Exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint. Effective sets of exercises for the hip joint

Joint disease often leads to unpleasant sensations, and with age, new complications appear that develop into complex forms of the disease (arthrosis, coxarthrosis, etc.). In order to maintain joint mobility and not end up in a wheelchair, you need to regularly perform simple exercises for the hip joint at home.

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What exercises are suitable for the hip joints?

Diseases of the hip joint are one of the most common problems that are associated with a lack of lubricating fluid in the joint cavity. One of the ways to solve this problem is a complex of therapeutic physical education (PT). However, in order not to harm sore joints, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing the exercises.

We perform exercises while lying on our back:

  • To begin with, we select a hard and flat surface on which to lie down and stretch out our limbs. Then we slowly raise our legs up, inhaling deeply, and as we exhale, gently lower them. In this approach we do 8-10 repetitions, and as we train daily we increase the number of repetitions;
  • in the next exercise, you should straighten your legs, then point your feet inward, towards each other, and return to the starting position. In this way we do 10 repetitions;
  • We do the exercise and imagine a bicycle. Lying on your back, as if pedaling, for up to 20 seconds. Watch your breathing, it should be smooth and continuous.

We perform exercises while lying on our stomach:

  • hands on the hips, gradually bend back, lifting the legs, and smoothly lower them to the starting position, do 10 repetitions;
  • as in the previous exercise, from the starting position we raise only the head and shoulders;
  • moving your arms forward, you should tense your thigh muscles; We are trying to lift ourselves up. Then relax and repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

How to do physical exercises at home, look at the pictures:

Important! When performing exercises for the hip joint in the first stages of arthrosis, a person may feel unpleasant pain, which will soon pass. One of the reasons for the appearance of pain is the increased load on the joints, therefore, when starting to do a set of health-improving exercises, you need to start small.

In what cases is it prohibited to perform joint exercises?

There are a number of contraindications for performing exercises, for example, with:

  • acute stage of the disease;
  • recently undergone major operations;
  • serious disease of internal organs (liver, heart, kidneys);
  • elevated body temperature (above 37);
  • hernia;
  • menses;
  • severe disease of the cardiovascular system.

Lightweight gymnastics for the hip joint

My hip joints hurt, what exercises should I do? For this case, there is a special set of simplified exercises that should be performed in strict order. As a result, the patient will spend 25 minutes of his time doing physical exercises. But at the initial stage, it will be enough for them to spend 10 minutes.

However, if the pain continues to torment, you need to completely stop exercising until the discomfort disappears, and start again with light loads.

Here is a list of the simplest exercises that you can do at home:

  • To perform this exercise, you will need a small chair that will serve as support while you stand on it with your good leg. Focusing on the straightened sore leg, you need to try to sway a little, moving forward and backward. Depending on how the pain goes away, we increase the range of motion;
  • sit down on a chair, keeping your back straight. Your knees should be shoulder-width apart. Try to close your knees for 2-5 seconds without removing your feet from the starting position. We do 5 repetitions;
  • Having chosen a hard and flat surface for lying on your back, you should place a cushion or rolled blanket under your knee. Begin to straighten your knees and move them slightly to the sides, then back to the opposite position. We do this 4-6 times.

All of the hip joint exercises described above to perform at home are aimed at strengthening muscles, developing and healing joints, so it is necessary to carry out training regularly. If you have difficulty performing gymnastics due to pain, seek help from a specialist. This is necessary to avoid injuries and complications.

Most people have diseases associated with various joint disorders. Most pathologies of the hip joint are distributed among the working population and are more often detected in people over 30 years of age. Moreover, the consequences of violations can lead to temporary incapacity for work, or, in the worst case, disability. A common degenerative disorder of the joints is arthrosis, when the cartilage tissue wears out. As the disease progresses, coxarthrosis occurs, which means damage to the hip joints. It is important to begin treatment immediately to prevent irreversible consequences.

Hip joint

The role of joints is enormous in supporting the weight of the human body and performing movements; the joint is strong and can withstand heavy loads. Due to certain pathologies, structural disturbances occur, reducing the amplitude and strength of the movements performed. Treatment of patients with disorders is indicated to restore normal functioning.

The attending physician uses techniques to correct disorders. Methods include:

  1. Treatment with medications;
  2. Physiotherapy;
  3. Exercise therapy under the supervision of a doctor;
  4. Massage;
  5. Surgical treatment.

Many people question the help of therapeutic exercises; exercises help restore joint mobility. For any diseases or disorders of the musculoskeletal system, it is important to start moving; exercises cannot be replaced by other methods! How movements and exercises should be performed is recommended exclusively by a doctor. Many methods of exercise therapy have been developed to get rid of disorders of the hip joint, helping to achieve results. The most popular is the gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovsky.

The doctor founded a unique method for treating joint pathology thanks to advances in traumatology and neurology. According to the author's method, it is assumed that the internal potentials and reserves of the human body are activated to resist the disease. The basis of treatment is constant movement. According to a new method, called kinesiotherapy, exercises are selected for various areas of the skeleton.


General positions in treatment

Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastic tasks are easy to perform and can be done at home. To perform the exercises developed by Dr. Bubnovsky, a person does not need special physical training. Classes are designed for people with low and intermediate levels of training. The following are described to help you perform gymnastics correctly:

  1. It is important to pre-warm the muscle fibers while avoiding injury. It is allowed to massage the hip joint yourself;
  2. To increase blood flow and relax muscles, take a warm shower;
  3. It is useful to combine training sessions with swimming to engage muscle groups;
  4. Walking has a positive effect on the treatment of joints.

Efficiency of the technique

Treatment with gymnastics is recognized as an effective way to restore disorders. In case of arthrosis of the hip joints, it is recommended to perform exercises under strict supervision and control by a doctor; the doctor has the right to control the movement, correct and help if necessary.

It would be best if the patient first performs the exercises in the hospital, then at home, after the doctor’s permission. Professor Bubnovsky has repeatedly proven the effectiveness and efficiency of the technique in practice. Thanks to the latest technologies in medicine, it is possible to achieve the maximum effect from exercises in the treatment of diseases and disorders.

Therapeutic gymnastics


Any exercises used in exercise therapy may only be used after examination and prescriptions recommended by the attending physician. Bubnovsky's technique limits the use of exercises in selected cases. These include:

  • Exacerbation of pronounced pathological processes;
  • Intoxication syndrome, even if treatment is provided;
  • In the presence of blood clots, in the event of a previous stroke or heart attack;
  • Menstrual period in women;
  • Emergency conditions in a person that urgently require treatment.

If these disorders are present, the attending physician concludes that at this stage kinesiotherapy is not recommended for the patient until the condition returns to normal. Having started Bubnovsky’s gymnastics, you need to remember the rules, if followed, you will be able to achieve a greater effect from the exercises. You should not ignore the instructions, despite the simplicity of the rules for exercise therapy, patients are required to have self-control, patience and a great desire to achieve results.

While doing the exercises, remember:

  1. Movements are performed slowly, without creating sudden movements or jerks;
  2. At first, simple movements are learned, then they begin to complex ones;
  3. Exercises in static mode alternate with dynamics;
  4. During periods of muscle tension, exhale; during periods of relaxation, inhale;
  5. During exercise, pain should not appear; if discomfort occurs, it is recommended to return to a simple exercise;
  6. The load on the hip joint must fully correspond to its condition and body weight.

The technical side of adaptive gymnastics training

The exercises used in adaptive gymnastics are intended to prepare patients for subsequent complexes of movements that are technically difficult. The program includes movements:

  1. The patient lies on the floor, in turn raises his straightened legs at the knees, touching them with his hands. The doctor monitors the actions;
  2. The person takes a position on his side, raises the bent leg, then the unbent straight leg;
  3. For the third exercise, we lie on our stomach, raise our legs, holding them in this position for a few seconds;
  4. We kneel down, leaning our hands on the floor, bend our back, swinging our pelvis to the sides;
  5. We squat down, arch our back, while relaxing our muscles;
  6. We do classic exercises - squats, then stand up and perform rotational movements of the arms in the shoulder joint.

The described movements do not require muscle strength, a lighter version of the movements from the key diagram of Dr. Bubnovsky. This plan helps the body quickly adapt to the mobilization of personal strength. If you perform the movements correctly, the results will come soon.

A frequent case is when a doctor prescribes a set of exercises for the hip joint. We will describe the exercises in more detail.

Adaptive gymnastics

Position of the person on the back:

  • The movement occurs in the area of ​​the knee joint: we bend our legs, pull one leg to the sternum, then the second, at the same time we wrap our arms around the knees. We try to stay in the resulting position for 5 seconds, then it is permissible to return to the starting position;
  • One by one, we lift our legs above the floor by 30 cm, without bending the knee joints, then lower them and repeat the movements up to 15 times on each leg;
  • We bend our legs, spread our knees to the sides as far as possible;
  • When controlling breathing, we raise the bent legs, exhale the air, then lower them and inhale;
  • There is no bending of the knee joints, the legs are straightened, and the arms are located along the body. We move the head and upper part of the body: raise the head and shoulder girdle, hold in the accepted position for 4-5 seconds.

Starting position – lie on your side:

  • The leg is abducted to the side, there is no flexion of the knee joints;
  • The upper leg, lying on the second one from above, is bent at the knee, taken back, then to the sternum;
  • We bend the knee joints on the leg, which is located on the other, pull the heel up, return it back and swing up;
  • We bend our legs, create a movement of the arm that is on top so that it connects with the leg that is located below.

Exercises on the stomach, with elbows on the floor:

  • At a slow pace, we alternately lift our legs to the top point;
  • For the exercise, we take turns lifting our legs up, rolling onto our backs, and repeating the movement;
  • In the starting position, we pull each leg in turn, initially to the elbows, return to the starting position and stretch the legs back;
  • We place the legs and arms at the width of the shoulder joints, and, if possible, lift the body upward.

Starting position – kneel:

  • Arms are straightened, we lean on the floor, using Bubnovsky’s technology we lift each bent leg in turn;
  • We straighten the leg, lift it, lower it and repeat the same movement on the second leg. If it is impossible to perform the exercise, the doctor simplifies the task;
  • We bring the bent leg at the knee joint to the thoracic region, moving it back and to the side.
  1. Squats;
  2. Long walks on foot;
  3. Movements are similar to the “bicycle” exercise.

When making appointments, the doctor clearly gives instructions on what to do, in what quantity and pace. Before appointments begin, a thorough examination is carried out, the necessary information and tests are collected. The treatment will produce results with the patient’s absolute commitment.

Over time, freedom of movement of the hip joint gradually decreases. Sometimes, with more or less active actions, some pain discomfort, stiffness and limited mobility are felt. The most likely cause of this condition is the initial stage of osteoarthrosis, or coxarthrosis of the hip joint. Therapeutic and preventive exercises for the hip joint to perform at home will help correct the situation.

What is osteoarthritis (coxarthrosis)?

It is important to know! Doctors are shocked: “An effective and affordable remedy for joint pain exists...” ...

Deforming arthrosis, coxarthrosis or osteoarthrosis of the hip joint is a complex of clinical manifestations confirming the onset of degenerative-dystrophic destruction of the osteoarticular, muscular and ligamentous joints in the hip section of the skeletal frame. Painful signs of the disease are accompanied by limited mobility in the joints, muscle atrophy, and some shortening of the limbs.

Damage to the left joint. This is what it will look like if measures are not taken at the initial stage of the disease.

The cause-and-effect relationship of the development of clinical pathology may be a hereditary predisposition, the result of an old spinal injury, curvature of the spinal axis, inflammatory processes of an infectious nature in the osteoarticular and muscular sections.

An advanced form of clinical pathology forces a person to take potent medications aimed at reducing pain and eliminating the inflammatory process.

Photograph of the head of the hip joint with stage 3 osteoarthritis.

Having agreed with the attending physician on a program of drug and physiotherapeutic treatment, therapeutic and preventive exercises for the hip joints will be very effective, strengthening the musculoskeletal system and returning the patient the ability to move without pain discomfort.

How to test for signs of disease?

Clinical manifestations of pathologies of the hip joints are accompanied by pain symptoms in the back, knees and/or groin area. You can test the articular surfaces of the musculoskeletal system yourself at home.

Lying on your stomach, bend your leg and move it to the side. The presence of pain indicates the presence of a specific medical problem. The next test is performed while lying on your back. The bent leg at the knee should move freely in a circular motion.

The thing is that the hip joint is a round sliding surface that should rotate without restrictions along a trajectory reminiscent of the number “8”. As soon as a pain sign limits the degree of freedom of the hip joint, this is a sign of the presence of a certain type of articular pathology.

It's important to know that a weak joint is a weakening of the muscles, insufficiently functional main blood circulation, risk of sprain and/or rupture of the ligamentous apparatus.

Simple exercises for osteoarthritis

The simplest way to get rid of congenital dysplasia and initial damage by deforming arthrosis is physical therapy (PT) of the hip joint. A simple (basic) set of daily exercises will help stabilize the affected cartilage tissue of the articular surfaces.

Exercises while lying on your stomach:

  • Slowly raise your straight leg up with a delay of 3-5 seconds, then slowly lower it down until completely relaxed. The same procedure is performed with the other leg. The main task of such therapeutic and prophylactic action is to pump up the thigh muscles without disturbing the hip joints.
  • We bend the knee and alternately slowly lift with the right and left leg, still holding the movement for 3-5 seconds. The purpose of this exercise for the hip joint is to stabilize muscle functions and restore blood supply.

Position taken, lying on your back:

  • One leg should be bent at the knee and the other kept straight. Slowly raise the straightened leg up with a delay of a few seconds, then lower it until completely relaxed. The same movements are performed with the other leg.
  • We bend both legs at the knee joint at an angle of 90º, and smoothly direct them towards the stomach without touching it. Let's put our feet down and relax.
  • Legs bent at an angle of 90º, should be slightly spread slightly wider than the hip area. Slowly raise the pelvis, bending as high as possible, holding the position for 3-5 seconds. Slowly lower the pelvis, trying not to touch the floor surface.

The following gymnastic approach is performed while lying on your side:

  • One leg is relaxed and bent at the knee, the other is straightened. Slowly raise the straight leg up to 45 degrees, and holding it in the air a little, smoothly lower it down. This exercise should not be performed too abruptly to avoid tearing the articular tendon.
  • We turn the body over to the other side and perform the same exercise with the other leg.

Starting position sitting:

  • Slowly lean forward and, if possible, cover your toes with your hands. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds. If it is impossible to cover your toes, due to the physiological characteristics of the body or physique, you should not overexert yourself, but simply use a towel, draping it over your feet like a loop.

When performing exercises, you should not strain other muscles of the body. Only the leg muscles should work. Each exercise is repeated at least 5 times.

Stop putting up with this joint pain! Write down a proven recipe...

Gymnastics for diseases of the hip joint I and II degrees

“Doctors are hiding the truth!”

Even “advanced” joint problems can be cured at home! Just remember to apply this once a day...

Starting position, lying on your back:

  • Slowly pull up your legs, bent at an angle of 90º to your body, and slightly spread them to the side. Having held this position for 3-5 seconds, we return to the starting position. A correctly performed movement involves pressing your heels to the floor and sliding them along a flat surface. The exercise is repeated 5-10 times.
  • We pull the bent legs towards the stomach with a smooth movement, providing slight resistance with our hands. This type of therapeutic exercises is performed 5-10 times.
  • This positional part of physical therapy ends with an exercise to relax spasmodic leg muscles. Lying on your back, slightly spread your straight legs to the sides with your feet turned outward. With thighs tense, we turn our feet inward, pressing our knees tightly against each other. We return to the starting position for 5-10 seconds, after which we resume tension in the legs. The position is performed 3-5 times.

