What the results taught the middle group children. Analytical report of children achieving the planned results of mastering the program in the middle group

Korobkina Natalya Viktorovna
Job title: teacher 1st category
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rucheek"
Locality: ST, Storozhevaya, Zelenchuksky district, Karachay-Cherkess Republic
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Report on the work done with children in the middle group "Thumbelina"
Publication date: 18.09.2017
Chapter: preschool education



st. Storozhevoy.

Annual progress report

educational work

in the middle group


for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Prepared by the teacher:

Korobkina Natalya V

The middle group “Thumbelina” is for us a cheerful, favorite group that creates favorable

conditions for the natural development of children. Total number of children in the group: 25 children, 13 boys

and 12 girls.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, educational work in the middle group was carried out

according to the age of the children, developed on the basis of an approximate basic educational

preschool education programs “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S.

Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

Educational work in the group was based on the creation of a special

subject-development environment, long-term and calendar planning in accordance with

annual tasks of the kindergarten, implementing the educational program of the preschool institution,

developed on the basis of the general education program of preschool education.

Planning educational work in a group, methodically correctly distributing

children's activities during the day, taking into account age and individual psychological

characteristics of each child individually, we managed to achieve good results.

An analysis of the results of operations for the year showed that the group has created enough

satisfactory conditions for the comprehensive development and upbringing of children.

Educational activities in the group were carried out in the following educational areas:

social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistically -

aesthetic; physical development.

To carry out high-quality work in these areas, we used in our work

the following educational tools:

- a game;

- labor activity;

- personal example of an adult;

- objects of nature;

- objective world;

Forms of work:

- Team work;

- work with parents;

- independent activity of children.

What technologies were used:

Health saving:

- Morning exercises.

- Physical education organized educational activities.

- Gymnastics after sleep

- Breathing exercises

- Physical education minute

- Finger gymnastics.

- Sports activities, entertainment.

As a result, children have developed an interest and value attitude towards physical education,

harmonious physical development of children. The incidence rate of children has decreased.

Gaming technologies.

- Outdoor games.

- Role-playing.

- Construction.

- Didactic.

- Round dances.

Children try to follow and control compliance with the rules in games; can play independently

in outdoor games, round dances, role-playing games; Children can also build their own

simple construction. Every child’s gaming experience has been enriched

Information and communication technologies

- I make presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint

Using TSO and multimedia presentations in educational activities

As a result of the use of ICT, educational activities are more interesting for children.

4. Technology of project-based learning

Using the project method – thematic planning.

The child’s creative personality is formed in various types of children’s activities through

application of the design method and the use of information and communication technologies.

Creating projects:

“Autumn – Autumn Name Day”; "Water around us"

Speech technology

Use in educational activities, in special moments, leisure, holidays, in all

activities, in the daily life of the group

Children try to master speech as a means of communication with adults and children and means

interactions with others. An interest in books is formed, they are regularly reviewed

illustrations in books. They enjoy reading nursery rhymes and short poems by heart.

Throughout the school year, conditions were created to strengthen and preserve the health of children.

Children were taught to wear lightweight clothing; ensured their stay in the fresh air

in accordance with the daily routine; fostered interest in physical exercise and outdoor games.

Morning exercises lasting 8-10 minutes were carried out daily.

Educational activities in physical education were carried out 2 times a week in the children's room

garden As a result of the work done, the children learned to walk and run without bumping into each other;

jump on two legs - in place and moving forward; run, throw and roll the ball; crawl on

on all fours; crawl through a log lying on the floor; crawl under a collar or rope; keep

balance when walking and running on a limited plane.

All children enjoyed doing physical exercises.

At the beginning of the year, children began to instill cultural and hygienic skills through games and nursery rhymes. IN

Doctor Aibolit came to visit the children, he taught the children to wash their hands as they became dirty and before

food, wipe your face and hands with a personal towel. The doll Mashenka came to the children and she showed

children basic table manners: using cutlery correctly,

with a napkin, do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not talk with your mouth full. IN

Dunno came to the group of guys, he didn’t know how to undress on his own, along with the guys

learned to take off clothes and hang them on a chair.

During the year, children were taught cultural and hygienic skills. Children can wash themselves

hands when dirty and before eating; wipe your face and hands with a personal towel; know where

there is their personal towel.

The skill of using individual objects has been developed - a handkerchief, a napkin,

comb. Basic table behavior skills have been developed: proper use

cutlery, napkin; do not crumble bread, chew food with your mouth closed, do not

talk with your mouth full. Children were taught how to dress and undress in

in a certain order, carefully fold the removed clothes, put on clothes and shoes correctly.

While not all children can completely undress and dress without the help of an adult. Difficulties arise when

unfastening buttons, fastening zippers, buttons. Work was carried out with such children

individually, as well as conversations with parents.

We also paid great attention to moral education.

They instilled in children a kind and caring attitude towards adults. Created game situations

promoting the formation of a friendly attitude towards peers. Visiting the guys

Karkusha, Khryusha, Stepashka came, they taught the children to say hello and goodbye, to express their

requests calmly, using the words “thank you”, “please”. We taught children to communicate calmly, without


Taught children to say hello and goodbye; express your own requests calmly, using words

“thank you”, “please”. Children were taught not to interrupt the speaker. Brought up negative

attitude towards rudeness, greed.

By the end of the year, many children say hello and goodbye without prompting from an adult; thank you for your help;

observe basic rules of conduct in the group room and washroom; answer

various questions from an adult regarding the immediate environment.

Work on labor education was also carried out throughout the year. We formed in children the ability not only

take care of yourself independently (while undressing, dressing, washing, eating), but also taught

maintain order in the playroom, were involved in performing simple labor actions;

fostered respect for people of any profession. Children actively help in cleaning up toys after

games, know the place of each toy; happy to help care for plants and cover the

lesson “Visiting the Labor Fairy.”

Work on the world around us was carried out systematically and consistently: we introduced children to

with objects of the immediate environment, with phenomena of social life, with the labor of adults. IN

As a result, almost all children distinguish and name toys, pieces of furniture, clothing, dishes, vegetables and

fruits, types of transport. All children navigate the group room well; call your name

surname, teacher and assistant teacher by name and patronymic.

Much attention was paid to the environmental education of children: they looked at indoor plants,

observed domestic animals (cat, dog), introduced poultry and birds to the

kindergarten area. We taught children to distinguish and name wild animals (in the process of reading fairy tales,

looking at the illustrations). They developed the ability to identify their characteristic features (in the hare -

long ears, the fox is red, she has a long fluffy tail, the bear has club feet). Introduced children to

distinctive features of animals, birds, fish.

They were taught to distinguish - by appearance and taste - the most common vegetables and fruits.

