How to make the body plastic. Dynamic flexibility exercises


Dancing is the easiest and most enjoyable way to develop body mobility. Select one or more destinations that are close to you - modern dance, Latin American, strip plastic classes, Eastern dance etc. You must experience positive emotions, otherwise training will become a real torture. It is not at all necessary to practice dancing professional level– you can change your preferences, looking for loads that are acceptable to you. In order for you to be able to move freely and fluidly on the dance floor in a few weeks, two or three classes a week are enough.

Any stretching exercises will help make the body flexible - yoga, choreographic classes, etc. By stretching your body in various poses, you train your muscles and strengthen your joints. If you are not lazy and practice every other day, then in a couple of months you will be able to boast of the gracefulness of your movements. Yoga is suitable for those who do not like dancing - breathing practices, coupled with stretching exercises, will increase the body's endurance, strengthen muscle fibers, and help make the body elastic, flexible and slender.

Belly dancing is a great way to learn to move with grace, grace and flexibility. This kind physical activity does not overload the ankle or wrist joints, promotes the formation of seductive curves, and helps to master smooth and beautiful movements. Your gait will change and become lighter. This type of dance also has a healing effect, eliminating congestion in the pelvic organs.

Study at home on your own if you don't have the time or opportunity to attend. dance studio or the gym. Prepare an individual set of several exercises aimed at developing flexibility, stretching muscles and working out joints. This can be bending the body to the sides, forward and backward, lunges, rotational movements, stretching the muscles of the legs, arms, etc. To control the amplitude and correctness of individual movements, train in front of a mirror - you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of each training session.


  • How to be more flexible

Body language can tell a lot about its owner, and it’s good when body- absolutely. But it often happens that we are unhappy with our reflection in the mirror, and sometimes even feel awkward, and our body doesn't listen to us. To avoid this you just need to take care of yourself. Where to start? Initially, using standard examples, make your own body more flexible.


The easiest way to develop body abilities is modern dancing. Directions exist great amount(go-go/ sexy Style, hip-hop, latina Solo, strip-plastic, body-shake, dance-hall, stretching, RnB), and a style that matches your character is not difficult. This type is chosen by those who do not want to become attached to any specific dance trends. If you exercise at least three to four times a week, then very soon body will gain tone and become flexible, and you will feel more confident at any party.

You can achieve body plasticity through exercise classical choreography. Stretching at the barre, as well as a combination of various training exercises on the floor will help in short terms strengthen all muscle groups, and also make body more flexible and graceful.

For connoisseurs of calm, balanced rhythms, yoga is suitable. Measured and smooth movements will help activate the muscles, thereby stretching them and making them more flexible. This includes the whole system physical exercise, and in order to perform them you need to learn to breathe correctly in accordance with specific tasks. Only then will yoga take effect required action and will help the body become elastic.

One of the most effective ways do body capable of wriggling as well as a snake is belly dancing - a Western dance technique common in the Middle East and Arab countries. After all, the whole originality of this lies in its plasticity. Belly dancing, unlike other dances, does not put stress on ankle joints, and this good way modeling the figure and acquiring a flexible and plastic body.

If you want to achieve a beautiful body in, you can start doing a set of body exercises, developing joint mobility and ligament elasticity. The most important thing here is to show concentration and willpower. Such flexibility and stretching exercises can improve the mobility of the joints, and thereby promote their stretching. All exercises that help stretch muscles are suitable for this type of training. These can be bends, lunges, rotational movements.

Helpful advice

To achieve results, you need to train for at least three months.

Until recently, the country did not think about such a concept as femininity. For a long time V women's clothing The “unisex” style reigned, and women’s professions were masculine. But the era has changed, and again femininity in women is valued and extolled. And if you want to see a real man next to you, then you yourself need to try to become a real woman.


First of all, throw the trousers out of your wardrobe! A woman looks much more feminine and seductive in. Cross out “unisex” from your clothing style. Buy long skirts, tight-fitting dresses and translucent blouses for your wardrobe, and you will see how people turn around at you! And don't forget that on high heels the leg looks much sleeker, slimmer and longer. And also accessories that are not available, which is nice! Light scarves, earrings, bracelets, beads will make you unique and incredible.

