Classic vegetarian pea soup recipe. Pea soup with vegetables (dal)

I would like to offer an excellent option for vegetarian or lean - as you like - pea soup. Peas are an excellent source of protein, carbohydrates and microelements; their soup turns out rich, thick, satisfying and very tasty.

As additional ingredients, you can use various vegetables and spices according to your own taste. There are options for pea soup with the addition of potatoes, but I like pea soup without it, I think that potatoes and peas are mutually exclusive ingredients, and there is no point in adding them to each other. However, if you like it, then I don’t see anything wrong with it. For spices, I advise you to use bay leaves and “suneli hops” or Svan salt, but, again, the choice of seasonings is a matter of your personal taste.

To prepare vegetarian pea soup, prepare the ingredients according to the list. I used green split peas, which do not require additional soaking.

To begin, pour cold water over the peas and cook over low heat for about forty minutes from the start of the boil, periodically skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon.

While the peas are cooking, grate the carrots and dice the onion. Fry the vegetables in vegetable oil, adding spices to taste. I used Svan salt.

After 40 minutes, the peas should be completely cooked and absorb almost all the water. Transfer it to the pan in which you will cook the soup (you can use the same one in which you cooked the peas), pour in water, add vegetables and bay leaves. Salt and pepper to taste.

Bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes.

Vegetarian pea soup is ready! Serve it hot.

  • Peas (green) - 400 gr.
  • Cauliflower - 500 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. (rapeseed is possible)
  • Mustard (seeds) - 1 tsp.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves (can be replaced with dried)
  • Celery - 110 gr.
  • Ginger root - 2 tsp.
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp.
  • Coriander (ground) - 1 tsp.
  • Fresh tomato (dried) - 1 pc. (2 tsp)
  • Lemon or lime juice - 1 tbsp.

Dishes whose main ingredient is peas are staples in the diet of vegetarians and athletes. This is due to the fact that peas are a source of protein containing amino acids necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

It is recommended to use peas when following a diet. It contains many useful substances and vitamins and few calories. Peas fill the body with energy, improve the functioning of the nervous system and help the heart function.

Pea soups can be prepared not only with meat broths, but also with vegetable ones. A very tasty combination of flavors is obtained if you prepare the broth using smoked ribs or poultry meat.

Step-by-step preparation of the dish

To prepare vegetarian pea soup, you can take not only fresh vegetables and peas, but also frozen ones.

  1. 2 hours before preparing the dish, rinse the peas well and soak them in water. The longer it sits in water, the faster it cooks in the broth. If time allows, you can leave the peas overnight.
  2. Peel the ginger and cut into small cubes, if you want, grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Pour oil into a pan and add the prepared ginger along with turmeric, mustard seeds and garlic. To do this, it is better to use dishes with a thick bottom, then the spices will heat evenly and will not burn.
  4. Now you need to let all the ingredients heat up over low heat, remembering to stir constantly.
  5. During this time, wash the celery and cut into half rings.
  6. When the mustard seeds begin to crack, pour water (about 2 liters) into the pan and add the already swollen peas and celery.
  7. Add ground coriander, stir and cover with a lid. Let the soup simmer for about 20 minutes while we get to the cabbage.
  8. Wash the cauliflower well, trim off the black spots and divide into inflorescences.
  9. After 20 minutes, add the cabbage to the pan and cook until the legumes are ready.
  10. If you decide to decorate the taste of the soup with tomatoes, then add them 5 minutes before the dish is ready.

The delicious soup is almost ready. All that remains is to add a few drops of lemon or lime juice and close the lid and let it brew.

To serve, garnish with herbs and a slice of lemon.

Let's experiment

This pea soup recipe can be varied by adding lentils. It also needs to be pre-soaked and thrown into the broth along with the peas.

If desired, regular pea soup can be turned into puree soup. To do this, just grind the ready-made peas in blenders and you are guaranteed a new, more delicate taste of the dish.

If you have such a kitchen assistant as a multicooker, the prepared pea soup will not only be tasty and healthy, but will also not require much of your time.

Another big advantage of cooking with a multicooker is that you don’t need to use a large amount of oil, even if you want to fry something.

It was also noticed that broths prepared in this miracle machine turn out much tastier and richer than in a regular saucepan, and the porridges are more crumbly.

Soup for those who prefer meat

Now let's prepare pea soup for meat lovers.