We observed the beauty of natural phenomena (leaf fall, snowfall, blooming flowers, etc.).

Formed a caring attitude towards the surrounding nature.

Most children can distinguish objects by size and shape; distinguish between the concepts of many and few,

"many" and "one". They know and name the primary colors.

The section “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts” includes a set of games

tasks and exercises “Big and small”, “Find a pair”., visual and practical methods and

techniques for teaching children elementary mathematics “Match by color”, “Show the same one”.. We

taught children to form a group of homogeneous objects and select one object from it; compare

two equal (unequal) groups of objects based on mutual comparison of elements (objects);

compare objects of contrasting (same) sizes; distinguish geometric shapes: circle,

square, triangle; examine the shape of figures using touch and vision. Taught to navigate

in the location of parts of your body (head, legs, right/left hand, etc.) and in accordance with this

distinguish spatial directions from oneself: in front - behind (behind), above - below, to the right

(left) - right (left). They were taught to distinguish between right and left hands; navigate contrasting

parts of the day: day - night, morning - evening.

By the end of the year, children are able to: group objects by color, shape, size; distinguish between a circle and a square;

understand the words: in front - behind, above - below, left - right; show which item

long - short, wide - narrow, high - low.

For speech development, children were trained in pronouncing isolated vowels and consonants, in

correct reproduction of onomatopoeia, words and simple phrases. Offered for

looking at pictures, toys, objects; taught to listen and hear the teacher’s story; be able to

While reading fiction, children were taught to listen to nursery rhymes, fairy tales, poems, and songs.

25% of children could finish a sentence at the beginning of the year; we gave children the opportunity to finish

words: “Finish the word”, “Say a word”, phrases when the teacher reads familiar works

children reinforced the onomatopoeia of animals; taught to stage and dramatize small

excerpts from folk tales “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, K.I. Chukovsky “Chicken”; taught

the teacher and independently, stage and dramatize nursery rhymes and fairy tales; are considering

illustrations in familiar books.

and dramatize nursery rhymes and fairy tales, look at illustrations in familiar books.

One of the important tasks of visual arts (drawing, modeling, appliqué) is to teach children

evaluate your own work and the work of your peers, highlight the most interesting visual

solutions in the works of others. We introduced children to pencils, brushes, and gouache; taught to distinguish

primary paint colors; introduced to decorative activities; taught rhythmic drawing of lines,

strokes, spots, strokes; developed the ability to create simple plot compositions by repeating

image of one object.

By the end of the year, children will be able to: name materials they can use to draw; colors given

program; names of folk toys (matryoshka, Dymkovo toy); depict separate

objects with simple composition and uncomplicated plots; use correctly

pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes and paints. Children sculpt from plasticine with great pleasure.

We taught how to roll out lumps using straight and circular movements, and connect the ends of the resulting

sticks, flatten the ball, crushing it with the palms of both hands. Encouraged children to decorate

sculpted objects using a stick with a sharpened end (stack); creation of objects,

consisting of 2-3 parts, connecting them by pressing them against each other.

By the end of the year, children are able to separate small lumps from a large piece of plasticine and roll them out

straight and circular movements of the palms; sculpt various objects consisting of 1-3 parts,

using a variety of modeling techniques.

We introduced children to the art of appliqué and developed an interest in this type of activity. Taught

children, first lay out prepared parts of different shapes, sizes,

colors, arrange them in a certain sequence, making up what the child or

the subject given by the teacher, and then paste the resulting image onto paper; carefully

use glue.

By the end of the year, children will be able to: create images of objects from ready-made figures; decorate blanks from

papers of different shapes; select colors that match the depicted objects and according to your own

desire; use materials carefully.

Children enjoy playing with tabletop and floor building materials. We taught the children

construct elementary buildings according to the model and independently: “Car garage”, “

Kindergarten for Mashenka”, “Furniture for the room”. Children recognize the basic shapes of parts

building material; Together with the teacher, they build various buildings (towers,

houses, cars), beat them, put the building material back in place after the game.

There were organized musical activities twice a week. The children learned a lot of songs

learned to sing in choir; perform simple dance movements, distinguish and name musical


Holidays were held throughout the year: “Day of Knowledge”, “Autumn Festival”,

“New Year’s party”, “Santa Claus’s birthday”, “Maslenitsa”, “March 8”, “Visiting

Lesovich”, participation in the graduation celebration of the preparatory group and other entertainment.

The activities we did with the children were enjoyable for the children; fostered a feeling

joy, a desire to perform at matinees, children took an active part.

Throughout the year, we developed children’s interest in various types of games: plot-based, role-playing,

didactic, mobile. Every day, in all types of activities, one or another game was played.

We introduced the children to a number of outdoor games: walking, running, crawling, throwing and catching a ball,

jumping, orientation in space, with various movements and singing. Developed

children want to play with the teacher, perform simple movements, were introduced to

rules of the games. Children really like to play the role of a leader and convey the simplest actions

fairy-tale characters (jump like bunnies; peck grains like chickens; walk like

fox, bear, etc.). During outdoor games, basic movements were improved (walking, running,

throwing, rolling).

During role-playing games: “Family”, “Shop”, “Hairdresser”, “Chauffeurs”, “Zoo” and

others taught how to perform several game actions with one object and transfer familiar ones

actions from one object to another. Promoted children's desire to independently select

toys and attributes for play, use them as substitute items. Led to

understanding the role in the game. Formed initial skills of role behavior. Link plots

actions with the role name.

Didactic games are of great importance in the younger group, as they develop sensory

abilities of children, so we are at different regime moments and during educational activities

used a lot of didactic games and exercises to consolidate knowledge about size and shape,

the color of objects (they collected a pyramid, turrets, a nesting doll, a mosaic). Spent with children

didactic games for the development of attention and memory (“What’s gone?”, “What’s changed?”); auditory

differences (“Wonderful bag”, “Warm - cold”, etc.), fine motor skills (toys with

buttons, mugs, lacing, etc.).

All these games were aimed at creating a cheerful, joyful mood in children and a desire to

play calmly and independently; develop children's sensory abilities, their verbal communication with

adults and peers, the ability to play together without conflicts.

A diagnosis of children's development was carried out at the beginning and end of the year.

For the beginning of the year:

low level 22%

average level 58%

high level 20%

At the end of the year:

low level 10%

average level 52%

high level 38%

Here we see that the level of development of children at the end of the year is higher than at the beginning of the year.

I carried out individual work with children in the following areas: development of basic

movements, work on sound pronunciation, training in cultural and hygienic skills, skills


Individual conversations were also held about the rules of behavior in the group, on the site and at the table.

We worked with parents all year.

