How to beat a bookmaker: strategies, tips and secrets. Smart sports betting

Any activity has its secrets, that is, concepts that are known to experienced people. It takes time to realize these truths, and sometimes you have to lose money. The secrets of sports betting will help beginners understand the principle of a bookmaker's office and get rid of popular illusions. This matter must be approached seriously and responsibly. If betting is a hobby, forget about making money and just pay for entertainment.

Before we begin, it is important to understand one thing: there is no such thing as a win-win betting scheme or strategy. Sports are unpredictable. Even a seemingly obvious match can end with an unexpected result.

Secret #1: Most players lose

If you think that players mostly win, then you have never bet. Don't believe those who say that there are millions lying in the offices waiting to be taken away. In reality, the bookmaker is stronger. It sets traps, has a wide staff of analysts and is in a better position due to margins. Offices do not engage in charity, but earn money, otherwise what is the point of their existence?

Charity is what most bettors do. Someone consciously pays for the risk and to make watching broadcasts more interesting. Some people think that they are beating the bookmaker, because defeats are quickly forgotten, but wins are remembered for a long time. It is unlikely that among the beginners there will be those who keep betting statistics.

Secret No. 2: bookmakers are well-armed

Knowledge in betting decides almost everything. When analyzing events, bookmakers use special programs that are not publicly available. In addition, companies cooperate with Betradar, a service that provides complete event statistics and automatically “works” in live mode. It is difficult for a player to beat an “armed” opponent, especially when he is not alone. The analytical departments of the offices consist of the best specialists and analysts. Bookmakers often lure away successful clients and offer them high-paying jobs.

Secret No. 3: the bookmaker is always in an advantageous position

To understand why the bookmaker always has an advantage, you need to understand what bookmaker margin is. When creating odds, a commission is included in them so that the bookmaker makes a profit in any case. A reasonable bookmaker fee for risk is a margin of 2-3%, but most often the value increases to 7-10% or more. Low-margin offices include only “Marathon” and “1xBet”.

The bookmaker creates the most comfortable conditions for its activities, when the risk is reduced to zero, and the margin is guaranteed to bring profit. If players bet more actively on one outcome, the bookmaker increases quotes on the opposite market, luring inexperienced bettors to make a deal that will balance the amount of money bet on a specific event.

It turns out that even before the start of the match, the player has less chance of winning than the bookmaker, and when the margin exceeds 10%, the bookmaker is openly robbing his clients. It’s better not to bet in such bookmakers.

Secret #4: Decide on a Specialization

Choose a narrow niche to bet on. Don't be scattered among many sports disciplines. First, decide on a sport, and then concentrate on one or more tournaments. You need to understand the game and analyze events better than the bookmaker. In this case, you will be able to consistently play in the black.

Offices are not able to monitor every championship exclusively. There is usually a list of competitions that are added to the line to expand the offering. The company does not expect to make money and simply copies the odds from its competitors.

When a player follows an exotic championship for a long time and has unique knowledge gained from watching matches that bookmakers did not watch, he has an advantage over the office’s analysts. You can also take a closer look at the news related to the event. For example, there is little attention to the Algerian national football championship in the CIS.

It is not difficult to become an expert in the English Championship, but this will not give you any special privileges in the confrontation with bookmakers. But a thorough knowledge of the unpopular tournament will be useful due to the low competition.

So, today we will talk to you about secrets. Everyone has a lot of these same secrets: you, us, and bookmakers. What are these evil places hiding from us? In fact, only the bookmakers themselves can say for sure, but we will still speculate on this topic.

If we bet on sports, then, perhaps, the main thing for us is nothing more than making a profit. But if we all want to win so much, why doesn’t every bookmaker succeed? It's simple: it shouldn't be like this. After all, the establishments where players place bets have their own bookmaker secrets. And now we will discuss this.

Yes, millions are chasing them. Perhaps every bettor who wants to improve his strategy has more than once gone in search of such a fickle “substance” as betting secrets. In general, what did you manage to dig up?

