Parkinson's disease: what to do to make a miracle happen? Valentin Gaft, who suffers from Parkinson’s, talks about a sharp deterioration in his health - “It’s true Valentin Iosifovich Gaft is sick.

Valentin Gaft believes that his disease- this is old age and he does not want to spend the last days of his life in a hospital bed. The actor strives for new experiences and endeavors. Until recently, he played ten performances a month, was ashamed to even ask for a vacation and insisted that you have to work until you collapse.

In September 2013, Gaft said: “In general, I have a cool attitude towards television. But I really didn’t like it when NTV said that I was sick and would soon die. They filmed me in the hospital, where I was undergoing a routine examination: how I pour myself water and spill it past the cup - it happens to everyone. But on NTV they said that my coordination of movements was impaired. I would like for them not to look for “fried” things, but to show and write the truth. I am alive, healthy for my age and in relatively good health. creative form."

To date, there is no effective remedy that could help save a person from Parkinson's disease. Elderly people especially feel the effects of the disease on themselves, since memory and coordination of movements already deteriorate with old age.

Last week, the “Song of the Year” concert took place at the Olimpiysky sports complex. One of the participants in the event was Joseph Kobzon. After the performance, the artist spoke with reporters. In particular, Kobzon confirmed the information that Valentin Gaft and Oleg Tabakov were seriously ill.

These donations are used to develop the scientific activities of the foundations, support and organize assistance to patients with Parkinsonism. There are many videos that show Muhammad Ali struggling with Parkinson's disease while trying to perform basic self-care activities on his own.

According to statistics, more than 4 million people suffer from this serious illness worldwide. Among them may be not only the most ordinary grandfather from the house across the street or the old woman whom you constantly encountered in the neighboring bakery. Among those affected by Parkinson's disease there are famous people whom the whole planet knows about. And the story of each of them can be a vivid example for ordinary patients of the struggle to prolong active life.

And last spring, doctors stunned him with their suspicions about Parkinson's disease. The actor himself even then announced that he had one disease - old age. But he has no plans to slow down.

Gaft’s colleague Said Bagov recently told reporters about the state of his friend’s health. According to him, Valentin Iosifovich is now in the hospital because he was operated on the other day. The fact is that the actor recently injured his hand as a result of an unfortunate fall. Having contacted the medical workers for a routine examination, it turned out that Gaft would be hospitalized for surgery.

Among other celebrities who suffered from the disease, everyone remembers Pope John Paul II. The disease especially affected his speech. The founder and leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Zedong, had to leave politics because of Parkinsonism, as did Joe Cook, the former prime minister of Australia.

One of the richest people on the planet, founder of the Microsoft empire, Bill Gates announced in 2012 that he had Parkinsonism. Millionaire carefully hid his illness for more than 10 years and did not admit it even to his children, whom he was afraid of frightening with his illness. But most of all I stopped Gates fear condemnation and rejection in society.

People's Artist Valentin Gaft was hospitalized with acute pain. Fresh material as of 01/08/2018

There is eyewitness evidence that Hitler had parkinsonism. To maintain an active lifestyle, his personal doctors gave him the narcotic drug Pervitin, an analogue of methamphetamine. Apparently, long-term drug use influenced Hitler to develop Parkinson's disease in the last years of his life. This was manifested by such severe tremors in his left hand that he had to forcibly hold the limb with his other hand.

“Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill, and I would like to wish both them and everyone who is susceptible to the disease a speedy recovery,” the singer said.

Many people know the beautiful Olga Ostroumova from her roles in popular films: “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” “We’ll Live Until Monday,” etc. The actors got married right in the hospital where Valentin was lying after an operation. The last marriage significantly influenced the actor’s life. The beloved woman was able to resurrect the dying soul.

Russian channels buried the famous actor Valentin Gaft. Now the “buried” but not buried cult actor is preparing lawsuits against television workers.

What is Valentin Gaft’s diagnosis, doctors’ comments. News for this hour.

