What did Mikhail Bulgakov write? The best works of Bulgakov: list and brief overview

Story Analysis

"One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich."

Purpose of the lesson: Understanding the image of Shukhov, how symbolic image Russian people.

1) Introduce the story; show the skill of the writer; reveal the meaning of Solzhenitsyn’s work.

2) Develop analysis skills literary text; improve production skills comparative characteristics heroes of literary works.

3) Evoke an emotional response when analyzing the story.

Methodical techniques:

1) analytical conversation;

2) work in groups;

3) comparison of literary texts;

4) problematic issue.

During the classes:
Org. moment:

Hello! Open your notebooks and write down the topic of the lesson.

Teacher's word:

The work “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” has a special place in literature and society. consciousness. The story, written in 1959, was
conceived back in the camp in 1950.

The original title of the story was “Shch-854 (One Day of One Prisoner).” The genre of the story was determined by the writer himself, emphasizing the contrast between small form and the deep content of the work. Tvardovsky called the story “One Day...”, realizing the significance of Solzhenitsyn’s creation.

U: How did the idea for “One Day...” come about?

y: As Solzhenitsyn himself writes, the idea for the story arose on one of the camp days. He's doing heavy work camp labor, I thought that it was enough to describe only one day of an unremarkable person from morning to evening, and everything would be clear.

The image of Ivan Denisovich was formed from the soldier Shukhov, who fought with the author in the Soviet-German war (and never went to prison), the general experience of prisoners and the experience of the author. In the Special Camp, Solzhenitsyn worked as a mason. The rest of the faces are all from camp life, with their true biographies.

Analytical conversation.

U: Restore Ivan Denisovich's past. How did he get into the camp?

from: Ivan Denisovich Shukhov – one of many who ended up in the camp. In 1941, he, a simple man, a peasant who fought honestly, found himself surrounded and then captured. Having escaped from captivity, he ends up in Soviet counterintelligence. The only chance to stay alive is to confess that even the investigator cannot figure out what task the “spy” was given. So they simply wrote “task.” Shukhov was severely beaten, and he decided to sign a confession. ended up in the camp.

U: Why does the day described in the story seem to Shukhov

« almost happy"?

U: The day we spent in the camp did not bring any particular troubles. This is already happiness in these conditions.

U: What “happy events” happen to

a hero?

y: Ivan Denisovich was not put in a punishment cell. He didn’t get caught on the hunt, bought tobacco, and didn’t get sick.

"happy day"?

u: If such a day is happy, then what are the unlucky ones?

W: What helps the hero to resist, to remain human?

y: He did not succumb to the process of dehumanization, despite the inhuman conditions he resisted and retained his inner freedom.

He lives in harmony with himself, and is not tormented by thoughts: why? Why? Shukhov works conscientiously in the camp, just as if he were free, on his collective farm. While working, he feels a surge of strength. For Shukhov, work is life. Common sense helps him survive.

y: Solzhenitsyn writes with sympathy about Senka Klevshin, the Latvian Kildigis, the captain Buinovsky, the assistant foreman Pavlo and the foreman Tyurin. Brigadier Tyurin is the “father” of everyone; the life of the brigade depends on how the “interest” is closed. Tyurin knows how to live himself and thinks for others.

U: Which of the heroes is opposed to Shukhov?

y: Shukhov is opposed by those who “do not take the blow”, “who evade it”. This is film director Tsezar Markovich. Him fur hat, sent from outside. Everyone works in the cold, but Caesar is warm.

W: Which character from Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” does Shukhov resemble?

y: Ivan Denisovich reminds us of Platon Karataev.


W: Indeed, these two images are very similar. Let's spend benchmarking and answer the question: Why is the image of Platon Karataev, created by Tolstoy in the 19th century (1863-1869), so close to the image of Shukhov from Solzhenitsyn’s work of the 20th century (1959)?

For clarity, let’s fill out the table. Group 1 writes out the characterization of Shukhov from Solzhenitsyn’s text, and group 2 - the characterization of Platon Karataev from the text of Tolstoy’s novel.