Don't listen to the “professionals”

Let’s dot the “i’s” right away. Why are bookmakers and sweepstakes created? That's right, in order to make money. EARN, and not give to those in need, that is, to you and me. No, this is not a statement that you cannot win at bookmakers. There will simply always be more losers than winners. Therefore, the bookmaker will always be in the black. What's all this for?

Today, on the Internet you can find a lot of win-win strategies that will help you beat the bookmaker. Pseudo-professionals teach beginners how to beat companies for money. Let's think logically. If there was a strategy that brought 100% victory on bets, what would happen to bookmakers? That's right, they would all eventually go bankrupt. If this unfortunate teacher knows a strategy with which you can win millions, why is he wasting his time on you, getting pennies for it? The answer is simple: because he is a fraud.

In general, if bookmakers exist, it means that a super strategy capable of bankrupting them has not yet been developed - this is the first secret. No, you can win, and win regularly, but it’s not that easy.

Secrets of budgeting

The secret to a successful game is the correct distribution of funds. The size of his winnings depends on how correctly the bettor manages his money.

There are some rules that I would like to voice:

  1. The money you decide to bet on should not be the last one. Moreover, you should not feel sorry for them. That is, when you make a deposit at a bookmaker, you must say goodbye to your money immediately. For what? In order not to be afraid and not to panic when you place bets, but to think with your head. In general, risking the entire family budget is not for real winners who always stick to their guns.
  2. The size of one bet should in no case exceed 1-5% of your entire gaming bank.

It is worth choosing a narrow niche

Another secret is choosing a narrow niche for betting. If you want to play profitably, then you shouldn’t try all sports at once. You need to choose one that you are well versed in. No, not even one sport, but some kind of sport. For example, you always liked watching the English Premier League football. So what's the problem? Place your bets only there.

The secret to winning at the bookmaker's office lies in awareness. The one who is more informed has the money. The work of any bookmaker is based on the analysis of sporting events. However, you can do it better than she can. That is, the main secret of victory lies precisely in you and in your understanding and knowledge of the sport.

Why the bookmaker always wins

  1. For some, a sporting event is a sensation, but for a bookmaker it is additional profit.
  2. The bookmaker always imposes its own margin on any event, remaining in the black.
  3. The bookmaker adjusts the forecasts to suit itself, not the players.

Any bookmaker's office has players, but it is not the players who have the bookmaker's office - this is the main secret. Players think that a bookmaker is just a service that accepts bets. This is wrong. A bookmaker is a service that makes money on bets.

Knowing all the secrets of betting and bookmakers, you will not be able to make a profit until you begin to understand sports and correctly predict sporting events.

Secrets of sports betting

Is there this path that leads to the golden mountains? Why does someone always win, while others don’t? What is the secret of sports betting?

According to statistics, only 10% of bettors make money on sports betting. How do they do it? The fact is that for some, betting is work and daily work, but for others it is entertainment and a way to get unforgettable emotions. What should I do to earn money or have fun? This is the choice of everyone. If you still decide to make a profit, then the following secrets of successful bets will help you:

  1. In order to make the right bets, you need to know all the concepts of betting and types of bets, and you must also be able to apply all this in practice.
  2. There is such a thing as betting strategy. Quite a lot of such strategies have been invented for each sport. If you want to be successful, you must know them.
  3. Do you want to be sure of your bet? Analyze using all the statistics related to the upcoming event - results of past games, championship calendars, tournament tables, etc.
  4. It happens that you bet on a clear favorite, but he loses. Why is that? The analysis was poorly done. The match was not important for the team or the player, and he was saving his strength for the upcoming events. Or you hoped that the main team would play, but completely different players took to the field. How to avoid failure? It is better to analyze and place live bets.
  5. If you are not sure about a bet, do not place it at all or leave it alone until you receive all the necessary information to place it.
  6. Know how to control your emotions, play coldly and prudently, be hardworking and persistent, take your time, think more.
  7. Place bets only at trusted bookmakers.

Knowing all these secrets and following all the rules of sports betting, you can easily become a successful bettor.

