Malina Irina Malinovskaya Biography (Malina Irina Malinovskaya Biography) Russian singer, participant in the People's Artist project. Biography, life story of Malina

This is a popular Russian singer.

Official website of singer Malina:

Biography of singer Malina (from the official website):

* Gnessin School, Moscow, pop-jazz vocal department.
* Higher Choreographic, University of Culture and Arts, Moscow
* School Gymnasium No. 1, Ulyanovsk (V.I. Lenin studied at this school!)

* He has more than one song in his arsenal.

* She began her creative career in the city of Ulyanovsk, starting with vocal competitions, ending with pull-ups, beauty contests and choreography competitions. Since 2000, Malina continued her creative career in Moscow.

* 2003
o Released, in collaboration with the FBI-music company, producer Evgeny Fridland, in collaboration with the poet and composer A. Kuryaev, the single “Naked” and the album “Orgasm”.

* 2006
o Won two awards at the “5 Stars” festivals in Sochi with the songs Padam and Teledusha.
o Sang in French at the birthday party of the famous French actress Anya Girardot.
* 2007
o Recorded English-language songs with Italian musicians in Italy.

* 2008
o in the Italian city of San Remo she represented Russia at the AllArts festival. Malina was the first Russian singer who sang on the famous stage of the Ariston Theater, on the stage of which many famous personalities performed: Madonna, Mireille Mathieu, L. Povorotti, etc. Malina sang in Russian, French and Italian.
o She voiced the songs of the main character of the television series “Everything Is Mixed Up in the House” by the A-Media film company. Songwriters group "Beavers" (watch, listen).
* 2009
o Recorded a mix of the songs “Striptease” and “Lomka” in collaboration with Sergei Kristovsky (Uma Thurman’s group).
* 2010
o Recorded the song “Malina” in a duet with Mikhail Shufutinsky. Songwriters Igor Zubkov and Konstantin Arsenyev. The song took first place in the charts of many radio stations and was released in Mikhail Shufutinsky’s solo album “Brato”.
o A club remix of the song “Malina” together with rap artist Dzham will be released soon.
o Received the title of Princess of the Kingdom of Caprica.

* Constantly participates in various music television programs on the central channels of Russia. Issued on the covers of glossy magazines.

* He is interested in snowboarding, shooting from different types of weapons, from a pistol to a sniper rifle, and loves to travel. He also loves the Russian bathhouse, fishing and relaxing in the taiga.

* Winner of the children's musical competition, the role of the Song Frog in the musical “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” at the age of 6 years, Ulan-Ude.
* Laureate of the children's ballet competition, the role of Mukha Tsokatukha, in the ballet “Mukha Tsokatukha”, at the age of 8 years. Ulan-Ude,
* Laureate of the “Province” competition in Izmailovo at the age of 10 years.
* Winner of the “Provincial Hit” competition, Ulyanovsk, at the age of 12 years.
* Laureate of the children's competition "Crystal Slipper" in Moscow at the age of 13 years.
* Laureate of the TV show “50/50”, Moscow.
* Laureate of the television competition “Morning Star”, Moscow at the age of 14 years.
* Grand Prix of the All-Russian Student Spring competition in Samara, at the age of 16.
* Winner of the “Yalta Moscow Transit” competition, Moscow at the age of 17 years.
* Laureate of the Artiada competition in Moscow, at the age of 17 years.
* Winner of two awards at the First Channel television festival “Five Stars”, Sochi, 2006.
* Winner of the First Channel TV show “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” 2006.
* Winner of the First Channel TV show “New Songs about the Main Thing” in 2007.
* Represented Russia at the All Arts festival in Sanremo in 2008, performed at the Ariston Theater.
* Order of “National Treasure” from the organization “Patrons of the Century”, 2008

* The charitable social movement “Good People of the World” was awarded the silver order “For service to art”, 2007.

* World Charitable Alliance “Peacemaker” - received a silver order for contribution to charity, 2009.

* World Charitable Alliance “Peacemaker” - received a golden order for contribution to charity, 2010.

04.03.2013 21:17

Malina Irina Malinovskaya Biography (Malina Irina Malinovskaya Biography) Russian singer, participant in the People's Artist project

MALINA was born in Leningrad in the family of a military man and a gymnastics coach (mother is a master of sports in gymnastics, champion of Karelia). With such parents, it is difficult not to learn two things - shoot a pistol and do the splits. She does both brilliantly.

