I international textual seminar. The seminar is supported by a grant from RHF

  1. Gusev N. N. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Materials for biography from 1881 to 1885. M.: Nauka, 1970. 557 p.
  2. Gusev N. N. Chronicle of the life and work of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. 1828-1890. M.: GIHL, 1958. 837 p.
  3. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: in 4 volumes. M.: Bustard; Russian language - Media, 2008. T. 2. 779 p.
  4. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: in 4 volumes. M.: Bustard; Russian language - Media, 2008. T. 3. 555 p.
  5. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: in 4 volumes. M.: Bustard; Russian language - Media, 2008. T. 4. 683 p.
  6. Kuryanova V.V. Crimean text in the works of L.N. Tolstoy. Simferopol: Business-Inform, 2015. 220 p.
  7. Kushchenko Z. A. “Ilyas” // L. N. Tolstoy: encyclopedia / comp. and scientific ed. N. I. Burnasheva. M.: Education, 2009.
  8. Description of manuscripts of works of art by L. N. Tolstoy / comp. V. A. Zhdanov, E. E. Zaidenshnur, E. S. Serebrovskaya; total ed. V. A. Zhdanova. M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1955. 634 p.
  9. Opulskaya L. D. Comments // Tolstoy L. N. Collected works: in 22 volumes / ch. ed. M. B. Khrapchenko. M.: Artist. lit., 1982. T. 10. P. 504-536.
  10. Opulskaya L. D. Notes // Tolstoy L. N. Collected works: in 20 volumes / ed. N. N. Akopova, N. K. Gudziya, N. N. Guseva, M. B. Khrapchenko. M.: GIHL, 1963. T. 10. P. 543-567.
  11. Russian spelling dictionary: about 180,000 words / Russian Language Institute named after. V. V. Vinogradov RAS; resp. ed. V.V. Lopatin. M.: Moscow printing house No. 2, 2007. 960 p.
  12. Sizova I. I. Textual criticism and poetics of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “The enemy is molded, but God is strong” // Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice. 2015. No. 2 (44): in 2 parts. Part 1. P. 183-189.
  13. Works of Count L.N. Tolstoy: in 12 parts. M.: Printing house of M. G. Volchaninov, 1886. Part 12. Works of recent years. 599 pp.
  14. Sreznevsky V.I. "Ilyas". History of writing and printing // Tolstoy L. N. Complete works: in 90 volumes / edited by. ed. V. G. Chertkova. M.: Artist. lit., 1937. T. 25. pp. 679-680.
  15. Sreznevsky V.I. Notes // Tolstoy L. Complete collection of works of art: in 15 volumes / ed. K. Khalabayev and B. Eikhenbaum. M. - L.: State Publishing House, 1930. T. 10. P. 361-380.
  16. Tolstoy L. N. Ilyas // Department of Manuscripts of the State Museum of L. N. Tolstoy (OR GMT). F. 1. Op. 1.
  17. Tolstoy L.N. Ilyas // OR GMT. F. 1. Op. 2.
  18. Tolstoy L.N. Ilyas // OR GMT. F. 1. Op. 3.
  19. Tolstoy L.N. Ilyas // OR GMT. F. 1. Op. 4.
  20. Tolstoy L.N. Complete works: in 90 volumes / under the general. ed. V. G. Chertkova. M.: Artist. lit., 1934. T. 63. 524 p.
  21. Tolstoy L.N. Complete works: in 90 volumes / under the general. ed. V. G. Chertkova. M.: Artist. lit., 1935. T. 85. 464 p.
  22. Tolstoy L.N. Complete works: in 90 volumes / under the general. ed. V. G. Chertkova. M.: Artist. lit., 1937. T. 25. 914 p.
  23. Tolstoy L.N. Complete works: in 90 volumes / under the general. ed. V. G. Chertkova. M.: Artist. lit., 1938. T. 83. 638 p.
  24. Tolstoy L.N. Complete works: in 90 volumes / under the general. ed. V. G. Chertkova. M.: Artist. lit., 1952. T. 48. 540 p.
  25. Tolstoy L.N. Collected works: in 22 volumes / chapter. ed. M. B. Khrapchenko. M.: Artist. lit., 1982. T. 10. 543 p.
  26. King Croesus and teacher Solon and other stories. M.: Posrednik, 1886. 34 p.
  27. Shitova S.N. Bashkir folk clothing / resp. ed. N.V. Bikbulatov. Ufa: Capital, 1995. 237 p.

The seminar is supported by a grant from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation

Organizing committee of the seminar: Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy, Marina Ivanovna Shcherbakova,
Galina Vasilievna Alekseeva

Seminar program


11.00–13.15 – Opening of the textual seminar, first meeting

XIX - XX centuries

Tolstoy Vladimir Ilyich. Introduction.

