Psychological games in the lives of adults. Psychological games at a corporate party

Exercise “Turning Problems into Goals”

Goal: to identify the problems that students have when interacting with the social environment and reformulate them into goals.

Number of participants: 15-20 people.

Time: 30-45 minutes.

Material support: pens, writing paper, questions for each participant.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites students to make a list of problems that they would like to resolve as quickly as possible.

The following questions can help them create a list of problems:

1.What do I really want to do, have, achieve?

2.What else can give me pleasure?

3. In what areas of life would I like to improve my abilities?

4.What has been on my mind lately, worried me, or made me angry?

5.What do I complain about most often?

6.What will cause me the most trouble?

7.What makes me feel anxious or tense? What makes me feel comfortable?

8.What frustrates me most?

9.What has started to irritate me lately?

10.What would I like to change in my attitude towards myself?

11.What do I need to change in myself?

12.What takes me too long?

13.What is very difficult for me to do? What do I get tired of quickly?

14.How could I manage my time better?

15.How could I spend my money more wisely?

Students then select and describe the problem they would like to solve first and present it as objectively as possible.

After describing the problem, participants formulate a goal that they could achieve and answer the following question: “What do I need to do to make my problem cease to exist, or at least become less acute?”

Exercise “Complete the phrase”

Goal: to identify existing ideas on the topic under discussion; analyze the experience of interaction with the social environment.

Time: 20 minutes.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites students to complete a series of phrases related to the topic or content, atmosphere, and organization of interaction.

The teacher can ask students to complete the following phrases:

- “I think that a true friend...”;

- “The students with whom I study...”;

- “My interaction strengths are...”;

- “In the process of interaction with people...”;

- “By the attitude of a person to a person one can judge ...”, etc.

The method is implemented as follows: the teacher pronounces an unfinished phrase and points to the participant, whom he invites to complete it. A teacher can address two or three students with the same phrase. It is advisable for everyone to complete at least one phrase.

Exercise "Contacts"

Goal: develop the ability to establish and maintain contacts with people.

Time: 30-60 minutes.

Number of participants: up to 15 people.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites students to role-play some situations.

Example situations:

“In front of you is a person whom you see for the first time, but you really liked him and made you want to get to know him. You think for a while and then turn to him. The time to establish contact, greet and conduct a conversation is 2-3 minutes.”

Then, at the teacher’s signal, students must finish the conversation they started within 1 minute, say goodbye and move to the right to the new participant.

These rules also apply to the following situations:

“In a subway car, you accidentally found yourself next to a fairly famous film actor. You adore him, and of course you would like to talk to him. It’s such luck.” The role of the actor is played by students sitting in the inner circle.

“You need a fairly large amount of money. You need to talk to your parents. And so you approached your father (mother).”

“You found out that one of your friends spoke badly about you in an informal setting. We need to talk to him. Of course, this is not very pleasant, but it is better to find out everything right away than to speculate and worry about it. The opportunity presented itself: you are alone, there is no one nearby.”


The teacher should draw the attention of all participants to how they make contact, start the meeting, what techniques and methods of communication they use, how they maintain the conversation and end the conversation;

After the next change of partners, setting the situation, the teacher determines specific roles for each circle. For example, in the outer circle participants play the role of parents, in the inner circle they play the role of children;

The teacher’s task in this exercise is to select situations that make it interesting to solve the problem.

Role-playing game “Children-goats”

Goal: to determine successful interaction behavior strategies.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher reminds students of an old fairy tale about a wolf and seven kids, and then distributes roles among the participants.

The group is divided into two parts: some play the role of “kids-experts”, others – “challengers”, trying to convince the “kids” of their trustworthiness.

The task of the “kids” is to understand, in a dialogue with the applicant to get into their house, whether this unknown person is really who he claims to be, or whether he is a “wolf”. From several applicants, the “kids” must choose those who actually received the role of “mother-goat”, “brother”, “uncle-goat” and other non-bloodthirsty relatives.

“Challengers” have hidden tasks not to forget that they are “wolves”, “foxes”, “tigers”, etc.

However, these tasks must be hidden from the “little goats”. Each “applicant” must inform his colleagues about his chosen image.

In order to convince the “kids” of their trustworthiness, a fixed time is given. The “challenger” can say and do whatever he wants, the “kids” can also talk to him and among themselves on any topic. After a given time, the “goats” will decide whether the “applicant” can be allowed into the house. In any case, the “challenger” does not reveal his role until the end of the game.

Discussion of the results of the game.

"Challengers" reveal their roles. First, those who received a refusal share their impressions. The actions of those who have achieved success are then discussed.