According to her parents, the future MALINA began training her ligaments when she was barely three months old. “I screamed so hard that the glass on the windows in the apartment cracked,” the singer laughs. “I was a very nimble and active girl. At one year and eight months, I fell into a bowl of boiling water. The result was seven anesthesia, three plastic surgeries.”

The parents suffered enough, wandering with the child from city to city, from hospital to hospital. In general, fate tested her strength since childhood. Perhaps that is why from an early age she was distinguished by her willfulness, independence and versatile talent. For example, at the age of two and a half, at the New Year’s tree, she reacted to the candy handed out by Santa Claus in the following way: “I don’t eat those!” She decisively put her hand into the bag of gifts and chose the candy herself. She also remembers how she overcame her fears and phobias. “Until the third grade, I was terribly afraid of swimming,” says MALINA, “but one day I plucked up the courage and flopped into the pool. It’s okay that I almost drowned, but I learned to swim myself. I went to the pool every day and worked out.”

In my life I did everything - gymnastics, vocals, choreography, swimming. In the second grade, I had already mastered the parallel bars, horizontal bar and beam so much that I could compete with the boys. “I even have a certificate somewhere that at the age of 8 I won a pull-up competition, and was the best even among boys,” she boasts.

Parents almost did not attach any importance to the fact that the girl also sings quite well at her age. At the age of 10, her school music teacher noticed her musical abilities. And, according to MALINA, she also mastered musical notation on her own. In general, her parents rarely interfered in her life - they didn’t even check her lessons, completely trusting their daughter.

Her father and mother never heard her complain about anything. And when, for example, when moving to a new school, the school staff did not accept her, and even when one day she almost broke her spine by falling across the gymnastics beam. “They carefully removed me from the log, the pain was hellish, but I endured it like a partisan, I didn’t even shed a tear.” A relatively serene life lasted until he was 11 years old - while the family lived on Lake Baikal (in the closed military town of Sosnovy Bor, 20 km from Ulan-Ude).

At 12, MALINA and her family moved to Ulyanovsk. And after a couple of years she already turned into a local star. “In all the competitions where I participated, I somehow easily managed to win prizes,” the singer reports, not without pride. “The Crystal Slipper”, “Morning Star”, “At Cinderella’s Ball” - in all these children’s television competitions she not only “lit up”, but made a splash. And from the age of 14, performances began to bring her money.

“We had a costume dance show “Carnival of Love” to the songs of Andrei Kuryaev, with whom we gave a fairly successful concert. And at the same time, I continued to practice gymnastics until I was 17 years old, until a terrible tragedy and betrayal happened in my life...” she says in a pained voice.

To many questions related to the past, MALINA still answers: “I don’t remember.” But she will never forget the terrible accident that occurred on May 9, 1999.

The next stage of the “Race for Survival” took place in Tolyatti. “I closed these competitions with an anthem specially written by Andrei Kuryaev,” the singer recalls. - After the performance, my mother and sister Ksenia, I got into the car driven by the driver who took first place. After driving 200 meters, we crashed into a fence.

The car flew into the air, turned over twice, then somersaulted on the ground several more times. The driver died immediately, and I, having lost consciousness, broke the side window with my head, flew out and fell from a five-meter height onto the pebbles...”

The father and brother, who were driving behind and observing this picture, were sure that the girl had died. On that day, on the occasion of the holiday, Tolyatti doctors had a day off. Who knows how it would have ended if the mayor of Tolyatti had not personally taken control of this matter. MALINA was in a coma for a long time. And when she came to her senses a few days later, she didn’t recognize anyone, didn’t even remember what happened to her. It was as if all the files had been erased from her memory: neither her name nor who her relatives and friends were - she didn’t remember anything. One can only imagine what the relatives went through.

One day, her brother brought her to the hospital (by that time the girl was transported to Ulyanovsk) a handful of raspberries. And then, as if something had cleared up in her head, fragments of memories began to return from the depths of her subconscious. The diagnosis was terrible: a spinal fracture.

“I am still amazed how I withstood this incredible pain. But for the first time after the accident, I cried only when I heard the verdict from the doctors: they said that I would have to spend several months, or even a whole year, in a lying position.” These few months, during which she lay almost motionless in a hospital bed, were the most painful days of her life. Fate seemed to be finishing her off. Not right away, but she found out that her best friend was dating her boyfriend, whom MALINA loved more than life itself. It felt like everyone except her family had written her off, crossed out not only her phone number from their notebooks, but also erased her last name. “It was a very strong psychological change, I revised a lot in my life.”

