Tender love scenes. Descriptions of sex scenes in women's novels

Beautiful, sensual, exciting, temperamental: we have collected the best for you erotic scenes world literature. Let's not be verbose! Read and enjoy!


“There is a green wreath in the red hair, drops roll down from the breasts, from the tender, pink, like cloudberry, ends - it must be cold. There are geese in the hands, blood is oozing from the geese, flowing around the chiseled legs.

I don't have the strength to endure it. And right there, on the warm red stones, Marey warms the cool, pale pink cloudberries with her lips.

No, they haven’t warmed up yet, you see, they’re still cold.

Somewhere forests are burning. On a red stone near a quiet lake a fire of fragrant pine needles smokes. Pelka roasts a fat goose over the fire; fire plays on green, red; lips and hands are bloody. He smiles barely audibly with his eyes at Marey: there is no need to speak out loud.

There was a crunching noise in the distance: a bear was rushing through the slum. He calmed down - and only the white husky grumbled angrily through his sleep.

The fire goes out. Sister pine trees are moving closer from the darkness - everything is darker, everything is already peace - and now there are only two in the whole world.”

"Hello, sadness." Francoise Sagan

“At six o’clock, returning from a voyage to the islands, Cyril pulled the boat onto the sandy shore. We walked to the house through a pine grove and, to warm up, started fun romp, ran in starts. He always caught up with me not far from home, rushed at me with a cry of victory, threw me onto the ground strewn with pine needles, twisted my hands and kissed me. Even now I still remember the taste of those breathless, fruitless kisses and how Cyril’s heart beat near my heart in unison with the wave splashing on the sand... One, two, three, four - the heart beat, and the sea quietly splashed on the sand, once, two, three... One - he began to breathe more evenly, the kisses became more confident, more insistent, I no longer heard the splash of the sea, and only the quick, continuous tremors of my own blood echoed in my ears.”

Julio Cortazar

“We were not in love with each other, we simply indulged in love with a detached and critical sophistication and then fell into a terrible silence, and the foam from the beer hardened in the glasses of oakum and became warm while we looked at each other and felt: this and there is time. Eventually Maga would get up and start wandering around the room. More than once I saw how she looked at her body with admiration in the mirror, lifting her breasts with her palms, as in Syrian figurines, and with a slow gaze, as if stroking her skin. And I could not resist the desire to call her and feel how she was with me again after just a whole moment she had been so lonely and so in love, believing in the eternity of her body.”

John Williams

“Sometimes, lazy and sleepy after love, he would lie, washed by some slow, gentle stream of sensations and unhurried thoughts; being inside this stream, he did not know for sure whether he was speaking out loud or simply accepting into his consciousness the words generated by these sensations and thoughts.

He dreamed of something ideal, of worlds where they could always be together, and he half believed in the feasibility of what he dreamed of. “But if you and I...” he said and continued to talk, constructing an opportunity that was hardly much more attractive than their current situation. They both knew, without saying it out loud, that the possibilities they were inventing and contemplating were ritual gestures of sorts in honor of their love and the life they had now.

And this life was such as neither he nor she could have imagined before. Their attraction to each other grew into passion, and that into deep sensuality, renewed day by day.

Love and books, Katherine once said. - What else is needed?

And Stoner thought that this was exactly the case, that this was one of the truths that he now knew.

For their life that summer was not limited to love intimacy and conversations.”

"The Magus." John Fowles

“I remembered Alison, our love games. If she were there, naked, we would make love on a bed of pine needles, take a dip and make love again. I was filled with bitter sadness, a mixture of memory and knowledge; memory of the past and what should be, the knowledge that nothing can be returned; and at the same time a vague guess that it’s not worth returning everything - for example, my empty ambitions or syphilis, which has not yet manifested itself. I felt great. God knows what will happen next; Yes, it doesn’t matter when you’re lying on the seashore in such wonderful weather. It is enough that you exist. I hesitated, waiting without fear for something to push me towards the future. He turned over on his stomach and made love with the ghost of Alison, like an animal, without shame or reproach, like a lustful machine sprawled on the stones. And, burning his soles, he threw himself into the water.”