And finally, I would like to talk about betting on the most popular sport. We're talking about football. Why exactly about this? The fact is that everyone bets on football, even those who are far from both football and betting itself.

Secrets of betting on football

The most important secret of betting on football, as well as any other bets, is calmness. If your bet doesn't work out, you shouldn't hit the bookmaker or throw your monitor from the 5th floor. You will have to come to terms with the fact that psychology “decides” everywhere, not only on the football field, but also in a battle against a bookmaker. For football bettors, peace of mind and psychology are perhaps the most important components of success.

What does this all mean? You need to take bets more simply and look for the positive in everything. We won - great. As they say, they grabbed adrenaline and made money. If we lose, we don’t get upset. As they say, we grabbed adrenaline and gained experience.

Train yourself to enjoy the game you bet on. That is, you definitely need to watch it, because the impressions you get in 90 minutes will have nothing to compare with.

Now, let's move on to the specific secrets of betting on football:

  1. Secret No. 1. To get unforgettable pleasure, the match you bet on must be watched live. Do not have the habit of betting on many matches at the same time. Firstly, it is unlikely to bear fruit, secondly, you will not be able to carefully analyze upcoming meetings, and thirdly, you are unlikely to be able to enjoy it all. That is, it is better to carefully study one event than to lose bets ineptly, scattering them over many matches. Also, you should not bet on football every day. Meetings need to be selected thoroughly, and not with express bets on some African league.
  2. Secret No. 2. Before placing a bet on football, you need to have a good rest, relax, get yourself in order, cheer up and only then do it.
  3. Secret No. 3. You should not take risks by collaborating with bookmakers that have a dubious reputation. Do not be tempted by “sweet” odds, this can play a cruel joke on you.
  4. Secret No. 4. Be sure to conduct a full analysis of the upcoming meeting. You must study all the information available to you: the schedule of upcoming games, position in the standings, disqualifications, injuries, availability of insiders, etc. At the same time, don't trust the numbers. The bet decision must come from within. That is, your task is to stuff your brain with all the information available in the public domain, and then wait for it to come up with the correct solution.
  5. Secret No. 5. Place bets only on single matches, try to avoid express bets. Statistics, as they say, don’t lie. Bookmakers earn the most money from express bets. Consequently, players lose the most on these bets.
  6. Secret No. 6. Your bets should not exceed 1-5% of the entire bank. If you lose, then under no circumstances try to win back right away. Also, going “all-in” in football betting is not the best decision.
  7. Secret No. 7. You should not place a bet on someone’s advice, because if you lose, you can blame this person for something that you yourself are guilty of. You place a bet and you are responsible for it. Take into account only arguments and reliable information, process and make a decision.
  8. Secret No. 8. Pay special attention to such a concept as motivation. Don't rely on the league table when it comes to motivation. A team that needs a win can move mountains.
  9. Secret No. 9. If you want to win more often, then watch more football. No, we are not talking about football reviews and scored goals, but about full-fledged football broadcasts.

Finally, what influences the success of a football bet in percentage terms:

  • the role of psychology and attitude – 60%;
  • role of analysis and statistics – 35%;
  • the role of luck is 5%.

In general, from all of the above we can draw the following conclusion: not even the most effective strategy will help you earn easy money. To win at bets, you need to know a lot and put in a lot of effort.

Do you like sports? Do you want your hobby to also generate income? Then you can try to make money by betting on sporting events. And 10 simple rules for novice players will help with this.

1. At the very beginning you should determine what it is for you rates. If winning is not your goal, then there is no point in reading the article further. But if sports betting for you a way to get rich, then you need to treat them as work.

To do this you need:

Develop your own or use ready-made game strategies (passive - bet on the most likely event, aggressive - bet on a controversial match);

Determine your gaming bank (how much money you are willing to spend on bets, how many bets you want to place, what size of bets will suit you so as not to go bankrupt right away);

Be constantly up to date with the events of the sport on which you decide to bet your money.