As a reminder of the tragedy, she still has a barely noticeable scar on her face (“My whole face was cut by glass, even two months after the tragedy I pulled out the fragments from under my skin”). But on the other hand, a strong psychological shock and the desire to recover at all costs and prove that it was too early to write her off stimulated creative energy.

She began to put words into lines, snippets of melodies came to mind, and then entire songs. “After long days spent in bed,” says MALINA, “it was incredibly difficult to take the first step, it felt like I was put on coals, all my muscles atrophied, I lost a lot of weight - it was impossible to look at me without tears. The doctors said: you need to forget about dancing and singing. But I didn’t back down and already in July I was again brought in a supine position to the stadium where the “Race for Survival” took place. They brought me onto the stage by the arms, put me in front of the microphone, and without moving, my whole body trembling from tension, I sang the same anthem."

She is reluctant to talk about it, but someone from her close circle spilled the beans: it turns out that MALINA managed to insure herself before the accident. True, how she collected certificates and other necessary documents, how she humiliated herself and proved that the “insured event” actually happened is a separate story. Nevertheless, after about a year and a half of ordeal, a decent amount (MALINA stubbornly does not want to name the insurance company, so as not to give it unnecessary advertising) was received.

By that time, her lover had moved to Moscow and became a fairly prominent figure not only in business, but also in the social life of the capital. Who is this man? MALINA flatly refuses to say his name. But they say that since the accident he has never visited her or even called her. Pain and resentment tormented the girl, and drawn by an unknown force, the future MALINA set out to conquer the capital and prove to herself and her betrayed lover that she was a strong woman...

She had enough money to not work. However, the girl consciously decided to go through all the steps of a provincial girl, storming the heights of Russian show business. She started with clubs and restaurants: together with her sister Ksenia and Andrey Kuryaev (keyboardist and co-author of songs), she created the trio “Diversion”. In one of the nightclubs where they performed, one day she saw HIM, the man whom she still loved. But the guy didn’t even glance at the girl performing on stage. After the party, I burst into tears in the dressing room, and when I came home, I decided to change everything once again.

As a result, she remembered how her recovery began with a handful of raspberries. This is how the name of the new group was born, which the singer put together based on her ideas about how songs should sound when performed live. “The guys who are standing on stage with me today used to play hard guitar rock and roll (music that is very close to me), but we decided to soften the arrangements a little and make our songs a little poppier so that they can be perceived by people of all ages.” , says the singer.

“All the plots of the songs,” explains MALINA, “are certainly taken from my thorny life. And they are all about love, but not plush, marmalade and candy, but about a strong feeling when the tower breaks down. “I’m addicted to your love” - this song, of course, is addressed to HIM, it’s as if I want to shout out to the person with whom I live in the same city, I see him often, but I can’t come up and say even a simple word to him: “Hello.” For me, love is a drug." Hence, probably, the song with which MALINA decided to start again from the very beginning - “High”.

At the same time, the singer once made a rather strange statement that she was not going to release albums on conventional media. “For me, this is not a business, I am not going to sell my songs. It is important for me to reach ONE person. As soon as this happens... and when this happens, then I’ll decide what to do next..."

Malina Stancheva Stancheva or simply Malina is a Bulgarian pop-folk singer with professional dance training.

Malina was born on June 7, 1967 in the city of Sevlievo, but grew up and lived with her family in the city of Lovech. Her mother and father Todorka and Stancho Stanchevi are veterinarians. She has a brother, Savcho, who is 2 years older than her. Since childhood, Malina wanted to dance and sing, but at the request of her parents she continued the family tradition and received an education in veterinary medicine in the city of Stara Zagora. During her studies, she met her future husband Krasimir Mechev, and in 1990 their son Simeon was born. Malina officially divorced her husband Krasimir Mechev in 2008.

Since 1990, for 11 years, Malina has been dancing professionally: first folk, and then oriental, as a dancer in the Gipsy Aver orchestra. The group toured in Switzerland, as well as in many cities of the former Yugoslavia. In the early 90s, a video cassette was released with an album by the "Gypsy Aver" orchestra, which was called "Magic for Oriental Dance". A recording of the “Gypsy Aver” orchestra with Malina’s participation in Todor Kolev’s program “Kak shche gi stignem” in 1995 has also been preserved.

Malina’s professional musical career began in 2000, one might say, by accident, like in a joke. At one private party, Malina performed several Serbian songs, accompanying her performance with beautiful dances. Her singing and professional dance training made a great impression on the owner of the Payner company, Mitko Dimitrov, and Malina was immediately offered to sign a cooperation agreement. Malina continues to collaborate with the music company "Painer" to this day.