Platon Karataev

Ivan Denisovich Shukhov

1.peasant homeliness

1.simple man from a peasant family




4.ability to adapt to living in any circumstances

4.lives according to conscience

5. faith in life

5. those around him trust him


6. adapts to life in the camp, but this is not opportunism, because he does not lose his human dignity

7.jack of all trades

7.works a lot, conscientiously; in work there is freedom

8. a loving attitude towards the world without egoistic feelings

8.peasant thrift (hid the trowel)

9.able to withstand any test and not break, not lose faith in life

9.values ​​spontaneous life

10. loved and lived lovingly with everyone with whom fate brought him

10.did not succumb to dehumanization, survived, maintaining a moral foundation

11.complete agreement with life, inner freedom

11. lives in harmony with himself, enjoys little things, feels free in conditions of lack of freedom

U: Now we can answer the question posed:

Why is the image of Karataev close to the image of Shukhov?

Answer: and they recreated a symbolic image of the Russian people, capable of enduring unprecedented suffering, deprivation, bullying and at the same time maintaining kindness and love for people.

Both Shukhov and Karataev “eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth of the Russian people.”

Solzhenitsyn's story combined fiction and documentation. There are a lot of details in it: everyday, behavioral, psychological, which speaks of the writer’s skill.

I want to end the lesson with a quote from Ak. D. Sakharova “The special, exceptional role of Solzhenitsyn in the spiritual history of the country is associated with the uncompromising, accurate and deep coverage of the suffering of people and the crimes of the regime, unheard of in their mass cruelty and concealment... Solzhenitsyn is a giant in the struggle for human dignity in the modern tragic world.”

2. Compare this story with “One

Let's consider the image of Platon Karataev from the work "War and Peace". This novel can be called broad historical painting. Its main hero is the people. The composition of the novel is quite complex. It contains many different storylines, which often intertwine and intersect. A photo of the author of the work, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, is presented below.

The image of the Russian people in the work of L. Tolstoy

Tolstoy traces the fates of families and individual heroes. The characters in the work are connected by love, friendship, and family relationships. They are often separated by enmity and mutual hostility. Lev Nikolaevich created historically true image people - a war hero. In scenes involving soldiers, in action ordinary people, in the remarks of some characters one can see, first of all, the manifestation of the “warmth of patriotism”, inspiring all fighters: soldiers, generals, the best officers, partisans.

Who is Platon Karataev

Platon Karataev is shown in the work as a Russian soldier. He was met in a booth for prisoners by Pierre Bezukhov and lived next to him for 4 weeks. According to the writer, Karataev in Pierre’s soul forever remained the most dear and powerful memory, the personification of all that is good and Russian.

In the novel, the image of Platon Karataev is one of the key ones that reflects the people. separated by the war from his usual way of life and placed in new, unusual conditions for him (French captivity, army), in which his spirituality manifested itself especially clearly.

This is the image of Platon Karataev, briefly described. Let's take a closer look at it. The image of Platon Karataev in the novel is largely revealed thanks to this character’s acquaintance with Pierre Bezukhov and the influence he had on this hero. What did it consist of? Let's figure it out.

How Platon Karataev influenced Pierre Bezukhov

After Pierre witnesses a terrible event - the execution of prisoners, he loses faith in man, in the fact that his actions are reasonable. After this, Bezukhov is in a depressed state. It is his meeting with Plato in the barracks that brings him back to life. Tolstoy, describing her, notes that Karataev, a man, was sitting, bent over, next to Pierre. Bezukhov first noticed his presence by the strong presence that separated from him whenever he moved. The man and the count found themselves in the same conditions: they were prisoners. In such a situation, it is necessary, first of all, to remain human, to survive and withstand. Pierre learned such survival from Karataev. The meaning of the image of Platon Karataev lies, among other things, in the internal rebirth of Pierre Bezukhov. This hero, as is known, is experiencing a deep internal transformation, like some other characters in the work.

Platon Karataev - a collective image

Platon Karataev can be called collectively, like introducing himself to Bezukhov, it is no coincidence that he calls himself in He says: “Soldiers However, Plato is the complete opposite of Shcherbaty. If the latter is merciless towards the enemy, then Karataev loves all people, not excluding the French. If Tikhon can be called rude, but his humor often combined with cruelty, then Plato wants to see “solemn goodness” in everything." Karataev does not feel like an individual person, but part of the people, part of the whole: the peasantry, ordinary soldiers. The wisdom of this character consists in capacious and apt sayings and proverbs, behind which are hidden episodes from his life. The image of Platon Karataev, short description which we are compiling, is marked by one important detail. Plato suffered due to an unfair trial against him, and he had to serve in the army. But Karataev takes for granted any turns of his fate. For the sake of well-being own family he is ready to sacrifice himself.