  • Meat on the bone - 300-400 gr. (smoked sausages can also be used)
  • Peas - 1.2 cups.
  • Potatoes 3-4 pcs.
  • Onions, carrots - 1 pc.
  • Salt, spices - to taste

Cooking steps:

  1. We prepare all products immediately. Cut the meat into portions. Cut the potatoes into strips, rinse the peas and do not soak them first (the beauty of a multicooker). Chop carrots and onions for frying.
  2. Set the “Fry” mode and fry the onions and carrots in a minimum amount of oil. If the dish is prepared with ham or sausages, then fry them first, and then the vegetables.
  3. Turn off the “Fry” mode, add meat, potatoes and peas. Fill with the required amount of water, add spices and seasonings. Be sure to add bay leaf.
  4. Turn on the “Soup” mode and set the timer for 2 hours.

Now you can go about your business. A tasty and rich soup will be ready at the appointed time. All that remains is to mix it and garnish with herbs before serving.

Freeze peas and other vegetables in the summer. This way you can delight yourself with delicious and, most importantly, healthy vegetable dishes all year round and significantly save your family budget.

Hello friends!

I am sharing with you the secret of preparing my delicious vegetarian pea soup . If you cook it according to technology, then it is cooked in meat broth, with smoked meats and greaves. Horror! Why do you need all these components? After all, peas already contain enough proteins, fats and carbohydrates for our body. And everything else only creates unnecessary problems for the organs, slagging the body, making it heavy and unhealthy. There should always be balance in everything!

Now I will describe in detail the preparation procedure and list absolutely all the components that are included in my signature vegetarian pea soup, which my whole family is delighted with. The soup is in no way inferior in taste and nutritional quality to meat broth. On the contrary, it surpasses it many times over. If you still want to add smoked meats, buy vegetarian meat, or sausages (there are some) and add a little of them to the soup at the end of cooking, cutting them into small cubes. To be honest, I’ve only tried these delicious ones, but haven’t added them to soups or dishes yet. Be the first!

I myself really love the taste of this soup, and I love cooking it even more. Despite its long description, it cooks very quickly!

Vegetarian pea soup


  • Water – 3 liters
  • Peas– 1.5 – 2 glasses
  • Potatoes (medium) – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots (medium) – 1 pc.
  • Onion – turnip – 1 pc.
  • Medium tomatoes (can be replaced with tomato paste) – 2 pcs.
  • Bell pepper (optional) – 2 pcs.
  • Salt - about 1 tbsp. spoons
  • Bay leaf
  • (turmeric, dry adjika, various dried herbs, mustard seeds, ground sweet paprika, nutmeg). You can add what you like. I always use this set of spices when preparing my pea soup.
  • Vegetable oil – for sautéing vegetables

My cooking method:

1. Wash the peas thoroughly and place them in cold water.
2. Bring to a boil and cook for a long time, until it is softened, about 40 - 50 minutes, like this:

3. While the peas are cooking, cut the vegetables and onions into thin slices

4. First, sauté the onions, carrots and bell peppers, if you have them in the recipe
5. Add all the spices and sauté the vegetables along with them
6. Add tomatoes (I ran out of fresh ones, so I took the ones I froze in the summer) or tomato paste, sauté a little more

7. Cut potatoes into slices
8. After our peas have boiled, add potatoes to the boiling pea broth

10. Cook for 10 – 15 minutes on low heat

11. 5 minutes before the end of cooking the soup, add salt and bay leaf
12. Turn off and let the soup brew for 30 minutes in a warm place under a blanket, for example

Vegetarian pea soup is ready!

Serve it hot with chopped herbs (I have them frozen).

Note: The main secret of any tasty and aesthetically designed soup is that all its components are chopped equally, as you have already noticed during the preparation of the soup.

Friends, do you like vegetarian soups? Do you prepare them?

Good luck with your cooking! I look forward to your comments.

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Is there a vegetarian in the family? This is always a big challenge for the housewife. Especially when it comes to soups. Yes, in the cuisines of different nations there are many recipes for first courses that do not involve meat. For example, Spanish gazpacho, Bulgarian tarator or Japanese miso. And cabbage soup or borscht can be made vegetarian. But legume soups? For peas, it is customary to boil oxtails. Or cut and fry delicious smoked meats with onions... This is exactly how they recommend preparing chickpea soup recipes.

A vegetarian lifestyle requires giving up the above-mentioned goodies. Well, let's think about how to cook an appetizing and satisfying soup from just vegetables. To increase the nutritional value of the dish, you can add cereals, legumes, and crackers to it. Such dishes should be seasoned with sour cream or butter. In this case, after boiling the vegetables, you can grind them and return them to the vegetarian broth. Then you will get a puree soup.

Cabbage soup

Vegetables require different cooking times. Therefore, if you are going to cook vegetarian soups, the recipes advise you to strictly adhere to the order of adding the ingredients. First, the harder vegetables are cooked - potatoes, root vegetables of parsley, celery and carrots, and then the more tender ones - cabbage, bell peppers. And at the very end of cooking, add greens.

