For what reason is it better not to sleep in front of a mirror and what is the mysticism of the looking glass? Mirror in culture. Mirror in the science of Feng Shui

A mirror is an interior item that is present in every home in several copies. Since the Middle Ages, people have considered it a mysterious thing. Psychics say that you should not sleep in front of a mirror. Let's find out why.

Diverging from the topic, I’ll add that apartment owners are often faced with a shortage of living space. Solving this problem, they use design techniques aimed at expanding the space, including: combining the living room and bedroom, using mirrors and furniture with mirrored facades. At the same time, they do not take into account the influence of mirrors on the human body, because signs, beliefs, legends and myths do not recommend resting in front of this element of the interior.

Reasons for the ban

After analyzing a lot of teachings, prejudices and beliefs, I was able to find out that not a single culture in the world welcomes the placement of mirrors in the bedroom, unlike a sofa or chest of drawers.

  • Aura Damage. If a person is reflected in a mirror along with objects with sharp corners, they will damage his aura.
  • Otherworldly forces. Beliefs say that otherworldly forces look into our world through mirrors. These views are not always characterized by bad energy, but they disturb the tranquility of the sleeper. This is manifested by irritability, sad mood and poor sleep.
  • Medieval alchemists They believed that ghouls and vampires suck the life energy out of a person through reflections.
  • Negative impact on family relationships. There is a real couple and their reflection in the same room, which can cause cheating.
  • Soul and through the looking glass. During sleep, the soul goes on a journey and if there is a mirror hanging in the bedchamber, it will end up through the looking glass and will not find its way back.
  • Parallel Worlds. The mirror is a gateway to a parallel world. A sleeping person begins to communicate with otherworldly forces, and even dismantling the product will not be enough to break the established connection.
  • Source of negative energy. In a dream, a person is influenced by negative energy that can emanate from the mirror. Such energy will cause bad mood and well-being.

If you feel strange every morning, and your mood wants to improve, the real cause of your ailments, in addition to health problems, may be the mirror in the bedroom. There are three ways out of the situation - see a doctor and undergo an examination of the body, remove the accessory from the bedroom or curtain it before going to bed.

How to protect yourself from the influence of mirrors

In this part of the material I will share ways to protect yourself from the bad influence of mirrors. When using them, you will protect yourself and attract money and good luck to your home.

  1. Do not hang it in the bedroom, especially on the ceiling. Acceptable placement on the inside of the cabinet door.
  2. If a crack appears on the surface, throw it away immediately. The cause of the defect may be negative energy.
  3. Keep the surface perfectly clean. Stains, dust and dirt have a negative impact.
  4. Do not hang it at the entrance to your home, so as not to scare away good luck. When good luck comes to the house and sees itself in the reflection, it gets the impression that everything is fine in the home and it goes in search of another refuge.
  5. Do not hang them opposite each other, otherwise a kind of corridor will form in the apartment, which, like a “black hole,” absorbs positive energy.

I do not exclude that readers will consider the material absurd. In addition, contrary to superstitions, many people sleep peacefully in front of mirrors, and this does not cause discomfort. Therefore, dear readers, only you can decide whether to place mirrors in the bedroom.

The Mirror and its History

A mirror is an interior item with a large, smooth surface that can reflect light. The first mirrors appeared in the 13th century and were made of silver, copper or bronze.

Early in 1279, John Peckham described the technique of making a mirror. Liquid tin was poured into a glass container through a special tube, which covered the inner surface of the dish with an even layer. After drying, the vessel was broken into large pieces, which slightly distorted the picture, but remained clean.

One century later, a mirror workshop appeared in Germany, and at the beginning of the fifteenth century the Venetians acquired a patent for the production of mirrors, which allowed them to become a monopoly in this area for 150 years. In terms of cost, Venetian products were not inferior to mansions or small sea vessels. Only royalty and members of the nobility bought such things.

The Queen of France, who ascended the throne in the mid-16th century, was very fond of reflective surfaces and spared no expense in purchasing them. In order to preserve the treasury, the Minister of Finance bribed several master glassblowers to move to France and open a mirror factory. Thus, the first factory opened in 1665.