Moreover, his manner of speech, which can be described as slow and drawn-out, also raises questions and suspicions of brain damage. However, Klitschko rejected all rumors about the presence of parkinsonism, only laughing. Therefore, we do not undertake to say for sure that the athlete is sick.

Trembling in his left hand, slow and slurred speech do not prevent him from continuing his career, as Freddie believes that working on bags and the need for constant hand-eye coordination in training help slow the progression of the disease.

The roles of Valentin Gaft have fascinated and continue to fascinate the viewer. The actor first appeared in films in 1956, an interesting fact is that he mainly played the roles of the French or villains. Geverintz from Seventeen Moments of Spring and the butler Brasset from the movie Hello, I'm Your Aunt, these are his first notable appearances in a big movie.

As for 82-year-old Valentin Gaft, he was hospitalized at the end of June with acute pain. The next day, information appeared in the media that the actor’s relatives did not confirm the information about his hospitalization and doubted the competence of the publication that first published the news. Note that Valentin Gaft was already admitted to intensive care in 2014. Then the actor successfully underwent endoscopic surgery.

Kobzon's story about Valentin Gaft's serious illness video information. Recent events.

The most talented actors of the old generation are role models for the young, a betting pool for creating new ideas in theater and cinema, and not very good news about their health always causes concern.

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft will celebrate his eighty-third birthday in 2018. Despite his advanced age and a serious “bouquet” of illnesses, he tries not to interrupt his work and appears in public. What is his state of health today, will Valentin Iosifovich please us with new roles in the near future?

About the childhood and youth of Valentin Gaft

The Gaft family came to Moscow from the city of Priluki, Poltava region. Valya Gaft was born in the capital of the USSR in 1935, on September 2. The baby was brought from the maternity hospital to an apartment on Matrosskaya Tishina Street, where, according to Gaft’s recollections, “the whole world was in miniature.” Near the Gafts' house, almost simultaneously with the birth of the boy, the former Sailors' almshouse was closed (converted into a dormitory for students), opposite one building remained (it worked as a psychiatric hospital). On the left were the market and the famous Matrosskaya Tishina prison.

Valentin Gaft's father, Joseph Ruvimovich, went to the front at the very beginning of the war, served as a military lawyer, and received the medal “For Military Merit.” After the end of the war, he worked for a long time as a lawyer in the city legal clinic. Mom, Gita Davydovna, never worked - she was a housewife, took care of everyday life and raised her son. According to Gaft, his stern father and attentive mother instilled in him from childhood a love of order and punctuality.

The artist still remembers that terrible day when, on June 22, 1941, at noon, Molotov spoke on the radio, beginning his address with the words: “Citizens and women of the Soviet Union.” The Gafts had just gone to the station with their whole family; they wanted to go to Priluki. A few days later, Valentin accompanied his father to the front, followed by his older cousin who went to defend the Motherland.

The first time Valentin was brought to the theater by his mother was when he was ten years old. It was a performance in the children's theater “Special Assignment”. The boy had a desire to try himself on stage, he began to take part in school productions, and the roles were both male and female - only boys studied at school.

After school, the young man secretly applied to a theater university - he was not at all sure that his parents would approve of the idea. I decided to go to Shchukinka and the studio school at the Moscow Art Theater - wherever I go, I will study there. Two days before the exams, a miracle happened that influenced Gaft’s entire life and “gave” us a brilliant artist.

In the man leisurely walking down the street, Valya suddenly recognized Sergei Stolyarov, the star of “The Circus”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. Plucking up courage, Valya approached Stolyarov and asked to listen to him, he agreed, gave his address, and they agreed to meet the next day. Sergei Dmitrievich’s advice was not in vain - Gaft easily entered the Moscow Art Theater School (although he “cut out” in the second round at the Shchukin School).

A whole galaxy of future famous Russian artists studied with him on the course: among them were Oleg Tabakov, Mikhail Kozakov, Igor Kvasha. After graduating from a theater university, Gaft came to work at the theater. Mossovet, then there was a theater on Malaya Bronnaya, he was given supporting roles. And his soul called to the cinema, to where his idols once shone - Lyubov Orlova and Sergei Stolyarov...

