Drawing of a hibernating animal. Unconventional drawing on the theme “Winter

Drawing master class for children 5-7 years old with step-by-step photos “Snowfall”

Name:“Snowfall” Drawing with children 5-7 years old.

Author: Anna Gennadievna Gordeeva, arts teacher, MBDOU "TsRR-kindergarten No. 172", Ivanovo
Description: a master class with step-by-step photos “Snowfall” will be useful for preschool teachers, primary school teachers, as well as parents. The work can be done with preschoolers 5-7 years old and elementary school students.
Target: drawing a picturesque landscape “Snowfall”
Learn to draw a winter landscape; strengthen your skills in drawing trees; consolidate the ability to mix colors in a palette; improve the ability to use non-traditional drawing tools (cotton swabs)
Develop aesthetic taste, sense of color, compositional skills, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Cultivate interest in changes in nature, accuracy, attentiveness, perseverance.
Materials and equipment:
Sheet A4
Brushes No. 6, No. 3
Simple pencil
Cotton swab

December...The beginning of winter...I really want to wake up in the morning and see a white blanket of snow outside the window. Even though the sky is still dark and there is dampness in the air, there is still hope for a miracle - the first miracle of winter - snowfall!
He is always expected at all times. Poems and songs are written about him, paintings are painted.

A. Plastov "First Snow"

It was snowing all over the world.
I walked wherever my eyes led me -
Then he will turn to the village,
It will pass through the city.
And then, then into the woods,
On the coastal beach, sand,
To the hills, to the hills,
On trees and bushes...
Along the roads, along the paths,
He carried his snowflakes to everyone.
He carried and carried lightly and lightly.
Everything became white - white.
Everything shone with a gentle light,
And the night gave way to dawn.
The snowfall was walking, walking
And a little tired!
He got tired and stopped.
He gave away all the snowflakes!
Let him rest a little
He will come again later!
O. Shalimova

So, let's start drawing.
1. Draw the horizon line with a simple pencil.

2. Add white and black paint to the palette. Mixing them, we get gray color. We remember that first we take white color, and add a little black to it.

3. Take a thick brush and paint the sky with gray paint up to the horizon line. Leave the bottom of the sheet unpainted. This is land covered with snow.

4. Now we lighten the sky near the horizon line to depict space. To do this, add a little white paint to the gray color to create a light gray shade.

5. At the horizon line, draw a stripe in light gray.

6.Take a thin brush and paint trees and bushes with black paint. We remember that when depicting trees, you can show not only the type of tree, but also its age and character.

7. We try to draw some trees far away and others close.

8. If desired, use a thin brush to paint flying birds, birds (cat, dog) on ​​the ground.

9. While the trees are drying out, gently, with a light touch
Use a cotton swab to draw snowfall, and then use a thin brush to paint snow on the trees and bushes.

10. Using a cotton swab in a light gray color (it remained in the palette), we depict a path of footprints in the snow or the tracks of a bird (animal).

11. Our landscape is ready.

Oksana Stol

Hello, dear friends and guests of my page!

I bring to your attention a photo report from classes on unconventional drawing on the theme "Winter"

"Penguins" - imprinted with vegetables (potatoes)

Means of expression: color, spot.

Materials: potatoes cut in half, saucer with gouache, thick paper.

Method of obtaining an image: a child dips a potato in a saucer of paint and makes an imprint on paper.

Potato signets - cut the potatoes in half, make a comfortable “handle” on the workpiece. For each child, two signets of different sizes.

We apply snow and snowdrifts to the pre-tinted sheets with a foam sponge. We make black prints, then white ones, then we draw all the other parts of the body, and finally we draw snow with cotton swabs.

If after the print there are still unpainted areas, paint over them with a brush.

We also drew, as last year, some works that children really like (but now with different children)

"Fairytale Tree" in mixed media: wood - blotography with a tube, snow - poked with a hard brush, snowflakes - with cotton swabs, owls - finger painting

Goal: to introduce children to a new drawing technique - tube blotography; develop imagination, imagination, interest in creative activities.

"Polar Owls"- foam sponge technique

"Owls"- palm painting

"Winter in the Village" with elements of unconventional drawing - cotton swabs.

Goal: to teach children to convey a picture of winter in the village in a drawing, to consolidate the ability to draw different houses and trees. Learn to draw using different techniques, using the classic technique - with a brush, drawing with cotton swabs - snow. Develop imaginative perception and imaginative ideas, creativity.

"Polar Bear and Northern Lights"- drawing with applique elements

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the natural phenomena of the Far North.

