about how to perform them. Movements performed less frequently require a certain amount of our attention (grab an object, open a door, jump over something). And so on - we skip the listing to the category of movements that we perform extremely rarely. Performing just such movements, we look extremely awkward, get confused, get nervous, especially if they are looking at us, and lose control. Why is this happening? The thing is that our brain, when transmitting a signal to a certain muscle group, looks for the shortest path. The path in the brain, like any path in the field, has a degree of troddenness. If the path is not trodden, then there is no obvious path, and if you need to walk you have to find the way by touch. Likewise, nerve impulses in our brain, if there is no path, then they run along bypass channels, activating not necessary groups muscles, and are often lost and do not reach the recipient. This is where awkward movements arise.
In our dance classes, we noticed from our beginning students that if they were asked to move only their torso, without moving either their head or pelvis, they would still perform this movement using their head and pelvis. This will happen precisely because their brain does not know how to send an accurate signal only to the torso, and the sent signal affects neighboring areas.
And plasticity is precisely those very rarely performed movements. Having learned this, you, like an addict, begin to use this skill in every movement you make, because it is beautiful, it requires less strength. The gait, tactics, and even thinking, to some extent, change. We observe this phenomenon in all our regular students.

Plastic and stretching ///

They have as much in common as they do apart. Many flexible people have stretched muscles. And many stretched people are surprised by the plasticity of non-stretched people. But to achieve high level it is necessary to develop both. Therefore, we devote part of our training to stretching, and part to working out movements in order to tread paths in the student’s brain.

Plastic training ///

If you want to learn plastic arts in a club format, then come to the niche plastic classes in the group of mixed dance styles. You can see the trainer leading the class in this group in the video, and also understand what plastic surgery is in a club format.
But we warn you right away, we have heavy loads, and if you want to test your endurance, then you have come to the right address. Tel. 256-46-26 Egor.

They say that when a man sees a woman, he immediately pays attention to her gait, using it to determine the temperament of the lady he is interested in. Naturally, if the gait is not graceful and flexible, then the matter will not progress beyond this cursory glance! So it turns out that our personal life largely depends on our grace.

But would you agree that you would like to be special and attract the attention of men just by swaying your hips and springing your gait? How to become plastic?

For some reason, it is generally accepted that every woman simply must be able to move beautifully, but we are all very different and among women of any age there are those who have the natural ability to be graceful, and those who are a little angular and do not know how to learn to control their body .

Can I do this on my own, or do I have to attend some groups, courses, classes? Today, every woman can choose one or another look physical activity which develops plasticity, this can be strip plastic, stretching or oriental dancing classes.

Oriental dances are an excellent school of movement - the centuries-old tradition of oriental dances conveys everything that a woman who knows the secret of seduction should know and be able to do. In addition, movements in oriental dances improve blood circulation in the pelvis, which has a positive effect on women Health. And how they improve your figure and gait!

Basic movements oriental dance They help you learn to control your abdominal muscles, oblique abdominal muscles, and train your hips and legs—while dancing and enjoying it, you can clearly draw your waist line. Exercises accompanied by beautiful sensual music improve your mood and create a positive emotional mood, combined with muscle fatigue which gives a feeling of happiness. In order to create the right mood during home classes, you need to buy a CD with oriental music, a top, shalwars and a belt with coins - having mastered a few basic movements, it will be easy to build a dance, full of passion and plastics.

What can stretching give a woman? This type of physical activity helps to achieve maximum flexibility, as reflected in the name. Stretching includes exercises aimed at developing flexibility of the whole body, mobility in joints, and elasticity of ligaments. The complex includes static, ballistic and dynamic exercises, which allows you to learn to control your body over time.

Stretching exercises give a woman a feeling of her own flexibility, improve blood circulation in tissues, solve the problem of osteochondrosis and excess weight, give the movements plasticity and lightness.

How to become plastic with the help of strip plastic?

Those who want to perfectly master their body, the art of seduction and become flexible and sexy will need to enroll in a strip plastic school. This dance is full smooth transitions where one movement flows into another - a woman who masters strip plastic knows how to subjugate her body, she easily performs the most complex acrobatic steps, moving gracefully, like a cat.

In addition to the fact that by doing strip plastic, you can learn to control your body perfectly, it allows you to correct your posture, gait, and teaches you to move easily and silently. With its help, you can lose weight and learn to be beautiful and relaxed - they say that the ability to dance in this style makes a woman more courageous and decisive, and she very quickly solves all her problems in her personal life.

A woman who is confident in her irresistibility will easily find her happiness, attract it and not let it go! And the art of being plastic will help her in this.

Looking at the performances professional dancers, one cannot help but be amazed by their perfect grace, special gait, smooth movements. The mastery of their own bodies inherent in these people is amazing and enchanting. However, one should not assume that this quality accessible only to a select few - with hard work, every person can achieve, if not the same, then the closest possible level. We present to you some simple recommendations on how to develop body flexibility and hypnotize people with your movements.

Stretch every day. Stretched muscles and tendons are not the only thing, but required condition to give the body plasticity. The flexibility of tissues is essential to the number of forms that it can take. At the same time, take into account the capabilities of your body - excessively intense stretching exercises can lead not to the desired result, but to painful tears, displacements and other injuries. It is best to consult with a professional fitness trainer or choreographer first.

Learn to control your body. Stretching alone will not help develop body plasticity and flexibility if you do not know how to control your muscles. In dancing, an important concept is the so-called “isolation”. This is the use of only a specific muscle group when performing a movement. Have you seen how a professional break dancer does a “wave”? This is precisely the result of excellent control of each element of your body separately.

Pay attention to your daily movements. If you do plastic exercises only in dance hall, then you will not achieve noticeable progress. Try to move in a normal environment the same way you do on the floor or stage. At first it will be difficult to follow this constantly, but over time, plastic movements will become a habit and become natural. And under no circumstances should you be shy about demonstrating your natural grace in public—this is a very attractive quality.

There are several ways to develop body plasticity. All of them are quite accessible to perform at home:

  • Pilates is a type of fitness developed by the American Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the twentieth century and based on coordination, breathing control, concentration, and isolation of muscles when performing simple exercises;
  • yoga - an ancient Indian teaching, transformed in the West into a system of exercises and poses, also pays great attention breathing, concentration on internal sensations;
  • stretching - a set of exercises aimed at stretching muscles and tendons, as well as developing flexibility;
  • body ballet is a type of fitness based on some basic exercises from classical choreography, in particular stances, stretching, abduction, leg swings, etc.

The latter method is gaining wide popularity today - which is not surprising if you look at the movements of professional ballerinas. IN “Ballet Workshop” by Egor Simachev body ballet classes are taught by professionals performing on stage Bolshoi Theater. Thanks to their experience, they know how to develop plasticity in dance and everyday life, using a huge arsenal of classical choreography tools.