Love and kindness of Platon Karataev

Love for everyone is an important feature that characterizes the image of Platon Karataev in the novel "War and Peace". This hero loves everyone, everyone Living being, people, the whole world. It is no coincidence that he is affectionate with a stray dog. According to the philosophy of this character, it is necessary to feel sorry not only for people, but also for animals. Karataev acts according to the Christian commandment, which says: “love your neighbor.” Plato lived with everyone lovingly, with his comrades, the French, Pierre. Those around him were warmed by this attitude. Karataev “treated” with words, consoled people. He treated them kindly and sympathetically; in the voice of this hero one could feel simplicity and affection. The first words he said to Pierre were words of encouragement: “To endure an hour, but to live a century!”

Philosophy of Platon Karataev

We see harmony in Platon Karataev inner life, won by the boundless faith that everything that happens on Earth is the will of God, that sooner or later justice and goodness will prevail, so there is no need to resist evil with violence. You need to accept everything that happens. Karataev, thus, preached the philosophy of submission to fate and patience, which had developed over centuries. His willingness to suffer for people is an echo of the philosophy he adhered to. Karataev was raised on Christian ideals, and religion, first of all, calls us to obedience and patience. Therefore, Karataev never felt resentment or anger towards others.

Echoes of the Christian religion in Plato's behavior

Plato does not share the pessimistic view of Bezukhov, who was exhausted by physical suffering. He preaches faith in the best, in the endless kingdom of God. After meeting this character, Pierre begins to have a different attitude towards life and the events that happened in it. For him, Karataev is an example to follow. Plato helped Bezukhov restore in his soul a sense of stability of the world order, the basis of which is mutual understanding and love, helped him get rid of scary question, tormenting Pierre: “Why?” After communicating with him, Bezukhov felt the joy of liberation from the endless search for the meaning and purpose of life, since only they prevented him from feeling that life itself is its meaning. He is everywhere and in everything. God is close to people and he loves everyone. Without his will, not a single hair will fall from a person’s head. It is in captivity, because of the meeting with Karataev and the hardships and trials he experienced, that Pierre regains faith in God and learns to appreciate life. Karataev's philosophy is Christian. Religion helps any person, no matter what difficult conditions he finds himself in, to live.

The importance of people like Karataev for the victory over the French

Complementing the image of Platon Karataev, we note that perhaps Plato is weak as a soldier. After all, a real fighter must, like Tikhon Shcherbaty, hate his enemy. But Plato is certainly a patriot. He is very courageous and strong as a person. The significance of the image of Platon Karataev in the work is truly great, as was the reality of those like him at that time. If there were not such people in the Russian army, ready not only to beat the enemy, but also to have a philosophical attitude towards various difficulties in life, and to find the strength to overcome them, perhaps Kutuzov would not have been able to defeat Napoleon.

This is the image of Platon Karataev in the novel "War and Peace", one of the most bright heroes works. Lev Nikolaevich wrote his novel from 1863 to 1869.

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It rarely happens that the life and personality of serfs or individual representatives of the peasantry become the cause of changes in the personality or worldview of people high society, aristocrats. This trend is exclusive to real life and no less rare in literature or other branches of art.

Basically, the opposite happens: powerful gentlemen bring into the lives of ordinary people dramatic changes. In the novel L.N. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” contains many situations that happen over the years in everyday life. There are many heroes in the novel, some of them occupy a dominant position, others a secondary one.

Distinctive feature An epic novel is that all the characters in the novel are closely related to each other. Actions acting heroes partially or globally influence life situations other characters. One of the main ones in terms of such influence on the worldview of other characters is the image of Platon Karataev.

Biography and appearance of Platon Karataev

Platon Karataev is a short-lived character in the novel. He appears in the novel only in a few chapters, but his influence on future fate one of the representatives of the aristocracy, Pierre Bezukhov, becomes exceptionally large.

The reader meets this character at the age of 50 Karataev. This age limit is quite vague - Karataev himself does not know exactly how many winters he lived. Karataev’s parents are simple peasants; they were not literate, so the data on exact date the birth of a son has not been preserved.