"Lolita". Vladimir Nabokov

“But my Lolita was a playful girl, and when she let out that muffled laugh that I loved so much, I realized that she had previously been contemplating me with playful eyes. She rolled onto my side, and her warm brown curls fell on my right collarbone. I faked the awakening rather incompetently. At first we lay quietly. I quietly stroked her hair and we kissed quietly. What brought me into some kind of blissful embarrassment was that her kiss was distinguished by somewhat comical subtleties in the sense of the fluttering of an inquisitive sting, from which I concluded that she had been trained in early age some little lesbian. No Charlie could teach her such sophistications! As if wanting to see if I had had my fill and learned the lesson I had promised earlier, she leaned back slightly, watching me. Her cheeks were flushed, her plump lower lip was glistening, my disintegration was near. Suddenly, with a flash of hooligan fun (a sign of a nymphet!), she put her mouth to my ear - but for a long time my mind could not break the hot hum of her whisper into words, and she interrupted it with laughter, and brushed the curls from her face, and tried again, and An amazing feeling that I was living in a fantastic, newly created, crazy world, where everything was permitted, slowly came over me as I began to guess what exactly was being offered to me. I replied that I didn’t know what game we were talking about - I didn’t know what she and Charlie were playing. “Are you saying that you never?” she began, looking intently at me with a grimace of disgust and disbelief. “You mean never?” she began again. I took advantage of the respite to poke my face into various tender spots. “Stop it,” she squealed nasally, hastily removing her brown shoulder from under my lips. (In a very curious way, Lolita considered - and continued to count for a long time - all touches, except for a kiss on the lips and simple sexual intercourse, as either “slobbery romance” or “pathology”). “So you never,” she continued to insist (now kneeling above me), “never did this when you were a boy?” “Never,” I answered with complete truthfulness. “Wonderful,” said Lolita, “so look how it’s done.” However, I will not bother the learned reader a detailed story about Lolita's arrogance. Suffice it to say that the warped observer did not see a trace of chastity in this pretty, barely formed girl, who was ultimately corrupted by the skills of modern children, coeducational education, fraudulent enterprises like Girl Scout campfires and the like. For her, purely mechanical sexual intercourse was an integral part of the secret world of adolescents, unknown to adults. What adults do to have children did not interest her at all. Lolitochka wielded the rod of my life with unusual energy and efficiency, as if it were an insensitive device that had nothing to do with me.”

"Submission." Michel Houellebecq

“Miriam rang the doorbell at seven o’clock in the evening.

Happy birthday, Francois... - she said from the threshold in a thin voice, and, rushing at me, kissed me on the lips, her kiss was long, sweet, our tongues and lips merged together. As I walked back into the living room with her, I noticed that she was even sexier than last time. She was wearing another black miniskirt, even shorter than the previous one, and also stockings - when she sat down on the sofa, I saw a black buckle on a garter belt, shining on a dazzling white thigh. Her shirt, also black, turned out to be completely transparent, through it you could clearly see how her breasts were agitated - I suddenly realized that my fingers remembered touching the rims of her nipples, she smiled in confusion and for a moment I felt some kind of confusion in her and doom.

Did you bring me a gift? “I tried to say it cheerfully to lighten the mood.”

No,” she answered seriously, “I didn’t find anything that I liked.”

After being silent for a while, she suddenly spread her legs; She wasn’t wearing any panties, and her skirt was so short that her pubic area was immediately exposed, shaved and defenseless.

“I’ll put it in my mouth,” she said, “you’ll like it.” Come to my sofa...

I obeyed and let her undress me. She knelt down in front of me..."

I recently started reading Aldous Huxley's novel "Blind in Gaza" and came across a veiled but obvious description sexual intercourse between the characters, this caused me a storm of delight, because the unexpectedly discovered passion in the works of the authors, key feature which is high level intellectuality and even some coldness, stiffness
and scholarship, causes an incredible emotional outburst.

Previously, I experienced similar emotions of delight and pleasant surprise when reading Hesse’s work “Narcissus and Chrysostom”. The descriptions of the hero’s sexual pleasures, beautiful in their form, the narration of his acquisition and accumulation of sexual experience, became for me a kind of revelation, an expansion of the boundaries of understanding, confirmation of my subconscious suspicion that it is possible to describe sex THIS way, and that it is beautiful and correct.

Here is the same excerpt from "Blind Man in Gaza"
"Blind Man in Gaza" Huxley
There were mattresses for sunbathing on the roof, and on one of them Anthony and Helen lay with their heads towards the narrow shadow of the southern partition. The day was approaching noon; sunlight flowed from the sky without a single cloud, and a light breeze came, weakened and then strengthened again. The skin, engulfed in convulsive heat, seemed to become more sensitive, almost gaining higher power soaring. She seemed to absorb the nectar of life sent by the sun. And this strange, rebellious, flaming life of open space apparently penetrated through the pores, piercing and burning through the flesh, until the whole body turned into coals, and the soul itself seemed to fly out of its shell and become the fifth element, something else, some... then an extraterrestrial substance.