Malina is the real name of the singer. The producers considered using a two-part stage name for her, but ultimately decided to keep her real birth name.

Malina presented her debut song “Lubovnata Strela” at the Trakia Folk 2000 song festival. In the same year, Malina’s first video clip “Samo Ti” was released, which became the singer’s first hit.

In February 2001, the debut album “Fire Star” was recorded, consisting of 14 songs. According to the plan, the singer's second album was supposed to appear in 2002, but the release was postponed until next year. However, in the first months of the year, Malina recorded video clips for the songs for him “Don’t cry, shut up” and “Obicham ludo”.

In 2003, the singer’s second album was released, which was called “Malina”, which included very different and modern songs. And at the end of 2003, Malina recorded video clips for songs from it: “Leden is Holy”, “Samo Me Obichai”, the ballad “Tragvam Si”, “Lyubovta e”.

In 2004, at the international pop song competition "Eurodance", Malina won first place with the song "Leden Svyat" by a large margin from other performers. This was the first and so far only victory for Bulgaria during its entire participation in it.

From 2003 to the present, Malina has released a large number of high-quality video clips. Malina’s hits, for example, “Leden is Holy” (2003), “Alarma” with Galena and Emilia (2010), “Vizh Kakvo” (2013), “Ako Shche Yes Zvenish” (2013), “Without an Apology” (2014 ), “Amnesia” (2014), “Pri teb mi e surceto” (2015) brought her fame and success.

Organization of performances

MALINA (RASPBER) - pop singer.
In general, fate tested her strength since childhood. Perhaps that is why from an early age she was distinguished by her willfulness, independence and versatile talent.
In my life I did everything - gymnastics, vocals, choreography, swimming. In the second grade, I had already mastered the parallel bars, horizontal bar and beam so much that I could compete with the boys.
At 12, MALINA and her family moved to Ulyanovsk. And after a couple of years she already turned into a local star. “In all the competitions where I participated, I somehow easily managed to win prizes,” the singer reports, not without pride.
“The Crystal Slipper”, “Morning Star”, “At Cinderella’s Ball” - in all these children’s television competitions she not only “lit up”, but made a splash. And from the age of 14, performances began to bring her money.
To many questions related to the past, MALINA still answers: “I don’t remember.” But she will never forget the terrible accident that occurred on May 9, 1999.
The next stage of the “Race for Survival” took place in Tolyatti. “I closed these competitions with an anthem specially written by Andrei Kuryaev,” the singer recalls. - After the performance, my mother and sister Ksenia, I got into the car driven by the driver who took first place. After driving 200 meters, we crashed into a fence.
The car flew into the air, turned over twice, then somersaulted on the ground several more times. The driver died immediately, and I, having lost consciousness, broke the side window with my head, flew out and fell from a five-meter height onto the pebbles...”
The father and brother, who were driving behind and observing this picture, were sure that the girl had died. On that day, on the occasion of the holiday, Tolyatti doctors had a day off. Who knows how it would have ended if the mayor of Tolyatti had not personally taken control of this matter. MALINA was in a coma for a long time. And when she came to her senses a few days later, she didn’t recognize anyone, didn’t even remember what happened to her. It was as if all the files had been erased from her memory: neither her name nor who her relatives and friends were - she didn’t remember anything. One can only imagine what the relatives went through. The diagnosis was terrible: a spinal fracture.
“All the plots of the songs,” explains MALINA, “are certainly taken from my thorny life. And they are all about love, but not plush, marmalade and candy, but about a strong feeling when the tower breaks down.To find out the conditions for inviting the singer Malina to your event, call the numbers posted on the official website of the concert agent. Information about singer Malina's fee and concert schedule will be given to you so that you can invite singer Malina to an event or order a performance for an anniversary. At your request, a rider for the singer Malina will be sent. Please check in advance and book available dates for the singer Malina’s performance!

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Biography, life story of Malina

MALINA was born in Leningrad in the family of a military man and a gymnastics coach (mother is a master of sports in gymnastics, champion of Karelia). With such parents, it is difficult not to learn two things - shoot a pistol and do the splits. She does both brilliantly.

According to her parents, the future MALINA began training her ligaments when she was barely three months old. “She screamed so hard that the glass on the windows in the apartment cracked,” the singer laughs. “I was a very nimble and active girl. At one year and eight months, I fell into a bowl of boiling water. The result was seven anesthesia, three plastic surgeries.”