Work with parents was based on an annual plan. We used different forms of work: conversations

(collective and individual), consultations, meetings; exhibited moving folders, visual

information material, and much more. A folder has also been created for working with parents, where it is collected

visual material and consultations for parents. In general, parents are satisfied with the work of the child

garden Parents actively took part in the activities of the group and participated in exhibitions

Some of the parents gave books to our group. By the beginning of the school year with the help of parents

a corner of theatrical activities was created.

One of the most important factors in increasing the effectiveness of educating the younger generation is

relationship between institution and family. Establishing contacts with parents is an important and difficult task,

requiring attention, tact. To do this, you need to know the family well and its educational capabilities.

Cooperation between educators and parents helps to get to know the child better, and, having learned, to direct general

efforts for its development. We tried to establish such contact with parents during the school year.

Based on the results of the year, we can say that parents are informed about the goals and objectives of work in the group,

satisfied with care, education and training (health improvement, development of abilities, etc.,

that children receive in kindergarten, feel the friendly attitude of the staff towards them and

their children, actively participate in the life of the group.

In March, the group showed an open event for the District on the theme “In Grandma’s Yard.”

organized educational activity “The more kindness in the world, the happier you and I.”

Participation in the All-Russian distance competition among teachers with children: “The more in the world

kindness, the happier you and I”, received Diploma 1st place

Children's participation in competitions helps them reveal their abilities and skills that children learned in

various areas of educational activity.

The group’s teachers are active on the pedagogical website:

Publications available.

The diagnostic results showed:

high level of children (they know nursery rhymes and sometimes use them in speech; they know both the content of the fairy tale and how

it is called; know fairy-tale characters, are able to recognize them in works of art

art; distinguish between good and bad deeds of fairy tale heroes, are able to reason about this

topic; know some round dance games; know polite words and use them in speech) – 8 children (31%)

intermediate level (know several nursery rhymes; know several fairy tales; know several heroes and recognize

them in works of fine art; distinguish between the actions of fairy tale heroes (good and bad);

know 1 – 2 round dance games; know polite words) – 17 children (65%)

low level (they know one nursery rhyme or don’t know it at all; they know one or two fairy tales or confuse them with

bad deeds; take passive part in round dance games; know 1 – 2 polite words) – 1

child (4%)

Plan developed

In secondary group No. 2 at the beginning of the school year there were 22 children: 13 of them were girls and 9 were boys. The roster at the end of the year was replenished and amounted to 23 pupils: 13 of them were girls and 10 were boys.

When implementing the Program for children in our group, we built our work primarily in the form of play, in the form of cognitive, creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.

They built their work on the basis of the “Basic educational program of MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 MOSCHR village Staroshcherbinovskaya”, comprehensive thematic planning, and a work plan.

Our work was based on the basic principles of preschool education:

Full-fledged experience by a child of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;

Construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education);

Assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;

Supporting children's initiative in various activities;

Cooperation of the Organization with the family.

When implementing the standard, attention was paid to solving the following problems:

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

Provide equal opportunities for the full development of each child;

We created favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world.

When implementing the Program, we tried to ensure the full development of the child’s personality in all educational areas, namely in the areas of:




Artistic, aesthetic and

Physical development.

The work was carried out in direct educational activities, in routine moments, and in individual work with children. The acquired knowledge was consolidated in everyday life, a variety of methods and techniques were used: play, demonstration of action, visual-figurative, verbal, use of technical means.

When implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155), we relied on the following psychological and pedagogical conditions:

  1. Adults’ respect for the human dignity of children formed support and confidence in their own capabilities and abilities . To build educational activities, we used forms and methods of working with children, taking into account age and individual characteristics. The pupils took an active part in the holidays and entertainment held in our kindergarten: “Mommy’s beloved most beautiful”, “Journey through the autumn forest”, “New Year”, “March 8”. In order to individualize education, support the child, and construct educational goals, at the beginning of the year we carried out pedagogical diagnostics to assess individual development. Based on pedagogical diagnostics, we were able to organize an individual approach to some of the students.

Participated in entertainment according to the work plan.

2. When building educational activities based on the interaction of adults with children, we focused on the interests and capabilities of each child and took into account the social situation of his development. The health status of the pupils is stable, the number of children with health group DI is 23 children.

3. Supported children’s positive, friendly attitudes towards each other and children’s interactions with each other in various activities . Play activity is the leading activity of preschoolers. To effectively develop children's communication and meet children's needs, role-playing games were used. Middle age is the heyday of role-playing games. Children played simple games with a favorite plot, containing 2-3 roles, such as “Toy Store, Grocery”, “Family”, “Sailors”, “Hospital”. “Firemen”, “Soldiers”, “We welcome guests”. They expand ideas about the world around us and contribute to the development of verbal dialogue. We learned to skillfully distribute roles among ourselves (you will be dad, you will be mom) and independently select the necessary attributes for the game plan. In organized educational activities, it acts as the basis for the integration of all other activities of the child. During the conduct of role-playing games, the following techniques were used: conversations, riddles, counting rhymes about characters, the introduction of a new toy, surprise moments. Gaming activities were also presented in the educational process in the form of didactic and plot-didactic, developmental, outdoor games, game problem situations, games - re-enactments. Role-playing, directorial, theatrical and dramatization games were organized at special times (in the morning and in the afternoon). During joint games, children try to obey the rules and comply with the general game plot.

They also encouraged the use of buildings made from building materials in role-playing games, and encouraged children to create buildings of varying structural complexity: a garage for cars, a wide bridge for the passage of cars and trains.

Outdoor games. Throughout the year, children played outdoor games that contributed to the development of basic types of movement. These are games with running: “Planes”, “Colored cars”, “By the bear in the forest”, “Bird and cat”, “Find yourself a mate”, “Homeless hare”, “Traps”.

With jumping: “Hares and the wolf”, “Fox in the hen house”, “The gray bunny is washing his face”.

With crawling and climbing:“The Shepherd and the Flock”, “Migration of Birds”, “Kittens and Puppies”.

With throwing and catching:“Toss and catch”, “Knock down the club”, “Ball over the net”. We developed motor activity, dexterity, speed, and spatial orientation in children. We fostered children's independence in organizing familiar games with a small group of peers. They were taught to independently follow the rules. They also developed children’s creative abilities in games: inventing variants of games, combined movements.

Theatrical games contribute to the diversified development of children, encourage them to show initiative and independence (choose a role, a plot), form expressive speech, develop intellectual abilities and are important for communicative, artistic and aesthetic education, the development of musical and creative abilities We try to maintain interest to a theatrical game, We help you perceive the artistic image, monitor the development and interaction of characters.