Starting position, lying on your side:

  • The bent leg at an angle of 90º slowly rises up and smoothly lowers to its original position. The main condition is not to separate your feet from each other.
  • We repeat the movements of the previous exercise, turning the body in the other direction. The recommended gymnastic course must be repeated 5-10 times.

Starting position – lying on your stomach:

  • With your arms straight along your body, you need to smoothly raise your straightened leg at an angle of 45º, holding the position for 15-20 seconds.
  • Similar movements are made with the other leg.
  • We bend the right leg at an angle of 45º and perform an upward movement while holding the leg suspended for 30 seconds to one minute. The peculiarity of this exercise lies in the static position of the pelvic bones pressed to the floor surface.
  • Repeat the previous exercise with the left leg, keeping it in static balance for the same amount of time.

Starting position, standing on the floor:

  • Feet shoulder-width apart, with toes turned slightly to the sides while maintaining balance. We begin light squats, including only the femoral part in the work, without straining the knee joints. Return to the starting position without straightening your back. This pendulum movement is performed 5 to 10 times.

Starting position – sitting on a chair:

  • Sitting on the edge of a chair, you need to alternately lift your right and left legs with smooth movements, trying to give them a horizontal position.
  • Being on the edge of the supporting surface, and pressing the heels of your feet tightly, you need to spread your knees to the sides, trying not to strain the piriformis muscle. Thanks to this exercise, blood is pumped into the hip joint. The treatment complex is performed 15-20 times.

You can complete therapeutic exercises for the joints of the hip segments with a light preventive massage. Without getting up from the chair, we begin stroking the leg from the knee, and continue moving along the anterolateral surface of the thigh, trying not to touch the back part of it. The massage continues with intensive rubbing of the thigh on a preheated surface, the same massage procedures are transferred to the other leg. The duration of massage manipulations is from 1 to 3 minutes.

For additional stimulation of blood circulation and better gliding of your hands, you can use a special cream for massage therapy.

Rules for performing therapeutic exercises

The main thing that must be observed when performing exercises is smooth and unhurried movements. Snatching efforts will cause microtrauma and/or other damage to the joints, and will bring absolutely no benefit, only harm. Slow, moderate gymnastic movements allow, relatively speaking, to create a certain wave of blood, which progressively washes the articular surface, and improves the delivery of nutrients. Besides, unhurried movements allow you to efficiently flush out waste products from the body.

Proper breathing patterns play an important role. You need to breathe only through your nose. Even a correctly performed set of exercises will not improve the situation in the next 2-3 weeks. A person will feel the first signs of improvement in his condition after a month of daily training of the musculoskeletal and articular system of the hip skeletal segment.

Attention! If the proposed exercises cause sharp or acute pain in any of the vital organs, then physical therapy should be stopped.

Contraindications to exercises

Despite all the usefulness of exercise therapy, gymnastics for the hip joint has certain contraindications that must be taken into account.

  • when the peritoneum protrudes into the cavity of the inguinal canal;
  • for intervertebral hernias;
  • at the onset of menstruation;
  • with hypertensive crisis and/or increased intracranial pressure;
  • for complications of the cardiovascular system and severe diseases associated with blood vessels;
  • in case of exacerbation of chronic conditions of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, etc.

In addition, in case of elevated body temperature of the subfebrile type, it is recommended to wait for recovery and begin exercises after 3-4 days.

Therapeutic prevention

Some medical experts suggest that you can get rid of osteoarticular diseases of the musculoskeletal system by changing the quality and diet. You should avoid eating fermented foods, smoked meats, and foods with large amounts of biochemical preservatives. It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of pickled, salty foods and sugar. The best thing to do is to satisfy your gastronomic cravings with foods of plant origin.

For the treatment and prevention of DISEASES OF THE JOINTS and SPINE, our readers use the method of quick and non-surgical treatment recommended by leading rheumatologists in Russia, who decided to speak out against pharmaceutical lawlessness and presented a medicine that REALLY TREATS! We have become familiar with this technique and decided to bring it to your attention. Read more…

Of no small importance is a person’s psychological attitude to various stressful situations, since rheumatic diseases of the hip joints are directly related to this. In simple terms, the stress hormone actually eats away the cartilage of the hip joint. In addition, if there is no release or discharge of nervous stress, then a spasm of the blood vessels in the joint area occurs. It has been noticed that people with the most stable psyche most often turn to rheumatologists, orthopedists and traumatologists.

Take care of yourself and always be healthy!

How to forget about joint pain?

  • Joint pain limits your movements and full life...
  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain...
  • You may have tried a bunch of medications, creams and ointments...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much...

But orthopedist Valentin Dikul claims that a truly effective remedy for joint pain exists!

According to sad statistics, coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joint) affects from 3 to 16% of the world's population. This is a severe degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which is characterized by a progressive course. An obligatory component of therapy is therapeutic exercises - the simplest and most natural method of getting rid of joint diseases. However, like any other method of treatment, it should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since incorrectly selected exercises (and their incorrect execution) can only aggravate the development of the disease.

Tasks and features of exercise therapy

All therapeutic measures for patients suffering from coxarthrosis are aimed at reducing pain, strengthening ligaments and muscles, and slowing down the destruction of articular cartilage.

Regularity of classes is the most important condition for exercise therapy. Proper gymnastic exercises help improve joint stability and stretch and relax the hip flexor and extensor muscles.

The treatment process uses dynamic (moving) and isometric (static) exercises, in which the muscles are tensed without moving the body itself. In this case, the range of motion in the hip joint should be within the limits of preserved mobility (before pain occurs). Numerous studies have proven that even with severe pathological changes in the joints, patients with a well-trained muscular system develop compensatory (adaptive) mechanisms*. But their formation requires long-term systematic training.

* Compensatory mechanisms are reflex reactions aimed at eliminating or weakening functional changes in the body caused by the environment, diseases, etc.

For a patient suffering from arthrosis of the hip joint (HJ), exercise therapy exercises are recommended that strengthen the ligaments and muscles, but do not force the joint to excessively extend and flex.

Rules for performing gymnastics

  • In case of arthrosis of the hip joint, the physical activity recommended for the patient should not have a negative effect on the articular cartilage. Gymnastics should be performed daily, that is, turn this need into a useful habit that will help ensure good blood supply and mobility to the hip joint.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics for arthrosis involves choosing a starting position that does not increase the load on the joint. During classes, increasing the load should occur by increasing the number of repetitions and the total number of exercises.
  • Many patients are recommended dosed weights. For this purpose, a special cuff or rubber band is used, which is fixed on the ankle. Each exercise with weights should be performed slowly, without expanding the range of motion.
  • Breathing during exercise should be voluntary.
  • Any exercise ends with raising your arms up (inhale) and lowering your arms down (exhale).

The best exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint

1. IP (starting position) – lying on the floor, on your stomach. Arms along the body, legs straight. Slow lifts are performed with a straight leg 15 degrees from the floor, holding it in this position for 30-40 seconds. Then the legs are changed. This exercise can only be performed once with each leg (per workout). All movements are performed due to the efforts of the thigh and gluteal muscles.

Then the same movement is performed in a dynamic version: the legs straightened at the knees are slowly and smoothly alternately raised up and held for 1-2 seconds at the top point. During the entire exercise therapy session, 10-12 lifts should be performed.

2. I.P. - lying on his stomach, arms along the body. The right leg is bent at the knee at a right angle, the left leg is straight. The exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one. In the static version - once with each leg, in the dynamic version - 10-12 times. Then the legs are changed.

3. I.P. - lying on his stomach, on the floor. Legs are straightened, arms are extended along the body. Very slowly, straight legs are raised up to an angle of 15° from the floor, held in weight, and then smoothly spread and brought together (8-10 times).

4. I.P. - lying on the right side with the right leg bent at the knee, the left leg straight. For about 30 seconds, you need to keep your left leg suspended (45°), and then, after a short rest, roll over onto your right side and perform the same movement with your right leg.

5. I.P. - sitting on the floor, legs straightened. Without bending your knees, you need to lean forward and try to clasp your feet or toes with your palms. Pulling your body forward, you need to stay in this position for a couple of minutes. Perform no more than once a day.

If this exercise is performed regularly for several months, the muscles of the back and hips will stretch, and the angle of inclination will double. As a result, the blood supply to the legs will improve, and muscle spasms in the hip and lower back will disappear.

In physiotherapeutic practice, many similar exercises are used in the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint, but all of them must be prescribed individually by a physical therapy instructor. This takes into account the stage of the pathological process, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

What exercises are prohibited?

All movements that cause severe pain are strictly contraindicated for the patient (by the way, pain can also occur if the exercises are performed incorrectly).

With arthrosis of the hip joint, the following is prohibited:

  • squat,
  • "rotate the bike"
  • walk a lot
  • perform active flexion and extension of the hip joint,
  • pull with a jerk or apply force to the sore joint.

Contraindications for exercise therapy

  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Severe cardiovascular pathologies and blood diseases.
  • Hernia of the white line of the abdomen and inguinal hernia.
  • Acute forms of diseases of internal organs.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Critical days for women.
  • The rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery.
  • The period of exacerbation of arthrosis of the hip joint.


In order to return the movements to their former lightness, will and perseverance are required. However, before you start exercising, you need to consult with your doctor and find out if you have any contraindications for physical education. And, most importantly, read very carefully the rules and features of the recommended gymnastics complex.

Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, which is accompanied by their changes and deformation, as well as a certain limitation of mobility and the inability to move painlessly. To avoid this disease, you need to lead an active lifestyle and give your body physical activity. Let's look at what exercises there are for the hip joints when arthrosis occurs, how to perform physical therapy at home, and which method is the most effective.

What exercises to do for coxarthrosis

Coxarthrosis or osteoarthritis of the hip joints is the most common disease in this area. It occurs due to insufficient lubrication in the bone cup and dysplasia of this area. The simplest way to treat such a disease is physical therapy. Any recovery begins with such exercises, so it is important to know how to perform the exercises correctly and which ones are the most effective.

Lying on your back:

  • We lie down on a flat, hard surface and stretch out our limbs. Gradually raise your arms and legs up as you inhale, and lower them as you exhale. We repeat the exercise from 6 to 10 times (the first time it is better to take a small amount, and increase it during daily exercise).
  • Without lifting your heels from the surface, raise your knees up. We perform up to 10 times.
  • We straighten our legs, point our feet inward, and then return to the starting position. The exercise can be performed even in bed before bed, up to 10 times a day.
  • We place our hands on the belt, lying on our back, and perform the “bicycle” exercise for about 20 seconds. Breathing should remain even and continuous, so you need to practice at a slow pace.

Lying on your stomach:

  • With our hands on our hips, we gradually raise our legs to a height of 20-25 cm and lower them back, performing about 10 times.
  • Similarly, raise your head and shoulders.
  • We move our arms forward, strain the muscles of the hip joint, trying to lift ourselves. After relaxation, repeat up to 7 times.

Rules for performing exercise therapy at home

  1. If joint diseases are detected, there is no need to suddenly start playing sports; all exercises should be introduced gradually, starting with 2-3 times.
  2. Determine a special place for classes, without drafts, but with a fresh stream of clean air, for example, near forests.
  3. The main goal of all exercises is to unload the spine and lightly strain all joints, so the lying position is the most suitable.
  4. If you choose strength training, then perform them with special belts that secure the lower back and neck. Under no circumstances hold your breath for long.
  5. A complex for rehabilitation after operations must be selected so that all muscle groups are warmed up in it. Do not exclude any activities based on your own preferences, this may create an imbalance in the body’s recovery process.
  6. Before flexibility exercises, do a good warm-up of all joints to avoid tearing ligaments.
  7. All training must be regular. You can set aside just 1 day a week for a complete break from gymnastics.

A set of exercises for the initial stage of the disease, stage 1-2

In the first stages of arthrosis development, a person may experience intermittent pain in the joints. They often appear during periods of intense physical activity, frequent walking or running. The patient can still endure such pain, so he rarely consults a doctor. It is very important to start physical therapy during these periods in order to easily avoid severe consequences.

Lying on your back

  1. We straighten our arms straight along the seams, take turns raising our legs up and bending them at the knee joints. After extension, repeat up to 8 times.
  2. We leave our hands in the same position, raise both legs, bend/unbend the right knee, then do the same with replacing it with the left one. Repeats - up to 8 times.
  3. We perform the classic “bicycle” exercise. The development of the hip and knee joints is done with bent legs.
  4. We lie down on our left side, bend our lower leg, and raise and lower our upper leg in a flat position. We perform similar movements while lying on the right side.
  5. We stretch our heels forward, bending our toes as close to our knees as possible. Pull for 15 seconds 3-5 times.

On the stomach

  1. We bend and straighten the leg at the knee joint. Alternately left and right, 5-8 times.
  2. Raise your straight, outstretched leg 20-30 cm up and lower it. We perform similar actions with the second one. Repeat up to 7 times.
  3. Raise the hips up to a maximum height of about 10 cm, without lifting your shoulders from the floor. We repeat the movement, depending on the level of pain present, up to 6 times.
  4. We try to reach our legs behind our back with our hands, stretching out as much as possible. We repeat the exercise up to 5 times.
  1. We raise our legs, bending them at the knees. We alternately train the left and right, 7 times each.
  2. Let's squat. Legs are half bent. If during this exercise you feel severe pain, or you do not have the strength to stand up on your own, then you can use a chair, wall, or ladder for support.
  3. Bend back and forth and rotate the body up to 5 times in each direction. We do such exercises only if there is no pain in the hip joints.
  4. Having spread the lower limbs a little wider than the shoulders, we try to reach the sides of the legs with our hands, leaning left and right. Repeat up to 7 times.

Sitting on a chair

  1. We perform flexion/extension in the knee joints and hip joints. Repeat up to 7 times.
  2. We take a rubber band and fasten it to the legs. We perform flexion/extension of the knee and hip joints with force, while pulling the rubber device between the limbs.
  3. We grab the back of the chair with our hands and try to squat on half-bent legs. When performing this task, be sure to maintain an even posture and use strengthening corsets.

Strengthened set of exercises

  • Place your healthy leg on a chair, bench, bed or step, and grab some support nearby. Swing the affected limb back and forth, left and right, trying to smoothly bring it towards the stomach.
  • Squat down with your back straight and keep it straight. Extend your limbs one at a time and keep your legs straight for a few seconds. Repeat up to 5 times a day.
  • Lie on your side on the side of your healthier limb. Raise your sore leg up a few centimeters and hold it in this position for up to 5 seconds. At the beginning of such exercises, raise the limb no higher than 5-10 cm; later you can use a rubber band or cuff for weighting.
  • Lie on your stomach, lower your arms in the direction of your body and imitate crawling movements, while tensing your abdominal muscles and moving your hip joints.
  • Perform the classic squat exercise without the use of auxiliary objects (chairs, walls), without lifting your heels from the floor. Be sure to remember proper posture while exercising.

