How to quickly learn to dance club dances for men. Self-study tutorial

People often pay attention to the opinions of others. It seems to them that if something doesn’t work out for them, they will be judged and discussed. This also applies to the ability to dance. Many people do not go to study at a dance studio only because they are afraid of looking funny, or because they believe that their age or physique does not allow them to attend such events. This is a big misconception!

Don't despair. Beginning amateurs can learn to dance beautifully at home, on their own. We will tell and show you how to do this.

What does dance give?

There are many benefits to dancing:

  • the ability to maintain physical fitness;
  • maintaining optimal weight;
  • new acquaintances, communication;
  • good mood.

If you have a desire, do it. Start with simple recommendations for beginners who will read and see on this page.

Where to begin?

So, you have decided to learn dancing at home. How to learn to dance at home, where is the best place to start?

There are many tutorials and tutorials available to help beginners learn to dance at home. But they are unlikely to help - you need practice. You can consult with friends, acquaintances, watch the performances of professionals.

In order to learn to dance at home, first decide which dances you like best. Focus on a specific style. This is important because different dance styles require a specific image.

Some people like fast, fiery Latin American dances, others will choose smooth, mysterious iconic Indian movements. Many people prefer the waltz as a classic. There are many options, so try to find yours.

First of all, stop being ashamed of yourself at home. Many people are ashamed of even their reflection in the mirror. Understand that you are doing this only for yourself, no one sees you and the first, awkward movements will remain alone with you.

You need to choose a certain style according to your temperament. Once the style is chosen, try to choose a suit for home activities. This is necessary to fully match the image.

Don't worry that you don't have a partner for the waltz yet - one will appear over time.

To learn how to dance at home for beginners, we can recommend educational video courses. Remember different techniques, try to repeat them, listen to music, feel the rhythm of the dance.

Most important point from the beginning of learning at home - to open up to yourself. You decided to learn first of all for yourself. When you realize that you are no longer ashamed of your own reflection in the mirror, you can proceed to the next stage.

Before classes, beginners can be advised to do a regular physical exercise warm-up. Warm up your muscles to avoid strain from sudden movements.

Basic Lessons

It is possible to learn to dance at home. Try hip-hop, tectonics, break dancing, strip dance. Let's dwell on street dancing, which are easier to start with:

  • street dance Professional movements are not necessary here. You can mix different directions and add some tricks of your own. Use a combination of rhythmic, sharp and smooth movements. Be yourself, relax, show your imagination;
  • listen to the music, follow its rhythm. This is the secret of street tricks;
  • Street dancing does not require consistency and certainty in movements. You dance, improvise on the go;
  • When dancing, don't forget about your hands - they also participate.

For those who want to master basic movements and learn how to dance beautifully at home, there are video lessons offered below.

Don't forget to choose music that matches the dance.

You can choose any dance direction, which you like. The main thing is that it matches your mood and desires. Get started - you won’t notice how you will begin to feel more confident at various clubs and corporate parties, and gradually learn.

Man dancing

There is an opinion that only girls need dancing skills. This is wrong, because in this way a man can interest the girl he likes, express his mood and emotions. How can a man learn to dance beautifully at home?

You can again turn to friends, or watch them at a club or at a party. Watch more dance video lessons. To learn to dance, you need more trials and practice. Start your day with music and dance moves in front of the mirror. Learning to dance for a guy is not as difficult as it seems.

Many guys like to dance while brushing their teeth or cooking something. Use these techniques in club dances! Not much in discos and clubs professional dancers. Young people improvise more. Knowing a few basic dance techniques for beginners, you can safely go dancing.

Style without limits

Hip-hop - modern style, suitable for absolutely young girls. This cool dance for girls is not at all difficult to learn at home.

The main thing in this style is to attract attention. If there is a sense of rhythm, a love of music, and a desire to please others, then there will be no problems for beginners.

Learning the techniques will bring a lot of pleasure and lift your spirits. You can watch the video on how to learn how to dance hip-hop beautifully at home.


