The most effective exercises for losing weight at home. Upper and lower abdominal muscles

To look beautiful, diet alone is not enough; you need to devote time to physical training. Therefore, we have prepared for you a set of exercises for losing weight at home for every day. For women, this is an excellent option to give your muscles their former elasticity in a few sessions. In some cases, you won’t have to resort to strict diets, because with just training you can lose from 3 to 7 kg in a month.

  • sports exercises should be done every other day;
  • an hour before the start of training you need to eat lightly;
  • before exercise it is necessary to warm up;
  • the load should increase gradually;
  • During classes, you need to drink small sips of still water;
  • You should start repeating the exercise with 10 times (for example: 10 squats, 10 somersaults, etc.), with each subsequent workout increase by 5 – 10 repetitions, you need to reach 50 times.
  • monitor proper breathing;
  • After training, start eating no earlier than 2 hours later.


It is good to exercise in the fresh air; if this is not possible, you should open the window. This way the body will be saturated with oxygen faster, and the weight loss process will get off the ground.

Proper warm-up

As mentioned above, you should warm up your entire body well before training. So let's get started:

  1. We begin circular movements in different directions from the cervical vertebrae. Rotations should be slow and not too deep;
  2. let's move on to the shoulders. We place our hands with our palms on our shoulders and begin circular rotations forward and backward;
  3. we go lower. You can warm up your elbows like this: stretch your arms in front of you, parallel to the floor, and begin to bend them at the elbows, and then straighten them;
  4. Hands. Clasp your fingers at eye level and begin making circular movements without releasing the handles;
  5. warm up the back and waist with inclined movements in different directions;
  6. to prepare your lower back for training, you should pretend that you are spinning a hoop, while only your hips should work;
  7. We stretch our legs with regular squats or forward lunges.

Ten approaches from each point will be enough to start the next classes.

You can proceed to exercises only after a good warm-up; this will help you avoid unplanned injuries.

A set of sports exercises for every day

Now the moment has come when you can devote a whole hour to losing weight and not be distracted by anything. Let's not waste precious minutes, let's get started.

Graceful handles

These exercises will help you shape your arms and chest, giving them a firmer look.

Get rid of the belly and keep your back straight

These exercises will help you easily straighten your back and give your stomach a flat look.

  1. We sit on the edge of the chair, back straight, feet on the floor. Slowly pull your knees to your chest, hugging them with your arms. We return to the starting position.
  2. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, the back is straight. We lean forward so that our hands touch the floor, while our knees and back should be straight, we return to the main stance, repeat.
  3. We lie down on our shoulder blades so that the spine is in full contact with the hard surface, yes, it’s not easy, but try. And we begin to pull our knees to our chest as close as possible. We smoothly return to the starting position.

Sexy thighs and buttocks

Well, there’s nothing to talk about here, the more of these exercises, the more clearly these places will stand out.

Slender legs

  1. We lie down on the mat, hands on our chest. We lift our feet off the floor and begin to “pedal a bicycle,” first forward, then backward.
  2. We squat and place our legs as wide as possible. Then, we begin to move the body from one leg to the other, while the body should remain in the same position and the back straight.
  3. The simplest exercise is scissors. We lie down on our shoulder blades, arms in any position, and raise our legs with our heels towards the ceiling so that we get a right angle. We spread them in different directions, while the knees should remain straight, and begin the exercise. Slowly bring the legs together, then return to the starting position. To prevent your legs from getting too tired, this exercise should be divided into two sessions.

Yoga for the face

We already know the exercises for slimness, now all that remains is to work on the face.

  1. We draw air into the oral cavity, compress our lips tightly and begin to roll it in a circular motion from one cheek to the other.
  2. We stretch the sponges with a tube for 5 seconds and sharply relax them.
  3. When you inhale deeply through your nose, suck in your cheeks, hold your breath for 5-10 seconds, and exhale slowly through your slightly open mouth.