Lightweight exercises for severe forms of arthrosis

If a patient has a severe form of arthrosis, then exercises alone cannot be done, but they must be performed in a special order. The time it will take to implement a full load program should start from 10 minutes and increase to 20-25 minutes over the course of a month. If pain is felt, then it is necessary to stop doing the exercises until the discomfort completely stops and only then start again. Here is a list of the easiest and simplest micromovements to improve the condition and strengthen muscles:

  • Place a small elevation (small chair, brick) near a stable support and stand on it with your healthy leg. Straighten the affected limb and try to move it back and forth. Increase the amplitude of oscillations as joint pain subsides.
  • Place a chair on a flat surface and sit on it, keeping your back straight. Place your knees shoulder-width apart and try to close them, holding them close for 2-5 seconds. Relax and try to repeat the exercise up to 5 times.
  • Prepare a hard, warm, flat surface (floor, bed) and lie on your back. Place a cushion or small piece of soft cloth under the sore limb. Stretch your legs out and spread them a little to the sides, and then inward. To simplify this exercise, you can rotate your knees.

Healing gymnastics according to Dr. Evdokimenko

Many people suffering from arthrosis note the effectiveness of gymnastics from Dr. Evdokimenko. This physical therapy is based on simple movements, but they must be performed exactly as indicated in the author’s publications. The quantity of exercises done is absolutely unimportant, only quality matters. This type of exercise therapy is suitable only for physically strong patients who are able to control the movement of limbs and perform tasks smoothly, without jerking. Let's consider classes from this unique effective gymnastics, which have become widespread:

  • Lie on the floor, place your arms along your body. Raise your right leg 15 cm from the floor and hold it in this position for 30-40 seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position and relax. Repeat the same with your left. The exercise must be performed without turning the torso, without lifting the stomach and arms from the floor. It is very important that the knee and hip joints are tensed, and not the abdominal and back muscles. This exercise is performed only once a day with each leg, and after that there should be a rest for at least 5 minutes.
  • The same exercise is performed dynamically: lift one leg up, hold it for 1-2 seconds and smoothly lower it, repeat the movement 10-12 times. Then do the same with the second limb. Be sure to maintain a motionless body position while performing. Rest – 5 minutes.
  • Perform the exercise in the same way as the previous one, but only with your knee bent at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Raise both legs 15 cm from the floor and smoothly spread them apart, and then bring them together. Repeat the movement up to 8 times.

All types of gymnastics that Dr. Evdokimenko develops should be done only taking into account all the recommendations and rules. If these are not observed, the effectiveness of physical education is noticeably reduced, and the result may not be achieved. Therefore, consider a detailed video that demonstrates how to correctly do the exercises recommended by doctor Evdokimenko:

Therapeutic gymnastics by Sergei Bubnovsky and its benefits

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky developed special adaptive gymnastics for arthrosis diseases. These exercises are not easy to perform, and the patient must be in good physical shape, but according to the scientist and his patients, the result will not be long in coming. The most popular Bubnovsky exercises classic push-ups.

They are done 5-10 times, keeping your back straight without bending it. The body must move in the same plane, then the exercise is performed correctly. After completing this lesson, you need to cleanse your lungs by:

  • Sit on your knees with your heels on the floor.
  • Raising yourself slightly on your toes and pointing your arms up, inhale so that you hold your breath.
  • Then drop sharply onto your heels, bending your limbs.
  • Say a loud “HA” as you exhale; if this sound sounds low, then the exercise is considered completed correctly.

Video: 20 basic physical exercises

All types of physical therapy are similar to each other. They are performed in a standard position and with the same recommendations. But Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is not similar to the general mass of exercise therapy, it has its own characteristics and is performed by many patients with arthrosis of the hip joints. Watch the video that demonstrates 20 basic physical exercises for quick recovery according to Sergei Mikhailovich’s system. If you download such a lesson to your computer, you will easily be able to perform all the tasks correctly.

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis) is an affordable and simple method of treatment. Physical education strengthens smooth muscles, reduces pain, improves joint mobility, and helps restore cartilage tissue. There are various proprietary methods and sets of exercises. Everyone can choose the most convenient option for themselves.

Gymnastics using the Evdokimenko method

According to Dr. Evdokimenko, gymnastics is one of the most important methods that allows you to pump a large amount of blood through the muscles of the hip region. As a result, the joints are saturated with nutrients, the washing of the cartilage with synovial fluid improves, and the recovery process begins.

When performing gymnastics, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Perform all movements smoothly;
  • instead of dynamic exercises, perform static ones;
  • avoid squats and stress on the joint;
  • An excellent option would be to perform gymnastics in water;
  • If you feel pain, do not exercise;
  • Start your classes with light exercises, gradually incorporating new elements into the complex.

Healing gymnastics of Dr. Evdokimenko:

  1. Lie on your stomach, straighten your arms along your body, lift your straight leg and hold it in weight for a count of 30. Slowly lower the limb to the floor and relax. Repeat the movement with the other leg.
  2. Lying on your stomach, bend your knee at a right angle, lift it and fix it on the weight for 30 seconds. Lower your knee and do the exercise on the other leg.
  3. Remaining on your stomach, lift both limbs, smoothly move them apart and bring them together. Without lowering your legs, do 8 of the same movements.
  4. Turn over onto your right side and bend your right limb at the knee, leaving your left limb straight. Smoothly lift your leg to a height of 30 degrees, turn your foot and shin outward, then inward. Perform 15 rotations without bending your knee, then lower your leg to the floor and relax.
  5. Roll over onto your back and spread your bent legs shoulder-width apart. Raise your pelvis, resting on your shoulders, and freeze in this position for 30 seconds. Return to the floor.
  6. Sit down with your legs extended forward. Slowly bend down, trying to reach your toes with your hands.
  7. Sitting on the floor, lean your back against the wall, spread your legs as wide as possible. Bend your limb at the knees and, without bringing your legs together, place your foot on the floor. Repeat the movement with the other leg.

On a note. Each movement is performed several times, gradually increasing their number. After gymnastics, self-massage your thigh to consolidate the therapeutic effect and improve blood flow.

Gymnastics using the Bubnovsky method

Dr. Bubnovsky, when treating coxarthrosis, suggests using the internal resources of the body. In his opinion, at stages 1 and 2 of the disease, you can do without the use of drugs. The doctor’s special exercises provide a lasting rehabilitation effect, help strengthen the muscle corset and joint ligaments, and promote the restoration of cartilage tissue.

Basic rules of treatment:

  1. Performing exercises on specially designed simulators.
  2. Adaptive gymnastics at home.
  3. Correct breathing.
  4. Exposure of muscles to contrasting temperatures to reduce pain and improve blood flow.

A basic set of exercises is performed lying on your back to unload the joint. Before class, it is advisable to take a contrast shower.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics:

  1. Bend your knees and pull your legs towards your chest with your hands, hold for a few seconds. Slowly lower the limb to the floor. Repeat the movements with the other leg.
  2. Alternately lift your straight legs at an angle of 50 degrees, slowly return your limbs to the floor.
  3. Bend your legs, spread your hips and try to touch your knees to the surface (frog-like pose). It is not necessary to lower it to the floor, but the distance between the legs should be as wide as possible.
  4. Knees bent, feet resting on the floor shoulder-width apart. Slowly tilt one limb to the side, trying to touch the floor with it, bring your leg to its original position. Repeat the movement with the other leg.
  5. Bend your legs and lift your head off the floor, trying to reach your knees, lower yourself to the floor.

On a note. At first, many patients are not successful in all exercises, although the gymnastics are simple. Regular training will definitely give results - stretching will become better, pain will go away, and the range of movements will increase.

Gymnastics Popova

Dr. Popov’s technique differs from the exercises of Bubnovsky and Evdokimenko. The movements are performed like the oscillations of a pendulum. Such exercises help to engage the periarticular ligaments and muscles, which do not receive stress during sweeping movements.

Basic principles of gymnastics:

  • use all muscles and ligaments;
  • perform rocking movements;
  • believe in healing.

Elevation of the legs plays an important role in coxarthrosis. To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your side, bend your lower limb at the knee and support your head with your hand. You need to lift your free leg, stretch out your toe and hold for a few seconds, then smoothly swing the limb in different directions.

Do swings with a small amplitude, leaning on the back of a chair. While standing, turn your body left and right without lifting your feet off the floor. Sit on a stool, stretch your legs and imitate scissors. Sitting on a chair, place your hands on your knees and gently slide them along your left and right thighs, turning your body. The movements should resemble a pendulum.

On a note. Exercises gently warm up joints, improve circulation, work muscles, relieve pain, and promote tissue regeneration. Popov's therapeutic exercises are easy to perform and are indicated for any age group.

Exercises after hip replacement

At stage 3 of the disease, the cartilage is completely worn out, the smooth muscles around the joint are partially atrophied. To restore mobility, endoprosthetics (joint replacement surgery) is performed. Gymnastics during the rehabilitation period helps restore muscle tone, the volume of physical activity and speeds up the recovery process.

Exercise therapy in the postoperative period can be performed at home. A set of exercises should be prescribed by your attending physician. The main rule is to load the muscles gradually.

Morning work-out:

  1. Lying on the bed, make circular movements with your feet, then pull the toe towards you and away from you.
  2. Bend your leg at the knee and place your foot on the bed. Slowly slide along the surface, straightening your operated leg.
  3. Straighten your legs, toes pointing strictly at the ceiling. Move the limb to the side and bring it back.
  4. Carefully stand on your feet, leaning on a stable surface. Bend your leg, trying to lift it at an angle of 90 degrees.
  5. In a standing position, move your straight leg back, fixing it for a few seconds at the highest point.

On a note. Do all exercises, loading both limbs. Start with the minimum number of movements, gradually increasing repetitions up to 15 times. Take precautions and do not put excessive strain on the joint.

Nordic walking and swimming for coxarthrosis

The most effective methods are Nordic walking and swimming. Both activities do not allow the joint to be fully loaded, they perfectly work out the muscles and ligaments, and improve lymph flow and blood circulation.

The peculiarity of walking is the use of special sticks, while physical activity is equivalent to jogging. By doing physical exercise in the open air, a person receives additional oxygen, which helps improve metabolic processes and well-being.

The essence of Nordic walking is to evenly distribute weight using poles. This allows you to work not only the joints of the legs, but also strengthens the shoulder girdle, muscles of the arms and wrists. Movements have a positive effect on the vascular system, increasing the tone of the heart muscle.

Water reduces pressure on joints. This allows you to perform exercises that are prohibited on land, such as squats. All movements are more measured and smooth. In addition, water provides resistance, loading muscles and unloading joints.

It is useful to swim on your back, use breaststroke, do water aerobics, simply walk holding the sides of the pool, do a bicycle exercise, abduct and adduct your leg in different directions.

Exercise bike for coxarthrosis

If you have coxarthrosis, it is not advisable to ride a bicycle. Uneven road surfaces and frequent ascents and descents will negatively affect the joint. An alternative is an exercise bike, which you can use even after endoprosthetics.

Rules for using the simulator:

  • after surgery on a joint, rehabilitation begins with 2-3 minutes of riding the simulator in reverse;
  • after a few days you are allowed to pedal forward with minimal resistance;
  • rotation should be smooth;
  • as muscle mass strengthens, training time is increased to 15-20 minutes;
  • then gradually increase the load.

On a note. Patients at stage 1 can start with 10 minute sessions; it is necessary to control sensations and avoid discomfort and pain.


Massage procedures for coxarthrosis increase blood flow, relieve muscle spasms, reduce pain, and improve joint mobility. Massage is contraindicated in feverish conditions, heart failure, and tumor formations.

Carrying out the procedure:

  1. The patient lies on his stomach and relaxes as much as possible.
  2. The areas of massage are the back, lumbar region, thigh, gluteal muscles and only then the hip joint.
  3. They start with stroking, then move on to rubbing, kneading, shaking.
  4. The affected joint is massaged last, using gentle movements (stroking and rubbing).
  5. The procedure is performed 3 times a day for 10 minutes.

You can do self-massage at home. First, they stroke the lower back, then the buttocks, gradually increasing the intensity of the movements, patting and tapping. The affected joint is worked out in a sitting position, after warming up the thigh. You can stimulate acupuncture points by massaging them for 5-10 minutes.


  • the main one is behind the large femur;
  • auxiliary - in the middle of the groin fold;
  • third - a palm below the knee, in the corner of the tibia

On a note. The massage is carried out daily for 3 weeks, after which they take a break. For therapy sessions to be most effective, it is recommended to combine them with Chinese qigong gymnastics or yoga.

Physical education for gonarthrosis helps reduce rehabilitation time, improve overall well-being, strengthen muscles, ligaments and blood vessels, and speed up recovery processes. It is recommended to engage in light sports, excluding heavy loads on the joint. You should avoid weightlifting, wrestling, long jumping, and long-distance running. Give preference to swimming, Nordic walking, exercise bike, and therapeutic exercises. Take walks in the fresh air and eat right.

You may also be interested in these FREE materials:

  • Proper nutrition for the health of the spine and joints: 10 essential nutritional components for a healthy spine
  • Are you worried about osteochondrosis? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with these effective methods of treating osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions without drugs.
  • Are you haunted by pain caused by arthrosis of the knee or hip joints? Free book “Step-by-step plan for restoring mobility of the knee and hip joints with arthrosis” will help you cope with your illness at home, without hospitals or medications.
  • Free books: “TOP 7 harmful exercises for morning exercises that you should avoid” And “7 main mistakes in beginner fitness training at home and in the gym”- after reading these books, you will learn how the features of building workouts for beginners differ compared to workouts for people who have been involved in fitness for a long time.
  • Free unique training course “Secrets of the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis” from a certified exercise therapy doctor who has developed a unique system for restoring all parts of the spine, which has already helped more than 2000 clients!
  • Simple techniques for relieving acute pain from a pinched sciatic nerve watch in this video

Contents [Show]

Treatment using the Bubnovsky hip joint method

Osteoarthritis is the general name for joint diseases that result in the degeneration of cartilage in the joints, leading to their thinning and separation, which exposes the underlying bones. As a rule, the knee and hip joints are deformed, since the greatest load occurs on the lower limbs.

  • Course and symptoms of coxarthrosis
  • Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint
  • Gymnastics of Professor Bubnovsky
  • Summarizing

Today there are many ways to treat arthrosis of the hip joint. At the same time, treatment of coxarthrosis according to Bubnovsky is considered by doctors to be the most effective way to combat this disease. Coxarthrosis is called deforming arthrosis of the hip joints.

Course and symptoms of coxarthrosis

It is customary to classify coxarthrosis into primary and secondary degrees. Most often, coxarthrosis begins to develop slowly and almost imperceptibly for a person. There are times when the patient feels unpleasant pain in the groin area or directly near the joint, but does not pay attention to it.

After a certain time, pain appears when moving and subsides only at rest. The presence of these signs already indicates the development of the disease. At the initial stage, the pain subsides at rest. Clinical symptoms appear after 45 years.

The causes of the appearance of a secondary degree of coxarthrosis can be congenital deformation of the hip joint; signs of this form of development can appear at a very early age, from 18 to 25 years.

Common signs of the development of this disease are pain, which is felt not only during movements, but also during rest, noticeable shortening of the affected leg, limping, and the appearance of a certain stiffness in movements.

As coxarthrosis progresses, feelings of pain often appear on their own, and even during sleep, when a person is at complete rest, the use of painkillers will help less and less. In the most advanced stages of the disease, the patient may even need crutches.

Stages of arthrosis of the hip joint

At the first stage of coxarthrosis, pain is observed after physical activity (race walking, jumping, running). This patient's x-ray shows small bone growths starting to form that are not yet extending into the femur.

