I dreamed of a big wave covering me. Why see waves in a dream book - from A to Z

Sea waves hitting the shore are one of the most pleasant sounds for humans. In different dream books, waves have a wide variety of interpretations and, by the way, they are not always positive.

Raging waves in a dream

One of the most common predictions of what waves mean in dreams is difficulties in business and obstacles on the path of life. In this regard, most dream books agree that it is worth postponing the resolution of serious issues until better times. Concluding a business agreement or starting a business during this period can result in a number of problems. But the dream books gave the most negative interpretation to a dream in which large and raging waves appear before the dreamer.

A wave that covers your head in a dream promises illness or big troubles. But if you manage to swim out, it means that soon you will be able to completely solve all the problems that have arisen. Huge water ridges in one of the dream books are interpreted as major life changes. But whether they will be good or bad will depend on the color of the water. The more transparent and lighter it is, the more positive changes await you.

  • Huge wave - unexpected events;
  • Storm waves - anxiety and anxiety. Having overcome many difficulties on your way, you will achieve what you want;
  • Standing on the shore and watching a sea storm - stress and strain can unsettle you. Pay attention to your state of mind;
  • Sea foam - a lot of intrigue, secrets and problems that will come from your inner circle;
  • Waves crashing against rocks - unpleasant news and difficulties;
  • Very high water ridges - the appearance of a large amount of work. However, the clearer the water, the faster you will complete the tasks.

If in a dream you dreamed of an immense ocean in which high waves are visible, it means that in reality you will have to take a decisive step, take risks, trusting your own intuition. If you have important things planned for the near future, then you should think carefully about whether to take them on now or wait for better times.

Calm waves in a dream

If storm waves noisily beating against the rocks did not appear in your night visions, but on the contrary, they were calm and quiet, then you should take the dream literally: a measured life awaits you, devoid of surprises. Quiet waves by the sea predict a quick trip, and perhaps a sudden trip.

  • Water calmly splashing around your feet is an opportunity to change your life dramatically;
  • Waves rolling onto the shore with noise - conversations and unfounded gossip around you;
  • Swimming on the waves is joy, the accomplishment of pleasant events, the fulfillment of cherished desires and career success.

Swimming in a turbulent body of water, according to the universal dream book, means getting rid of worries and anxieties. Such a dream promises the resolution of all problems, conflicts and the creation of harmonious relationships with a loved one.

Miller's interpreter on waves

Miller considers waves in his dream book as a warning sign. Therefore, if you have to make an important decision, take into account the content of your dream:

  • Transparent waves in a pond - making the right decision. This will bring you financial success and universal recognition;
  • A storm raising muddy water from the bottom is a possible fatal mistake. It is better to postpone making a decision;
  • Transparent waves cover the settlement - peace and prosperity after a long struggle with fate;
  • Tsunami - significant changes in life, a change of workplace is quite possible;
  • Huge waves that do not cause harm - in reality, all the trials and troubles prepared by fate will be overcome.

Waves in Freud's dream book

The psychologist believed that water is a symbol of the relationship between the two sexes, and the waves covering the reservoir represent changes in them. High water crests or tsunamis according to Freud mean radical changes in the relationship with your partner, so you should pay close attention to your actions and work on mistakes if you want to strengthen your connection with your lover. In addition, other interpretations are given of what waves mean in dreams.

The raging sea elements are both a beautiful and terrible sight. Seeing this in a dream foreshadows dramatic changes, emotional outbursts, as well as difficulties and difficult circumstances in the dream book. However, not everything that dreams of big waves has a negative interpretation. The dreamed picture predicts successful overcoming of difficulties and victory over enemies.

Troubled times ahead!

Seeing very large waves raging in the ocean predicts anxious, exciting moments. A modern combined dream book connects the dream of a stormy element in the ocean, which one happened to observe from the shore, with the machinations of enemies, from whose attacks the sleeping person barely has time to dodge.

The Jewish dream interpreter predicts insoluble problems, interpreting what a raging ocean means in dreams. Seeing an approaching tsunami signals the threat of losing your financial independence.

The blast wave, which with its force throws the dreamer into the air, warns of friends who abuse the trust of the sleeper, violating his rights and undermining his authority.

Take care of your family!

Someone is trying to break up your family, the dream book of Lovers warns, explaining why a tsunami is dreamed of. The dream suggests that a woman should think about her relationship with her husband and the general atmosphere in the family.

New feelings

A tsunami that overtakes you in a dream and covers you headlong means a new, passionate hobby. For a man, such an image promises a meeting with a beautiful lady who is capable of winning the dreamer’s heart with her speeches and manners.