If you have not previously exercised, you should not do all the exercises at once. Start with the easiest ones and add new movements after each session. This will allow your body to gradually get used to the stress.

Are there any contraindications?

  • hypertension;
  • recent stroke or heart attack;
  • problematic joints or blood vessels;
  • thrombosis;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • injury to the musculoskeletal system.

If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then you should not risk your health by doing intense exercise. You are allowed only a slow, calm pace with frequent breaks for breaks and only after the doctor's permission.

To achieve results as quickly as possible, in the first month you should cross off the following products from the list:

  • flour products (white bread, pasta and various buns);
  • fried foods (it is better to boil or steam meat and everything else, for example, a recipe for dietary boiled beef);
  • sweets (chocolate, cakes, etc.).
  • eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • the last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime;
  • you don’t need to overeat at night, it won’t lead to anything good;
  • drink no more than 2.5 liters of water per day;
  • Eat only when your body requires it.


Any woman can cope with this set of exercises for losing weight at home. The main thing here is the desire to achieve a good figure and not be lazy. And after some time, your life will be filled with new colors.
We recommend watching a video that describes other workouts for weight loss.

To burn more calories, you need to use a lot of muscles. Isolated exercises, such as biceps curls, will burn far fewer calories than pull-ups, which require energy from the back and core muscles in addition to the arms.

All exercises from our workout involve several muscle groups at once, increasing calorie expenditure. At the same time, the movements are quite simple, so you can quickly master them and last longer at high intensity.

The second reason for efficiency is high tempo. These exercises must be performed with maximum effort, without rest until complete recovery. A high heart rate throughout your workout helps you burn more calories.

How to do the exercises

Perform the exercises for 30 seconds, interspersed with a 30-second rest. If the load is not enough for you, perform 2-3 circles. You can gradually increase the work time to 60 seconds, but leave the rest the same.

Combine the sequence as you like, but do not put exercises that load the same muscle group next to each other. By alternating the load on your arms and legs, back and abs, you will avoid fatigue and be able to maintain a high pace throughout the entire workout.

What exercises to do

1. Skier movements

This exercise is a great alternative to regular jumping. It stresses the entire body, especially the buttocks, thighs and back extensor muscles.

Bend your body forward, place your arms straight behind your back, bend your knees, but do not go into a squat. From this position, straighten up with a sharp explosive movement and simultaneously swing your arms. You can stand on your toes or jump a little, but not too high.

2. Dance of the Predator

The exercise warms up the hips and shoulder muscles well.

Stand straight, feet together, hold both arms straight in front of you, palms together. Jump into a squat, spreading your legs wider. At the same time, tilt your body forward, spread your arms to the sides and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Return to starting position and repeat. Gradually increase your speed and range of motion.

3. Ice skating

This dynamic exercise simulates speed skating. It perfectly loads the legs and core muscles, increases the heart rate.

Bend your body forward with your back straight. Make a sliding jump with your right foot to the right side, move both arms to the right, accompanying the movement of the body. Cross your left leg over your right leg, you can place it on the floor or leave it suspended. Repeat the movement to the left. Do not straighten your body, try to perform the movement quickly and without stopping.

4. Explosive push-ups

Even if you have mastered regular push-ups well, you will have to sweat a lot when performing this exercise. It will load not only the muscles of the shoulder girdle, but also the back, hips, and buttocks.

Perform the exercise only on warmed muscles, otherwise you risk injuring your shoulders.

Stand in a lying position, push your pelvis back, bend your knees - this is the starting position. From here, with a sharp explosive movement, go into a push-up. Go back and repeat.

5. Squat Jumps

This is a great alternative to regular squats. Jumping in a half-squat pumps up the leg muscles well and does not overload the knees.

Place your feet together, lower yourself into a squat with your back straight, and keep your arms in front of you. Jump your legs wide apart and then jump back together. Repeat the movement as quickly as possible.