They taught children to perform simple performances based on familiar literary works, for example, the fairy tale “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, using intonation, facial expressions, and gestures.

With a group of the most active children, we dramatized the simplest fairy tales using a tabletop theater (The Three Bears). Dramatization of Russian folk tales helps children try on the role of heroes: children learn to distinguish and convey their mood, empathize with them, coordinate their actions, and develop communication skills. The use of dramatization games helps me develop the ability to act in accordance with norms and rules, and develop the desire to imitate positive characters.

Didactic games, are one of the effective means of developing cognitive interest in the subject. Over the course of the year, we taught children to play games aimed at consolidating ideas about the properties of objects, improved the ability to compare objects by external characteristics, group and put together a whole from parts (cubes, mosaics, puzzles). Improved tactile, auditory, and taste sensations (“identify by touch, taste and sound”). Developed observation and attention: “What has changed?”, “Who has the ring.” Encouraged the desire to master the rules of the simplest board and printed games: “Dominoes” ", "Loto".

We conducted excursions around the kindergarten, walking trips to the vegetable garden; to the m/s office, to the kitchen to the cook; observed the work of adults, the games and entertainment of older children; looked at illustrations, family and group photographs “My Favorite Kindergarten”, read additional fiction. Construction games develop constructive abilities, expand knowledge about geometric shapes and spatial relationships. Didactic games occupy a particularly important place in this work, since cognitive content and mental tasks are a mandatory element in them. And by solving a mental problem in a game, the child will learn to remember, reproduce, and classify objects and phenomena according to general characteristics. Didactic games help children understand socially approved patterns of behavior, learn communication stereotypes, and practice addressing each other. We paid great attention to the social and communicative games “Good manners”, “Polite words”, “Don’ts”. These games taught children how to behave correctly in various situations, then the actions of the heroes together, explaining their motives for behavior and cause and effect relationships. At the final stage of the games, they asked the children to explain themselves why the characters act this way, to evaluate their actions, and to suggest the correct choice of behavior or communication model. Experimental games are a special group of games that are very effective in solving cognitive problems, as well as interesting and exciting for preschoolers, while they have the opportunity to learn to see a problem, solve it, analyze and compare facts, draw conclusions, and achieve results.

5. Gave children the opportunity to choose materials, types of activities, participants in joint activities and communication ; When creating a subject-development environment for our group, we were guided by the Federal State Educational Standards for the structure of the main general education program of a preschool educational institution and the conditions for its implementation.

We tried to ensure that all components of the subject-development environment were interconnected in content, scale, and artistic design. The subject-spatial world of our group includes a variety of objects and objects of social reality. Such an environment is necessary for children, first of all, because it performs an informative function in relation to them - each object carries certain information about the world around them and becomes a means of transmitting social experience.

6. We protected children from all forms of physical and mental violence.

7. We provide support to parents in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health, and involve families in direct educational activities .

The Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education formulate requirements for the interaction of the Organization with parents. It is emphasized that one of the principles of preschool education is the cooperation of the Organization with the family, and the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the basis for assisting parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, in the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of their developmental disorders . During interaction with parents, both traditional and innovative forms were used. The following types of events were carried out:

Type of event Subject


  1. "For parents about the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education"

1. What is the Federal State Educational Standard

2. Conversation on the topic

2) "Boys and girls: they are so different"

1. View different activities with children.

2. Discussion of family experience in raising girls and boys in the family

"Development of speech abilities"

1. View GCD on speech development.

“Results of our interaction”

1) Speech by group teachers

2) Interactive game “What my child can and knows.”


"Family Social Passport"

"Two views on education"

"Develop your child's speech"

“Parents’ satisfaction with kindergarten services”
Speech diary "ZKR - sound "S-S"
"ZKR - sound "Z-Z"
"ZKR - sound Ts"
"ZKR - sound Ш"
"ZKR - sound Zh"
"ZKR - sound Ch"
"ZKR - sound L-L"

Consultations in the parent corner

The importance of daily routine
Children's duties of children, without reminder and with pleasure
Play with your child
Do you know how to communicate with your child?
Reading and telling fairy tales for children's speech development
Why do you need finger exercises?
Parents' committee meeting Preparing for the New Year
Preparation for the summer health campaign

Photo exhibition

My dad is the best
Mommy's beloved
Creative living room

“My mother’s hands will make the whole world brighter”

"Easter souvenir"

Military equipment (within the project)
"Summer Flower Day"

“A piece of paper will save a green sprout”

Booklets “The age of why - age-related characteristics of children of the fifth year of life”, “What and how girls and boys play”, “Games - puzzles for preschool children and their parents”, “Toy library for parents on the development of coherent speech in middle-aged children”, “Education love for the native land."

We also made our own travel folders for parents: “Mother’s Day”, “Winter-Winter”, “Spring is Red”, “Victory Day". All parent meetings were held in a non-traditional form using: game elements, training elements and the use of ICT .

In order to study the families of pupils and build a trajectory of pedagogical interaction, a survey “Family Social Passport” was conducted with parents, and in May, “Monitoring satisfaction with kindergarten services” was carried out. The most effective forms of interaction with the families of pupils are parent meetings (8 facts) , joint holidays and entertainment (8 facts). Parents' satisfaction with the work of the team (assessment of the work as a whole) is excellent - 66.4%.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, we maintain relationships with parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health, we involve families in direct educational activities. As part of the Mother's Day month in November, mothers of pupils took part in a photo exhibition dedicated to “Mother's Day”, “March 8”, fathers: “Our dads are brave soldiers. Through the development and implementation of social and educational projects, we involved the families of pupils directly in educational activities. During the 2015 - 2016 academic year, the projects “Military equipment” (Demchenko O, A. Khudik V, A), “Boys and girls - they are so different” (Demchenko O, A,) were developed and implemented, as well as monthly an information block “Speech Diary” was published for parents and children.

Parents participated in joint labor landings:

Painting of equipment in the group and on the site;

Replenishment of the subject development environment in the group and on the site

One of the most important aspects of working with parents is informing them daily about how the child spent the day, what he learned, and what successes he achieved.

We try to have daily individual conversations with parents. Only by joining our efforts with the parents of our pupils, we were able to provide emotional protection and psychological comfort, an interesting and meaningful life for the child in kindergarten and at home.

Developmental subject-spatial environment- this is a system of material objects of a child’s activity, the unity of social and objective means of ensuring the varied activities of children, a developing subject-spatial environment provides the opportunity for communication and joint activity of children and adults, physical activity of children, as well as the possibility of solitude.

The organization of life and upbringing of children in the fifth year of life are aimed at further developing the ability to understand the people around them, show a friendly attitude towards them, and strive for communication and interaction.

