What is the best paste to paint on windows? Decorating a window with toothpaste: patterns from improvised materials

For the New Year, not only the Christmas tree is decorated, but also the apartment as a whole. The most popular place for application various paintings and patterns are the windows. Drawings on the windows for the New Year give a special festive atmosphere and look very beautiful. You can depict anything. These could be snowflakes, figures like this famous characters like Santa Claus and Snowman.

How to draw New Year's drawings on windows

If you are wondering what is better to paint on windows New Year's drawings so that they look original and do not spoil the glass, we will help you choose an interesting option.

Drawings on windows for the New Year with toothpaste

IN last years Simple materials at hand are popular - toothpaste. Everyone has it in their home, and it’s inexpensive. But the most important advantage is something else - New Year's drawings on windows with toothpaste dry very quickly, do not harm the condition of the glass at all and can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth. In addition, if something goes wrong while applying the pattern, you can erase the design or part of it and apply the pattern again.

You need to apply drawings on the window like this:

  1. Plan what you want to see on your window: snowflakes, Christmas trees, houses.
  2. Place a small amount of toothpaste in a specially prepared container. white.
  3. Prepare brushes and sponges (you can use dishcloths, cut into small pieces).
  4. Wipe the window dry and you can start drawing. To make the pattern look shaded, use sponges and draw clear lines with paint brushes.

If you don’t have a talent for drawing, but you really want to decorate your apartment with drawings on the windows for the New Year, don’t despair. Choose your stencils and use them to create your masterpiece. For example, take patterns of a scattering of stars, cut out their outline, attach it to the window, and sketch out the empty space inside using paste.

New Year's drawings on windows in gouache and more

For those who are interested in drawing and know how to create beautiful pictures, you can use another method of applying a pattern to the window. New Year's gouache drawings on windows look incredibly fabulous. Gouache dries well and is easily washed off with window cleaner. The main advantage of such paints is the ability to create a multi-colored pattern. If we use toothpaste, then all our images are only white, but with the help of gouache they can be green, red, and blue.

Today in stores you can buy such a product as liquid snow. It is sold in special bottles with a spray, like hairspray. Creating drawings with this product is incredibly easy.

Master class on creating a New Year's picture on a window using liquid snow:

  1. Take a sheet of paper, fold it into a triangle and use a pencil to draw the pattern of the future snowflake.

  1. Cut out a snowflake and place it on the window glass.
  2. Shake the bottle of liquid snow and spray it directly on top of the snowflake stencil. You will get such a beautiful pattern.

Choose the one for yourself suitable way decorate windows with New Year's drawings, and be sure to please your loved ones with such beauty!

Soon New Year, then it’s time to buy gifts, buy a Christmas tree, and decorate the interior for the holiday. You can hang garlands, Christmas wreaths, decorate the Christmas tree with balls, garlands, beautifully decorate the windows, creating the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday. There are several ways to make your own New Year's window decorations. Some decorations are easy to make, others will require painstaking work over several hours.

The result will help create an original holiday design, a cozy homely atmosphere that will lift the spirits of loved ones, especially children, for whom every glance out the window will remind them of the upcoming wonderful holiday. Drawings on the window with toothpaste are a great opportunity to spend leisure time with your child, developing Creative skills. At the same time, you can communicate and cheer up the whole family without any special financial or labor costs.

Drawings on windows - a simple, effective New Year's decoration

Before the holidays, starting in late November, stores fill to the brim various types New Year's, Christmas decorations, toys. This is the golden period for trading in holiday paraphernalia, from Santa Claus figurines, Christmas tree balls to decorations for New Year's table, stuffed deer with antlers. Everything sparkles, shimmers, the mood improves with every shopping trip and the purchase of another gift for family and friends. Don't forget about home decorations.

You can just go to the store and find the paraphernalia you like that fits your budget. However, some of the decorations can be made by hand. You don’t need to have golden hands to prepare beautiful trinkets, especially if the family has small children who will enjoy joint production holiday decorations. Use all family members to make jewelry, divide the tasks, and get started!

What will you need?

Decorating glass and drawings on windows with toothpaste is not a new decoration method, but we can say with confidence that it is the cheapest and quick ways decorate the windows before the New Year. Toothpaste is inexpensive, effectively transforms windows, and after the holidays is simply washed off with a damp sponge. If the drawing doesn't work out the first time, it can be easily removed and corrected. Creativity will bring pleasure to young children and adults. Can be used different colors, create any patterns for every taste.

To draw with toothpaste you will need:

  • white or colored toothpaste;
  • brush;
  • a piece of foam;
  • sponge;
  • a cup of water;
  • toothpick;
  • artificial snow.

Methods of applying patterns and drawings

How to decorate a window with toothpaste? There are several ways to make New Year's drawings with toothpaste. Let's take a closer look at them.