So in this recipe, we first fill the diced potatoes (5-6 tubers) with two to three liters of water. After boiling, cook for twenty minutes. Season with salt and spices. Three carrots (large), finely chop the onion. Cut two tomatoes into slices. Shred cabbage (150-200 grams).

First fry the onion in sunflower oil, then add carrots to it, and when they are browned, tomatoes and cabbage. Sprinkle with a spoon of paprika and simmer under the lid for 10 minutes. Peel the bell pepper from the stalk with seeds, cut into cubes, and place in a saucepan with the potatoes. We cut 100 grams of fresh spinach and also leave it to cook. Add the stewed vegetables and cook for another 10 minutes, covered.

Borscht with beans

Legumes take the longest to cook, so if you're adding them to vegetarian soups, recipes recommend soaking them overnight.

So, fill a glass of dry beans with water. Please note that it will swell and absorb all the liquid. Therefore, we will not spare water. The next morning, salt the remaining liquid and rinse the beans. Let's throw it into three liters of cold water and put the pan on the fire. Peel medium-sized beets and cut into large strips. Let's wait until the beans become more or less soft. Add beets and 300 grams of peeled mushrooms. After a quarter of an hour, add three potato tubers, cut into cubes, into the pan.

Now we’ll do the frying: sauté the onion and carrots in vegetable oil. When the vegetables become golden, add a spoonful of flour. Stir until lumps disappear. Add a spoonful of tomato paste. Simmer covered for five minutes.

When both the potatoes and beans are completely cooked, add the roast, bell pepper, and 300 grams of cabbage to the soup. Season with bay leaf, salt, pepper, and a teaspoon of sugar. Let it simmer for another 10 minutes and turn off the heat. Serve

Summer soup

The abundance of vegetables will make this dish very healthy. Cauliflower is often added to vegetarian soups. Recipes advise to disassemble it into large clumps. But in this version of the summer soup we will not do this. Place the washed small head of cabbage in two liters of cold salted water and cook for a quarter of an hour until the cabbage becomes completely soft. We take it out of the broth and mash it with a masher to make a puree.

We make a frying of onions, carrots, tomatoes and paprika, as in the recipe. Cut a medium zucchini and three bell peppers into cubes, add them to the soup along with the frying. Season with three cloves of garlic passed through a press and sprigs of rosemary and thyme. Cook for another quarter of an hour.

Mushroom solyanka

To make vegetarian soups more rich and satisfying, recipes often advise adding mushrooms to them. If your forest products are dried, soak them for 2-3 hours, but do not drain the water. The aromatic liquid can be added to the soup. For hodgepodge, in addition to 100 g of dried (or 300 g of fresh), you will also need 250 grams of salted mushrooms.

Shred a small piece of cabbage and simmer in vegetable oil with two onions and a spoonful of tomato paste. Bring two and a half liters of water to a boil, add salt, add fresh (or dry) mushrooms, as well as chopped parsley and carrots into the pan. After a quarter of an hour, you can add stewed vegetables and 200 g of sauerkraut.

When the broth boils again, it’s time to add salted mushrooms and two pickled cucumbers cut into cubes. Add spices and cook for another 10 minutes. At the very end, sprinkle the dish with parsley. Pour the soup into bowls, sprinkle it with lemon juice and add a spoonful of sour cream.

Pea soup: vegetarian recipe

“Cut the loin or smoked meat into cubes, add two to three liters of water and cook for about an hour... Rinse two glasses of split peas and throw into the broth...” This is how recipes for a dish called “Pea Soup” usually begin. The vegetarian recipe skips the first step - preparing the meat broth. Simply pour the specified amount of peas with water and cook after boiling for about 50 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.

Cut 2-3 potatoes into cubes for the soup. Then we add the already familiar frying of onions and carrots. Squeeze three cloves of garlic. Salt the soup and add seasonings to taste. Cook covered for about twenty minutes. Turn off the heat and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. Serve with croutons or crackers.

Pea soup for lacto-vegetarians

Wash a glass of split peas and soak for three hours. After this, add cold water and bring to a boil. Drain the liquid. You need to take enough water for the soup so that its level is two fingers thick above the peas. Cook after boiling for half an hour.

This recipe for vegetarian vegetable soup requires an original frying: pour corn oil into a frying pan, add a spoonful of turmeric and fry for 30 seconds. When there is a strong aroma, add two grated carrots. Stir, reduce heat to low. Simmer until the carrots soften. Transfer the roast into the soup, cook for a few minutes, then add salt and season with black pepper. Cool and blend with a blender until pureed. Add a glass of 20% cream, bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese and parsley. Don't forget to offer croutons.