Plato's biography does not stand out in any way in the context of an ordinary representative of the peasantry. He is an illiterate man, his wisdom is based solely on life experience his personal and other representatives of the peasantry. However, despite this, in his mental development he is somewhat higher than the highly educated aristocrat Pierre.

We invite you to read Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.”

This is explained by the fact that Bezukhov is devoid of pragmatism life positions, he never had the opportunity to solve complex, controversial issues and life problems. It is full of idealistic concepts and perception of reality within the framework of unreality. His world is a utopia.

Platon Karataev is a good-natured, sincere person. All his physical features lead to the perception of him as warm and pleasant and positive image novel. He has a positive, optimistic attitude and resembles the sun: he has an absolutely round head, gentle brown eyes, and a sweet, pleasant smile. He himself is short. Plato smiles often, and his good white teeth become visible. His hair was still untouched by gray on either his head or beard. His body was distinguished by smooth movements and flexibility - which was surprising for a man of his age and origin.

We know very little about the hero’s childhood and youth. Tolstoy is not interested in the process of his formation as an integral personality, but already final result this process.

In clothing, Karataev adheres to the principle of convenience and practicality - his clothes should not hinder movements.

During the captivity of the Karataevs, he wears a dirty, torn shirt and black, soiled trousers. Every time he moves, he smells an unpleasant, pungent smell of sweat.

Karataev's life before military service

The life of Platon Karataev before his service was more joyful and successful, although it was not without its tragedies and sorrows.

Plato got married and had a daughter. However, fate was not kind to the girl - she died before her father entered the service.

Tolstoy does not tell us what happened to Plato’s wife and whether he had any more children. What we know about civil life is that Karataev did not live poorly. He was not a wealthy peasant, but he was not poor either. His service in the army was predetermined by an accident - Plato was caught cutting down someone else's forest and given up as a soldier. In the army, Plato did not lose his positive attitude, but such an activity is alien to him, he sincerely regrets that he is not at home. He misses his old life, he misses his home.

The character of Platon Karataev

Platon Karataev does not have explosive, contradictory nature. He knows all the hardships well peasant life, understands and is aware of the injustices and difficulties of life, but perceives it as inevitable.

Karataev is a sociable person, he loves to talk and knows how to find mutual language with virtually any person. He knows a lot interesting stories, knows how to interest his interlocutor. His speech is poetic, it is devoid of the rudeness common among soldiers.

Plato knows many proverbs and sayings and often uses them in his speech. Soldiers often use proverbs, but mostly they bear the imprint of military life - with a certain amount of rudeness and obscenity. Karataev's proverbs are not like soldiers' sayings - they exclude rudeness and vulgarity. Karataev has a pleasant voice, he speaks in the manner of Russian peasant women - melodiously and drawlingly.

Plato can sing well and loves to do it very much. He doesn't look like he does it regular performers songs - his singing is not like the trill of birds - it is gentle and melodic. Karataev does not sing mindlessly, automatically, he passes the song through himself, it seems that he is living the song.

Karataev has golden hands. He knows how to do any work, he doesn’t always do it well, but still the objects he makes are of tolerable, good quality. Plato knows how to do both truly masculine - hard, physical work, and women's work - he cooks food well, knows how to sew.

He is a caring, selfless person. During captivity, Karataev sews Bezukhov’s shirt and makes his shoes. He does this not for a selfish purpose - to curry favor with a rich aristocrat, so that, in the event of a successful release from captivity, he will receive some kind of reward from him, but out of the kindness of his heart. He feels sorry for those unadapted to the difficulties of captivity, military service Pierre.

Karataev is a kind, not greedy person. He feeds Pierre Bezukhov and often brings him baked potatoes.

Karataev believes that he must stick to his word. Promise - fulfill - he always lived up to this simple truth.

IN best traditions Karataev's peasantry is endowed with hard work. He cannot sit still without doing anything, even in captivity he is constantly busy with something - making crafts, helping others - for him this is a natural state.

We are accustomed to the fact that ordinary men are far from neat, but this only partially applies to Plato. He may look rather untidy himself, but in relation to the products of his labor he is always very neat. This diametrically opposite combination is surprising.