There are not so many facial gestures, one might say that there are very few of them in general compared to the richness of thoughts, feelings and sensations - the incomprehensible poverty of facial reflexes - even if you grimace consciously and purposefully! Still in a state of self-alienation, Anthony observed the scene of a deathbed in which he was involved both as a murderer and as an empathetic victim. Helen tirelessly turned her head from side to side, as if trying to change her position at least partially, at least a little, for one single moment to get rid of unbearable torment. Sometimes, as if imitating someone who, in a moment of despair, prayed for this cup to pass from him, she folded her hands in prayer and, raising them to her mouth, sunk her teeth into her knuckles or pressed her hand to her lips, as if wanting to muffle the cry of pain that was about to break from her lips. . Distorted face was a mask of unbearable grief. Anthony leaned towards her lips and suddenly realized that now this woman looked like the Virgin Mary at the foot of the cross in the painting by Rogier van der Weyden.

And then there was silence for a few seconds. The victim no longer turned his head on the pillow; the pleading hands became like cotton wool. The expression of dying pain gave way to inhuman, almost exalted calm. Seriousness, like a saint’s, was imprinted on his lips, and some vision of enchanting beauty was probably revealed to his closed eyes.

So they lay for quite a long time in golden sunny detachment, fed up with everything. Anthony woke up first. Touched by the silent, grateful thoughtlessness and tenderness of the contented body, he extended a caressing hand. Her skin was hot to the touch. He propped his head on his hand and opened his eyes. (c)

Below the cut are several excerpts from “Narcissus and Chrysostom”. (copied from e-book)

"Narcissus and Chrysostom" Hesse
Here the woman smiled in response to him
surprised look, smiled very friendly, and he also began to slowly
smile. Her mouth fell on his smiling lips, they greeted with this
a tender kiss, in which Chrysostom immediately remembered that evening in
village and a little girl with braids. But the kiss was not over yet. Mouth
women lingered on his lips, continuing the game, teasing and beckoning, grabbed them
finally with force and greed, stirring the blood and exciting to the very depths, and in
in a long silent game, barely instructing the woman, she gave herself to the boy,
allowing him to search and find, igniting him and quenching his ardor. Marvelous short
the bliss of love embraced him, flared up with a golden flame, subsided and
went out. He was lying with eyes closed on a woman's chest. Neither was said
words. The woman lay quietly, gently stroking his hair, letting him come slowly
into yourself.

They sat down in the hay, catching their breath and enjoying the rest, both a little
tired. They stretched out, listening to the silence, feeling their foreheads drying out and
their faces gradually become cool. In pleasant fatigue, Chrysostom,
while playing, he pulled his knees up and then lowered them again. taking a deep breath into the night and
the smell of hay and without thinking about the past or the future. Slowly giving in
the charm of the fragrance and warmth of the beloved, responding from time to time to
stroking her hands, he felt blissfully how she gradually began
glow next to him, moving closer and closer to him. No, not here
neither words nor thoughts were needed. He clearly felt everything that was important and
beautiful, the power of youth and simple healthy beauty female body, his
warmth and passion, it was also clearly felt that this time she wanted to be
beloved differently than the first time, when she herself seduced him, now she was waiting
his offensive and passion. Silently passing currents through himself, he felt
happy, as a silent living fire flared up in both, making their bed
the breathing and flaming center of the entire silent night.
When he, bending over Lise’s face, began to kiss her lips in the dark,
he suddenly saw her eyes and forehead flickering in the gentle light, he was surprised
looked around and saw that the radiance, having dawned, was quickly intensifying. Then he
understood and turned around: above the edge of the black, far-stretching forest stood
moon. A white gentle light flowed marvelously over her forehead and cheeks, round neck, it
He said quietly and admiringly: “How beautiful you are!”
She smiled as if she had received a gift, he lifted her up, carefully
taking off her clothes, he helped her get rid of them, bare shoulders and chest
glowed in the cool moonlight. He followed with his eyes and lips,
passionate, for gentle shadows, admiring and kissing; as if spellbound, she quietly
lay with her eyes downcast and some solemn expression, as if
Her own beauty at that moment was revealed to her for the first time.

He never tired of learning from women. True, he was more attracted to girls,
very young, who had not yet had men and who knew nothing about them
he could fall passionately in love; but the girls were usually unattainable: they were
someone's lovers were timid and well watched. But he also
women willingly studied. Each one left him something: a gesture, a way of kissing,
a special game, a special way of giving or resisting. Zlatoust
agreed to everything, he was insatiable and compliant, like a child. He was
open to any temptation: that was the only reason he himself was so tempting.