A subject-based developmental environment makes it possible to enrich the experience of a child’s emotional and practical interaction with peers and the teacher, and to include all children in the group in active cognitive activity. The environment stimulates the development of independence and initiative, where children realize their abilities.

The subject-developmental environment of the group is organized taking into account the opportunities for children to play and engage in separate subgroups. Aids and toys are located so as not to interfere with their free movement.

When creating a developmental environment for the group, we tried to adhere to the basic principles, that is, the RPPS should be:






Since the beginning of the school year, the developing subject-spatial environment has been replenished with the help of parents with the following aids, attributes and equipment: subject and plot pictures on lexical topics “Award medals”, “Mushrooms”, “Sea inhabitants”, “Safety”, “Tools”, "Berries"; musical instruments (drum, tambourine, bells, flute, bells, pipe, whistle.); sports equipment for physical activity: hoops of different sizes and colors, balls; soap bubbles, sand sets, bibabo theater, dolls, cars, the iso corner was replenished with handouts, didactic and board-printed games “Who serves where”, Lotto “Transport, Berries, Wild Animals” games developing logical thinking “Dyenesh Blocks” , “Cusainer sticks”, “Nikitin’s cubes. In the corner for parents, the old information stand has been replaced with a new one.

And also, with the help of parents, 1 place for children to sleep, belts for all beds, and a table-bed were repaired.

RPPS was replenished with gaming equipment using regional funds. At the same time, the RPPS of the group room does not fully comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.

The qualifications of teaching and educational support workers correspond to the qualification characteristics.

During the year, our group teachers Demchenko O.A., Khudik V.A. improved their professional level and competence, took part in teacher councils, got acquainted with new ideas and shared their experience in the field of pedagogy.

Demchenko O.A.

  • Open viewing of direct educational activities on speech development in middle preschool age “Toys”.
  • publishes materials on Internet portals: MAAM.ru, Doshkolenok, teachers' council org.
  • He is part of a creative group based in a kindergarten.
  • Is the Occupational Safety and Health Commissioner

Khudik V.A.

Presentation on the month at the teachers’ council “Formation of understandable ideas about public holidays among middle-aged preschoolers.”

Demchenko O.A., Khudik V.A. (since February 2016) During the year, we took part in the celebration of the New Year and March 8 holidays, in organizing and carrying out painting of the kindergarten and group equipment at the site. They also took part in rallies dedicated to the holidays “May 1” and “May 9”.

We believe that the group team worked harmoniously, good communication was established with the parent committee and parents. Children are prepared for the transition to the next age group (Senior) with good performance; a good material base has been formed and developed in the group (toys, manuals, equipment).

Ekaterina Yankina
Final parent meeting in the middle group “Our successes”

Final parent meeting in the middle group« Our successes»

Participants: manager, teachers, parents.

Target: summing up results educational activities.

Tasks: introduce parents with the achievements and successes of their children; let down results joint activities of the teacher, children and parents.

Materials: greeting, presentation, presentation of certificates, memos, plans for the new academic year.


1. Show presentation « Our successes»

2. Results of children mastering the program middle aged

3. Presentation of certificates

4. Speech by the manager

5. Performance parent committee

Greetings: "Wishes"

Educator: The school year has come to an end. Each of you noticed how our The children have matured and become wiser. They are no longer kids, they know a lot, are interested in a lot, and get to know the world around them. Everything they have achieved is a merit, first of all, of our joint work.

It should also be noted that the children had adequate self-esteem: “I know this, but I don’t”; “I can do this, but I can’t do that”. The range of cognitive interests has become much wider.

And now a little about what we did during this year. During the year, modern pedagogical technologies were used in working with children; educational activities were carried out using an audio system, didactic material, easels, magnetic boards, various toys, manuals, etc.

Presentation « Our successes» :

I remind you according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO).) educational activities are carried out according to 5 educational regions:

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

At the beginning and end of the year, a diagnosis of the planned intermediate results of children’s mastery of the program was carried out. According to the monitoring results at the beginning of the school year, children mainly have average level of development, and at the end of the year we generally managed to achieve good results.

During the year, all children developed according to their age, mastered the program material and showed positive dynamics in all areas of development.

And now a little about what we did during this year

During the year, modern pedagogical technologies were used in working with children; educational activities were carried out using videos, didactic material, various toys, manuals, etc.

New forms of games were used, such How: games - fairy tales, travel, experimentation, surprises.

An important role was played by subject development Wednesday in which the educational process takes place. Of course, without your help, dears parents our requests: help with repairs groups and garden "The Bunny has a housewarming party"

So, my speech will be accompanied by a presentation, on the slides of which you will see some interesting moments from the lives of our children groups.

“We will tell you about how we have a lot of fun in our kindergarten!”

Slide 2 "Morning exercises"

The day begins with morning exercises. Gymnastics complexes are performed in a playful manner accompanied by music.

Slide 3 “We are funny guys, we love to run and play, so try to catch up with us!”

During the day we play outdoor games, conduct physical education sessions, and pay attention to breathing and finger exercises. They love it very much our children play games, where someone is catching up with them "Swan geese", "By the Bear in the Forest".

We also love to celebrate birthdays; for the birthday boy we definitely take "Loaf".

Slide 4 Walking along massage paths "Health"

We carry out health-improving work before bedtime (barefoot walking, air baths, according to the temperature regime. Walking on massage paths with buttons)

Slide 5 Physical development

We conduct active physical exercises development: walking on benches, long jumps, throwing a ball at a distance, etc.

At the end of the year, it is worth noting that children are developing physically, moving with desire, they are interested in performing a variety of physical exercises, they have learned to perform various actions. In accordance with their age, they develop coordination of movements, are able to quickly respond to signals, and switch from one movement to another. They have learned to complete tasks and are eager to take part in game activities.

Slide 6 Self-care skills

All our Children undress and dress independently, including dressing for a walk. They also carefully turn things inside out and hang them on a chair.

Slide7 In educational activities, we continue to learn basic colors, shapes (oval, circle, rectangle, square, triangle, etc., the height of objects (high, low, width (tall, narrow) etc. Name one or many objects.

Children know and name domestic and wild animals and their young. There are vegetables and fruits. Have an understanding of natural seasonal phenomena. We continue to learn how to compose a story based on a picture, a toy, with a little help from the teacher.

Slide 8 Artistic - aesthetic development

Children know that they can draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and brushes. They know how to hold them correctly in their hands. There are different colors. We learned to draw horizontal, vertical and rounded lines.

Children know how to use plasticine, roll out a lump of plasticine with straight and circular movements of their hands; Break off small lumps from a large lump of plasticine and flatten them with your palms. Sculpt simple figures.