Kornienko Natalya Vasilievna (Moscow, IMLI RAS). Textology of the novel form in Russian literature of the 1920s.

Guseva Natalya Igorevna (Moscow, IMLI RAS). On the issue of dating S.A. Yesenin’s poem “The Black Man”.

Acorn Elena Yurievna (Moscow, “Science”). Academic editions of classics.

Shcherbakova Marina Ivanovna (Moscow, IMLI RAS). Textual criticism as an academic discipline in higher education.

15.00 – Second meeting

Questions of textual criticism of the classics XIX - XX centuries

Zakharov Vladimir Nikolaevich (Moscow, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation). Current problems of textual criticism F.M. Dostoevsky.

Nebolsin Sergey Andreevich (Moscow, IMLI RAS). Russian and foreign sources of Tolstoy’s texts and images.

Shcherbakov Viktor Igorevich (Moscow, IMLI RAS). Peculiarities of textual preparation of critical and journalistic articles (based on the material of D.I. Pisarev’s PSS).

Vinogradov Igor Alekseevich (Moscow, IMLI RAS). The problem of editorial editing in the Collected Works of N.V. Gogol 1842

Paderina Ekaterina Gennadievna (Moscow, IMLI RAS). Problems of textual criticism of dramatic works (N.V. Gogol).


11.00–13.15 – Third meeting

Presentation of volume 3 of the first series of the Complete Works in One Hundred Volumes of L.N. Tolstoy.

Gulin Alexander Vadimovich (Moscow, IMLI RAS). The problem of commenting on Borodin's episodes of War and Peace.

Ptushkina Inna Grigorievna (Moscow, IMLI RAS). On some problems of textual criticism of Anna Karenina.

Grodetskaya Anna Glebovna (St. Petersburg, Institute of Literature and Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Textual criticism of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "Resurrection".

Gladkova Lyudmila Viktorovna (Moscow, IMLI RAS). Problems of preparing the epistolary heritage of L.N. Tolstoy

15.00 – fourth meeting

Preparation of the Complete Works of L.N. Tolstoy

Mozharova Marina Anatolyevna (Moscow, IMLI RAS). Manuscripts of the comedy “The Infected Family.”

Sizova Irina Igorevna (Moscow, IMLI RAS)."Decembrists" (1879). L. N. Tolstoy: some aspects of text criticism.

Kovaleva Galina Nikolaevna (Moscow, IMLI RAS). Some sources of the unfinished novel by L.N. Tolstoy about Peter I and his time.

Sofya Alaudinovna Salamova (Moscow, M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State Humanitarian University). The motive of “shame” in the drama by L.N. Tolstoy “The Living Corpse. From observations on the history of the text.

Andrew Kaufman (University of Virginia, USA). The synthesis of biblical/moral and Homeric/extra-moral principles in the story by L.N. Tolstoy "Cossacks".


11.00–13.15 – fifth meeting

Treasures of the archives

Kotrelev Nikolay Vsevolodovich (Moscow, IMLI RAS). Correspondence of V.S. Solovyova with L.N. Tolstoy.

Whittaker Robert (Leaman College, City University of New York, USA). American letters of Tolstoy: searches and finds.

Alekseeva Galina Vasilievna (Yasnaya Polyana). Tolstoy's marginalia on books from the foreign section of the writer's personal library.

Arkhangelskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna (Yasnaya Polyana). N.V. Kireevsky and his estate in “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy (based on materials from the personal library of L.N. Tolstoy).

Kozhukhova Elena Nikolaevna, Lukyanova Anna Evgenievna (Moscow, IRO, Russian Geographical Society). To the history of the family of Count F.I. Tolstoy (American): from the funds of CIAM, RGVIA, RGADA.

15.00 – sixth meeting

Sources of creativity L.N. Tolstoy

Lebedeva Valentina Aleksandrovna (Yasnaya Polyana). Tolstoy reading Herzen (based on materials from L.N. Tolstoy’s personal library).

Gryzlova Irina Konstantinovna (Yasnaya Polyana). The Battle of Maloyaroslavets on the pages of Feng’s “Manuscript” and L. N. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.”

Polosina Alla Nikolaevna (Yasnaya Polyana). Books by La Bruyère and La Rochefoucauld as sources of the “Circle of Reading” (based on materials from L. N. Tolstoy’s personal library)

Bogacheva Zinaida Mikhailovna (Yasnaya Polyana). L. N. Tolstoy’s use of Talmudic texts in collections of wisdom (based on materials from the writer’s personal library).