Game "Pea King".

Goal: develop communication skills; develop speech; create a favorable atmosphere.

Number of participants: up to 20 people.

Time: up to 30 minutes.

Material support: peas (5 pieces for each participant).

Progress of the lesson:

Each student is given five peas. Students walk around the classroom and engage in conversation with each other. When meeting, they need to take turns asking each other such questions so that in response they hear the word “Yes” or “No”.

If the student answering the question says one of these words, then he gives one pea to the interlocutor. After that, they disperse and look for next partners to talk with.

Whoever runs out of peas drops out of communication. Whoever has the largest number of peas after completion is the “Pea King.”

When interacting, students must follow the following rules:

You can't be silent;

You cannot avoid contact and avoid the question.

Empty Chair Method

Goal: to expand students’ understanding of the topic under discussion; pay attention to the diversity of opinions and points of view on the proposed topic; develop students’ ability to make choices and justify them.

Number of participants: up to 25 people.

Time: 40-50 minutes.

Material support: sheets of paper with written abstracts.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher chooses a topic, prepares 4 statements representing different points of view on the issue under discussion and arranges the furniture in a circle. Each statement is written down on a separate large sheet of paper and placed on the floor, forming a circle. All students stand up and, moving from sheet to sheet, become familiar with the content of the statements. Then each of them chooses the statement with which they agree and sits down next to it. Thus, small groups are created for discussion.

Each group discusses the content of the statement for 10-15 minutes, recording the arguments supporting its choice.

After discussion in small groups, one chair is placed in front of each of them, on which a group representative sits to express a jointly developed opinion on the topic under discussion and begin a discussion. Speech time is 2-3 minutes.

Having completed his performance, he returns to the small group. Each student can continue the discussion by expressing his opinion, supporting the group's position with arguments, or highlighting inaccuracies in previous introductions. In order to join the discussion, he must take the empty chair in front of his small group. A student may only occupy an empty chair once.

The teacher ends the discussion 5 minutes before the end of the lesson to summarize the work of the groups.


The number of statements should not exceed four;

If students have difficulty determining their position, the teacher can offer to choose the statement that is consistent with his beliefs;

If there are a large number of students in small groups and the active participation of all team members is desired, the teacher can limit the time the team representatives speak.

Exercise “Bad - Good”

Goal: to develop the ability to objectively assess the interaction situation.

Number of participants: up to 25 people.

Materials: writing paper, pens.

Progress of the lesson:

Each student receives a piece of paper and a pen.

The teacher invites students to remember a problem, a situation that worries them (for example, passing exams, an unpleasant conversation, etc.).

Students divide the paper into two halves. On the left they write down 10 positions-aspects of a life problem that have negative consequences for them, on the right side - 10 positions in which the positive aspects of this situation are noted.

When discussing the exercise, the teacher shows that in every life situation it is necessary to be able to find positive aspects, thereby maintaining composure and calm.

Exercise “Three Answers”

Goal: to develop the ability to determine an adequate way of behavior during interaction.

Number of people: up to 15 students.

Time: 30-50 minutes.

Progress of the lesson:

Each student comes up with a situation in which he has to respond to an imaginary interlocutor. He tells the group this situation, and then demonstrates three possible answers. One of the options should demonstrate confident behavior, the second - aggressive, assertive, offensive, the third - insecure.

All three options are shown without prior warning about which particular option is about to be shown. After the display, the group reports their impressions of what they heard and saw.

1. Tickets are checked on the bus. For some reason you don't have a ticket. The controller approaches you. You tell him...

2. Your neighbor's dog ruined your rug. You ring your neighbor's doorbell. He appears on the threshold. You tell him...

3.The teacher asks you a question that you listened to. You answer him...

4. A group of young cheerful people in the cinema disturbs you with loud conversation. You contact them...

5. Your neighbor insists that you switch the TV to another program, where a serial film is on (a sports program), and you watch what you like. You tell him...

6. Your friend did not give you the borrowed money on time. You speak…

7. In the clinic, some guy rushes to see the doctor out of turn. Everyone is silent. You speak…

8.Parents ask you to go to the store. Are you tired. You tell them...

Exercise “Step towards”

Goal: to develop students’ ability to give a compliment and say pleasant things.

Number of participants: up to 15-20 people.

Time: 30-40 minutes.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks two students (this is important in this case) to go to the board and face each other from different sides.

Then the teacher gives them the following task: take a step towards each other and say something nice. Students walk until they are close to each other.


Usually the task itself causes laughter among those present and confusion among those standing in front of the audience.