She leaned towards him, her thirsty lips approached his,
They silently greeted each other with their first kiss. His hand is slow
wrapped around her neck. She led him through the door to her bedroom,
illuminated by tall bright candles. A meal was served on the table, they
They sat down, she carefully offered him bread and butter and some meat and poured
white wine in a beautiful bluish glass. They ate and drank from one
a bluish glass, playing with each other's hands as a test.
- Where did you come from, my wonderful bird? - she asked. “You are a warrior,
or a musician, or just a poor wanderer?
“I am everything you want,” he laughed quietly, “I am all yours.” If
want, I am a musician, and you are my sweet-sounding lute, and if I put my fingers on
I’ll play on your neck and we’ll hear angelic singing. Let's go my heart
I'm not here to eat your dishes and drink your white wine, I'm here only
because of you.
He carefully removed the white fur from her neck and freed her body from clothing.
Let the courtiers and clergy confer, let the servants scurry about, and the subtle
the crescent moon will completely emerge from behind the trees, lovers did not want to know anything
about it. For them paradise blossomed, captivating each other, absorbed in each other, they
forgotten in their fragrant night, saw their bright secrets in the darkness
places, plucked the treasured fruits with tender, grateful hands. Never before
a musician played such a lute; never before had a lute sounded under such
strong skillful fingers.
“Chrysostom,” she whispered passionately in his ear, “oh, what a wizard you are!”
From you, dear Chrysostom, I would like to have a child. And I wanted even more
would die from you. Drink me, my love, make me melt, kill me!
Happiness sang deep in her throat when he saw how she was melting and weakening
the firmness in her cold eyes. Like a gentle shiver of dying, a thrill ran through
the depths of her eyes, fading away like the silvery chill of a dying fish, matte
golden, like reflections of a magical shimmer in the depths of the river. All
happiness that only a person is capable of experiencing seemed to him
concentrated in this moment. (c)

Ok, if all this is bad, then what is good?

In fact, there are no universal criteria for the “goodness” of a sex scene. If it lacks the negative elements listed in the first part, it should no longer cause disgust or laughter. However, it is still a long way from an ordinary, undistinguished scene to decoration. This is where the “give the reader something else” factor comes into play.

"Anything else"

It’s difficult for me personally to describe this phenomenon. Maybe this is perceived at the level of personal feelings, but I will try to formulate my thought. A good sex scene is filled with feelings. Not just sensations, impressions, or filled with nothing, like a police report, but feelings. She must make sense. That is, if you crown your gorgeous love affair with such a scene, or at least introduce it like climax, she must change heroes.

For example. A girl can feel different - more mature, more sensual (everything was wrong before - but now she knew what real pleasure was), bolder, more crazy (now she is knee-deep in the sea, she has achieved what she wanted), more detached and calmer ( she realized that he could never love her, so at least let him sleep with her). The guy can understand what it is real love(and before that there was only pure sex), or real woman(and before that there were only girls), or real art (for example, if they suddenly get into tantra), or real beauty (well, he hasn’t seen naked women in person, what should he do...), etc. In general, the scene should open new horizons for the characters, and your job is to show this beautifully to the reader.

The idea is not new. But usually even cool authors who do not forget to introduce conflicts into every dialogue, every scene, while carefully monitoring the character’s growth, forget to do this in bed scene. Of course, you can describe sex well without this. But, as they said, this is terry IMHO, and to me personally it “tastes better” this way. Now let's move on to specific suggestions for improving your art.

Epithets, metaphors, comparisons - this is our motto

1. Compare. In my opinion, this has never ruined a single scene. She will immediately become juicy and beautiful. Compare movements and actions, flexibility, smoothness of lines, passion, ardor, etc. This is especially true for women. It’s just advisable to avoid cliches like “passionate like a tigress”, “flexible like a cat”, “strong like a lion”, “cold like ice”, well, I think you yourself know which comparisons are best to use))

2. Metaphysicize what is difficult to say in plain text. Oh, this is my favorite point. Probably should have taken it out separately. Anyway. In general, if you are embarrassed about something or don’t want to seem vulgar, describe it with a metaphor. In my opinion, it is not permissible to use specific words and expressions in general, unless you have tough masculine prose, where it is necessary, so that all this slobbering romance does not get out of the general context. Saying “orgasm” is very easy. But it’s difficult to show this feeling through a hero. Show the fall into the abyss, flashes, lightning, thunder, sparks, darkness, light, peace, satiety, fullness (or whatever you feel there, Idk). Show it with a feeling. The reader will understand what you mean, even if you don’t say like Captain Obvious, “Vasya Pupkin has never had such an orgasm.” The same goes for other elements.