It is important to look feminine at home too, which means you must forget about the habit of fitting into your favorite robe (save it for the bath) and slippers of an unknown size! At home, your loved ones are looking at you, all the more so you need to choose clothes that will especially highlight your advantages. But it’s quite difficult to see any dignity in a robe.

How to become flexible? This question worries thousands of girls all over the world, because good body contouring is needed not only by those who dance. It fills every movement with grace, your gait changes, and your well-being improves. And if you need to dance at a disco, you will feel more relaxed. To develop plasticity, you need to make an effort and allocate time to perform special exercises for stretching and flexibility. We will tell you how to become the owner of these qualities.

Many people, and even those who play sports, do not understand why they should take the time to stretch. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain the skeleton, prevent scoliosis and other diseases. If your muscles are developed, they function better. Secondly, you will gradually begin to notice that daily household stress has become easier for you to bear. Third, since flexibility is the degree of movement of joints, you increase your range of motion. Fourthly, flexible people do not begin to feel constrained even with age.

Now you understand that body flexibility needs to be developed. And it's best to do this with early age. Children are born very flexible, but over time they lose this quality. Therefore, try to maintain and develop body plasticity throughout your life. Don’t forget about such a concept as: the earlier you start playing sports, the better your physical shape will be by the time you cross the retirement line. For those who have never picked up a barbell, it is almost impossible to pump up after 50.

Types of stretching.

  • Static is a gentle stretching of the muscles, most suitable for beginners. The fixation time for one exercise is 20 seconds. Static stretching allows your muscles to relax and improves their flexibility. Best done after a full workout;

  • Dynamic - execution practical exercises in combination with stretching. By performing dynamic exercises, you gradually stretch your muscles, increasing the amplitude and speed of movement. The benefits of dynamic stretching are improved blood flow in the muscles, adaptation to training. The fixation time for one exercise is 1-2 seconds. Best done before training.

Rules for the development of plasticity.

To begin with, it is important to understand which joints should be mobile and which should remain stable. Thus, the knee and elbow joints, as well as the lumbar and cervical spine, must be strong and stable. But the ankle, hip, shoulder and wrist joints, and thoracic spine need to be developed.

It is important to always remember that before you start doing flexibility exercises at home, it is necessary to warm up the muscles. To do this, it is enough to do a classic warm-up, for example, perform side bends, rotations and swings of your arms, squats, etc.

If you are a beginner and just starting to improve your plasticity, then no need to exercise to the point of exhaustion and pain, especially if you are already 50 or older. This can cause overexertion or even injury. Try to always be relaxed, you can turn on pleasant music, select flexibility exercises for beginners. Remember that if your muscles are tense, you will not see results. However, age is far from being a barrier to exercise. So, at 75 years old.

The main principle of stretching- Perform all movements very slowly and smoothly. You need to stretch until you begin to feel tension in your muscles. Don't let sudden movements, this may cause injury. And after training, you can take a hot bath to relieve pain and tension.

You should exercise at least three times a week. However, if you know that your ligaments cannot be stretched as quickly as you would like, then perform the exercises every day. It is best to combine the development of plasticity with strength exercises and do them during training in between sets.

In addition to stretching exercises, you can start doing yoga or Pilates. If your goal is to make your movements more flexible, then you can dance in front of the mirror to your favorite music.

Exercises for plasticity and flexibility.

If you don’t have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to exercise or visit the fitness room, then exercise your body for at least 20-30 minutes a day. Developing flexibility for beginners will give real results, which can be assessed in 1-2 months if you perform the following exercises:

  • Stand straight, put one leg in front of you and squat as low as possible. Repeat the exercise 15 times, then change legs;
  • Raise your arms above your head and clasp them. Stretch up without lifting your heels from the floor;
  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Touch your palms to your toes without bending your knees. Do the exercise 20 times;
  • Lie on your back a few centimeters from the wall, lift your legs up so that your heels touch the wall. Gently spread your legs apart;
  • Stand on right leg, right hand Grasp the foot of your left leg and pull it to the side. Repeat the exercises 5 times, then change legs
  • Lie on the floor on your stomach. Hands on the floor at shoulder level. Raise your body and try to bend as much as possible.