  1. Explore different styles. This is interesting. Dance provides an opportunity for positive communication, regardless of age.
  2. Once you learn to dance, you can get acquainted with different people, communicate with them without hesitation. Dance other than pleasant physical activity you get a wonderful mood.
  3. Any movement begins with a warm-up. And this is already the first, easy exercise.

You understand how cool it is to learn to dance at home. Having mastered the basic dance moves, you can surprise your friends, do something nice for your loved one. And dancing has only a positive effect on your overall well-being.

Everyone dances a little at home without even noticing it. While standing under the shower, you can hum and dance. Don't just stand there while you make your morning coffee - turn on the music, do smooth movements. Trust your movements to the mirror more often. This is already the beginning of self-learning dance techniques.

Video lessons

Learning basic dance moves for beginners is easy, thanks to clear video tutorials. The main thing is to honestly assess your capabilities and choose the appropriate dance style. Some areas are too complex and not suitable for beginners, so before starting your first lesson, you should carefully study what types of dance exist and which one is right for you.

Club dance go-go

Go-go dance originated in the 60s of the last century in American nightclubs. Initially, it was based on the dance movements of the twist, which the girls performed right on the tables. Then the owners of one of the clubs thought of placing the dancers in cages suspended from the ceiling, and thanks to this technique Go-Go dancing became incredibly popular: refined and sensual movements attracted people to the club great amount visitors.

This dance requires performers to have great physical strength, significant flexibility, looseness and an impeccable sense of rhythm. It is usually performed to modern pop music and includes many various styles such as strip dancing, hip-hop, twerk and others. It will not be easy for beginners to master this dance from scratch, but it is still worth a try. The advantage of go-go is that dancers are allowed to improvise, and there are no clear rules by which movements are judged.

The group of Latin American dances includes the famous salsa, rumba, bachata, cha-cha-cha, merengue. This direction is perfect for beginners; simple ones are easy for beginners to master; they allow you to develop special grace, sensuality and plasticity. Thanks to the video lesson, you can learn to dance beautifully on your own and after just a few lessons you can shine on the dance floor!

Latin American dances are based on passionate, energetic hip movements, relaxed and free, with a straight, proud posture and a high chin. It is important to note that all steps are performed with bent legs. This direction requires good physical training, so beginners should not expect lightning-fast results, but perseverance will definitely bear fruit.


It's beautiful and passionate dance, which is usually performed in pairs. There are several varieties of tango: Argentine, Finnish and ballroom. The first option is the most popular, and the last one, ballroom, is often chosen as wedding dance happy couple.

Master basic steps And even beginners can take positions, but in order to master true mastery, you will have to work hard. The dance moves for beginners are easy to remember, and the couple always moves counterclockwise.

One of the most popular trends for girls is oriental dancing, as the movements are very simple and beautiful, helping to relax and awaken sensuality. Belly dancing is much simpler than strip dancing, it does not require physical training and special flexibility, so you can master it in the most short time.

Initially, this ancient dance was performed by concubines for their master, but today it is danced even in discos. Basic movements Belly dancing for beginners includes swaying the hips, soft movements of the arms and chest. The video tutorial will allow you to learn how to move rhythmically and beautifully.

To learn to dance, you need to overcome embarrassment and your own laziness. Thanks to simple video training, beginners can try themselves in different directions and choose exactly the one that works best and delivers greatest pleasure. Basic dance movements for beginners are easy to learn, and regular lessons will allow you to achieve the desired level of skill.

Dancing isn't just about showing off at a party in front of friends and attractive strangers. They develop plasticity and grace, teach you to move beautifully and harmoniously in any situation, and not just by performing intricate steps. U dancing people often has a cool gait and an attractive figure. It’s also an excellent and, most importantly, non-boring aerobic exercise. Dancing is emotions and drive!

Our video review today is dedicated to how to quickly learn to dance and what can be found on the Internet to achieve this goal.