6. Running on a step

Place your left foot on a small hill, step, stand, or even a stack of books. With a quick jumping movement, change the position of your legs to the opposite. Make movements springy and soft, keep your knees slightly bent.

Another variation of this exercise is jumping from side to side on an elevated platform. Alternate them with each other to improve coordination and diversify your workouts.

7. Burpee

This exercise will work every muscle in your body, get your heart rate up, and leave you out of breath faster than any other.

From a standing position, lower yourself into a lying position. Go down, touch the floor with your chest and hips, then push yourself up with your arms and jump with your legs towards your hands, trying not to bend your knees too much. Straighten up and jump up, clapping your hands behind your head.

8. Jumping while lying down

The exercise works well on the hips, shoulders, and core muscles.

Get on all fours, lift your knees off the floor, keep your back straight. From this position, push off with your feet and jump through a handstand to the other side. Go back through the same jump. If you are afraid to perform at full amplitude, do not jump high. Get used to the range gradually.

9. Steps onto the bench

The exercise loads the hips well and pumps up the calf muscles.

Step up with your right foot. Leaning on your leg, jump up while swinging your straight arms and switch legs while jumping. After landing, your left foot will be on the hill; start your next jump with it. Jump, alternating legs, try to put maximum effort into the movement, “explode.”

10. Frog jumps

This exercise will help you develop powerful legs and work your abs and shoulders.

Stand in a lying position, with a jump, bring your legs to your hands. Jump back into a prone position and repeat. If you don't have the mobility to do it at full range, jump as far as possible. Gradually your body will get used to it and you will be able to increase your range of motion.

11. Bear walk

Moving in such an unusual position puts a lot of stress on your arms, back, hips and calf muscles.

At the same time, move the opposite arm and leg, try to keep your back straight. During movement, the pelvis can go up, but not much.

12. Crab walk

This walk will put a lot of stress on your shoulders, back, buttocks and hips.

At the same time, move the opposite arm and leg, do not lower your pelvis to the floor until the end of the exercise. If you don't have much space to practice, walk back and forth.

13. Leg lunges while lying down

This challenging exercise works the muscles of the entire body and requires a fair amount of dexterity and coordination.

Get on all fours, lift your knees off the floor, distributing your weight between your palms and the balls of your feet. Lift your right leg and left arm off the floor, pivot to the left on your left leg and step your right leg straight forward. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

14. Walking in a half-squat

This is the favorite exercise of all Soviet coaches, and for good reason. This movement not only works your legs well, but also develops balance and endurance.

Lower yourself into a half-squat and walk forward, accompanying your walking with the movement of your arms.

15. Walking with a lunge

This movement will finish off the leg muscles that are tired from the previous exercise. Lunge forward with your right leg, touching your left knee to the floor. Stand tall and lift your left knee up in front of you, then lower into a lunge on your left leg. Keep moving this way.

Good luck with your training!

Recently, it has become fashionable to go to the gym, take a long-term membership to a fitness club, have a personal trainer and adhere to an individual training program. There is nothing wrong with this, because the result justifies the costs. But don't be jealous. If you lack financial resources, you can always find an alternative.

If you choose the right exercises for losing weight at home and start doing them regularly, you can achieve both figure correction and weight loss through your own efforts. The main thing is motivation and the ability to eliminate distractions during training.


The first mistake of beginners who plan to train at home is that they want to find an exercise program for quick weight loss. Having completed the complex, they hopefully step on the scales and ask their relatives if they have noticed any changes...

I don’t want to upset such enthusiasts, but even the most effective exercises do not give such quick results. If you are on the path to weight loss, you need to immediately prepare yourself for the fact that it will be a long one. So be patient and first learn the basic rules of home training - can you stick to them for several months?