Most people, regardless of social and financial situation, tend to become attached to other people. At the same time, it does not matter what feelings prevail in them in relation to certain characters - friendship, sympathy or love. Karataev is friendly, he easily gets along with new people, but does not feel much affection. He easily breaks up with people. At the same time, Plato never initiates the cessation of communication. In most cases, such events occur in the context of certain events over which neither he nor his interlocutor has control.

Those around him have a completely positive opinion - he is non-conflict, has a positive attitude, knows how to support a person in Hard time, infect him with your cheerfulness. It is practically impossible to summarize this fact and determine whether Karataev had such an attitude before his service.

On the one hand, we can assume that he previously had a different attitude - he sincerely regrets that he is far from his home and civilized, “peasant” life.

And it is likely that this attitude was formed in Karataev as a result of military service - according to Plato, he had already repeatedly taken part in military events and was not the first time taking part in battles, so he could already experience all the bitterness of the loss of his comrades and in connection With this, such a protective mechanism arose - you should not become attached to those people who may die today or tomorrow. Another factor that taught Karataev to dwell on failures and breakups could have been the death of his daughter.

In the life of Plato, this event became tragic; perhaps a rethinking of the value of life and feelings of affection occurred with Karataev even at that time. On the other hand, the presence of insufficient information on the subject of Platon Karataev’s life before military service and 1812 in particular does not give the right to draw an unambiguous conclusion on this matter.

Platon Karataev and Pierre Bezukhov

It is unlikely that the image of Karataev had an influence exclusively on Pierre Bezukhov, but we are not aware of other interactions of Plato with a similar result.

After disappointments in family life, Freemasonry and secular society generally. Bezukhov goes to the front. Here he also feels superfluous - he is too pampered and not suited for this type of activity. Military events with the French become the cause of another disappointment - Bezukhov is hopelessly disappointed in his idol - Napoleon.

After he was captured and saw the executions, Pierre finally broke down. He learns too many things that are unpleasant for him and therefore the prerequisites for disappointment in people in general arise in him, but this does not happen, since it was at this moment that Bezukhov met Karataev.

Simplicity and calmness are the first things that surprise Pierre in his new acquaintance. Karataev showed Bezukhov that a person’s happiness lies in himself. Over time, Bezukhov also becomes infected with Plato’s calmness - he begins not to chaotically, as he did before, but to put everything in a balanced manner in his head.

Death of Platon Karataev

The conditions in which the captured Russian soldiers were kept were far from ideal. This fact leads to a new relapse of Karataev’s illness - he spent a long time in the hospital with a cold, and in captivity he fell ill again. The French are not interested in keeping prisoners, especially if they are ordinary soldiers. When the disease took full control of Karataev, and it became clear that the fever would not go away on its own, Plato was killed. This is done in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

From the point of view of literary criticism, the death of Platon Karataev was completely justified. He has fulfilled his destiny and therefore leaves the pages of the novel and its literary life.

Thus, Platon Karataev is important element novel by L.N. Tolstoy. His meeting with Pierre Bezukhov becomes fateful for the latter. The optimism, wisdom and cheerfulness of a simple man accomplishes what neither book knowledge nor high society could accomplish. Bezukhov realizes life principles, allowing you to remain yourself, but at the same time not degrade or renounce your life positions. Karataev taught the count to find happiness in himself, Pierre is convinced that the main purpose of a person is to be happy.

Platon Karataev in the novel “War and Peace”: image and characteristics, description of the portrait

