Tina Kandelaki Instagram publications. Tina Kandelaki's Instagram

To be honest, innovations in social networks happen so quickly that you don’t have time to notice them in time. Friends come to the rescue and generously share news. It's good to have friends! On Facebook you can not only watch your feed, but also do a lot of interesting things. Today I’ll tell you about an interesting feature that will help you not only view your Facebook feed, but also save the desired content to read it later.

Saving information on Facebook

So that you don’t spend a long time looking for where these tools are hidden, I will try to write briefly and in detail.

1. While looking through your feed, you saw an interesting post that you would like to save.

Click on the checkmark in the upper right corner of the publication and select “Save publication” from the menu that appears. If you have your own website, then you have the opportunity to place this post on the site. To do this, click “Advanced settings”, “Insert publication”, copy the code and paste it into your website.

2. While scrolling through your Facebook feed, you saw that your friend shared someone else's post.

This type of content can also be saved to be viewed later. Clicking on the already familiar checkbox, we see that there is no “Save publication” in the menu. Instead, you should click on “Save link”. And in additional settings you can also get the code for this entry.

3. While browsing your Facebook feed, you saw interesting video, which may come in handy later.

Here we simply repeat the lesson with saving the publication - everything is the same.

Let's explore the menu options

A few words about the menu: now is the time to study it in detail. We have many tools - let's use them! We can:

  • Hide a post if we don't like it
  • Unsubscribe to a friend's updates if we are not satisfied with the friend's content, but do not want to remove him from friends.
  • You can hide all content from a page whose video your friend shared.
  • We can complain too!
  • Turn on notifications that we would like to receive all comments on this post. Likewise, notifications can be turned off.

Try it yourself, check it out!

We are looking for where the posts were saved

Now we need to find the place where we saved all this stuff. I searched for about 10 minutes. Everything we saved is on the main page, in the panel on the left, in "Favorites".

Click on "Saved" and go to a page with all the content you've ever saved.

Your piggy bank is ready!

This is how easy it is to make Facebook great notebook, or maybe even your own Facebook Internet resource. Save everything that is most important and useful, because this way you can find the information you need much faster.


Choose your theme. As a rule, it is impossible to simply sit down as soon as the need arises. The topics of speeches are formed in a person’s mind as he perceives and reflects on incoming information from the outside world. To develop these abilities, it will be useful to have radio news and websites throughout the day. news agencies and subscribe to the newsletter of companies you are interested in.

The next stage of work is collecting information. It is important to find as much information as possible on the chosen topic and find, if any, all opposing points of view on the problem. You have the right to agree or argue with those presented, but they must be taken into account so as not to show the situation one-sidedly and flatly. Sources of information can be documents, photographs, and audio recordings, Internet archives and, of course, people whose comments are especially valuable, but also require particularly careful verification (using other sources).

Having received and considered maximum amount information, you are able to take a fresh look at your topic - reconsider, perhaps, a biased attitude at some points, and better understand all the intricacies of the matter. At this stage, the creator of the publication forms an idea for his text, which consists of two parts. The supporting idea in it is the system and value guidelines the author, as well as the working idea - the message that, based on the supporting idea, he wants to convey to his readers. To better understand your own text, formulate these ideas for yourself as precisely as possible.

Then you can make a plan for future publication, recording in it key points and having thought through what order of thoughts would look most logical.

Using this hint, write the text. Keep in mind that the facts and conclusions presented must be proportionate in terms of content. That is, each conclusion must be supported by a sufficient number significant facts. Also pay attention to the presentation of the material. It depends on your goals and the characteristics of potential readers. Your language, symbols, and subtext must be understandable to the group of people you are addressing.

Read ready text, correct errors and typos. Next time, return to the publication only after a day, or, if this is not possible, at least after a couple of hours. With “fresh eyes” you will see shortcomings that you had not noticed before. For the same purposes, it is useful to read the text aloud and involve a person you trust in its discussion. If you have any left free time, double-check all the facts that you mention in the publication, as well as the spelling of people’s names and the official names of positions and organizations.

Tina Kandelaki is known to Russian television viewers from “pioneers to pensioners.” Multifaceted personality TV journalist, TV presenter and chief producer sports channel“Match TV” is familiar to viewers from TV programs: “The Smartest”, “Details”, “ Good songs", "Unreal politics". Without exaggeration, the journalist can be called a conqueror of the Internet space with ratings programs on the Post TV channel and an official Instagram website, where the number of subscribers is approaching almost two million. Kandelaki’s more than 8,500 Instagram posts with photos are popular, introducing readers to his social activities and details of his personal life.

The thorny path to popularity

The biography of this amazing woman began on November 10, 1975 with her birth in the Georgian capital - Tbilisi in the family of Givi Kandelaki. My father, who had a degree in economics, managed a vegetable farm. He was a descendant of Georgian nobles with Greek roots. Mom Elvira is a narcologist, and according to her pedigree, she is considered half Turkish and Armenian. Tina grew up in the family with her older brother, who is now engaged in tuning cars.

School years are “wonderful”

Studying at school gave the girl a lot of psychological problems, associated with a lack of understanding of her originality by adults and classmates. WITH fourth grade Tina was forced to change schools. The schoolgirl's leadership character was formed at pioneer age, when she became the chairman of the squad council, and at the age of 14 - a Komsomol member. The official website introduces us to photos from these years. At the age of sixteen, which coincided with the collapse of the USSR, which brought modest prosperity to the family, the girl began to think about her future profession. Keeping her secret dream of becoming a TV presenter, she chose the profession of a plastic surgeon. After graduating from school, she became a student medical university.