3. Sing praises to the sexiest parts of your body. Yep, it's not just the parts you're thinking of. There are hundreds of ratings on the Internet - both from Man’s Health, and simply, and surveys on various portals, etc. If you don't rely on sociology and men's/women's magazines, sing the praises of what specifically appeals to you. Beautiful hands- OK. Chest and pumped up abs - excellent. Pink buttocks (XDDD), smooth beautiful line backs, strong broad shoulders, satin skin, rounded knees, slender hips, long neck after all... Think and describe it beautifully. And don’t forget - we metaphysicize, compare, so that the reader’s mouth waters. By the way, it should be noted here that the author is often outraged by the inattention of writers to female breast. No, you come up with something beautiful and original, not “swollen nipples” TM! In general, it seems that these same “swollen nipples” are the only indicator of arousal in a woman! Yes, it can manifest itself in different ways! Blush on the cheeks, perspiration, sparkle in the eyes, trembling, etc., etc.. “Swollen nipples,” damn it!.. Sorry. So what am I talking about? In a sex scene, you can show the appearance of the characters in all their glory. Just do it!

4. The smells, sounds, taste and touch of the characters are your friends. Give the reader 3D. This is so fashionable right now) The reader should see a three-dimensional picture in the bed scene, for greater identification, this is especially important. What does the skin feel like? What does she smell like? What does hair smell like? What do your lips taste like or what? What are the tactile, taste, sound parameters of the present moment? Immerse the reader. The description of tactile and taste sensations is often much more important than the physiological component itself.

Don't you watch erotic films yet? Then we go to you!

Yes Yes. And light porn is also possible, if you really want to write something bright and original, but you don’t know what to come up with, or you don’t have enough personal experience. In general, the most universal way to learn how to write sex scenes without redness of the skin, trembling hands and a hail of cold sweat at the collar is the good old descriptive essay. Take the film. Look at the picture. And you describe it beautifully words. Yeah, it’s much easier to do this with a visual image in front of your eyes. Do you see where the hero put his hand? How did he trace along the heroine’s body? How did he throw his head back? How did the heroine hold her breath and her eyes open wider? WRITE! One, two, three scenes - and everything is fine.

You can also write stories where a beautiful, detailed sex scene is actually an end in itself. The author did this regularly. And now I wrote all this with a slight grin, although once, while describing the kiss, I almost hid under the table in shame.

Good luck and great works!

Describing a sex scene is, of course, not easy, and to some extent even risky. After all, if readers don’t like something about your "masterpiece", they will remind you, and more than once. There are two options here, either the sex scene may be well described, or, on the contrary, it may be very bad. Unfortunately, there is no third option here.

Let's close our eyes and imagine this situation: You are diligently going about your business, let it be reading interesting book, watching another movie, just listening to music, and other similar little things of interest, and then someone starts to bother you. I think that your emotions here are understandable. After all, you are being distracted, and this is unpleasant. But do you feel the touch of loved ones in this? No, you don’t even think about it, you just understand that they are trying to tear you away from your favorite activity. If you think about it, can you remember that your father’s hands were cold, since he had just recently come from the street, or the warm hands of your grandmother? Most likely not, because the touch of relatives is considered neutral in most cases.

But if you imagine that in the same situation a loved one touched you. How will you feel? Most likely, goosebumps run through your body, butterflies in your stomach, and a feeling of joy arises. Otherwise, we react differently than from the touch of relatives.

Another situation. If you are touched by a person whom you hate with all your heart. This could be a member of your family or just an acquaintance. Agree, you will involuntarily try to avoid this touch.

This is where the key to success lies. After all, the reader sits down to read similar story in order to plunge into the atmosphere, feel all the emotions that this or that character experiences. Therefore, the more detailed the emotions and feelings of the characters are conveyed, the more delight the reader will experience.

We should not forget about the failures when, guided by manuals and having well described the sequence of actions required for a sex scene (undress, lie on the bed, spread your legs, etc.), the author forgets about the characters of his characters. From here we get whole piece a torn text from a work in which previously readers worried about emotions, characters, where they were happy happy moments, cried over the character's death. And then, instead of something “sweet,” they get bad taste.

Therefore, let's look at what we should remember when describing such scenes.

1. We remember the feelings, emotions, tastes of each character.

a) Relationship to another character. After all, you must admit that the same touch can bring both a wave of bliss and cause even more hostility (all this, of course, depends on who touched the hero, be it a loved one, an evil old woman or a playful kitten).

b) The mood of the hero. If the character is tired, then he has no time for such entertainment, he simply dreams of lying down in his soft bed and falling into a deep sleep.

c) Tastes, character. This will certainly leave a mark on the character’s behavior in bed.

d) Problems. If your character has someone seriously ill/died, or some great responsibility has fallen on his shoulders, then your hero will be concerned with solving these problems, and not with love pleasures, from which he is unlikely to receive satisfaction.