Sometimes one of the students suggests: “Ask them to say unpleasant things, they will go faster.” After this remark, the teacher needs to ask all students to analyze what they saw and heard.

Dear visitors to the psychological help site, today you will find out what it really is psychological games in the lives of adults.

Please note right away that these are not those psychological games, or in general games that delight children in the sandbox and adults in entertainment and pastime. These are socio-psychological, role-playing, mostly unconscious by the players themselves, often destructive, dramatic, and sometimes tragic games that adults play - often their entire lives.

Psychological games that adults play almost their entire lives

About Games People Play wrote, back in the last century, in his psychoanalytic bestseller of the same name, the famous Canadian-American psychotherapist and scientist, founder of transactional analysis and psychotherapy, Eric Berne.
(see analysis of the psychological game in the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” or “Cinderella”)

The essence psychological games played by adults in that the gaming, often dishonest and hidden process of communication and interpersonal interactions brings some, sometimes unconscious, social, emotional-psychological, and even biological benefits (a certain “winning”) to the participants in the game.

In other words, gaming relationships (psychological games in relationships) satisfy many innate human needs. Namely: psychological, emotional, biological and social.

Of course, a person, like any other highly developed animal, could satisfy his natural needs in a normal, honest, direct and natural way, without resorting to psychological games, various tricks and deceptions.

But man is a social being, and most of the laws of nature belittle and trample upon society: norms and rules of morality, ethics and public opinion, methods of survival, creating stereotypes of thinking and behavior.

Psychological games are learned in childhood

Pay attention to a very small child - he is natural, natural, real. He doesn’t yet need psychological games...he satisfies all his needs directly, simply and nature intended.

If a child wants to eat, he asks (for example, he cries, and calms down when he receives food).
If a baby wants to communicate with his mother, he shows it with all his appearance.
If he is scared, hurt or sad, then you can easily notice this too...
If he feels good and has fun, he smiles and rejoices...

But as the child develops, is raised and socialized, he learns the rules of behavior in society, and at the same time psychological games. Most of these rules are unwritten, so the child is taught, mostly non-verbally (without words) and unconsciously, by the parents themselves.

The child simply “stupidly” (without realizing it) copies from his parents and absorbs all these rules of behavior and survival in society. He learns not to be himself, he learns to wear a social mask and play psychological games.

Then, already in adulthood, this unnaturalness in relationships, these unconscious psychological games learned in childhood in people’s relationships will cause many problems for a person. Starting from intrapersonal conflicts, misunderstanding of oneself and internal psychological problems (neuroses, phobias...), and ending with problems in interpersonal relationships (in the family, in the team, in business...).

Of course, it’s different for everyone - who is “lucky” with their parents and educators; who has a programmed life scenario, precisely based on family psychological games.

A typical family psychological game, played by roles, according to the Karpman triangle, is described in the article Problems in People's Relationships.

Why do people play psychological games - read more

As mentioned above, people play psychological games to obtain benefits (relatively speaking, “winning”), i.e. to satisfy their needs, which they have forgotten how to satisfy naturally.

Psychological benefits of playing:
Everyone has a need for psychological safety and security. With the help of psychological games (similar to psychological defenses), a person tries to avoid stressful situations and maintain his mental stability.

However, such games usually lead to the opposite.

Emotional benefits from gaming:
Every person needs emotional exchange. And if he was taught as a child to exchange emotions through games, then he can become an emotional (energy) vampire. This will suck all the emotional energy out of you, if you are in the game, leading you to depression, neurosis or psychosis.

Biological benefits of play:
People need physical contacts to survive: hugs, caresses, kisses... stroking... if a person does not know how to exchange them naturally, then he resorts to games. And in the game, such contacts can also be negative, for example, beatings...kicks, etc. What is subconsciously perceived by some people, for example hidden or overt masochists, as satisfying the need for physical contact.

From here you can see people who seem to be asking for kicks (even verbal ones), for example, wives who subconsciously choose a tyrant husband who will beat and humiliate her. In fact, this is an unconscious game.

Social benefits of gaming:
A person needs to completely occupy his time, structure it, otherwise he will either go crazy or die of boredom (literally).
Also, people are social animals, and they need communication with their own kind.

Destructive psychological games

Most of the unconscious or partially conscious psychological games in relationships and interactions between people are destructive for all participants.

Eric Berne and his followers described many games that adults play. All of them are divided into categories. Briefly about them...

Games with yourself
For example, when a person deceives himself...promises himself something (quit smoking, start a new life on Monday, etc.), but does not fulfill it, inventing a bunch of excuses for himself...