Georgian vegetarian recipe

It should be remembered that for this type of legume, the cooking time depends on the color. Red lentils cook faster than black lentils. Fill four hundred grams of this “bean” with water for several hours. Then cook, periodically removing the “noise”.

Place three potatoes, cut into half rings, into the soup. Chop the onion and saute it in olive oil, adding two skinned and finely chopped tomatoes at the end. With this frying, the dish should be cooked for another quarter of an hour. Check the readiness of the soup by checking the lentils and potatoes. At the end of cooking, add salt and season with hot red and black pepper.

Chickpea and broccoli soup

This variety of legumes is also called Turkish peas. Chickpeas are similar to shelled raw hazelnuts. Like Vegetarian Bean Soup, the recipe calls for soaking a cup of chickpeas first to help them cook faster. Then we wash the chickpeas, add a liter of water and cook for about an hour until soft.

We cut two potatoes into cubes, and a carrot and two peppers into strips. In a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, pour half a teaspoon of cumin, and after a few seconds - turmeric. When the spices begin to exude aroma, add carrots, bell peppers and crushed garlic cloves. Saute until soft and throw the roast into the soup. Add 100 g of broccoli (you can cut the heads in half or into quarters). Add the bay leaf and cook for another ten minutes.

Potato soup

Cut four tubers into slices and cook in one and a half liters of water until half cooked. In another bowl, simmer finely chopped carrots, parsley root, onion and three tomatoes with the addition of butter. Add the vegetables to the potatoes and cook until the latter are fully cooked.

When serving, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped fresh dill and add a spoonful of sour cream. If there are people in the family who eat meat, transform potato soup to suit their needs. The vegetarian recipe can be modified as follows: put a piece of boiled chicken on the plates of each family member. Vegetarians are advised to sprinkle the dish with grated cheese.

Peas are an affordable source of vegetable protein. How to cook vegetarian pea soup, what ingredients should be used when preparing this dish?

Vegetarian pea soup

To prepare the dish, take 2 tbsp. dry split peas, 2 carrots, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Don't lose sight of seasonings, herbs, salt. Rinse the peas well and soak in cold water overnight. Then drain the water, pour in new liquid (3 tbsp.). Boil the peas. Separately, boil the carrot pieces in a small amount of salted water. Wipe the pea mixture. Use a blender to puree the carrots. Combine carrots and peas, dilute with carrot broth. Boil, adding oil, seasonings, salt. Serve the dish sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Pea soup in a slow cooker

This vegetarian pea soup recipe can be used to prepare a diet meal in a slow cooker. You will need vegetables (onions, carrots, potatoes - 1 pc./1 pc./3 pcs.). Also use peas (1-1.5 tbsp.), spices, salt, vegetable oil.

Wash the sorted peas several times with cold water. Peel the vegetables and wash them. Chop the onion. Place it in heated oil and fry until translucent (Baking, Frying). Grate the carrots and add to the onions. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, add to the vegetables. Add washed peas and add hot water. Season, salt, add bay leaf. Cook for 2 hours (Stew).

Pea soup with smoked meats

Is it possible to prepare a vegetarian soup with the addition of smoked meats? It turns out that not only meat products (smoked ribs, sausages, etc.) can add a spicy smoked note. Smoked seasonings help create the desired taste. To prepare this soup you will need peas (1 tbsp.), 2 tbsp. diced sweet potato and 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. For smoked meats, use smoked paprika (1 tsp), chopped smoked chili pepper in adobo sauce (1 tsp). Also take a couple of onions, celery sprigs, garlic (4 cloves) and tomatoes canned in their own juice (400 g).

Wash the peas and soak for several hours. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry smoked meats (paprika, chili). Add the rest of the vegetables (chopped onion and celery, diced sweet potato). Close the lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then add crushed garlic and turn off. Pour new water (6 tbsp) over the peas and cook for 60 minutes. Add mashed tomatoes to the dish and cook for 30 minutes. Add stewed vegetables, boil and add salt.

Pea soup with smoked cheese

This recipe also allows you to eliminate the meat from the recipe but still get that smoky flavor. To prepare the soup you will need the usual set of ingredients: 1 tbsp. peas, 3 potatoes, 1 pc. onions and carrots. To add a smoky taste, use 100 g of smoked cheese. You will also need seasonings (coriander, turmeric, bay leaf) and salt. Use vegetable oil to fry vegetables.

Prepare the peas (wash, soak and let stand for several hours). Fill it with new water and let it cook. When it is almost cooked, add potatoes and bay. Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil, adding seasonings to the vegetables. At the end add chopped smoked cheese. Transfer the roast to the soup, boil and add salt.

Vegetarian pea soup can be prepared in a variety of recipes. Each product creates its own flavor profile.