Therefore, there is no need to rush to describe a tender and delightful sex scene after the family this character, let's say, are on the verge of death or have died altogether. Bad emotions will not disappear from the hero’s head so quickly. The maximum that your character can try to do is try to at least forget/get distracted for a while, and find support in a loved one.

2. Time.

Time- important point when describing sex scenes.

Here sex scenes work for the plot. If the characters decide to make love in front of the readers, then they should have a reason good reason. And this reason is a plot necessity. If there was sex, but nothing changed later, then this scene can be safely deleted. If you nevertheless found the very reason why the heroes decided to be satisfied with love pleasures, then we will move on to other options from which we will build. There are two of them:

a) There is enough time, there is no need to rush. The action can be developed in the following way, gradually: long foreplay, massage with all sorts of different oils, role-playing games, conversations, careful preparation: some special lubricants that will increase the sensitivity of the character, sex toys that turn sexual intercourse almost into a ritual, which will help the partner to relax more, to feel needed and attention to himself.

b) There is little time, you should hurry. Perhaps relatives will return soon, or the character(s) are in a hurry somewhere, or your characters are making love in a crowded place where they can be found at any second, then they have at most five minutes to caress each other. Long and detailed description In this case, the sex scene, I consider inappropriate. It may cause at least misunderstanding in the reader.

3. Be careful, don’t overdo it.

Leisurely seduction can be more effective than sexual intercourse itself. It could be a glance, a casual touch. Worth focusing on small details, it will make a great impression on the reader.

4. Don't forget about consistency.

If the characters’ relationships have previously been described in detailed detail, then the sexual act itself should be no different. If you haven’t spoiled your readers with a luxurious narrative, then you shouldn’t start.

5. Of course, the atmosphere, where would it be without it?

Atmosphere- however, this is a rather complex thing that even experienced authors may find difficult.

The atmosphere is influenced by everything: the place itself, its lighting, the mood of the characters and even the readers themselves. It can change back and forth and several times. There are several schemes for mood changes in a sex scene:

a) Gradual/increasing. In most cases, authors choose this one. Why? Agree, it’s convenient to describe all emotions and feelings gradually, from kissing to hard sex.

b) Fickle. It usually appears when the characters are in a quarrel or sorting things out among themselves, which in the process leads to a short but passionate sexual intercourse.

c) Violent. When one of the characters “pounces” on the other in order to satisfy his need, and the other resists, pushes the rapist away.

In conclusion, I want to say, believe in yourself, and you will definitely succeed!

Hello! I’m here again, again with you, again with an article, in general, everything is as always. Nothing has changed much since the previous article, only the topic is new.

What is today's topic? Let me explain. I have often seen works where, in addition to the plot, there was love line. Or there was a plot besides the love line. Or... Okay, I think you get the point. And sooner or later, this very love affair led to the inevitable - to a bed scene. The main characters passionately loved each other on the bed/table/floor/chandelier (underline as appropriate), while the author chewed on a pencil/pen/keyboard, wondering how to describe this process.

Actually, this is what my article will be about. So let's get started!

“And he brought his train into his black tunnel...”, or a few words about speech and anatomy

I won’t talk about what you need to roughly imagine, what goes where and where: this is repeated too often, I think everyone who reads this kind of article has long been familiar with the unfortunate anatomy. It will be more about whether these anatomical details are appropriate when describing sexual intercourse. And whether the opposite is appropriate is what you can admire in the title of this unfortunate section.

It all depends on what genres slash is combined with. This is such a genre that there is no such spherical purely slasher work in a vacuum. When combined with the Fantasy genre, some abuse of beautiful phrases may be quite appropriate, but medical terms will scare and make fun of most readers. Not because they are funny in themselves, but because they are out of place. Try to look at the style of your work. If you have not disdained modern and scientific words before, then “member”, “prostate” and so on from general series will not be knocked out.

The exaggerated “dandelion stalks dripping milk of pleasure” can also be useful in humor or banter. Or in psychedelics. Just because these turns seem so absurd, they don't become bad. They are bad when they are included in a text that does not match the style. Well, you must admit, it’s strange to read a beautiful, atmospheric fantasy, and then with a poker face about the scrotum, urethra and ejaculation.

What can you recommend specifically regarding style? Here, each author already has his own. The main thing is to remember to make sure that your sex scene does not stand out from the rest of the story, looks organic in it, and not like a nail sticking out in the middle of a board, but not hammered in.