Parents did not create a scandal about enrolling and studying to become an actor, but were skeptical about it. My father said: “Misha Kozakov is an artist, he is always in a jacket and with a bow tie, but you don’t look like an artist at all.” After the Mossovet Theater and on Bronnaya there was the Satire Theater, then the Lenin Komsomol Theater, near Efros. Significant roles finally began to appear there, but Gaft still really wanted to act.

The road to the cinema, late success

The talented actor was not hired for the filming because of his, to put it mildly, “non-Russian” (more precisely, clearly Jewish) appearance; well, there were no leading roles with such “flavor.” At Sovremennik, where Valentin Iosifovich moved in 1969, he finally “shine” for real; theatergoers especially remembered his role in the play “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.” And cinema was still inaccessible, except for tiny roles, often without words - for example, in the film “Murder on Dante Street”.

The role of the servant Brasset in the comedy “Hello, I am your aunt” was a sign: Eldar Ryazanov remembered it, then the director invited Gaft to star in “Garage”. The finest hour came, the roles “fell out” one after another as if by magic. He easily gets used to any image: he is a noble colonel in “Say a Word for the Poor Hussar”, a rare scoundrel in “Sorcerers”, a rude teacher in “The Black Hen”, a criminal authority in “Thieves in Law” - it’s impossible to list all the roles.

Still from the film "Milky Way"

He has been filming very actively until 2016, his latest works being the films “Breaking the Vicious Circle” and “Milky Way”. He also works in the theater, appears on TV in various talk shows - he recently starred in Andrei Malakhov’s project “Hello, Andrei!” Fans are very concerned that their favorite artist does not look well; several performances were canceled due to his poor health. But he holds on with all his might despite age, illness and tragedies of his personal life!

About the difficult personal life of Valentin Gaft and his family problems

Now Valentin Iosifovich is married to actress Olga Ostroumova, they look so happy and give the impression of an ideal couple. They met during the filming of “Garage,” but then both were married, and at that moment they did not think about the possibility of a union. They officially got married only in 1993.

The first time Valentin Gaft was married to ballerina Inna Eliseeva, they had a daughter, Olya. Friends and neighbors said that Inna had a very difficult character, and there were constantly scandals in the family for any reason. They divorced not because of Olga Ostroumova, but because Valentin Gaft’s patience came to an end - he just wanted to live in peace and quiet. After the divorce, daughter Olga took her mother’s surname; she tried to maintain a warm relationship with her father.

In the photo Valentin Gaft with his wife Olga Ostroumova.

In 2002, Gaft was told something terrible: his daughter Olga committed suicide. Gaft's relatives and he himself assumed that the woman was pushed to take this step by her oppressive mother: Inna was already sick with cancer, which further spoiled her difficult character. The daughter of Valentin Iosifovich left two notes, one was addressed to her beloved man, from whom she for some reason moved to her mother shortly before the tragedy (presumably, she wanted to look after her). The second woman wrote to her mother, saying goodbye to her and accusing her father of not paying attention to herself. Everyone was sure that her mother constantly instilled these thoughts in her, accusing Gaft of leaving the family.

The suicide of Olga Eliseeva “decimated” the health of both parents. Gaft was so shocked by his daughter’s act that he fell ill and did not go on vacation abroad. Gaft's ex-wife, already seriously ill, died three months after the death of her daughter.

A creative meeting with the actor was to take place at the Presidential Center. B. N. Yeltsin in Yekaterinburg on June 27. However, on June 26 it became known that Gaft’s health condition does not allow him to meet with fans, TASS reports.


“Unfortunately, Valentin Gaft is ill and cannot come to the creative evening. Tickets can be returned tomorrow from 10:00 (08:00 Moscow time) at the box office. The actor wants to come to the Yeltsin Center and to Yekaterinburg, so we hope that the creative evening will take place closer to autumn,” the Yeltsin Center clarified.