Dance lessons for beginners, as we found out, quite a lot popular topic We found a lot of useful material on the Internet. We have selected the best.

How to combine dance moves

The first lesson in our review is a very useful and accessible lesson for beginners, answering one of the main dance questions: “How to harmoniously combine dance movements?” The connectedness of various movements distinguishes dance from fitness or aerobics.

Have you heard the phrase “He doesn’t dance, he plays sports!”? This is a situation where a person seems to be making movements and in themselves they look good, but they are not connected with each other, there is no single narrative...

Salsa for Beginners: Basic Steps and Turns

Salsa - fiery latin dance. Like all of them, it will make your figure and movements sexy and beautiful.

This is a very simple and easy to follow lesson for beginners that will teach you some of the basic moves of this dance. If you like it, you can always continue by enrolling in a studio where Latin American dances are taught.

Wave with your hands

In this lesson you will learn a new hand movement. It’s only at first that it seems difficult to wave with your hands. With clear instructions and a little practice, you'll feel like you have the ability to dance.

Gypsy dance lesson from Venus Ferari

Gypsy dance is fire and passion, long skirts, beautiful movements and a rich centuries-old history.

Video lesson: Michael Jackson's side gait

Michael Jackson is the king, and it doesn't matter whether he's alive or dead! The way he danced, no one had danced before him and it is unlikely that anyone will dance after him. He created his own unique and spectacular dance style and gained a huge number of imitators and fans.

After watching this video lesson, you will learn how to perform one of his most famous movements.

Video tutorial: Michael Jackson Moonwalk (glide)

And finally, legendary!

Many people would like to learn to dance so that they can always be the center of attention on any dance floor. However, not everyone can afford to attend schools or dance master classes. Don’t be discouraged because of this, because learning to dance modern dances at home for free is quite possible, the main thing is to put in maximum effort and diligence.

Dancing is not just a fun activity. They benefit human health. With their help you can:

  • Improve heart function;
  • Improve the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • Correct your posture;
  • Adjust weight;
  • Normalize the condition of some gynecological diseases;
  • Improve psychological state;
  • Increase self-esteem;
  • Improve the skeletal system;
  • Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Benefits of learning dance at home

In order to learn to dance at home, you need to analyze the pros and cons homeschooling dance art. Home dance training is absolutely free. You just need to have the desire, time and internet to watch video lessons.

You will be able to study different directions and styles at any time. In group classes, this opportunity is usually not available. If, for example, you signed up for “hip-hop” and at some point realized that this is absolutely not your thing, you will either have to say goodbye to the money spent on the subscription and stop going to dances, or continue to study simply because everything is paid for, not because it brings pleasure.

Home dance training will help you decide whether this is really what you need, and then you can safely purchase a subscription to a dance school without worrying that money is being wasted.

If you are shy, then group classes are definitely not for you. At large quantities strangers, you will most likely feel constrained, and due to stiffness you will not be able to properly perform the dance movements. At home, you are left to your own devices, you can move as you wish, practicing the movements as many times as necessary.

The main disadvantage of learning to dance at home is that you will have to deal with all the difficulties personally. No one will help you dance if you can’t perform a certain movement. There will be no one to explain the nuances and tell the tricks. However, this is not a good reason to give up on your dreams. Remember - everything comes with experience, and everything that you can’t dance right away will definitely work out over time.

Where to start learning?

I want to learn to dance, but I don’t have the slightest idea where to start - this is exactly the thought that spins in the head of every person who has not danced before.
Don't be nervous about this. First you need to equip the room in which you will study.

Decide on the room and clear it of unnecessary furniture. The more free space there is, the more comfortable it will be to dance. It is advisable that the coating in the room be slippery, as it is more convenient to perform some elements on it. It’s great if you have laminate or linoleum on the floor, but it’s better to roll up the carpet and put it aside.