  1. You will need a training program, which should indicate the time of the training, duration, type and specific exercises. If you are compiling it for the first time, use ready-made ones that can be downloaded on the Internet.
  2. Combine anaerobic exercises (working with dumbbells and other equipment) with aerobic exercises (cardio training). For the former, it is better to choose the evening hours, for the latter - the morning.
  3. Don’t get hung up on one complex, try to change it as often as possible, muscles tend to get used to the same loads.
  4. Everyone wants to choose light exercises so as not to overload the body, which has become lazy after winter. But if your goal is to lose weight, you will have to work, and not 15 minutes a day, but on average - at least an hour. The more you feel sorry for yourself, the more invisible the results will be.
  5. Daily workouts are not suitable for beginners. There should be an interval of 1-2 days so that the muscles can rest. Over time, you can shorten this gap, but only after reaching a certain level of physical fitness.
  6. Approximate scheme for beginners: duration of the first lesson - 15 minutes. With each subsequent workout, add 10 until the target is 45 minutes. This is the ideal time.
  7. At first, you can perform simple exercises, but no more than 2 weeks.
  8. Half an hour before training, you can drink a glass of water at room temperature. After that, this can only be done after half an hour.
  9. Buy comfortable sportswear and shoes, as well as the necessary equipment.
  10. And most importantly, watch how you eat. If you continue to consume fast food and soda, consider that 45 minutes of even the most intense exercise will go down the drain.

This is interesting. Interval training burns more fat and calories, which means it promotes weight loss more intensively.

Types of exercises and types of training

Exercises can be:

  • Power

These are lifting barbells, working with dumbbells, pull-ups, abs, etc. They help increase muscle mass and give strength. They are good for weight loss because they burn energy well, which is primarily taken from carbohydrates. They form the basis of anaerobic training. They are distinguished by complex execution techniques and large weights. Very intense.

  • Cardio training

For weight loss, cardio exercises are more useful, which include jumping in place, squats, turns, bends, etc. They have a very beneficial effect on the heart, improve endurance, but most importantly, they effectively reduce body weight by burning fat. They form the basis of high-repetition aerobic training.

  • Stretch

For the belly:

  1. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, keep your legs straight. Raise your body, touching your knees to your chest. Slowly return to the starting position.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands behind your head. Twist so that your elbow touches the knee of the opposite leg.
  3. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, keep your legs straight. Raise your legs to an angle of 45°, hold them as long as possible. You can wiggle up and down or do scissoring.
  4. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides, slowly raise your straightened legs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Lower them just as slowly. The exercise is considered ideal for losing weight in the abdomen and sides.

For the back:

  1. Lie on your back, extend your arms. Bend your knees. Rhythmically raise your pelvis and lower it.
  2. Lie on your back, extend your arms. Bend your knees. Raise one of them up or place it on the opposite knee. Rhythmically raise your pelvis and lower it.
  3. Lie on your back. Raise your straightened arms up. Tear off the hips of the floor. Slowly lower your legs. Stretch out following your arms, lifting your body (its upper part) off the floor.
  4. Lie on your stomach. Try to lift your limbs off the floor at the same time.

For a more complete set of exercises, see.

For hands:

  1. Take a lying position. Place your knees on the floor. Do push-ups.
  2. Stand with your back to the edge of the sofa, put your hands on it. Straighten your legs and relax. Bend your elbows. At the lowest point, reach the floor with your buttocks. Straighten your arms.
  3. Stand up straight, stretch your arms out in front of you so that they are parallel to the floor. Hold them like this for as long as possible.

For a more complete set of exercises, see.

Strength exercises

Dumbbells will come in handy here (2 kg for women, from 5 kg for men). The correct approach in this part of the program is to perform all positions to the point of exhaustion, gradually increasing the load either through additional weight or through repetitions.