The parents suffered enough, wandering with the child from city to city, from hospital to hospital. In general, fate tested her strength since childhood. Perhaps that is why from an early age she was distinguished by her willfulness, independence and versatile talent. For example, at the age of two and a half, at the New Year’s tree, she reacted to the candy handed out by Santa Claus in the following way: “I don’t eat those!” She decisively put her hand into the bag of gifts and chose the candy herself. She also remembers how she overcame her fears and phobias. “Until the third grade, I was terribly afraid of swimming,” says MALINA, “but one day I plucked up the courage and flopped into the pool. It’s okay that I almost drowned, but I learned to swim myself. I went to the pool every day and worked out.”

In my life I did everything - gymnastics, vocals, choreography, swimming. In the second grade, I had already mastered the parallel bars, horizontal bar and beam so much that I could compete with the boys. “I even have a certificate somewhere that at the age of 8 I won a pull-up competition, and was the best even among boys,” she boasts.

Parents almost did not attach any importance to the fact that the girl also sings quite well at her age. At the age of 10, her school music teacher noticed her musical abilities. And, according to MALINA, she also mastered musical notation on her own. In general, her parents rarely interfered in her life - they didn’t even check her lessons, completely trusting their daughter.


Her father and mother never heard her complain about anything. And when, for example, when moving to a new school, the school staff did not accept her, and even when one day she almost broke her spine by falling across the gymnastics beam. “They carefully removed me from the log, the pain was hellish, but I endured it like a partisan, I didn’t even shed a tear.” A relatively serene life lasted until he was 11 years old - while the family lived on Lake Baikal (in the closed military town of Sosnovy Bor, 20 km from Ulan-Ude).

Star of Ulyanovsk

At 12, MALINA and her family moved to Ulyanovsk. And after a couple of years she already turned into a local star. “In all the competitions where I participated, I somehow easily managed to win prizes,” the singer reports, not without pride. “The Crystal Slipper”, “Morning Star”, “At Cinderella’s Ball” - in all these children’s television competitions she not only “lit up”, but made a splash. And from the age of 14, performances began to bring her money.
“We had a costume dance show “Carnival of Love” to the songs of Andrei Kuryaev, with whom we gave a fairly successful concert. And at the same time, I continued to practice gymnastics until I was 17 years old, until a terrible tragedy and betrayal happened in my life...,” she says in a pained voice.
“Steps” and gifts of fate

To many questions related to the past, MALINA still answers: “I don’t remember.” But she will never forget the terrible accident that occurred on May 9, 1999.

The next stage of the “Race for Survival” took place in Tolyatti. “I closed these competitions with an anthem specially written by Andrei Kuryaev,” the singer recalls. - After the performance, my mother and sister Ksenia, I got into the car driven by the driver who took first place. After driving 200 meters, we crashed into a fence.

The car flew into the air, turned over twice, then somersaulted on the ground several more times. The driver died immediately, and I, having lost consciousness, broke the side window with my head, flew out and fell from a five-meter height onto the pebbles...”

The father and brother, who were driving behind and observing this picture, were sure that the girl had died. On that day, on the occasion of the holiday, Tolyatti doctors had a day off. Who knows how it would have ended if the mayor of Tolyatti had not personally taken control of this matter. MALINA was in a coma for a long time. And when she came to her senses a few days later, she didn’t recognize anyone, didn’t even remember what happened to her. It was as if all the files had been erased from her memory: neither her name nor who her relatives and friends were - she didn’t remember anything. One can only imagine what the relatives went through.

One day, her brother brought her to the hospital (by that time the girl was transported to Ulyanovsk) a handful of raspberries. And then, as if something had cleared up in her head, fragments of memories began to return from the depths of her subconscious. The diagnosis was terrible: a spinal fracture.

“I am still amazed how I withstood this incredible pain. But for the first time after the accident, I only cried when I heard the doctors’ verdict: they said that I would have to spend several months, or even a whole year, in a lying position.” These few months, during which she lay almost motionless in a hospital bed, were the most painful days of her life. Fate seemed to be finishing her off. Not right away, but she found out that her best friend was dating her boyfriend, whom MALINA loved more than life itself. It felt like everyone except her family had written her off, crossed out not only her phone number from their notebooks, but also erased her last name. “It was a very strong psychological change, I revised a lot in my life.”

As a reminder of the tragedy, she still has a barely noticeable scar on her face (“The glass cut my whole face, even two months after the tragedy I pulled out the fragments from under my skin”). But on the other hand, a strong psychological shock and the desire to recover at all costs and prove that it was too early to write her off stimulated creative energy.