In the Middle Ages, mirrors were destroyed because it was believed that the devil was hiding on the other side, and with their help, witches summoned damage, illnesses and hid their secrets.

Nowadays, mirrors are used in interior design, automotive industry, photographic equipment, and science.

I would be grateful if you leave your opinion on this matter in the comments. It will be just great if you describe the mysterious events that happened in your bedroom with a mirror.

Prejudice or reality?

Everyone knows that mirrors have some kind of mystical power. In this regard, many different superstitions have appeared regarding broken or cracked mirrors and their location in the apartment.

In this article we are interested in one single question: “Why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror?” The main, almost scientific explanation for this is this: these objects cannot be placed opposite the beds, since the owners of the bedroom (spouses), reflected in them, violate the intimate atmosphere reigning in this room. This happens because sleeping people are watched from the other side of the looking glass. And this already doubles the energy, disrupting sleep and bringing certain problems in marriage, for example, infidelity...

Mystical interpretation

The popular (mystical) justification for why one should not sleep in front of a mirror is as follows: this object is a kind of portal (gate) to the other world. At night, when the room is shrouded in darkness, these “gates” open, releasing into the wild all sorts of entities and vices of humanity that disturb the sleeping people with their presence. Here they are - two main versions of the same sign. But note that these versions are not the only ones!

Now we will learn a few more little-known facts about why you can’t put a mirror in front of the bed.

Never sleep in front of a mirror!

There are many other explanations why you should not sleep in front of a mirror. We will give you the brightest of them, and you, in turn, try to remember them so as not to make fatal mistakes in the future (if, of course, you believe in omens). So, why shouldn't you sleep in front of a mirror? Firstly, there is an opinion that at night our soul leaves its body. So, if at this moment you are reflected in the mirror, then your astral body (soul) may be drawn into the other world of the looking glass. Keep in mind that it won’t be easy for her to get out of this trap! Secondly, it is believed that it doubles any number of people sleeping, and this already kills the intimate atmosphere. Thirdly, a person who suddenly wakes up at night may simply be scared of himself reflected in the mirror! Fourthly, never hang antique mirrors with a very rich history in the bedroom (or better yet, throughout the house)! Over the years, they have “seen” a lot of sorrows and joys, betrayals and separations, quarrels and abuse... If you sleep opposite them, and they turn out to be evil and bad, you will suffer from nightmares! Fifth, avoid mirrored ceilings and never hang these items above the head of the bed! We, of course, understand that many people really like to see in the mirror their own little pranks going on in the bedroom, but listen to reason! This can cause a lot of problems for a married couple in their intimate life.

And, in general, you should close and curtain all mirrors at night - then there will certainly be nothing to fear.

Take care of your soul!

According to the latest data, feng shui fanatics still approved the presence of mirrors in the home interior in general and in bedrooms in particular. They explain this by saying that in this way the positive energy present in the house is repeatedly reflected. But let me! If there is good, then there is also evil! It is logical to assume that in addition to positive energy, negative energy is also reflected many times in mirrors. Be that as it may, you and I now know why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror, and we will never do this, right?

A mirrored ceiling in an apartment visually expands the space, and a mirror on the ceiling in a married bedroom is the secret dream of visual erotomaniacs. Is it safe to implement such design innovations? I wonder why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror?

Sleep is a special state of the body, without which all its life cycles could not be repeated. This is a kind of “reboot” and “tuning” that a person needs. Scientists are still studying the nature of sleep, and people argue about what happens to a person when he goes into the world of Morpheus.

Is it possible to sleep in front of a mirror or is it better to be careful?

The ancestors of most peoples living today believed that during sleep the soul travels through different worlds, overcoming the laws of time and space. At the same time, mirrors were attributed mystical properties that were rooted in archetypal thinking. How is all this interconnected and why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror that reflects a sleeping person?

It is difficult to completely relax when a “double” is looking at you from the mirror...