At the second stage, the pain becomes stronger, moves to the groin area, and lameness is likely to occur during prolonged walking. X-rays show thickening of the femoral neck and severe deformation of the hip joint.

At the third stage, the pain is constant, and patients often need to resort to moving around with the help of crutches. An x-ray can show a significant expansion of the femoral neck and extensive bone growths. Coxarthrosis at the third stage is treated only surgically with partial or complete joint replacement.

Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint

It is necessary to approach the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint very responsibly, first of all, directly to the patient. There are many treatment options, both physical therapy and medication. A special place is given to yoga. Exercises for hip joint disease should only be prescribed by a doctor. Taking into account the degree of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the necessary set of exercises. The patient needs to do several exercises with the doctor so as not to make mistakes that could subsequently provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Exercise therapy in the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint

Exercise therapy for arthrosis of the hip joint is the most common and effective therapy, which includes exercises specifically designed to improve the condition of the patient, who complains even of very acute pain. Particular preference should be given to exercises performed from a standing position, as well as lying on the stomach.

Therapeutic preventive yoga occupies a separate place among the methods of treating coxarthrosis. Many doctors advise doing yoga for coxarthrosis. It must be remembered that any yoga exercises must be agreed with a doctor and only be gentle.

Yoga classes are conducted exclusively with an instructor who knows about the patient’s condition, monitors the body’s reactions and adjusts the patient’s load. When performing yoga exercises, you need to maintain proper breathing. But not all doctors recommend doing yoga. This is probably due to insufficient information about it in our country.

Exercise therapy during coxarthrosis of the hip joint has long proven itself to be the most effective way to prevent and treat the disease. The movements that the patient makes during these exercises make it possible to remove swelling and at the same time restore the trophism of the deformed joint. During a set of exercises, fluid from the joint washes all tissues of the articular cartilage, significantly accelerating the healing process and reducing pain.

We must not forget that exercises for this disease should be started only after a complete diagnosis, which can only be carried out by a qualified doctor. All physical activity must be agreed upon with a doctor. If the pain intensifies, the gymnastics is immediately completed until the reasons for this increase are fully determined.

In theoretical terms, medicine classifies 5 stages of coxarthrosis. The definition of the disease begins at stage zero, when there are no pathological changes yet, and is completed at stage five, when the disease is already clearly expressed. In practical terms, doctors use stage 3 of coxarthrosis to determine the diagnosis. Each stage is determined by an x-ray. The most common is coxarthrosis of 2-3 degrees.

Gymnastics of Professor Bubnovsky

Not many people know that Dr. Bubnovsky himself was written off from active life after a car accident. Being disabled, he decided to fight on his own and go to the end. He created exercises for the spine, was completely cured, and now helps people. Bubnovsky was able to help thousands of people, among whom were those who were abandoned by other doctors.

Bubnovsky does not use any ultra-modern medical means in his treatment method; his work scheme is as follows:

  • an x-ray is taken;
  • the state of the human muscular system is determined;
  • an exercise program is developed by a doctor;
  • precise adjustments are made to the execution of movements;
  • human adaptation is performed with minimal load;
  • an individual load program is created for any person;
  • the patient's breathing is clearly controlled;
  • a set of exercises is performed with increasing load.

Professor Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint includes 20 basic exercises that are performed on special simulators created by Bubnovsky himself.

The goal of therapeutic exercises is to revive the joint and also make it work. Positive development is not observed immediately. Gymnastics exercises were developed by Bubnovsky for various age categories. Its complex includes treatment methods for pregnant women, children, athletes, men and women of the middle age group. Therapeutic gymnastics consists of simple exercises in a standing position, lying down, on your side, sitting on your heels. Each exercise is based on slow movements, complete relaxation of all muscles, and proper breathing.

Recommendations from Dr. Bubnovsky on exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joints

Before considering a set of gymnastic exercises to improve the condition of ligaments, muscles and joints, it is not superfluous to determine the general rules for performing exercises:

  • Dedicate up to an hour of time to gymnastics daily, it is advisable to perform approaches for 10-15 minutes;
  • You need to rest for a while between sets so that the ligaments and cartilage can generate new tissue. This rest pause can last several hours;
  • Gymnastics must be therapeutic, not simple: exercises must be performed smoothly and gently;
  • If your condition allows, swimming in the pool and taking warm baths will be helpful.

Exercises to treat the hip joint

Now let’s look at the exercises suggested in Dr. Bubnovsky’s system for the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint:

  • Back arch and relaxation. Get on all fours, arch your back while exhaling, bend your back while inhaling. Do the exercise 20 times.
  • Muscle stretching. The starting position is the same. Stretch your left leg back, slowly sitting down on your right leg. Stretch your left leg according to your strength. Do this for both legs 20 times.
  • Tilts. Get on all fours, pull your body forward as much as possible, without arching at the waist. Maintain balance.
  • Stretching the back muscles. Get on all fours, while exhaling, bend your arms at the elbow joints, pulling your body to the floor. While exhaling, stretch your arms while sitting down on your heels. Do this exercise 5 times.
  • "Half bridge." Take a pose lying on your back, arms along your body. During exhalation, raise the pelvis as high as possible, thus performing a “half-bridge”; while inhaling, lower the pelvis. Do this exercise 20 times.

During all exercises, it is necessary to control your breathing pattern and observe your movements slowly. Only in this form can therapeutic exercises bring long-awaited relief.


Coxarthrosis of the hip joint is a rather serious disease, which must be treated immediately, at an early stage of this disease. At the same time, the disease requires a responsible and immediate approach to its treatment. Treatment methods and symptoms of the disease are quite subjective and individual.

Professor Bubnovsky’s unique method makes it possible to put the patient on his feet. To restore health to the spinal column, the doctor developed a complex called “Sport for yourself.” Most spinal disorders are the result of muscle tissue blockages rather than disc deformities. The basis of Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is toning the tendon and ligament apparatus, when tissues that lack oxygen due to pain symptoms or inactivity begin to function and, straining, begin to restore deformed blood vessels.

Many medical institutions have adopted Bubnovsky’s treatment method. Gymnastics is effective and simple, it implies not only treatment, but also excellent prevention for the musculoskeletal system.

“Everything for treating a person is within him,” says Professor Bubnovsky. And his method of treatment truly allows patients to identify the hidden capabilities of the body and redirect them in the necessary direction. Every person who wants to live without pain, even if the body does not want to obey, needs to pay attention to this gymnastics and devote several hours a day to effective and simple exercises, at least 3 days a week. Only after this the body will slowly begin to “come to life”.

Exercises for pain in the hip joints according to Bubnovsky

Effective treatment of joint diseases is based on an integrated approach. In addition to taking medications and undergoing physiological procedures, physical therapy plays a huge role in therapy.

Properly selected exercises by a doctor for pain in the hip joint reduce discomfort and restore cartilage tissue in the joints.

Therapeutic exercises for diseases of the hip joints

Special exercises for the affected hip joint must be performed systematically, gradually increasing the load. Such a system allows you to consolidate the resulting therapeutic effect for a long period.

Therapeutic gymnastics is considered the most accessible and effective way to treat diseases of the hip joints. By periodically stretching and relaxing the muscle tissue of the affected area, the muscles and ligaments are strengthened, resulting in more stable joints in the hip joint.

The physical therapy complex may include exercises of a dynamic and static nature, the latter allowing you to strain the desired muscle groups without using body movement.

Since dynamic movements can harm joints if the rules of physical therapy are not followed, static loads are of great benefit for the hip joints.

Such exercises for pain in the hip joint will sufficiently load the muscle tissue and relieve unnecessary stress.

How to do therapeutic exercises

Quite often, when a doctor diagnoses arthrosis of the hip joint, the patient spares his joints, which ultimately causes muscle arthrosis and decreased functioning of the lower limb.

In this regard, special therapeutic exercises will allow you to gently increase the mobility of the affected joint.

To maximize the therapeutic effect, doctors recommend adhering to certain rules when performing exercises:

  1. Before starting a set of exercises, it is recommended to carry out thermal procedures using a heating pad or lamp. If the patient took a bath, gymnastics should be done only 40 minutes after the procedure.
  2. The entire complex should be selected only with the help of a doctor after an examination.
  3. If during gymnastics the patient feels severe pain, the exercises should be performed in a supine position as slowly as possible.
  4. Gymnastics should be done every day without breaks. In the first days, the exercises are performed for three minutes and the load gradually increases.
  5. Any exercise must be performed gently, gradually increasing the load and range of motion. Pauses are taken periodically to rest.
  6. If the patient is prescribed dosed weights, the exercises are performed using a rubber band or cuff, which is attached to the ankle area.
  7. You can breathe freely while doing the exercises.
  8. The set of exercises should be completed by slowly raising your arms up while inhaling and calmly lowering them down while relaxing and exhaling.

The entire set of exercises is performed for 40 minutes in the mornings and evenings. If the patient feels pain, the complex is divided into several cycles of 15 minutes.

Initial stage of the disease

If you start doing exercises in time, you can stop the development of the disease and prevent inflammation of the joints at the initial stage.

The doctor prescribes the following types of movements:

The patient sits on the floor and spreads his legs in different directions as far as possible. The affected limb bends at the knee and tilts inward with gentle rocking movements.

The patient bends his leg at the knee joint, uses his hands to firmly grasp the heel and gently pulls it towards the armpit.

After performing the movements, swing the legs and arms in a relaxed state. Additionally, doctors advise massage of the lower extremities for five minutes.

After this, the affected joint is lubricated with a warming ointment or gel.

Strengthening the set of exercises

When the joint is developed and it is easy for the patient to perform the main types of therapeutic exercises, he is offered a set of static exercises with increased load.

  1. The healthy leg is placed on the bench, while the arms are placed on the support. The sore leg swings back, forward and to the sides, slowly pulling towards the stomach.
  2. The patient gets down on all fours. The limbs unbend one by one, briefly holding their weight. Once the movements are mastered, you can add a weight cuff.
  3. The patient lies on his stomach, arms down along the body. In this position, crawling movements are simulated.

Severe form of the disease

In severe forms of arthrosis, exercises are performed for no more than ten minutes, the load increases gradually. If the patient's joints are significantly affected, he will feel severe pain.

Therefore, doctors recommend using micromovement techniques while performing movements and taking breaks until the discomfort disappears. In this case, it is advisable to use those exercises in which the main load falls on the healthy leg.

When the pain begins to disappear, you can begin more complex movements, gradually increasing the range of motion of the affected leg. Depending on the condition of the joint, a slow or medium pace is used.

  • The healthy leg is placed on an elevation, the arms are supported. The affected limb should hang freely. The affected leg begins to swing back and forth. Gradually, the range of motion can be increased.
  • The patient sits on a chair, with his feet shoulder-width apart. Feet pressed firmly to the floor. The knees are carefully brought to the center without lifting the feet and return to the starting position.
  • The patient lies on his back, stretches his legs, slightly spreading them to the side. A soft cushion is placed under the knee of the sore limb. In turn, each leg rotates outward and inward.

And in the video in this article, Professor Bubnovsky will tell you how to remove pain from the hip with exercises.

Osteoporosis refers to those diseases that provoke fragility of bone tissue, which occurs as a result of metabolic disorders and the absorption of calcium and magnesium. Until recently, osteoporosis was considered exclusively a disease of old age, although its occurrence at an earlier age has a scientific explanation.

Treatment of the disease takes a lot of time and requires an integrated approach, one of the elements of which is physical therapy. What is its peculiarity, and what exercises are most effective and accessible to absolutely everyone, we will consider further. We will also offer photos and video sets of exercises, incl. for the elderly.

Features of physical therapy for osteoporosis

Many patients mistakenly believe that physical activity in this case should be limited, just as with arthritis and arthrosis. But actually it is not. Dosed daily exercise will help you quickly get rid of the disease, as well as prevent its spread.

The main goal of therapeutic exercises for osteoporosis is to provide uniform loads on the bones, which stabilize the work of all fibers and endings. The muscles become stronger, which means the pain that is so familiar to patients with this disease disappears.

The main feature of physical education is the simplicity of the exercises, which are quite effective. Since osteoporosis most often manifests itself in the second half of life, it is necessary to select complexes that are quite simple and understandable.

The second feature is accessibility. After attending just a couple of classes with a specialist, you can perform the proposed movements at home. Walking in the fresh air is also beneficial. Even short walks in the park will help cure the disease faster than constantly being in a horizontal position.

  • activation of metabolic processes at the cellular and tissue level, which tones the body;
  • increased activity of osteoblasts – cells responsible for bone density;
  • stabilization of general metabolism, allowing rapid absorption of calcium.

Physical exercises by themselves will not bring the desired result, but in combination with taking vitamin complexes and individually selected therapy, the healing process will speed up 5 times.

General rules for performing exercises

Before you start considering exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology and rules that will help maximize the effect.

  • Systematicity. One-time workouts will not provide long-term results, so you need to allocate at least 15-20 minutes a day for physical exercise. The best option is considered to be a dosed load, which is distributed evenly throughout the day.
  • Smoothness of movement. All exercises should be performed slowly, gradually stretching the muscles and bones. It is recommended to increase the load with each subsequent time.
  • No pain. Exercise therapy should not cause pain or discomfort, so it is better to consult a specialist to select an individual training program. In case of any pain, the exercise is replaced with a similar one, using fewer muscles.
  • Positive attitude. In any business, good spirits play an important role, so if you don’t have the desire, it’s better to skip the workout and settle all matters.
  • Elimination of injuries. In order to avoid such unwanted and life-threatening fractures, it is recommended to abandon dumbbells and active types of aerobics, replacing them with calmer, but no less effective exercises.
  • Any physical activity should be supervised by specialists, and also be fully suitable for the degree of the disease, the patient’s age and individual characteristics.

Find out how to recover with exercise after surgical removal of a hernia in the lumbar spine here.

In this publication, you can get acquainted with video gymnastics complexes that allow for effective prevention and treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis.

A selection of photos and video sets of exercises for intercostal neuralgia is posted here:

Gymnastic complexes

One of the most popular ways to overcome osteoporosis is water aerobics. Any exercises performed in the pool are allowed for any age. This is explained by a decrease in spinal compression due to the aquatic environment. In cases where it is not possible to attend water aerobics classes, you can resort to simpler exercises performed anywhere.

Exercises for the spine

  1. warm-up – the body warms up and the muscles become more elastic;
  2. main load – the most difficult exercises;
  3. cool down - the spine is relaxed and prepared to return to its natural position.

So, let's look at 5 exercises for each group:

1. Straighten your spine as much as possible, raise your arms up, reach for the ceiling, slowly rolling onto your toes. Repeat 5-10 times, after which you will immediately feel a feeling of warmth in the back area.

2. Walk at a marching pace for 2 minutes, trying to raise your knee as high as possible. At the same time, your hands should also work.

3.Stand up straight, close your legs, lower your arms along your torso, perform shallow bends with your torso, slowly moving the weight of your upper body to the sides. Repeat 5 times in each direction.

4.Close your hands at the top and bend forward at least 10 times.

5. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms apart. Raise your arms above your head, lowering them in front of you.

1. Take a position lying on your back (for this you need to use a special mat or several blankets), arms along your body. At the same time, raise your parallel arms up, while pulling your socks towards you. Repeat 10 times.