Slide 10 In music classes

Which are led by the musical director - Elena Nikolaevna, the children are actively involved in joint activities, sing, know a lot of songs, and reproduce dance movements. Children react emotionally to familiar children's songs.

Slide 11 In constructive activities:

In the process of playing with tabletop and floor building materials, children became familiar with the details (cube, brick, plate, they know how to build buildings (pieces of furniture, houses, turrets, paths). And they are happy to beat them.

Slide 12 Game activity:

Children enjoy playing didactic and educational games. They put together and assemble puzzles. Mastered the skills of role-playing games. Children transfer familiar actions into play. A doctor treats, a driver drives a car, a hairdresser cuts hair. And of course, they love playing outdoors.

Presentation of certificates: Of course, without your help, dears parents, we didn't get by. We are pleased to note that during all our work, we have not encountered any refusals our requests: help with repairs groups and garden, take part in joint Competitions, exhibitions, holidays, preparing costumes for showing fairy tales "The Bunny has a housewarming party"

This year, various exhibitions were held in which you took an active part. Each participant, each family, showed their imagination and showed themselves as creative, enterprising people.

Summing up results.

I would like to finish our meeting wishes for the next academic year “What holidays with children would you like to include in the school year?”.

Speech by the head:

Performance parent committee: Solving repair issues.

Irina Andriyakhina
Memo for parents “What a middle school child should know and be able to do by the end of the school year”


Wash yourself, wash your hands with soap before eating, when dirty, and after using the toilet.

Use a comb and a handkerchief. When coughing or sneezing, turn away and cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

Independently, dress and undress in a certain sequence (put on clothes, take off, unbutton, fold, hang)

Notice the disorder in clothes and eliminate it.

Take carefully food: take a little at a time, eat quietly, use cutlery correctly (spoon, fork, knife, napkin.

Say hello, say goodbye, call kindergarten workers by name and patronymic, do not interfere in the conversation of adults, politely express your request, thank you for the service rendered.


Learn to identify the characteristics of objects (color, shape, size, determine the material from which the thing is made (wood, metal, paper, fabric).

? Know the furniture, clothes, shoes, dishes, fruits, vegetables, transport.

Distinguish and name parts of the body of animals and humans.

? Know traffic rules (cross the street in special places, cross only when the traffic light is green)

? Know the name of the city(village) where they live, the street.


Correctly pronounce all the sounds of your native language.

Use nouns with general meanings in speech (furniture, clothes, shoes, toys, animals, vegetables, fruits, berries, professions).

Distinguish by ear and name words that begin with a certain sound.

Agree words in gender, number, and case.

Retell short literary texts, compose a story based on a plot picture, toy, objects.

Use sentences with homogeneous members.

?Be able to answer questions about the content of the work of fiction read.

Reproduce the content of works of art using the teacher’s questions.

? Know numbers from 0 to 10,correlate the number of objects with the number.

Compare 2 groups of objects using the account.

Compare 5 objects of different lengths and heights, arranging them in ascending order by length and height.

Recognize and name geometric figures: triangle, circle, square, oval, rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus; geometric body: ball, cube, cylinder, cone, pyramid.

Distinguish and name parts of the day (morning afternoon Evening Night).

Determine the direction of movement from yourself (right, left, forward, backward, up, down, indicate in words the position of an object in relation to yourself ( "there's a table in front of me", "there's a door on my right").


Correctly convey in a drawing the shape, structure of objects, arrangement of parts, relationship in size.

Depict several objects in one drawing, placing them on the same line, throughout the entire sheet, connecting them with a single content.

Create patterns on a strip, square, circle, rhythmically arranging elements.

? Know new colors: brown, orange, light green, pink, blue, gray.

Sculpt objects consisting of several parts.

Use techniques of pulling, smoothing, pressing, pressing and smearing.

Possess the skill of rationally dividing plasticine.

Use a stack in your work.


Hold scissors correctly and use them.

Cut a sheet of paper into strips and make images of different objects from them (fence, ladder)

Cut a square and a quadrangle diagonally, cut a circle from a square, an oval from a quadrangle by rounding the corners, make oblique cuts.

Lay out and stick objects consisting of separate parts.

Make patterns from plant and geometric shapes on a strip, square, circle, alternate them by color, shape, size and stick them on sequentially.


? Know and name the main details of the building material (cube, block, plates).

Learn to analyze a sample the buildings: highlight the main parts and distinguish them by size and shape.

Change buildings by adding or replacing some parts with others.

? Design from paper: Fold a rectangular sheet of paper in half, aligning the sides and corners.


about plants

Name the main parts of plants: root, stem, leaf, flower, bud; plants are grown from seeds.

Find and name the roots, trunks, branches, leaves of trees.

Recognize and name 5 or more trees, 2-3 shrubs.

Learn to distinguish 5 or more vegetables and fruits by taste, color, size and shape,

Recognize and name 5 or more types of berries and mushrooms (edible and inedible)

about animals

? Know 5 or more migratory and wintering birds,

? Know 5 insects(butterfly, beetle, ant, grasshopper, bee.)

Expand your understanding of life in the natural conditions of wild animals (hare, fox, bear, wolf, squirrel, hedgehog): how they move, what they eat, how they escape from enemies, adapt to life in winter conditions

Expand ideas about domestic animals and their cubs (about their behavior, movement, what they eat, what benefits they bring to people, how people care for them)


Walk and run, coordinating the movements of the arms and legs.

Jump on 2 legs in place and moving forward, long jump from a place of at least 70 cm.

Take, hold, carry, put, roll, throw the ball from behind the head, from the chest.

Throw objects with your right and left hands at a distance of 3.5 b. 5 meters, hit the ball on the ground (floor) at least 5 times in a row.

Climb a ladder - a stepladder, a gymnastic wall without missing the slats, climbing from one flight to another.

Crawling, crawling under a tight rope, climbing over a log lying on the floor

Form a column one at a time, in pairs, in a circle, in a line.

Ride a two-wheeled bicycle.


Maintain order independently group room and area

Perform the duties of the dining room attendants (arranging bread bins, napkin holders, cups and saucers, laying out cutlery).

Perform the duties of those on duty in preparing materials for classes (laying out pencils, manuals, brushes, paints and putting them away after class).

Publications on the topic:

What should a child by the age of 3 know about sanitary and hygiene skills?(briefly understandable) Household and sanitary-hygienic skills that a child should have by the age of 3 - wash independently.

Summary of a game lesson on life safety with children of the 5th year of life “Every little child should know this from the cradle!” Program content: Strengthen knowledge about safety; rules of conduct at home and on the street. Practice the ability to behave correctly.

Lesson summary “Every little child should know this from the cradle” Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about generally accepted norms of human behavior; teach how to act appropriately and consciously in a given situation.