Although, perhaps, I’ll still note: try not to pile up words like “Mind-blowing, unreal, amazing.” The more often you repeat a word, the less the effect produced. One description is better than ten if they repeat the same thing. Once they wrote that he felt simply amazing - and that’s enough, no more. It’s better to focus on the details: one random forehead bump during an unsuccessful kiss sometimes looks more real and erotic than a hundred common epithets.

The descriptions themselves

Don't be afraid to describe what is happening, be bolder! If you have already taken on a sex scene, justify the rating. As they say, it’s too late to drink Borjomi... Okay, we’re not talking about Borjomi. And about the descriptions.

There are two extremes here. The first is a complete lack of description of the external and a continuous, overflowing description of actions. It looks like this in an example:

John pulled Sam towards him and kissed him, then threw him onto the bed and began to undress him. Sam then smiled and rolled over onto his stomach. John began to gently stretch him, after which he entered inside and after a couple of thrusts he came. Sam came next and shouted out his lover's name.

And it wasn’t John who was the favorite, ahem, sorry, I got carried away by the example. It is very unlikely that such text will evoke emotions. No, the sequence of actions is followed here - no alternative anatomy, the picture is clear... But I personally imagine two mannequins, on one of which hangs a sign “John”, on the other - “Sam”. Mannequin John and mannequin Sam show the correct sequence of actions during lovemaking. A kind of video lesson “Homosexual intercourse for the little ones,” forgive me for such cruel humor.

What's wrong with this extreme? The fact that it is informative, but does not carry anything other than information. After reading something like this, the reader will most likely say: “They had sex. And what?"

This “So what?” should not arise. Don’t be afraid to describe how the same John bit his lip, closed his eyes, licked his lips - and what those same lips are like. Wet or dry, swollen and reddened or, conversely, pale... Yes, the text will be a little more loaded, but it is precisely such details that make the reader immerse themselves in what is happening, and not just read and forget.

It is appropriate to describe thoughts and fantasies. Perhaps a certain amount of comparisons: the characters’ associations do not fall off during the sex scene. But there is a danger of going to the second extreme, which looks like this:

John kissed Sam and then looked at him as he undressed him. How beautiful his beloved was! That slightly tanned skin reminded him of his recent trip to Italy, where they spent the most wonderful days own life. They swam, sunbathed, went on excursions around different cities and took a lot of different photos. One of these photographs now stood on the desk opposite. Sam in the photograph was trying to cover his face with his hand: he never liked to be photographed, and that time John had difficulty capturing him against the backdrop of St. Peter's Cathedral...

... Do you still remember that they have sex there?

I think the problem with this extreme is also visible to you: an excess of descriptions that are not related to the erotic scene. This happens in two cases: either the author got carried away and decided to write about their trip to the Vatican to spite the poor Pope, or the author forgot that he was not writing a term paper and it is not necessary to fill pages with extra text. In the end, no one will eat you if the sex scene is a little shorter, but you will be describing the scene itself, and not the photo on the table and the carpet on the wall. What will this roughly look like? Something like this:

John pulled Sam towards him, kissing him hungrily. His lover immediately grabbed his hair, slightly pulling his head back and trying to take the initiative. Unbuttoning his beloved's shirt, John ran his nails over his chest, watching how his slightly tanned skin turned red.

Okay, I won’t write out a twenty-line example - I think you get the gist. There should be a description, but it should relate to the sex scene itself. If there is a gun hanging on the wall, then it should fire, and if a photograph flashes in a sex scene, it means they are jerking off to it or it was accidentally brushed onto the floor, knocking someone over onto the table. Or the nervous guy thought it would be a good idea to turn the photo over - otherwise the person depicted on it would be staring at how they were making love. Although, if I were the lover of such a guy, I would be wary of whether the poor fellow has a persecution mania, but heroes are different. Suddenly there will be one like this.

About the characters' personalities

Sudden, isn't it? Although okay, who am I kidding – a very expected point. This is one of the most common mistakes - when in a sex scene the characters are confused and don’t know what to do, and the almighty author fits them into one Procrustean Bed of the world yaoi standard. Let's take the same abstract John and Sam as objects for analysis. So, our John is a “bangs, piercings, tight pants” type of guy. He is sometimes melancholic, but quite emotional and easily succumbs to impulses of emotion. Sexual experience - they don’t live that long. Enthusiastic about intimate side life and happy to give pleasure to my partner. And Sam is a simple, moderately shy guy of the “botanical flower” type, glasses, no muscles, forever a virgin until he meets John. So... Imagine that you are reading about this couple. And then it begins...