2. Alternately bend and straighten your legs at the knee joint, smoothly moving your limbs along the floor surface.

3. Turn over onto your stomach, stretch your arms forward and try to lift your legs off the floor. The entire body should form one line. Perform this exercise 5 times.

4.Lie on your side, leaning on one hand, the other hand resting on your belt. With your free leg, perform smooth swings 6 times on each side.

5. Take a standing position, leaning your hands on any support, alternately making shallow lunges with your legs, bending them at the knee joint.

1. Lie on the floor on your back, stretch your arms up and smoothly roll over onto your stomach.

2. Get on all fours, with a good emphasis, bend your back, as if you need to overcome an obstacle and crawl under it.

3. Remaining in the same position, perform the reverse exercise, imitating the movement of a cat when the back is rounded and forms a bridge.

4.Stand up straight and try to hug yourself, stretching your arms as far as possible.

5.Lie down on a flat surface for 5 minutes, while completely relaxing your muscles and freeing your thoughts from negativity.

Exercises for the hip joint

When it comes to physical activity in the pelvic area (especially in women), you need to pay special attention to the level of physical fitness, as well as the accompanying individual characteristics of the body.

1. Lie on the floor, arms along, slightly lift your limbs off the floor, crossing. The movements should be smooth but rhythmic, and last at least 30 seconds.

2.Spread your feet shoulder-width apart (in a lying position) and pull your socks towards you.

3. Alternately press your legs towards your body, bending them at the knee joint. Perform 10-15 times.

4.Bend your knees, place your arms perpendicular to your body and roll your lower part from side to side, leaning on your hands.

5. Go to a chair, lean on its back and perform 10 shallow squats, first turning your feet outward as much as possible.

Exercise therapy for hands

Hands are the most vulnerable place for osteoporosis, so exercises for them will help not only prevent, but also overcome a serious illness.

1.Spread your fingers, gradually increasing muscle tension. Perform at least 30 times.

2.Clench all fingers tightly into a fist so that the thumb is inside the fist. This exercise can be alternated with a similar one, each time changing the position of the thumb.

3. Do rotational exercises with your thumb, while the rest should be immobilized as much as possible.

4.Gather all your fingers at one point and squeeze them forcefully.

5.Touch each other finger in sequence with your thumb.

These exercises can be done anywhere and anytime. Their simplicity is filled with deep benefits and allows you to speed up the healing process.

Physical education for older people

For older people, any movement, even the most basic, is difficult and requires a certain amount of effort and energy. Therefore, gymnastics should be completely based on age indicators, calculating and selecting the most optimal load.

For older people, any exercise that involves movement will be effective. This could be walking, chair exercises, or regular stretching in bed. You do not need to have special skills to master the principles of gymnastics for the elderly.

Video complexes


Like any other method of therapy, exercise therapy has its contraindications.

  • the presence of problems with the circulatory system and respiratory organs;
  • existing fractures;
  • oncological diseases.

The last stage of the disease also excludes or partially limits motor activity, since it can provoke serious fractures and soft tissue damage. Also, the impossibility of physical activity is caused by old age, in which every body movement requires certain efforts and willpower.
It is not recommended to perform exercise therapy for people with an unstable psyche, as well as increased excitability, which can provoke negative consequences for the entire body.

Massage for arthritis - a type and technique of massage.

Arthritis is a fairly serious disease that can change the structure of the joint and affect the functions of the limb. It's exhausting. Massage for arthritis helps to cope with many symptoms and alleviate the patient's condition. The symptomatic picture is painful, movements are difficult, and even psychologically it is quite difficult to bear. The treatment is long, even folk remedies come to the rescue. With such a disease, it is necessary to take advantage of every chance to get rid of the disease and purposefully move forward, despite the severity of the condition. Some people wonder “is it even possible to do massage with arthritis.” The answer is simple! Need to.

Why do you need a massage?

The disease is characterized by damage to joint tissue, membranes and bones. Inflammation, swelling, pain, temperature, deterioration in the general condition of the body are symptoms that inevitably accompany arthritis. Massage helps reduce tissue swelling and develop the joint; if the patient avoided moving the affected joint for a long time, it began to gradually lose its functions. Helps prevent the formation of contractures, maintain the elasticity of ligaments and severe deformation. Reduces pain, muscle stiffness, and substance deposits.

Massage is indicated only in the stage of remission of arthritis, when there is no severe inflammation and pain, the patient’s condition is satisfactory, but there is stiffness, swelling, muscle tension and poor performance.

The frequency and number of massage sessions should be prescribed depending on the damage to the joint, the duration of the disease, its severity and the condition of the patient. At the initial stage of arthritis, the patient needs 5–7 sessions to improve; for more severe cases, about 15–20 procedures are prescribed.

Benefits of massage for arthritis

The positive effect is enormous. Even after the first session, the patient will feel a tremendous improvement and relief from arthritis symptoms and general well-being.

  • Improves blood circulation, which improves blood flow. The necessary substances for restoration reach the tissues.
  • Muscles are toned and their atrophy is reduced
  • Reducing pain
  • Swelling is reduced, intercellular fluid and excess, stagnant fluid from cells are evacuated
  • If there are salt deposits, their number is significantly reduced
  • The natural range of motion of the joint increases
  • Prevention of contracture formation.

Carrying out massage sessions for arthritis aims to get rid of all the unnecessary consequences of arthritis that interfere with the patient’s normal life. Achieve normal functioning of the joint, natural range of motion, and get rid of salt deposits. Give the patient the joy of movement!

Types and techniques of anti-arthritic massage

There are two main types of massage:

  • General. The idea is that a general relaxing massage is performed on all parts of the body, and then the affected parts of the body are worked on separately. The minimum duration of such a session is 60 minutes.
  • Acupressure. Aimed at specific parts of the body affected by arthritis. At the same time, the intensity of the procedure increases, as the massage therapist makes movements more often and stronger.

For example, a massage for rheumatoid arthritis should be aimed at relaxing all the muscles of the body, and only then individual areas are worked on. This is due to the fact that rheumatoid arthritis is a gradual damage to many joints in the body and the muscle frame is greatly strained to distribute the load to other, unaffected areas.

Acupressure is more indicated, for example, for arthritis of the knee and elbow joints. Since only one area is affected and it is necessary to work on it.

There are many different techniques for performing massage for arthritis. In order to determine which one is right for the patient, you need to know the exact diagnosis, tests and stage of the disease. This is how the technique that will be most effective and bring maximum relief to the patient is selected.

  • Point or pressure on active points. It can be done either with a specialist or independently at home. There are special points in different parts of the body, the activation of which triggers many processes that positively affect the condition of a certain area of ​​the body. In this case, there may be pain, so massage is performed bypassing the acute period of arthritis.
  • Before starting a therapeutic massage, it is imperative to relax the muscles of the massaged area. This can be achieved by lightly kneading the muscles, running along the direction of their location with the edge of the palm or the pads of the fingers. It is necessary to relax the muscle frame in order to ensure blood flow and allow the joint itself to be massaged.
  • If there are difficulties with mobility, after relaxing the muscles, lightly rubbing, stroking (gradually increasing the pressure), vibration - relax the joint itself and the ligaments. This reduces stiffness and increases the range of motion.

Knee massage

For arthritis of the knee joint, massage movements must begin from the bottom up. This ensures the outflow of lymph that has stagnated in the tissues. When stroking and rubbing the limb, blood circulation increases, which ensures the outflow of stagnant fluid and reduces swelling due to massage of the knee joint. Increased blood circulation saturates the muscles with oxygen, which is necessary for normal functioning, and with arthritis, the delivery of oxygen and substances needed by the muscles is difficult due to inflammation. Under no circumstances should the lymph nodes be touched during the session, as this can lead to injury and malfunction. Also, massage in remission with knee arthritis should always begin gradually, with light stroking. Then, the tempo and pressure increase and move on to deeper techniques, affecting the calf, thigh and gluteal muscles. Thus, all atrophic areas are worked out and their tone increases. In addition to knee joint massage, it is recommended to carry out therapeutic physical exercises to strengthen the muscle frame and make the ligaments more elastic after inflammation. It is possible to perform self-massage; for this, the doctor will conduct a training session and teach you how to perform the procedure independently.

Hip massage

During the procedure, the patient is in a lying position on his back or side. At first, they also begin with stroking, rubbing with the pads of the fingers or the edge of the palm, then move on to stronger, more intense and deeper movements. In addition, it is necessary to work out the amplitude of movement, for which the technique of passive movements can be used - when the patient is relaxed and does not perform any movements independently. All movements of the limb are performed passively: the limb is moved to the side, gradually increasing the amplitude. Thus, the performance of the hip joint increases and full, former mobility returns.

Elbow joint massage

When the elbow joint is affected, the muscles of the forearm and shoulder are worked out. If the disease has affected the shoulder joint, the neck and pectoral muscles are massaged. The massage should be performed in a lying position - this way the patient will be as relaxed as possible. It is also possible to carry out passive movements if the elbow joint has been subject to the formation of contractures or salt deposits, which greatly limits and impairs its mobility.

You should pay attention to the sensations in the area being massaged. If a person feels pain and severe discomfort, you need to stop or reduce the pressure and intensity of movements.

Contraindications to massage

  • Inflammatory process in the area of ​​the affected joint
  • Deterioration of the patient's condition at the time of the session
  • Bleeding disorder
  • After intense physical activity
  • Liver, kidney diseases, heart attack
  • Severe pain in the area being massaged
  • Ulcers, open wounds, unhealed scars, purulent processes

Therapeutic massage for arthritis: how to do it correctly?

With the patient lying on his back, light stroking with the palms is carried out in the area of ​​the entire massaged area, gradually starting to rub the affected joint with the pads of the fingers in order to warm up the area and increase blood circulation. Then, they move on to a deep type of kneading of the periarticular area and light rocking with the edge of the palm. The techniques of upper rubbing and deep massaging alternate, since the peculiarity is to constantly maintain the affected area in a heated state for the best effect.

Execution Rules

All movements should be performed softly and easily. There is no need to make strong gripping movements or pinching, as the tissues are vulnerable. It is possible to use a warming cream during the procedure, and a warming cream after the session.

The patient should be as calm and relaxed as possible so that the muscles of the massaged area do not tense during the entire session.

Increase the pace of the load gradually with each session and be sure to alternate stroking, rubbing and massaging techniques so that the area is warmed up.


Massage for arthritis allows you to get rid of the residual effects of the disease and restore all the functions of the affected area, improve the circulation of substances in the tissues and cells of the body, restore the outflow of lymph and remove swelling. More than 90% of patients are satisfied with the effect of the procedures and were able to regain the joy of movement without restrictions and pain after the active phase of arthritis.

The famous doctor S. M. Bubnovsky spent more than one day developing a special set of exercises designed to combat diseases of the musculoskeletal system and in cases where the joint hurts. It should be noted that these exercises can be used for hernia, degenerative intervertebral disc disease, rheumatism and other diseases of the spinal column.

The essence of the technique

With age, the spinal column wears out, causing back and lower back pain, joint and neck pain. As a rule, such problems need to be solved by limiting physical activity, and sometimes through surgery. But a safer way is Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for home.

According to Bubnovsky himself, exercises for the spine at home are the best emergency help for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Classical therapy involves reducing muscle activity to a minimum. And this leads to deterioration of blood circulation in the back and neck, which has a bad effect on the general condition of a person.

Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for beginners at home is aimed at increasing the elasticity of the back tissues, which makes it possible to make the ligaments more elastic, the joint becomes more mobile, and the muscular corset of the spine is also strengthened.

According to Dr. Bubnovsky’s method, gymnastics should be done carefully, gradually increasing the complexity of the exercises. This prevents damage to the joint.

This gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the nervous system.

And the water procedures included in the set of exercises saturate the tissues with oxygen. In addition, do not forget about special breathing exercises, proper nutrition and drinking plenty of fluids.

By following these rules for beginners, you will not only achieve weight loss, but also completely remove the load from the spine and stabilize the joint. You will also improve blood circulation in damaged areas of the spine. After losing weight, muscle tissue returns to normal, becomes more elastic, and metabolism improves. Thanks to this, the pain syndrome disappears, and the intervertebral discs are restored, in addition, the joint is restored.

Bubnovsky system

The exercises included in Dr. Bubnovsky’s system are not copyrighted. In essence, they should be practiced at home. The professor simply takes as a basis the most common aerobic exercises, as well as elements of Pilates and yoga, adapting them to diseases of the spine. Also, a set of exercises can be used for weight loss. In addition, it is recommended to use special Bubnovsky simulators, which were developed for therapeutic exercises.

Thanks to adequate loads, the spinal muscles are strengthened, the joint is developed, and tissue blood circulation improves. As a result, all harmful substances are removed from the body and this becomes the starting point for weight loss, pain, neuralgia, and chronic venous insufficiency disappear.

How did Bubnovsky’s technique inspire confidence among patients?

The centers where classes are conducted according to Dr. Bubnovsky’s method bring together people of different age categories: children with minor defects of the spine and posture, and adults suffering from severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The peculiarity of such classes is that rehabilitation doctors work with each patient individually. Thus, they monitor the correct execution of each exercise and help you choose the optimal load.

A distinctive feature of Dr. Bubnovsky’s method is that gymnastics for the spine can be performed at home. In addition, all exercises in the complex can be used for weight loss.

Kinesitherapy and pain in the spine

If pain occurs in the back and neck, you should consult a specialist for advice. And after examination and diagnosis, appropriate exercises for the spine are selected for each patient, which the patient can perform at home. But before this, each patient is taught how to properly perform gymnastics to improve health and lose weight at home. After all, the effectiveness of treatment and weight loss at home directly depends on this. Throughout the treatment, depending on the results obtained, the set of exercises to be performed at home is constantly adjusted.

When performing exercises for the back according to the system at home, the biochemical processes in the intervertebral discs, the neck, and also in the muscle corset are normalized. There is an improvement in blood circulation in damaged areas of the neck and spine, and even with a vertebral hernia, pain decreases and gradually this can lead to a complete recovery.

In other words, kinesitherapy is an alternative to surgery for spinal hernia.

For scoliosis, exercises for beginners are selected that are aimed at restoring the muscle corset in children.

Exercise therapy for lumbar hernia

A set of exercises for beginners for a herniated lumbar spine, which is performed at home, involves a uniform and systematic increase in loads, as well as an increase in complexity. These exercises for a hernia, which you can perform at home, have a beneficial effect not only on the body (systematic exercise therapy is an excellent way to lose weight), but also on the nervous system. After all, people just get used to living with pain and don’t want to change anything.

In addition, these exercises can be performed not only for hernia. They can be used in a complex of rehabilitation measures after treatment of a number of diseases:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • compression fracture of the spine or neck;
  • if the joint (hip or knee) is replaced with implants;
  • surgery on the spine or other internal organs.

MTB trainer

In addition to the method of treating diseases of the neck, spine, and lower back, Professor Bubnovsky invented a special multifunctional simulator, exercises on which have a beneficial effect on muscle tone. Classes on this simulator at home are developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and all the nuances of neck or spine disease.

Gymnastics for weight loss and health improvement, which is performed according to the system on a simulator, helps with hernia, arthritis, scoliosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Joint pathologies are one of the most common diseases among people, both elderly and working age. They have many sources and require special medical attention. Patients often have a sore collarbone; there are many factors causing the ailment. Meanwhile, it plays an important role, connecting the skeleton with the shoulders.

Cracks, fractures, and injuries can lead to significant discomfort, limited movement, and even immobility of the joint.