  1. Squats. Hold dumbbells in straight hands, keeping your back straight. Move your pelvis back and sit down. Your knees should not go beyond the edge of your socks.
  2. Stand up, hold dumbbells in straight arms, palms facing out. Bend your elbows, lifting the dumbbells toward your shoulders, but leaving your elbows motionless.
  3. Lunges. Hold dumbbells in straight arms. Take the widest possible step forward with your right foot, squat slightly, and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.
  4. Tilt your body at an angle of 45°, move your pelvis back, bend your knees slightly, keep your back flat and straight, lower your arms with dumbbells down. Bend your elbows, pulling the weight toward your waist.
  5. Hold dumbbells on your hips with straight arms. Lean forward, keeping your back straight. Pull your pelvis back so that the dumbbells drop smoothly down, sliding along your legs. Bring them to the middle of the shin, then return to the starting position.

You can take this complex as a launching pad. First, master the technique. If something doesn't work out, watch the video tutorials. Do as many times as your physical fitness allows, but gradually increase both the number of repetitions and the pace.

As soon as all this becomes automatic, look for another system to load the body to the maximum.


Any system of exercises at home or in the gym must have a proper beginning (warm-up) and end (cool-down). It restores breathing, blood circulation and relaxes muscles, ensuring a smooth transition of the body from intense activity to a state of rest. To lose weight, you can include the following exercises:

  • walking in place;
  • squats;
  • jumping rope;
  • bends;
  • swings;
  • rotation of the body.

In principle, the selection of exercises for a cool-down can be exactly the same as for a warm-up. At home this is quite acceptable. This part of the workout does not take much time (10 minutes), but it is enough for the body.

Remember! Physical exercises to be performed at home should be moderate, enjoyable and invigorating, not too strenuous.

Features of classes for men and women

Now, as for which exercises are more suitable for women (we’ve already talked about this), and which ones are more suitable for men. For example, the complex described above will be ideal for girls. It pumps up the buttocks, inner thighs well and reduces the size of the waist. For representatives of the stronger half of humanity, it will seem too easy, especially in terms of strength loads.

Therefore, we offer a special list of exercises for men so that they can lose weight, develop six-pack abs, and develop pectoral muscles.

  1. Twisting.
  2. Squats.
  3. Dumbbell/barbell press.
  4. Lunges with dumbbells/barbell.
  5. Swings with dumbbells.
  6. Push ups.
  7. Jumping rope.
  8. Plank.
  9. Pull-ups.
  10. Press.

Just because you don't go to the gym doesn't mean you can't lose weight at home. The main thing is regularity of classes, adherence to the regime, a healthy lifestyle and positive emotions.

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Everyone, without exception, men and women, would like to have a beautiful, toned body, to look attractive and young. But nature is not generous to everyone, and often, a sporty and slender figure is the result of systematic and hard work on oneself. Fitness centers and gyms can help in this difficult task, where you can exercise under the strict supervision of an instructor.

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit these establishments; unfortunately, there is not enough time or money, there is no one to leave their children with, or, as happens in the vast majority of cases, people are ashamed of their figure and leave everything as it is.

It has long been known that the best diets without physical activity do not give good results, and the most effective way to burn fat is the right way, combined with exercise.

Also, do not forget about using the right cosmetic products. For example, modeling cream. Its selection should be approached very carefully, because large manufacturers actively use animal fats, mineral oils and parabens. The latter can accumulate in the body and lead to serious health problems. Experts recommend using only natural cosmetics. One of the leaders in this industry is Mulsan Cosmetic. On the website you can find modeling creams, scrubs and balms that will help you achieve an ideal figure, maintain beauty and youth.

Losing weight at home

There is a good alternative to specialized gyms - sets of exercises for losing weight at home. Correctly selected simple and effective exercises for losing weight at home will be enough.

  • You need to start with a good attitude, a clear definition of the goal and well-organized self-discipline.
  • For good and quick results, classes should be held at least 3-4 times a week.
  • There is an opinion that the most optimal time for classes is before lunch from 11 to 13 o'clock, and in the afternoon from 5 to 7 pm.
  • On a full stomach, exercise will be difficult and ineffective, so it is better to exercise 2 hours after eating.
  • The effectiveness of a set of exercises is greatly influenced by regularity - the more regular the exercises, the better and faster the results will be visible.
  • Exercising “through force” will also not help you lose weight and get your body in order; you only need a positive attitude.