2. Eliminate the word “surely” from your vocabulary. How can you be 100% confident in betting in such an unpredictable area as sports? Moreover, this forecast is most likely based only on odds. It is unlikely that your game needs such a risk that does not fit into the overall strategy for making a profit. Such a bet, of course, gives the probability of winning, but a bet on the favorite usually has a small coefficient (1.1-1.4), and this is a too slow increase in capital.

3. You should also make it a rule to only play in large bookmakers, because the larger the company, the more it values ​​its reputation. Therefore, first make inquiries about how long the company has been in existence, what reviews they leave about it, and only after that place your bets. Here are some names of major bookmakers: Pinnaclesports, Bet365, Bwin, Betfair, WilliamHill, Unibet, Sportingbet, Planetofbets, Pari-match, 10Bet.

When you see high odds offered by small bookmakers, remember that free cheese only comes in mousetraps. Are there any guarantees that tomorrow they will not evaporate along with your money?

4. Also, you should not bet on obvious favorites, because the odds are low, and they can end up in a draw or even lose; there are a lot of such examples. But the funny thing is that these bets are the most popular among players. If suddenly you decide to do this, do not place a large bet on the favorite to win.

Because of this, you can lose a considerable amount, and in order not to go into the red and win back the lost money, you will need to place bets and win several times in a row. To prevent this from happening, try to bet on the total odds (a bet on the total number of goals scored), the handicap (the difference in goals scored) or the exact score.

5. Don't place parlay bets. These are bets that include several outcomes, the odds of which are multiplied. But the bet does not win if even one event does not play out, so the higher the final odds, the more events there are and the higher the risk of loss.

But if you still decide to try put express, then try to choose a chain of no more than 2-3 events in which the coefficient is not higher than 2. Selecting such events will not be easy, you need experience and knowledge, so advice for beginners - put in singles.

6. It happens to everyone when luck turns around and all your bets win, at such a time you need to continue playing as long as you are lucky, but when a couple of bets have not played out, you need to be able to stop so as not to lose the bank and go bankrupt. This is not easy to do, because at such moments the mind fades into the background, and a person is controlled by emotions. “Now he’ll trample again, now I’ll win and get back everything I lost” - this is the beginning of a big loss, because you start increasing your bets with the hope of winning back, but you lose again and again. So the whole bank goes to nothing, and you are left with nothing.

7. It is always necessary to follow the chosen strategy, calculated in advance, with a certain degree of probability. In it, you have already determined for yourself the size of each bet (approximately 1-3% of the total bank amount, so losing will not hit your budget too much), the number of different bets per week, how many single and how many express bets you need to make to increase your income . If you begin to retreat from the strategy that you yourself have chosen, then this will be the beginning of the path to bankruptcy. And make it a rule not to increase your fixed rate by more than a few points. This will also help you avoid going bankrupt soon.

8. Also, you should not place your bets out of personal attachment to any teams or athletes. They should not be related in any way to your future profits. After all, if you bet on your favorite football team, and it’s not going through the best of times, someone was injured, the coach decided to save someone and left someone in reserve, someone is simply out of shape. This can easily trigger the loss of the entire bank. And if you bet on your opponent and win, then at the next game of your favorites you will be able to go to the stadium and cheer for them live, thereby proving your love and devotion to the team.

9. As with any job, when placing your bets, you need to be aware of events. You can’t just come at the behest of your heart and put your hand on someone. First you need to do research, read reviews, . The Internet can help with this in the best possible way; here, in addition to articles, you can also review all the games of a team or athlete to see what shape they are in and how they feel. Spend a little of your personal time analyzing the situation in a particular sport, and only then place a bet. This will help avoid unnecessary expenses.

10. The most important thing is to never forget that life without stakes exists. Don't change your bets on your family, children, parents, friends. These people will always support you, even if you fail, they will be there and help you get through any difficulties.


Sports betting has become extremely popular all over the world. This trend is due to the fact that there are many people who want easy money. They believe that sports betting is an easy way to make money. But is it? Is it really possible to beat the bookmaker? In this article we will reveal betting secrets.