We will answer the question why your collarbone hurts in this article.


The main causes of pain in the collarbone are as follows:

  • injury, bruise;
  • joint displacement;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • radiculopathy;
  • periarthritis of the shoulder;
  • pathologies of internal organs;

The latter is provoked by the flu, a recent cold, or impaired metabolism. Also, periostitis is an inflammation of the joint tissue, perichondritis indicates an infection of the perichondrium.


Fracture of a tubular bone is a common occurrence. A blow falling directly on this area hits the bone, its fragment moves up and back. The peripheral one, under the influence of gravity, falls down, inward. As a result, people may complain of collarbone pain. Symptoms include malaise at the fracture site, inability to fully move the arm, bend, straighten, hyperemia of the site, hemorrhage, and a feeling of crunching. Inspection shows shortening of the shoulder girdle of the damaged part, displacement of the fragments is visible from the side. In children, the periosteum can be damaged without loss of integrity. It is difficult to detect a fracture on your own at home, but hemorrhage and severe pain will be noticeable. If the fragment touched the pleura, a vessel, or compressed the 3rd cervical vertebra, the signals will be numbness behind the ear, difficulty moving the tongue in the mouth. Pinching of the 4th vertebra is caused by the appearance of hiccups, a lump in the throat, and discomfort in the heart.

Nature of pain

Strong, sharp.

Diagnosis and treatment

A surgeon or traumatologist examines a patient. Sends for radiography. It is necessary to exclude disorders of the vertebrae and blood vessels. Painkillers are injected locally into the injury area with 10-20 ml of a 1% Procaine solution. After 5 or 7 minutes, manipulations are performed. The fragment is brought in using the method of lifting the shoulder girdle and fixed. For children, the fixation period is 14-21 days, for adults - 1 month.

Joint displacement

Pain in the area of ​​the clavicle joint is caused by dislocations of the acromial and sternal bones. They move up, down, back, forward. Rupture of the capsule indicates subluxation, while involvement of the acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments implies complete displacement. This happens due to a fall on the shoulder or a strong blow. The defect is visible as protrusion of the bone due to acromial damage. Additional differences are pain in the shoulder girdle, hematoma, swelling, it is impossible to fully move the arm, a key symptom. The latter is characterized by the ability to press on the joint, it snaps into place and, if released, comes forward again. Sternal dislocation is also possible; it poses the greatest danger. Leads to serious anatomical disruptions. The pain is localized under the right collarbone or left. Depending on what part of the body is damaged.

Nature of pain

Moderately restrictive.

Diagnosis and treatment

The traumatologist will conduct an examination and study x-ray images. The limb will be completely immobilized for 2-3 weeks. Further physical therapy, massage, magnet therapy, electrophoresis, ozokerite therapy. Complete displacement requires fastening with lavsan tape or silk thread.

Spinal diseases

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system lead to painful sensations. Cervical osteochondrosis and radiculitis provoke pinching of the nerve roots. This is evidenced by numbness and difficulty moving food with the tongue. Pain appears in the left collarbone. Bone degeneration caused by arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, and osteochondrosis destroy cartilage and damage the acromial ligaments. There is an increase in temperature, swelling, heaviness when raising the arm, enlarged lymph nodes, and stiffness at work.

Nature of pain

High, increases with movement and in the evening. The intake of alcoholic beverages provokes a sharp deterioration.

Diagnosis and treatment

An arthrologist and rheumatologist deals with these ailments. In the course of studying X-rays, MRI, ultrasound, studies for the presence of arthritis or osteochondrosis, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Naproxen, Indomethacin. They reduce collarbone pain. Intra-articular injections are made, an excellent outcome is achieved by osteopathy, exercise therapy, massage, and a special diet.


The impetus for its appearance is old bruises, stress, infections, hypothermia, and carrying heavy objects. The nerve roots are compressed. Radiculitis can be cervical, thoracic, mixed, lumbosacral. The harmful process of dystrophy and tissue changes smoothly develops into osteochondrosis. The last one is an intervertebral hernia. A herniation is the displacement of discs due to their compression and compression. The reasons for diagnosing radiculopathy are pain in the collarbone, sensory disturbances, atrophy, muscle weakness, tingling in the limbs, burning, goose bumps, and changes in skin color.

Nature of pain

Pulling, aching.

Diagnosis and treatment

A neurologist selects therapy. Based on radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography, clinical and general blood tests, medications are prescribed. NSAIDs - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen - are aimed at relieving inflammation and discomfort. Physiotherapy, manual massage with kneading points, acupuncture, a set of exercises. Complicated radiculopathy accompanied by bulging discs and bones requires surgical intervention.

Periarthritis of the shoulder

The capsule of the shoulder joint tissue becomes inflamed, affecting the tendons and ligaments located around it. There is a pulling pain in the clavicle on the right, or in the left lobe. It is divided into mild, acute and chronic periods. Mild is expressed only in a slight malaise, limited ability to raise the arm up. The second begins with a temperature of 37 degrees or more. The chronic phase is indicated by shooting in the shoulder, stiffness in the morning. The causes of periarthritis are considered to be spondylosis, a fall on an extended limb, or a shoulder. A person is worried about restrictions in work, swelling in the shoulder area, pain on palpation, muscle tension near the joints.

Nature of pain

For mild cases, collarbone pain is minimal. For acute severe malaise, especially in the morning and evening hours. Chronic intensifies at night, with sudden changes.

Diagnosis and treatment

The surgeon sends the patient for x-rays, ultrasound, MRI, and computed tomography. It is necessary to take a biochemical blood test. The patient is prescribed conservative treatment: tablets, ointments, injections. Group of non-steroidal drugs Aspirin, Voltaren, Diclofenac. Corticosteroids, hormonal agents. Injections in ampoules Diprosan, Flosteron, for severe acute periarthritis, injections with anesthetic novocaine Hydrocortisone, Kenalog. Shock wave, laser method, magnet, physical therapy, massage. Traditional methods go well with medications, for example, salt dressings, compresses with honey. If the above techniques do not help, surgery is performed. The patient has a fragment of the scapula or acromion removed, along with one ligament.

Pathologies of internal organs

Ailments of the gallbladder and liver radiate pain under the collarbone on the right; a sore stomach and pancreas radiate to the left bone. Angina pectoris and myocardial infarction cause pain under the left bone. It is accompanied by a burning sensation and distension from the chest.

Nature of pain

High to moderate, constant.

Diagnosis and treatment

The therapist and neurologist send for x-rays, MRI, ultrasound, biochemical and clinical blood tests. If a pathology of internal organs is detected, specialized specialists are involved in the examination. Ailments associated with infections of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas require the use of antibiotics and a special diet. Angina pectoris is treated with inhibitors, Nitroglycerin. Lipid-lowering medications and polyunsaturated fatty acids are prescribed. A diet based on lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, moderately active physical activity, and weight loss have a beneficial effect. Myocardial infarction is treated inpatiently. Medicines Aspirin, Beta blockers, Nitrates, Calcium antagonists, Magnesium. Additionally, the correct diet. It excludes fried, salty and peppered foods. Low-fat foods, cereals, juices, fruit and vegetable purees are allowed. Moderate physical activity.

When do you need a doctor's help?

If you fall on your hand and a bone breaks, you will feel it almost immediately. For an accurate diagnosis, a medical consultation and x-ray examination will be required. If your collarbone constantly hurts and there is inflammation, swelling, or fever, you should not delay your visit.

First aid

What to do if you break your collarbone? You can relieve the malaise with the help of non-steroidal drugs Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac. Place a tight ball of fabric under your armpit and gently bend your arm at the elbow. Hang the headscarf around your neck and visit the hospital in a sitting position. Attacks of arthritis and radiculitis are relieved with NSAID medications. It is necessary to reduce physical load on the joint. The periosteum is painful and swollen, a lump has appeared under it, apply a warm compress to the area, use non-steroidal ointments. Complete hand rest is required. If it hurts to inhale, the gallbladder and pancreas may become inflamed, and pulmonary infections may occur.

In conclusion, I would like to add that you should not ignore the first symptoms so as not to cause complications. There is no need to make a diagnosis yourself based solely on the signs, because there are a great many circumstances for the appearance of pathology.

Due to various injuries, congenital pathologies or degenerative-dystrophic changes in bone tissue, a person’s freedom of movement decreases. It becomes increasingly difficult for him to perform the simplest actions. Pathologies of the hip joint cause especially a lot of inconvenience. Any movement, even sitting, causes pain to a person. Many patients are forced to constantly take painkillers, but the situation still gets worse. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to restore the person’s ability to move without pain. The main method to achieve this is hip exercises. But in order for it to be beneficial and not cause even more harm, it must be done under the guidance of a specialist.

Properties of special exercises

For any pathological processes in the hip joint, gymnastics is necessary. Without this, the disease will progress, muscles and ligaments will atrophy, and the destruction of cartilage tissue will accelerate. After all, pain forces a person to limit mobility, which leads to a slowdown in blood circulation and metabolism, and a decrease in muscle tone. And correctly performed exercises perform the following functions:

  • improve blood supply and tissue nutrition;
  • strengthen the ligaments that hold the joint;
  • relieve muscle spasms and improve their function;
  • prevent the development of complications, osteoporosis and contractures;
  • restores the patient's confidence in movement.

When is physical therapy needed?

The hip joint is the largest and most complex in the human body. It consists of the head of the femur, which is connected to the pelvis using articular cartilage, many muscles and ligaments. The movement and shock-absorbing properties of the joint are provided by cartilage tissue and special synovial fluid. Under certain conditions, destructive processes begin in the joint itself or the tissues surrounding it. This leads to pain and limited mobility. Coxarthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis and other diseases develop. They can appear due to injuries, age-related changes, increased stress, and metabolic disorders. Only special healing gymnastics of the hip joints will help stop the destruction.

Contraindications to exercise therapy classes

Despite the fact that gymnastics for the hip joint is the most effective way to get rid of many pathologies, it cannot be performed by everyone. Any exercise therapy classes are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with high blood pressure;
  • for blood diseases;
  • patients with severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • in the presence of a hernia;
  • for infectious diseases, elevated temperature;
  • if chronic diseases have worsened;
  • during an acute period of hip disease, in the presence of pain.

Basic rules of classes

For hip exercises to be truly beneficial, they must be performed correctly. Only following all the rules will help restore joint function and improve the patient’s condition.

  • You can exercise only after the exacerbation has subsided, in the absence of pain. It is especially important to avoid painful sensations with coxarthrosis or osteoporosis, otherwise this can lead to injury.
  • Classes must be regular. In order to establish blood circulation and nutrition of all tissues of the joint, it must be subjected to special loads daily, and in some cases several times a day.
  • You can only perform those exercises recommended by your doctor. After all, the types and intensity of the load vary depending on the characteristics of the disease and the condition of the joint tissues.
  • The load can be increased gradually. Only in some cases is it allowed to expand the range of motion and add weights. But basically, increasing the load occurs by increasing the number of repetitions and adding new exercises.
  • Breathing during exercise should be free. You can’t delay it or let it become too intense. After each exercise, breathing should be restored by taking a couple of deep breaths.
  • All movements are performed slowly, without jerking or effort.
  • Each exercise is first repeated 3-5 times. After the condition improves, the number of repetitions should reach 10-15.

What loads are good for joints?

For various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to move more. Heavy loads and professional sports are excluded, jumping and heavy lifting are prohibited. But a little physical activity is only good for your joints. Doctors recommend, in addition to performing a special complex of exercise therapy, during the recovery period after injuries, operations and when exacerbations of degenerative processes subside, swimming more, doing yoga, and walking.

How not to exercise

There are especially many restrictions in performing exercises with coxarthrosis of the hip joint. In this case, as well as in many other pathologies, you cannot:

  • squat;
  • jump;
  • perform exercises related to active flexion-extension of the joint, rotational movements;
  • apply force to the joint;
  • cause pain;
  • walk a lot;
  • ride a bike.

Recovery after operations and injuries

Particular care should be taken when exercising if there is physical damage to the hip joint. After various injuries and surgical interventions, he recovers for a very long time. Rehabilitation measures must be comprehensive. And the main place among them is gymnastics. It is wrong to think that after an injury you can only exercise when you are allowed to get up. Such prolonged immobility will lead to atrophy of ligaments and muscles and destruction of cartilage tissue. Therefore, after the pain subsides, you need to start doing simple exercises: turns and rotations of the feet, tensing the thigh muscles, moving the healthy limb.

The most common surgical procedure is hip replacement. Gymnastics is also required after it. You need to move your foot and healthy leg, strain the muscles of your thighs and buttocks. After some time, it is recommended to slowly move your leg along the bed to the side, bending it at the knee. Then you are allowed to stand up, walk on crutches, raise your legs up and to the sides from a lying position.

Basic exercises

Experts have developed several complexes performed for various joint pathologies. All exercises are prescribed to the patient individually after examination and determination of the tissue condition. The number of repetitions, duration of classes and types of loads may also vary. Gymnastics for the hip joint may include the following exercises:

  • from a lying position on your stomach, lift your legs alternately straight or bent at the knees, tensing the muscles of the thighs and buttocks;
  • lying on your side with your lower leg bent, you need to lift your upper straight leg with a small amplitude;
  • sitting on a chair, bring your knees in and out;
  • sitting on the floor, slowly lean forward, stretching the muscles of the hips and back;
  • lying on your stomach, alternately bend and pull your leg to your chest;
  • lying on your back, bend your knees and place them shoulder-width apart, resting on your feet and shoulders, lift your pelvis up;
  • sitting on the floor, move forward on your buttocks, actively working with your arms bent at the elbows;
  • sitting on a chair, lean forward strongly, trying to reach your toes;
  • stand with your foot on a small stand and swing your other leg back and forth.

Gymnastics for coxarthrosis of the hip joint

One of the most severe pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is the progressive destruction of the joint. It is called coxarthrosis and causes severe pain when moving. The gradual destruction of cartilage leads to a complete loss of mobility. Therefore, therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint are the main method of treatment. It not only helps relieve pain, accelerates blood circulation and tissue nutrition. Correctly performed exercises strengthen the muscles and ligaments that hold the joint, which slows down its destruction.

But degenerative processes in cartilage tissue lead to the fact that all exercises must be performed smoothly, with a small amplitude. Intense flexion and extension of the joint are contraindicated, as they can aggravate its destruction. Therefore, it is recommended to practice under the supervision of a specialist. It is especially important that gymnastics be performed correctly and carefully for grade 2 coxarthrosis of the hip joints. It should be aimed at relaxing the muscles, stretching them, strengthening the ligaments, and the joint itself should be minimally involved in the load. Most exercises are performed from a lying position on your back or stomach, so as not to increase the load on the joint. It is necessary to ensure that movement does not lead to pain in any way.

Gymnastics for hip dysplasia

Congenital joint underdevelopment occurs quite often after complicated childbirth or pathologies during pregnancy. It is necessary to treat dysplasia in the first year of life, when the baby does not walk. The main methods are gymnastics and massage. They need to be done 2-3 times a day regularly. All movements are performed slowly and smoothly; they should not cause any discomfort to the baby. Hip joint gymnastics for children may include the following exercises:

  • when the baby is lying on his back, take him by the knees, carefully spread his legs, rotate them;
  • take the child by the ankle joints and alternately bend and straighten his legs;
  • raise the baby's legs to his head;
  • when the child lies on his stomach, bend his legs, bringing his heels to his buttocks.