She began to put words into lines, snippets of melodies came to mind, and then entire songs.
“After long days spent in bed,” says MALINA, “it was incredibly difficult to take the first step, it felt like I was put on coals, all my muscles atrophied, I lost a lot of weight - it was impossible to look at me without tears. The doctors said: you need to forget about dancing and singing. But I didn’t back down and already in July I was again brought in a supine position to the stadium where the “Race for Survival” was taking place. They brought me onto the stage by the arms, put me in front of the microphone, and without moving, my whole body trembling from tension, I sang the same anthem.”

She is reluctant to talk about it, but someone from her close circle spilled the beans: it turns out that MALINA managed to insure herself before the accident. True, how she collected certificates and other necessary documents, how she humiliated herself and proved that the “insured event” actually happened is a separate story. Nevertheless, after about a year and a half of ordeal, a decent amount (MALINA stubbornly does not want to name the insurance company, so as not to give it unnecessary advertising) was received.

By that time, her lover had moved to Moscow and became a fairly prominent figure not only in business, but also in the social life of the capital. Who is this man? MALINA flatly refuses to say his name. But they say that since the accident he has never visited her or even called her. Pain and resentment tormented the girl, and drawn by an unknown force, the future MALINA set out to conquer the capital and prove to herself and her betrayed lover that she was a strong woman...

MALINA is ripe....

She had enough money to not work. However, the girl consciously decided to go through all the steps of a provincial girl, storming the heights of Russian show business. She started with clubs and restaurants: together with her sister Ksenia and (keyboardist and co-author of songs) Andrei Kuryaev, she created the trio “Diversion”. In one of the nightclubs where they performed, one day she saw HIM, the man whom she still loved. But the guy didn’t even glance at the girl performing on stage. After the party, I burst into tears in the dressing room, and when I came home, I decided to change everything once again.

As a result, she remembered how her recovery began with a handful of raspberries. This is how the name of the new group was born, which the singer put together based on her ideas about how songs should sound when performed live. “The guys who stand on stage with me today used to play hard guitar rock and roll (music that is very close to me), but we decided to soften the arrangements a little and make our songs a little poppier so that they can be perceived by people of all ages.” , says the singer.

“All the plots of the songs,” explains MALINA, “are certainly taken from my thorny life. And they are all about love, but not plush, marmalade and candy, but about a strong feeling when the tower breaks down. “I’m addicted to your love” - this song, of course, is addressed to HIM, it’s as if I want to shout out to the person with whom I live in the same city, I see him often, but I can’t come up and say even a simple word to him: “Hello.” For me, love is a drug.” Hence, probably, the song with which MALINA decided to start again from the very beginning - “High”.

At the same time, the singer once made a rather strange statement that she was not going to release albums on conventional media. “For me, this is not a business, I am not going to sell my songs. It is important for me to reach ONE person. As soon as this happens... and when this happens, then I’ll decide what to do next...”

Lead guitar: Denis Burim (Dan)

Born on March 2, 1980 in the city of Inta (KOMI ASSR). He has been involved in the underground and music since birth (like the band’s bass guitarist Evgeny Ermolaev). Denis's parents are a miner and an accordion teacher. Thanks to his father, a big fan of fashionable bands of that time, Denis got hooked on many of them - DOORS, PINK FLOYD, SANTANA - etc. Music accompanied him from birth, helping him in sports, which Denis was fond of in junior and middle school (hockey, freestyle wrestling, table tennis, karate, gymnastics). In the solo figure skating program, Denis once even took second place with a dance to the music “Song about Ducklings” and, according to experts, he could now compete with Evgeni Plushenko and Alexei Yagudin. And thanks to basketball, Denis became interested in rap, which gave excitement to the sport and fire to life. The future guitarist first picked up a guitar in the 7th grade under the influence of the band “Metallica” and, according to him, he completely went bad, breaking all records for poor performance and absenteeism at school.
Wanting to devote more time to music, the former straight-A student entered vocational school with symbolic number 13. “Music brought me to the pheasant school,” says Dan. – “Fazanka” means “the first phase in the independent development of a person.” I was driven by the desire to become independent from my parents and teachers. However, I was the only one of my kind - the students in the "pheasant" were, to put it mildly, mostly lazy people, and there were even people with criminal records...” But the musician was not at a loss and in the second year of study he found himself a “soul mate” - musician and like-minded person Evgeny Ermolaev. Deciding to sow “reasonable, good, eternal”, they created a punk band called “RUL”. After participating in several alternative festivals, including “Whims of the Brain” in Syktyvkar, the group became popular. The “steering wheel” clip “Hydroperitis is to blame for everything” (in the concert version the word “hydroperitis” is replaced by the name of a well-known drug) is still in rotation on local channels, and the group has been successfully touring nearby cities for a long time.