Your nerves are on edge!

Did you dream about big waves covering your head? The general dream book foretells strong emotional stress. Often, such a picture is a consequence of nervous overexcitation or accumulated stress.

Aesop, explaining why stormy elements are dreamed of, points to the emotional imbalance of the sleeping person. Therefore, to see a stormy stream covering your head in a dream means that by succumbing to grievances and emotions, you will make an unforgivable mistake.

What does Miller say?

Psychologist Miller associates large waves with the dreamer’s success in learning and thinking, which will subsequently develop into knowledge and wisdom. If in a dream they are dirty, then, according to the dream book, you will make an unforgivable fatal mistake.

To see how a flood covered a huge space with clean water in a dream promises prosperity, harmony and peace after a difficult ordeal.

Important Details

The modern universal dream book believes that to interpret a dream, details are needed about the nature of the flow and the actions of the dreamer. So:

  • swimming in a troubled river - warns of difficult times;
  • watching a storm from the shore means problems that will pass by;
  • running away from a flood in a dream - you will be able to survive when you give your best;
  • covered with muddy water - beware of evil tongues and do not trust rumors;
  • a dirty water stream carries away with it - to the failure of plans;
  • a strong flow of clean water - prophesies a successful completion of affairs;
  • another person is being carried away by big waves - to the need to support a friend.

The smile of Fortune is approaching!

Swimming through big waves in a dream speaks of the likelihood of taming the unbridled temper of your opponent, who will subsequently become your ally. Choking and drowning in increasing bad weather, oddly enough, foreshadows a successful escape from danger in the dream book from A to Z.

If in a dream you were covered by a wave, then some event will happen in life that will require maximum concentration. However, this same dream can have a completely different interpretation. The dream book will tell you why such an extraordinary incident occurs in dreams.

Need control!

To get a reliable interpretation of a dream, the dream book advises first of all to consider the main image. A big wave symbolizes your own feelings and emotions.

If a large wall of water terrifies you, then you need to control yourself to avoid trouble.

Did you dream of a large, but at the same time beautiful and clean wave that did not frighten you at all? Your energy and determination will help you achieve a lot.


A huge wave covering everything in a dream signifies the negativity that you are throwing out into the real world.

The dream book claims that an event will occur during which you will not be able to control yourself. Did you dream of a huge water wall? This is a sign of the inexorability of events and even fate.

Expanded interpretation

If you are covered by a wave, then the current case has reached its climax. However, it is very important to take into account exactly what it was like in appearance and condition.

  • Dark, black - to quarrel, conflicts.
  • Light, transparent - for a fateful meeting.
  • Dirty - to a protracted illness.
  • Foamy - to a long enmity.
  • Stormy - to making a fatal mistake.
  • Lake, river - to confidence, poise.
  • Oceanic - to creative upsurge.
  • Sea - to tears, sadness.
  • Air - to injustice.

Be ready!

Why do you dream of a raging sea or ocean? If you happen to see a stormy element, then the dream book believes that troubles will cover all aspects of life. A storm at sea can dream of losses and ruin, sadness and failure.

At the same time, a strong sea surf promises a favorable course of affairs. And a wildly flying sea surf in a dream warns that something very significant and important is approaching.

Longing or joy?

Why do you dream of a tsunami? The dream book considers it an indication of a vibrant social life, extreme recreation and sports.

If you dreamed of a tsunami, then you will probably be overcome by an all-consuming melancholy or, on the contrary, unbridled joy. Seeing a tsunami from afar means repentance for a mistake.

Show yourself!

In a dream, were you literally covered over your head by a wave? The dream book believes that some business will have to start from the very beginning.

A huge wave covering your head means that you will be overwhelmed by inspiration and creative fervor.

If you are completely flooded, then soon you will be drawn into an unfamiliar activity in which you will be able to show all your best qualities.

Miller's interpretation

Why do you dream about this same vision according to Miller’s dream book? If the water turns out to be cloudy, dark and dirty, then make a fatal mistake and harm not only yourself.

Did you dream that in a dream you were covered by a light, transparent and warm wave? You will gain great knowledge that will help you grow spiritually.

Get ready for change

Seeing from the outside how another person is covered by a wave means that a global incident will occur in life that will disrupt the usual order and old principles.

Did you see a raging sea or any other body of water in a dream? Do you want to know why such a plot is dreamed of? Waves often predict difficulties and obstacles in business. The Dream Interpretation advises not to resolve complex issues in the near future, not to enter into agreements with business partners and not to create a business.

Big and restless

If in a dream a wave covers your head, it means that illness or major troubles threaten. If you manage to swim, there will be a quick resolution to difficult life situations.