Various pathologies of the hip joints are effectively treated with the help of gymnastics. But in order not to harm yourself even more, you need to follow the rules of doing the exercises.

According to sad statistics, coxarthrosis (arthrosis of the hip joint) affects from 3 to 16% of the world's population. This is a severe degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which is characterized by a progressive course. An obligatory component of therapy is therapeutic exercises - the simplest and most natural method of getting rid of joint diseases. However, like any other method of treatment, it should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since incorrectly selected exercises (and their incorrect execution) can only aggravate the development of the disease.

Tasks and features of exercise therapy

All therapeutic measures for patients suffering from coxarthrosis are aimed at reducing pain, strengthening ligaments and muscles, and slowing down the destruction of articular cartilage.

Regularity of classes is the most important condition for exercise therapy. Proper gymnastic exercises help improve joint stability and stretch and relax the hip flexor and extensor muscles.

The treatment process uses dynamic (moving) and isometric (static) exercises, in which the muscles are tensed without moving the body itself. In this case, the range of motion in the hip joint should be within the limits of preserved mobility (before pain occurs). Numerous studies have proven that even with severe pathological changes in the joints, patients with a well-trained muscular system develop compensatory (adaptive) mechanisms*. But their formation requires long-term systematic training.

* Compensatory mechanisms are reflex reactions aimed at eliminating or weakening functional changes in the body caused by the environment, diseases, etc.

For a patient suffering from arthrosis of the hip joint (HJ), exercise therapy exercises are recommended that strengthen the ligaments and muscles, but do not force the joint to excessively extend and flex.

Rules for performing gymnastics

  • In case of arthrosis of the hip joint, the physical activity recommended for the patient should not have a negative effect on the articular cartilage. Gymnastics should be performed daily, that is, turn this need into a useful habit that will help ensure good blood supply and mobility to the hip joint.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics for arthrosis involves choosing a starting position that does not increase the load on the joint. During classes, increasing the load should occur by increasing the number of repetitions and the total number of exercises.
  • Many patients are recommended dosed weights. For this purpose, a special cuff or rubber band is used, which is fixed on the ankle. Each exercise with weights should be performed slowly, without expanding the range of motion.
  • Breathing during exercise should be voluntary.
  • Any exercise ends with raising your arms up (inhale) and lowering your arms down (exhale).

The best exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint

1. IP (starting position) – lying on the floor, on your stomach. Arms along the body, legs straight. Slow lifts are performed with a straight leg 15 degrees from the floor, holding it in this position for 30-40 seconds. Then the legs are changed. This exercise can only be performed once with each leg (per workout). All movements are performed due to the efforts of the thigh and gluteal muscles.

Then the same movement is performed in a dynamic version: the legs straightened at the knees are slowly and smoothly alternately raised up and held for 1-2 seconds at the top point. During the entire exercise therapy session, 10-12 lifts should be performed.

2. I.P. - lying on his stomach, arms along the body. The right leg is bent at the knee at a right angle, the left leg is straight. The exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one. In the static version - once with each leg, in the dynamic version - 10-12 times. Then the legs are changed.

3. I.P. - lying on his stomach, on the floor. Legs are straightened, arms are extended along the body. Very slowly, straight legs are raised up to an angle of 15° from the floor, held in weight, and then smoothly spread and brought together (8-10 times).

4. I.P. - lying on the right side with the right leg bent at the knee, the left leg straight. For about 30 seconds, you need to keep your left leg suspended (45°), and then, after a short rest, roll over onto your right side and perform the same movement with your right leg.

5. I.P. - sitting on the floor, legs straightened. Without bending your knees, you need to lean forward and try to clasp your feet or toes with your palms. Pulling your body forward, you need to stay in this position for a couple of minutes. Perform no more than once a day.

If this exercise is performed regularly for several months, the muscles of the back and hips will stretch, and the angle of inclination will double. As a result, the blood supply to the legs will improve, and muscle spasms in the hip and lower back will disappear.

In physiotherapeutic practice, many similar exercises are used in the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint, but all of them must be prescribed individually by a physical therapy instructor. This takes into account the stage of the pathological process, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

What exercises are prohibited?

All movements that cause severe pain are strictly contraindicated for the patient (by the way, pain can also occur if the exercises are performed incorrectly).

With arthrosis of the hip joint, the following is prohibited:

  • squat,
  • "rotate the bike"
  • walk a lot
  • perform active flexion and extension of the hip joint,
  • pull with a jerk or apply force to the sore joint.

Contraindications for exercise therapy

  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Severe cardiovascular pathologies and blood diseases.
  • Hernia of the white line of the abdomen and inguinal hernia.
  • Acute forms of diseases of internal organs.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Critical days for women.
  • The rehabilitation period after abdominal surgery.
  • The period of exacerbation of arthrosis of the hip joint.


In order to return the movements to their former lightness, will and perseverance are required. However, before you start exercising, you need to consult with your doctor and find out if you have any contraindications for physical education. And, most importantly, read very carefully the rules and features of the recommended gymnastics complex.

Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, which is accompanied by their changes and deformation, as well as a certain limitation of mobility and the inability to move painlessly. To avoid this disease, you need to lead an active lifestyle and give your body physical activity. Let's look at what exercises there are for the hip joints when arthrosis occurs, how to perform physical therapy at home, and which method is the most effective.

What exercises to do for coxarthrosis

Coxarthrosis or osteoarthritis of the hip joints is the most common disease in this area. It occurs due to insufficient lubrication in the bone cup and dysplasia of this area. The simplest way to treat such a disease is physical therapy. Any recovery begins with such exercises, so it is important to know how to perform the exercises correctly and which ones are the most effective.

Lying on your back:

  • We lie down on a flat, hard surface and stretch out our limbs. Gradually raise your arms and legs up as you inhale, and lower them as you exhale. We repeat the exercise from 6 to 10 times (the first time it is better to take a small amount, and increase it during daily exercise).
  • Without lifting your heels from the surface, raise your knees up. We perform up to 10 times.
  • We straighten our legs, point our feet inward, and then return to the starting position. The exercise can be performed even in bed before bed, up to 10 times a day.
  • We place our hands on the belt, lying on our back, and perform the “bicycle” exercise for about 20 seconds. Breathing should remain even and continuous, so you need to practice at a slow pace.

Lying on your stomach:

  • With our hands on our hips, we gradually raise our legs to a height of 20-25 cm and lower them back, performing about 10 times.
  • Similarly, raise your head and shoulders.
  • We move our arms forward, strain the muscles of the hip joint, trying to lift ourselves. After relaxation, repeat up to 7 times.

Rules for performing exercise therapy at home

  1. If joint diseases are detected, there is no need to suddenly start playing sports; all exercises should be introduced gradually, starting with 2-3 times.
  2. Determine a special place for classes, without drafts, but with a fresh stream of clean air, for example, near forests.
  3. The main goal of all exercises is to unload the spine and lightly strain all joints, so the lying position is the most suitable.
  4. If you choose strength training, then perform them with special belts that secure the lower back and neck. Under no circumstances hold your breath for long.
  5. A complex for rehabilitation after operations must be selected so that all muscle groups are warmed up in it. Do not exclude any activities based on your own preferences, this may create an imbalance in the body’s recovery process.
  6. Before flexibility exercises, do a good warm-up of all joints to avoid tearing ligaments.
  7. All training must be regular. You can set aside just 1 day a week for a complete break from gymnastics.

A set of exercises for the initial stage of the disease, stage 1-2

In the first stages of arthrosis development, a person may experience intermittent pain in the joints. They often appear during periods of intense physical activity, frequent walking or running. The patient can still endure such pain, so he rarely consults a doctor. It is very important to start physical therapy during these periods in order to easily avoid severe consequences.

Lying on your back

  1. We straighten our arms straight along the seams, take turns raising our legs up and bending them at the knee joints. After extension, repeat up to 8 times.
  2. We leave our hands in the same position, raise both legs, bend/unbend the right knee, then do the same with replacing it with the left one. Repeats - up to 8 times.
  3. We perform the classic “bicycle” exercise. The development of the hip and knee joints is done with bent legs.
  4. We lie down on our left side, bend our lower leg, and raise and lower our upper leg in a flat position. We perform similar movements while lying on the right side.
  5. We stretch our heels forward, bending our toes as close to our knees as possible. Pull for 15 seconds 3-5 times.

On the stomach

  1. We bend and straighten the leg at the knee joint. Alternately left and right, 5-8 times.
  2. Raise your straight, outstretched leg 20-30 cm up and lower it. We perform similar actions with the second one. Repeat up to 7 times.
  3. Raise the hips up to a maximum height of about 10 cm, without lifting your shoulders from the floor. We repeat the movement, depending on the level of pain present, up to 6 times.
  4. We try to reach our legs behind our back with our hands, stretching out as much as possible. We repeat the exercise up to 5 times.
  1. We raise our legs, bending them at the knees. We alternately train the left and right, 7 times each.
  2. Let's squat. Legs are half bent. If during this exercise you feel severe pain, or you do not have the strength to stand up on your own, then you can use a chair, wall, or ladder for support.
  3. Bend back and forth and rotate the body up to 5 times in each direction. We do such exercises only if there is no pain in the hip joints.
  4. Having spread the lower limbs a little wider than the shoulders, we try to reach the sides of the legs with our hands, leaning left and right. Repeat up to 7 times.

Sitting on a chair

  1. We perform flexion/extension in the knee joints and hip joints. Repeat up to 7 times.
  2. We take a rubber band and fasten it to the legs. We perform flexion/extension of the knee and hip joints with force, while pulling the rubber device between the limbs.
  3. We grab the back of the chair with our hands and try to squat on half-bent legs. When performing this task, be sure to maintain an even posture and use strengthening corsets.

Strengthened set of exercises

  • Place your healthy leg on a chair, bench, bed or step, and grab some support nearby. Swing the affected limb back and forth, left and right, trying to smoothly bring it towards the stomach.
  • Squat down with your back straight and keep it straight. Extend your limbs one at a time and keep your legs straight for a few seconds. Repeat up to 5 times a day.
  • Lie on your side on the side of your healthier limb. Raise your sore leg up a few centimeters and hold it in this position for up to 5 seconds. At the beginning of such exercises, raise the limb no higher than 5-10 cm; later you can use a rubber band or cuff for weighting.
  • Lie on your stomach, lower your arms in the direction of your body and imitate crawling movements, while tensing your abdominal muscles and moving your hip joints.
  • Perform the classic squat exercise without the use of auxiliary objects (chairs, walls), without lifting your heels from the floor. Be sure to remember proper posture while exercising.

Lightweight exercises for severe forms of arthrosis

If a patient has a severe form of arthrosis, then exercises alone cannot be done, but they must be performed in a special order. The time it will take to implement a full load program should start from 10 minutes and increase to 20-25 minutes over the course of a month. If pain is felt, then it is necessary to stop doing the exercises until the discomfort completely stops and only then start again. Here is a list of the easiest and simplest micromovements to improve the condition and strengthen muscles:

  • Place a small elevation (small chair, brick) near a stable support and stand on it with your healthy leg. Straighten the affected limb and try to move it back and forth. Increase the amplitude of oscillations as joint pain subsides.
  • Place a chair on a flat surface and sit on it, keeping your back straight. Place your knees shoulder-width apart and try to close them, holding them close for 2-5 seconds. Relax and try to repeat the exercise up to 5 times.
  • Prepare a hard, warm, flat surface (floor, bed) and lie on your back. Place a cushion or small piece of soft cloth under the sore limb. Stretch your legs out and spread them a little to the sides, and then inward. To simplify this exercise, you can rotate your knees.

Healing gymnastics according to Dr. Evdokimenko

Many people suffering from arthrosis note the effectiveness of gymnastics from Dr. Evdokimenko. This physical therapy is based on simple movements, but they must be performed exactly as indicated in the author’s publications. The quantity of exercises done is absolutely unimportant, only quality matters. This type of exercise therapy is suitable only for physically strong patients who are able to control the movement of limbs and perform tasks smoothly, without jerking. Let's consider classes from this unique effective gymnastics, which have become widespread:

  • Lie on the floor, place your arms along your body. Raise your right leg 15 cm from the floor and hold it in this position for 30-40 seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position and relax. Repeat the same with your left. The exercise must be performed without turning the torso, without lifting the stomach and arms from the floor. It is very important that the knee and hip joints are tensed, and not the abdominal and back muscles. This exercise is performed only once a day with each leg, and after that there should be a rest for at least 5 minutes.
  • The same exercise is performed dynamically: lift one leg up, hold it for 1-2 seconds and smoothly lower it, repeat the movement 10-12 times. Then do the same with the second limb. Be sure to maintain a motionless body position while performing. Rest – 5 minutes.
  • Perform the exercise in the same way as the previous one, but only with your knee bent at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Raise both legs 15 cm from the floor and smoothly spread them apart, and then bring them together. Repeat the movement up to 8 times.

All types of gymnastics that Dr. Evdokimenko develops should be done only taking into account all the recommendations and rules. If these are not observed, the effectiveness of physical education is noticeably reduced, and the result may not be achieved. Therefore, consider a detailed video that demonstrates how to correctly do the exercises recommended by doctor Evdokimenko:

Therapeutic gymnastics by Sergei Bubnovsky and its benefits

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky developed special adaptive gymnastics for arthrosis diseases. These exercises are not easy to perform, and the patient must be in good physical shape, but according to the scientist and his patients, the result will not be long in coming. The most popular Bubnovsky exercises classic push-ups.

They are done 5-10 times, keeping your back straight without bending it. The body must move in the same plane, then the exercise is performed correctly. After completing this lesson, you need to cleanse your lungs by:

  • Sit on your knees with your heels on the floor.
  • Raising yourself slightly on your toes and pointing your arms up, inhale so that you hold your breath.
  • Then drop sharply onto your heels, bending your limbs.
  • Say a loud “HA” as you exhale; if this sound sounds low, then the exercise is considered completed correctly.

Video: 20 basic physical exercises

All types of physical therapy are similar to each other. They are performed in a standard position and with the same recommendations. But Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is not similar to the general mass of exercise therapy, it has its own characteristics and is performed by many patients with arthrosis of the hip joints. Watch the video that demonstrates 20 basic physical exercises for quick recovery according to Sergei Mikhailovich’s system. If you download such a lesson to your computer, you will easily be able to perform all the tasks correctly.

Pain in the hip joint is usually a consequence of one or another joint disease. Therapy in this case should be comprehensive. In addition to medications and physical therapy, physical therapy also plays an important role. Properly selected and regularly performed exercises for the hip joint help reduce discomfort and restore cartilage tissue in the joints.

Exercises for pain in the hip joint should be performed regularly, increasing the load gradually. This will help to consolidate the resulting therapeutic effects for a long time. Gymnastics is the simplest and most accessible method of treating hip joint diseases. Periodic relaxation and stretching of the muscle tissue in the affected area helps strengthen the muscles and ligaments, which increases the stability of the joints in the hip joint.

A set of exercises can include both dynamic and static loads. The latter will help load the necessary muscle groups without performing body movements. Moreover, static loads are considered more preferable for affected hip joints, since dynamic movements with poor technique can cause even greater harm.

Quite often, patients diagnosed with diseases of the hip joints feel sorry for them and neglect physical activity, which provokes muscle atrophy and decreased functioning of the affected lower limb.