Sports nutrition and supplements

A common mistake is to think that sports nutrition is only for bodybuilders and anyone who wants to achieve “mountains of muscles.” In fact, some medications can provide invaluable support in the process of losing weight, including at home. Moreover, most supplements intended for weight loss work exclusively in combination with physical exercise and significantly enhance and accelerate the results from them.

Most often, home workouts are started by those who do not have significant sports training and have not previously been systematically involved in fitness. In the gym, the coach “drives” you, and you, willy-nilly, do your best. At home, where there is no one to control you, you will feel sorry for yourself one way or another. To do more, you need energy. And here they are irreplaceable - which, by the way, in most cases also contain fat-burning components. They convert fat into the very energy you need for an effective workout.

And another group of drugs that will be useful to everyone who plans to lose weight at home is. Carnitine is an amino acid involved in energy metabolism and fat burning.

The table below shows pre-workout supplements suitable for home workouts.

A drug

Energy Supplements

Fat burning components

Other Ingredients

Effective exercises for losing weight at home

The first stage of psychological preparation has been completed, now you need to think about the sports equipment that is necessary for exercise.

What you may need for training:

  • dumbbells from 1 to 16 kg (women 1–5 kg, men 3–16),
  • sports mat (can be bought at any sports store),
  • clothing for activities, the main criterion of which is its comfort and naturalness,
  • gymnastic hoop (you should remember that the weight of the hoop should be from 1 to 2 kg; if it is lighter, you may not expect results, and if it is heavier, bruises will remain on your sides).

Well, that’s all, now you can get down to the main thing – the classes themselves.

Any workout begins traditionally with a warm-up - it will help warm up all the muscles and prepare them for heavier loads.

Warm-up can last on average 15–20 minutes. You can start it either by walking for five minutes, or by running in place, while raising your knees high. Then you can tilt left and right and back and forth. The warm-up should be completed with a complex, which includes rotations of the shoulders and hands, performing movements from the breaststroke or crawl style of swimming.
After warming up, you should move on to the main set of exercises for losing weight at home.

Squats. These exercises have no equal in the field of weight loss. It is advisable to perform 20 repetitions per approach. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, your hands on your waist, and your back straight. Proper breathing is important - as you inhale, squat as low as possible, and when you exit, return to the starting position. Gradually you need to increase it to three approaches, with a break of one minute, and after 10 days of training you can start training.

Lunges. This exercise requires a step, performed as wide as possible with one leg, and at the same time the other knee touches the floor. Hands, as in squats, are kept at the waist, but if it is difficult from the very beginning, then arms spread to the sides are allowed. Each approach should consist of 15 lunges, which are gradually increased to 30.

Exercise for the pectoral muscles. Starting position – lying with your back on a bench and holding a dumbbell in your hands. As you inhale, arms with dumbbells are spread to the sides, and as you exhale, they are brought together behind your head. The approach includes 12 repetitions. You can gradually increase the number of approaches to three and the weight of dumbbells.

Exercise for the upper abdominal muscles. Starting position – legs bent at the knees and feet fixed. You need to rise so that your shoulder blades come off the floor. As you enter, you rise, and as you exhale, you return to the starting position. The exercise can be performed, as they say, “as far as your strength allows.” Approaches increase to three.

Exercise for the lower abdominal muscles. Starting position - lying on the mat, with your hands behind your head, holding on to a stationary object, for example, a sofa. Bend your legs at the knees and, as you exhale, lift them above you, then lower them and inhale. This exercise is indispensable for strengthening the abdominal muscles and quickly removing centimeters from the sides.