Women's plastic arts - femininity and sexuality embodied in dance

Sports and dance have a lot in common, and their main feature is the beneficial effect on the body with regular training. But sometimes dance and sport combine, giving birth to new styles and trends that develop body plasticity, grace and sexuality. A striking example of this is female plastic surgery, which combines exercises for body plasticity, exercises to increase confidence and sexuality.

Women's plastic arts are dance lessons for girls and women who want to change themselves and reveal their femininity.

What is female plastic surgery?

It is difficult to come up with more exciting, beautiful and simply feminine dances than women's plastic dances. Today, women's plastic surgery is a combination of several classic and modern dance styles, which help a woman reveal her sexuality and femininity, and at the same time get her body in shape, develop body plasticity, and also gain self-confidence.

What dances for women are combined into female plastic surgery? Here you can see elements of sensual oriental and hot Latin American dances, gentle classical ballet and groovy jazz-modern, rhythmic modern choreography and frank strip plastic. From these styles, women's plastic surgery took all the best, unusual and interesting, and most importantly, everything that is beneficial.

The benefits of dancing for women are obvious; female plasticity is well characterized famous saying"seven troubles - one answer." How is this possible? Just ask yourself a few simple questions about your body, your sense of self, and your sexuality. For example, how to develop femininity? How to become elegant and feminine? Or how to become sexually attractive? How to become fragile and feminine? Finally, how to become flexible and flexible? The answer to all these and many other questions is one: take dance lessons for women, first of all – video lessons on female plastic surgery!

Video dance lessons for beginner girls and women from coach Firsova will teach you how to become feminine and attractive, how to become sexually attractive, how to become more flexible, how to gain confidence in yourself and your body, and also learn to attract the looks and attention of men. Catherine, presented in this course.

Development of femininity: Ekaterina Firsova tells and shows

the site presents to your attention a course of video lessons on female plastic surgery for beginner girls and women of all ages. The lessons are taught by trainer Ekaterina Firsova, who has many years of experience in various areas of fitness. Dancing classes for women and girls will help you master the subtleties and secrets of female plasticity, and most importantly, understand how to become more feminine, more flexible and sexier in dance and in life.

The course consists of 12 video lessons from which you will learn how to become feminine, change your body and increase self-esteem. You will learn the basics of dancing sexy women, and learn the secrets of expression female sexuality through movement to music.

The women's plastic arts course is dance (training) for girls and women of all ages. The main thing here is to have a desire to learn how to become elegant and feminine, and learn how to pleasantly surprise men. If you have decided “I want to become feminine!”, then female plastic surgery is for you!

What results will video dance lessons for women lead to?

We have said many times that the women's plastics course will teach you how to become feminine, sexy and flexible, but this is only one side of this dance direction. After completing the entire course of 12 video lessons presented on the site, you will get several results:

You will be able to correct your figure, emphasizing its advantages, because women's plastic arts are dances for the figure, they affect all muscle groups, and in terms of the strength of their impact they can compete with traditional areas of fitness;

You will understand how to become a more feminine girl - this is especially important for young girls who are embarrassed about themselves and their bodies, and feel insecure;

You will learn how to surprise your spouse, and how to become sexy for your husband - your man will see you in a new light, and you will be surprised that married life, even after many years, can be so bright and eventful!

Develop self-confidence, believe in your sexuality and attractiveness - this is the first and very important step to the success that any woman can achieve;

You will be able to relax and get incredible pleasure from dancing, from the magnificence of your body and the atmosphere created by rhythmic music and dance moves.

How to become plastic, how to become sexy, feminine and self-confident - this is what Ekaterina Firsova teaches in video lessons on female plastic surgery. This is useful and very nice! Try it now and enjoy truly feminine dancing.

IMPORTANT!!! Subscription gives access to all directions and video lessons on the site!




Lesson 1 (free)

Watch online video lesson

The first lesson in the field of female plastic surgery.

Learning to feel your body. We master: waves, chest movements, head rotations, hip movements. Perform the movements to the best of your physical capabilities.

