Tango is a passionate dance. Tango: dance of passion, pain and love

Tango is rightfully considered the most passionate dance. Firstly, tango dance is accompanied by very beautiful music. It is because of the music that the relationship between the dancers seems so passionate. Secondly, the clothes of the dancers.

The girl's high heels and revealing dress make it clear why the man chose her. Thirdly, the passionate looks of the dancers at each other.

Regardless of how old the dancers are: 20 or 50, they still look at each other with loving eyes.

In which country did tango dance originate?

Tango is believed to have its origins in Latin America, in Argentina. But the founders of this dance are emigrants from Africa who moved to the southern continent in search of a better life. Initially, only men participated in the dance.

And initially they did it in brothels. This is how they wanted to attract the attention of girls. Then the girls began to dance in pairs to annoy the males. Over time, the division into strictly male and female couples disappeared.

A few years later, tango began to gain popularity in North America and in countries Western Europe, where the dance was “brought” by students from wealthy families.

How to dance tango

How to learn to dance tango. In any case, you need an instructor. In this case, it is worth choosing an instructor who can be both a leader and a follower. It is better to choose a woman instructor who has extensive experience in dancing rather than teaching.

But learn basic movements It’s possible without coaches. First of all, find the music you like. To do this, enter “tango music” in the search and look for the right one.

Now listen to it all the time. You must remember the beat of the music, its mood and speed.

Once you have found the music, learn how to hug your partner. A man should place his left hand approximately in the lumbar region of his partner.

The girl should place her right hand on her partner's shoulder blades. Right and left hand the partner and partner are respectively pressed with their palms to each other, their arms are extended to the side.

To understand what it looks like, we recommend watching this video:

Dancing must maintain perfect posture. In the wrong position, the likelihood of injury increases, and the dance will look ridiculous.

How to dance tango

You can learn to dance tango alone. At first it will be easier, because you will learn to feel the music and hear it. At the end of the article, you can watch a training lesson from professional dancers. The main thing is to train daily and the results will appear.

The history of Argentine tango, based on its name, began in Argentina at the end of the 19th century in Buenos Aires, where from different corners Men came to Europe to work, trying to find a “better” life.

Each visitor brought with them various musical instruments and elements musical culture of your country. Thus, Buenos Aires brings together a kaleidoscope of cultures of different peoples and styles of music. And here a hitherto unknown dance begins to form and develop, which is called tango.

Initially it was light and cheerful, sometimes vulgar. Long time tango remained the dance and music of the lowest strata of society. The upper and middle strata of society did not recognize him. At that time, tango was danced in the poor quarters of the city, in the courtyards of barracks, in taverns, and in brothels.

With its appearance at the beginning of the 20th century musical instrument– bandoneon – which sounds like an organ – notes of drama were added to tango music. Tango becomes slower, new tones of intimacy appear for the dance.
When an economic crisis broke out in Argentina in the 20s of the 20th century, the majority of the population lost their jobs, and the citizens of Buenos Aires became sad people. The ratio of the city's male to female population was 20/1. In this regard, most men were very lonely and missed female affection. And in order to win the heart of a woman, men “honed” tango movements by dancing with each other. In tango lyrics there is always a woman, longing and sadness for her. For single men, there was only one opportunity, to be alone with a woman in short minutes of tango dancing - when he was completely overwhelmed by the feeling of love from a partner clenched in the arms, and this feeling made it possible to come to terms with a lonely life.

The period of the Great Depression from 1930 to 1950 became the “golden age” for tango. At this time, most of the ensembles were created, from which such bands subsequently emerged. famous composers– like Osvaldo Pugliese, Annibal Troyo, Astor Piazzola and others.
The military regime in Argentina began in 1955. Tango is still not recognized by the upper strata of society, and remains the dance of the people, the dance of the poor, the dance of free feelings
With the development of dance, there appeared various styles tango: tango-liso (the simplest), cangengue, milonguero, tango salon, tango nuevo (modern newest tango), tango fantasy, ballroom tango (recently appeared in sports ballroom dancing), milonga (faster tango rhythm).