Grishina explains why large combs are removed. Grishina's dream book believes that, first of all, these are major changes in life. Depending on the color of the water, changes can be either positive or negative. The brighter and more transparent the water seen in a dream, the more favorable the events in real life will be.

If you dreamed of a huge wave, this predicts dramatic changes in life. The universal dream book advises being prepared for the most unexpected events.

A tsunami seen in a dream foreshadows problems. Pay attention to your health or the well-being of your loved ones.

Storm waves portend restlessness and anxiety. This is a sign that after overcoming many difficulties, you will achieve everything you want.

If you are interested in what dreams of excessively high waves mean, contact Miller’s interpreter. Miller's dream book will answer this question. Height determines professional activity. The higher they are, the more work needs to be done in the near future. The cleaner and clearer the water, the easier it will be for you to get things done.

Peaceful waves

If the waves peacefully roll onto the shore in your night dreams, a calm and measured life awaits you.

If you dreamed of quiet sea waves, expect an unexpected journey. Soon you will have to go on a long journey.

If in a dream water quietly splashes at your feet, it means that you will be given a chance to change a lot in life. If they roll in with noise, Aesop’s dream book predicts a lot of conversations and unfounded gossip around your person.


If you dream that you are floating on the waves in your night dreams, this is a sign of joy. The future holds many accomplishments and pleasant events. All wishes will come true. The Dream Book of Wanderers predicts success in the professional sphere.

Why such dreams occur is also explained by the Universal Interpreter. Swimming in the waves means getting rid of all worries and hardships. Problems will go away, conflicts will be resolved, and a harmonious relationship will develop with your loved one.

Various interpretations

If in a dream you stand on the shore and see a rough sea, pay attention to your state of mind. Loads and stress can throw you off track in life.

Huge waves in a dream often foreshadow changes, difficulties, problems, difficult circumstances. However, in the dream book you can also find positive meanings for what they mean in dreams: successful overcoming of troubles, triumph over enemies.

You can achieve a lot

Seeing huge waves on the sea in a dream means: you need to control your emotions so that excessive sensitivity does not cause harm.

Did you dream that the sea was raging, and you admired its view? The dream book says: thanks to your own energy you can achieve a lot.

Prepare to overcome difficulties

Why do you dream about how the sea powerfully hits the rocks where you are standing? In reality, various difficulties await you on the way to your goal.

A storm in a dream and huge waves, which the sleeper watches from afar, according to the dream book, foreshadow trials. It is advisable to go through them steadfastly, then the experience gained will make a person wiser and stronger.

Did you dream of being caught in a storm? Difficulties will begin at work, at home, in personal relationships. You should consider your actions in difficult situations.

Be careful - there's serious trouble ahead

Did you manage to escape from the waters of a storm in a dream? The dream book tells you: even under the most difficult circumstances you should not give up, you should fight.

Large waves on the river symbolize impending disruption. You will have to work hard to overcome them.

Why do you dream about how they cover you? If they are cloudy and seething, this is an unfavorable sign. You may make a mistake at work and miss a good chance in business.

Does the mass of water completely cover the sleeping person? In reality, serious interference will arise that will be very difficult to overcome.

New love, favor of Fortune

Did you dream of seeing how it covers your head, but you swim without fear? The dream book tells you: there is a new love ahead, which will bring a lot of positive emotions.

If in a dream huge waves overwhelm the dreamer, but they are clean and transparent, this is a good sign. Fortune will help him in carrying out his plans.

Why do you dream of a tsunami? Ahead is a stormy social life, strong experiences, mental turmoil.

For men and women, the interpretation of a dream about a tsunami is different. For a man, seeing him from afar means a promotion at work. The dream warns a woman: a rival will try to take her lover or husband away.

Success, victory over enemies

Did you dream of looking at the azure ocean with huge waves? The dream book promises a long-awaited victory over enemies.

If the water carries it away, serious changes will begin. Did you manage to surface? The changes will be positive. Swimming in huge waves in a dream means you will defeat your enemies in reality.

Seeing yourself on a large sea ridge and rushing towards the shore is a wonderful omen. The vision portends success and prosperity.

Why do you dream about how a seething, terrible mass of water is approaching right at you? The dream book explains: difficulties lie ahead. You should remain calm and not panic.

Vision details

The meaning of the dream depends on the details:

  • to see while standing on the shore - you will participate in a situation that will not directly affect you;
  • swimming in them means difficult times ahead;
  • a big wave approaches and overwhelms - failure of plans;
  • run away from it - make every effort to avoid trouble;
  • has covered you - there are difficulties ahead, from which it will be difficult to get out.