The actor’s creative evening was planned as part of the Yeltsin Center film club. Gaft had to read poems, epigrams, and also answer questions from the audience.

Let us remind you that earlier rumors appeared in the media that Valentina Gafta was being beaten by her husband, actress Olga Ostroumova. The artist himself chose not to directly answer the question about relationships in his family.

“Everything is fine with my wife Olya Ostroumova. She will have an anniversary in the fall, we will definitely celebrate. There will be poems and gifts! The main thing would be health. And in general, now all I’m thinking about is work, and not about what you ask. These are all the little things in life!" - said Gaft. Perhaps the unpleasant gossip also had an impact on the actor’s health.

The state of health of the popular artist Valentin Gaft today leaves much to be desired.

More and more often in the media you can read that the actor is not feeling well. What forecasts do doctors give and what is Valentin Gaft’s illness?

Actor biography

Valentin Iosifovich was born in Moscow on September 2, 1935. The great and beloved artist survived the Great Patriotic War, seeing off first his father and then his older brother to the front.

Despite the difficult years, Valentin Iosifovich’s mother, Gita Davydovna, tried to instill in her son a love of art.

Gaft first became acquainted with the theater in elementary school, becoming a spectator of a local play. Then it seemed to him that all the actions on stage were reality. But Valentin Iosifovich’s desire to become an artist himself appeared a little later.

Nevertheless, the future artist showed his talent precisely while studying at school. He participated in all school productions and even coped with female roles with ease. Immediately after the final exams, Gaft submits documents to the Moscow Art Theater School.

Such famous actors as Oleg Tabakov and Mikhail Kozakov became Valentin Iosifovich’s classmates. Now the actor is famous for such roles as Valentin Mikhailovich Sidori in the film “Garage”, Apollon Mitrofanovich Sataneev “Sorcerers”, Brasset “Hello, I’m your aunt!” and many others.

Throughout his life, the actor devotes himself completely to his profession. At first, Gaft worked mainly in the theater, and acted in films only in episodic roles.

But in the 70s, fate brought him together with director Ryazanov, who considered the charisma and talent of Valentin Iosifovich.

Films and performances with his participation always become masterpieces. The viewer is accustomed to seeing his favorite artist on the screens, parsing his roles into eternal quotes.

Actor's tragedy

Hard work, constant rehearsals and filming, as well as tragedies in his personal life, seriously affected the health of the 82-year-old artist.

In 2002, his daughter Olga from her marriage to Inna Eliseeva committed suicide. Not having time to recover from the tragedy, Gaft receives a second blow, and Inna Sergeevna herself passes away.

After this, the artist fell into depression, withdrew into himself and stopped giving interviews for a whole year. His friend and now wife, Olga Ostroumova, helped him survive such stress without serious health consequences.

Health status

Today, despite his advanced age and state of health, Gaft continues to play in the theater, act in films, perform in public with his famous epigrams and dub films and cartoons.

2017 was a difficult year for the artist. Due to health reasons, he had to postpone several planned creative evenings. It is worth noting that the artist’s heart problems began in 2011.

It was then that doctors from the Sklifosovsky Institute diagnosed Gaft with a heart attack. Then the artist did not wait for the end of treatment, but left the hospital immediately for the performance.

Such dedication to one’s profession is rewarded with the sincere love of the viewer. Every alarming message about the artist’s health is perceived as a personal tragedy.

In 2014, Gaft’s serious condition became known. Then the doctors had to perform a major operation on him and put him into an artificial coma.

4 days after the operation, the People's Artist was transferred to the rehabilitation department. Then Valentin Iosifovich quickly recovered and returned to his viewer again.

Doctors did not exclude the possibility that if the treatment had been completed in 2011 and the actor had undergone bypass surgery, an imminent secondary attack would have been avoided.

In March 2017, an ambulance was called for the actor at the Matsoni cafe, where he was having dinner. Gaft felt sharp pains in his chest. It is worth noting that the actor does not really like hospitals, so he refused hospitalization, although he was diagnosed with angina.