Family and matrimonial games
For example, when a wife plays the Victim, enduring beatings and bullying from her husband, and then switches to the Persecutor, turning her husband into a Victim - turning him over to the police...

Or, for example, when a mother plays the Savior, tying the child’s shoes until high school, while making him a helpless victim, and after a while the child switches from the Victim to the Persecutor, and terrorizes the mother, say, extorting her pension for alcohol or drugs...

Sex games
One of the popular sexual games is described in the example above (“Temptation” or “Dynamo”)...

Party games
This is mostly gossip and condemnation of third parties, as well as the most popular game “Why don’t you... Yes, but...”, where one player seems to ask for advice and help... others at this time try and give them... but in the end he rejects everything , often leading to a dead end in the conversation...

Games for life
For example, playing alcoholic with codependency (complicity) of family members.

Or playing like a constant debtor who takes out loans and can’t repay them...

Underworld Games
For example, theft, cheating and fraud...

Games in the therapist's office
For example, when a client at an appointment with a psychotherapist, having read Wikipedia and imagining himself as all-knowing, is subconsciously determined not to receive help. At the same time, he sabotages the work of the psychologist in every possible way, for example, by playing “psychotherapist”.

When he really doesn’t receive help, as he wanted, he can say: “I told you he wouldn’t help me...”...

Constructive psychological games
Games can only become constructive if they are understood and realized. Some of the destructive games listed above can be converted into constructive ones, and after that you can completely quit the games and begin natural relationships, this is especially necessary when interacting with loved ones.

Constructive games also include healing, developmental and educational psychological games for adults and children.....


Number of players:several people

Additionally: coin

One of the participants puts a coin in one of his hands behind his back and puts his hands in front of the other participants. The rest must guess which hand the coin is in. To do this, they point to the hand and ask: “There is a coin in this hand.” The one who hid the coin should say: “Yes, the coin is in my hand,” regardless of whether they point correctly. After they decide which hand the coin is in, he shows which hand it was in. You can play on account.

If there are a lot of participants, you can divide them into 3 and take turns guessing. The one who guesses correctly most often wins.


Number of players: from 4 people

The game begins with one person leaving the room. The rest stand in a circle and wish for two people standing next to each other in the circle, who will be the gate for the one who comes out. After that, as they wished, they invite him outside the door. He stands in a circle and, walking around it, looking into the eyes of the participants, must guess who his gate is. To do this, he can point to the gap between the participants, rather than to a specific person. He can say whatever he wants, but the rest must remain silent.

Depending on the number of participants, two people can go out and make their own gates for each. This to some extent complicates the task.


Number of players: any

Additionally: coins

The game is intended for small companies. Everyone sits in a circle. The game begins with the assignment of roles (by lot). For drawing lots, you can use USSR coins in denominations of 2 and 10 kopecks (they are the same in size and different in color). Coins are taken according to the number of players. Among the coins, one must be of a different color. Whoever gets such a coin is a murderer. Those sitting in a circle look at each other. At the same time, be sure to look everyone in the eye. The killer, in the order in which he sees fit (chooses a strategy), begins to “kill” (meeting the “victim’s” gaze, blinks at her). "Killed" loudly announces: "Killed!" One of the players who suspects the identity of the “killer” says: “I suspect.” But only two suspects can identify the “killer” at the same time. The “murderer” is considered solved if two suspects point to him at once. In this case, while a second suspect is found, the first one can be “killed”.

Look into your eyes

Number of players: several pairs

They play in pairs. It is necessary, when kissing (only on the lips, no more), to look into each other’s eyes without taking them away from the partner. The one who blinks is considered the loser. When you read, it seems that this game is very simple, but in reality, 60% of people will not be able to look into their partner’s eyes for a long time when kissing. Check it out!

Bring the sphinx to life

Number of players: any

Additionally: matches

Participants stand (or sit) facing each other. The first task is to hold the match on the eyelash for as long as possible. The second person’s task is to keep his hands on his knees (without making sudden movements or shouting) and confuse the “sphinx” with his speeches so that he drops the match faster. Then the participants change places. The more frequent the competition, the more interesting it becomes. While the “experienced sphinx” is holding the match, the “experienced troublemaker” will say something like this!!!


Number of players: any

Additionally:saucer, box of matches

It is recommended to do it in the evening, when it is already dark. The lights go out, the participants sit in a circle next to each other, and a saucer is placed in the center of the circle. Someone lights a match and passes it to a neighbor, who gives it to his neighbor, etc. In general, in a circle. Anyone whose match has gone out can be asked absolutely any question by anyone. An answer to it is required, except in cases where the question is completely compromising. As practice shows, after a couple of “warm-up” questions, people are drawn in, and the questions are quite interesting. And the saucer is needed to put burnt matches there.