John glanced in surprise at the closed door of the room:
- Sam, did you want to talk?
Instead of answering, the beloved sat on John’s hips, insolently fidgeting and licking himself lecherously:
- Come on, fuck me, I know you want...

Here is one of three things: either Sam has a split personality, or, as in Brazilian TV series, he has an evil twin brother abandoned in infancy, or the character of the characters is not consistent with the author. Let's assume that in our case it is the latter.

Remember when going to new stage relationships, your heroes do not immediately become different people with a different psychology. No, an unexpected transition is possible - a confident macho may turn out to be a virgin when tested and feel shy, but there is a very high risk of precipitation like tomatoes and slippers. It is necessary to throw at least some traces of uncertainty into the previous text, so that the reader has the opportunity to at least briefly think: “What if he is not so macho?” Then in the bed scene everything will be organic.

But if the hero is Everyday life did not show an easy and slightly curious attitude towards the sexual side of life, he is unlikely to run even to his loved one with a cry: “Let’s go and fuck!” Heroes are still people (or elves, or gnomes, or vampires, or demons, or aquarium fish - to each their own), they have character. Don't change it in the sex scene. Don’t be afraid to describe how a joker tried to make an awkward joke, or how a shy young man blushed and asked: “Or maybe we shouldn’t?”, or how a rude punk swore from the buzz... In general, remember: your heroes are people, not abstract models .

“Today I’m on top, and tomorrow you’re on top”

In view of huge amount In yaoi anime, a division arose into “seme” (active) and “uke” (passive). But then, deciding that it was necessary to be original, someone decided: “Let them change places every Monday!”

These people are partly right: a couple of two men is not a parody of a heterosexual couple; men most often do not have clear roles in the spirit of: “You’re from below - into the kitchen, woman!” and “You’re on top - provide for your family, man!” If the guy is below, he is not necessarily a cutesy mummer and snot. If the guy is on top, he is not necessarily a tough guy.

Okay, I'll open it terrible secret, the question “On top or below” is purely a matter of the couple’s personal tastes. Some people enjoy being in any position (even in position 69 on a sacred chandelier), as long as it is with their loved one. Some people like to be fucked doggy style, on all fours, and prefer to be on the bottom. But this is not at all a matter of life and death, as they like to position it: if from below, it means that you are passive with everyone and everywhere, if from above, you will not let anyone near your royal butt and will fuck all those who attempt to do so for their insolence.

The question of “from above or from below” is quite solvable for most couples at the level of those same tastes. But not in such a way that the passive begins to think “Oh, I was fucked, I am morally humiliated and subordinate!” IN loving couple Such thoughts are unlikely to arise, and if they do arise, they are quickly cured by a simple open conversation. Men generally do not like to endure inconvenience - if they don’t like something, they will most likely prefer to say so directly, rather than sit in the corner and sulk. My sisters, girls, do not be offended.

What to do and why this point? Besides, there is no need to focus the question on the “asset-liability” topic. This is not a physiological necessity (with rare exceptions). Passives are not born with a penis smaller than a finger, and assets have an anus that is not sewn up. If they don’t change their position and are used to having one on top and the other on bottom, it only means that it’s more pleasant for them, and not that one of them is a girl.

Transferring someone else’s “personal experience” to work

Now I’m writing about those cases when a girl (let’s not prevaricate – slash is mostly written by girls, I’m one of them) tries to find the necessary information on the Internet. Let's assume she honestly approached the study of anatomy and other necessary things, that's just the problem... Young men gay Those who decide to “enlighten” the unreasonable most often believe that if it was like this for them, then it cannot be any other way. A a poor girl gets confused in the testimony: one writes that it definitely hurts the first time, the other - that if the partner is experienced and there is lubrication, then there is only discomfort, and not hellish pain. One writes that if you do not caress the passive member, then he will never cum, the second - that there is no need to jerk off at all, because it “distracts” from the main sensations.

What to do about it? Apply someone else's personal experience» in doses so that no contradictions arise. Try to be more careful with these “hundred pounds of truthful” articles written by “one hundred percent” gays. Even if the article was indeed written by a guy, this does not mean that his personal experience is an immutable truth. In no way am I trying to offend anyone and I hope that this advice will not be understood as: “Forget about this advice from experienced people!” Don't score. You just don’t need to follow them unquestioningly: remember, it happens in different ways, and not just as one person described. Is this not evidenced by the contradictions in this kind of works belonging to different authors?


So my article has come to an end. Dear readers, love, be loved and allow your heroes to find happiness: do not make dummies out of them. Let them love each other too, without losing their face.

Best wishes to you. And good luck in your creativity!