Very important element There is a mirror in the dance room, since you need to see yourself during training in order to understand which movements you are not quite doing well. If you don’t have a mirror, you can record your workouts on video. This way you can analyze your actions. Well last element dance rooms - computer or laptop. With this technique, you will watch video lessons and your recorded workouts.

After these preparations are completed, you should think about clothes. A professional feels comfortable in any outfit, but a beginner will not be able to dance well in an inappropriate costume. It is best to choose a T-shirt with leggings or shorts, in which you can see the movements of your legs.
Don't forget to do a light warm-up before each session.

How to choose the right direction?

Choice of direction – no less important step preparation. There are many different styles and dance styles. Let's look at the most popular of them.

  • Strip of plastic. You should start with it, because today it is the most popular look dancing among girls. This direction includes acrobatic elements, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to dance right away. However, after some preparation you will certainly be able to master the basics. Speaking about special training, we are talking about the fact that at first you will have to focus not on movements, but on stretching. Someone will most likely now think about how to learn to dance this erotic dance at home, because it’s unlikely that anyone has a pylon installed at home. Well, firstly, a pylon in an apartment can be found more often than you think. And secondly, try to first prepare your body for classes - stretch your body properly, study the main ligaments that are performed on the floor, develop sexuality in your movements. After this you can already visit the school-studio Pole Dance and dance on the pole there.
  • Eastern. Many women dream of dancing for their man. East Dance, but how to learn to dance at home? You can easily learn the basic elements on your own, and master more complex ones over time. If, after a while, you can’t dance as you would like, you can turn to a professional for help so that he can advise you and correct possible mistakes.
  • Go go. Almost the same popular destination, like Pole Dance. If you learn to dance this style, you will surely be the center of attention on any dance floor. The main condition of this style is to be in constant motion and improvise. There are no prepared ligaments and complex movements. Therefore, there will be no difficulties for beginners in learning how to dance at home.


Initially, it is better to exercise at least 3 times a week for 1.5 hours. Start classes with the simplest connections, gradually complicating the task. Additionally, feel free to practice new moves at night discos. Remember, if you want, you can dance anywhere, anywhere. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to dance to your friends or relatives so that they can evaluate your successes and, if necessary, make comments, because from the outside you always know better. Start each workout with a warm-up, try to regularly learn new movements.

By following all these rules, you will soon see progress in this, at first glance, difficult matter.

Many people want to dance in a club in such a way as to attract attention, but ridiculous twitching instead only causes giggles.

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We'll provide you with some tricks successful dance in the club, we’ll go over the most important dance moves and help you navigate the rhythm of club life.

How to dance club dances?

Club dancing is an unusual mixture of many dance styles, corresponding to a nuclear cocktail of musical styles. The set of movements is universal and you don’t have to get confused when choosing a dance that matches the music. It’s enough just to imagine what musical styles their fusion gave birth to club music. There is hip-hop, reggae, funk and many others.

Before we talk about how easy it is to learn club dancing, we need to find out why you need it. If in order to feel natural, just look at the video reports and you will never feel out of place again. If club dancing attract you from a professional point of view, it is better to contact a dance school.

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Before enrolling in such a school, collect all the information about it, because education is expensive, and you always have a choice. Look for reviews about the school, find out in what areas and how long it has been operating, and also whether there is a first free lesson, because the way teachers teach also plays an important role.

You can also learn club dancing at home. To do this, you first need to choose the right outfit. Clothes should not restrict movement, but should be simple and comfortable.

You can learn to dance club dances at home using video lessons, of which there are many on the Internet on torrents and other resources. You can also see some of them at the end of this article.

There are lessons that cover the basics. Here, any movement is mastered easily and quickly, and you will have to learn them on your own.

For example, one of these training materials contains 30 lessons and is commented by a professional choreographer who explains the intricacies. It is believed that after this course you can become a professional in club dancing.

True, there is one subtlety. To feel like a fish out of water on the dance floor, you need to appear there and correct your studio or home experiences with practical exercises.

Video lessons