Initially, Argentine tango consisted of simple steps with feet - forward and backward, left and right, trampling in one place. Over time, the dance began to develop; elements such as turns, ocho, and cross were added to it.
Subsequently, volcades, ganchos and other graceful ones are added complex elements. But still in tango the most important part is the music and your feelings.

The history of Argentine tango, based on its name, began in Argentina at the end of the 19th century in the city.

Buenos Aires, where men came from different parts of Europe to work, trying to find a “better” life.

Each visitor brought with them various musical instruments and elements of the musical culture of their country. Thus, Buenos Aires brings together a kaleidoscope of cultures of different peoples and styles of music. And here a hitherto unknown dance begins to form and develop, which is called tango.

Initially it was light and cheerful, sometimes vulgar. For a long time, tango remained the dance and music of the lowest strata of society. The upper and middle strata of society did not recognize him. At that time, tango was danced in the poor quarters of the city, in the courtyards of barracks, in taverns, and in brothels.

With the advent of a musical instrument, the bandoneon, whose sound resembles an organ, at the beginning of the 20th century, notes of drama were added to tango music. Tango becomes slower, new tones of intimacy appear for the dance.

When an economic crisis broke out in Argentina in the 20s of the 20th century, the majority of the population lost their jobs, and the citizens of Buenos Aires became sad people. The ratio of the city's male to female population was 20/1. In this regard, most men were very lonely and missed female affection. And in order to win the heart of a woman, men “honed” tango movements by dancing with each other.

In tango lyrics there is always a woman, longing and sadness for her. For single men, there was only one opportunity, to be alone with a woman in short minutes of tango dancing - when he was completely overwhelmed by the feeling of love from a partner clenched in the arms, and this feeling made it possible to come to terms with a lonely life.

The period of the Great Depression from 1930 to 1950 became the “golden age” for tango. At this time, most of the ensembles were created, from which such famous composers subsequently emerged - such as Osvaldo Pugliese, Annibal Troyo, Astor Piazzola, etc. The military regime in Argentina began in 1955. Tango is still not recognized by the highest strata of society, and remains the dance of the people, the dance of the poor, the dance of free feelings.

With the development of dance, various styles of tango appeared: tango liso (the simplest), cangengue, milonguero, tango salon, tango nuevo (modern new tango), tango fantasy, ballroom tango (recently appeared in sports ballroom dancing) , milonga (faster tango rhythm).

Initially, Argentine tango consisted of simple steps with feet - forward and backward, left and right, trampling in one place. Over time, the dance began to develop; elements such as turns, ocho, and cross were added to it.

Subsequently, volcades, ganchos and other graceful complex elements are added. But still in tango the most important part is the music and your feelings.

Tango remains a dance in which a man and a woman communicate without words, improvising, without agreeing on anything in advance.

Tango brings even people who don’t know each other closer together.

Passionate, sensual, the path of love and the path of hatred, the road to happiness and crying over unfulfilled things, all this describes the same dance - tango.

(Total 9 photos)

1. There was a time when this dance was considered obscene and was prohibited in polite society. But now, the reputation of tango in Argentina is impeccable, although it is tragic: it is a memory of love and mourning of loss.

2. Tables remained empty on a rainy day at the tango club El Belson, in the San Telmo district of Buenos Aires, but the show goes on. Professional dancers Natalia Pastorino and Alejandro Nivas say: “There are a lot of reasons to be sad in our country, but when you dance, you forget about everything except your partner and the music. You dance with your heart."

3. The colorful sounds of the bandoneon (a type of harmonica), introduced into tango music by European immigrants, create their own characteristic way of sounding the familiar theme.

4. Tango themed evenings are not uncommon in Argentina. The divine melody, giving new strength to the soul and body, sounds in the “milongas” (tango club), where lovers and friends of dance with sharp turns and slides from the hip gather.

6. In Buenos Aires there is the famous studio of Rudolfo Dinzel, where everyone is offered solace and professional training in the so-called “tango therapy”. Such places are needed in a city where many must eke out a life on the streets.

7. Prominent tango singer Laura Bogado (in black) preens before her performance, sitting next to folk singer Nora Mendoza, during a break in the show at the El Belson club.