Drawings and patterns using foam plastic

Squeeze toothpaste onto a piece of polystyrene foam and simply roll it on the glass. If you buy several tubes of colored paste, you can make designs on the window in different colors.

Paint on windows using a brush

You can draw scenes from New Year's themes, just use a little imagination:

  • Father Frost,
  • snowman,
  • snow,
  • Christmas trees in the snow,
  • deer,
  • Christmas sweets.

Compositions with designs applied using dental care products can be combined with artificial snow. Such an impressive glass design does not require serious artistic skills, paint purchases. The result is truly impressive and will be remembered for a long time.
If you don’t have the inspiration to apply drawings to windows, you can limit yourself to:

Using a toothpick

Squeeze toothpaste onto glass. Using a brush or sponge dipped in a small amount of water, apply a winter landscape to the surface. Using a toothpick on the resulting white background, we draw various elements and details:

We use ready-made stencil templates

If you have no ideas, you can use it to apply a pattern ready-made templates. Work order:

  1. The stencil can be found on the Internet and printed on paper.
  2. Glue the stencil onto the windows using soap.
  3. Fill the stencil with toothpaste using a sponge.
  4. After drying the design, remove the stencil.
  5. Correct minor imperfections with a brush or toothpick.

You can use a special plastic stencil to help quickly prepare your home for the New Year.

Applying New Year's drawings and inscriptions with a sponge and toothpaste, photo

Using a stencil, you can get a different effect if you cover the entire surface of the window with paste using a sponge, except for the pattern covered with the stencil, as shown in the photo below.

New Year's snowflake made using a stencil, photo

How to complement the New Year's window decor?

There are other ways to decorate windows:

  • hang the balls,
  • Garlands,
  • wreaths,
  • glue various templates,
  • stick on colored film stickers.

You can use the listed decorations separately or in combination with applied drawings, complementing the decor:

  • Christmas wreath;
  • a spruce branch with hanging New Year's balls, pine cones in their natural form or painted with white toothpaste;
  • other New Year's and Christmas decorations.

New Year's decor of a window, window sill, photo


There are many interesting ways decorate a window for the New Year using scrap materials found in every home. You will need a little imagination, a little hard work, patience, help young artists, funny festive mood. Joint work will remain on the windows for a long time and will leave a mark on the souls of children who long years will be remembered with warmth children's creativity in the family.

New Year is a fabulous holiday that each of us looks forward to. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. To create a New Year's mood in your home, use different secrets: they decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the walls and windows with multi-colored garlands, hang fancy “Chinese” lanterns, etc. The windows are also not neglected: more and more often in houses shining with multi-colored lights you can see stunning designs on the windows for the New Year!

The idea of ​​decorating windows for the New Year originated in ancient times. For example, the Celts decorated the shutters of their houses and wooden window sills with fragrant spruce branches: it was believed that their smell drove away evil spirits and evil spirits. Among the Chinese, ringing decorations played a similar role: in their opinion, the melody of bells frightens the demon and prevents him from entering the house.

In Russia, the tradition of painting images on windows is new year holidays appeared thanks to Peter I. It was he who ordered to decorate their homes with a Christmas tree, as well as multi-colored ribbons and toys. The beloved tradition stuck in Soviet period: our grandparents decorated the windows with paper snowflakes, homemade fabric compositions, and painted with toothpaste on the glass.

Nowadays, “New Year’s” traditions have not changed, but have been supplemented with new ways of decoration. Today, to decorate windows for the New Year, you can:

  • purchase special paint for painting on glass, which is easily washed off after the celebrations;
  • buy thematic templates/stencils or download them for free from the Internet;
  • use original stickers and New Year's toys etc.

Paper window decorations

This is the most optimal method of decorating for the New Year: affordable and economical, but most importantly – as creative as possible and loved by children. The main thing is consistent adherence to the instructions. Popular solutions include: unique stencils, fancy garlands and, of course, nostalgic snowflakes!


You can make cardboard or paper stencils yourself, buy them at your local gift shop, or find them online. These New Year's elements will be an excellent decoration for a glazed balcony or loggia. Find the template you like, download it to your computer, print it on A4 and cut it out along the outline.

The finished paper image can be:

  • hang on a string in front of the window: you can tie the decoration to a curtain or curtain;
  • stick to glass: use ordinary soapy water (there are fewer problems with subsequent peeling off);
  • attach the stencil to the window and trace it with soap: then you can color the resulting image with paint or the same soap.

Fairy lights

Kids just love making these colorful snakes! However, it is best for parents to supervise the manufacturing technique. You will need:

  • multi-colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

The most simple technique. It is necessary to cut strips of the following parameters from colored paper: width – 1 cm, length – 12 mm. Glue rings from miniature strips, carefully threading one ring into the previous one.