The one who drives “makes a wish” for the others about one of the people present. After that, all the players in a circle turn to the leader with questions like: “If this were a book (tree, flower, house, dog, weather, curtains...), then cocoa?” The presenter answers, trying to objectively reflect the essence of this person and says, for example: “It would be science fiction about other planets.” Players try to guess which of them fits this definition. The player who thinks he has guessed right can try to name the person. If he guesses it, then he himself becomes the leader, if not, the others try too.

Meeting eyes

The game requires an even number of participants. They sit in a circle, close their eyes and lower their heads down. At the command of the one who drives, each player must open his eyes, raise his head and meet someone's gaze (another option is to point a finger at each other). The number of resulting pairs is counted for each round. The goal of this game is to pair everyone at once, in one try.


A homeostat is a device that is used to study group compatibility. For the same purposes, we will use a game instead of a device. The players are asked to stand in a circle, extend their hand clenched into a fist, and, at the leader’s sign, throw out an arbitrary number of fingers. Task: without talking, without winking, or using any other means of communication, ensure that all players throw out the same number of fingers. Attempts are repeated an arbitrary number of times.

After observing the players, the presenter can identify the leaders to whom most players adapt. Perhaps there will be persistent “loners” who do not want to coordinate their actions with other players, or individual groups that have successfully solved a problem within their group, but do not want to adapt to others.


Number of players: any.

Additionally: bandage.

Blindness is achieved by closing the eyes and covering them with a blindfold. If your eyes are tired from the bandage, you can remove it for a while without opening your eyes.

Game objectives:

Giving up control. For a preoccupied person, it is normal to live only when you see and control everything. Relax, allow the world to simply happen, allow yourself to relax and gently float along the river rather than fight the current.

Acceptance of a new and difficult life situation. You now have no vision, but you have you and the people around you. Will you be able to live as easily and joyfully as usual?

Inclusion of all channels of perception. How great it is to start feeling your hands feeling the trees, your feet walking on the ground, to start hearing a lot of sounds around you and catching smells rushing from all sides. You will find that by trusting the world, you can often navigate it without sight, and that you can now discover many new and unexpected things in the people around you.

Enthusiastic complimenter

Number of players: any

In this game, all players must express their admiration with a never-ending stream of compliments.

Goals of the game:

Obtaining permits. The person gains permission to be the center of attention, evaluate others, and value their own approval.

The ability and habit to see the beautiful, kind and smart in people. Our attention is often focused on us, but here it is focused on those around us - and the best in them.

Development of speech creativity. You may like a lot of things in life, but do you know how to express your admiration in bright and colorful words?

One day of life

Number of players: from b-8 to 15-20

The exercise is done in a circle. Time - from 15 to 25 minutes. The main stages of the game are as follows:

1. The presenter determines, together with the other players, what profession would be interesting to consider. For example, the group wanted to consider the profession of “fashion model”.

2. General instructions: “Now we will jointly try to compose a story about a typical working day for our employee - a fashion model. This will be a story made up of nouns only. For example, a story about a teacher’s work day could be like this: bell - breakfast - bell - lesson - poor students - question - answer - grade - teacher's room - director - scandal - lesson - excellent students - bell - home - bed. In this game we will see how well we imagine the work of a fashion model, and also find out whether we are capable of collective creativity, because in the game there is a serious danger of some unfortunate touch (inappropriately called “for the sake of humor,” a stupid noun) ruining the whole story .

An important condition: before naming a new noun, each player must repeat everything that was named before him. Then our story will be perceived as a complete work. To better remember the named nouns, I advise you to look carefully at all the speakers, as if associating the word with a specific person.”

3. The presenter can name the first word, and the other players take turns calling their nouns, making sure to repeat everything that was called before them. If there are few players (6-8 people), then you can go through two circles, when everyone has to name two nouns.

4. When summing up the results of the game, you can ask the participants whether the story turned out to be a complete one or not? did someone spoil the overall story with their unfortunate noun? If the story turns out to be confusing and chaotic, then you can ask one of the players to tell in their own words what the story was about, what happened there (and did it happen?).

Most most

Number of players: from 6-8 to 10-15

Instructions: “Now you will be offered some unusual characteristics of professions, and you will have to take turns naming those professions that, in your opinion, are most suitable for this characteristic. For example, the characteristic is the most lucrative profession - which professions are the most lucrative?”

The presenter names the first characteristic, and the participants immediately take turns (in a circle) offering their options. If someone has doubts that the most-most (or close to the most-most) has been named, then you can ask clarifying questions.