Georgia: first steps in journalism

Already in her first year of study, the young university student took part in a casting at a television studio, which was successful. The work of a TV presenter was complicated by the fact that Tina spoke Georgian poorly. Despite the efforts, the first experience of running the program turned out to be a failure, encouraging the parents that their daughter would continue training in an elite medical profession. The aspiring TV presenter did not change her dream and eventually achieved success. Throwing medical school, Kandelaki entered the Faculty of Journalism, while simultaneously combining her studies with work at a television studio and radio.

Climbing the Russian media Olympus

The young ambitious journalist was eager to conquer the Russian capital. The first step in her Moscow career was working at M-Radio, then moving to the Silver Rain radio station. Popularity on the radio, paved the way to the 2x2 TV channel, where she began to host several television programs. From 2002 to 2007 were marked by significant professional achievements on several central television channels. Recognition of high professionalism was the award to her in 2004 main prize television journalism "TEFI" for the children's television project "The Smartest", which gave gifted schoolchildren a start in life.

New professional business horizons

The constant desire to expand one's horizons encourages famous TV presenter enroll in the faculty international relations Russian Humanitarian University. Having received her diploma, the TV presenter continues her studies in graduate school, while simultaneously giving lectures to students about the possibilities of the Internet for wide communication and the creation of various projects.

Kandelaki took his first steps in business in partnership with Vasily Bratko, becoming in 2008 a co-owner of the Apostol-Media company, which creates video and television content and also conducts PR campaigns.

The entrepreneurial spirit of the TV presenter was manifested by the opening of the Tinatin restaurant in the center of Moscow, which gained popularity among the Moscow elite with the amazing taste of Georgian cuisine.

July 2015 opened new page professional and business biography of the TV presenter. Tina Kandelaki becomes the general producer of the sports editorial office of the Gazprom-Media holding.

What Tina Kandelaki writes about on Instagram

The TV journalist is open to communicating with people. Tina Kandelaki shares everything that happens in her life, what she thinks about and what she does in her spare time on Instagram, posting photos. Thanks to the Internet, she keeps her finger on the pulse of time, learns about current events, communicates with friends, and shares her thoughts on the website. Official page TV presenter on social networks is an open book, reading which brings people together.

Family and personal life on Instagram

The TV journalist's first husband was artist and businessman Andrei Kornakhin, with whom she lived for 11 years. From his first marriage two children were born - daughter Melania and son Leonty. On Instagram, the TV presenter writes how important it is to strive not to violate the personal space of your children, so she does not post photos without their consent.

Tina Kandelaki's eighteen-year-old daughter followed in her mother's footsteps - she studies at the university at the Faculty of Journalism and does not like PR. With the daughter's permission, my mother posted the only photo matured Melania on her microblog on Instagram, which caused a lot of enthusiastic reviews from subscribers who emphasized her daughter’s modesty, beauty and becoming a TV presenter.

Kandelaki’s second husband was a young and promising business partner, Vasily Brovko, who holds the post of director of communications at the Rostec state corporation. In 2016, the television journalist announced on her Instagram page that she had married a man whom she had known for a long time. working together on federal channels. Vasily is 10 years younger than Tina, but the young man has become her true support in life. The couple are planning to expand their family. In March of this year, it became known that the beautiful TV presenter was expecting a child, who would be her third, and Vasily Brovko’s first-born. The post on Instagram “Proud of my husband” speaks about how Tina loves her husband.

Fitness as a way of life

Fitness classes help the TV presenter take care of her figure and be in excellent physical shape. For the sake of a solid abs with six-pack abs, a slim waist and elastic buttocks, a woman works out daily. gym. He describes his exercise routines in detail on his Instagram page for fans. results intensive training Kandelaki demonstrates with photographs on the website page. Provocative photo in miniature blue shorts caused a sensation among fans who admired her beautiful body. Setting an example for subscribers and friends by persistently training your body, he advises not to give in to difficulties when working on external forms and not to deny pleasure to muscles that love stress.

Nutrition according to Ayurveda

Like every Georgian woman, Tina Kandelaki is an excellent cook, but she herself has been preferring vegetarianism for 20 years, making an exception for fish and seafood. Following an Ayurvedic diet is a way of life that gives a woman a boost of strength and energy. Many are surprised how with such great mental and physical activity The TV presenter manages to look great. Posted on the Instagram website luxurious photos Teens in latex and fishnet stockings demonstrate an elegant figure, healthy complexion, shiny hair and sparkling eyes. A flurry of enthusiastic responses on Instagram pages compare her to Hollywood stars not sparing admiring epithets. Is it possible to look at such a photo and believe that the woman is 43 years old?

Life credo – striving for harmony

Social activity- one of the facets of Kandelaki’s life. The TV presenter often acts as a moderator of political, economic and educational forums.

Despite her busy work schedule, Tina manages to read, watch TV programs, and visit cultural events, sharing with blog readers thoughts and impressions from books read and works of art seen.

Many posts on Instagram are devoted to raising children in the context of the global Internet and social networks. Reasonable thoughts of a TV journalist by choice modern model education contain the main thing - none social network will not replace the love of parents, and likes on posts will not replace live communication.

Tina Kandelaki's Instagram page reflects her public activities, the extraordinary attractiveness of the TV presenter, as well as her rich inner world, determination and great love of life. With his example, the “TV star”, TV producer and businesswoman shows that a woman can “do anything”!