Plank or horizontal position in prone position. The uniqueness of the exercise is that excess fat can be burned without any movement. It works as follows: the body is stabilized in one position, and at this time many muscles work, and all this work contributes to weight loss. The starting position is to take a lying position, as when doing push-ups, straighten your back, tense all your abdominal muscles, and freeze in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat several times.

Horizon on one leg. The exercise also involves many small muscles, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart and a straight back. Bend forward while moving one leg back. Very similar to the “swallow” exercise. Tighten all your muscles and hold in this position for as long as possible. Then change legs.

Hoop. It can be a good helper in such matters as burning fat deposits on the waist and buttocks, eliminating cellulite, and improving metabolism. To achieve results, it will be enough to twist the hoop 2 times a day for 15 minutes.

Cardio exercises for fast weight loss at home

There are also excellent sets of cardio exercises for home exercises. Their advantages include classes without special equipment and equipment. Cardio exercises will help improve the performance and endurance of the heart, feel much better, and, of course, lose weight.
Classical aerobics has long been recognized as the best and most effective for those who can only exercise at home.

But for variety, the body can be given a load in the form of other areas of aerobics, such as dance aerobics, tai-bo and fit-bo. Tai-bo is a combination of aerobic steps and movements from taekwondo, boxing and karate.
Fit-bo is an improved tai-bo - the same combinations, but more dynamic and fun.

The traditional version of cardio training is running in place and jumping. From them it is possible to create sets of exercises and perform this set accompanied by your favorite music.

If desired, home fitness can be diversified with exercise equipment. It is not at all necessary to buy expensive exercise equipment in sports stores. There are mini-exercise machines at very affordable prices.

Classes on step platforms should be carried out in the presence of a trainer, for the reason that if there is no experience in this area, then the likelihood of injury is high.

There is a type of training - interval cardio. During such training, there is an alternation of high and medium loads. With this type of exercise, you can train for 20 minutes, and the effect will be equal to an hour-long session. But it is worth considering the level of preparation; for those who have just started training, a quiet workout as usual is more suitable.

In cardio training, the rule “the more the better” does not work. The ideal duration of a lesson is considered to be from 20 minutes to an hour. In order to understand how much and with what intensity to train, you should count your pulse. During cardio, it should not exceed 80% of the maximum allowable.

The maximum is calculated as follows: age must be subtracted from 220.

Do not forget that any workout should always begin with a light warm-up and end with exercises aimed at stretching the muscles. It is better to choose the time of training in the first half of the day; before training, try not to fill your stomach, only water and fruit.

Simple exercises for losing weight at home. Some tips

For the exercise to be effective, you need to derive several rules:

  • a well-ventilated room, since during exercise the body needs oxygen more than usual,
  • continuity and systematicity of classes,
  • warming up before a set of exercises and stretching after it,
  • excellent self-control,
  • , with the limitation of all harmful products,
  • periodic fasting days,
  • body.

With each workout, with the same load, the heart rate will decrease. This will be a sign that the right path has been chosen, everything is being done correctly, and the load can be increased.

The set of exercises for weight loss contains 20 different exercises aimed at working the main muscle groups. The exercises presented in this complex are perfect for doing independently at home. You do not need any special physical training; you can easily repeat these exercises.

This complex is designed for active loads and you will have to sweat a lot while performing this gymnastics. But you won’t have to wait long for the results. These exercises are best performed every other day. This way your muscles will have time to recover and rest. And doing gymnastics will definitely improve your mood.