The presenter lists 3-5 of the most popular options, after which a short discussion is organized and the “best” profession is highlighted.

In order for the exercise to be more interesting, the presenter must select in advance the most unusual characteristics of professions that should intrigue the participants. These could be, for example, the following characteristics: “the greenest profession”, “the sweetest profession”, “the hairiest profession”, “the most indecent profession”, “the most childish profession”, “the funniest profession”, etc.

Chain of professions

Number of players: from 6-8 to 15-20

It is better to do the exercise in a circle. The duration is from 7-10 to 15 minutes. Instructions: “Now we will build a “chain of professions” in a circle. I will name the first profession, for example, metallurgist, the next one will name a profession that is somewhat close to metallurgist, for example, cook. The next one names a profession similar to a cook, etc. It is important that everyone is able to explain the similarities between the named professions, for example, both a metallurgist and a cook deal with fire, with high temperatures, with furnaces. When determining the similarities between different professions, we can recall the scheme for analyzing the profession, for example, similarities in working conditions, means, etc. (Section 6. Guess the profession, where a scheme for analyzing professions is presented).”

As the game progresses, the host will sometimes ask clarifying questions, such as: “What is the similarity between your profession and the one just named?” The final decision on whether a profession is named well or not rests with the group.

When discussing the game, it is important to point out to participants that interesting common lines of similarity can sometimes be discovered between very different professions. For example, if at the beginning of the chain professions related to metalworking are named (as in our example), in the middle - with motor transport, and at the end - with ballet (to confirm this, we give an example of such a chain: metallurgist-cook - butcher - mechanic (also - chops, but metal) - car mechanic - taxi driver - pop satirist (also “talks with his teeth”) - drama theater artist - ballet dancer, etc.). Such unexpected connections between very different professions indicate that you should not limit yourself to just one professional choice, because very often what you are looking for in one (only one!?) profession may turn out to be in other, more accessible professions...

Who is who?

Number of players:from 6-8 to 12-15 people

Instructions: “Now I will name professions, everyone must look at their comrades for a few seconds and determine who this profession is most suitable for. Next, I will clap my hands and everyone on command must simultaneously point with their hand (or pen) at the selected person (most suitable for the named profession)".

Even before the start of the game, the presenter can ask the group members what professions are most interesting to them and write down these professions (about 10-15 pieces) on the board, subsequently naming the professions from this list.

If there are a lot of players (6-8 people), then you can show not with one hand, but with two (one hand - on one person, the other - on another. For a larger number of participants, it is better to do all this with one hand, otherwise there will be confusion.

Having pointed their hand at their comrade, everyone should freeze for a while, and the leader himself takes turns counting how many hands he points to each person, i.e. whose image, according to the majority of players, most closely matches this profession.

Finest hour

Number of players: any

Participants sit in a circle and jointly determine which professional stereotype (or social stereotype) they will discuss. For example, everyone agreed on the professional stereotype of a typical “bartender.”

Next, the presenter will give the participants the following task: “Now each of us will try to imagine what the most pleasant, joyful moments in the life of a typical bartender are (everyone may have their own idea about this). Next, we will all take turns briefly expressing our assumptions, after which we will discuss whose ideas turned out to be the most realistic, i.e. most closely correspond to the “happiness” of most bartenders...”

Participants take turns talking about their ideas, about the bartender’s “finest hour.” The presenter should not criticize these ideas in any way.

Walk like a professional

Number of players:from 6-8 to 15-20 people

Additionally: paper, pens

Everyone takes out a piece of paper and puts on it in a column as many numbers as there are participants in the game.

General instructions: “This game exercise is both very unusual and very simple. We will try to depict certain professions using gait, because you can depict different things and phenomena using gestures, facial expressions, various poses, etc. First, everyone must choose for themselves a profession that they want to represent with their gait. Now each of you, in turn, will get up from his place, calmly come up to me and very quietly (whisper) tell me in my ear what kind of professional he wanted to portray with his gait. After that, he will just as quietly go to his place. The rest will have to carefully observe the gait of the next player, and on their pieces of paper opposite the number of this player, write the profession with which you associate his gait. It is known that by gait you can sometimes find out (guess) whether a person works as a loader or a ballet dancer, a military man or an accountant, etc.” The presenter writes down on a piece of paper which number he wanted to represent which profession with his gait. Next, the presenter quickly collects their notes from the players and mixes them.

When summing up the results, the presenter takes the first piece of paper and reads out the profession opposite the first number, then takes the second piece of paper and also reads out the profession opposite the first number, etc. After that, he says what profession the player himself wanted to represent with his gait. This is done in order to compare the profession planned by the player and what came out of it. Then he moves on to the second number, etc.