8. Men preen themselves in the tango club bathroom before trying to win a heart or at least a dance.

9. Street dancers perform in San Telmo, putting private emotions on public display for the sake of theatricality that must earn donations from passersby. The number of tourists coming to Argentina from abroad increased by 58 percent during last decade, reaching three million in 2002. Sweet seductive tango is the main incentive for travelers to come to these deprived places.

The hackneyed cliché that Argentine tango is a dance of middle-aged people, blood-red roses and fishnet stockings has long been outdated. Today on dance party tango (milonga) you can meet people of different ages and occupations: youth, pensioners, programmers, businessmen, bohemians. Why has this dance attracted both women and men for more than a hundred years?


You can compose a tango melody
with one finger, but always with the soul.
Enrique Santos Discepolo

Many come to tango out of love for its music, hysterical, passionate, fraught with pain and fracture. It is no coincidence that street orchestras around the world include in their repertoire a couple of works by Piazzola, a recognized classic of tango music. After all, it is impossible to remain indifferent to his melodies; they require, at a minimum, an emotional response. And as a maximum - dance: swift, passionate and bright. However, experienced tangueros know that you can dance not only to classical music tango, but also to many other compositions, finding and recognizing familiar notes and intonations in the melodies of, say, Nat King Cole and Yann Tiersen.


First, man and woman were created.
And at that very moment the tango appeared, in order
so that they can understand each other in dance,
song or in silence.
Cesar Tiempo

“And what do you find so special about this tango, they just hugged each other and went!” - fans of spectacular dances (salsa, merengue and hustle) sometimes say. And there is some truth in this. The dance floor of an ordinary tango party does not often impress an outside observer; here you will not see throwing your legs to the zenith and dizzying lifts. However, there is plenty of entertainment in professional tango. It is enough to watch the performances of teachers (maestro) to be convinced of this. At shows and demonstrations you will see a frantic pace, spectacular lifts, and the famous rapid swings of the legs. But to dance tango and enjoy dancing in pairs, it will be enough to know the simplest steps and decorations, feel the rhythm, be able to follow the music and listen to your partner. And, of course, be able to hold the right hug, which determines whether the dance will take place and what it will be like.

Argentine tango- dance of kinesthetics.

Argentine tango is a kinesthetic dance. Let us recall the famous episode from the film “Scent of a Woman”, where Al Pacino’s blind hero confidently leads a young girl in the tango rhythm. IN ordinary life tango of mere mortals does not always amaze the imagination of an outside viewer, but those two who are dancing now can endlessly enjoy this dance, the synchronicity and coherence of movements, the joy of mutual understanding.


Tango is one of the deepest
expressions of our individuality.
Hector Basaldua

If you love creativity and impromptu, then tango is the dance for you, because it is all built on improvisation. This quality distinguishes Argentine tango from its ballroom counterpart, in which the dance pattern is more or less predetermined. In Argentine tango, everything is decided by the music and the two who dance it. At the same time, tango does not stand still and continues to develop all the time. It is no coincidence that this is why there are so many different styles and directions, both classical and modern. And among the teachers, along with renowned giants with many years of experience, there are plenty of talented young people who bring their own trends and rules to this dance.


Tango is natural
expression of a big city.
Astor Piazzolla

Another undoubted advantage of tango is its social component. Tango is your new foreign language, membership in a sect and joining a mafia clan at the same time. Having mastered tango, you become a full member of the international tango community. And this means new acquaintances and expanding your social circle, the opportunity to always easily find new friends while traveling, get to know any city from its dance side, and be initiated into your circle.

Tango is your new foreign language, membership in a cult and joining a mafia clan at the same time.

Music, hugs, new circle acquaintances, the opportunity to break away from routine, a craving for creativity and a love of dancing attract new adherents to tango. Some come to classes twice a week in the evenings and enjoy this outlet, others definitely go out to dance during the week, and still others spend all evenings at milongas. And still others simply live in the rhythm of tango, timing their vacation around the next tango festival and making sure to visit Buenos Aires at least once a year. If one day you realize that tango is your dance, it will be very difficult for you to free yourself from it. As from any real passion. And is it necessary?..