The first thing to understand is that a bookmaker’s office is not a place for easy money. Of course, you can read comments on sports forums and blogs from players who claim to make good money from betting. But you shouldn't believe this. Most bettors remain in the red, and the reason for this is a mediocre approach to betting. Therefore, first of all, the player must approach with special care the analysis and prediction of the outcome of the upcoming event. Relying on intuition or luck is unacceptable here.

The second secret is that bookmakers always remain in the black

Revealing bookmaker betting secrets, let’s focus on the fact that only the better can remain in the red. BC will never go away. Why? The bookmaker is in an advantageous position. He doesn't have to choose what to bet on. All he needs to do is set “traps” for players in the form of odds that already include the bookmaker’s income. It is usually at a high level. As a result, the bookmaker brings together players to make bets and acts as an intermediary who will make a profit in any case.

Secret three – Live betting is not as simple as it seems

Studying secrets of professionals in sports betting, you will find out that they almost never place live bets. They only do this when “forks” are formed, since they allow them to get guaranteed winnings. In other cases, they consider live bets riskier than regular bets. Why? There are several reasons:

  1. Lack of emotional control. Players who place bets in live mode are usually in an excited state and are unable to control their excitement. As a result, they place bets on emotions. Whereas betting secrets imply the following: make a bet only when you think calmly and are extremely calm.
  2. Game to the last penny. Typically, bookmakers transfer winnings received live to your account almost instantly. Secrets of live betting in this case, they consist in immediately placing the winning jackpot for withdrawal and receiving them in your hands. However, not all players know and remember this. That’s why beginners continue to play live until they lose all their money.
  3. It is not always possible to stick to a strategy. Live betting requires an active pace. As a result, players in most cases forget about their chosen tactics and act on a whim, which leads to losses.

Of course, the listed points are not axioms. Some betters still manage to stay in the black when playing live; perhaps they know special betting secrets, but still these are isolated cases. It is not a fact that you will be among them. Therefore, it is better to start with pre-match bets to avoid haste and rash bets.

Secret four - say no to bets with small odds

Studying sports betting and secrets of success in betting, you will certainly come across information regarding the selection of odds. Beginners often believe that a minimum multiplier is a guarantee of a successful bet. But often bookmakers deliberately underestimate the odds, thereby misleading players. As a result, they, believing that it is a “sure thing,” make a bet, and then lose their money.

However, sometimes outcomes with minimal odds actually turn out to be winning for bettors. But if you compare the profit on them and the risks, you will be disappointed. After all, after calculating the costs of a bet, you will see that you earned a pittance, especially if you bet a small amount. That's why secrets of cappers always mean the following:

  • choose outcomes with odds of at least 1.4;
  • look for undervalued events in the line that can be identified using the Value Betting method;
  • record all your wins and losses, because betting secrets is to plot a financial curve based on your betting results and see how successful your predictions are.

When considering the secrets of odds, it is also worth focusing on increased multipliers. If you see that they are clearly overpriced, then there is no point in betting on them. In 90% of cases, bets are unsuccessful. It's better to stick to the golden mean. This means that the question of which bets win more often can be answered as follows: those that are placed on events with neither underestimated nor inflated odds. Like these ones secrets of betting in bookmakers exist relative to the factors. They are definitely worth remembering.

Secret five - use strategies

Now let's consider betting strategy secrets, they are to use effective and proven tactics. There are quite a lot of them. Everyone decides for themselves which one to resort to. Most bettors stop at the following:

  1. Martingale. This is the simplest tactic, which involves doubling your bet every time you lose. After receiving the winnings, the bettor returns to the original amount.
  2. Time match. Studying sports betting what you need to know, so these are the main types of bets. Among them you will find the option to bet money on the completion of the first half of a sporting event, in other words, a bet on a time match. The strategy here is to not ignore such bets. It is very easy to win with them, since it is easy to predict the end of the first part of the match. So, for example, if it is football, there is a high probability that the first half will end with parity.
  3. D'Alembert. Secrets of totalizator betting cannot do without recommendations in using this strategy; for many players it has become a real Klondike. Its essence is that after each loss you need to increase the bet by one (the amount of the bet is taken for it), and after receiving a win, decrease it by one.