Here are a few rules for doing exercises to lose weight:

  • You should eat food at least an hour before the start of class
  • You should not eat high-calorie (fatty) foods; read more about proper diet in the article
  • During class, be sure to drink clean, still water (no more than 1-2 sips at a time)
  • during training, try to breathe correctly, deeply (inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth)
  • After finishing the class, try not to drink for 30-40 minutes and not eat for 3 hours. (Everything you eat immediately after training will go towards building muscle mass. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, rather than not participate in a body builder or sumo wrestler competition, it is better to abstain from food).
  • each exercise must be completed up to 50 times. This is very difficult for a beginner, so you shouldn’t overdo it right away. Increase the load gradually. Remember that muscle pain from oversaturation with lactic acid will not give you the most pleasant sensation, and the resulting microtraumas to muscle tissue will not allow you to fully perform a set of exercises next time. Therefore, everything is good in moderation.
  • if you have a limited amount of time, you can break the complex into several stages
  • in order to always keep yourself in shape, start

20 best exercises for weight loss

1. Squats

This exercise works the muscles of the buttocks, back and abs, as well as the back of the thigh.

Squat so that your thighs are parallel to the floor and return to the starting position.

2. Push-ups

The exercise tightens the back muscles, biceps and triceps well.

When doing this, your hands should be close to each other. The wrists should be in line with the shoulders. When doing push-ups, press your elbows as close to your body as possible.

3. Bridge

The exercise tightens the muscles of the back and buttocks.

When doing this, try to push your pelvis up as high as possible.

4. Forward Lunges

The exercise works the front of the thigh and gluteal muscle.

Make alternate lunges on your right and then on your left leg. In this case, the thigh of the leg that lunges should be parallel to the floor when lunging.

5. Board

The exercise targets all the muscles of your core

Place your forearms parallel to one another and lift your body so that your feet are on your toes. Stay in this position for 90 seconds (if it is very difficult to immediately stand for 90 seconds, you can gradually increase the time).

6. Back swing

This exercise tightens the muscles of the back thigh and buttocks, and also serves as an excellent stretch.

7. Deep triceps

From the name it is clear that the exercise is mainly aimed at the back of the shoulder (triceps).

This exercise can be performed with your hands resting on any stable object: a sofa, a step, a bench in the gym, etc.

If you find it difficult to perform the exercise, place your hands a little wider or do the exercise with less amplitude.

8. Ballance

This exercise is good for the back muscles.

From the “on all fours” pose, come out into a straight line by raising your opposite arm and leg. You need to stand in this position for 90 seconds.

9. Bicycle with crunches

This exercise works all the abdominal muscles.

Raise the opposite leg and elbow alternately.

10. Balancing over the floor

This exercise is good for the lower abdominal and back muscles.

Raise your legs as close to the floor as possible without touching it. If you find it very difficult, bend your knees. Stay in this position for 90 seconds.

11. Side lunges

Lateral lunges target the anterior thigh muscles and buttocks. The exercise also eliminates the so-called “ears”

12. Burpee exercise.

Exercise for all muscle groups

13. Lunges forward and backward

The exercise is beneficial for all muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

14. Pull-up

Pull-ups are designed for the latissimus and other types of back muscles.

If you don’t have a horizontal bar or wall bars, you can replace this exercise with another. Lie on the floor, face to the floor. Extend your arms and legs to their full length. Raise your legs and arms and hold them in this position for 90 seconds.

15.Star jump

This exercise allows you to relax and stretch the entire spinal column. The exercise is also aimed at actively burning calories.

16. Plie

This exercise works the inner thigh.

It is necessary to squat without lifting your heels from the floor with your knees apart.


The exercise combines stress on the muscles of the arms, legs and back

When pulling up your knee, try to keep your torso in one line.

18. Jump with overlap

Helps unload the lower muscle groups and stretch the front of the thigh. When performing an exercise, calories are actively burned.

19. Tuck jump.

Strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves coordination of movements. Like all jumps, the exercise increases blood circulation and helps burn calories.

20. Exercise “Frog”

This exercise stimulates and works the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Since the exercise is performed at a fairly high pace, it promotes active fat burning and the removal of toxins from the body through sweat.

It's no secret that for effective weight loss you should also eat right and drink enough fluids.

That's all!

I wish you to always stay in great shape. I’m always glad to see you on the pages of my website, subscribe to updates. See you!