Consultation “What should a 3-4 year old child be able to do?” WHAT SHOULD A 3-4 YEAR OLD CHILD BE ABLE TO KNOW? (material collected from textbooks by authors involved in the study of children's speech - Gvozdev A. N., Leontyev.

Consultation for parents “What a child of the second junior group should know and be able to do by the end of the school year” Consultation for parents “What a child of the 2nd junior group should know and be able to do by the end of the school year” DRAWING Works correctly with a pencil.

Pedagogical assessment in its content is closely related to the educational task that was solved in a specific lesson.

Children's drawings and crafts must be evaluated from the point of view of solving visual problems - their expressiveness and originality must be noted. The teacher asks questions that help children see this in the craft.

When work is carried out in the system, children, at the suggestion of the teacher or on their own, find differences in their crafts and willingly talk about them. It is important for the teacher to show through his behavior and emotional speech that he is interested in the children’s work. Then children begin to strive for originality and expressiveness in their work.

It is important to think through questions that help children understand what they have learned, what mistakes they made (“they didn’t learn very well”), and what needs to be taken into account in order to avoid making these mistakes in the future. And immediately it is proposed to make possible corrections.

It is important to encourage children to take actions that help them discover errors or inaccuracies in their work themselves. Even a junior preschooler can do this. For example, the teacher offers to close the postcard he has made, folding its pages, and see if the sides match. Children will see the result themselves if the teacher gives them paper with one colored side. “The little white one is visible,” they say, if the sides do not match.

The teacher has the opportunity to once again establish a connection between the method of action and the result obtained. If we analyze the results in this way, then children early begin to independently use controlling and corrective actions to improve their work.

At an older age, the teacher directs children to analyze the methods of action used and asks questions: “Do all sides of the cube fit snugly on the table? Why?" Children place the cube (each one of their own) on the hollow side first. If the cuts are made exactly along the line and to the point where the lines intersect, then all four sides touch the table. Then children place the cube on its closed sides. If the sides (folds) are ironed clearly, then the corners and sides fit tightly to the table. By performing such controlling actions, children discover shortcomings where possible and correct them.

Every child can do this. establish what mistakes he made and draw a conclusion for subsequent work, namely: the child is exposed to ways to further improve his activities, self-esteem and self-control are formed, which is very important for independent activity.

It is very important to comply with the following assessment requirements:

The assessment needs to be structured so that children are as active as possible in it, starting from a young age.

Verbal methods and teaching techniques in the process of directing visual activities are inseparable from visual and gaming ones.

In those cases where children have ideas about the depicted object or phenomenon, formed in advance, preschoolers have the appropriate skills, verbal methods occupy a greater place in the lesson. For example, teachers more often use questions and explanations in order to form a visual representation.

15. List the requirements for assessing the results of children’s activities in visual arts classes. Expand the need to review and analyze children's work. Describe the methodology for analyzing the results of children’s activities in the classroom in different age groups.

During teaching practice, students had the opportunity to see several versions of the same application lesson on the theme “Winter Landscape”.

In one case, the results of children's work were assessed as follows: the teacher hung all the work on a common stand, and the children compared who did the best work.

In another group, the children’s work was also hung up for general viewing, and the teacher assessed the result of each child something like this: “Today, Alyosha, you tried very hard, you cut out different shapes better and arranged them beautifully on the sheet.” And the teacher said to Sveta: “For some reason today I didn’t notice the same diligence as the last time when you glued the forms onto the sheet.”

Another option for summing up the results was this: the children hung up their work in the form of an exhibition, admired the landscapes, and at the summary time the teacher talked with individual children, discussing whether they themselves were satisfied with the results obtained.

Analyze the proposed situation. Design your actions to evaluate the results of children’s activities in an application lesson on the theme “Winter Landscape”.

Pedagogical assessment and analysis of children's work – a verbal description of the results of activity, developing analytical thinking, as a result of which a critical attitude towards the perceived result appears. Allows you to teach children to objectively evaluate their own work, and the work done by other people (for a preschooler by the age of 5).

IN younger At this age, the child cannot fully control and evaluate his actions and their results. If the work process gave him pleasure, he will be pleased with the result, expecting approval from the teacher. In “Kids”, at the end of the lesson the teacher shows several well-done works without analyzing them. The purpose of the show is to attract children's attention to the results of their activities. The teacher also approves of the work of other children. A positive assessment of them helps to maintain interest in visual arts.

IN middle and senior In groups, the teacher uses display and analysis of children's work as a technique to help children understand achievements and mistakes in the image. The ability to see how correctly an object is depicted helps to develop a conscious attitude towards the choice of means and methods of work to enhance all creative activity.

Consider mistake in one child's work it should not be done with all children, since its awareness will only matter to this child. The causes of the error and ways to eliminate it are best analyzed in an individual conversation.

IN older The group should involve all children in the analysis. However, sometimes the teacher himself gives the assessment. For example, wanting to encourage a child who draws poorly and anticipating criticism of his work by other children, the teacher is the first to point out the positive aspects of the drawing.

Analysis of children's work can be carried out in various ways, but it is necessary note how the tasks set at the beginning of the lesson were solved - what was accomplished correctly. Most often, to save time, the teacher selectively takes several works for analysis. You should avoid showing the same child's work at each lesson, even if it really stands out. As a result of constant praise, he may develop unjustified self-confidence and a feeling of superiority over other children. Gifted children should be worked individually, taking into account their abilities and visual skills.

Sometimes The teacher assigns the choice of work for analysis to the children. In these cases, all works are laid out on one table (or attached to a stand) and the children are asked to choose the ones they like best. Then the teacher analyzes the selected works in detail with the children.

Discussion of the work of each child is possible in the preparatory group; children are already interested in the results of the work of their comrades. But such an analysis should be carried out in free time from classes, since 2-3 minutes at the end of class is not enough.

Children 6 years old can be asked to analyze their work, comparing them with nature or a model. This instills in children a critical attitude not only towards the work of their comrades, but also towards their own.

It is very important to observe the following assessment requirements:

Only the result that is achieved through the efforts of the child himself is evaluated;

As the child develops, the assessment becomes more and more differentiated;

You cannot compare the results of a child’s activities with the successes of other children; you need to evaluate his achievements;

The assessment needs to be structured so that children are as active as possible in it, starting from a young age

Third part of the lesson.Analysis of children's performance results or pedagogical assessment of children's work . Analysis of children's work is included in the methodology of conducting a lesson as one of its most important components and is necessary in different forms in every lesson. Viewing images created by children has great educational and educational value. For proper analysis, it is necessary to display all the work on a stand for drawing and appliqué or on a stand for modeling. The sculpted figures are placed on a special board-stand, divided into cells for each product. In this case, the children look at the stand, gathered around it. If the group has shelves with cells near the board for viewing work, then children can remain in their places at the table.