Lesson 2 (free)

Watch online video lesson

Let's move on to the second lesson and learn new dance moves. As always, we use all parts of our body (from head to toe), dance on the ground and learn a new dance sequence!

Practice combinations of movements even after watching the lesson until you achieve a good result.

Pay attention to the details, the positions of the arms, hands, and head, as Ekaterina shows, in order to hone all movements to perfection, because this course with Ekaterina Firsova is for you, dear girls!

Lesson 3 ()

Available by subscription

In the third lesson we pay special attention to dancing on the ground, it is very feminine, sexy and always charms men.

You have already mastered the first lessons and we can move on to more fast pace in dance. Try to dance all the movements shown by Ekaterina, even at a fast pace; do not “eat up” the movements, but dance to their full amplitude.

In this case, the combinations will look very beautiful!

Enjoy every moment!

Lesson 4 ()

Available by subscription

For the male half, your gait should be simply mesmerizing and stunning.

That's why!!!

We work on our gait, learn to walk beautifully and confidently.

We feel our flexible body like a cat, and dance a new and beautiful sequence on the ground.

Lesson 5 (New Year's Edition)

Happy New Year!

Dear lovely girls!

We have prepared a New Year's edition especially for you.

Charge yourself with a good mood, please your loved ones and your beloved man with a beautiful, attractive, magical and of course New Year's dance!

Happy New Year!

Lesson 6

Available by subscription

Sixth lesson. You are no longer a beginner, you have completed the first part of the lessons.

Try to pay more attention to details when practicing movements (look, position of arms, hands, fingers).

Try to perform all movements in the full amplitude indicated by Ekaterina.

In this lesson we will pay special attention to rotations and deflections. Watch your breathing while dancing, this is important!

Have a good mood let's go!!!

Lesson 7

Available by subscription

New lesson on female plastic surgery.

You've probably already noticed that you've begun to master new movements and combinations faster. Well done! Just don't forget about the details of each movement.

We continue to study our body. We're warming up most Let's focus on the hips (rotations, figure eights), thereby preparing our muscles for more complex combinations.

Head swings, graceful waves, ground work…. We are sure. All these movements performed by you will win the heart of a man.

Lesson 8

Available by subscription

Let's move on to 8 (the eighth lesson on female plastic surgery).

We practice “isolation” on the ground, learn to dance separately with the hips, separately with the chest and combine these movements into a beautiful combination.

We are mastering not simple, but very feminine and beautiful dance to the blues

Lesson 9

Available by subscription

We continue to learn a dance routine to the blues. Special attention We pay attention to the movement of the hips and shoulders.

Plastic movements hips is not just about working with grace, but also one of the foundations of any spectacular dance movement.

From a physiological point of view, accurate and Attentive attitude to hip movements during exercise, allows you to get rid of muscle tension in hip joint.

Over time, even your gait will change.

To all fans dance art This dance is known as strip plastic. Many people mistakenly believe that only this style exists, ignoring the dance called “plastic”. Of course, plastic arts cannot be fully classified as an independent movement, but dance still has all the makings of becoming a unique phenomenon.

What is plastic?

IN currently Plastic is not really a dance; rather, it is an important component of many modern dance styles. Plastic is widely used in styles such as hip-hop, locking, and popping. These dances can be attributed to the directions that are most saturated with its elements. IN last years in almost every dance school plastic arts began to be taught as a separate discipline. Moreover, in such classes attention is paid not only to the study of independent elements of this new style, but also to the application of the concept of plasticity in other dances.

Plasticity as the main instrument of improvisation in dance

Plastic due to its creative basis It is considered one of the main instruments of improvisation. This is a powerful way to transform the most common dance with simple movements into something more interesting and exciting. By reproducing an ordinary dance element using plastic techniques, the dance will immediately take on a unique shape. It is worth noting that with the help of plastics, improvisation can become a simpler phenomenon, and its use will look natural for any dancer.

At the moment, plastic as a dance direction is not sufficiently formed to be called independent style. However, those elements that are used in many directions give the right to talk about this technique as an important part of most modern dances.