Someone with superstitious horror will tell you a story about the theft of life energy by otherworldly forces, and someone will assure that this is all nonsense and fiction due to a lack of knowledge and an excess of imagination. What makes a myth so tenacious if there is nothing hidden behind it? It is worth making another attempt to understand this confusing issue.

Why you shouldn’t sleep in front of a mirror: facts and justifications

The looking glass has always attracted people with the very idea of ​​a “window to another world.” It also frightened me with the unknown, the unknowable. Did you know that only a person understands when looking in the mirror that he is looking at himself? Perhaps the mysticism of mirrors so fascinated our ancestors, forcing us to look more closely at ourselves, that they acquired a stable, original reputation.

In fact, to understand whether it is possible to sleep in front of a mirror, it is enough to study what we are dealing with, discarding medieval prejudices.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror opposite the bed promotes adultery

Reflectivity is the main “trump card” and the most sought-after physical property of a mirror. Amalgam is a thin layer of mercury and tin alloy applied to the back of the mirror that reflects light as it “tenaciously” adheres to the polished glass. The mirror reflection is so realistic that it can create scary illusions in low light.

Why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror: the main reason

Once upon a time, mirrors were used for hypnosis in medical practice. Immersion in a trance, as you know, is not at all what is commonly called healthy sleep. Today, no one doubts the fact that mirrors to a certain extent change our understanding not only of space, but also of ourselves. An unconsciously sleeping person seems to sense someone's presence. Half asleep, one’s own reflection is perceived as a phantom. The brain's ability to analyze in the first moments after waking up is reduced, which is why coordination and perception of space deteriorates in a room with mirrors.

Leave mirrors outside the bedroom - and sleep well!

The same thing happens when you fall asleep. Complete relaxation in the presence of a “double” is impossible. Can you imagine how stressful this is? Daily! This is why you should not sleep in front of a mirror, even for non-superstitious people. The laws of physics and anatomy are more difficult to ignore than idle fiction. Leave shining mirrors outside the bedroom, then restoration and relaxation during a restful sleep will be guaranteed.

Our grandmothers also treated mirrors with extreme caution and care, and it didn’t even matter what faith or culture a person belonged to, because the mirror was a unique object for almost all religions, peoples and cultures of the world. There was a firm rule - a person who is sleeping should not be reflected in the mirror. Where did this belief come from?

In fact, there are many reasons for this sign. Firstly, it is believed that the astral spirit, which flies out of people’s bodies during their sleep, can be drawn into a looking glass, from which it is sometimes impossible to get out. Secondly, there is an opinion that it is mirrors that “suck” a person’s potential and positive energy, which subsequently negatively affects a person’s health and well-being. They say that such people often suffer from insomnia, and also feel unwell even after a long sleep, becoming nervous and irritable.

It is for these reasons that it is advised to remove mirrors from bedrooms or cover them, so that during sleep a person can fully rest, restore his strength and relax.

In addition, at night it is not very pleasant to see your reflection in the mirror: chiaroscuro plays unpleasant games with us, scaring people, creating scary images and ugly pictures.

They also say that it is the reflection of the marital bed in the mirror that attracts possible betrayal. The situation gets even worse if the mirror also reflects the entrance door to the bedroom. Many people consider all these beliefs to be stupid myths that have no logical basis. Nothing prevents a large number of people from falling asleep next to a mirror; they sleep well and do not complain about their health or adultery. If this is so, then probably the mirror will not be a hindrance to you in the future.

However, few people argue that mirrors are able to “absorb” old energy, old quarrels and troubles, and retain negative emotions. It is for this reason that when a room is consecrated, special attention is paid to old mirrors.

Christians believe that mirrors must be closed in the house where a person died, and not opened until 40 days from the date of death, that is, until the soul of the deceased person leaves the Earth. It is necessary to cover mirrors so that the soul of the deceased is not reflected in the mirrors after death and does not frighten the residents of the apartment.