A wonderful classic of the genre. Your child will be happy when you show him magical transformation a modest piece of paper into a fantastic snowflake. The technique for making different “snow” shapes is always the same: fold the template with the drawn lines (see diagram below) and carefully cut out the image along the contour. It is recommended to glue snowflakes to glass with ordinary soapy water.

It is best to use different stencils, in this case you will have a whole warehouse of snowflakes - unusual shapes and attractive patterns.

Painting the windows

A unique design on a New Year's window is a good tradition known to everyone. You just need to lightly touch the cold glass and decorate it with bright New Year's flowers how the room will become much warmer and more comfortable.
It’s easy to create an indescribable mood with the help of colorful compositions. Depending on what kind of images you want to obtain, you need to purchase various materials:

  • PVA glue: used as a complementary agent. Apply the contours of the design to the glass using glue and stick glitter and tinsel on it. The result is an unusually fluffy composition.

To decorate your home for the New Year, a variety of thematic designs and scenes are used. Most often depicted:

  • weightless snowflakes in white colors;
  • Snow Maiden and Father Frost;
  • an elegant Christmas tree decorated with lanterns;
  • painted sleigh and reindeer of Santa Claus;
  • colored toys and garlands.

However, only one New Year theme It's best not to limit yourself. A spectacular addition to the traditional composition will be:

  • funny faces;
  • forest animals;
  • houses with “warm” windows;
  • snowy landscapes;
  • heroes of children's fairy tales.

It would also be appropriate to use Christmas scenes:

  • angels;
  • candles;
  • gift packaging;
  • biblical theme.

Tip: Create New Year's drawings on windows in an “airy” and light format: do not overload the window with monochromatic colors. The exception is snowy landscapes– white color with the addition of one bright accent is appropriate here.

Necessary materials

  • brushes of various shapes;
  • scissors/stationery knife;
  • brush for cleaning teeth;
  • sticks and scrapers;
  • fabric (for washing);
  • jar for water.

Drawing technique

1. Having chosen the image you like, you need to print it in the form of a stencil. Using carbon paper, transfer the drawing onto whatman paper.

2. Cut out the composition along the contour. Attach the stencil to the window using soapy water

3. Trace the template with paint or paste. Wait until the paint dries and remove the stencil.

4. Draw the details with thin sticks and a brush, erase all excess.

To create a “fluffy” effect, you need to wet your toothbrush in ordinary water with the addition of a few drops of paint. After this, “shade” the paint with your fingers.

Note: To quickly dry the design, you can use a regular hairdryer: cold air and low flow.

"Toy" stained glass windows

Decorating windows for the New Year with toys is considered the most ancient and traditional way of New Year's decor. Shiny holiday balls, bright tinsel, toy animals, cotton wool figures - absolutely everything is suitable for this task.

Delight your baby with a wonderful composition from a fairy tale by decorating the nursery with plush characters. The windows in the living room can be decorated with fluffy rain, decorative candles, bells, New Year's lights, balls and Christmas wreaths, attaching them to the cornice.

How to decorate windows for the New Year using stencils video

In this section we invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article about Christmas decoration windows made of paper and drawings on glass. The video shows how you can decorate windows using stencils.

Window decoration for the New Year photo

Here we have selected for you several photographs illustrating window decoration for the New Year.

And yet, there is something pleasant in the hassle and preparation for the holiday! This is decorating the house, decorating the Christmas tree and the time when the whole family makes window decorations for the New Year 2019 with our own hands. Today we will talk about these troubles. And I have a gift for you - decorating ideas!

What are the main directions for holiday window decoration:

  • Snowflakes. (Wait, a separate article will be dedicated to snowflakes soon. To avoid missing it, subscribe right now in the box at the top - click “allow to send notifications”!).
  • Fairy lights.
  • New Year's paraphernalia.
  • Inscriptions, numbers and congratulations.
  • Pig stencils.
  • Scenes of Christmas and New Year.
  • Christmas decorations.
  • Wreaths.
  • Lamps on the windowsill.

All these areas offer many, many options. Today I'll give you some interesting ideas.

Deer, Christmas trees made of snowflakes

If you just get bored with snowflakes, then you can make a panel of snowflakes. Look how beautiful the deer and the Christmas tree are made of small and large snowflakes.

And here are some cute curtains made of snowflakes and silhouettes of cats

And here’s how unusually the scene was staged, the hut and the smoke from the chimney, decorated with snowflakes. Do you agree that snowflakes don’t look so boring?!

Hot glue snowflakes

I'll tell you in more detail later. Now there is one idea that, in the context of the whole topic, will show how beautiful this decoration looks and how quickly it can be made.

You will need:

  • Stencils;
  • Baking paper (or simple tracing paper);
  • Glue gun;
  • Scotch.