It is known that Valentin Iosifovich trusts traditional medicine more. At his age, he doesn't want to spend time confined to a hospital bed. The actor himself believes that his main illness is old age. Therefore, he wants to live the time remaining to him fully.

It is possible that heart attacks, as well as life problems and constant work, caused the development of Parkinson's disease. The uncertainty in the actor’s movements and lack of coordination were noticed not only by Gaft’s colleagues, but also by the audience.

The fact that Valentin Iosifovich was suffering from a terrible disease was confirmed during the filming of “Song of the Year.” The nervous system of the beloved artist could not withstand the serious stress that his body experienced.

Parkinson's disease is especially scary for an artist, because a person begins to forget basic things, not to mention memorizing roles. It is also known that there is currently no effective treatment for this disease.

It is possible that very soon the People’s Artist of the RSFSR will no longer be able to go out in public and act in films. Gaft himself does not like to talk about his illnesses. The artist rarely talks about his illnesses in the media.

Valentin Iosifovich likes to talk more about future works and upcoming performances. He believes that he must work until he literally collapses.

Also, at the end of December last year, Valentin Gaft was operated on. This time the artist was bothered by an old hand injury.

The pain was so severe that Valentin Iosifovich decided not to delay the visit to the doctors, although he initially planned to have the operation after the premiere of the new play “As Long as Space Exists.”

It is this production that is very important for Gaft, because he became a co-author of the play. The second author of the play is Said Bagov, who, just like Valentin Iosifovich, himself plays in the created production. The premiere of "As Long as Space Exists" was postponed to February 2018.

The actor himself is optimistic. Gaft believes that his love for his loved ones and work, despite his current state of health, will help him delight with his creativity for a long time.

In turn, grateful spectators are sympathetic to the postponed performances and performances, and wish Valentin Gaft good health.

The People's Artist of the RSFSR has health problems, so it was decided to postpone the play “As Long as Space Exists” with his participation until July. This news came as a surprise to his fans. Most recently, Valentin Gaft traveled to Georgia, where he had a creative evening.

82-year-old Valentin Gaft was supposed to appear on the Sovremennik stage on May 28, but the production of “As Long as Space Exists” with the actor’s participation was unexpectedly postponed to July 8. The theater explained the changes in the schedule due to the artist's illness and apologized to the audience for the inconvenience caused. Those for whom the new date does not suit were asked to return their tickets to the box office within a few days.

Journalists rushed to contact Valentin Iosifovich to find out how he was feeling. The actor confirmed that he was unwell, so the performance was postponed. At the same time, the artist hastened to reassure fans.

“The information is true. I don’t feel well, but not to the point where I don’t play, I don’t play, it’s just purely physical, it has nothing to do with any terrible illnesses. It's okay, this happens. There's no need to panic. There are colds, there are all sorts of things,” Valentin Iosifovich explained to reporters.

More recently, Gaft felt well and even went on tour to another country. On May 18, the famous artist visited Georgia, where he had a creative evening planned. A fan meeting with the actor took place at the Free Theater in Tbilisi.

The audience watched fragments of films with the participation of Valentin Iosifovich (both popular and less known), listened to fragments from his books, and also read numerous epigrams dedicated to the star’s colleagues.

However, on the air of the “The Stars Aligned” program, Gaft unexpectedly appeared before the audience in a wheelchair. Friends of the People's Artist of the RSFSR said that he suffers from Parkinson's disease. Valentin Iosifovich himself tries not to complain about health problems.

“I don’t feel well, but I still ask you to invite me to new projects. Sometimes they call and then refuse. Like, I'm falling apart before my eyes. But I live by this, I want to work,” said the actor.

Gaft's acquaintances noted that his work makes him forget about all the difficulties. “Sometimes we take him to the stage, he can hardly move, he feels terrible. And then he goes on stage, and his health problems seem to miraculously go away,” shared one of the star’s friends.

In a recent interview, Valentin Gaft noted that he plans to go on stage again in the summer. Until the actor comes to his senses, a couple of performances with his participation will be cancelled.