Learn to create an image of the northern lights using watercolors - using the “wet on wet” technique

Strengthen children's knowledge about climate features;

Develop creative imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills;

Continue teaching children to carefully cut out bears by first folding the sheet in half

To develop children's interest in natural phenomena

Publications on the topic:

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“Reflection of trees in the river” (monotype) Purpose: to introduce children to an unconventional technique for depicting landscapes - monotype; show her.

Summary: Children's drawings on the theme of winter. How to paint winter with paints. How to draw winter with a pencil. How to draw winter step by step. Drawing of a winter landscape. Drawing winter fairy tale. Picture of a winter forest.

In winter, adults and children spend a lot of time at home, so there are more opportunities to get creative. Winter is a very beautiful time of year. Try to convey the beauty of this time of year in winter drawings. We will share with you simple drawing techniques with which you can independently teach your child to draw beautiful drawings on the theme of winter. From this article you will learn how to make voluminous snow paint and learn how to draw winter pictures using the spray technique. When drawing pictures on a winter theme, we will use all kinds of additional materials, and not just a brush and paints. You may not even suspect that you can draw winter using plastic film or salt, bubble wrap or shaving foam.

1. Winter drawings. "Volume snow paint"

If you mix equal amounts of PVA glue and shaving foam, you will get wonderful airy snow paint. She can draw snowflakes, snowmen, polar bears or winter landscapes. For beauty, you can add glitter to the paint. When drawing with such paint, it is better to first outline the contours of the drawing with a simple pencil, and then paint it with paint. After some time, the paint will harden, and you will get a voluminous winter picture.

2. Winter drawings of children. Using electrical tape in children's creativity

3. Winter drawings. Drawings on the theme of winter

If there is snow outside the window, you can depict it using a cotton swab.

Or use a brush to put snow on each branch.

11. Winter drawings. Drawings on the theme of winter

An interesting idea on the topic of children's winter drawings was proposed by the author of the Homeschool Creations blog. She used putty to paint snow on the transparent film. Now it can be applied to any winter pattern or appliqué, simulating falling snow. They put the film on the picture - it started snowing, they removed the film - the snow stopped.

12. Winter drawings. "New Year's lights"

We would like to tell you about one interesting unconventional drawing technique. To draw a New Year's garland like in the photo, you will need a sheet of thick paper of a dark color (blue, purple or black). You will also need regular chalk (the kind you use to draw on asphalt or a blackboard) and a light bulb stencil cut out of cardboard.

On a piece of paper, use a thin felt-tip pen to draw wires and light bulb sockets. Now apply the light bulb stencil to each socket in turn and outline it boldly with chalk. Then, without removing the stencil, smear the chalk on the paper using a piece of cotton wool or directly with your finger to create rays of light. You can replace chalk with colored pencil graphite chips.

It is not necessary to use a stencil. You can simply paint over the light bulbs with chalk, and then gently rub the chalk in different directions to make rays.

Using this technique, you can also draw a winter city, for example, or the northern lights.

13. Drawings of a winter fairy tale. Winter forest drawings

On the Maam.ru website already mentioned above, you will find an interesting master class on drawing winter landscapes using templates. You will only need one base color - blue, a coarse bristle brush and a white drawing sheet. When cutting out templates, use the cutting method from paper folded in half. Look at what a magnificent drawing of a winter forest the author of the painting created. A real winter fairy tale!

14. Winter drawings. Drawings on the theme of winter

You are probably very eager to find out how the wonderful “marble” Christmas tree in the photo below was painted? We'll tell you everything in order...To draw such an original drawing on the theme of winter you will need:

Shaving cream (foam)
- watercolor paints or food coloring in green shades
- flat plate for mixing shaving foam and paints
- paper
- scraper

1. Apply shaving foam to a plate in an even, thick layer.
2. Mix different shades of green paint or food coloring with a little water to make a rich solution.
3. Using a brush or pipette, drip paint onto the surface of the foam in a random order.
4. Now, using the same brush or stick, beautifully smear the paint over the surface so that it forms fancy zigzags, wavy lines, etc. This is the most creative stage of the whole work, which will bring pleasure to children.
5. Now take a sheet of paper and carefully apply it to the surface of the resulting patterned foam.
6. Place the sheet on the table. All you have to do is scrape off all the foam from the sheet of paper. For these purposes, you can use a piece of cardboard.

Simply amazing! Underneath the shaving foam you'll find stunning marble patterns. The paint has time to quickly absorb into the paper; you just need to let it dry for a few hours.