After graduating from college and receiving the specialty “electrical fitter of the 3rd category,” Dan went down into a real mine and worked underground for a whole year, while making frequent trips to concerts, festivals and rehearsals of his native band.

The desire to expand his creative horizons and deepen his mining engineering knowledge led Dan to Moscow Mining University (MSGU). At the end of the 1st year, Dan meets Egor, the future drummer of “MALINA”, with whom he begins to play funk, and later grunge in the group “Freken Bok”.

Another milestone that preceded Denis Burim’s arrival in the “MALINA” group was meeting the “VA-BANK” keyboardist at the festival on Manezhnaya Square... “My friend and I were sitting on the fountain, drinking beer, talking about guitars. Our conversation was supported by the person who later invited me to audition for VA-BANK. So I joined the ranks of “legends of Russian rock,” recalls Denis.

Dan safely left the ranks of the “legends of Russian rock”, literally going all-in. The fact is that Evgeny Ermolaev moved to the capital. Dan and Egor decided to resume the vigorous activity of Freken Bok, which by that time had already appeared at alternative rock festivals in Luzhniki, MDM and Olimpiysky. Having bet on his group, Dan did not miscalculate. During the recording of the mini-single, “Freken Bok” meets Kim Breitburg, sound producer of “MALINA”. A new story begins for musicians - show business.
Bass guitar: Evgeny Ermolaev (Zhendos)

Born on August 29, 1979 in Krasnogorsk (Kazakhstan) in the family of a miner and a telephone operator. I have been interested in music since childhood, since my older brother was a fan of DEPESHE MODE, RAMMSTEIN, PINK FLOYD, LED ZEPPELIN, INXS.

I came to music school at the age of 8. After studying the accordion for 2 years, I decided to switch to the guitar. I took lessons in playing this instrument from guys I knew from a yard ensemble. The bass guitarist’s first repertoire consisted of works by cult bands - “Metallica”, “Aria”, “Alice”, “Kino”, whose work Evgeniy mastered over the next 4 years. Having thus honed his performing technique, the future virtuoso bass guitarist, together with his older brother, a poet and also a guitarist, organized the group “Khmarachos”. And a year later, celebrating his 15th birthday, Evgeniy realized that he was bored with the “settled life”. He came to the station and bought a ticket for the next train. The train brought Evgeniy to the city of Togliatti. After living there for 4 months, the musician left for Inta (KOMI ASSR), which he found on a map and whose name, due to its unusual nature, really attracted the bass player. In Inta, the fateful meeting of Evgeny Ermolaev with Denis Burim and the creation of the punk group “RUL” take place. “RUL” actively participated in various music festivals and smoothly joined the music scene, making its creators and participants real celebrities. It is clear that there was only one road further - to Moscow.

In the capital, Evgeniy had to start all over again. Due to the lack of a large number of concerts at first, the musician was forced to master a new profession for himself - a mechanic at a factory for the production of aluminum windows. Starting as a simple worker, Evgeniy rose to the rank of foreman. It is unknown what other successes the musician would have achieved in his work biography if not for Denis Burim, who offered Evgeniy a job in the Freken Bok group, in which the musicians have been members for 5 years. It was during the recording of the group’s debut album that the members of “Freken Bok” met the sound producer of the “MALINA” project, Kim Breitburg, who offered the musicians a lucrative contract. Evgeniy, Denis and Egor meet the lead singer of the group MALIN and begin working on recording the debut maxi-single “Naked” and the album “Orgasm”.

As for hobbies, in addition to his biggest passion in life - music, Evgeniy is interested in “Taiwanese tea ceremony, ethnography, writing Chinese characters.”
Drums: Georgy (Egor) Yurkevich

Yegor's parents: his father is an aviation engineer, his mother is an employee of the State Duma archives - had a great influence on the formation of his musical tastes.

Since childhood, the future member of the MALINA band played music in various backyard rock projects, and was also fond of hiking. In that early period of his work, Yegor sought to imitate his favorite musicians from Led Zeppilin, PINK FLOYD, Deep Purple. Having received a matriculation certificate, Yegor was solving a dilemma for himself regarding the choice of life path: to devote himself to travel and romance or to immerse himself in music. And finally, in 1997, he entered the College of Geodesy and Cartography and... successfully dropped out that same year.