In order for exercises for the development of the hip joint to bring maximum therapeutic effect, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Before starting exercises, it is recommended to carry out thermal procedures using a heating pad or lamp. If you have taken a bath, you can do gymnastics only 40 minutes after performing this procedure.
  • The complex should be selected individually, together with a specialist after the examination.
  • You need to exercise every day, without taking breaks. First, the exercises are done for three minutes, and gradually this load increases.
  • Exercises should be performed softly and smoothly, increasing the load and increasing the range of movements gradually. Sometimes you can take breaks to rest.
  • Sometimes the use of dosed weights is indicated, which is a rubber band or cuffs attached to the ankle area.
  • You can breathe freely during the exercises.
  • Finish the set of exercises by smoothly raising your arms up as you inhale and calmly lowering them down as you exhale and relax.

Gymnastics for the hip joints at home is performed for forty minutes in the morning and evening. If this is difficult for you, you can break it up into cycles of 15 minutes.

If you feel severe pain during the exercises, do them in a lying position and as slowly as possible.

Exercises at the initial stage of the disease

If you start doing exercises for the hip joint at home as early as possible, you can prevent the development of the disease and inflammation of the joints at an early stage. Doctors often prescribe the following movements:

  • You need to sit on the floor and spread your legs out to the sides as much as possible. Bend the affected limb at the knee and tilt it inward with gentle rocking movements.
  • Bend your leg at the knee joint, grab your heel tightly with your hands and gently pull it towards your armpit.
  • After these movements, you need to perform swings and legs in a relaxed state.

At the end of the gymnastics, doctors advise massage of the lower extremities for five minutes. Then the affected joint should be lubricated with warming ointment or gel.

Strengthened set of exercises

When the joint has already been developed and the basic exercises can be performed easily, It is recommended to perform physical exercises with increased load for pain in the hip joint.

  • Place your healthy leg on the bench, your hands should be placed on the support. The affected leg needs to swing forward, backward and to the sides, smoothly pulling itself towards the stomach.
  • You need to get on all fours. Extend your limbs one by one, holding the weight for a few seconds. Once you have mastered the movements, you can add a weight cuff.
  • You need to lie on your stomach, lower your arms along your body. Imitate crawling movements in this position.

Gymnastics for severe forms of the disease

If we are talking about a severe disease of the hip joint, the symptoms of which are very pronounced, then treatment with exercises should be carried out for no more than ten minutes, and the load increases gradually. If the joints are significantly damaged, the patient may experience severe pain. Therefore, doctors recommend using micro-movement techniques and pausing until you get rid of the unpleasant sensations. It is recommended to use those exercises in which the main load is placed on the healthy leg.

As the pain subsides, more advanced movements can be used, gradually increasing the range of motion of the affected leg. The pace of execution can be slow or medium, depending on the condition of the joints.

  • You need to place your healthy leg on an elevated platform, with your arms placed on a support. Let the affected limb hang freely. Make rocking movements with it back and forth. The range of movements can be increased gradually.
  • You need to sit on a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart. Press your feet firmly to the floor. Gently bring your knees to the center, without lifting your feet, and return them to their starting position.
  • Lie on your back, stretch your legs, slightly spreading them to the side. Place a soft cushion under the knee of the sore leg. Alternately rotate each leg outward and inward.

Exercises according to the Evdokimenko system

The famous rheumatologist and psychophysiologist Pavel Evdokimenko developed his own system of exercises for the hip joint. It makes it possible to give the correct load to the leg muscles and work out the affected joints.

  • Lie on the floor on your stomach. Place your legs together and extend your arms along your body. Lift one leg off the floor as far as you can, hold it at the top for five seconds and lower it. Do at least 5 times. Repeat the same for the other leg. It is important to use the hip muscles. When lowering your leg, you need to completely relax.
  • In the same position, bend one leg at the knee as much as possible. Lift it off the floor and hold for 30-60 seconds at the top point. Then lower your leg and relax your body. Repeat the same for the second leg.
  • Turn over to your right side. Bend your left leg at the knee and extend and lift your right leg. Hold it suspended for about 30 seconds, then lower it and relax completely. Do the same for the second leg.
  • Now do the previous exercise, but for the other side. Lie on your right side, but bend your right leg and extend your left. Raise your straight leg 35-40 degrees, pause for half a minute at the top point and lower it. Turn over and repeat the same for the other leg.
  • The following exercise can be performed in two versions - static and dynamic. For a static pose, one minute is enough. Lie on your back with your arms extended along your thighs. Bend your legs and spread your knees shoulder-width apart. Raise your pelvis and hold at the top for about a minute. Get down on the floor and relax. In dynamics, try to stay at the top point for a couple of seconds. The exercise is repeated 10-15 times (in dynamics).
  • Sit on the floor, relax, bring your legs together. Place a towel over your feet and grab the ends with your hands. Inhale and begin to bend forward. Having reached the extreme point, relax and exhale. Stay in this position for a minute and bend over again, helping yourself with your hands. Pause again for a minute and relax. At this moment, you need to try to tense your thigh muscles for 10 seconds and relax. Stretch forward again, helping yourself with the towel.

You need to perform the proposed complex once a day, and be sure to regularly. After a few months, you will be able to completely relieve tension from the posterior thigh muscle and alleviate the condition of the hip joint.

What exercises to do after hip surgery

It is necessary to pay special attention to gymnastics even if endoprosthetics surgery has been performed. Returning the normal functioning of a joint after replacement is a rather lengthy process and can take up to six months.

In the first few days after surgery, you must strictly adhere to bed rest. When the pain subsides, passive and then active movements of the limbs begin. From days 1-2 to 7-12, gymnastics after surgery on the hip joint is performed only in a lying position. At this stage, exercises can be as follows:

  • Development of the ankle and calf muscles. First, the exercise is performed lying down, a little later - sitting. It involves moving the foot towards and away from you for several minutes.
  • Perform circular movements with your feet clockwise and counterclockwise 3-5 times. You only need to work on the ankle, not the knee.
  • Tighten your popliteal region for 4-5 seconds and press it against the bed. Repeat 5 times for each leg.
  • In a lying position, bring your leg towards you, without lifting your foot from the surface, bending it at the hip and knee joint. Repeat 7-8 times. The angle of flexion of the hip joint should not exceed 90 degrees. At an early stage, you can use a special tape or towel.
  • Squeeze your buttock muscles 8-10 times for five seconds.
  • Place a roller in the popliteal area, slightly raise the shin and hold it in this position for 5-7 seconds.
  • Place a bolster or pillow between your knees to prevent the limb from crossing. Without lifting your legs from the surface, slowly spread them apart and then bring them towards each other.

Subsequently, the load increases. When a person can stand up normally, the exercises are done in a standing and sitting position. Walking in place is also useful, first for a few minutes, and then gradually increases this time. A set of exercises should be selected by a doctor, this applies both to cases where surgery has been performed, and simply to the presence of pain in the joint.

Among the numerous methods for treating hip arthrosis, there is one, the effectiveness of which patients often underestimate. But it is this method that saves from disability even with advanced coxarthrosis, and requires virtually no financial costs. We are talking about gymnastics. True, doing therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint requires much more effort and time from the patient than taking a pill.

But these efforts are worth it. It should be understood that for patients with coxarthrosis, not all gymnastics for the hip joint are suitable, but only those adapted to the stage of the disease. Training videos will help you master the exercises at home, but you need to choose complexes from reputable rheumatologists.

The role of gymnastics in coxarthrosis

Osteoarthritis of the hip joints is accompanied by limited mobility of the leg in the affected joint. At first, this limitation is not associated with the presence of a mechanical obstacle; movements are simply accompanied by pain. Lack of lubrication also plays a role - synovial fluid is produced in insufficient quantities and becomes thicker. In the later stages, the articulating bones become deformed, which leads to the formation of persistent articular contracture. The less the patient tries to move the leg in the diseased joint, the weaker the muscles become; a lack of motor activity leads to their hypotrophy. And the ligaments and tendons shorten and become stiff.

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint are necessary at any stage. This is the best way to activate blood circulation. If the hip joint receives enough nutrients, degenerative processes in it slow down. The circulation of intra-articular fluid is also activated during exercises for the hip joints. Regular exercise can prevent muscle wasting or compensate for the loss of muscle mass and volume. Thanks to joint exercises, ligaments retain elasticity.

This is extremely important for the treatment of osteoarthritis:

  • the muscles serve as a natural corset for the joint, removing a significant part of the load from it, thereby slowing down the wear of cartilage and bones;
  • muscles are penetrated by a network of blood vessels, the greater the muscle mass, the more blood the joint receives;
  • strong muscles and ligaments stabilize the hip joint, prevent dislocations and subluxations of the hip, which often complicate coxarthrosis;
  • a person with a good muscular-ligamentous system can walk without experiencing unbearable pain, even when the joint is severely damaged and deformed.

With coxarthrosis of the hip joints, the load on other joints of the legs and lower parts of the spine increases. Therefore, it is necessary to perform therapeutic exercises to strengthen different muscle groups in the legs, as well as the back and abdominals.

Features of exercises for coxarthrosis

The main goals of gymnastics for the hip joint: increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, strengthening them, and building muscle mass. To strengthen muscles, the range of motion does not play a decisive role. A significantly greater effect is provided by static exercises, in which the leg is held in a position that requires muscle tension. They are also performed dynamically for arthrosis, but with a limited amplitude; its excess is accompanied by pain. The further the development of arthrosis has progressed, the smaller the amplitude. You cannot build it up through force, the muscles will not become stronger, but there is a risk of damaging the joint.

For pain in the hip joint, you should limit yourself to isometric exercises, tensing and relaxing the muscles without moving the leg in the joint. Micromovements with a range of 1–2 cm according to the Gitt method are also as safe as possible. But to achieve a noticeable effect, such gymnastics for osteoarthritis must be performed for hours.

Other important principles of gymnastics:

  • symptoms and treatment must correspond to each other; classes cannot be started in the acute phase of the disease;
  • be sure to coordinate the set of exercises with your doctor;
  • take into account possible contraindications from other organs and systems (hypertension, hernia, febrile conditions, cardiovascular diseases);
  • gradually increase the duration of training, introduce new exercises;
  • when performing stretching exercises, the amplitude increases gradually, as the elasticity of the ligaments increases, events cannot be forced;
  • breathe freely, evenly, do not forget to restore breathing in the intervals between exercises;
  • Muscles must be warmed up before starting the main workout;
  • to avoid accidental injuries, do not use painkillers before starting exercises;
  • Jumping, jerking, deep squats, heavy lifting, energetic, high-amplitude movements in the joint are contraindicated;
  • do not rush when performing dynamic exercises.

And the main principle of exercise therapy and gymnastics for osteoarthritis of the hip joint is regularity.

Gymnastics according to Evdokimenko

The book about arthrosis by Pavel Evdokimenko describes more than 30 exercises, some aimed at strengthening different muscle groups. All of them will be useful for coxarthrosis, but it is not worth performing the full complex every day; 8–12 exercises, which alternate periodically, are enough. Here are a few exercises from the Evdokimenko complex.

  1. Lying on your back, stretch out your arms and legs, place a cushion under your lower back. Slowly lift your head off the floor and pull it forward. Raise your legs about 30° and hold for 30–40 seconds. Gently lower your legs and head, relax.
  2. Lying on your back, extend your right leg and bend your left leg at about 60°, pressing your foot firmly to the floor. Lift your right leg off the floor and lift it 20–30 cm. Keeping your leg suspended, turn it from the hip so that the toe points outward, then in the opposite direction, repeat 10–15 times. You can bend your leg slightly at the knee. Rest a little and repeat for the second leg.
  3. Lie on your side, lower leg bent at the knee, upper leg straight, one arm under your head, the palm of the other resting on the floor. Slowly raise the straightened leg to 45° and hold it there for half a minute. After resting, repeat for the second leg.
  4. Dynamic option. Hold the raised leg at the top point for 1-2 seconds, lower without touching the support, and raise again. The range of movements is 10–20 cm, the pace is slow, the number of repetitions for one leg is 10–12.
  5. For stretching. Lying on your stomach, bend your left leg at the knee and try to press your heel to your buttock, helping with your hands; if you can’t reach it with your hands, put a loop of a towel or belt. Keep your leg bent for 1-2 minutes, trying to relax the front of the thigh (rectus muscle) as much as possible. Repeat for the right leg.

It is recommended to complete the gymnastics complex with self-massage of the thigh, which is performed while sitting on a chair. Massage the front and side surfaces of the thigh, moving from the knee to the groin. For about 3 minutes, until a feeling of pleasant warmth appears, rub the thigh with your palms, then proceed to light stroking for a minute. Warming creams can be used.

Gymnastics according to Bubnovsky

Sergey Bubnovsky has developed a number of complexes for people with different levels of physical fitness, and also created an original simulator for safe exercise for various diseases. You can do the exercises without a machine. You need to start with the adaptive complex, here are a few exercises from it.

  1. Sit on your knees, pressing your buttocks to your heels, hands folded on your stomach. Lift your buttocks off your heels, rise up, raise your arms up to your sides, take a deep breath and hold your breath. Sink sharply onto your heels, exhaling forcefully. The exhalation should be accompanied by a low sound “ha!” Sitting in the starting position, exhale several times through tightly compressed lips with the sound “pf”.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, stretch your arms behind your head. As you exhale, lift your body off the floor and stretch your arms forward.
  3. Lie on your back, arms spread to the side, forming an angle of 45° with the body, legs bent at the knees. As you exhale, slowly raise your pelvis and bring your knees together, and as you inhale, return to the IP.
  4. Cross your legs at the ankles, place your arms bent at the elbows under your head. As you exhale, group yourself, lift your legs and shoulder blades off the floor, pull your knees and elbows towards each other. Repeat on the right and left side with support on an outstretched arm, again on the back, on the left side.

The entire complex is shown in the video. After mastering it, you can move on to more complex exercises. Unlike, these exercises are performed at a fairly fast pace. The rhythm of breathing is of particular importance. Movements that require effort are performed while exhaling.

Gymnastics according to Gitt

  1. Sit on a chair at such a height that your legs, bent at the knees at a right angle, rest on the floor with your entire foot. Slightly swing your knees towards each other and to the sides with an amplitude of 0.5–1.5 cm, do not lift your feet off the floor. Keep your back straight. Do it for at least half an hour.
  2. Lift your heels off the floor one by one.
  3. Lie on your back, stretch out your legs and spread them slightly. Turn your legs from the hips inward with your toes and return to the starting position.
  4. In the same position, bend your knees and perform the movements as in the first exercise.
  5. Roll over onto your stomach, place a towel folded in several layers under your pelvis and rock it from side to side, slightly rotating, trying to keep your legs motionless.

The exercises are not performed in a row, but in turns throughout the day, bringing the duration to several hours. While performing exercises in a sitting position, you can do other things; you need to train yourself to perform these movements constantly, as soon as the opportunity arises. The system of micromovements activates metabolic processes and avoids complete immobilization of the joint. Muscles are also strengthened through high repetitions.

Specially selected exercises allow you to maintain muscle strength and joint mobility for longer in case of coxarthrosis. Different specialists develop their own therapeutic gymnastics complexes. You can select exercises for the initial and late stages of coxarthrosis, for people with a good level of general physical fitness and for the weakened.

The main thing is to exercise regularly and measure the load, increasing it gradually. The effect of gymnastics increases if you supplement it with massage or self-massage. It is also necessary to take chondroprotectors, but many patients who do gymnastics manage to do without drug pain relief.