Let's summarize secrets of sports betting

The main betting secrets, which should definitely be taken into account. They will help you succeed in the world of betting and save your money. We can also recommend managing your bankroll skillfully and never going all-in. Secrets of sports betting also imply placing bets exclusively on those sports in which you are well versed. And, of course, don’t forget about studying statistics and analytics. Then it will be easier for you to make correct predictions.

How to bet on sports? A difficult question for new players. A bet based on competent analysis can bring a profit of hundreds of percent in just a few minutes. The first important step is to choose the right bookmaker. Don’t rush to decide on a bookmaker. First you need to familiarize yourself with the bookmaker ratings.

On the site, based on reviews of professional players, the TOP bookmakers have been compiled. This rating is compiled based on reviews from hundreds of players and is constantly updated. Here you can get acquainted with the odds for the duration of the matches and receive interesting offers on promotions. We'll look at how to start betting on sports below.

Where to bet on sports: basic principles

Sports bets are accepted at bookmakers. Today, many of them have an online version. Playing online is a great way to earn real money without leaving your home.

Sports betting: where to start

Before you place your first bet, you should know what they are.

Single bet

The peculiarity of this bet is that it attempts to predict only one outcome of the event. The winnings are calculated using the formula of multiplying the amount of money and the bet odds. For example, you bet 1000 rubles at odds of 2.20, which means your winnings on the bet will be 2200 rubles (1000 * 2.20), the net winnings will be 1200 rubles (2200-1000 i.e. minus the bet amount).

Express bets

Placed on several events at once. An important condition for winning is to win all designated events in the express bet. In other words, a positive outcome can be: a refund or a win. However, playing for several events at the same time also has its downside. If at least one event does not justify the forecast, the entire bet is considered a failure. The margin on an express bet is calculated as the product of the amount of bets and the odds of all outcomes.


A combination of several express trains. This is a kind of enumeration of several options for express bets with a fixed set of outcomes. The number of outcomes and the amount of bets for each express bet are the same. Profit in the system is calculated as the sum of the express winnings that are included in the system. Read more about the system.

The most popular types of bets are bets on outcomes (1X2) and bets on total. There are also bets on the score (additional bets) - who will score first, how many substitutions there will be, yellow or red cards in the match, etc. . Total bets allow you to predict a smaller or larger number of goals, pucks, balls, etc. scored.

How do professionals bet on sports?

To understand how to place successful bets on sports, a beginner should follow simple rules:

  1. Always check how to bet on a specific sporting event. Explain to yourself all the unclear points, and only then place your bets. Different bookmakers have different rules and commission sizes.
  2. Play with small amounts at first. There is always a risk that you may confuse or misunderstand something.
  3. Do not chase high odds; it is possible that they may contain pitfalls. It is safer to bet on favorites who have good motivation. You can combine such bets into express bets.
  4. Determine for yourself the specific size of your bank. You will always know how much you are willing to spend, what rates will suit you, and when you should stop to avoid bankruptcy.
  5. Play exclusively at reliable bookmakers. The richer and larger the company, the more it values ​​its reputation. Feedback from visitors is also important.
  6. Don't put all your money on one bet. The outcome of any match may be unfavorable for you.
  7. Always know how to stop, even if you are lucky today.
  8. Be sure to keep an eye on the odds line. A rise or a sharp collapse is never accidental. Follow sports news. Remember that analysis is very important. Before you bet on a specific team, ask about its previous successes, the number of injured players, and the presence of yellow cards.

How to do analysis in sports betting

How to learn to bet on sports? There are several methods for predicting the possible outcome of a sporting event. They will help even a novice player win good amounts.

  1. Information analysis, when you collect all available information on the team.
  2. Statistical analysis. During it, the losses and victories of teams are analyzed, certain statistics are displayed, and the probability of victory or loss is calculated.
  3. Probability theory of forecast. This method estimates the probability of the match outcome for each team. The above methods are quite effective, but labor-intensive. Therefore, professional players often resort to help