The organization of the discussion can be different, but the basic form is this: while remaining in their seats, children examine the works placed on the stand. Educator thanks children for doing their work and reminds them again tasks, which were set before the lesson. Based on these problems, he builds his analysis. As a result of the analysis, children should understand how correct do the work and what mistakes did they make?. Critical comments are friendly, V recommendation form. You should treat your child’s creative idea with great care, even if it is completely unsuccessful.

From a very young age you need to involve to the analysis of the children themselves. The teacher asks whether children must draw their own conclusions - the acquired knowledge is consolidated. When analyzing you can use game situation: for example, an ambulance arrives and takes Serezha’s bear cub to the hospital to see Aibolit to treat his paw. One of the children in a medical cap and glasses sits at a table in the “hospital” and treats a bear cub in front of all the children. This is also consolidation of knowledge, but in a playful form.

If the lesson lasted longer than usual, the children are tired, it’s time for a walk, the teacher limits himself to a general approving assessment: “Today everyone worked well, many of them turned out very interesting drawings, later (before lunch, after sleep) we will look at them in detail.”

Before lunch or after a nap, children's work is hung on a stand and discussed by the whole group. In younger groups, it is not recommended to postpone assessment for a long time, because children will lose interest in the results of their work, and the purpose of the analysis is to teach children to objectively evaluate the results of their work and to work creatively to solve a topic.

Analysis forms may be different:

· the teacher shows the drawing and asks to evaluate whether everything in it is correct, how the task was completed, and what interesting things the child came up with;

· one of the children is given the task of choosing the best job, in his opinion, and justifying his choice;

· the child analyzes the drawing, comparing it with nature, a model, and evaluates it;

· children, together with the teacher, look at one work after another and give them an assessment.

· sometimes, in order to develop the ability to objectively evaluate their work, he invites children to place the most successful ones in the first row of the stand, in the second row - those where minor mistakes were made, and in the third row - less successful ones.

After the lesson, students are given the opportunity to look at their work again and talk about it. The teacher turns to those who are not very active during the analysis, who, in his opinion, need an individual discussion of the drawing, application, etc.

After the lesson, it is advisable to arrange all completed drawings, crafts and toys beautifully and demonstrate them to parents in the dressing room. The teacher draws their attention to their achievements everyone children, and not just your child. This weekly exhibition for parents, it stimulates the desire of children to do their work beautifully. The exhibition of children's works lasts until the next lesson, and then the drawings are replaced with new ones.

The design of the work can be different, but aesthetically thoughtful. The most interesting drawings and applications are displayed on a small stand for 6-8 works. The remaining works (the last 1-2 lessons) are stored in a folder in files or others. The works at the exhibition can be framed in a gray mat with large margins to make the work look more attractive. On a separate label on the right indicate the title of the work and the name of the author.

On the back of the work, be sure to indicate the date of the lesson, topic, and author of the work.

Where it is not possible to organize exhibitions, children's drawings and applications are compiled in an album. Each child is assigned a file in which a drawing is inserted. The author's name is indicated. After class, the teacher takes out the previous work and puts in a new one.

The best works of each child are exhibited at permanent exhibition of works. These works are preserved for a long time, they are constantly replenished and replaced, striving for all children to be participants in this exhibition.

Personal exhibition- one of the forms of encouraging children with extraordinary imagination. You need to collect all the works of one child on a separate shelf, arrange them beautifully, write his first and last name, and show them to his parents.

Organizing exhibitions gives great results: it attracts children to visual arts, increases the aesthetic level of their works, and activates creativity. Each exhibition should have its own Name- figurative, artistic.

Analysis of children's works

The development of analytical thinking, which results in a critical attitude to what is perceived, allows children to objectively evaluate the work done by their comrades and their own work. But a child reaches this level of development by the age of five.

At a young age, a child cannot fully control and evaluate his actions and their results. If the work process gave him pleasure, he will be pleased with the result, expecting approval from the teacher.

In the younger group, at the end of the lesson, the teacher shows several well-done works without analyzing them. The purpose of the show is to attract children's attention to the results of their activities. The teacher also approves of the work of other children. A positive assessment of them helps to maintain interest in visual arts.

In the middle and senior groups, the teacher uses display and analysis of children's work as a technique to help children understand achievements and mistakes in the image. The ability to see how correctly an object is depicted helps to develop a conscious attitude towards the choice of means and methods of work to enhance all creative activity.

After completing the task, the teacher shows one of the works and notes its positive aspects: “How well, neatly the house is painted”, “How beautifully the colors are chosen in the pattern - dark and light side by side, they can be clearly seen”, “How interestingly the skier is sculpted”, etc. d.

If there are similar errors in many works, then you should pay attention to them and ask: How can they be corrected?

One should not consider an error in the work of one child with all children, since its awareness will only matter to this child. The causes of the error and ways to eliminate it are best analyzed in an individual conversation.

In the older group, all children should be involved in the analysis. However, sometimes the teacher himself gives the assessment. For example, wanting to encourage a child who draws poorly and anticipating criticism of his work by other children, the teacher is the first to point out the positive aspects of the drawing.

16. Name the purpose of using gaming techniques in teaching preschoolers visual arts. Reveal the features of using gaming techniques depending on the age of children. Describe the groups of gaming techniques used in guiding the visual activities of preschoolers.

Solve a pedagogical problem:

With children of the middle group, the teacher conducts a lesson on designing from building materials. Mishutka brought the cubs with him from the forest, but they cannot get over to the children because rivers of different widths have overflowed along the way. Inviting the kids to think about how the cubs can get across the rivers, the teacher leads them to the need to build bridges of different lengths. Children choose the required length of boards and cubes, and build bridges with steps that will be convenient for the cubs to walk along. After this, each child takes his bear cub to the other side, plays with it, and when Mishutka calls his sons home, the children carefully guide the toy across the bridge again. Then, according to the instructions of the teacher, the children stack the boards according to size - long with long, short with short, put the cubes in a box and, saying goodbye to Mishka, go for a walk.

Predict the effectiveness of the use of game techniques by the teacher in the proposed situation. Offer your version of a game situation on the proposed lesson topic.

Game techniques used in directing visual activities efficient and

an invisible way for a child to learn artistic activities, which contributes to the careful preservation of children's feelings and mood.

Game techniques are selected by the teacher taking into account

features children's games, the logic of its development,

features visual activities.

All gaming techniques can be divided into two large groups:

· plot-game situations by type director's games

· plot-game situations with the role behavior of children and adults.