15. How to draw winter. How to paint winter with paints

Concluding our review article on winter drawings for children, we want to tell you about another interesting way how you can paint winter with paints with your child. To work, you will need any small balls and a plastic cup (or any other cylindrical object with a lid).

Place a piece of colored paper inside the glass. Dip the balls in white paint. Now put them in a glass, close the lid on top and shake well. As a result, you will end up with colored paper with white streaks. Similarly, make colored paper with white streaks of other colors. From these blanks, cut out the details of the applique on a winter theme.

Material prepared by: Anna Ponomarenko

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How to draw a magical winter with children? A very simple and interesting winter drawing. The ability to create integral artistic images does not come to children right away. Even a child who subtly perceives the beauty of the world around him cannot always convey it to him, let alone those kids for whom the desire to move and have fun comes first...

Therefore, before you draw a picture on the theme of winter, school or any competition, you need to tune your child to the appropriate wavelength. To do this, you can take a short walk - it’s good if it’s a beautiful frosty or snowy winter day outside.

First, tell your child that Pay the child’s attention to the trees, sky, and earth. If everything around is still covered with a layer of freshly fallen snow, then notice what shades are inherent in it. As a rule, children think that snow should be painted white and are surprised to see that in fact the winter cover has many shades.

Having started creating a picture, the first thing you can do is show your child how to draw a winter tree. To do this we use white wax chalk. We explain that the thicker part of the tree is its trunk, and the thin lines extending to the sides are branches, which become thinner and shorter the further they are located from the trunk. We can tell the child a little more about. When drawing with white chalk on a white sheet, we can hardly see the trees we have drawn. But that is not all.

After we have drawn the tree with crayons, fill in the background. We paint directly on top of the crayon wood. The paint flows onto the paper, leaving the chalked areas unfilled. The outlines appear on their own. Try it - it’s a magical and mesmerizing process!

If the baby is depicting the evening time of the day, the main tone will be blue, and if it is daytime, blue. Moreover, the difference between the shades of the sky and the ground depends on how clear the day should be in the picture. We make the sky filled with snow clouds darker than the ground. And a clear sky is brighter.

With white or darker paint you can depict houses, animals - whatever the child wants. The main thing is that in the process of this work his stereotypes will change, and he will understand that snow does not always have to be white and wood does not always have to be brown. Now you can invite your child to show his creative potential with

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Since childhood I have loved to draw. I once dreamed of becoming an artist, but it didn’t work out. Children's dreams often don't come true. But that doesn't mean they are useless.

I studied at art school for two years. At the linocut department, I did not qualify for painting in the competition. We learned to make illustrations for books and children's fairy tales.

It was probably not as interesting to me as painting. Although we, of course, also drew. But cutting out details of a future illustration on linoleum with small tools did not seem to me a very exciting activity.

Winter in the forest, my drawing

And although the teacher praised my works, and they were even exhibited at an exhibition in the art gallery on the embankment (alas, this building has long been demolished, like many things in Rostov), ​​I still envied those who went to the painting department.

Then my vision began to deteriorate. I don't think it had anything to do with drawing. But doctors advised me to reduce the strain on my eyesight. And that was the end of my art education.

I still had long hours of music practice left. Sometimes by candlelight, because when I was a child the lights were often turned off in the city. But, apparently, this did not harm the vision... Although the tiny bird-notes on the wires of the staff still need to be seen in the wavering light of the candles...

But that's not what I'm talking about.

I never became an artist. Just like I didn’t become a musician. But I think nothing in life is in vain. I still love to draw and do it with great pleasure with my kids.

Winter in the forest. Drawing of my daughter, 6 years old

Now we are in the period of winter drawings. There is no snow outside, just rain and puddles, but in our pictures there are snowfalls and...

Snowman, my drawing

My daughter and I often draw the same thing. I set the theme of the drawing, she tries to repeat the same thing. And I really like it when she draws herself, without my help.

Snowman, drawing by my daughter, 6 years old

Sometimes she says that she wants to become an artist. And I immediately remember my childhood. And I think - well, what difference does it make who we become? The main thing is that our activities give us pleasure.

And we like to draw.

Do you like our drawings? And be careful not to confuse who is whose. 😉 I also draw in a slightly childish style. Because in order to see the world as it is, I have eyes and a camera. And the drawings are just fantasy. And I give her free rein...

Do you draw? I'm very interested in whether my readers like to draw. How do you draw, professionally or like children? Do you like to draw in general? Please vote in a quick anonymous poll by choosing yes or no


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