If we consider the sign of the ban on sleeping near a mirror from the perspective of Old Russian traditions, we can recall that most Christmas fortune-telling was associated with mirrors; people also believed that it was forbidden to look into a broken mirror. Grandmothers said that even breaking a mirror means being unhappy for 7 years. Pregnant women, as well as women after childbirth or menstruation, were not recommended to show off near mirrors for a long time, since their magical powers may be stronger than the weakened female body. Old Russian signs explained why you should not sleep near a mirror. They talked about how a double lives in the mirror at night and can steal your soul while you sleep.

According to the signs of Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese science, a mirror is considered an energetic vampire, capable of quickly depriving a person of his energy. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place a mirror near the bed, as it will reflect the corners in which, according to legend, evil spirits and evil lurk.
You also cannot place mirrors opposite each other, thus creating a mirror corridor for evil spirits.

Of course, most of these signs are just myths, however, only you can decide whether to believe in them or not. The main thing is to smile more often near the mirrors so that only the positive energy of your kindness remains in them.

Indeed, why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror? And also, why can’t you put a mirror in front of the bed? Let's look at these questions from different angles.

Psychologists answer the question “Why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror?” They answer like this. Humans, like animals, have lateral vision; it is necessary primarily to warn of danger. Information transmitted by peripheral vision is responded to by instincts, bypassing consciousness. Seeing movement with peripheral vision, animals react instantly: run away or attack. (For this reason, horses often kick a person who approaches abruptly).

But with people everything is somewhat more complicated; with us, consciousness dominates instincts and the subconscious. You may not be aware of the cause of anxiety, nervousness and depression, but the whole point is that with your peripheral vision you constantly see movement in the mirror. Moreover, the subconscious does not “understand” that this is your own reflection, it simply gives an alarm signal. At night, the consciousness loses control over the subconscious and its signals become more audible. When you see your reflection half asleep (a person wakes up many times at night, but does not always remember this), you will inevitably get scared, “shaking” your nerves. After all, the subconscious does not perceive that the person in the mirror is you. For the same reason, you should not hang a mirror where you are constantly, and especially where you eat. Ideally, the mirror should be placed in such a place that you can come up, take a look and no longer “flash” in front of it.

In ancient times, it was believed that in a dream the soul leaves the body, may end up in a looking glass and not find the way back. Therefore, our ancestors strictly observed the ban and not in front of a mirror. There are a lot of mystical and inexplicable things associated with mirrors (just remember Kozyrev’s famous experiments). Mystics believe that mirrors are gates to another world, to the looking glass or, perhaps, to the world of spirits. It’s not for nothing that mirrors are used in many magical rituals, including for evoking various entities. In addition, everyone knows the custom: after the death of a person, all the mirrors in the house were always covered for forty days.

Mirrors also have the ability to remember everything that happened in front of them; For this reason, you should not buy used mirrors (even antique ones), and if some bad event is reflected in your mirror, it is better to remove it from your home. It is undesirable to look in the mirror if you are sick or in a bad mood, it can later give you back everything (It is extremely undesirable to look in the mirror for a long time when pregnant.) You cannot scold yourself in front of the mirror (for example, express dissatisfaction with your figure), but if you find and praise your advantages, then this will be very useful. In general, you need to make sure that nothing bad is reflected in the mirrors.

There is also a lot of undisclosed and unstudied connected with sleep. It is unknown how the brain works during sleep. There are opinions that sleep is like rebooting the system (like a computer). But one thing is clear: in our sleep we are more vulnerable. So why take the risk? This is the most accurate answer to the question asked at the beginning - “Why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror?”

In the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that mirrors hung in the wrong place disorient the energy of life, “favorable qi,” and interfere with its proper circulation. Feng Shui masters mainly use mirrors to neutralize negative influences and reflect them. For example, a mirror is placed on the bathroom door (outside) because, according to Feng Shui philosophy, the energy of good luck flows into the bathroom. The mirror on the door will not allow this. Feng Shui also has a real magic mirror in its arsenal. The octagonal can multiply everything that is reflected in it.

However, if you are a bit of a Narcissist and you like to constantly admire your reflection in the mirror, you can ignore this warning. For you, the question is “Why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror?” irrelevant.