Interest in cartography faded and was replaced by a passion for anatomy, which led Yegor to medical school in 1998. After graduating from medical school in 2001 and receiving a specialty as a nurse, Egor, like many of his colleagues - future musicians, interned in various hospitals - children's, epidemiological, surgical.

It should be noted that in the case of medicine, everything was the same as with cartography: the musician soon got bored with it. But creative life was gaining momentum. Egor’s track record includes such groups as “Chronicle”, “Hangover” (hangover), “Pathology”, “Shvakh”, “Nate Vam”..., of which he himself was the organizer or joined them as a drummer. Thus, the group “Pathology” created by Yegor arose when the musician was still thinking about medicine. For well-known reasons, it did not last long; the drummer received a diploma as a nurse and said goodbye to medicine forever.

Real musical life began when two friends suggested to Yegor that they start a funk project. The project was called “Freken Bock”. Concerts in fashionable youth clubs, participation in group concerts at stadiums, tours, and, finally, the recording of the group’s first mini-single, which took place at the Cream Records studio. It was at this studio that the musicians met composer and sound producer Kim Breitburg, who was looking for a musical group for the MALINA project.
Hobbies: hiking (hiking, horseback riding, kayaking, car races). Starting at the age of 12, Yegor visited Valdai, Pecher, Pskov, and the river with his parents and friends. Lovot, etc. The first poems dedicated to “all sorts of childish nonsense” were born there, which over time acquired a full-fledged epic form.

Born on November 14, 1962 in the city of Ulyanovsk (the birthplace of the coolest showman in Russia - Lenin! - approx. Andrey Kuryaev).

“At the age of 7, I took my mother by the hand and took me to a music school to enroll in a guitar class,” says Andrey Kuryaev. – During the exam, the teachers categorically did not agree to accept me into the department of such a “frivolous” instrument as the guitar and persuaded me to learn to play the clarinet. I cried for a long time, but when I saw this beautiful instrument sparkling with valves, I gave up! And then I even fell in love with him and played the clarinet with pleasure for a whole year... But the teacher, the only one in the whole of Ulyanovsk, left, and again they didn’t let me play the guitar, but persuaded me to sit at the accordion. Something broke inside me, and I weakly agreed, but I no longer loved the accordion. I got straight C grades and barely graduated from music school. And I mastered the guitar myself. From the 6th grade he was the leader of the school VIA. With the song “Boys Draw War” we became the winners of the city competition among VIA. At the same time, he was involved in athletics. Distances of 5-10 km were especially successful. Received 1st adult category. And I had to make a choice: either music or sports. Music won.

After graduating from school, I entered the Polytechnic Institute, because on TV all the artists said that they had a technical education. During his student years, he studied in a choir, played in KVN, even went to Sochi to major league festivals, and was the lead guitarist in a rock band. Wrote a bunch of songs, participated in bard festivals. He performed in solo concerts as a singer-songwriter. After the Polytechnic Institute, he worked at a factory as an engineer for 3 years, after which he happily returned to his native institute as an artistic director of the student club. He was the leading artist of the youth theater-studio “On the Dam”, and in 1990 in Yekaterinburg he received the prize “For Best Actor” at the international theater festival.

But the music took over again. The children's studio "Solo" offered to write a cycle of children's songs for performance in the "Morning Star" programs. That's how I became a children's composer. It was interesting, especially since there were a lot of beautiful girls in the Solo studio. There I met the future MALIN. She was only 14 then. She stood out from the rest. One of my friends, who saw her performance, said that she and I should do a joint show program. And after 2 years, our joint show program “Carnival of Love” became the most popular in the city and in the Volga region. We traveled to many cities, sold a huge number of self-made cassettes with our songs, performed on cruises along the Volga, and in our native Ulyanovsk we became artists of the Philharmonic and gathered the hall of the Lenin Memorial for our concerts twice a year. There was even one concert with a jazz band.

And in 1996, MALINA took 3rd place at the Yalta-Moscow-Transit festival. There we also met Maxim Dunaevsky, who said that if we didn’t move to Moscow...

I have long wanted to move to Moscow, especially since as a children’s composer I had a lot of proposals for songs from different cities. And we had a close creative relationship with MALIN. Having arrived in Moscow, we organized the group “Diversion”, sang remixes of songs we knew. We were invited by such clubs as “Golden Palace”, “Crystal” and many others. But we understood that this was “not ours.” When the song “Lomka” was written, we could not yet imagine that we would sign a contract with Evgeniy Fridland. But it was not a dream! With his light hand and with the encouragement of Kim Breitburg, talented musicians from “Freken Bock” joined our team, with whom we can play cool live concerts, which are the future.”