How to do:

  • Place tracing paper on the stencil.
  • Using a glue gun, repeat the contours of the snowflake on tracing paper.
  • Peel off the snowflake.
  • Secure the craft to the glass with tape.

Snowflakes turn out like crystal!

By the way, from snowflakes different forms and sizes you can make a pattern. For example, a Christmas tree or a snowflake covering the entire window. Stencils will help you - enlarge by clicking:


Inscriptions, numbers and congratulations

I will share an observation from the last New Year. Residents of one apartment posted the following wish on their window: “Everyone! Total!". You know, as they say, it’s a small thing, but it’s nice!

Congratulation templates:

Thin branches from the Christmas tree can be tied into a wreath. Decorate them with ribbons and toys. Glue cut-out pictures of your favorite children's characters. All! Original decor ready!


They create comfort. And if you come up with the right decor, then such lamps will become a real holiday decoration.

Balls in a vase with a garland:

Any vase will do. Transparent and patterned, thin and pot-bellied. Even simple bottle will do!

We select balloons of suitable size and color. We put them in a vase. And between them is a glowing garland.

Window sill decor

This video shows how to make artificial snow to decorate a window and a winter city to decorate a window sill)))
Templates for decoration from the video - enlarge by click.

If you want the whole house to look festive, fun and fabulous on the eve of some holiday or just to lift your spirits, you can decorate the windows with various stickers, garlands or draw frosty patterns on them.

The easiest and safest way to create patterns on windows is to apply them using toothpaste. Children can also be allowed to participate in this method of decoration - they will enjoy both the creative process and the result itself.

How to make patterns on windows

There are several ways to apply patterns on windows with toothpaste:

First way

  • Take pure white toothpaste and squeeze it onto your finger.
  • On a cleanly washed window, start drawing patterns with your finger. You can draw flowers, a snowman or flying snowflakes.
  • With this method, the lines of the drawing are uneven - at first wide and thick, and then thinner and more transparent. Keep this in mind when drawing.
  • This method is usually popular with young children - let little fingers dip into the paste and create their own design.

If you want the drawing to be more neat and beautiful, leave this method for drawing small parts(for example, the eyes of a snowman or toys on a Christmas tree) and use the following method.

Second way

  • Prepare a brush and a small bowl.
  • Squeeze the toothpaste into a bowl, mix it well and start creating a pattern on the window, first dipping a brush into the paste.
  • You can practice your drawing in advance by doing it on paper and then repeating it on glass.
  • To draw small details, use a thinner brush or your own finger.
  • If the toothpaste begins to dry out or becomes too thick during the creative process, add a little water to it.

If creativity and imagination are not your thing, move on to the next method of drawing patterns - use blanks.

Third way

Stock up on stencils of snowflakes, flowers or snowmen in advance - you can buy them ready-made or make them yourself by cutting out the necessary stencil from paper. Then prepare the following material:

  • Toothpaste;
  • sponge;
  • Spray bottle with water;
  • old toothbrush;
  • A clean cotton cloth;
  • A small container for pasta;
  • Deep container with water.


  1. Take three peas of toothpaste and mix it with one tablespoon of water. Knead everything thoroughly to the consistency of a clerical touch
  2. Dip the prepared snowflakes (or any other pattern stencil) one by one into a container of water, then shake the snowflake a little to get rid of excess droplets.
  3. Apply a little water from a spray bottle to the part of the window where the snowflakes do not stick well.
  4. Place the snowflake on the glass surface in the desired location. Blot the remaining water with a cotton cloth to avoid drips.
  5. Take a sponge and dip it in the toothpaste solution, and then apply it with light pressure to the balcony window in the part where the snowflake is located.
  6. Take a toothbrush and dip it thoroughly into the toothpaste solution. Bring the brush to the snowflake and flick it with your finger several times so that the splashes scatter all over the glass. Spray the entire snowflake along the contour in this way, filling all the internal cracks.
  7. Wait a while until the paste dries and carefully remove the stencil (snowflakes).

In the same way, you can create other designs: snow houses, stars, angels, bows, Christmas trees, etc.

  • In order to achieve a believable effect of natural snow, use only white paste, without adding colored particles.
  • If you use a stencil, make sure that it lies evenly on the glass - straighten all the corners and wrinkled parts of the design.
  • Experiment with a dry and wet sponge for drawing: a dry sponge will paint more, and a wet one will create a streaky effect.
  • For an additional design (Christmas tree, Santa Claus or stars), use a thin brush and colored toothpaste.
  • When you get tired of the pattern on the glass, you can easily wash off the toothpaste using regular products. This will even benefit the glass - the toothpaste will give it shine.

You can apply patterns with toothpaste not only to the window - paint your balcony door with them. This will create a large field for activity and the whole family can take part in it.