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On the 22nd, at noon, Pierre was walking uphill along a dirty, slippery road, looking at his feet and at the unevenness of the path. From time to time he glanced at the familiar crowd surrounding him, and again at his feet. Both were equally his own and familiar to him. The lilac, bow-legged Gray ran merrily along the side of the road, occasionally, as proof of his agility and contentment, pressing hind paw and jumping on three and then again on all four, rushing with barking at the crows that were sitting on the carrion. Gray was more fun and smoother than in Moscow. On all sides lay the meat of various animals - from human to horse, in varying degrees of decomposition; and the wolves were kept away by the walking people, so Gray could eat as much as he wanted. It had been raining since the morning, and it seemed that it was about to pass and clear the sky, but after a short stop the rain began to fall even more heavily. The rain-saturated road no longer absorbed water, and streams flowed along the ruts. Pierre walked, looking around, counting steps in threes, and counting on his fingers. Turning to the rain, he internally said: come on, come on, give it more, give it more. It seemed to him that he was not thinking about anything; but far and deep somewhere his soul thought something important and comforting. This was something of a subtle spiritual extract from his conversation with Karataev yesterday. Yesterday, at a night halt, chilled by the extinguished fire, Pierre stood up and moved to the nearest, better-burning fire. By the fire, to which he approached, Plato was sitting, covering his head with an overcoat like a chasuble, and telling the soldiers in his argumentative, pleasant, but weak, painful voice a story familiar to Pierre. It was already past midnight. This was the time at which Karataev usually recovered from a feverish attack and was especially animated. Approaching the fire and hearing Plato’s weak, painful voice and seeing his pitiful face brightly illuminated by the fire, something unpleasantly pricked Pierre’s heart. He was frightened by his pity for this man and wanted to leave, but there was no other fire, and Pierre, trying not to look at Plato, sat down near the fire. - How's your health? - he asked. - How's your health? “God will not allow you to die because of your illness,” said Karataev and immediately returned to the story he had begun. “...And so, my brother,” Plato continued with a smile on his thin, pale face and with a special, joyful sparkle in his eyes, “here, my brother...” Pierre knew this story for a long time. Karataev told this story to him alone six times, and always with a special, joyful feeling. But no matter how well Pierre knew this story, he now listened to it as if it were something new, and the quiet delight that Karataev apparently felt while telling it was also communicated to Pierre. This story was about an old merchant who lived well and fearing God with his family and who one day went with a friend, a rich merchant, to Makar. Stopping at an inn, both merchants fell asleep, and the next day the merchant's comrade was found stabbed to death and robbed. A bloody knife was found under the old merchant's pillow. The merchant was tried, punished with a whip and, having pulled out his nostrils - as follows in order, said Karataev - he was sent to hard labor. “And so, my brother” (Pierre caught Karataev’s story at this point), it’s been ten years or so. Furthermore. An old man lives in hard labor. As follows, he submits and does no harm. He only asks God for death. - Fine. And they would gather together at night, convicts, just like you and me, and the old man with them. And the conversation began about who is suffering for what, and why God is to blame. They began to say, that one lost a soul, that one lost two, that one set it on fire, that one ran away, no way. They began to ask the old man: why are you suffering, grandpa? I, my dear brothers, he says, suffer for my own and for people’s sins. But I didn’t destroy any souls, I didn’t take anyone else’s property, other than giving away to the poor brethren. I, my dear brothers, am a merchant; and had great wealth. So and so, he says. And he told them how the whole thing happened, in order. “I don’t worry about myself,” he says. Me, that is. God found. One thing, he says, I feel sorry for my old woman and children. And so the old man began to cry. If that same person happened to be in their company, it means that he killed the merchant. Where did grandpa say he was? When, in what month? I asked everything. His heart ached. Approaches an old man in this manner - a clap on the feet. For me, he says, old man, you are disappearing. The truth is true; innocently in vain, he says, guys, this man is suffering. “I did the same thing,” he says, “and put a knife under your sleepy head.” Forgive me, he says, grandfather, for Christ’s sake. Karataev fell silent, smiling joyfully, looking at the fire, and straightened the logs. “The old man says: God will forgive you, but we are all sinners to God, he says, I suffer for my sins.” He himself began to cry bitter tears. “What do you think, falcon,” Karataev said, beaming brighter and brighter with an enthusiastic smile, as if what he now had to tell contained the main charm and the whole meaning of the story, “what do you think, falcon, this killer, the one in charge, has appeared . I, he says, ruined six souls (I was a big villain), but most of all I feel sorry for this old man. Let him not cry at me. Showed up: they wrote it off, sent the paper as it should. The place is far away, until the trial and the case, until all the papers have been written off as they should, according to the authorities, that is. It reached the king. So far, the royal decree has come: to release the merchant, give him awards, as much as they were awarded. The paper arrived and they began to look for the old man. Where did such an old man suffer innocently in vain? The paper came from the king. They started looking. — Karataev’s lower jaw trembled. - And God already forgave him - he died. That’s it, falcon,” Karataev finished and looked ahead for a long time, silently smiling. Not this story itself, but its mysterious meaning, that enthusiastic joy that shone in Karataev’s face at this story, the mysterious meaning of this joy, this now vaguely and joyfully filled Pierre’s soul.