Student time is a time of unforgettable adventures, new discoveries and falling in love. Along with the acquisition of fundamental knowledge, we make new friends, many of whom will remain with us for life.

For a more harmonious existence of the student body, you can use psychological games. This is a very effective tool in teaching work with students.

Such games are relevant both for freshmen, with the aim of more fast and high-quality adaptation, and senior students. Through the prism of gaming activities, it is easier for children to establish communication, resolve disagreements, learn to trust each other and develop communication skills.

The apparent simplicity of some games is a huge material for the work of a professional psychologist. Game analysis can solve many important problems:

  • Determining the accentuations of a student’s personality development
  • Identifying psychological problems and barriers
  • Assistance in adaptation within the team
  • Resolving and adjusting interpersonal conflicts
  • Help and advice for teaching staff

Psychological games can be played both in the classroom and in an informal setting at student gatherings and parties.

Games in the classroom:

An excellent game for a company of 8-24 people.

Promotes team spirit development, teamwork skills, creativity and ingenuity.

The goal is to build the tallest tower

You will need a stapler for each team, a lot of A4 paper (you can use it).

All players are divided into teams of 4-5 people. Each team is given equipment. In a given time - 10 minutes, teams must make a stable tower. Sheets of paper are fastened with a stapler, and they can be bent and folded as desired.

The team that builds the tallest tower wins.

An excellent game aimed at analysis of your feelings and thoughts. Helps you understand yourself and open up people around you from an unexpected side, develops empathy.

The goal is to choose an item that evokes associations with your personality.

The props will be ordinary objects - various toys, dolls, cars, a book, a notebook, a hairpin, a keychain, a key, etc.

Participants sit in a circle and choose any item from the variety. After a short preparation, each person must explain why this or that object was chosen. The story should be from the point of view of this subject. You need to talk about strengths and weaknesses, victories and achievements, grievances and disappointments in the projection of your own personality. The point is that it is not always easy for a person to talk about something important to other people. Clamps, complexes, and low self-esteem get in the way. It’s another thing to tell about the life of a teddy bear, this in itself makes you smile and friendly attitude.

  • Compliments

A great game for older students who know each other well.

The goal is to create a favorable friendly environment, developing goodwill and empathy.

The only props you need is a ball. Students sit in a circle and throw the ball to any of the participants, accompanying the action with a compliment for the person.

It turns out to be very fun and friendly. Interesting nuances of interpersonal relationships are revealed.

A dynamic game of speed and interaction for 14-20 people. Spectators are welcome.

Promotes identifying leadership qualities and communication skills.

The goal is to split into two teams and form a word from individual letters.

You will need a marker and self-adhesive pieces of paper.

The presenter, who is also the judge, prepares two words with the same number of letters and the same topic, for example, geographical objects, psychological terms, names of musical works, etc.

Then the presenter takes self-adhesive leaves of two colors. The letters of the word are written on each piece of paper of the same color. Two colors - two words of the same length. Then the participants of the game stand in one row with their backs to the audience. Letters are glued to their backs in a chaotic manner. After the presenter gives the command, the guys will have to self-organize into two teams, solve the word and stand with their backs to the audience in the order in which the word requires. The team that completes the task faster wins. The important thing is that you can only recognize the letter on your back with the help of another person; you cannot rip letters off your back or the back of another participant.

This is a very fun game. In the process, the organizational and leadership abilities of students are very clearly demonstrated.

Everyone knows this game - from young to old. There can be as many participants as desired.

The goal is to better understand each other, look at ourselves from the outside, show off your acting skills.

No equipment is needed, just a friendly attitude and self-irony. The presenter must use gestures, facial expressions, and gait to show his classmate or teacher. The remaining participants must guess the hidden person.

  • View from the outside

This is a great game for self-discovery. There can be 10 or more players.

Target - get personal characteristics from their classmates. Analyze the data obtained and conduct a joint discussion.

Props for the game can be any boxes, envelopes or bags signed with the names of the participants. You will need a lot of pieces of paper with character traits written on them, for example, friendliness, perseverance, arrogance, calmness, arrogance, responsibility, etc. We make each card with one inscription according to the number of participants plus a supply of 10 pieces.

At the beginning of the game, each student takes any two cards that seem suitable for his classmate and places them in the appropriate envelope. At the same time, each person should be as objective as possible in his assessments. Next, the guys take apart their envelopes and analyze the contents. At the end of the game, participants sit in a circle and conduct reflection. Students take turns sharing the information they receive about themselves, whether they agree with it or not, and thank each other for their sincerity.

The results of the game will help you understand the adequacy of self-esteem, adjust your own behavior and attitude towards people around you.

Games in an informal setting:

  • Theater play production

An interesting creative game for a large company, helps to develop positive thinking and the ability to work in a team, promotes emotional release.

The goal is to reveal creative potential and increase the level of trust in the group.

There may be no props at all, because this is a conventional theater, but as practice shows, they are not superfluous.

The basis is any well-known fairy tale, then all participants are assigned the roles of both animate heroes and inanimate objects. It could be an oak tree, a bench, a lantern, a theater curtain and much more. A reader is selected from the entire company, a person with good diction and a loud voice.

There is no need for rehearsals, the entire play takes place in real time. The reader says: « Act one. The curtain opens! Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman.” And at this time, the actors assigned to the role of the curtain scatter in different directions, and the grandfather and grandmother come out.

Everyone can come up with a script together, adding funny characters and moments. Someone should definitely film this action, because viewing pleasure guaranteed.

A fun and dynamic game that requires close interaction and quick reactions. Participants from 8 to 16. Contributes to the creation of a comfortable, friendly atmosphere and the realization of creative potential, builds team spirit.

Props - cards with the names of well-known literary works or films (preferably two words), one card for each pair of players and a timer. That is, if teams have six participants, then three cards should be prepared for each.

The first pair of the team receives a card and in 2 minutes shows all the consonants on the card using their arms, legs or whole body. But the letter must always consist of two parts. Other participants must write down the letters, substitute the vowels and guess the name. If you succeed in completing the task, then plus 1 point. Next, it’s the other team’s turn.

Then the results are counted and awards are given.

A very active game, you will need a lot of space. There must be at least 10 participants, 5 for each team. The game promotes the development of teamwork skills, creates a favorable emotional background, relieves tightness and tension in a student body unfamiliar with each other.

6 chosen

Even in strong relationships, problems sometimes arise: minor grievances and discontent accumulate, conflicts occur. To minimize them, you need to work on relationships: discuss problems, make compromises... or play games. There are psychological games for two that help achieve greater mutual understanding in a couple.

Top down

When communicating with people, we always choose one of the positions: communication as equals, top-down (managerial position, this is how parents often communicate with the child) or bottom-up (dependent position). This is expressed both in our position in space and in intonation. Moreover, we ourselves may not notice that we are talking from one of these positions. But the “bottom” in such a conversation usually closes himself off from the “top”, does not listen and does not hear him. A common example of such interaction is a mother lecturing a child, and he looks around with an absent look.

But often we communicate this way not only with children, but also with peers, including loved ones. A wife can reprimand something to her husband from the top position, and then be surprised that he completely ignored her fiery speech. To better understand this situation, you can play it. Chat on some neutral topic in this position: one sits on the floor, the other stands, as if hanging over him. Then change places, and at the end take an equal position opposite each other. Usually the “bottom” is uncomfortable discussing even the simplest issues. It’s much more pleasant to talk on the same level. So why not communicate like this in real life?

I look at you like in a mirror...

Another psychological game is called "Mirror". The husband and wife sit face to face and take turns “mirroring” each other: repeating facial expressions and gestures. You can record all these funny antics on a video camera and compare the results to see who did better. By playing such a game, spouses learn to focus on each other, to think first of all not about themselves, but about their partner. And this will be useful in any relationship.

Follow you - even to the ends of the world

Psychologists are very fond of trust games. They came up with the idea of ​​falling with your back on your partner’s arms. A safer game in this series is Guide. One participant is blindfolded, and the other must guide him through the room with obstacles, guiding only with his voice. Then the spouses change roles. During the game, they find out for themselves how much they trust each other, and at the same time learn to listen to each other’s advice.

What are you thinking about?

A funny psychological game - "Telepathy". The rules are very simple: the spouses sit face to face and one tries to convey to the other some kind of mental image without words. The second watches the eyes and facial expression of the interlocutor and tries to “read” his thoughts. At the end of such a session, the readings are verified. Practice shows that it is often possible to guess, if not the hidden object itself, then the emotional background associated with it. What do thoughts about him evoke: joy or sadness, fear or calm? This game will teach you to be more attentive to each other and understand your partner’s emotions without words.

Only good

This is not even really a game, but rather a useful tradition for any couple. Arrange a positive session during which you tell him why you love your husband and what admires you about him. After all, we often voice complaints and negative emotions, but somehow forget about the good. And, by the way, in vain! After all, when we talk about love, we feel it much more strongly. So get used to sessions of mutual love confessions more often.